1006 - June 2010

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drifter the

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

June 2010

On the Cover The 3 photos on the top of the cover were submitted by David Mitchell and were taken at the June Monthly Dinner Event hosted by the Cannon’s. Everyone had lots of fun at this event. Don’t forget to check the calendar so you can attend the next one! The large photo is from the 24 Hours of Le Mans Race on June 13. The pair of 2010 Porsche 911 GT3 RSR’s are part of the very successful Porsche Outing. “FIVE PORSCHE FACTORY DRIVERS TOP PODIUM AT 78TH LE MANS”

Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PC A drivers to participate in these events.

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2010 Board of Directors President

Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 president@svr.pca.org

Vice President

Rik Larson 916.481.6084 vicepresident@svr.pca.org


Kevin Dougherty 916.956.9204 secretary@svr.pca.org


Phil Wood 916.673.3456 treasurer@svr.pca.org

Social Director

Helen Ashuckian 916.481.2759 social@svr.pca.org

Visit us on the web at www.derporsche.net Volume 48, No. 6 Upcoming Events 06 - Monthly Dinner Kolbeh Kabob 06 - SVR Region AX 09 - SVR First Saturday Breakfast 11 - SVR Zone 7 Concours Weekend 14 - Zone 7 AX’s at Marina Airport 15 - Zone 7 Concours 16 - West Coast Summer Concours 18 - Porsche eCoupon

Membership Director Doug Klein 916.791.4864 membership@svr.pca.org

Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 competition@svr.pca.org


John Murphy 916.858.2304 webmaster@svr.pca.org

Features and Reviews

Drifter Editor

Information and Committee Directory Autocross Chair Bob Peake bbayou@jps.net

Goodie Store Cookie Anderson


Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian helana@lanset.com



Technical Chair Jim Kinnicutt jkinnicu@yahoo.com



New Member Group Lee Deter lee@deter.com


Advertising Manager Mike Willis mikew@derporsche.net



Kyle Gong 916.686.9410 editor@svr.pca.org

Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch 916.595.3371 fdr@fdrmotorsports.com

Zone 7 Representative

Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz tkroetz@comcast.net

Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel 650.508.1308 sharonneidel@yahoo.com

02 - Cookie’s Crumbs 03 - SVR Goodie Store 04 - Drifting Back 10 - Calendar of Events 11 - Stirring the Pot 12 - SVR May Membership Report 13 - SVR May Board Minutes 18 - Editors Notes 20 - drifter Classifieds 21 - Index of Advertisers

08 - Yuba River Graeagle Tour 18 - Around the Corner 19 - Rib Cook-Off 19 - Passion! Why we’re members! IBC - New Member Information

Past President

Mike Willis 916.363.8313 pastpresident@svr.pca.org

June 2010 Columns and Departments

Concours Chair Kent Brandon kbrandon@ncbb.net Dummkopf Chair Vacant

Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Cookie’s Crumbs

by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2010 SVR President Here it is June what can I say the weather is hit and miss lately, either its raining or the sun is out. I want the winter weather to be gone, how about you? Not much going on for tours this summer. If anyone would like to throw together a wine tour, lunch tour or dinner tour give Rik Larson a call so he may check the calendar to see if the date you would like is available. Also, remember to give a few weeks advance notice so Rik may get Liability Insurance in place for the day you choose. Don’t forget the Niello Porsche Concours Weekend will be June 26 and 27. You don’t want to miss this weekend event. It starts out on Saturday morning with two tours. Jeff Kinder is heading one of these tours. Meet at Niello Porsche in Rocklin 9:00 am this tour will be leaving from Niello’s at 9:30 am. His plans are to head towards Nevada County to visit a few wineries with a picnic stop. One of the wineries will be Pilot Peak in Penn Valley for wine tasting; this is where you will lunch so bring a lunch. From Pilot Peak you will travel to a new winery called Bent Metal. Jeff plans on being back at Niello’s by 3:00 pm. Tom Sisson will be doing the second tour along the countryside to another great winery Perry Creek where you will lunch. Meet at Starbucks in El Dorado Hills at 9:00 am and bring a lunch. Plans are that you will be back in time for your test drive at 3:00 pm. Starting at 3:00 pm people that have signed up for the dinner can test drive a 997, Boxster, Cayman or Panamera? To signup for dinner and the test drive call Cookie Anderson 916-988-6534 no later than June 19th.

The Tri Tip dinner will be held in the Service Bay at Niello Porsche 6:00 pm. The dinner will be prepared by Rich Walker and his crew. The menu will be BBQ Tri Tip, Hoagie Rolls, Caesar Salad, and Macaroni Salad, dessert, soda and coffee. The price will be $15.00 per person, please RSVP by June 19th, 916988-6534 Cookie Anderson. I have to thank the New Members Group leaders Lee Deter, Dan Rowland and Doug Klein for putting together a few great tours and events for the new members. They are trying to give the new members the opportunity to test their skills in driving, tech sessions and also in touring. Great job guys! This years Poker Run was a success. Thank you Phil Wood, Herb Hoover, Jon Kramer, Rik Larson and Helen Ashuckian for working each poker stop. Special thanks goes out to Niello’s Porsche for letting us use their facility for the morning registration and the first poker hand stop.

Why join the Porsche Club of America??? The Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America was formed to bring together Porsche owners by organizing events in which members could have fun with their cars while enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded Porsche enthusiasts. Briefly, here’s what we do: Take driving tours to exotic car collections, wineries, train museums, flower farms, Porsche repair shops and many other interesting destinations. Relax on multi-day tours to Mendocino, Pacific Grove and San Simeon. Make new friends at monthly dinners and breakfasts, poker runs, BBQ picnics, the Christmas tree decorating party, CRAB and charity events. Learn how to maintain your car at Porsche technical sessions. Prepare and display your Porsche at local and regional concours. Share advice on purchasing, selling and maintaining Porsches. Experience the excitement of driving on professional level race tracks, such as Laguna Seca, Thunderhill and Infineon Raceways. Improve car handling skills at Club autocrosses. Receive a 10% discount on parts and service at Niello Porsche. The New Member Group introduces new members to the Club’s varied and interesting activities, while providing opportunities to meet other new members. To JOIN, log onto www.pca.org click on “Join PCA” for PCA Region, select “Sacramento Valley” Questions? Contact Doug Klein, Membership Director email: membership@svr.pca.org or 916-791-4864.

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net


by Cookie Anderson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper SVR Goodiestorekeeper Have you ever checked out our Goodie Store on line? Yep, that is right! We have a list of items that we carry up on the website. Just go to our website www.derporsche.net click on Goodie Store, items and prices are listed. Some of these items are on sale so give me a call to see if we have the size and color you want.

I will have new Zone 7 car badges in stock in a few weeks. I am only getting 10 so if you are interested in purchasing one please give me a call so I can put your name on a list and when they come in, I will give you a call. Contact Cookie Anderson your Goodie Store person at 916.988.6534

Dream Car Solutions is Sacramento’s only premier automotive club offering storage and transportation services tailored to the needs of the true car enthusiast.

Summer Detail Special Now’s the time to get extra protection on your vehicle. DCS is offering a unique detail package that will protect the exterior of your car through the worst part of the year. Full exterior Summer special:



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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Drifting Back – June 2010 by Larry Wilson 30 Years Ago (June 1980) Harvey Cain chaired the June 1 Sacramento Valley Sports Car Council (SVSCC) Autocross by SVR thus making a successful career-change from rallymaster. Pre-event publicity paid off with 101 entries including 25 Porsches. The day started cold and overcast, and the first car out, a Lotus Super 7, spun on the first corner of the practice lap at Parking Lot A, Cal Expo. The Top Time of Day (TTOD) went to Emmett Wilder, Redwood Region, in his muchmodified 914-6. In addition to Emmett, other class-winning PCAers were Shelia McDade, Kirk Bradford, Ted Atlee, Mike Willis, Vicki Willis, Larry Wilson, Pat Wilson, Ted Colbert, and Linda Mitchell. Also finishing in the top-ten overall were Dwight Mitchell and Jim McDade, both driving the modified 914-6 Bates-McDademobile. Al and Kathy King were among the 30 SVR workers who helped make the day a smashing (not literally) success. On June 14, SVR held a tennis tournament before its regular dinner meeting at the Tennis Club Hotel in Davis. The competition was strong and continued through six rounds of tennis. In the Women’s class, the top finishing order was Connie Speicher (44 points), Donna Williams (35 points), and Laura Adams (33 points). In the Men’s class, the top finishing order was Jim Karver (40 points), Gene

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Speicher (31 points), and David Williams (30 points). PCAers in 13 Porsches embarked June 21 on the Chico Tour and Picnic, chaired by Allen Weddle. This was a joint event with members of Shasta Region. There was a variety of SVR Porsches from Larry and Pat Wilson’s 1961 356B to the 1978 911SC of Jim and Neva Everhart. At the picnic, seven or so Shasta cars joined the group including their president, Roy Parker, who exchanged diplomat immunities with SVR’s president, Rik Larson. SVR members Brian and Lora Lewis had the picnic site ready with icedowned beer and pop, and the BBQ fire ready to go. Mel and Betty Pasta placed LAST in the tour quiz winning a bottle of wine. Steve and Lori won the quiz earning themselves a set of Bosch driving lights donated by Superior Porsche-Audi of Redding.

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

20 Years Ago (June 1990) About a dozen die-hard potential 911 mechanics showed up at the June 3 SVR Tech Session to learn all there is to 911 valve adjustment at Dwight and Linda Mitchell’s Autosport Technology. Three hours later, several members muttered, “I’ll never try that, but at least I now appreciate why a tune-up costs so much.” Suzanne Gallicho was the only woman student. Dwight made sure that everyone had a chance to adjust vales and get the correct “feel” of the drag of the feeler-gauge. SVR’s tech chairman, Herb Hoover, and Autosport technician, Jim Vener helped with the presentation. Greg Peart, Steve Taggert, and Jim McMahen were also students. June 16 was SVR Picnic Day with Herb Hoover in charge. The weather, unfortunately, was on the cool-side and prevented Herb and Jan from showing off their brand new Monaco Grand Prix T-shirts. It was not too cool to prevent former SVR-members David and Janice Witteried from South Ogden, Utah, from joining the group. Eight cars departed on a leisurely tour through Auburn and Forest Hill to French Meadows where Mark Davis joined the tour and the lake-side picnic. Mark and Starla’s 912 performed flawlessly with well over 100 grand on the odo. No undue excitement except for a bee flying under Allen Weddle’s shirt. Not enough wind for Sally Boeck’s kite. Herb said he followed SVR tour guidelines to the letter: “Have fun and make things simple.” Everyone agreed, it was and Herb did.

directional advice from Mike Willis, Bob Peake, and Rik Larson, on their way for short blast up the hill to Gold Bug Mine and Park. In downtown Placerville, a Porsche driver simply got in line and joined the group, he said, because it looked like an interesting bunch. At Gold Bug Mine, they picked up two more SVR cars (as planned). The leisurely picnic lunch, after touring the 65-degree historic gold mine, gave all a great opportunity for a bit of socializing. Then it was off to Fairplay, Somerset, and other points in the Shenandoah Valley in route to Perry Creek Vineyards and Latcham Winery for cheese sampling and wine tasting. Thanks to Marja Strutz and Rich Burke for obtaining the great door prizes handed out. Shelagh Matthews won a bottle of chocolate and port wine fudge syrup (all in the same bottle?). Last stop was Montevina Winery. More drawings, more eating, and more wine tasting followed then it was home again, home again. . . .

SVR members shined at the June 23-29 Porsche Parade at Monterey. Mike Willis with his very nice Porsche was the only SVR-competitor in the concours and placed a very creditable 5th in a tough class. J. Toney and John Clever were in charge of the rally and did a great job (even if they did put the last checkpoint crew in poison oak). Rik Larson and Harvey Cain (equipped class) teamed-up to finish second overall in the rally with only a 32-second error (they would have won but for a tossed leg). Pat Wilson driving ShuBx, the orange 914-4 2.0, in the two-day Parade autocross at Laguna Seca, won her class and also received Top Time of Day (TTOD) #1 (Women) award after the first day. THE DRIFTER, Larry Wilson, editor, won its class in the PCA newsletter contest.

10 Years Ago (June 2000) Glen Brooksby chaired the June 3 SVR Autocross at Lot A, Cal Expo, and gave the 42 competing drivers a look at some of the course elements to be used for the Porsche Parade 2000 driving event at the same location in July. E.J. Fontaine drove especially good. He was behind Susan Fontaine most of the day. Facing his last run behind by .8 of a second, E.J. pulled out the stops and improved his time by 1.2 seconds and secured Top Time of Day (TTOD) by turning a lap at 49.799 seconds. Susan still had TTOD (Women) with a final lap of 50.144 seconds. SVR events typically draw a disproportionate number of rookie drivers. And, with instruction available, they learn a lot and do well. A good example was Terry Lindsey who had a 12.5-second improvement in lap-time during the day. The June 17 Mines and Wines Tour, chaired by Russ Hildebrand, struck gold according to the many pleased participants. Russ, and a dozen Porsches in tow, left the Nimbus Winery, with much

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: Kolbeh Kabob Dinner - When: July 12 - Monday - 6:30PM - Location: Orangevale

July 12th Dinner Meeting

KOLBEH KABOB Steak and Kabob Restaurant 916/990-0233 8700 Greenback Lane Orangevale (Between Kenneth and Illinois)

Social at 6:30 P.M. • Dinner: at 7:30 P.M. $27.00 per person (tax and tip included) dinner (served family style) will include: Appetizers: Dolmas (grape leaves stuffed with rice and herbs, topped with barberries) Bread, Butter, Herbs and Cheese Main Dish: Kabob roasted meats: chicken, beef, lamb; Kabob vegetables (bell pepper, zucchini, mushrooms, squash, onions), two types of rice dishes Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Water (included with dinner). Beer and wine sold separately. You may bring your own wine ($5 corkage fee) Please RSVP by July 7th to Helen Ashuckian at 916.481.2759 or helena@lanset.com The Social Director, per the SVR policy statement, will bill members for their meals if they cancel after the deadline or fail to show for dinner. Please be sure to bring a contribution for “Share The Wealth”.

Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: SVR Autocross #4 - When: July 18 - Sunday - 7:30AM - Location: Stockton

SVR Region Autocross #4

Sunday, July 18, 2010 San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, Stockton, CA Registration and tech from 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. Late registration and tech from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. First car out at 9:00 A.M. No open exhaust “One and two” format with eight to ten timed runs Instructors and loaner helmets available Fee: $35.00 per driver; no fee for spectators The SVR Bistro will provide a grilled brat lunch for $5.00 RSVP to Bob Peake at bbayou@jps.net Directions: From I-5 or Hwy. 99: Take Highway 4 (Cross-town Freeway) toward Downtown Stockton. Take the Wilson Way exit and turn South onto Wilson Way. Turn left at Charter Way and then right through the gate into the fairgrounds. Follow the access road, bear left at the Y-intersection, continue straight, and turn right to enter the parking lot.

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net


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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

Page 7

Yuba River Canyon - Graeagle New Member Tour - May 30 by Andy Hiroshima, SVR member since 2010 Memorial Day weekend May 30, 2010. What a day for a ride, especially in a Porsche! The day began as we gathered at Niello Porsche in Rocklin to begin the tour. Doug Klein gathered the group around the conference table, which happened to be a new Boxster. The Tour briefing began about 8:55 and we found out that there were 3 new people that have not been on a Club Tour. They were in for a real treat. We started with five Boxsters and six 911s. As an aside, we ended the tour with the same number of cars and people. At departure time, the temperature was holding steady at about 72 degrees. Our drive to Colfax was very nice, with light traffic, but it seemed slow since we were anticipating curves for the new riders to enjoy. Our expectations were soon met with beautiful roads and great company. The people were nice too. On our way to the first rest stop and group photo at Empire Mine State Park, we passed several wineries with filtered sunlight shining on the line of Porsches. The roads were lined with new spring vegetation, flowering Acacia bushes, Blue Bells and other wild flowers throughout the tour.

Lily & Andy Hiroshima

I’m a relatively new Club member, and I have been on a few tours, and it seems we pass a lot of wineries and bars. Is there a theme here? The location of many of these establishments is usually in a very picturesque setting or in historical buildings. They’re fun to see.

As we passed through Indian Valley, it was interesting to note that Native Americans summered here along the Yuba River for the past 4,000 years. They knew the best places. The road turned and twisted through the Yuba River canyon, and as we glanced to the water, it was so inviting, because the temperature was getting warmer. The temperature of the water was only 47 degrees. The next stop was Downieville. As we entered the town, it was fun as 11 Porsches drove through town, where many of the people there were twisting their heads and bodies to see the line of cars. Don’t you love a parade? Here we were able to get out of the cars for about a half hour. We discovered Downieville had a cute park by the river, an interesting Museum and quaint shops. Many of the buildings were made of shale and local rocks from the river and put together with sand and cement. A big shaker could level this town. Downieville was one of the richest Gold Discovery areas during the Gold Rush Era. For those of you that don’t like to clean house, the monument in town says that a woman while sweeping her dirt floor in the kitchen, found about $500 in gold. Maybe cleaning isn’t so bad. At 12:00 pm, a loud siren sounded from the Town Square, signaling the car club to get on the road. A few miles up the road, along the North Fork of the Yuba River, we had another group “Kodak” moment, overlooking the raging river and next to thousands of Blue Bells. What a view. Sierra City and Bassetts Station passed quickly on fun roads and spectacular scenery. I think we were all getting a bit hungry, but before we could have lunch, we made one more stop at the Sierra Buttes. Elev. 8,591’. The Buttes were covered in recent snow and were so beautiful to see. Looked like a giant banana split. Final stop was Graeeagle. A quaint little town on Hwy 89, with a nice park, but no tables. The story goes tables are removed, so Porsche owners wouldn’t loiter in the park. The weather, route and company were absolutely wonderful and a great place to have lunch and end the Tour. The ride home was almost as nice as the Tour, except the Tour Director was in the back heading for Truckee to visit the Bar of America. We all thank Doug and Alice for coordinating the Yuba River Tour. We had a great time. Thank You! Andy and Lily Hiroshima

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

Upcoming Event! Quick Info Event: Friendly Get together - When: First Saturday of every month - 9:00AM Location: Citrus Heights Join Your Fellow SVR Members At

7811 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights (Across from Lowe’s)

The First Saturday of Each Month The Club is a conversational group dedicated to the enjoyment of its members. It is a friendly group in which there are no strangers. Please join us for an hour or two of conversation about our cars, upcoming events, or anything else that interests you.

Meet in the banquet room at 9:00 A.M. Order from the menu and pay for your own meal. Senior Menu Available

If you plan to join us, call Herb or Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163

want to see it in your rear view mirror? Call us, we can make it happen!

Pacific Power Motorsports

2330 Bates Ave, Suite D5 Concord, CA 94520 925/525-0470

Track & Race Preparation  Custom Fabrication  Street & Racing Parts Fire Systems  Chassis Set-up  Alignment  Chassis & Engine Dyno Tuning the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

Page 9

Sacramento Valley Region Calendar of Events


JUNE 2010 Location




SVR Tours

Niello Porsche, Rocklin, Concours Jeff Kinder, Tom Sisson Weekend


SVR Dinner - Tri-Tip

Niello Porsche, Rocklin, Concours Cookie Anderson Weekend



SVR Concours - Zone 7

Niello Porsche, Rocklin


Date 3 3-9

Kent Brandon

JULY 2010 Location



SVR First Saturday Breakfast

Monthly at Waffle Square, Citrus Heights

Herb & Jan Hoover

Porsche Parade

St. Charles, Illinois




SVR Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports, Sacramento

Cookie Anderson



356 Car Breakfast

Marie Callender's, Citrus Heights

Jim Hardie



Monthly Dinner

Kolbeh Kabob Steaks & Kabobs, Orangevale

Helen Ashuckian



AX Orientation

NEW MEMBERS ONLY, RPM - Lee Deter Sacramento



Driver’s Ed - Trackmasters

Thunderhill, Willows


Frederick Rauch


AX Caravan

to Stockton AX

Lee Deter





Bob Peake



Zone 7 Concours

Carmel Valley Village, Monterey Bay Region

David Aliotti


Zone 7 - AX’s

Marina Municipal Airport, Loma Prieta and Golden Gate Region

Allyson Pickard





AUGUST 2010 Location



SVR Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports, Sacramento

Cookie Anderson



SVR First Saturday Breakfast

Monthly at Waffle Square, Citrus Heights

Herb & Jan Hoover



Kid’s Tour


Helen Ashuckian



Zone 7 - Concours

Carlsen Porsche, Redwood City

Larry Adams



Monterey Historics

Monterey, Laguna Seca

Concours - German Cars

Monterey, Laguna Seca

Sharon Neidel


13 14

356 Car Breakfast

Marie Callender's, Citrus Heights

Jim Hardie



Driver’s Ed - Trackmasters

Thunderhill, Willows

Frederick Rauch





Bob Peake



Monthly Dinner

Prime Rib Dinner, Deaver Vinyards, Plymouth

Ron & Bente Riley


Check out the latest calendar information available online at www.derporsche.net Information regarding Zone 7 events for 2010 is available at www.zone77.org Page 10

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

Stirring the Pot with the Chief Spoon by Rik Larson, Vice President

They say that things comes in three’s. Sure enough we are sad to report the passing of three current or former members of SVR. Last month a tribute to Marv Smith was made. This month we have the passing of Kern Breaux and JR Evinger. Kern and Cindi Breaux most recently served as the co-chairs for CRAB 31 in 2004. JR Evinger was editor of the DRIFTER in 2009 and the first 4 months of 2010. All will be deeply missed for their support of the region over the years. Jim and Linda McMahen, chairs of CRAB 35, have announced that the Premier Porsche Weekender will be held on April 29 thru May 1, 2011. Mark your calendars now. More details as they develop the schedule and events with the CRAB 35 team. And as reported in the Goodie Store column, the new Zone 7 badges are now available. They are slightly smaller than the previous versions but very beautiful. You need to provide your own mounting hardware and of course, a Porsche. Will be interesting to see what kinds of ideas get shared as to where and how to mount them on the newer 911’s. Checkout the latest eCoupon from Porsche (see the ad on page xx). It is only good til the end of July. It is similar to the 20% coupon that was available at Niello a couple of months ago but it is now limited to just parts (like almost all kinds of parts and gift items). Check out the details for the conditions. Details are available at www.pca.org. Registration for the Porsche Escape weekend in September closes at the end of July. And reports from the folks up in British Columbia indicate the availability of hotel rooms is getting tight. Porsche Escape is a social event (tours, social, etc.) that is usually held on the opposite coast of the annual Porsche Parade. And the Porsche Parade in 2011 is being held in Savannah, Georgia so it would seem that the 2011 Porsche Escape will likely be west of the Mississippi. Don’t forget to check out the Zone 7 website for event happenings and results from competitive events. It is at www.zone77.org. And of course the SVR website at www.derporsche.net has links to that site as well as details about our own events and pictures too! The SVR Der Porsche Talk forum is starting to get a little more action (I posted 3 or 4 items myself this month). Check it out and register to join in on the conversations. You can find the link on the SVR website at www.derporsche.net And check out the Monterey Autobaun Concours (page 16). It will feature Porsche, BMW, and Mercedes Benz. It is up against the Italiano concours on Friday but a lot lighter on your pocketbook.

Sacramento Valley Region Presents

Zone 7 Concours Weekend

Series 2010







So you are enjoying all the e-mails being sent to you to keep you informed about the club’s activities? There are more to come as we expand to include more than just the social events. And how about setting up a Twitter thread and a Facebook account to keep you even more current with the happenings?

Don’t Miss it!

4525 Granite Drive • Rocklin, CA 95677

Rally Concours Autocross

Saturday, June 26thEvents Two Driving Tours (Details to Follow) Tri-Tip Dinner, including guest speaker, at Niello Porsche. Cost is $15.00 per person. RSVP by June 20th to Cookie Anderson at 916.988.6534 or e-mail president@svr.pca.org.

June 26 & 27 Driving Tours Dinner Concours Niello Porsche Rocklin

Sunday, June 27thEvent

Zone 7 Concours #2 registration opens at 7:00 A.M. and closes at 9:00 A.M. Concours judges meeting at 9:00 A.M. Judging begins at 9:30 A.M. Entry Fee: $25.00 per car. The Porsche 912 will be featured at this event, with special parking and trophies for entries of this model. Motel reservations may be made by calling direct to Days Inn, 4515 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA. Call 916.632.0101, ask for Victor and mention Sacramento Valley Porsche Porsche Club to get a special rate.

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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May Membership Report

by Doug Klein, Membership Director The Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America has 556 regular members, 451 affiliate members and 5 dual members for a total of 1,012. Join the Club. Interested in participating in the activities shown on these pages? Joining is as simple as logging on to the PCA website with your credit card in hand. PCA will forward your membership information to us, and we’ll send you an information package. New Members Only. We have a special program of events designed especially for new members, which introduce them to the many and varied activities our Club hosts. Enjoy driving tours, visits to race tracks, breakfasts, lunches, informative car care sessions, wine tasting tours, autocross and more. You’ll find your fellow Porsche owners friendly and welcoming. New Members: Thomas Brown 530-823-5044 tom@tdbrown.com Auburn, CA 95603 2008 Cayman Blue Alan and Ann Gaines 530-265-2342 anagaines@comcast.net Nevada City, CA 95959 2004 911 Silver Frederick Morawcznski 530-742-0177 fredmo1947@sbcglobal.net Marysville, CA 95901 1976 911 Red Changes: Kirk Bradford kirkbradford73@comcast.net Gregory Fazzio Folsom, CA 95630 Bryan Johnson 916-691-9432 Arnold O’Shields aroshields@att.net Reinhard Riedel riedel75@att.net David Schnitzer 916-371-4103 Judy Wawrzeniak 916-798-5839

Congratulations to the following: One Year Anniversary: Dustin Aydt Matt Casner Robert Haney Dave Higgins Peter and Michael Moore David and Janan Patterson Clay and Erin Pelfrey Five Year Anniversary Vivian and Peter Abplanalp Yvonne “Cookie” and Jerry Cupler Bradley and Anita Gundel Dick Jewell and Rita Hoofard Jeremy Smith

Cannon Backyard Dinner

Ten Year Anniversary Ron Kain Member Services: Two email addresses. Want Club info sent to a second address, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as emailing your second email address to the Membership Director. Lost the gold medallion from your membership badge? Mail $3.00 to the Membership Director to receive a shiny, new replacement.

Cannon Backyard Dinner

Membership badges. Do your fellow club members a favor by helping them remember your name. Only $12.50 with either a pin or magnetic clasp. Email the Membership Director to receive an order form. Membership Renewal Reminder The Porsche Club of America (PCA) mails a membership renewal invoice 45 days before your membership expires. To avoid expiration of your membership, it’s important to renew before the end of the month in which your membership expires. To determine your expiration date, check your membership card or the mailing label of the envelope in which your Panorama arrives. Your membership number also contains your anniversary date: the first four digits are the year, and the second two are the month you joined PCA. The easiest way to renew is online at www.pca.org. Changing Contact Info If you change your email address or street address, notify me (membership@svr.pca.org or 9617 Swan Lake Drive, Granite Bay 95746) to insure uninterrupted delivery of bi-monthly event notices and of The Drifter. Also update your PCA record at www.pca.org.

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Come Join in the Fun!

We start them young...

Poker Run Fun

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May 5, 2010 SVR Board Meeting Minutes by Kevin R. Dougherty, SVR Secretary

President Cookie Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM. Attending: Cookie Anderson, Doug Klein, Helen Ashuckian, Rik Larson, Kevin Dougherty, Phil Wood, Dan Rowland, John Murphy, Kim Nelson, Kyle Gong, Ron Riley, Frederick Rauch, Bob & Beth Jacobson and Jerry Cupler. Minutes: The April minutes were reviewed and accepted. Thanks again to Rik Larson for taking those. OLD BUSINESS California Auto Museum: Kim Nelson gave a brief (for Kim) overview of the CAM (formally known as the Towe Auto Museum). Kim has requested that we continue our membership after a spat regarding an SVR member whose free admission was declined. CAM has asked for a complete member list and SVR has refused to turn it over because of PCA member confidentiality rules. The long-term solution (2011 and beyond) is to publish CAM “coupons” in the 2011 Member Directory. Discussions will continue for short-term (2010) alternatives insuring SVR access to CAM without turning over our membership list to a third-party. Drifter: Rik Larson received all of the Drifter equipment from the former editor this morning, inventoried it and handed it off to the new Drifter editor Kyle Gong who Cookie introduced to the board at the beginning of the meeting. Discussion ensued regarding the software, registrations, updates, etc. Kyle will take a look at it all and advise the board if there are problems. NEW BUSINESS Transition Meeting Date November 13, 2010 Proposed PCA Membership Dues Increase: Phil questioned National’s study that indicated non-profit membership count was unaffected by dues increases given that our empirical data is the exact opposite. John Murphy also observed that National’s arguments were weak and unsupported by fact, and furthered asked whether this was a real vote or a done deal. Of the dozen or so reasons for the dues increase, the only remotely good one was that dues hadn’t increased since1999. The board rejected the National dues increase. Board Positions from 2 to 4 years: Cookie proposed a by-laws change to increase the length of time a board member can serve. The board bantered about this subject for a few minutes and scraped the idea. Goodie Store: Cookie spoke with the guy who supplies a lot of our items about getting different items. After several suggestions from various board members, Cookie decided she would continue to talk with him regarding this matter.

Tour: Bob Jacobson asked the board’s blessing for a tour to Reno to see Ranson Webster’s Porsche Collection. Date TBD at a later. The cost will be $5.00 per car. Top Notch Dinner Meeting: Ron Riley presented the board with the idea of a Prime Rib dinner (with a vegetarian plate available) at Charles B. Mitchell winery in Fair Play. Looking at Saturday the 28th of August due to all of the other events going on in August. Wine tasting at 5:00, band from 5:30 until 8:30 with dinner at about 7:00. Cost would be $28.00 per person. Several members had questions regarding the cost and cancellation policies. Ron will get those questions answered and report back. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS Charity (Tambra Kroetz): No report Competition (Frederick Rauch, Bob Peake & Helen Ashuckian): Frederick reported that Laguna Seca is a go and will generate more money for the club. The upcoming Autocross at Infineon is looking good as well. The Competition Committee is in the black so far this year. They are looking into pre-registration for future autocross events. Doug Klein gave a brief report on the trip to Thunderhill last weekend and read a couple of complimentary emails from participants of the event. Kim Nelson gave a brief talk regarding the upcoming concours, tour, test drives and dinner on Saturday June 26th at Niello. Sunday the 27th will be the concours. Helen handed out an email she received on the Fireball Run for information only. She then gave an overview of her upcoming Great Search and Discovery Tour on August 7th. It will be held in the south area of Sacramento County. Sounds like fun! Advertising (Mike Willis): Phil Wood advised 2010 advertising revenue of $3,350 had been collected and the remaining two invoices probably weren’t going to be paid any time soon. SVR also accepted one advertiser cancellation resulting in total advertising being $700 less than expected. Drifter (Rik Larson) See old business above. Financial Report (Phil Wood): With only four months of SVR financial history, Phil indicated current spending (excluding advertising which will be $0 going forward) is about $600/month more than income. Several charts were presented showing no one operation is singularly responsible. When asked by Rik why this is happening, Phil produced a three-year membership history showing almost constant decline in membership and offered that perhaps spending is too high for the reduced club size. Frederick confidently reassured Phil that upcoming DE events would contribute $2,500 to our coffers. New Members (Dan Rowland): The new member tour is this Saturday. A budget was approved.

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continued from page 13 Goodie Store (Cookie Anderson): No Report Membership Director (Doug Klein): There are 556 regular members, 451 affiliate members and 5 dual members for a total of 1,012 members. PCA has been very helpful with member’s questions and requests. Social (Helen Ashuckian): Beginning July 1st, the club will require a $2.00 fee added to any event cost, such as dinners or tours. For dinners the $2.00 will be per person. For other events, it will be per person or per car, depending on whether the event fee is per person or per car. The November dinner meeting will be the 15th at Buonarroti Ristorante. Webmaster (John Murphy): John went into a brief dissertation about putting the bylaws and other “governance” things on the web. More importantly, he called for members to send him materials they would like available for review on, and/or download from, your website. Examples include “How to …” guidance (put on a tour, arrange a dinner, etc.), fun things to do (tour instructions, rally instructions that make good tours, places to go, etc.) and fun things to look at (Porsche, autocross, DE videos, etc.) No special format needed; he’ll take what he can get. Links acceptable. These will help balance out

bylaws, policy documents, regional forms, et al. Phil asked John why the proposal to replace the Goodie Store with Charlton Commerce had ceased. John redirected the question to Cookie who wasn’t satisfied with Charlton. After discussion, Cookie agreed to reevaluate Charlton. Vice President (Rik Larson): Rik made mention of a video a Redwood Region member made of the rally we had a couple of weeks ago. He talked about the updated calendar and a few new zone events added. Make sure Rik gets insurance certificate requests 3-4 weeks before the event. Rik also discussed year-end awards and the large amount of them. Event surveys were discussed. Cookie asked the board to give it some thought for next month. Past President (Mike Willis): No report President (Cookie Anderson): No Report Secretary: Kevin advised the board that he would not be here for the June board meeting and asked for a volunteer to take the minutes. Rik Larson stepped up to the plate. Thanks Rik! Meeting adjourned: 9:30 P.M.

Next Meeting: RPM Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 6:30 PM.

Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event:Zone 7 Autocross - When: July 24-25 - Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM - Location: Marina Airport

Golden Gate Region & Loma Prieta Region host Zone 7

Autocross @ Marina Airport For details contact:

Anne Roth

alroth@sbcglobal.net 831-338-8122


Registration: 7:30 - 8:30 am Limited loaner helmets available Drivers must work for sessions run Snell 1995 or better helmet required Lunch available for $8.00

Saturday/Sunday: July 24 - 25 Directions: Take Highway 1 south toward Monterey and Laguna Seca Raceway. Take the Reservation Road exit south towards Marina. After one short block, turn right in order to stay on Reservation Road. Follow the road through Marina approximately two miles south of town. Turn left at (Imjin road) signal into marina Airfield. Turn right after the first large building on the right and follow the cones to the autocross site.

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: Carlsen Porsche Concours - When: August 8 - Sunday - 8:00AM - Location: Redwood City

CARLSEN PORSCHE CONCOURS Presented by Golden Gate Region, Porsche Club of America

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Series 2010

Carlsen Porsche Dealership 3636 Haven Avenue, Redwood City, CA

Rally Concours Autocross

Entry Fee: $30.00 per Car • Display Only: Free Car placement from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Entry fee includes a catered buffet lunch for two Directions: From Highway 101, exit East onto Marsh Road and turn left onto Haven Avenue. For Information, call Larry Adams at (650) 345-2232 or e-mail OldCarNut@aol.com

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: West Coast Summer Concours - When: August 13 - Location: Carmel An all-German marque event featuring BMW, Porsche, and Mercedes-Benz club corrals. Hosted by the Central Cal Chapter BMW CCA For information, visit: www.summerconcours.org www.bmwcca.org

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rancho Cañada Golf Club 4860 Carmel Valley Road • Carmel, CA 93923

8 AM – 3 PM

Preregistration required through Motorsportreg Corral Parking $25 • Judged Cars $50 Lunch - $20 The ultimate start to your historics weekend!

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Editors Notes by Kyle Gong

Well here we are again with a new issue of the drifter. I hope you are enjoying the great articles and event listing we have every month. Please feel free to send in any articles or photos you have of the events you may attend and we will try to put them in the next issue. Don’t forget to check out one of our youngest future member on page 12 and remember to mention you saw it in the drifter when you visit our advertisers. Please email all articles or photos to editor@svr.pca.org.

Around the Corner Our annual charity auction is scheduled for Sunday, September 12th at the Folsom City Zoo (well really just outside in their nice shaded pavilion). Chairperson Tambra Kroetz is busy planning this great event and soliciting members for some unique auction items. Last year we had a French dinner for four (provided by the McDades and Barbarie Flores); a cabin stay offered by the Kramers, and a Lake Tahoe Christmas cabin stay. Our beneficiary again this year is the Folsom Zoo. The 32nd running of the Carrera de Sierra rally is planned for Saturday, September 18th. Start will be a Niello Porsche. We will finish about 6 hours later after winding our way thru the Sierra Nevada mountains using little know high country and foothill roads east of Highway 49. Finish will be in the Gold Rush country south of Placerville. Rallymaster Richard Wetzel has been hard at work laying out a course for everyone to enjoy. He has also lined up a number of sponsors. They include Niello Porsche, Frank’s Automotive and First National Bank. The Mendocino Tour is coming together again. This 3-day, 2-night event is scheduled for the first weekend in November (5th thru 7th to be exact). You can make your own reservations or check with Rik Larson for various options that we have used in the past (Hill House, Little River Inn, and MacCallumn House). We will again be joined by the folks from Redwood Region on Saturday. You can’t miss this last big tour of the year. The SVR Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 12th and the site will be the Whitney Oaks Golf Club. This is a change from previously published information. If you attended the February dinner hosted by Dave and Kaye Mitchell, then you know the place. Cookie Anderson will be the chair for this event. Don’t miss it!

Porsche eCoupon Program - 20% savings exclusively for PCA Members!

Porsche Cars North America and Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. are pleased to announce the PCA eCoupon Program, in recognition of the unique contribution that Porsche Club of America members make to the Porsche brand. Available exclusively to current PCA members, the PCA eCoupon provides a 20% discount off the listed MSRP for Porsche Genuine Parts, Classic, Tequipment and Porsche Design Drivers Selection merchandise. The PCA eCoupon is valid from June 4, 2010 to July 31, 2010 only at participating authorized Porsche dealers in accordance with the program rules and provisions. (Offer available via printable online coupon only.) Log onto: http://pca.org/Membership/MemberBenefits/PorscheeCoupon.aspx (You'll need your www.pca.org username and password to enter)

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Rib Cook-Off June 16, 2010

Our 2nd Annual Rib Cook-Off was a HUGE success this year for all! Not only did we have great weather but Great Ribs and Great Company! Social hour started at five and ribs kicked off at six… For the most part our chefs cooked at home this year, equipment getting too large, various injuries, etc… But it all worked out in the end. I have to thank all the Chefs, the Wildman Team, Joe Schumacher, the Team of Jerry and Cookie, Kim Kinder and Dave Hoffman! There is a lot of preparation that goes into this event and I am very happy you all participated and everyone enjoyed the ribs… Of course, none of this is possible without the generous contribution of the home of Jerry and Cookie, tents and all the help before and after the event. That being said many thanks to the McKees’, Jim Kinnicutt, Dave Hoffman, The Leights’ and the Smiths’ for the setup and cleanup! I also need to thank all the Great Chefs that brought the wonderful side dishes and dessert. I don’t think anyone went home hungry, Kudos to all. Of course, we just recognize those that placed first, second and third in the overall people’s choice contest.

• First Place, David Hoffman • Second Place, Kim Kinder • Third Place, Joe Schumacher We look forward to the next year and have an even larger turn out and more Chefs in the mix to make it a little more competitive! Susan Duvall-Serota David Hoffman

Passion – Why we’re members! by Phil Wood, SVR Treasurer

A question was posed the other day about SVR Membership value. “Why bother?” this person asked. “I can download the Drifter without being a member, I can surf the website without being a member and I’ll bet I could crash any Tour or Dinner without being a member and paying membership dues!” Responding to this kind of challenge requires steering clear of material value comparisons. Anyone who owns a Porsche knows that the value of his/her Porsche is not transportation – The value proposition has more to do with passion, emotion, and yes, infatuation! The person in the previous paragraph can, and probably will, download a free copy of the Drifter. But without passion he probably won’t download a second, nor surf the website, nor crash the next Tour nor Dinner. Too bad – His loss. It is SVR membership passion that explained the 80 plus people in attendance earlier this year at the February 5 Event Planning Meeting – The room was buzzing with members just itching to plan, coordinate, sponsor or direct some event or activity for their fellow members. Want to see passion in action? Talk to the 80 people in attendance that evening. (Trust me. They weren’t there for the Round Table Pizza! <sigh>) The organization needs to tap that passion again. Believe it or not we’re already looking for 2011 Director and Committee Chair nominations. Formal recruiting (?) starts in August but now is the time to find out what skills and passions (?) exist within our 500-plus member community. No position is sacred except perhaps “Past President.” We can always use members with computer skills – Our membership files, communication, and finances all rely on computer programs. Management skills? Improving club efficiencies leads to better funded events. Writer or Photographer? I guarantee the membership would enjoy reading and seeing events recounted in Drifter articles. Personality? How about helping with event planning? Automotive contacts? Advertising, event planning and tours could use your expertise. Don’t have time for a position? There are event coordinators always looking for an extra pair of hands. You get the idea – Anyone with passion, whatever it is, is welcome. Not sure how to proceed? Start by looking in the Membership Directory (mailed earlier this year), the website or any Drifter for the number or email address of any Director/Chair. Email/phone them – All would be happy to share the activities and benefits of participation. It’s worth the call!

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drifter classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled.

Cars for Sale

1988 Porsche 944 Turbo. 105k miles. Clean title. This car has been modified to perform well on the track but is still street legal and smog friendly (it always does the fast pass). I have a ton of receipts totally well over $14k for repairs/upgrades to this car. Some of these include: Mild ECU chip upgrade (250hp), Koni adjustable suspension, Weltmeister sway bars, Top end engine rebuild, 2 sets wheels/tires (16 and 17”), Racing drivers seat, 4 point harness and harness bar, Performance exhaust. This car runs flawlessly and is ready to be taken to the next level by a track junkie or just driven on the street - although the suspension is harsher than stock. If you’re interested, or have questions Contact: David Schnitzer at 916.371.4103 or email dschnitzer@wavecable.com $7500 OBO 5-10-2010 1985 911 Carrera Targa Champagne w/Brown Interior. All service records; 106k miles; 3rd owner, purchased in 1993; garaged; all original. Contact: Bob Dierkes at Bob_Dierkes@comcast.net or at 707.249.3173 $29,950.

2005 911/C2S, Arctic Silver metallic with Black Full Leather, Sport Chrono, Navigation, 6-Disk CD changer, heated adaptive sport seats, BOSE Surround Sound, self dimming mirrors, wheel caps w/colored crest, rear wiper, complete clear bra kit, Jan/2015 or 75K miles transferrable comprehensive warrantee w/no deductable, never tracked, always garaged/covered, all records, 18K miles Contact: Ben Flores 916.851.9254 $54,950 1997 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet. This is a beautiful 993, guards red with tan interior. 6 speed with 18” OES chrome turbo wheels and 3k on Continental performance tires. New clutch and 60k service. New Alpine stereo with speakers, cd changer and iPod connection. Full car cover, cabin cover and other extras. 60,800 miles. It’s in great shape and fun to drive. Contact: rrivinius@cbia.org or 916-847-2700 $33,500

2001 Boxster S - This 986 Boxster S has the 3.2 liter engine. It also has custom ordered paint that is polar silver so very unlikely you will run into another Boxster of the same color anywhere nearby. (Beside a silver car it appears light blue but by a light blue car it appears silver). It comes with the $3200 Tiptronic option so you can drive in automatic or for quicker response switch to manual and toggle buttons on the steering wheel. Upgraded sport rims, alpine stereo, and wired for XM Radio. Owned by PCA member who is a local female surgeon. I believe we are only the second owners. Best of all this Boxster has very low miles at only 32,000 miles. No issues. Only selling because picking up our 5th Porsche which is newer. Contact Frank 916 372-5555 (hm) or 916 588-8345 (cell). $19,000 911 wide body Carrera (convertible) Selling my 1983 911 convertible w/ all steel 930 LOOK . Wife buying our 5th Porsche so letting two of our other Porsches go. Only 117K miles. Excellent pressure in all 6 cyl. I’m only the 2nd owner. Everything works... absolutely no leaks no excuses. Upgraded momo steering whl w/ Porsche center cap. Alpine system that sounds awesome, XM, lots of extras. This car is the most photographed of all Porsches and has Porsche’s longest running engine (gets well over 300,000K miles) - you can google it. It’s got the Turbo look without the hassle of turbo maintenance. Updated Turbo twist rims and tires give it a modern feel. This really is an awesome car that handles well. Contact Frank 916 372-5555 (hm) or 916 588-8345 (cell). $20,000 2001 Boxster 5 speed: Guards Red/black leather interior; 36,500 miles. Sports package, alum trim package, power seat package, 18” wheels with painted crests, painted bumperetts, premium sound with 6 disk changer, clear euro side markers, 2003 tail lights, new OEM battery, Valentine 1, Porsche battery charger, car cover, convertible top cover, Porsche factory bra. Excellent condition Contact jstimpson@sierraoptics.com or Jim at 530 885-6979 Auburn, CA for more info. $17,500

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Index of Advertisers

Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Leland West Michael R. Newlon - U.S. Route 395/95 Niello Porsche Pacific Power Motorsports The Racer’s Group (TRG) Reflections in Glass RPM Indoor Kart Racing TrackMasters Racing

3 5 21 IFC 17 16 4, BC 9 7 8 15 IFC

Join the Porsche Club of America

New Members Always Welcomed!

Enjoy the camaraderie of other Porsche enthusiasts. Join on-line at www.pca.org or contact Doug Klein Membership Director at membership@svr.pca.org 916-791-4864

Please remember to support your club by utilizing the services and products from our advertisers. Many of them provide a discount, make sure to mention you heard it in the drifter!

We have a special program of events designed especially for new members, which introduce them to the many and varied activities our Club hosts. Enjoy driving tours, visits to race tracks, breakfasts, lunches, informative car care sessions, wine tasting tours, autocross and more. You'll find your fellow Porsche owners friendly and welcoming.

Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969

Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo www.franksautosacramento.com


Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502

Our motto: “If you like our work, tell others. If not, tell us.”

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards

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Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

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