0706 - June 2007

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the drifter Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

June 2007

On the Cover: The CRAB 33 Gold Country Tour en route to the Malakoff Diggins State Historical Park. Photo by Ron Leppke

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2007 Board of Directors President Mike Willis 916.363.8313 2748 Tiffany West Way, Sacramento, CA 95827 president@svr.pca.org Vice President Kerner Breaux 916.966.2425 5018 Shadowood Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 vicepresident@svr.pca.org Secretary Kevin Dougherty 916.983.7774 P.O. Box 6006, Folsom, CA 95630 secretary@svr.pca.org Treasurer Betty Silva 12 Oak Lane, Suisun Valley, CA 94534 treasurer@svr.pca.org


Social Director Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 6320 Hickory Lane, Orangevale, CA 95662 svrsocialdirector@sbcglobal.net Membership Director Rik Larson 916.481.6084 2120 Maddox Court, Carmichael, CA 95608 membership@svr.pca.org Competition & Safety Director Matt Deter 916.630.8924 5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765 porsche@deter.com Webmaster John Murphy 916.858.2304 11508 Armour Court, Gold River, CA 95670 webmaster@svr.pca.org Past President Jeff Kinder 916.765.2801 4320 Freemont’s Loop, Rescue, CA 95672 pastpresident@svr.pca.org Editor Bud Behrens 209.477.6496 6424 Culpepper Place, Stockton, CA 95207 budnmaryann@cs.com Zone 7 Representative Larry Sharp – Golden Gate Region 925.371.2258 1119 Megan Road, Livermore, CA 94550 larrysharp@comcast.net


Volume 45, No. 6 4 5

6 6 6 9 9 14 14 19 19

June dinner meeting Zone 7 rally #1

June 2007 Upcoming Events

Murphys tour BS Wine tour Summer Solstice rally Zone 7 concours #3 G24 gathering SVR region autocross #2 YR High Country tour Driving and garage tour July dinner meting

Features and Reviews 10-13 CRAB 33 highlights 2 7 16 17 20 20

Columns and Departments Chilli’s chatter Mike Willis Drifting back Larry Wilson May 2 board meeting Kevin Dougherty June membership report Rik Larson The Last Word Bud Behrens Drifter Classified

Information and Committee Directory Autocross Chair Matt Deter 916.630.8924 5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765 porsche@deter.com

Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian 916.481.2759 5440 Tree Side Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608 helena@lanset.com

Driver Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch 916.989.3199 9580 Oak Ave. Parkway, Ste. 7 #188, Folsom, CA 95630 fdr@fdrmotorsports.com

Technical Chair Lisa Thomas lisa@pure9design.com

Charity Chair Susan Fleming 916.985.4142 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 trfleming@comcast.net Concours Chair Kent Brandon 916.663.1702 3450 Hector Rd, Newcastle, CA 95658 kent.brandon@ncbb.net Goodie Store Tom Sisson 209.296.5352 14537 Surrey Junct. Ave., Sutter Creek, CA 95685 targatom@volcano.net


G24 Chairs Rachel Johnson/Kim Nelson 916.933.4282 305 Glen Ridge Way El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 kim356@directcon.net Dummkopf Chair Randy Vidmar 916.624.3145 5207 Par Place Rocklin, CA 95677 oldbearbones@sbcglobal.net Advertising Manager Dick MacFarlane


5740 Windmill Way #11 • Carmichael, CA 95608


Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editor of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter


Chilli’s chatter by Mike Willis


irst and foremost, thanks to Julia and Buzz Lynn for chairing CRAB 33. It was a fun and enjoyable weekend. The food was great, many friends were there (the best part), and there were lots of Porsches. What else could one ask for? It looks like this year we may have started some new traditions. First of all, a Teal cabriolet and a white GT3 took a detour that led them across a covered bridge. No biggie you say. Well, it was the first time the bridge had been crossed in thirty-five years. The park rangers at Bridgeport were of good sprit, but concerned. I’ll bet next time Porsches are in the area, they’ll make sure the gate to the bridge is closed and locked. The Gold Country tour drew the largest number of touring cars. The Oil & Wine tour came in second, but it may have started another CRAB tradition as a self-guided tour, giving the participants the opportunity to set their own pace. This format allows each participant the option of staying longer at a stop or leaving earlier to visit other spots of interest along the way. The tour passed by six Starbucks locations, providing the opportunity to buy some coffee or a take a potty break. Feedback in general was that the participants liked the format. Both the Gold Country tour and the Oil & Wine tour included a list of questions to be answered along the route, with awards at the end of each for those cars with the most correct answers. The Oil & Wine tour passed by an area where a strip mall was being remodeled. One of our questions was to give a name to its architectural style. I have always thought our Crabbers are creative, as the following examples of their creativity illustrate: “Wild,” “Random Chaos,” “Disney Style (Hundertwasser),” “D & S Retro Design Mall,” “Atomic Age Electric,” “ Art Deco (Rancho Chic),” “Modern Tacky” or “Circus Tacky,” and “Arabian Nights.” The CRAB team deserves thanks for making this a very enjoyable social weekend with an occasional interruption for a competitive event. Summer is rapidly approaching, so if you have not yet, as mentioned last month, found your Porsche in the garage (I am still looking for the 914), you should find it, charge up the battery, check our calendar for the event you would not like to miss, and come along with us. Touring is the best activity for newer members to meet other members. Take advantage of our autocross events to learn how your Porsche feels when you press it to the edge. It’s better to start with autocrossing before moving on to our drivers education events. The Porsche Parade will be in San Diego from July 1st through July 5th. Registration was still open when this was written. San Diego is nice in the summer, and the activities at Parade are suited for the Porsche owner. However, the autocross event is full, and a waiting list as been established. We are having fun.


the drifter

June and July Events June 13 July 16

Social SVR Dinner Meeting; see page 4. SVR Dinner Meeting; see page 19.

June 1 June 2 & 3 July 7 & 8 July 21 July 21

Autocross & Track Drivers Education at Thunderhill Porsche Corral at Infineon Raceway; contact Kurt Fischer at 707.570.1858 Zone 7 Autocross School SVR Region Autocross at Infineon Raceway; see page 14. Drivers Education at Infineon Raceway

June 3 June 17 July 24

Concours Zone 7 Concours #2 at PartsHeaven, Hayward; see May Drifter Zone 7 Concours #3 at Niello Porsche; see page 9. Zone 7 Concours #4 at Carmel Valley Park

June 3 June 16 July 28

Rally Zone 7 Rally #1; see page 5. Zone 7 Rally #2; see page 6. SVR Photo Rally

June 10 June 24 June 24 July 14 July 28

Tour Murphys Tour; see page 6. G24 Tour; see page 6. Napa Wine Tour; see page 6. Garage and Driving Tour; see page 19. YR High Country Tour; see page 14.

the drifter


June Dinner Meeting June 13, 2007 Fins Market & Grille 8525 Madison Avenue, Fair Oaks, CA. • Telephone 916.967.0954 Fins is in the shopping center at the corner of Kenneth and Madison in the far right of the property facing Madison Ave. Appetizers: Calamari Strips & Smoked Salmon Grilled Fish Entrée Options: Salmon - $25.00 or Mahi-Mahi - $26.00. Grilled fish choices include Maddie’s Patties (twice-baked cheese mashed potatoes), Sautéed Vegetables, Caribbean Cole Slaw & Sourdough Bread Salad Entrée Options: Combo Louie Salad with New England Clam Chowder & Sourdough Bread - $22.00 Chicken Caesar Salad & Sourdough Bread - $17.00 Dessert: New York Cheesecake with fresh berries Beverages: Soda, Coffee, Hot Tea or Iced Tea • No-host beer and wine available All prices per person and include tax & gratuity. RSVP Frederick at fdr@fdrmotorsports.com (e-mail preferred) or telephone 916.989.0580 RSVP and cancellation deadline is June 8th Those who cancel their reservations after the deadline or fail to show up for the dinner will be billed for their meals.

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the drifter

Sacramento Valley Region Presents

Golden West

A Time and Distance Rally Sunday, June 3, 2007 Start at Holiday Inn Express • 3000 Constitution Drive, Livermore (North side of I-580 at Airway Blvd. exit) Registration opens at 7:30 A.M. • First car out at 8:30 A.M. Finish about 3:00 P.M. at the Towe Auto Museum in Sacramento, where we will have refreshments and a docent-led tour. Entry fee for PCA members is $35.00, which includes admission to the museum. Preregister by calling J. Toney at 530.666.1908; leave message if no one answers. This is a contest in following instructions at legal speeds over some beautiful Porsche roads in the Patterson Pass area and the river delta. There are no “traps” on this rally; it is a nice event for first timers and will be good preparation for the Parade rally in San Diego. Bring a partner to drive or navigate, a car (preferably-but not necessarily a Porsche) and have $4.00 handy for a bridge toll. A clipboard and accurate watch will help too.

Series 2007

Rally Concours Autocross

Niello Porsche will meet or beat any written repair or service order estimate by any licensed independent Porsche repair facility... and perform the work where no one else can, the area’s most modern, state-of-the-art Porsche dealership.

Complimentary 29 point inspection for Porsche Club Members by appointment. Call today. Niello Porsche Rocklin

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Niello Porsche has designated a Premier Porsche Dealer by Porsche Cars of North America. So now Niello is not only recognized as the longest continually operating Porsche dealership in America, we’re officially one of the best.

the drifter


Murphys Tour Sunday, June 10

BS (Barbie & Sheila) Wine Tour - Sunday, June 24

by Jeff Kinder

by Sheila McDade


ou’re invited to join us on a fun run through the Sierra foothills and a picnic-style lunch at Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys. Since Ironstone does not allow outside food or beverage on its property, plan to purchase lunch at the Ironstone deli. Lunch prices range from sandwiches (usually about $7.95) to a “miner’s box lunch” (includes a sandwich, salad, cookie and drink) for $12.00. There are antiques located throughout the tasting room and barrel-filled caverns with flowing waterfalls. The Heritage Museum contains a collection of gold rush treasures, including a rare forty-four-pound crystalline gold leaf specimen - the largest in the world. After lunch there will be an optional tour to Mokelumne Hill. Anyone not wanting to go to Mokelumne Hill may attend a complementary wine tour at 1:30 P.M., or spend more time in Murphys, or head on home. Ironstone will provide a dedicated parking area in their amphitheatre so that our Porsches can be parked together and displayed nicely. Meet at 9:00 A.M. in front of Starbucks, 4311 Town Center Boulevard in El Dorado Hills. The Town Center shopping area is located on Latrobe Road, just south of Highway 50. There will be a tour fee of $2 per person. Please RSVP because there will be a limit of 20 cars. E-mail your RSVP to Ron & Tobie Reagan at reagan1950@yahoo.com or Jeff & Kim Kinder at 993cab@sbcglobal.net.


lease join us for a truly exciting day touring the Napa Valley. The tour will start at 8:30 A.M. sharp from the Bel Air Market parking lot in Rocklin. Bel Air Market is located at the corner of Stanford Ranch Road and Sunset Boulevard. We will tour on some very interesting back roads, most of which have never been used before on a Napa wine tour. The first winery will be Chateau Potelle, where we will have a private tour followed by a picnic. Our next stop will be Mumm’s Napa Valley for another private tour and tasting of their excellent sparkling wine. The final winery visited will be the Frank Family Vineyards, which has one of the friendliest tasting room staffs in the valley. This will be the end of the official tour. There will be an optional dinner at a fine Napa Valley restaurant. If you plan to join us for the after tour dinner, please call Barbie or Sheila to get your name on the dinner list. Don’t forget to bring a picnic lunch and a full tank of gas. The cost of the tour and tasting is $15.00 per person. To reserve your spot for the tour/dinner or for further information please contact the BS Twins at 916.631.0819 or 916.632.1737.

Summer Solstice • Saturday June 16, 2007 A rally for those people who don’t like car rallies Don’t like to always have to drive on time? This rally is for you.

Do mathematical calculations give you a headache? This rally is for you. No calculators, computers, stopwatches, or even an odometer are required. Do you always have severe disagreements woth your spouse on rallies? Stop at our “Navigator Swap” table and find a new partner for the day

This rally has several (but not all) route instructions with two parts (A & B). One part is correct; the other part is incorrect. No matter which part you choose to execute, each will get you to the finish without backtracking or getting lost. The winning car is that which has chosen the fewest incorrect parts (A or B). Starting Location: Niello Porsche – 4525 Granite Drive in Rocklin Frontage road off I-80 between Rocklin Road & Sierra College Registration opens at 12:00 P.M. (noon) • First car out at 1:00 P.M. (Cars at three-minute intervals) Distance: 70 miles over scenic back roads (no freeways) • Time Limit: three-hour maximum time limit (Most novice cars should take about two hours and thirty minutes to complete.)) Finish at The Pizza Factory in Foresthill • Classes: Awards in both Novice and Expert classes

Entry fee: $15.00 per car Rally School at 9:30 A.M. Conducted by rally expert J. Toney (optional & no cost) Summer Solstice Generals will be used. The school will be held in the Niello conference room and will be finished by 11:30 A.M. Several fast food restaurants are in the vicinity. General Instructions will be emailed in advance with e-mail request to: keithmcm@macnexus.org

Try it – you might like it!


the drifter

Drifting back June 2007 by Larry Wilson

30 Years Ago (June 1977) The June 3 dinner meeting, arranged by Al King at Joe & Dodie’s in Folsom, featured all-you-could-eat delicious barbecued ribs, so eighty people showed up with bibs in hand. The Dummkopf Award did not go to El Presidente this time, but to Kathy Koepsel for her failure to find the site of a recent autocross. On June 5, SVR held the season’s first SVSCC Championship Autocross at Cal-Expo with Al King and Pat McLaughlin as event co-chairs. Sixty-three SVR workers were led by Ted Colbert (course layout), Kathy King (registration), Rik Larson (timing), Chrissie Neukom (7-Up truck), Jack Samples (pre-grid), Mike Willis (course workers), and Larry Wilson (tech). Thirteen SVR members finished in the top three of their class. Jerry Freitas led a three-car SVR sweep of A Stock class with Jack Samples and Ron Cavallo second and third. Kirk Bradford and Ted Colbert finished first and second in B Stock. Larry Wilson and Paul Baldarelli finished first and second in D Stock. Diane Colbert and Kathy King finished first and second in L Stock. Pat Wilson led a three-car SVR sweep of M Stock class with Lori Owyang and Bev Bayless taking second and third. And, in B Prodified, Jim McDade beat Kam Matichak (240Z) and Lew Nickell (Lotus Elan) to win the class. Tech workers included Jim Boswell, Arnold O’Shields, Eric Riedel, Jim Bonney, John Lewis, Ron Cavallo, Merle Dodd, and Mike Wilson. The June 11/12 Hell Of A Good Time III by Sierra Nevada Region provided a ribs barbecue at Tahoe North Shore on Saturday and a Zone 7 autocross at Stead Air Base on Sunday. SVR drivers gathered four 1st place finishes (Connie Farlinger, Class 27; Rich Farlinger, Class 11; Pat Wilson, Class 17; and Larry Wilson, Class 1), three 2nd place finishes (Jim McDade, Class 15; Vicki Willis, Class 22; and Kerry Creasy, Class 5), and three 3rd place finishes (Paul Bates, Class 15; Ted Colbert, Class 11; and Mike Willis, Class 6).

20 Years Ago (June 1987) The June 13/14, Zone 7 Autocross weekend at Cal-Expo’s high-speed Lot A also featured a Saturday night pool-side Italian Buffet (arranged by Pam Harley from Que Pasta!) at the home of Dwight and Linda Mitchell. Kern Breaux chaired SVR’s autocross day. Course setup workers included Kern, Dwight Mitchell, Rich McGlumphy, Stan Breyfogle, Rik Larson, Greg Peart, Larry Wilson, Kirk Bradford, Mike Willis, and Lee Coleman. Other workers were Cindi Breaux, Tambra Kroetz, Sue McGlumphy, Herb Hoover, Jack Murray, Bob Schisler, Ken Mitchell, Bruce Westrup, Bob Burton, Nick Stubbs, and Dave Witteried. A new spa-stuffing record of 47 people was set Saturday evening at the Mitchell’s poolside spa. Entrants in twenty-four Porsches enjoyed the June 27/28 Lake Tahoe Tour chaired by Mark and Suzanne Plantz. The tour wended its way through Placerville to Highway 88 and a rest stop at Silver Lake. Then a visit to the turn-of-the-century Ehrman mansion before arriving at Timber Cove Lodge on the beach at Lake Tahoe for champagne, hors d’oeuvres, and the usual SVR Tahoe Olympic Games. Mike Willis was one of the up-the-hill tour leaders and, after a U-turn with a half-dozen Porsches in tow, managed to get back on course after being lost. Bob Peake, one of the gentle organizers, urged “athletes” not to get emotionally involved during the “games.” Those doing especially well at this were Cindi and Kern Beaux, Ken and Marcella Mitchell, Steve and Karen Taggart, Kirk and Linda Bradford, Greg Peart and Cyndee Nightingale, Dwight and Linda Mitchell, Herb and Jan Hoover, Bob and Beth Jacobson, and Larry and Pat Wilson. The costume theme for the Games was “The 60s Beach Boys.” Kirk Continued

the drifter


Bradford wowed everyone by wearing a Friendly Sammy Seal Swim Ring over plaid jams and a Hawaiian shirt, with hightopped basketball shoes and day-glow green colored underwater goggles. Most everyone recovered on Sunday morning sipping coffee from his or her souvenir ceramic cups created by Tambra Kroetz. 10 Years Ago (June 1997) The June 7 SVR Driver’s Ed and Autocross at Mather Field, chaired by Bill Winkler with help from Masuo Robinson, also included a Thursday evening ground school at Niello Porsche for all students. As before, entry was limited to the first 50 students. At $20.00 per student, it was a steal! This month PCA joined the internet-age according to the announcement in the Drifter: “PCA now has a website on the Internet. The site is under construction. There is membership information with a ‘regional’ map showing the various regions in PCA.” The June 11 Dinner Meeting was held at the Old Spaghetti Factory, Hazel and Highway 50. Hank Woods was the perseverance champ this month. He broke the clutch cable in his 911 as he pulled out of the driveway heading for the June 29th


Zone 7 Concours at PartsHeaven in Hayward. Undeterred, Hank continued on his clutchless way, won his class in the concours, purchased a replacement cable from PartsHeaven and installed it in their parking lot, and then returned home without breaking a sweat. Several SVR members entered the June 15-21 PCA Porsche Parade in San Antonio. J. Toney was there to run the rally with Willie Williams of Carrera Region (they placed 2nd in the equipped class). Rik Larson was there also to run the rally with John Clever of Diablo Region (they placed 4th in the equipped class). Mark Smedley was a judge in the concours event. Larry Wilson was there to conduct the regional newsletter editor workshop and to handle the annual newsletter awards ceremonies during the Monday evening concours and national awards banquet. The big news here was that Drifter editor Mike Willis received a well-deserved second place newsletter award in the always-tough Class 4 for regions with 350 to 649 members. June Samples and Fred Siegner were there on vacation in their motorhome (aka movable bar) and dispensed libations for those who needed refreshment from the humidity.

the drifter

Sacramento Valley Region Presents

Zone 7 Concours #3

Series 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Rally Concours

4525 Granite Drive • Rocklin, CA


Gate opens at 8:00 A.M. • Judging starts at 10:00 A.M. Entry fee: $25.00 • Lunch available on site for $7.00 The site of this year’s concours is again the new Niello Porsche dealership in Rocklin, CA. Last years event was a fantastic showing of the area’s best cars. This year’s should prove to be just as good. There will be a special display of classic 356 Porsche models in the service bay area, as well as a showing of a select number of local race Porsches. Trophies have been custom-designed and fabricated again by Reflections in Glass, which is owned by an SVR member. Directions: From Sacramento and the Bay Area, take I-80 east, exit at Rocklin road, turn left on Rocklin Road, and then right onto Granite Drive. Niello Porsche will be on your right. From Reno/Tahoe Area, take I-80 west, exit at Rocklin Road, turn right onto Rocklin Road, then right onto Granite Drive. Niello Porsche will be on your right.

Concours at Niello Porsche by Kim Nelson and Kent Brandon


t’s that time of year again to get your Porsche cleaned up and driven over to Niello Porsche for the entire world to see (well, at least several hundred people). Last year we had about one hundred cars in the concours and on display. It made for a great day of looking at Porsches and talking with your friends. And it’s always fun to see the new cars that just arrived in the Niello showroom. Again this year there will be a special display of rare Porsches in the Niello service bay area, and we’ll have the barbecue set up for hamburgers, chips and soft drinks. SVR’s resident DJ, Dick MacFarlane, will set up his gear and play our favorite tunes throughout the day. So if you’re feeling the need to find out how your Porsche stacks up against others in the concours, or just want to get a great parking spot and put your car on display, spending the day at Niello Porsche with family and friends is a great thing to do. And your car will love you for it. We hope to see you there. Kent and Kim

G24 on Sunday, June 24 by Rachel Johnson and Kim Nelson


his event is sure to be a treat for all you new members who would like to know more about the beginnings of Porsche and the cars Porsche was producing in the fifties and sixties. The event will take place at Ted Blake’s Restoration, 2701 21st street in Sacramento. We will get a chance to get up close and personal with several cars that are in different stages of the restoration process and see a number of finished, award-winning type 356 Porsches. This will be a very casual, low-key event, with plenty of time to ask questions and talk with other new club members. SVR will provide rolls, bagels and coffee. Advanced registration is necessary. The event will start at 10:00 A.M. To register, e-mail Kim Nelson at kim356@directcon.net. We hope to see you then.

the drifter


Highlights of CRAB 33 Photos by Ron Leppke, Zone 7 EventPhotographer Registration party buffet

Mike Morris & Jane Koryski

Larry Adams drops the ball at the funkhana

On the Gold Country tour

Saturday Night Banquet

CRAB 33 Chairs Buzz & Julia Lynn 10

the drifter

The CRAB 33 Committee and Event Chairs

Par & Larry Wilson, bartenders

Ted French & Larry Sharp

Cookie Anderson, Kim Nelson, Rob Neidel

The lineup at the Beer & Brat

Wash & Shine concours

The rally start

The navigator?? the drifter


CRAB 33 rally: up and down the Sacramento River by Rik Larson


nd the rain departed, and the sun shown on this great Sunday for a rally. Eighteen cars started and finished this easy (i.e. no traps) time-and-distance rally. Cars departed the start at the Towe Automotive History Museum at one-minute intervals at precisely 8:31 A.M. under the watchful eyes of Nona and George Morley and Ann Hamel. The odometer check took us down Freeport Boulevard for about 21 miles (allotted time of 40 minutes). Freeport Boulevard becomes the east levee road of the Sacramento River at the town of Freeport. The odometer check ended in downtown Courtland (site of a prior CRAB Beer ‘n’ Brat finish). We then continued to head south on the river road for almost 8 miles before arriving at the first checkpoint in Walnut Grove. Checkpoint workers Jim and Joyce Karver, Don and Rose Songey greeted us. After receiving our new out time, we continued south on the river road. But we only traveled about a tenth of a mile before everything came to a halt. Seems that the drawbridge was in the “up” position for a barge. We waited more than 8 minutes before we could get across the bridge. This affected a number of cars (going into checkpoint 1 as well as those starting leg 2). Leg 2 was a 15 mile trip heading north on the west side of the Sacramento River - a beautiful drive. At checkpoint 2 in downtown Clarksburg, we encountered checkpoint workers Herb and Jan Hoover, Ann and Bob Mason. We moved ahead to the outpoint for leg 3 (the street sign was a little difficult to see among the trees) and continued our trip north on the river road. About 15 miles later we enter checkpoint 3 and were greeted by Nona and George Morley, along with Ann Hamel. This was the end of the time portion of the rally. The course then proceeded back through West Sacramento, up the Capital Mall (around the circle in front of the capital building) and back to our starting location at the Towe. The total time for the event was under two hours from start to finish. A big thank-you goes to J. Toney for measuring the course and performing the calculations. Rallymaster Helen Ashuckian had parsed out the work to everyone who volunteered. Betty

Silva, the SVR Treasurer, oversaw scoring. Without volunteers, we have no events. And a special thanks go to our sponsor Frank’s Automotive. Awards by Reflections in Glass were distributed after the Beer’n’Brat at the Towe to: Class C 1st Keith McMahan/Mary Dachauer – 30 - SVR 2nd Lettie and Rik Larson – 121 – SVR 3rd Peter and Lindsley Cross – 276 – SVR 4th Dean and Judy Watts – 523 - SNR Class R 1st Larry Sharp/Patrick Contreras – 39 – GGR/SVR 2nd Mike and Emily Willis – 161 - SVR 3rd Darren and Keith Chambers – 372 – SVR 4th Al and Sandy Arendell – 565 – SVR Class A 1st Kirk and Linda Bradford – 60 – SDR/SVR 2nd Larry and Linda Adams – 176 – SVR/GGR 3rd Paul and Cindy Christensen – 425 – SNR 4th Mike Morris and Jane Koryski – 769 - SVR Class B 1st Ira and Carol McKee – 85 – SVR 2nd David and Eve Justice – 193 – SVR 3rd Ken and Betty Hollman – 447 – SNR Class 33 1st Rich and Anne Walker – 103 – SVR 2nd David Bunch/Sharon Neidel – 197 – RR/GGR 3rd Vern and Howard Thomas – 457 – DR The “Lost CRAB Award” (last but finished) was presented to Mike Morris and Jane Koryski. They also happened to win a set of Yokohama tires, but that is another story. And the-first ever CRAB Dumkpoff Award (created on the spot out of a paper plate and some crab stickers) was presented to Helen Ashuckian for her having to reissue awards because of reading the results in the wrong order.


the drifter

CRAB 33 concours by Jeff Kinder


t was a cold, rainy Saturday evening at the CRAB 33 banquet. Everyone had enjoyed a fun tour that day, and now it was time to turn our thoughts to Sunday’s concours event. The weatherman predicted rain; it was not looking good. However, just like last year, the weather gods smiled down on us. Roads dried and clouds disappeared; it was a glorious day for SVR’s 2007 CRAB Concours. Those who stayed away, thinking the weather would not be good, really missed out. We had two very different kinds of concours event to choose from. Fifteen cars entered the Wash & Shine concours and twenty brave souls entered the Fun concours The Wash & Shine event is more of a traditional or formal competition. The car has to be clean, stuff in their right places - that sort of thing. Exterior paint and trim, tire surfaces, outer wheel surfaces, interiors, door pockets, glove boxes, and trunks were judged. Cars in this category could not look like they had been through the rainy, messy, day that Saturday was. The fun concours has a set of classes. The judging criteria, and rules are not selected until just before the event. These eccentric rules change from year to year. Traditional concours preparation techniques may help, or may hurt; i.e., a clean car, and shiny wheels might help you gain points or you might cause you to lose points. Clear as mud? One competitor by the name of S…, (no, I won’t say who), left two $1 bills under his windshield wipers. But I will say, that the judges split the loot. However, S…. lost points for offering such a small bribe. Wash & Shine Group: Group W1 - 356: 1st Rich Swenson and Judy Hanna - 1962 356 2nd Bryan and Mary Hayes - 1964 356C

197.50 196.25

Group W2 – Early & Mid 911 1st Ira and Carol Mckee - 1984 911 2nd Rob Sime and Shirley Barbosa - 1984 911 3rd Jim and Linda McMahen - 1980 911

196.00 194.50 194.00

Group W3 – Later Air Cooled 911 1st Marvin and Ruth Stark - 1996 993 2nd Jeff and Kim Kinder - 1996 993 3rd Dan and Claudia Rowland - 1997 993

194.00 193.25 191.25

Group W4 – Water Cooled 911 & Boxster 1st Michael Yee - 996 2nd Larry and Linda Adams - 2007 997 GT3 3rd Collin Fat - 2003 996 T 3rd Keith and Carol Chambers -1998 Boxster

197.00 196.75 196.00 196.00

Fun Concours Group: Group F1 – 356 & Early 911 1st Ken and Betty Hollman - 1963 356B 2nd Stephen and Vicki Childs - 1968 911 3rd Herb and Jan Hoover - 1973 911

245.00 240.00 238.00

Group F2 – Mid 911 & Later Air Cooled 911 1st Tom and Sandy Provasi - 1970 914 2nd Bill and Cathy Keegan - 1987 930 3rd Larry and K.C. Sharp - 1993 911

260.00 259.00 257.00

Group F3 – Water Cooled 1st Carl and Suzie Brakensiek - 1999 911 2nd Andy and Dianna Leight - 1986 928 3rd Matt Deter - 2000 996

250.00 245.00 240.00

Group F4 – Boxster 1st Peter and Lindsey Cross - 1999 Boxster 2nd Ron and Tobie Reagan - 2002 Boxster 3rd Howard and Vern Thomas - 2002 Boxster

270.00 252.00 242.00

The hotly-contested Peoples Choice award, with 57 total votes cast, went to Larry and Linda Adams’ 2007 997 GT3. Honorable mentions went to Judy Hanna and Rich Swenson’s 1962 356 and to Jim and Linda McMahen’s 1980 911. Judges were Cookie Anderson, Kent Brandon, Patrick Contreras, Matt Deter, Steve Goltz, Rachel Johnson, Bill Keegan, Jon Kramer, Andy Leight, Buzz Lynn, Julia Lynn, Ira McKee, Jim McMahen, John Murphy, Kim Nelson, Ron Reagan, Joe Schumacher, Ray Silva, Rich Swenson, and Rich Walker. Last, and certainly not least, thanks to our concours sponsor, Fabrication Specialties. Without the continued support of companies like Fabrication Specialties, we would not be able to have great events such as this one.

the drifter


Sacramento Valley Region – PCA Presents

SVR Series Autocross #2

Saturday, July 21st, 2007 In the paddock at Infineon Raceway • Sonoma, CA Morning check-in and tech from 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. Late check-in and tech from 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. First car out at 9:00 A.M. • No open exhaust

Fee: $35.00 per driver Register online at http://svr-autocross.deter.com/ Questions? Contact Matt Deter at porsche@deter.com 916.630.8924 Directions from I-80: Follow I-80 to Highway 37 West through Vallejo to the intersection with Highway 121. Turn right at the traffic signal onto Highway 121. Enter Infineon Raceway ahead on the left at the first gate.

Yosemite Region Presents

Tour of the High Country

Join us on July 28 as we travel through Yosemite National Park and past some of the most beautiful scenery the Sierra Nevada Mountains have to offer. We’ll visit Tuolumne Meadows, have lunch near the John Muir trail, drive over Tioga Pass and Conway Summit to Bridgeport, over Sonora Pass and back to the start locale near Modesto. Hotels available nearby for our out of town guests. For information contact Dave Dunn at targadriver1@yahoo.com 14

the drifter

the drifter


May 2, 2007 SVR board meeting by Kevin Dougherty, SVR Secretary


ice-President Kern Breaux, substituting for vacationing President Mike Willis, called the meeting to order at 7:11 P.M. In attendance were: Rik Larson, Jerry Culper, Cookie Anderson, Kevin Dougherty, Betty & Ray Silva, Matt Deter, Helen Ashuckian, John Murphy, Jeff & Kim Kinder, Kern Breaux, Julia Lynn and Frederick Rauch. Absent: Bud Behrens, Kim Nelson, Rachel Johnson, Tom Sisson and Mike Willis. The April minutes were previously reviewed and then accepted at the meeting. New Business: • Ted French, a member of Diablo Region, made a request to borrow our autocross trailer. A discussion ensued regarding a rental fee. Matt will make a recommendation about how much to charge at the board meeting next month. Old Business: • None Board member Reports: • CRAB (Julia Lynn): The event went well and all had fun. All but one of the advertisers has paid their bill, and it appears the club will make a tidy profit. A wrap-up meeting by the committee will be held in a couple of weeks. • Competition (Matt Deter): The trailer is back at Mike’s. The Altamont autocross is on hold due to a permit problem. The LED timing display has been purchased and will be used at the May 12th Autocross. Lee Deter has volunteered to make corner number sandwich boards. These will make it easier for workers to find their assigned locations. Cone purchases are in the works, but those things are expensive. • Driver Education (Frederick Rauch): The next events are on May 11th at Thunderhill and on the Memorial Day weekend at Reno-Fernley. • Drifter (Bud Behrens): Highlights of written report: Five advertisers have updated their ad copy but PartsHaven ads need updating. We may be in need of copy of the ad for Skip Barber driving programs. • Treasurer (Betty Silva): Highlights: The club remains in great financial shape. The CRAB finances are in fine order and kudos to Julia for keeping such meticulous records. Payment for dinner meeting no-shows is still a problem. Barbara McCrory has done our taxes again. Thank you, Barbara. Barbara also showed Betty a few things that QuickBooks can do to make Betty’s life easier. It would have been easier all along had the prior treasurer not left things hanging. No comment from the prior treasurer, and there won’t be any.

• Membership (Rik Larson): Highlights: E-mail bounces are down to less than 3%. The 2007 roster will be mailed this month. Rik is starting to send e-mail reminders to members whose PCA memberships are expiring in the current month. Postage rates go up May 14th, so expect a 2 to 4% increase in the mailing cost of The Drifter. The next new member tour will be in September/October (Rik will work with Kern on finding an open date in the calendar). • Social (Cookie Anderson): Back Forty BBQ Dinner Meeting is on May 10th in Roseville. June will be at Fins Seafood on June 13th. Don’t forget the Murphy’s tour on June 10th. • Rally (Helen Ashuckian): The CRAB rally was a hit! There will be a rally starting Livermore on June 3rd, and the Summer Solstice rally is on June 16th. • G24 (Kern Breaux in for Kim & Rachel): The next G24 meeting will be on the 24th of June at Blakes. The Niello concours is on Father’s Day, with Kent Brandon chairing the event. • Goodie Store (Tom Sisson): The club has made $129.25 so far this year. • Webmaster (John Murphy): A printer in Roseville wants to print The Drifter, but the cost will be more than we are paying now. He’s is getting a new printer in 90 days and anticipates the price can be brought down. He will get back to us then. If he gets the job, he can personalize each Drifter (i.e. “Hey Mack your membership expires this month!” on the cover) and he has the capability to mail them directly from his shop. Folks are looking at the Website longer. Paris came in # 5, Stockholm #6 and New York #7 after Sacramento, Fair Oaks, El Dorado Hills and Sunnyvale. • Vice President (Kern Breaux): All the insurance certificates have been ordered and those ordered for the near future are in hand. Kern reviewed the calendar of upcoming events. • Past President (Jeff Kinder): Murphy’s tour has 17 cars already registered and a limit of 20. • President (Mike Willis): Was on a much-deserved vacation. Adjournment was at 8:46 P.M. The next board meeting will be at RPM on Wednesday, June 6, 2007 at 7:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin R. Dougherty, 2007 Secretary


the drifter

Join in – June membership report By Rik Larson, SVR Membership Director

SVR has 624 Regular Members, and 495 Affiliate members for a total of 1,119 members plus 14 Dual Members. Directory Update: Please make sure that we have a correct anniversary date, e-mail and phone number on file. A new directory is being distributed in the May/June timeframe. New Members

Transfer Out

Gregory Anderson & Nicole Sigg Roseville, CA 95661 glerbone@gmail.com 916.300.8756 ’89 964

Greg Shaw (to Smoky Mountain Region)

Kenneth Norris Placerville, CA 95667 530.644.8881

Howard & David Souza [5] Glenn Wong [5] John & Nadine Domagala [5] David & Kerstin Feldman [5] Richard MacFarlane [5] Dana & Christine Philebar [10] Greg & Cindy Keith [10] Bill & Cathy Keegan [15] Tom & Shirley Tuggle [15] Richard & Karen McGlumphy [25] Andres & Monica Bisellach [30] Allen & Dolores Weddle [35] Stuart & Carly Jann [35] Ken & Elizabeth Fielding [45]

’06 911

Robert & Chris Sinclair Rocklin, CA 95677 sinclair@starstream.net 916.783.5281

’04 996

Jonathan & Judy Stubbs Woodland, CA 95776 judyjondar@aol.com 530.867.4930

’63 356B


A big salute goes out to the long-time members: McGlumphy, Bisellach, Weddle, Jann, and Fielding. I remember meeting the Fielding’s in 1973 down at the Porsche Parade concours in Monterey. They have a beautiful red ’66 911.

Want to add an additional e-mail address? We can now include additional e-mail addresses that will receive our periodic announcements to members. Just contact Rik at membership@svr.pca.org to be added to the list. They will not be included in the roster, only the primary e-mail address.

the drifter


MP Parts We have a wide variety of used parts for late model

Porsches We specialize in Boxster, 996 and other models. 3501 Recycle Road • Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638-1323 • (916) 853-8577 FAX Check out our inventory at www.mazdaporscheparts.com

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the drifter

Saturday, July 14th Driving and Garage Tour by Judy Hanna


ou are invited to join us as we meet at Starbucks* in El Dorado Hills at 10:30 A.M. and enjoy a beautiful Drive through the Sierra Foothills arriving at our destination of Vicki and Stephen Childs home around 1:00 P.M. After signing in and reviewing the tour routes we will leave from Starbucks at 11:00 A.M. sharp. Please make sure you have a full tank of gas. We will have two tour groups taking different routes on some of the best Porsche roads in Northern California. After arriving at the Childs home, we will have a wonderful barbecue with all your friends and have and opportunity to view Vicki and Stephen’s collection of Porsches. Bring your swimsuit if you like; the pool is incredible and the view is fantastic. The day’s activities will be limited to 50 cars, so early registration is suggested. Sign up for the tour by e-mailing Judy Hanna at jchpie@pacbell.net or you can call at 530.672.2117. The cost for the day’s activities is $12.00 per person. *To Starbucks: Take the Latrobe Road exit off Highway. 50 in El Dorado Hills and turn left at the first stop light into the Town Center Shopping Complex. Turn left at the first stop sign and look for Starbucks on the left.

Index of Advertisers A & S BMW European Body Shop Fabrication Specialties FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Karma Kreations MP Parts Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel PartsHeaven Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Silver Star Recycling Trackmasters Walt Stickel

18 2 4 18 IBC IFC 8 18 5, BC IBC 15 17 15 2 3 19 IFC 7

Our July dinner meeting will again be at the Italian restaurant with the Spanish name.

5723 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento Monday, July 16th. 6:30 P.M. - Socializing 7:00 P.M. - Dinner Since the restaurant is normally closed on Mondays, we will have it to ourselves. The four-course dinner will be $27.50 per person Menu selections will be listed in the July Drifter For reservations and information contact Mike & Emily Willis, 916-363-8313 or mikew@cwo.com or ewillis@cwo.com

the drifter


The last word by Bud Behrens


irst of all I want to thank Ron Leppke, Zone 7 Photographer, for giving us his permission to use nineteen of the photos he made during the CRAB 33 weekend in this issue. Ron covers nearly all of the zone events and some of the region events; he has also served as the official photographer at recent Porsche Parades. CRAB 33 deserves as much Drifter coverage as possible, so there are four full pages devoted to the event. The sixteen remaining pages (not counting the cover pages) would have to be sufficient for the usual columns, reports, and features, and most of the commercial ads. This issue also includes many display ads and articles for upcoming region and Zone 7 events. The problem has been how to fit in all of the above, so something had to go. It is not possible to add just a page or two. Four Drifter pages that are 8 1⁄2 inches wide by 11 inches tall are printed back-to-back on a single sheet of paper that is 17 inches wide by 11 inches tall. (Take a look at the two outside cover pages and the two inside cover pages of this issue; they’re all on the same sheet of paper.) This means pages have to be added (or subtracted) in multiples of four, something that can’t be done with out the approval of the SVR board because adding four pages (a single sheet of 17 by 11-inch paper) would increase the cost of printing a significant amount. For this month, Tom Sisson’s Goodie Store report had to be deleted to make a space for the driving and garage tour, and there was no place available for a technical article. Hopefully this will be remedied in the next issue.

Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each); non-members may submit ads, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each (member & non-member). Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to PCS-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to publication. Ads may e shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled.


Porsches for Sale 2 0 0 2 9 1 1 Tu r b o C o u p e : WPOAB29932S686277. Minerva blue metallic/graphite grey, 6-speed, walnut burl, DVD navigation, 6-CD, Bose sound, factory quad-tips, supple full leather interior. This local car has never seen a wet road. All-original. Beautiful factory color from the early 80s; only one know to exist; 8750 pampered miles. The car cost over $125k new, but can be yours for $80k. Call or e-mail for pictures. David Smith, El Dorado Hills. dsmith4021@comcast.net, 916.220.7701 (04/07) 1986 911 Carrera SR Coupe: Guards red/tan leather interior; whaletail; 5 speed, 89k original miles, factory color-matched 16” Fuchs alloys; California car, original as delivered. Spare tire, tool kit, jack, 90k service done early, service records for years, cold a/c, no oil leaks, exceptional condition. $24,000. Call H.B. Porter at 916.771.4476 or e-mail hbporter@comcast.net (Possible trade up for 993 tip?) (04/07)

1988 944 Turbo: Set up for track but still streetable. Black/Black. Passed smog in 2006; new head gasket, remanufactured catalytic converter and valve job. Has suspension, wheels, brakes and many other enhancements and extras. Needs some paint restoration. 119,000 miles. Service records since 2000. Second owner since 1992. Just purchased a Boxster. Asking $9,000. Contact Jeffrey Edgar at jeffreyedgar@msn.com, or 916.276.3673. (04/07)

1965-1973 911: clean and needing little to no work. Please, no projects, rust, resellers, or dealers. Willing to pay a fair private party price. Please contact Dan Tsuchiya at dantsuchiya@yahoo.com or call 408.483.5224. (05/07) Enclosed vehicle trailer in good condition. Conctact Carl Brakensiek at carlb@advocal.com or 916.612.3274. (06/07)

1983 3.0 Cabriolet. Loose head studs on left side. “Runs.” Body excellent. 16-inch Fuchs wheels, polished centers. All parts of interior present but need re-do. Dash is straight. All body parts are on the vehicle and are in good shape. 139,000 miles. $4000 OBO. Call Kent at 925.284.9543. (06/07)


the drifter

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