1007 - July 2010

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drifter the

July 2010

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

On the Cover The cars are from the Niello Concours Event on the weekend of June 26 and 27th. Photo credits belong to Ira and Carol McKee. In the Main photo in their 1972 911 is Kim and Rachel Nelson Clockwise from the left 2008 GT3 RS is Sam Greco 1953 356 Cab-Bob Murray 1955 356-Larry Wilson 1991 944 S2-Joe Schumacher 1980 911-Jim McMahen Thanks for everyone’s hard work this was a fantastic event! Make sure you attend the next one. Check the Calendar on page 10 for more upcoming events!

Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California and invites SVR-PC A drivers to participate in these events.

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2010 Board of Directors President

Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 president@svr.pca.org

Vice President

Rik Larson 916.481.6084 vicepresident@svr.pca.org


Visit us on the web at www.derporsche.net Volume 48, No. 7 Upcoming Events

Helen Ashuckian 916.481.2759 social@svr.pca.org

08 - Zone 7 AX’s at Marina Airport 09 - SVR First Saturday Breakfast 11 - Carrera De Sierra XXXII 14 - Deaver Vineyards Tour/Dinner 14 - Great Search & Discovery Tour 15 - Zone 7 Concours 16 - West Coast Summer Concours 18 - Annual Charity Auction & Picnic 18 - Porsche eCoupon

Membership Director

Features and Reviews

Kevin Dougherty 916.956.9204 secretary@svr.pca.org


Phil Wood 916.673.3456 treasurer@svr.pca.org

Social Director

Doug Klein 916.791.4864 membership@svr.pca.org

Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 competition@svr.pca.org


John Murphy 916.858.2304 webmaster@svr.pca.org

Drifter Editor

Kyle Gong 916.686.9410 editor@svr.pca.org

Information and Committee Directory Autocross Chair Bob Peake bbayou@jps.net

Goodie Store Cookie Anderson


Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian helana@lanset.com



Technical Chair Jim Kinnicutt jkinnicu@yahoo.com



New Member Group Lee Deter lee@deter.com


Advertising Manager Mike Willis mikew@derporsche.net



Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch 916.595.3371 fdr@fdrmotorsports.com Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz tkroetz@comcast.net Concours Chair Kent Brandon kbrandon@ncbb.net

Zone 7 Representative

02 - Cookie’s Crumbs 03 - SVR Goodie Store 04 - Drifting Back 10 - Calendar of Events 12 - SVR June Membership Report 19 - Editors Notes 20 - drifter Classifieds 21 - Index of Advertisers

02 - Why join the PCA? 06 - August Dinner Meeting 06 - SVR Zone Concours 08 - Poker Run Event 13 - New Members 19 - Note of appreciation 19 - Tech Article - Airbag Maintenance 19 - Membership Information

Past President

Mike Willis 916.363.8313 pastpresident@svr.pca.org

July 2010 Columns and Departments

Dummkopf Chair Vacant

Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel 650.508.1308

sharonneidel@yahoo.com Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Cookie’s Crumbs

by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2010 SVR President Summer is finally here!! We have very few events planned for this summer. But there is one big event that I am looking forward to, which is Ron Riley’s gathering on August 28th. Ron Riley has prepared an event you don’t want to miss. He has been working on this for months. Look for the flyer on the web or handouts at dinner meetings explaining all about it. Mark your calendar for Saturday August 28th. Ron is planning a tour, wine tasting and a dinner all in one. If you would like to go on the tour, meet at Sloughouse August 28th on Highway 16 at 2:00 pm. If you don’t want to go on the tour meet at Deaver Vineyards at 12455 Steiner Rd in Plymouth, CA at 5:00 pm for wine tasting. Live Bluegrass music starts playing at 5:30 to 8:30 pm while at 7:00 pm a delicious meal will be served of prime rib, bake potato, salad, sourdough biscuits, cobbler and fried pies. There will also be a vegetarian dish served for those that don’t eat meat. Ron asked if you would please RSVP by August 14 by sending your check payable to PCA-SVR for $28.00 per person to Ron Riley, 4000 Moddison Ave Sacramento, CA 95819. If you want anymore information please give Ron a call at 916366-8834 or cell 916-214-8834. Thank you. On another note, why do our chair people ask you to RSVP on some tours, dinners and selected SVR events? Its because the restaurant or winery have requested a head count of attendees so they may plan their menu and buy the food. Waiting to the last minute to call is not a good thing.

So people please give our chair people the courtesy of calling before the date they mention in there advertisement. Don’t call several days after the RSVP date and expect there will be a spot for you. I would like to thank Rich Walker, Anne Walker, Kim Nelson, Rachel Nelson, Kent Brandon, Cindy Brandon, Bob Cannon, Elaine Cannon, Dennis Stettner, Roger Walker, Jim McMahen, Linda McMahen, Jeff Kinder, Kim Kinder, Tom Sisson, Darlene Byerley, Jim Kinnicutt, Carol Kinnicutt, Bob Bunnell and Angie Boyd for making our Niello’s Concour a great weekend success. Without these hard working dedicated people, it would be hard to pull it off, thank you. A special thanks to Niello’s Porsche for their support and letting us use their facility to have this event. Also David Yamada from Vepa and Phil Hamilton from RPM for their donations and support.

Why join the Porsche Club of America??? The Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America was formed to bring together Porsche owners by organizing events in which members could have fun with their cars while enjoying the camaraderie of like-minded Porsche enthusiasts. Briefly, here’s what we do: • • • • • • •

Take driving tours to exotic car collections, wineries, train museums, flower farms, Porsche repair shops and many other interesting destinations. Relax on multi-day tours to Mendocino, Pacific Grove and San Simeon. Make new friends at monthly dinners and breakfasts, poker runs, BBQ picnics, the Christmas tree decorating party, CRAB and charity events. Learn how to maintain your car at Porsche technical sessions. Prepare and display your Porsche at local and regional concours. Share advice on purchasing, selling and maintaining Porsches. Experience the excitement of driving on professional level race tracks, such as Laguna Seca, Thunderhill and Infineon Raceways. Improve car handling skills at Club autocrosses. Receive a 10% discount on parts and service at Niello Porsche. The New Member Group introduces new members to the Club’s varied and interesting activities, while providing opportunities to meet other new members.

To JOIN, log onto www.pca.org click on “Join PCA” for PCA Region, select “Sacramento Valley” Questions? Contact Doug Klein, Membership Director email: membership@svr.pca.org or 916-791-4864.

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

SAVE ON TAXES AT THE GOODIE STORE by Cookie Anderson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper

We still have a lot of sale merchandise for sale. I will be setting up the Goodie Store at the next Autocross on July 18th in Stockton. So if anyone is going down there on that date stop by to see what we have. I also have new Zone 7 badges for sale $18.00, PCA badges are $18.00 and SVR badges are $15.00. If you would like to put them on your car and don’t know how, give me a call we can get brackets to mount them. Contact Cookie Anderson your Goodie Store person at 916.988.6534.

Dream Car Solutions is Sacramento’s only premier automotive club offering storage and transportation services tailored to the needs of the true car enthusiast.

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Drifting Back – July 2010 by Larry Wilson 30 Years Ago (July 1980) On July 5, a few SVR members (President Rik Larson and First Lady Lettie Larson, DRIFTER editor Trische Robertson, Speed Events Chair Mike Willis, and Past-President Ted Colbert) journeyed to Red Bluff for Shasta Region’s first-ever Zone 7 Autocross at the local airport. Roy Parker, Shasta’s President, chaired the event. The course was designed like a long rubber band, to keep within the confines of a runway, and was nearly one-mile long. Trische reported it was the first time she got her 912 into 4th gear at an autocross, but she must have done it well because she won her class. Trische had to leave early to get home in time to help celebrate the birthday of her husband, John, thus ending her DRIFTER report on the event. One thing she missed was seeing Ted Colbert in his “stock” 911 blow off the field, including the modified class, to take top time of day (TTOD). Mike Willis and Stan Brefogle were the hares for the Sunday, July 13 Hare and Hound Rally run as a warm-up for the monthly dinner meeting (actually, a brunch this time). Mike and Stan managed to “mark” the course finishing just ahead of the first pursuing hound, and they didn’t get arrested for defacing public property (streets)

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with spray paint. Event highlights: The Sally Weddle/Stacy Hill team was seen off-course soon after the start. Pat and Larry Wilson were observed running their 356 in reverse much of the time (Pat said it erased incorrect mileage from their odometer.) Ray and Sara Clements were observed making every turn in Arden Park correctly -- but they were three miles off course. At the finish, the Wilson/ Wilson and Weddle/Hill teams tied for most correct mileage with Teton Corp a mere .5 mile behind in third. But, Teton easily won the most correct time measurement with only a 30-second error. George and Nona Morley had a 2-minute error, and Dolores and Allen Weddle followed with a 3-minute error. Trische Robertson and her son, Colin, were last, in both counts.

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

20 Years Ago (July 1990) Karen Mangin couldn’t wait to run the July 22 His Idea gimmick rally by Ray Clements. She had run a total of three rallies, and was eager to go on her fourth. She was so jazzed up, she even committed to write the post-event article for THE DRIFTER. Karen ran the event with Sally Boeck, who she knew was experienced in these matters. It was, however, Karen’s first gimmick rally. She knew that Ray Clements, as rallymaster, would try his hardest to mislead her in every way possible. And, after running the event Karen was convinced that Ray Clements was a twisted person for having created all that madness. At the pizza parlor finish, the Gallicho/ Schumacher entry did poorly on the end-of-rally exam which counted mightily in the final score. At the same time John Clever, looking at the exam questions, was heard muttering, “There must be a mistake, here.” Mark and Starla Hirst were looking slightly dismayed, and Karin was totally wasted forgetting to note in her DRIFTER piece who won the event! But, as Ron Boeck cleverly noted with a quote from Bart Simpson, “Don’t have a cow, man. It’s only a game.”

yet appealed to everyone’s relaxation and epicurean needs. SVR had over 70 cars registered among the total 500-Porsche entry. By all accounts, near and far, the results were excellent -- the Parade was deemed to be a smashing success. Participants enjoyed the events. PCA management and the Porsche family and factory representatives were pleased. And, all Parade staff joined together in cracking the nut to stay within budget parameters (PCA President Bob Miller was pleased). Parade staff was even given credit for control of Sacramento’s July weather (seven straight days under 82 degrees) after word got out that the goodie store loaded up, but then sold out, their HUGE inventory of Parade sweatshirts. Parade staff pled guilty to exercising weather control and good management practices.

The July 25 Gourmet Night at Koya’s, chaired by Mike Willis, was a grand night for eating and drinking for a group of 25 thirsty and hungry PCAers. Each course was “married” to the perfect wine, and as the group ate and drank, Eric, the group’s personal wine connoisseur and cuisinier for the evening, complimented each course with history and information on each winery. Attendees included Mark and Starla Hirst, Ron and Sally Boeck, Marv and Marie Smith, Herb and Jan Hoover, Linda and Dwight Mitchell, Dave and Kathy Smith, Jim McMahen, Bob Peake and Terri, C.C. Craig and Karen Mangin, Steve and Karen Taggert (and their guests), Ray and Sara Clements, and Mike and Vicki Willis. 10 Years Ago (July 2000) Running July 2 through 8, the BIG event for SVR this year was the annual PCA Porsche Parade with its half-million dollar budget, this time held in Sacramento with headquarters at the Double Tree Hotel AND the Red Lion Inn, and staffed with PCAers from most regions in Zone 7. General direction came from an eight-person “policy group” with five having specific committee assignments as well: Mike Lommatzsch, co-chair; Rik Larson, co-chair; Mary Ann Behrens, Zone 7 Rep; Tom Provasi, local sponsors; Susan Fleming, art show; Bob Peake, banquets; Pat Wilson, registrar; and Larry Wilson, treasurer. SVR members headed 11 of 36 additional committees to operate or support Parade activities: Ken Mitchell - communication, Jim Finley - computers, Pat deWitt - historic car show, Herb Hoover - transportation, Bill Winkler - Michelin Challenge, Greg Peart - parking & security, George Morley - signage, Tim Fleming special events, J. Toney - walking rally & 5k run, Mike Willis - tech inspection, and Shelagh Matthews - hotel liaison. The Parade’s 7-day-long Porsche-fest combined traditional sports car activities (concours, rally, autocross, tech quiz/presentations) with the non-traditional (art show, golf, tennis, RC cars, walk/run), and

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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SVR’s Zone Concours at Niello Porsche by Kim Nelson

What a great weekend! Two driving tours, test drives of new Porsches courtesy of Niello Porsche, a wonderful Concours banquet and finally, the Concours on Sunday. Jeff Kinder and Tom Sisson lead two different driving tours. Jeff’s tour headed up the back roads to the Auburn and Grass Valley area while Tom took his group through the El Dorado County wine country ending up at Perry Creek Winery. 27 Porsches participated and both tours received rave reviews. Thanks Jeff and Tom! Next up for the day was driving some new Porsches. We had a 997, a Boxster, a Cayman and a Panamera to choose from – what could be better. Each drive lasted about 20 minutes and gave us plenty of time to get a good feel for the cars. I don’t know if anyone bought a new car that day but all of us were pretty excited after our test drive. The Saturday evening Concours Banquet was attended by 80 club members and thanks to Rich Walker and Cookie Anderson the tri-tip dinner was excellent! After dinner we had an excellent presentation by Paul Frame and Darrell Bailey about their 2009 Carerra Panamericana race in Mexico. Paul and Darrell drove their 1957 356 Porsche to a 3rd in class finish in the five day race and you could just tell that their memories will last a lifetime! Sunday’s Zone Concours started at 9:30 am and we had 18 cars entered. The feature marque this year was the Porsche 912 and we had 5 beautiful examples on display. Included in the 912’s was a very early 1965 3 gauge car with painted dash and a beautiful 1969 Targa – both pretty darn rare. After a 5 year layoff, Bob Murray brought out his beautiful 1953 pre A 356 Cabriolet and took first in class as well as “Ladies People Choice.” Paula Golus took the “Best of 912” award and tied for first in class with her Champagne Yellow 1968 Targa. Overall, it was a great day and Jerry Cupler with his crew of cooks put on one heck of a BBQ for all of us to enjoy. Kent Brandon and I would like to thank the entire Concours committee for putting in all the effort to make this such a wonderful weekend event. We would also like to thank Rick Corbet-Gonzales and Jim Webber at Niello Porsche for their generosity and help in making our weekend run so smoothly.

August Dinner Meeting by Ron Riley

We’re already planning the August dinner meeting. It’ll be late in the month (AUG. 28) because of other scheduled Porsche events and the Historic Races in Monterey. While not all the details have been finalized and are subject to changes, here’s what’s being planned, for a fun filled day and a scrumptious dinner. The Tour. Short tour or caravan lead by Kirk and Linda Bradford (yes, they have moved back to the Sacramento area) or, on your own, to Deaver Vineyards and Winery in Plymouth, El Dorado County, Ca. The tour will meet at 2 pm at Sloughhouse on Highway 16. Deaver Vineyards is located at 12455 Steiner Road (Steiner Road is off of Shenandoah Road, also known as E16). The Wine Tasting. A private tasting for the Porsche Club at 5:00 PM. . The Dinner. The dinner is a cook out, and will be served around 7:00 PM. and we will eat outdoors. Dinner will be cooked in huge cast iron dutch ovens over charcoal. This is Cowboy cooking. If you have an interest in this type of cooking, come early and see how it’s done. The cook will demonstrate. Dinner will consist of a large cut of USDA Choice Prime Rib of Beef, salad, baked potato, homemade sour dough biscuits, with cobbler, fried pies and ice cream for dessert. A vegetarian dish, cooked in a dutch oven, will also be offered. The Cook. David Herzog has developed quite a reputation for dutch oven cooking. He belongs to the International Dutch Oven Society and has cooked for very large groups including cooking at the 2002 Winter Olympics. David produces one of the finest prime rib dinners you’ll ever taste. He has written two books on Cast Iron “Covered Wagon” Cookin’. One for diabetics. The Music. This type of dinner naturally calls for Blue Grass and arrangements are being made for a Blue Grass band to play from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. Think Foggy Mountain Breakdown and Dueling Banjo’s. Please bring a share the wealth gift. They don’t have to be expensive or fancy. If you have a garden a couple tomatoes would be fine. A flower pot of petunias would be wonderful. Porsche or car stuff is fine too. Use your imagination and surprise us. I guarantee you it will be fun, and who knows, you might be the big winner. Deadline for reservations is August 14th. We need a good turn out to make this event work. Polish up your Porsche, enjoy a ride through the Sierra Nevada foot hills. Pass through towns like Mt. Aukum, Omo Ranch, Somerset, Grizzly Flat, Slug Gulch, Fiddle Town and Fair Play. Enjoy dinner outdoors at dusk, listening to Blue Grass, with the best people and cars on earth. Circle Saturday, August 28, 2010 on your calendar.

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net


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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event:Zone 7 Autocross - When: July 24-25 - Saturday and Sunday 7:30AM - Location: Marina Airport

Golden Gate Region & Loma Prieta Region host Zone 7

Autocross @ Marina Airport For details contact:

Anne Roth

alroth@sbcglobal.net 831-338-8122


Registration: 7:30 - 8:30 am Limited loaner helmets available Drivers must work for sessions run Snell 1995 or better helmet required Lunch available for $8.00

Saturday/Sunday: July 24 - 25 Directions: Take Highway 1 south toward Monterey and Laguna Seca Raceway. Take the Reservation Road exit south towards Marina. After one short block, turn right in order to stay on Reservation Road. Follow the road through Marina approximately two miles south of town. Turn left at (Imjin road) signal into marina Airfield. Turn right after the first large building on the right and follow the cones to the autocross site.

Poker Run

By Cookie Anderson What a beautiful day it turned out to be for the Poker Run on May 16th. It turned out we had 74 people attending with 40 cars. The group met at Niello Porsche around 9:00 am for donuts and coffee. Registration started at 9:30 am, packets with names, door prize tickets, instructions and poker hands were handed out to all. The first hand was drawn at Niello by tossing a ping pong ball in cups that had a card in each cup. Rik Larson and Helen Ashuckian helped at this stop. Second stop was in Cameron Park with Phil Wood at Starbucks. Third stop was at Hooverville Orchards where Herb Hoover was your dealer. Fresh baked pies, jams, jelly and honey were available to buy. I understand many of you bought pies and jellies. How many of you got to see the white peacocks? The fourth stop was at Tower Gas Station in Diamond Springs were Jon Kramer had you pull a card from a Witches Caldron. The final stop was at Dancing Bear Bar & Grill where Rik Larson and Helen Ashuckian were there to test your skill of throwing a dart as well as playing poker. Rich and Karen McGlumpy ran the sweep. Jerry and I would like to thank all of our helpers, we couldn’t have made this Poker Run a success without your help. Dancing Bear Bar & Grill served lunch on their back patio. Tri Tip Sandwich with caramelized onions and mushrooms with a Caesar Salad serving 70 participants. The raffle tables held a raffle prize for everyone attending. A separate drawing was held for the 3 dinners donated by La Palcita Dos and Wong’s Garden. The winner of the Poker Hands went to first place went to Steve Harris, second place winner was Lisa Thomas and third place winner was Dan Rowland. A 50/50 raffle was held for the Folsom Zoo collecting $210.00. Dave Selover was the winner of the 50/50 raffle which he donated his winnings of $105 back to the zoo. Thank you all for attending and making it a successful event.

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

Upcoming Event! Quick Info Event: Friendly Get together - When: First Saturday of every month - 9:00AM Location: Citrus Heights Join Your Fellow SVR Members At

7811 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights (Across from Lowe’s)

The First Saturday of Each Month The Club is a conversational group dedicated to the enjoyment of its members. It is a friendly group in which there are no strangers. Please join us for an hour or two of conversation about our cars, upcoming events, or anything else that interests you.

Meet in the banquet room at 9:00 A.M. Order from the menu and pay for your own meal. Senior Menu Available

If you plan to join us, call Herb or Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163

want to see it in your rear view mirror? Call us, we can make it happen!

Pacific Power Motorsports

2330 Bates Ave, Suite D5 Concord, CA 94520 925/525-0470

Track & Race Preparation  Custom Fabrication  Street & Racing Parts Fire Systems  Chassis Set-up  Alignment  Chassis & Engine Dyno Tuning the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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Sacramento Valley Region Calendar of Events Date

JULY 2010 Location



Zone 7 - AX's

Marina Municipal Airport, Loma Prieta and Golden Gate Region

Allyson Pickard



Tour to Foresthill

NEW MEMBERS ONLY ---Evening Tour and Picnic

Doug Klein



SVR Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports, Sacramento

Cookie Anderson



SVR First Saturday Breakfast

Monthly at Waffle Square, Citrus Heights

Herb & Jan Hoover



The Great Search & Discovery Sacramento Kids Tour

Helen Ashuckian



Zone 7 - Concours

Carlsen Porsche, Redwood City, Golden Gate

Larry Adams



Monterey Historics

Monterey, Laguna Seca


West Coast Summer Concours German Cars

Rancho Canada Golf Course, Carmel

Sharon Neidel



356 Car Breakfast

Marie Callender's, Citrus Heights

Jim Hardie



Tour to Silver Lake

NEW MEMBERS ONLY--- Tour to Silver Lake

Doug Klein



Driver's Ed - TrackMasters

Thunderhill, Willows

Frederick Rauch





Bob Peake



Monthly Dinner

Prime Rib Dinner cooked in Iron Pot, Deaver Vineyard, Plymouth

Ron & Bente Riley





SVR Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports, Sacramento

Cookie Anderson



SVR First Saturday Breakfast

Monthly at Waffle Square, Citrus Heights

Herb & Jan Hoover



Driver's Ed - TrackMasters

Laguna Seca, Monterey

Frederick Rauch


PCA Escape

Sun Peaks, British Columbia



356 Car Breakfast

Marie Callender's, Citrus Heights

Jim Hardie


Charity Auction & Family Picnic

Folsom City Zoo

Tambra Kroetz


Driver's Ed - TrackMasters

Thunderhill, Willows

Frederick Rauch



SVR Rally - Zone 7

Carrera de Sierra, Sacramento

Richard Wetzel





Bob Peake


Zone 7 - Concours

Ledson Winery, Redwood Region

Monthly Dinner

TBD - both date and location

Frederick Rauch





Check out the latest calendar information available online at www.derporsche.net Information regarding Zone 7 events for 2010 is available at www.zone77.org

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the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: Carrera De Sierra XXXII - When: Sept. 18 - Saturday 8:00AM - Location: Rocklin

Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America and San Francisco Region, Sports Car Club of America Present


A Time and Distance Rally, open to all cars, not just Porsches

Saturday, September 18, 2010 Rally fee is $30.00 per car through September 9th, $35.00 after September 9th Start at Niello Porsche • 4525 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA Start opens at 8.00 A.M. • First car out at 9:01 A.M. Duration is approximately six hours This event is part of the PCA Zone 7 2010 Rally Series Preregistration is recommended. Send your check, made payable to PCA-SVR, to Rik Larson, 2120 Maddox Court, Carmichael, CA 95608. General Instructions will be mailed out by September 13th to those who preregistered. Include with your check the class in which you will be running, contact information, and e-mail address (es). The route travels the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, using little known high-country and foothill roads east of Highway 49. Finish in the Gold Rush Country south of Placerville. Sponsored by Niello Porsche, Frank’s Automotive Richard Wetzel at First Northern Bank, and Perry Creek Vineyards For further information, contact Rik Larson at 916.481.6084 or e-mail rik.larson@gmail.com

Series 2010

Rally Concours Autocross

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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June Membership Report

by Doug Klein, Membership Director The Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America has 552 regular members, 453 affiliate members and 5 dual members for a total of 1,010. Join the Club. Interested in participating in the activities shown on these pages? Joining is as simple as logging on to the PCA website with your credit card in hand. PCA will forward your membership information to us, and we’ll send you an information package. New Members Only. We have a special program of events designed especially for new members, which introduce them to the many and varied activities our Club hosts. Enjoy driving tours, visits to race tracks, breakfasts, lunches, informative car care sessions, wine tasting tours, autocross and more. You’ll find your fellow Porsche owners friendly and welcoming. New Members: Kirk and Linda Bradford 858-414-3684 kirkbradford73@comcast.net Roseville, CA 95747 1970 911T White

Isabella and Frank Merritt Hm: 916-372-5555 Wk: 916-588-8345 frankmerritt@earthlink.net Duff McGilvrary duffsretired@att.net

Bill Collins and Terri Todd 916-471-8266 911scrocks@sbcglobal.net Placerville, CA 95667 1981 911 Chiffon Yellow

Michael and Geoff O’Connor 916-716-0361 Folsom, CA 95630 Reinhard and Jan Riedel riedel.75@hotmail.com

Twenty Five Year Anniversary Herb and Jan Hoover

Marvin Gatz and Robert Jacobsen 916-863-5725 marvingatz@comcast.net Fair Oaks, CA 95628 1996 911 Blue

Larry and Gareth Standing larry.standing@yahoo.com

Member Services: Two email addresses. Want Club info sent to a second address, work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy as emailing your second email address to the Membership Director.

Matthew and Jane Linder 916-799-8914 mjlinder@att.net Auburn, CA 95628 1979 911SC Yellow Michael and Geoff O’Connor 916-716-0361 gmikeoc@gmail.com 2001 Boxster Dennis Stytz 916-770-0528 101_4dps@wavecable.com Rocklin, CA 95765 2007 Cayman Gray Changes: Ernesto Belmonte ernesto.belmonte@sbcglobal.net

Dennis and Judity Stettner dds911@gmail.com Congratulations to the following: One Year Anniversary: Douglas Brannon George and Mary Graham Leo and Susan Northart Five Year Anniversary Kenneth Bell Carmine Maraglio and Susan Harold Bob and Nancy Thiessen Pedro and Lynda Villalobos Richard and Anne Walker Dale and Barbara White Larry York Ten Year Anniversary Mario and Laura Duenas Frederick and Susan Rauch Roger and Janet Walker Fifteen Year Anniversary Eufermio Cariaga Steven Roswold and Jocelyn Trueblood

Kirk and Linda Bradford 858-414-3684

Membership badges. Do your fellow club members a favor by helping them remember your name. Only $12.50 with either a pin or magnetic clasp. Email the Membership Director to receive an order form. Membership Renewal Reminder The Porsche Club of America (PCA) mails a membership renewal invoice 45 days before your membership expires. To avoid expiration of your membership, it’s important to renew before the end of the month in which your membership expires. To determine your expiration date, check your membership card or the mailing label of the envelope in which your Panorama arrives. Your membership number also contains your anniversary date: the first four digits are the year, and the second two are the month you joined PCA. The easiest way to renew is online at www.pca.org. Changing Contact Info If you change your email or street address, notify the membership director at membership@svr.pca.org or send mail to: 9617 Swan Lake Drive, Granite Bay, CA 95746 to insure uninterrupted delivery of bi-monthly event notices and of the drifter.

Michael and Tina Calvert 916-202-4008 Charles and Jeanne DeWitt 530-621-9513 Placerville, CA 95667 Upcoming Event! See page 14

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Lost the gold medallion from your membership badge? Mail $3.00 to the Membership Director to receive a shiny, new replacement.

Also update your PCA record at www.pca.org.

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New Members Always Welcomed! We have a special program of events designed especially for new members, which introduce them to the many and varied activities our Club hosts. Enjoy driving tours, visits to race tracks, breakfasts, lunches, informative car care sessions, wine tasting tours, autocross and more. You'll find your fellow Porsche owners friendly and welcoming.

Frank Merritt and Travis Nagle

Lily and Andy Hiroshima Patty Nicholas and Flynn

Kenneth and Sandy Ristuben George and Babette Hatten

Joan and Mark Savarese

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: Deaver Vineyards Dinner - When: Aug. 28 - Saturday 2:00PM - Location: Plymouth

Tour, Wine Tasting and Dinner Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tour: Meet at 2:00 P.M. in Sloughouse on Highway 16 Driving on your own: Be at the winery by 5:00 P.M. for wine tasting Live Bluegrass music from 5:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. • Dinner served at 7:00 P.M. Cost: $28.00 per person Dinner includes large cut prime rib (cooked in Dutch ovens), baked potato, salad, sourdough biscuits, cobbler, and fried pies. A vegetarian dish will be served.

Deadline for reservations in August 14. Send your check, made payable to “PCA-SVR” to: Ron Riley, 4000 Moddison Ave, Sacramento, CA 95819 For information, call Ron at 916.366.8834 or 916.214.8834 (cell)

Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: The Great Search and Discovery Tour - When: Aug. 7 - Saturday 9:00AM - Location: Fair Oaks Sacramento Valley Region Presents

The Great Search and Discovery Tour Saturday, August 7, 2010

Driver: The Older Person in the Car The Others: Lookouts and Spotters (Note: PCA insurance rules prohibit any child under 16 in the front seat of a car.) Classes of tour lookouts (subject to change) (If more than one “kid” in a car, class is determined by the age of the oldest “kid”) Class 1 – ages 7 and under • Class 2 – ages 8 to 11 • Class 3 – Ages 12 to 15 Class 4 – Ages 16 and up • Adult first–timers may run in class 4 Fee: $10:00 per Car To preregister, call 916.481.2759 or e-mail helena@lanset.com Four to six workers needed; please call above number to volunteer. Start is at McDonald’s at Tributary Point Drive (Haze; Avenue/Highway 50) Meet from 9:00 A.M. to 10:00 A.M. • First car out at 10:01 A.M. Rules: Only paper, pencil/pen, car odometer, clock permitted Prize for top three places in each class and “Dead Last but Finished” prize

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: Zone 7 Concours - When: Aug. 8 - Sunday - 8:00AM - Location: Redwood City

CARLSEN PORSCHE CONCOURS Presented by Golden Gate Region, Porsche Club of America

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Series 2010

Carlsen Porsche Dealership 3636 Haven Avenue, Redwood City, CA

Rally Concours Autocross

Entry Fee: $30.00 per Car • Display Only: Free Car placement from 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. Entry fee includes a catered buffet lunch for two Directions: From Highway 101, exit East onto Marsh Road and turn left onto Haven Avenue. For Information, call Larry Adams at (650) 345-2232 or e-mail OldCarNut@aol.com

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: West Coast Summer Concours - When: Aug. 13 - Location: Carmel An all-German marque event featuring BMW, Porsche, and Mercedes-Benz club corrals. Hosted by the Central Cal Chapter BMW CCA For information, visit: www.summerconcours.org www.bmwcca.org

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rancho Cañada Golf Club 4860 Carmel Valley Road • Carmel, CA 93923

8 AM – 3 PM

Preregistration required through Motorsportreg Corral Parking $25 • Judged Cars $50 Lunch - $20 The ultimate start to your historics weekend!

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Upcoming Event! Quick Info

Event: Annual Charity Auction- When: Sept. 12th 10:00AM - Location: Folsom

Annual Charity Auction and Family Picnic Sunday, September 12, 2010 from 10:A.M. to 6:00 P.M. City Park Pavilion 402 Stafford Street (off Natoma Street), Folsom The pavilion has a large covered area, picnic tables and benches, and charcoal grills. Look for the “reserved� sign. The park is located next to the Folsom Sanctuary Zoo, small and landscaped, and where each animal has a story. All of the money raised in the auction will go to the zoo. During the early part of they day you will have time to view and bid on the silent auction and also have time to visit the zoo. The regular, loud, and sometimes very funny auction begins at 1:00 P.M. Bring a picnic lunch, comfy chairs, the kids, the neighbors, and your wallet. Donations needed include creative, homemade, homegrown items. (Homemade pies and cookies are always big hits. (Or maybe you could offer a coupon for a home-cooked meal.) Questions? Contact Tambra Kroetz at 916.989.1954 or e-mail tkroetz@comcast.net

Porsche eCoupon Program - 20% savings exclusively for PCA Members!

Porsche Cars North America and Porsche Cars Canada, Ltd. are pleased to announce the PCA eCoupon Program, in recognition of the unique contribution that Porsche Club of America members make to the Porsche brand. Available exclusively to current PCA members, the PCA eCoupon provides a 20% discount off the listed MSRP for Porsche Genuine Parts, Classic, Tequipment and Porsche Design Drivers Selection merchandise. The PCA eCoupon is valid from June 4, 2010 to July 31, 2010 only at participating authorized Porsche dealers in accordance with the program rules and provisions. (Offer available via printable online coupon only.) Log onto: http://pca.org/Membership/MemberBenefits/PorscheeCoupon.aspx (You'll need your www.pca.org username and password to enter)

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Tech Article - Airbag Maintenance ? by Jim Kinnicutt

In short, there are no serviceable items in the air bag system and it requires no periodic maintenance. It does, however, as the sticker in the door jam reads, require periodic checkups. These checkups normally consist of your local dealer hooking up a Porsche diagnostics computer and performing some critical circuit tests. The intervals for these tests come at 4 years from date of manufacture, 8 years from that date and then every two years thereafter. Why? Circuits are composed of wiring and connectors. Time and moisture causes corrosion which changes resistance values that can affect the sensors and deployment triggers. When the dealer connects the testers, the Porsche PST-2 and PIWIS diagnostic/programming equipment, they can not only test for proper function, but they can also collect previous fault codes to detect possible intermittent issues that may be developing over time due to internal corrosion in the circuitry. This corrosion is not normally visually detectable. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to correct an impending problem before your life depends on it? Yes, this will cost a few extra bucks. But, if I pay a couple of bills each for oil changes, etc., should I be bothered by an extra charge once every 2 or 4 years to verify the air bags functionality? I think

my peace of mind, not to mention possibly a lot more than that, is probably worth it. Also note that a pretty thorough check up is performed every time you turn on the key. The air bag light should come on then go out after a few moments. If there is a problem, the warning light may come back on after another moment or two. You should always be aware of this check and verify that the light comes on when the ignition key is turned on, then goes off after a moment or two or after the engine starts. Of course it should not come on again at any time while the engine is on… or off but with the key still on (like if you kill the engine :0 ). There is a very cool and informative article at the following URL: http://www.excellence-mag.com/issues/179/articles/porsche-airbagsystems?page=1 Did you know that most newer Porsches also have pyrotechnic belt tensioners that work in conjunction with the airbags? When activated, the three-point seatbelt tightens against the occupant’s chest and allows less forward body movement. You can read about it in the same article above. Happy motorin’! technical@svr.pca.org

Editors Notes by Kyle Gong

Past drifter issues available! Complete your collection. We have a generous longtime member that has some past drifter issues available for the asking. Years 1989 to 2003 with exceptions Dec 97, Feb 03, May 03, June 03. Email editor@svr.pca.org and I will pass on the information. We are working to get our issues caught up so...keep looking out for the next exciting issue!

...just a quick note of appreciation To all my dear Porsche Club family and friends, Saying thank you hardly seems adequate for all the love and support you have shown the boys and me. Kerner’s death took all of us by surprise and left such a hole in all of our hearts. All of you that were able to be at the memorial service, thank you so much. Many of you have sent cards, notes, and other remembrances and I’m so truly grateful. Kern and I have been members of the Porsche Club for about 36 years and we are blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives. At some point in time we should all get together and tell stories about the antics of Kerner Breaux. The person laughing the loudest will of course be, Kerner Breaux. I will then get another phone call from God saying “keeping this guy quiet after hours is really impossible. How did you do it?” So to all of you, our dear friends, thank you from the bottom of my heart. With much love and thankfulness, Cindi Breaux

Join the Porsche Club of America

Enjoy the camaraderie of other Porsche enthusiasts. Join on-line at www.pca.org or contact Doug Klein Membership Director at membership@svr.pca.org 916-791-4864

the drifter - Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.derporsche.net

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drifter classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled. Cars for Sale 911 wide body Carrera (convertible) Selling my 1983 911 convertible w/all steel 930 LOOK. Wife buying our 5th Porsche so letting two of our other Porsches go. Only 117K miles. Excellent pressure in all 6 cyl. I’m only the 2nd owner. Everything works... absolutely no leaks no excuses. Upgraded momo steering whl w/Porsche center cap. Alpine system that sounds awesome, XM, lots of extras. This car is the most photographed of all Porsches and has Porsche’s longest running engine (gets well over 300,000K miles) - you can google it. It’s got the Turbo look without the hassle of turbo maintenance. Updated Turbo twist rims and tires give it a modern feel. This really is an awesome car that handles well. Contact Frank 916 372-5555 (hm) or 916 588-8345 (cell). $20,000 1985 911 Carrera Targa Champagne w/Brown Interior. All service records; 106k miles; 3rd owner, purchased in 1993; garaged; all original. Contact: Bob Dierkes at Bob_Dierkes@comcast.net or at 707.249.3173. $29,950

1997 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet. This is a beautiful 993, guards red with tan interior. 6 speed with 18” OES chrome turbo wheels and 3k on Continental performance tires. New clutch and 60k service. New Alpine stereo with speakers, CD changer and iPod connection. Full car cover, cabin cover and other extras. 60,800 miles. It’s in great shape and fun to drive. Contact: rrivinius@cbia.org or 916-847-2700. $33,500

1995 Cabriolet Midnight Metallic Blue, blue top, tan interior, six speed, power top, power seats, power steering, P/W, A/C, C/D. Well maintained, excellent condition overall. All recalls completed by Niello. 70,000 miles, Contact: Russ 530 222 0413 or e-mail rduclos@charter.net $27.000

2001 Boxster S - This 986 Boxster S has the 3.2 liter engine. It also has custom ordered paint that is polar silver so very unlikely you will run into another Boxster of the same color anywhere nearby. (Beside a silver car it appears light blue but by a light blue car it appears silver). It comes with the $3200 Tiptronic option so you can drive in automatic or for quicker response switch to manual and toggle buttons on the steering wheel. Upgraded sport rims, alpine stereo, and wired for XM Radio. Owned by PCA member who is a local female surgeon. I believe we are only the second owners. Best of all this Boxster has very low miles at only 32,000 miles. No issues. Only selling because picking up our 5th Porsche which is newer. Contact Frank 916 372-5555 (hm) or 916 588-8345 (cell). $19,000 2001 Boxster 5 speed: Guards Red/black leather interior; 36,500 miles. Sports package, alum trim package, power seat package, 18” wheels with painted crests, painted bumperetts, premium sound with 6 disk changer, clear euro side markers, 2003 tail lights, new OEM battery, Valentine 1, Porsche battery charger, car cover, convertible top cover, Porsche factory bra. Excellent condition Contact jstimpson@sierraoptics.com or Jim at 530 885-6979 Auburn, CA for more info. $17,500 1988 Porsche 944 Turbo. 105k miles. Clean title. This car has been modified to perform well on the track but is still street legal and smog friendly (it always does the fast pass). I have a ton of receipts totally well over $14k for repairs/upgrades to this car. Some of these include: Mild ECU chip upgrade (250hp), Koni adjustable suspension, Weltmeister sway bars, Top end engine rebuild, 2 sets wheels/tires (16 and 17”), Racing drivers seat, 4 point harness and harness bar, Performance exhaust. This car runs flawlessly and is ready to be taken to the next level by a track junkie or just driven on the street - although the suspension is harsher than stock. If you’re interested, or have questions Contact: David Schnitzer at 916.371.4103 or email dschnitzer@wavecable.com $7,500 OBO

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Index of Advertisers

Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Leland West Michael R. Newlon - U.S. Route 395/95 Niello Porsche Pacific Power Motorsports The Racer’s Group (TRG) Reflections in Glass RPM Indoor Kart Racing TrackMasters Racing

3 5 21 IFC 17 16 4, BC 9 7 13 15 IFC

Please remember to support your club by utilizing the services and products from our advertisers. Many of them provide a discount, make sure to mention you heard it in the drifter!

2005 911/C2S Arctic Silver metallic with Black Full Leather, Sport Chrono, Navigation, 6-Disk CD changer, heated adaptive sport seats, BOSE Surround Sound, self dimming mirrors, wheel caps w/colored crest, rear wiper, complete clear bra kit, Jan/2015 or 75K miles transferrable comprehensive warrantee w/no deductable, never tracked, always garaged/covered, all records, 18K miles Contact: Ben Flores 916.851.9254. $54,950 2004 Silver Porsche Carrera GT 5.7 liters, 605 horsepower, mid-engine, DOHC V10 (car wt kept to 3000 lbs, so very fast); 6-speed manual transmission; carbon fiber-reinforced, silicon carbide ceramic (C/SiC) composite brake system; pure carbon fiber monocoque and subframe; 10-pump dry-sump lubrication; inboard suspension; updated Alpine AV system with navigation, silver metallic paint w/ dark gray leather interior; removable roof panels converts car to T-Top; includes custom-leather luggage set. Approximately 2500 original owner miles, never raced, immaculately maintained, always garaged. Unit number 124 of approx.1300 total model production; one of only approx. 600 Carrera GT’s sold in the United States. Contact: Chuck at chuckthurber@aol.com $440k MSRP. Serious buyers only please

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Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

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