0703 - March 2007

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the drifter Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

March 2007

On the Cover: The Porsche 906 Photographer Unknown

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2007 Board of Directors President Mike Willis 916.363.8313 2748 Tiffany West Way, Sacramento, CA 95827 President@svr.pca.org Vice President Kerner Breaux 916.966.2425 5018 Shadowood Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 VicePresident@svr.pca.org Secretary Kevin Dougherty 916.983.7774 P.O. Box 6006, Folsom, CA 95630 Secretary@svr.pca.org Treasurer Betty Silva 12 Oak Lane, Suisun Valley, CA 94534 Treasurer@svr.pca.org


Volume 45, No. 3 4 5 10 13 13 14 15

Upcoming Events March dinner meeting CRAB 33 • 6 Entry form San Simeon 2007 Western Railway Museum tour Zone 7 concours school Mendocino 2007 tour Zone 7 autocross #1

9 11

Features and Reviews 2006 Zone 7 Wall of Fame Notes from around the zone

2 3 7 11 12 12 14 15 17 20 20

Columns and Departments Chilli’s chatter Mike Willis March/April calendar Drifting back Larry Wilson G24 group activities Kim Nelson & Rachel Johnson February board meeting Kevin Dougherty The 2007 rally series Helen Ashuckian Competition in 2007 Matt Deter The ultimate suspension - part II Lisa Thomas March membership report Rik Larson The last word Bud Behrens Drifter classifieds


Social Director Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 6320 Hickory Lane, Orangevale, CA 95662 svrsocialdirector@sbcglobal.net Membership Director Rik Larson 916.481.6084 2120 Maddox Court, Carmichael, CA 95608 Membership@svr.pca.org

March 2007

Information and Committee Directory

Competition & Safety Director Matt Deter 916.630.8924 5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765 Porsche@deter.com

Autocross Chair Matt Deter 916.630.8924 5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765 Porsche@deter.com

Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian 916.481.2759 5440 Tree Side Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608 Helena@lanset.com

Webmaster John Murphy 916.858.2304 11508 Armour Court, Gold River, CA 95670 Webmaster@svr.pca.org

Driver Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch 916.989.3199 9580 Oak Ave. Parkway, Ste. 7 #188, Folsom, CA 95630 fdr@fdrmotorsports.com

Technical Chair Lisa Thomas lisa@pure9design.com

Past President Jeff Kinder 916.765.2801 4320 Freemont’s Loop, Rescue, CA 95672 PastPresident@svr.pca.org

Charity Chair Susan Fleming 916.985.4142 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 TRFleming@comcast.net

Editor Bud Behrens 209.477.6496 6424 Culpepper Place, Stockton, CA 95207 budnmaryann@cs.com

Concours Chair Kent Brandon 916.663.1702 3450 Hector Rd, Newcastle, CA 95658 Kent.Brandon@ncbb.net

Zone 7 Representative Larry Sharp – Golden Gate Region 925.371.2258 1119 Megan Road, Livermore, CA 94550 larrysharp@comcast.net

Goodie Store Tom Sisson 209.296.5352 14537 Surrey Junct. Ave., Sutter Creek, CA targatom@volcano.net


G24 Chair Rachel Johnson & 916.933.4282 Kim Nelson 305 Glen Ridge Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 kim356@directcon.net Advertising Manager Dick MacFarlane 916.482.0652 5740 Windmill Way #11 • Carmichael, CA 95608 dickm@hpsionline.com

Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editor of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter


Chilli’s chatter by Mike Willis


he Drifter is going through a transition in the way it is delivered to your mailbox in a timely manner. Recently we changed to a new printer and mailing service to improve delivery and reduce printing cost, but so far, it is not working as we hoped. Since it is printed and mailed at bulk rate from another state, we are losing weeks in the mail, which is not acceptable. So, we are going back to our former printer and mailing service, both of which are located in Sacramento. That alone should speed things up. If things work well, you should have next month’s Drifter in your mailbox at the end of the preceding month. Our Drifter deadlines work, and Bud is getting everything to the printer as early as possible. We are continuing to use our “e-mail blast” or “SVR Spam” to update you on newsworthy items. We try to keep these to a minimum so as not to overload your e-mail in box. In order to be on the Spam list, you must keep your e-mail address updated. Contact Rik Larson at rik.l@comcast.net or membership@svr.pca.org. Rik receives monthly updates from National and then updates our e-mail list. For our e-mail blast we are now using a program to help us with our large mailing list which seems to work better than in the past. CRAB 33 is coming up fast, so take a look at the information on the SVR web page at http://www.derporsche.net and on pages 5 and 6 of this issue. Please send your entry now so plans can be finalized for the tours, the crab dinner, the rally, and the concours. We were not able to secure an autocross site, but something might happen to replace it. Remember in our area we are lucky to have so many places to go on tours and oil and wine do mix. Thanks to Dianna Leight (and Andy) for putting on our February dinner meeting at Karen’s. It’s nice when we have the restaurant to ourselves so we can “party” and have a good time without bothering others or have it to noisy to hear our own party. Also thanks to those of you who supported the dinner meeting. We brought the “Out Box – In Box” and had some fun with new ideas and suggestions. In March, Karen & Cookie are taking us back to Wong’s for good Chinese food. This dinner will sell out early, so make your reservations now. It’s an event not to be missed: good food, good Porsche talk, and even other talk other than cars. Mark your calendars for March 6th, the opening of the San Diego Parade registration. This event is a good excuse to have Porsche fun and go to San Diego. There will at least one caravan from Sacramento to San Diego. I am using Google Earth to locate some good roads for us to use on the drive. Remember if it’s not fun, then don’t do it, but let us know why it wasn’t fun. Our goal is to enjoy each other and our Porsches.


the drifter

March and April Events

March 14 March 24 April 4

Social SVR Dinner Meeting at Wong’s in Roseville; see ad on page 4. G24 gathering at Niello Porsche; see page 11. SVR Board Meeting at RPM Indoor Kart Racing

March 3 March 16 March 17 March 17 March 18 March 30 April 13 April 28 April 29

Autocross, Track and Rally Beginning Autocross School (FULL) hosted by GGR at Monster Park, San Francisco; for info, contact Howard Yao at 650.652.5775 or John Seidell at 925.938.9531. SVR Driver Education at Infineon Raceway/Sears Point; for info, contact Frederick D. Rauch at 916.989.3199. Kids Rally (tentative) GGR Autocross #1 at Alameda; for info, go to www.pca-ggr.org/calendarcgi?page=autocross. Zone 7 autocross #1; see page 15. GGR Drivers Ed. and Time Trial #1 at Thunderhill; for info, call Andrew Forrest at 650.387.4019 or go to http://www.pca-ggr.org/calendar.cgi?page=driversed. SVR Driver Education at Thunderhill; for info, contact Frederick D. Rauch at 916.989.3199. Zone 7 Autocross hosted by Redwood Region at the Charles M. Schultz Airport, Santa Rosa; for info, contact Michael Thomas at 707.569.8109, e-mail mudslinger666@yahoo.com. Zone 7 Autocross hosted by Zone 7 at the Charles M. Schultz Airport, Santa Rosa; for info, contact Larry Sharp at 925.371.2259, e-mail larrysharp@comcast.net.

April 14 March 6 March 7 April 20-22

Tour Western Railroad Museum tour; see page 13. Other Parade registration opens. SVR Board Meeting CRAB 33; see pages 5 & 6.

the drifter


SVR March Dinner Meeting Wednesday March 14th

Wong’s Garden 201-F Harding Blvd Roseville, CA 95678 Social 6:30 P.M. • Dinner 7:00 P.M. Menu: Orange Peel Beef • General Chicken Garlic Green Beans • Pork Chow Mein Egg Rolls • Egg Foo Young Drinks may be purchased separately. Dinner price: $13.00 per person RSVP by March 9th by calling: Cookie Anderson at 916.988.6534

or Karen Goffin McGlumphy at 916.725.9828 People who make dinner reservations and then cancel after the deadline or who do not show will be charged for the cost of the meal if an expense is incurred by the club.

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the drifter

Sacramento Valley Region Presents


The Premier Porsche Weekender April 20-22, 2007

Your CRAB 33 registration includes the Friday night Welcome Party, Registration, and fun; the Saturday Driving Tours, FunKhana, Walking Tour, CRAB 33 Banquet, and more fun; the Sunday Rally, Concours, FunKhana, Beer & Brat Picnic, and still more fun. Plus the camaraderie of great Porsche people and door prizes!!! An official CRAB 33 entry form is on the next page. For more details and a downloadable CRAB 33 entry form, visit the SVR website at www. derporsche.net or contact Buzz Lynn at (916) 730-4420 or Julia Lynn at (916) 402-0443 or e-mail jlynn62@earthlink.net.



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the drifter


CRAB 33 ENTRY FORM April 20, 21 & 22, 2007

Registration and Cancellation Deadlines are April 13th. Headquarters is the Towe Auto Museum 2200 Front Street, Sacramento Entrant (must be named to participate)

Co-Entrant (must also be named)


City, State, ZIP

Phone (inc. area code)

Couple (incl. Crab* dinner, B&B) *No. of “non-crab” chicken dinners Single (or add’l family entrant) Gold Country Tour Box Lunch Add’l Guest at Sat. Crab* dinner Add’l Guest at Sun. B&B Add’l Guest under 12 at B&B

E-Mail Address

PCA Region

Please let us know in which of the following events you plan to participate (showing the number of entrants in each). Driving Tour #1 (Wine Country)** Driving Tour #2 (Gold Country) FunKhana Rally Concours Walking Tour Beer & Brat

$140 $75 $10 $50 $15 $12

Grand Total Enclosed

Mail your check, payable to PCA-SVR, to: Rik Larson, CRAB 33 Registrar 2120 Maddox Court Carmichael, CA 95608-5615

Please indicate the Porsche you plan to enter: Year Model Color Please enter your car number preferences: 1st Choice 2nd Choice **Lunch stop in Placerville; no box lunch needed

Your CRAB 33 registration includes the Friday night Welcome Party, Registration, fun, the Saturday Driving Tour, FunKhana, Walking tour, CRAB 33 Banquet (21⁄2 pounds per person), more fun, Sunday Rally, Concours, FunKhana, Beer & Brat, and still more fun, plus the camaraderie of great Porsche people and door prizes! CRAB 33 Polo and T-Shirt Information: Contact Andy or Diana Leight at (916) 984-9624, or e-mail flashleight@sbcglobal,net. The deadline for shirt orders is March 23rd.

Lodging in Sacramento

Vagabond Inn - Old Sacramento • 909 3rd Street • (916) 446-1481 Delta King Hotel • 1000 Front Street • (916) 441-4440 Super 8 • 216 Bannon Street • (916) 447-5800 Best Western Sandman Motel • 236 Jibboom Street • (916) 443-6515 For further information, visit the SVR website at www.derporsche.net or contact Buzz Lynn at (916) 730-4420 or Julia Lynn at (916) 402-0443 or e-mail Jlynn62@earthlink.net.


the drifter

Drifting back March 2007 by Larry Wilson

30 Years Ago (March 1977) The March Drifter featured a cover illustration of a Porsche 936 by Dave Marek (SVR member and later designer for the Honda car company). In his column, president Harvey Cain said registration for the 1977 Porsche Parade in San Diego was officially closed, with over 700 applications received in the first two weeks of registration. Twenty-three SVR cars were accepted: Bates, Blaesi, Boswell, Bradford, Cain, deWitt, Dodd, Farlinger, Fielding, Freitas, Fukushima, Karver, King, Larson, Lewis, Overstreet, Sample, Schleh, Waldsmith, Weddle, Willis, Wilson, and Young. (Note: seven more cars were accepted by Parade-time.) The March 5 driving school, “Set-Up for ‘77” at Cal-Expo Lot A, chaired by Dave Neukom, included a 50-foot radius skid pad, a mini-course for teaching driving “lines,” and a maxi-roadcourse to put it all together for fun. The early set-up crew included Mike Willis, Jack Samples, Pat McLaughlin, Ted Colbert, and Paul Baldarelli. Larry Wilson, John Wong, Rich Farlinger, and Al King joined them later. Chrissie Neukom, June Samples, Kathy King, and Vickie Willis handled registration. Thirty students were given lots of attention by 11 instructors. The March 6 Rally de Snake by Rik Larson led the group to the Red Lion Inn for a buffet luncheon and March SVR monthly meeting (you could also proceed directly to the buffet). Twentyfive SVR teams ran the rally and Mike and Mary Peters won with a score of 9 points in the Equipped Class. The top three in Unequipped were Mike and Vicki Willis (50 pts), Candy and John Wong (79 pts), and Glenn and LaQuita Hills (116 pts). Workers included Paul Baldarelli, Lauri Adams, Lee Lyons, and Lettie Larson. SVR had 22 drivers (16 men, 6 women) among the 167 entries for the March 19 Zone 7 season-opener autocross by Loma Prieta Region at Bay Meadows. Ted Colbert was the only local first-place finisher. 20 Years Ago (March 1987) The March 8 tour to The Candy Store in Burlingame,

chaired by Bob Calvert, did not feature tasty sweets, but rather classic cars. The Candy Store is a club of about 40 members having an old Packard dealership building where they may store their collectable cars. Of the 100 or so cars stored in the building, about 35 were placed on display for private, appointment-only, viewing by other groups of car enthusiasts. Seen in this guided tour were a Jordan Playboy, Isotta-Fraschini, Duesenberg, Ferrari, Bugatti, Jaguar, Hupmobile, and other examples of rare and perfect automobiles. Randy Vidmar added his knowledgeable commentary about the cars being viewed. After the tour, the group had a picnic lunch at Coyote Point. On March 3, President Jim McDade received a very nice letter from Peter W. Schutz, CEO of Porsche AG, offering best wishes on behalf of “all of us at Porsche” for SVR’s upcoming 25th anniversary. He said he would send a very special tin-plate to commemorate this occasion and added, “One thing that is even more exciting for us than Porsche cars are the people that drive them. Sharing the joys of our sports cars with members of Porsche Clubs is the fun part of our jobs.” SVR’s 25th Anniversary Party, March 21, 1987 at El Rancho Hotel, was chaired by Sue McGlumphy and Pam Harley and advertised slide shows, guest speakers, memorabilia displays, special surprises, and dancing. And the evening didn’t disappoint! President Jim McDade welcomed a large crowd including members from 21 of 25 past boards of directors -- Pat Wilson was acknowledged as the “earliest” having served as DRIFTER editor in 1965. Others, in chronological order, were: Larry Wilson, Ray Johansen, Connie Farlinger, Marv Smith, Fred Myeron, Merle Dodd, Georgene Dodd, Allen Weddle, Kirk Bradford, Harv Cain, Mike Willis, Vicki Willis, Stan Breyfogle, C.C. Craig, Kern Breaux, Dwight Mitchell, Linda Mitchell, Sara Clements, Bruce Westrup, Jack Samples, Ray Clements, Bob Peake, Jim McDade, Continued

the drifter


Sheila McDade, Pam Harley, Don Harley, Dolores Weddle, Cyndee Nightingale, Karen Mangin, Sue McGlumphy, Bob Jacobson, Randy Vidmar, and Herb Hoover. The “earliest” PCAers present were Oran and Grace Crumley having joined PCA in October 1958. The oldest member present was Jack Samples who in the following week would celebrate his 80th birthday. Twenty-Year PCA membership certificates were presented to Ray and Frankie Engle, Ray and Mary Jane Johansen, Marv and Marie Smith, and Gerry and Madelaine Kiliany. Of course, the party continued until the hotel closed. 10 Years Ago (March 1997) The March 1st Boxster tech session at Niello Porsche started at 9:30 A.M. with coffee and donuts for about 50 SVR members thirsting for information about the new Porsche Boxster. Niello staff members, Howard and Ron, were on hand to answer questions and show off features about the newly designed mid-engine car. Phil Lawrence couldn’t get over the spoiler, which automatically deployed at 75 mph and retracted at 45 mph. He said it was a bargain at $40K. Fred Myeron said he was impressed with the cup holders, a first for Porsche. Bob Jacobson used his stopwatch to confirm the 12-second top-up erection time. All attendees received special posters and coffee mugs.


Helen Ashuckian was in charge of the March 29th Great Search Kid/Adult Rally and she wanted adult/kid rally teams for this event. Calculators, computers, time-tables, etc. were banned. Thirteen rally teams (18 eager kids and 16 anxious adults) traversed a pastoral countryside through Florin, Sheldon, Sloughhouse, and Rancho Cordova under a beautiful sunny sky. Helen had four rally classes, based on the age of the kid. Top finishers in Class 1 (kids ages 8 & under) were: 1st - Eli and J. Toney, 2nd - Ryan and Tim Fleming, 3rd - Alicia and Tom Sansome. Top finishers in Class 2 (kids ages 9 - 12) were: 1st - Alese, Eric and Dave Asuckian, 2nd - Chris, Diana and Susan George, 3rd - Lyndsay, Lise and John Macri. Top finishers in Class 3 (kids ages 13 - 14) were: 1st - Lisa Wilner and Sally Boeck, 2nd - Lorin Melina and Steve Campbell, 3rd - Patrick and Jim Freeburg. And, top finishers in Class 4 (kids ages 15 - 16) were: 1st - Keven Wilner and Dolores Weddle, 2nd - Lauren and Jose Uranga, 3rd - Lauren Fernandez, Mary Ann Blount and Jim McMahen. Dead Last But Finished Class: Cameron Toney and Sandra Gillies. The team of Lisa Wilner and Sally Boeck were the overall winners. Workers included Shelagh Matthews, Allen Weddle, John Clever, Rik Larson, Dwight Mitchell, Ray Alamares, and J. Toney.

the drifter

The 2006 Zone 7 Wall of Fame by Larry Sharp, photo by Ron Leppke (GGR)


n Zone 7 we give out many awards at the end of the year. The most-recently established award has turned into being a high honor to receive. In 2003, Tim Fleming, who was the Zone 7 National Representative at the time, established the Zone 7 Wall of Fame. With the guidance of the region presidents, Tim inducted the first members of the Wall of Fame at the Zone 7 year-end awards dinner. It turned out to be like a reunion for the inductees, and the presentation was a great experience for all of us. As the wall has matured, the number of persons being nominated each year has become fewer in number. Although the number of people being inducted each year might be numerically smaller, the importance of the award seems to grow. In 2006 there was just one person inducted to the Zone 7 Wall of fame: Mike (Chilli) Willis, a member (and current president) of Sacramento Valley Region, who joined PCA in the 1970s. Mike hasn’t been just a participant. He is one of those guys who, on his own, see what is needed or should be done and just goes ahead and does it. He has been region president and has held other positions many times over the years. He has helped out Golden Gate Region’s time trial series by serving as a grid steward and chief steward. Mike loves to put on tours and dinners and has been chair of CRAB, the Premier Porsche Weekender, four times. He always shows that he has the best

interests of the club in his heart and in his actions. He has a very thin appearance of being a gruff guy, but in truth he is someone you can always walk up to and chat with. I have many thanks to give to Dwight Mitchell, Jeff Kinder, and Kern Breaux for being instrumental in nominating Mike. It was with great honor that I was involved having Mike being placed on the Zone 7 Wall of Fame in 2006.

the drifter


San Simeon 2007 May 18, 19, & 20th Mark your calendars now for this special tour. We are going this time of the year to take advantage of the evening tours of the castle. On Friday we will leave early in the morning touring to San Simeon in our usual not so straightforward route. We will stop in Hollister for our picnic lunch and regroup for the tour down hwy 25 to Paso Robles and the wineries. Some will remember Peach Tree Road!!! In the Paso Robles area are numerous wineries for the tour members to enjoy the various varieties of wines. Be sure to pick up a bottle for the dinner and arrival party. Speaking of dinner we will again have our dinner Saturday evening with all the fixings and is included in the tour cost. YOU will need to make your own castle tour reservations www.hearstcastle.com tour reservations and select May 19, 2007 tour time should be from 7:50 or 8:10pm as we are having dinner on Saturday eve. Reserve NOW if you going on this tour. Reservation window opens January 20th and reservations for these popular tours book up fast. Lodging option #1 – Courtesy Inn: If you stay at the Courtesy Inn, your tour cost will be $230 for two people for two nights lodging and Saturday dinner and SVR tour costs. See http://courtesyinns.com/index.php for more room information. We will make your room reservations and pay for your courtesy inn rooms, as they are included in the tour costs. Lodging Option #2 – Cavalier Resort: If you stay at the Cavalier Resort, you must make your own reservations and pay the hotel directly. Room rate is $161.00 (Kinds Row Rooms) per night plus tax. See http://cavalierresort.com/ for more information. Call 800-826-8168 to make your reservation. Mention the Porsche Club to get our room rate. With this lodging option your tour cost will be $120 for two people for Saturday dinner, and SVR tour costs. You must also let us know that you are staying at the Cavalier so you do not get billed/charged the “normal” tour fee. NOTE: Tour limited to 35 cars because of lunch and dinner space. More space might be available if tour becomes oversubscribed and additional arrangements can be made. To reserve your spot please let us know by email mikew@cwo.com by April 1st. to confirm your reservation please send $120.00 deposit check (payable to PCA-SVR to: Mike & Emily Willis 2748 Tiffany West Way Sacramento, CA 95827


the drifter

Notes from around the zone

by Larry Sharp, Zone 7 National Representative


was a great year for Zone 7! We had many great events put on by the regions. CRAB came back after a year’s respite and was better than ever. Sierra Nevada Region put on its firstever zone concours. Rich and Cindy Wyett pulled it all together, making it such a great event that it won the Zone 7 Event of the Year award. Louise Sousoures was recognized for her many years of PCA enthusiasm. She managed the 25 Hours of Thunderhill race team Lost and Spaced, which has dominated that race for the last three years. She brought together a group of PCAers that showed what a great group of people we associate with. Brad Zucroff was awarded the Zone 7 Tenacity Award for his travels during the year to attend Zone 7 Events. He moved to Los Vegas but missed us so much that he drove his new Cayman S to Northern California every chance he could. In the Zone 7 Concours series Gary Johnson took home the High Score Award for his awesome 993. Rich and Cindy Wyett took home the Dick Cottrell Award for showing the most spirit during the concours series. Rich Berberich took home the Concours Rookie of the Year Award. He was in the full concours class. Wow! The Zone autocross series was abbreviated due to one event being rained out and two events being canceled. But that didn’t mean the competition wasn’t as fierce. Jon Dugan pushed his dad Ed all year, won his class, and came in third in the PAX awards. Sharon Neidel, showing us how well she can drive, took home class honors with her 968. Howard and Lavergne Thomas drove their red cover girl Boxster to class wins. Lavergne has promised me she will beat Howard next year. Terry Zaccone pushed me all year, but I managed to squeak out the PAX win over him. CRAB 33 will be back again; registration for that event is now open, so be sure to sign up early because it usually sells out. Sierra Nevada Region will once again host a zone concours, an event not to be missed. Golden Gate Region will host the Zone Autocross School. Rik Larson is the New Zone 7 rally chairman and is working on the 2007 rally series schedule. Golden Gate Region will host the Zone 7 Concours School at Rector Porsche in Burlingame on April 14. We are trying to have a first-ever Zone 7 autocross at Altamont Raceway; stay tuned for that one. Check the Zone 7 web page for info and changes during the year. I want to thank Gary Lieber, Larry Adams, and Rik Larson for stepping up to being respectively zone concours autocross, and rally chairmen. When you attend events, please seek these guys out because they put so much work as volunteers to make our zone events the best in the nation. One person we could not do without is our Zone 7 webmisstress Susan Angebrandt. She does it all behind the scenes and does it so well that it puts us all in awe of her efforts. Please email her at ggrweb@dino.com and give her thanks for all of us.

New SVR members G-24 group activities

by Kim Nelson and Rachel Johnson


s your new G-24 Group chairs, we thought we would take a moment and introduce ourselves. Both of us are fairly new members SVR, Rachel having become a member in 2004 and Kim in 2000. We are active in the club and attend as many of the events as possible. We both enjoy the autocross and concours series and are excited to be chairing such an important program for our club. The G-24 program started in 2003 as a way of helping new members who have been in the club for less than two years meet other new members and learn about all the different activities the club has to offer. It is intended to help make it easier for new members to get involved in the mainstream of our clubs activities. Our club has almost 700 members, and of those members, nearly 200 of them have been in the club for less than two years. You are not alone! This year we will be having four different G-24 events. The first one is going to be hosted by Niello Porsche at their facility starting at 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, March 24. Coffee and rolls will be provided. This should be a very enjoyable morning (we plan on being done around 11:00 A.M.), as we will have several presentations from the Niello staff, followed by a tour of their new state-of-the-art service facility. Since we will be providing food for the event, we will need to hear from you by Wednesday, March 21st if you plan on attending. Please e-mail us at kim356@ directcon.net. We hope to see you there.

See you out there. the drifter


February 8, 2007 SVR board meeting by Kevin Dougherty, SVR Secretary


resident Mike Willis called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M. In attendance were Mike Willis, Kern Breaux, Rik Larson, Cookie Anderson, Jerry Cupler, Kevin Dougherty, Ray & Betty Silva, Matt Deter, Helen Ashuckian and John Murphy. Absent: Bud Behrens, Kim Nelson, Rachel Johnson, Jeff Kinder, and Tom Sisson. The January minutes were reviewed, corrected, and accepted with the two minor corrections. New Business: Betty gave us an overview of 2006 finances. The 2007 budget was discussed and a draft was made. A discussion ensued regarding the printing and mailing of The Drifter. It was decided to go back to having it printed and mailed locally, since it took some members more than month to receive their Drifters. Old Business: Mike’s “out of the box” suggestion box didn’t generate any suggestions at the dinner meeting. A suggestion to pass out forms to fill out and deposit in the box was brought up and will be considered. A discussion on paper vs. electronic Drifters was lead by Mike. Pro and con feelings were tossed about, with strong feelings about both. The cost of printing and mailing is, of course, the big concern. Rik again reminded the board that the Parade registration will open on the PCA website on March 6th and urged everyone to open an account with PCA before March 6th. Board Member Reports: Competition (Matt Deter): Matt passed out a status update on the search for a new autocross venue, which was discussed. The search continues. Membership (Rik Larson): There are 633 regular members of SVR and 13 dual members. The rosters should be out the end of the month. Rik is working on clarifying some e-mail addresses. Treasurer (Betty Silva): Betty requested the addition of a separate line item for G24 and approval a budget for it, which the board did. Betty requested the purchase a new version of QuickBooks because the old version doesn’t work on her new computer. Mike asked that Betty check with Barbara about whether the club should invest in a six-month C/D for better interest rates due to the large amount in savings. Newsletter (Bud Behrens): Bud submitted a written report. G24 (Kim Nelson & Rachel Johnson): While both were absent, a question was raised and answered by Rik about the proper format for G24. Is it “G24,” “G 24” or “G-24.”? Rick Weidner, the founder of the group, says it is “G24.” CRAB 33 (Buzz & Julia Lynn): Rik filled in, stating that there were only seven entries to date, which is low for this time of the year. Most of those registered and paid are from other regions. We need to push our folks to register. 12

Rally (Helen Ashuckian): A list of all of this years rallies was sent to Bud for The Drifter. The last Kid Rally will be on March 17th and there must be at least seven participants. An e-mail blast might help get the word out and raise the participation level. Social (Cookie Anderson): All e-mail blast material will go through Cookie or Mike. A revised San Simeon budget was approved. Share the wealth made $91.00 at the February dinner meeting. Webmaster (John Murphy): The website had 9800 hits in January. Most popular are classifieds, tech and calendar. Forty-nine countries checked out our site, the most hits being from China. Vice President (Kern Breaux): Kern has been inundated with calendar items, mostly from other regions in Zone 7. A review of March and April was completed. Past President (Jeff Kinder): Mike informed the board that Jeff attended a fund-raiser meeting at KVIE. They would like club members to work a phone bank during one of their fundraisers. Cookie is looking at September or October. President (Mike Willis): Mike thanked the board members for their hard work and stated that he is pleased with the good start of the New Year. He requested that all board members attend the new member tours. Adjournment was at 8:43 P.M. The next meeting will be at RPM on Wednesday, March 2, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin R. Dougherty, 2007 Secretary

The 2007 rally series

by Helen Ashuckian, SVR Rally Chair March 17: Kid Rally (tentative) by Helen Ashuckian April 22: CRAB Rally June 3: SCCA Golden West Rally (non-trap) by J. Toney June TBA: Parade Prep Rally School by J. Toney June 16: Summer Solstice A/B Rally by Keith McMahan (July 1-5 Porsche Parade Rally) July 28: Photo Rally by Ann Hamel August 25: Charity Poker Run by Bill Marr Sept 22-23: Carrera de Sierra XXX by Richard Wetzel Oct 6: GGR Zone 7 Coyote Run Rally by Larry Adams Nov 3: GGR Zone 7 Midnight Monte Carlo Rally by Hubert Lee All makes of cars are always welcome. Volunteer workers are especially welcome because without them rallies cannot run. the drifter

Western Railway Museum Tour Saturday, April 14


uring the late 1800s and early 1900s, before good roads and reliable autos, San Franciscans traveling to Sacramento and Chico rode inter-urban electric trains, or trolleys. Ranging from Spartan to luxurious, all paused at Rio Vista Junction, just east of Travis AFB, to pick up and discharge passengers. Rio Vista Junction depot is long gone, but the superb Western Railway Museum has taken its place. In route, we’ll stop at the Old Sugar Mill, formerly a sugar beet processing factory, now hosting several vintners, including Carvalho Family wines. A gift shop and reception hall are open, and restoration of this grand old building is continuing.. Next, we’ll wind along the Sacramento River to the smooth, tortuous, Porsche-friendly roads of the Montezuma Hills. The Western Railway Museum provides a rare opportunity to experience how Californians traveled a hundred years ago. It includes over 100 trains, a Car House, a Restoration Shop and a beautiful, new visitors’ center. • Ride an electric train through the picturesque Montezuma Hills on the original tracks of the Sacramento Northern Railway. Coach passengers travel in a trolley, with plush red seats and dark wood paneling. First class passengers will take a 1914 parlor car, with overstuffed chairs, bronze light fixtures and floral carpets. • Check out the 25 antique trolleys in the 20,000 sq ft Car House. Negotiations are currently under way for a private tour of the Restoration Shop, normally closed to the public. • Bring your lunch for a picnic in tree-shaded Laflin Park on the museum grounds. SVR Trip fee is $5.00. Admission to the museum is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors and $7 for children 14 and under, paid at the door. Coach ride is included in the price of museum admission. First class parlor-observation car is $5 additional. To register & further information: Doug Klein dougk@surewest.net (916)780-7989 or John Payne japayne@ucdavis.edu Cell (530)219-2319 Home (530)756-4767 Meet at the Towe Auto Museum, 2200 Front St. 10:00 registration. 10:20 drivers’ meeting. 10:30 departure.

2007 Zone 7 Concours School Saturday April 14th 2007 • 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Rector Porsche 1010 Cadillac Way Burlingame, Ca. 94010 650-348-0111

Registration Fee $35.00 Learn how to become a Concours judge including the secrets of winning from the experts, at the 2007 Zone 7 Concours School, to be held at Rector’s Porsche’s spacious and state-of-the-art service facility. Lunch will be provided. This school is open to all PCA members, and will qualify you as a Zone 7 Concours judge. Novice and expert Concours participants can learn the finer points of preparing their Porsche for Concours competition. No prior experience is necessary to attend the school. Spend the day with your fellow club members and some of the best Porsches anywhere. Zone and National Concours winning vehicles will be on hand for your inspection. Registration includes all course materials, lunch, certificate of completion, and official Zone 7 Concours Judges’ Badge. Be sure to register early, as seating is limited. Sponsored by the Golden Gate Region & Rector Porsche Zone 7 Concours School Registration Form • Registration deadline is March 26, 2007 Name (as you want it printed on Judge’s Badge):



Phone (inc A/C)


Model & Year Porsche:

Make checks payable to “PCA Zone 7” and mail to: Zone 7 Concours School, Att: Gary Lieber, 7024 Via Del Rio, San Jose, CA 95139 GJLIEBER@SBCGLOBAL.NET the drifter


Competition in 2007

by Matt Deter, SVR Competition Director


he New Year is rushing past, and the driving season will soon be upon us. We capped off last year with our annual autocross and high-speed driver education dual-event extravaganza at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma. The mid-November event was very well attended, with both events filled to capacity. Over 100 drivers hit the big track, while an additional 70 drivers ran the autocross. In addition to SVR’s autocrossers, we saw significant contingents from Golden Gate Region and Redwood Regions, as well as folks from ESCA (Empire Sports Car Association), a local autocross club with many members who are also from RR (some people just can’t get enough of this stuff!). They joined us again this year and brought out a number of excellent drivers and interesting people to talk to and get to know as well. For 2007 we have another exciting driving season coming your way. Frederick Rauch and Doug Gale have lined up a great set of DE events, including two days of Memorial Day weekend at the four-mile-long Reno-Fernley track, a July Saturday at Infineon, and two days at Laguna Seca in early December. There are also trips up to our favorite haunt, Thunderhill, for a total of 14 track days! On the autocross scene, we have an equally fun calendar lined up, starting in May at the fairgrounds in Stockton. Our November Infineon date morphed into a July date this year, and we will have our combo event this year in July, a few weeks after Parade. Skipping the August heat, we will resume at the fairgrounds in September with a two-day Zone 7, a one-day event at the end of October, and a final event in mid-November. Check the SVR Calendar and web site (http://www.derporsche.net/) for all the exact dates. Junior Participation Program Is your teenager driving your car? Your other car, perhaps? Or maybe he has his own car. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is how well your teen judges the road and controls the car, particularly when presented with an unexpected situation. It’s one thing to read in the DMV book that you “turn into the skid” and something else entirely to actually do it. And in the process of practicing it, realize why it makes a big difference to this process if your car is front-wheel or rear-wheel drive. It could make a real difference one night in the rain. To address some of these questions, and to foster a family atmosphere at driving events, PCA offers the Junior Participation Program. This allows any fully licensed (not just a learner’s permit) 16 or 17 year-old child of a PCA member to drive in the autocross events. There are additional paperwork requirements for junior participants, including release forms signed by both parents and having at least one parent present during the event. Autocrossing is a great way to learn car control, or practice mastering it -- and you don’t have to bring a Porsche out to try it. We have experienced drivers who provide instruction, and everyone has a blast. If you have any questions feel free to email me at porsche@deter.com or call me at 916.630.8924. 14

SVR Mendocino 2007 tour November 2nd – 4th (three days, two nights)


s of February 1st, 25 cars have signed up for this 3-day tour. Why such a big push to let people know about an event that is 8 months away? It’s because we need to secure the rooms with deposits at the three primary inns that we have booked. The 2006 Mendocino tour had more than fifty cars plus another ten cars from Redwood Region that joined us on Saturday. Reservations for just one-night stays on the coast are difficult. Contact Rik Larson for additional information (see below). This year we have a block of rooms at the Hill House and the MacCallum House in Mendocino, and rooms at the Little River Inn in Little River. For reservations at The Hill House, contact Tom and Tambra Kroetz (916.989.1984); for reservations at The MacCallum House, contact Frederick D. Rauch (916.989.3199); for reservations at The Little River Inn, contact Rik and Lettie Larson (916.481.6084). Room accommodations are either ocean view (all places) or garden view (Hill House). Contact the coordinators for additional information about the types of rooms remaining, deposits required, cancellation costs, etc. A deposit is required to hold a room at all locations. Cancellation policies are strictly enforced. If you want to stay an extra day or two, either before or after the group, we will try to make it happen. But we must know now if you have plans to stay extra days. It is easier to reserve the rooms for longer periods and then release the days if you don’t want them than it is to add days to your stay. This is a 3-day, 2-night tour to the Mendocino area. You do not have to stay at the above locations. You may make your own reservations elsewhere. If you need any assistance, contact Rik. This is a very informal tour with the only semi-competitive event being a kite-flying contest on Saturday afternoon. Golf (miniature and real), tennis, horseback riding, beach walking, kayaking, etc. are all available on the North Coast. We can provide many suggestions as to the area restaurants, wineries, points of interest, etc. And remember; don’t turn your back to the ocean.

Our schedule: Friday at 9:00 A.M - depart Niello Porsche, Rocklin Friday at noon - picnic lunch at a winery/park Friday at 3:30 P.M. - arrive on the Mendocino Coast Friday at 5:00 P.M. - social hour; share lunch leftovers Friday evening - dinner on your own Saturday at 2:00 P.M. - kite-flying contest Saturday at 4:00 P.M. - social hour; kite flying stories Saturday evening - dinner on your own with friends Sunday at 9:00 A.M. - optional side trip to breakfast Sunday - return home in small groups

the drifter

The ultimate suspension – part II by Lisa Thomas, SVR Technical Chair

Rear shock and spring replacement Relax, the rear shock assembly removal and installation is NOT as difficult, but it is several times more dangerous! This is where you will need the assistance of a spring compressor. 1. Raise rear of vehicle and place it securely on jack stands. Remove the air box lid/filter element on right hand side of engine compartment and the heater blower motor/down tube on left hand side. Place a jack under the trailing arm, with very little or no preload, so that when you release the top of the shock from the vehicle, there’s not a sudden release of tension.

2. Set your impact wrench on reverse, place a 26mm impact socket on it and remove the bolt that attaches the lower shock mount to the trailing arm. Be careful; be sure to have one hand on the shock because it may fall upon removing the bolt form the trailing arm. (Mine were still held firmly in place by the plastic hats that retain the spring.) 3. Attach the spring compressor in a manner that allows you to compress the spring and adjust the tensioner. (The spring doesn’t have tension on the hat.) This is a good time to use the impact wrench to remove the nut securing the hat to the shock assembly. Remove that assembly, and set any washers aside for correct reinstallation. You will only need the retaining hats from your original factory shocks, unless you purchased new ones. If you buy these, you’ll save time since you won’t have to disassemble your original rear shock/spring assembly to scavenge the retaining hat. But you might need to reuse the spring perch/adjuster off your old shocks. 4. Remove spring compressor from the old spring and compress the new spring as necessary and place onto the new shock. Make sure you have the spring properly oriented top/bottom.

Using a 13mm socket, a 3/8” ratchet, and an extension, remove the three nuts holding the shock to the vehicle, being careful to keep track of the washers and nuts. Next comes the part that pretty much required the use of an impact wrench. The bolt that attaches the lower shock mount is torqued to 147 ft. lbs. (And there is all the corrosion that helps it stay there.)

5. Place the retaining hat on top of the spring and screw on the nut by hand. Tighten the nut by locking on the shaft with locking pliers and protect it with a piece of leather. The factory manual says to lubricate the upper strut mount/retaining hat with tire mounting lubricant, but who has that laying around? I sprayed mine with some soapy water. Install the new receiver Continued

Zone 7 Presents

Zone 7 Autocross #1

Sunday, March 18th, 2007 Altamont Raceway Park • 17001 Midway Road, Tracy, CA (Just off highway 580, east of Livermore) Fee: $30.00 per Driver Registration opens at 7:30 A.M. Instructors available

Special showroom stock classes for 993 and later cars

Limited space, so either RSVP or arrive early Come join PCA Zone 7 for the first-ever Porsche autocross at Altamont Contact Larry Sharp at 925.371.2258 or e-mail larrysharp@comcast.net Directions: From Highway I-580, take the Grantline Road off ramp and proceed north on Grantline road. Turn right onto Midway Road; the track entrance is on the left.

the drifter


in the car. The plastic retaining hat/mount needs to be rotated to the correct alignment, so once it is up it’s there, look up and check the three holes that are a certain distance apart. Be patient and make sure. 6. If you left your jack under the corresponding trailing arm, then you should be in the ballpark for placing the lower mounting bolt and threading it in by hand. You will likely have to incorporate a little adjustment with the floor jack to get the hole lined up. Place the washers/nuts on upper shock mount stud and tighten to 15 ft. lbs (<91, 27 ft. lbs on 1991 and later models). Tip: Use a long, flat-tipped screwdriver to place the washer/ nut on the screwdriver shaft to properly orient the holding washer/nut in place with your fingers. Place tip of screwdriver blade on top of the shock mount stud and release washer/nut to “slide” them into place. Leaving the screwdriver in place, attempt the threading of the nut onto the stud, repeating for the remaining washers/nuts. This may save you a few bouts with four-letter words. (Keep a magnet handy.)

• All speed/ABS sensors in place? • All nuts/bolts torqued correctly? • Any left-over parts?

9. Lower the care, and make sure you have all the jack stands, and wood blocks clear. 10. Assemble the heater/blower assembly on left hand side of engine compartment and the air box/filter assembly on right hand side. Before starting the motor, manually pump the brake pedal until its firm. This ensures there won’t be any surprises when you back out of the driveway Here is a picture of the now much-lowered car, ready to go off to IPB for its RS specification ride height adjustment and a corner balance. Looks like it came right out of East L.A.

7. Tighten the lower shock mount bolts to 147 ft. lbs. (It’s a good idea to use anti-seize on these bolts so they won’t be so hard to get out next time.) 8.

Perform your mental check list: • Brakes bled? • Brake lines snug and retained properly? • Flexible brake lines oriented correctly as to not snag or bind with front wheel movement?

MP Parts We have a wide variety of used parts for late model

Porsches We specialize in Boxster, 996 and other models. 3501 Recycle Road • Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638-1323 • (916) 853-8577 FAX Check out our inventory at www.mazdaporscheparts.com 16

the drifter

Join in – March membership report by Rik Larson, SVR Membership Director

SVR has 633 Regular Members and 13 Dual Members. Directory Update: Please make sure that we have a correct anniversary date, e-mail and phone number on file. A new directory will be printed this month. New Members Kevin J. & Nancy Ardolf Marysville, CA 95901 kardolf@yahoo.com 530.743.3888 Frank D Cardoza Roseville, CA 95661 framlcardpza@yahool.com 916.791.5975 Tim C. & Rebecca Collison Granite Bay, CA 95746 tcollison@kbhome.com 916.826.8028 Leon R. & Josh Glasgow Carmichael, CA 95608 lgasgow@softcom.net 916.961.3051 Victor E. Hodge Cool, CA 95614 vehcool@yahoo.com 530.885.2948 Daniel R. & Lisa Lapham Sacramento, CA 95819 daniellapham@yahoo.com 916.397.9424 Thomas S Little Shingle Springs, CA 95682 blueiv162@hotmail.com 916.230.4287 John G & Carol Peterman Coloma, CA 95613 johnpeterman2004@juno.com 530.642.9579 Robert & Chrys Rivinius Sacramento, CA 95864 rrivinius@cbia.org 916.847.2700

Transfer In

’07 911

Todd M & Rebecca Quinn Granite Bay, CA 95746 tquinn@doradosoftware.com 973.493.5170 (from Northern New Jersey)

’97 993

Changes ’95 911

Harvey & Shirley Bailey harvey.bailey9481@sbcglobal.net Bill & Kristine Barnaby wbarnabyiii@aol.com

’85 928 Dave & Dawn Bennett ’97 Carrera S, 06 Cab ’68 912

Sally & Ron Boeck rsboeck@sbcglobal.net Alexander Buller & Barbara Lafargue.Buller siralex@mindspring.com

’74 911

Rick & Bonnie Cerkleski rcerkleski@sbcglobal.net Eddie & Kimberly Cespedes West Sacramento, CA 95691

’86 911 Doug & Renee DeVetter doug2007@devetter.net ’04 GT3

Dana Habek & Phillip Smith Grass Valley, CA 95945 Matt & Ann Hamel Sacramento, CA 95816

’95 993

Rhett & Linda Havner rhett@dbci.biz Steve & Bernice Honeychurch honeybb@shenandoahvalleyca.com

Eric Klusman & Ronald Klusman Auburn, CA 95603 Phil Lawrence & Emily Barbee ’72 911T Targa Nick & Mia McClellan nmccle1972@aol.com H B. Porter III hbp3@yahoo.com Debbie & John Sheehan Roseville, CA 95678.3529 Dale & Lynn Shetley Grizzly Flats, CA 95636 grizzlys@sbcglobal.net Ray & Betty Silva bdzsilva@comcast.net Tom Sisson & Darlene Byerley ’06 997, ’61 356 Lisa & Mike Thomas Folsom, CA 95630 lisa@pure9design.com ’00 Boxster Kathy Verdin envirokleeninc@yahoo.com ’85 911 Randy & Maureen Vidmar oldbearbones@sbcglobal.net Michelle Willis San Diego, CA 92122

’97 911 Dave & Dolores Johnson dndsciots@surewest.net

New Dual Member Ben Strong Stockton, CA 95209 benstrong@comcast.net 209.474.2200

Greg & Cindy Keith gkeith62@comcast.net

Ron Kain ron@ipb-autosport.com ’05 997S

Bill & Cathy Keegan bkeegan@ssctv.net

Anniversaries David & Eve Justice [5] Michael & Lynn Mc Enespy [5] Victor Chan & George Lytal [5] Glenn & Graham Thiel [5] J. Toney [25]

the drifter


www.fdrmotorsports.com drifter classified

Offering PCA Club Member Pricing on Performance and Appearance Products

Frozen Rotors Brey-Krause Crow Enterprises Porterfield Pagid Sparco CarGraphic USA UniChip Call or Visit Our Website Phone: (916) 989-0580 E-mail:fdr@fdrmotorsports.com


the drifter

Shopping at the SVR Goodie Store For pricing and availability, contact your friendly GOODIE STORE person! See Tom Sisson at meetings and events, or contact him at 14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685, telephone (209) 296-5352 or e-mail targatom@volcano.com. Items can be mailed for a small shipping/handling fee.

SVR logo polo shirts in various colors - $30 PCA logo polo shirts in various colors - $35 Porsche crest polo shirts in various colors - $30 SVR logo denim shirts - $35 PCA logo denim shirts - $35 Porsche crest denim shirts - $40 Porsche script or small crest t-shirts in various colors - $18-20 Porsche script or small crest baseball shirts with various color raglan sleeves - $20 Sweatshirts in various colors and with various logos - $35 Microfiber jackets - $55 SVR car badge - $15 PCA car badge - $18

Index of Advertisers A & S BMW European Body Shop Fabrication Specialties FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Karma Kreations MP Parts Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel

18 2 4 18 IBC IFC 8 16 5, BC IBC

PartsHeaven Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Silver Star Recycling Trackmasters Walt Stickel Weidman’s Wheels

the drifter

18 9 18 2 3 4 IFC 7 19


The last word by Bud Behrens


ongratulations to SVR President Mike Willis on his induction into the Zone 7 Wall of Fame at the recent zone awards banquet. It was a well-deserved recognition of Mike’s many years of dedication and work within the region and in the zone. Other SVR members so honored in the past include Bud and Mary Ann Behrens, Rik Larson, Dwight Mitchell, Larry Wilson (all inducted in 2003), and J. Toney (inducted in 2004). Also honored at the banquet were SVR members who won awards in the 2006 Zone 7 Concours Series. They are Kim Nelson (2nd place in the competition/special interest class), Bud Behrens, (1st place in the late water-cooled 900 series street class), Nelson Medeiros (1st place in the early water-cooled 900 series street class), Phil Booker (1st place in the mid air-cooled 911 series wash & shine class), Lance Gharat (3rd place in the late water-cooled 900 series wash & shine class), and Patrick Contreras (2nd place in the early water-cooled 900 series wash & shine class. Nice job, guys! Speaking of concours, Golden Gate Region will host the annual Zone 7 Concours School on April 14 at Rector Porsche in Burlingame. This school offers an excellent opportunity for the would-be concours entrant to learn about the rules and classes of concours competition, judging procedures, and tips on vehicle detailing and preparation. To obtain a registration form, go to the Zone 7 website at http://www.pca.org/zone7/, click on Zone concours School, and click on “Click here to download a registration form.”

Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each); non-members may submit ads, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each (member & non-member). Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to PCS-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to publication. Ads may e shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled.

Porsches for Sale 2002/05 RUF 3600S: Incredibly rare and fun seal gray RUF Boxster converted to the 3.6L X51 motor with RUF exhaust (headers, sports cat, mufflers), springs, RUF aerokit, and more RUF stuff than I have space to list. With approximately 360hp,this car is everything the Boxster should be. Easily outpace most 911s in this car, and enjoy the 2-seater, mid-engine polished handling that goes with it. Less than 13k miles since conversion in early summer of 2005. Asking $72,500 for what I think is the best roadster on the planet. Contact Hill Bullock at 214.418.8329 or e-mail hill_bullock@yahoo.com. (12/06) 1982 911SC Coupe: 165k miles; driven 4k miles in 6 years; owned since ’94. Drives fast and strong; great for club racing or daily driver. Asking $12,500. E-mail Ed at edj9@sbcglobal.net. (01/07)

1989 944-S2: excellent mechanical condition and tires, no body damage and still looks great; Guards Red with linen interior, 95,000 miles. Used as daily driver, never raced and still a fun car to drive. $13,000 (reason for selling - have 3 Porsches), contact Lynn McEnespy at 530.343.6806 or e-mail LMcEnespy@yahoo.com. (02/07) 2000 Boxster: Tiptronic and just 37k miles; Guards Red w/tan leather; all service updates done under warranty; Complete records; Mobil 1 only; new Michelins. Showroom condition, non smoker, adult driven. Asking low$20’s. Have extra set of 17” OEM alloy whls/tires (package deal?) Contact H.B. Porter at 916.771.4476 or e-mail hbporter@comcast.net (03/07)

Parts/Accessories Wheels, etc: Factory KPZ chrome wheels: three 41⁄2 x 15 (dates 11-65, 1-64, 6-64) one – 5 1⁄2 x15 (date 8-67); fair condition - $130.00. Four 356C or 912 hubcaps with Porsche emblem - $100.00 Bilstein jack, rubber part missing -$60.00. 356 ZF limited slip, bullets, remanufactured - $20.00 each. Telephone 530.878.1027 (Auburn area) or e-mail riedel@infostations.com. (12/06) Safety Devices Roll Cage, front and rear section with diagonal crossbar; new, still wrapped in shipping plastic. Fits 964 with sunroof; may fit other models, but I’m not sure. Retails for approximately $1300. Asking $1,000. M5Stan@gmail.com (02/07)


the drifter

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