0902 - February 2009

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the drifter Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

February 2009

On the Cover There truly is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow! This 1998 arctic silver/black Boxster is owned by Doug DeVetter. Doug has been a SVR PCA member since 1998. Photo by: Doug DeVetter

New and improved SVR calendar Go to the SVR home page at www.derporsche.net and take a look at the new and more functional calendar, which includes listings of regional, Zone 7, and national PCA events. You’ll like it.

Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California, and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in our events. Infineon - Thursday March 19th Infineon - Friday March 20th Laguna Seca - Wednesday April 8th Thunderhill - Friday April 24th Laguna Seca - Thursday April 30th Infineon - Monday May 4th Laguna Seca - Wednesday May 27th

Come out and stretch your car’s legs on some of the finest tracks in the country! Fun, safe, and definitely . . .

No speeding tickets!


2009 Board of Directors President Cookie Anderson


6320 Hickory Avenue, Orangevale, CA 95662 president@svr.pca.org

Vice President Bill Keegan


5104 Par Place Rocklin, CA 95677-4226 vicepresident@svr.pca.org

Secretary Kim Nelson


305 Glen Ridge Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 secretary@svr.pca.org

Treasurer Betty Silva


12 Oak Lane, Fairfield, CA 94534-1409 treasurer@svr.pca.org

Social Director Babette Hatten


2115 Cargill Way, Roseville, CA 95747 social@svr.pca.org

Membership Director Doug Klein


9617 Swan Lake Drive, Granite Bay, CA 95746 membership@svr.pca.org

Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 9580 Oak Ave. Parkway, Folsom, CA 95630 competition@svr.pca.org

Webmaster John Murphy


www.derporsche.net February 2009

Volume 47, No. 2 In This Issue Upcoming Events

9 - Make-A-Wish Donation Update

3 - Dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory

11 - Register for 54th Parade - 101

3 - Saturday Breakfast Club

12 - Porsche 2009 Season Drivers Report

5 - Blackhawk Auto Museum Tour

12 - Porsche Deliveries Report

8 - Porsche & Vintage VW Literature

14 - Annual Planning Meeting

Toy/Model, and Memorabilia Swap Meet

15 - Porsche Wins Numerous Prizes and Awards

10 - Hands-on Tech Session 13 - February - April 2009 Calendar

Columns and Departments

16 - Mendocino 2009 Tour

2 - Cookie’s Crumbs 7 - Drifting Back - February 2009

Features and Reviews

17 - Drifter Classifieds

2 - January Breakfast Review

19 - SVR Goodie Store

2 - Porsche Parade 2009 Details Announced

19 - The Last Word

4 - Pictures & Videos Request 2009 Porsche Parade

19 - Index of Advertisers

6 - Dummkopf Awarded

20 - February Membership Report

Information and Committee Directory Autocross Chair Bob Peake


11508 Armour Court, Gold River, CA 95670 webmaster@svr.pca.org

125 Darrington Dr., Folsom, CA 95630 bbayou@jps.net

Past President Mike Willis

Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch



Goodie Store Tom Sisson


14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685


Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian


5440 Tree Side Drive, Carmichael, CA 95608-5957 helena@lanset.com

2748 Tiffany West Way, Sacramento, CA 95827 pastpresident@svr.pca.org

9580 Oak Ave. Parkway, Ste. 7-188, Folsom, CA 95630

Drifter Editor JR Evinger Roseville, CA

Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz

Technical Chair 916.989.1954 Roger Walker


Concours Chair Kent Brandon

G24 Chair 916.663.1702 Lee Deter

3450 Hector Road, Newcastle, CA 95658 kbrandon@ncbb.net

758 Clipper Way, Sacramento, CA 95831 ldeter@yahoo.com


Dummkopf Chair Larry Wilson


Advertising Manager Mike Willis



Zone 7 Representative Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel Redwood City, CA sharonneidel@yahoo.com



9807 Blue Lake Drive, Folsom, CA 95630 tkroetz@comcast.net

8113 East Carriage Lane, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Lwilson1230@comcast.net

Folsom, CA pcarnut@att.net


2748 Tiffany West Way, Sacramento, CA 95827 mikew@derporsche.net

Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter


Cookie Crumb’s

by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2009 SVR President Its 2009 and the January Planning Meeting was a great success thanks to our Vice President Bill Keegan and Social Director Babette Hatten. The planning meeting went just like planned. Bill had all the calendars up for each month and members filled in dates they wanted. New ideas were thrown on the table and members stepped forward to make these events happen. If you couldn’t make it to the planning meeting and would like to do a tour and dinner please give Social Director Babette Hatten a call at 916-772-5280. Be watching for the 2009 SVR Event Calendar, Doug Klein and I will be working to get it out in the next few weeks, so be watching your email for this to happen. We plan on scheduling them twice a month which will include a three month calendar of events. I know this has been helpful to some of our members to see what’s coming up in advance. So don’t forget to check your calendar for events you want to attend. The SVR Calendar is also on the Website for those that don’t get email blasts. For all of you that don’t get email blast and would like to be on the list give me a call or Membership Chairperson Doug Klein and we will be happy to add you on that list. I would like to give a big “Thank You” to Rik Larson for doing such a great job the past two years in keeping the email address up to date. Just remember if you have a new email address please let us know so we may make the change to our database so you will keep getting our blast on events and last minute updates. My Charity Chairperson Tambra Kroetz has been working on different approaches for our Charity Auction. Since Larry Wilson and Kirk Bradford have retired being our auctioneers, Tambra is working on another way of raising money for our local charities. So everyone that knows Tambra give her your support so we may make this a profitable year for our Charity Auction.

January Breakfast – We Missed You

by Rik Larson The first monthly breakfast of the year was held on January 3rd at the Marie Callender’s in Citrus Heights. Approximately 20 SVR members attended. We had people from Colfax, Placerville, South Sacramento and all points in between. SVR President Cookie Anderson greeted everyone as they showed up (in order to get past her you had to pay for breakfast). The Saturday buffet is outstanding and you can even have a piece of their famous pie to finish up your meal. We discussed the upcoming SVR events and handed out flyers for the February and March dinners, the ‘hands on concours’ tech session on April 26th and the Mendocino Tour to be held over the Halloween weekend. Come on out and join us. See you at the next breakfast on Saturday, February 7th.

Porsche Parade 2009 Details Announced by Rik Larson

Check out the January 2009 edition of the Panorama. There are a total of 10 pages that covers just about everything you wanted to know about the 54th Porsche Parade in Keystone, Colorado. Remember that registration opens on Tuesday, March 3, 2009. The online process will take you about 30 minutes to complete. It is a good idea to examine the down-loadable printed application prior to doing the online process as it will allow you to have all the necessary information available when you sequence through the online screens. Remember that all registrations submitted online or postmarked March 3-5, 2009 are considered as equals. The down-loadable form will be at the web site, www. porscheparade2009.com in February.

Board meeting dates and times have changed so if you would like to sit in on one of those meetings they are the last Wednesday of the month at RPM 3130 Bradshaw Rd Sacramento at 6:00 pm. Members are welcome to attend.


the drifter

February 2009 Dinner 12401 Folsom Blvd. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 In the Nimbus Winery near Hazel Ave. and Highway 50 Hosted by Dave & Kaye Mitchell on Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 Social Hour is at 6:30 P.M. followed by Dinner at 7:15

$15.00 per person dinner includes:

Salad with Creamy Pesto Dressing, fresh sourdough bread, Spumoni ice cream and your choice of coffee, tea or milk Tax and tip included. Entrée Choices: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce • Spaghetti with Mizithra Cheese Spinach and Cheese Ravioli • Fettuccini Alfredo A variety of (cash & carry) drinks and sodas are available. Please RSVP with your choices by February 7th to: Hogman7@comcast.net or call 916.721.3650 The Social Director, per the SVR policy statement, may bill members for their meals if they cancel after the deadline or fail to show for dinner.

Be sure to bring a contribution to “Share the Wealth.”

SVR Saturday Breakfast Club February 7, 2009 Marie Callender’s

5525 Sunrise Boulevard, Citrus Heights (North of Madison)

Meet in the parking lot at 8:30 A.M. • Breakfast at 9:00 A.M. Price: $11.00 per person, includes tax but not tip • Please bring exact change! the drifter


Request for Pictures and Videos - 2009 Porsche Parade Announcement The joint regions of Rocky Mountain and Alpine Mountain will be hosting the 54th Porsche Parade beginning June 29, 2009 at the Keystone Resort in Colorado. Colorado has played host to five past Porsche Parades, so our history is tried and true. The 2009 Parade Committee is proud to be involved and is planning to make this a truly memorable event. One way to ensure an outstanding 2009 Parade is to invite the regions to contribute, rather than merely attend and participate. Many regions compile photos and videos of local club events that take place throughout the year. Some regions also have unique videos or maps of their local race tracks which may be of interest to your fellow Porsche enthusiasts. New for the 2009 Parade, we will have a large video screen in the Gastlichkeit Centrum (Hospitality Center) to display these pictures and videos. We believe this is an excellent opportunity to show off your region and contribute to the success of the 2009 Parade. We have also received a number of requests to bring back the scrapbooks and historical items which have been absent from some recent Parades. This is another excellent opportunity for regions to contribute. We invite you to submit any pictures and videos you feel may be appropriate. We would appreciate receiving them as soon as possible, but ask that we receive them no later than June 1, 2009. Please send them via CD or DVD to the address below. You may also send your historical and scrapbook items to the same address, although if you prefer to bring these items with you to the Parade, you are welcome to do so as long as you contact us first so we have space available. Please e-mail Dave Keeley (davekeeley@msn.com) with any questions or to notify us of your participation. We look forward to seeing you in Colorado! Best regards, Dave Keeley

552 St. Andrews Drive, Longmont, CO 80501

Niello Porsche will meet or beat any written repair or service order estimate by any licensed independent Porsche repair facility... and perform the work where no one else can, the area’s most modern, state-of-the-art Porsche dealership.

Complimentary 29 point inspection for Porsche Club Members by appointment. Call today. Niello Porsche Rocklin

4525 Granite Drive, Rocklin. Showroom Hours M - Sa. 8:30am - 8:00pm Su. 10:30AM - 6:00PM Parts MF 8:00am - 6:00pm Service M-F 7:00am - 6:00PM Parts & Service Saturday 8:30am-3:00pm 1-888-298-3070 • (916) 625-8300

Niello Porsche has designated a Premier Porsche Dealer by Porsche Cars of North America. So now Niello is not only recognized as the longest continually operating Porsche dealership in America, we’re officially one of the best.


the drifter

Blackhawk Auto Museum Tour

Saturday May 9, 2009

The Blackhawk Museum is an auto aficionado’s treat. Specializing in very rare and one-of-a-kind cars, it provides several themed exhibits a year. The current exhibition is titled “International Automotive Treasures,” presenting over 90 historically significant and artistically inspired automobiles. Paraphrasing the Museum’s web site, In every era there have been cars of special artistic and historic significance built to illustrate new ideas in styling, engineering or performance, that are also individual works of art. Many cars are one-of-a-kind, conceived by the world’s leading designers and crafted by the most respected coach building artisans. Most are on loan thanks to Museum friends and car collectors from around the world, who enjoy sharing their automobiles. Blackhawk has the most dramatic presentation of coach-built cars in the world, without exception. Blackhawk has also featured cars fresh from being exhibited at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, such as a 1911 Mercedes Labourdette Skiff, a 1903 Mors J. Rothschild & Fils limousine, a 1909 Winton Touring Model 17, a 1936 M.G. PB Airline Coupe, a 1968 Bizzarrini 5300 S.I. Spyder, and the 1937 Figoni et Falaschi Delahaye 135 that received Best of Show during the Pebble Beach Concours’ 50th anniversary in 2000. We will have our own experienced docent to describe the significance and interesting design details of various cars, as we walk through this 70,000 square foot museum, an architectural master piece worthy of the autos it contains. Some of us will park on the Museum’s plaza, shown below. With room for twelve to fifteen cars, it will offer a fine photo-op. An adjacent lot provides additional parking. Lunch: At one of the seven restaurants in Blackhawk Plaza. We’ll split up according to preference to minimize waiting. Fee: $5 per car tour fee. Admission to Blackhawk is $10 per adult and $7 for seniors, payable at the door. Please make the $5 check payable to SVR-PCA. Preparation Suggestions: You’ll want to bring your camera; tripods are not allowed. Arrive with a full tank of gas. Two-way radios set to Channel 9 are helpful. Loaners may be available. Meet at Starbucks in the Nugget shopping center parking lot at the southwest corner of Interstate 5 and Florin Road. From downtown Sacramento, travel south on I-5 to Florin Road. Take the Florin Road west off-ramp to the right, and you’ll see the shopping center on your left, just off the freeway. Departure time TBD. Post Tour: The Museum is next to one of East Bay’s most beautiful shopping centers, the Blackhawk Plaza, with an assortment of high-end boutiques, restaurants, galleries and many other shops. From the fountain atop the Museum’s plaza to the outdoor terrace of the Blackhawk Grille, the Plaza provides a unique browsing/shopping experience before heading home. Return: It’s a quick trip. North on Highway 680 to Interstate 80. Checkout Blackhawk Museum at www.blackhawkmuseum.org. To register and for further info: Doug Klein dougk@surewest.net (916) 791-4864. Want to get involved in Club activities? This tour needs a co-leader—-call or email Doug. the drifter


Larson Wins Dummkopf by Larry Wilson, SVR Dummkopf Chair

I mention this, not to cause him embarrassment, but rather as a way to re-introduce this worthy program that can provide members with a wonderful, character-building, experience. If you will just let me know the details, we can provide appropriate and documented recognition to that deserving SVR member. Your friends will thank you. Recipients must arrange to have their name and the month and year they received the award engraved on the trophy. They may keep the trophy for the remainder of the month. Please call me, Larry Wilson, at 916-536-9703, and give On the way to the January 8th meeting, I figured I’d grab the tro- me the scoop -- operators are standing by. phy from Tom and then chill-out for a couple of weeks, or maybe a month or so before doing any serious work to find members who deserve consideration. I had nearly dozed off, as the meeting rolled along, when Rik Larson stood up extolling the virtues of the Mendocino tour and the great accommodations available for participants. “Last year, most people stayed at Little River Inn, but Mike and Vickie Willis stayed at another terrific place down the road,” said Rik. As your new Dummkopf Obergrupenfuehrer, I retrieved the Dummkopf trophy from Tom Kroetz before settling down to enjoy the January 8th SVR planning meeting at Round Table Pizza on Greenback Lane. Tom was the last person in 2008 to receive this prestigious award. My job is to see that no deserving SVR member goes unrecognized. Randy Vidmar did this job last year. Sometimes at a dinner meeting, I’ll ask for your help if we need to choose between two or more qualified candidates.

With those words still ringing in my ears, I bolted upright, now wide awake thinking, “Vickie? Hello. . .it’s been Emily for some time, now.” At first it was quiet, then a snicker or two, finally a huge wave of laughter. It was then I knew I had my first catch -- the Dummkopf Obergrupenfuehrer is always on duty. As for Emily, she smiled through this memorable moment with calm reserve. Well done Rik Larson - SVR’s first Dummkopf recipient for 2009. He will be given appropriate recognition at the February dinner meeting. Don’t miss it! And lest you think Larson is a virgin in this regard, let me inform you that he first won the Dummkopf Award in October 1980, again in May 1981 for making CRAB 10 rally checkpoint signs with water-soluble paint (yes, it rained hard during the rally!), and then he won again in October 1981. A prolific gent, Rik.

Photo caption: This is the SVR Dummkopf Trophy in its 3rd iteration. It was skillfully crafted in early 1980 by Dwight Mitchell and the elves at Autosport Technology. Rik Larson was the fifth recipient of this particular trophy version in May 1980. And he won it again in October 1980 and again in October 1981.


the drifter

Drifting Back – February 2009 by Larry Wilson

30 Years Ago (February 1979) Among the new members joining the club in February were rallyists George and Nona Morley with their 1972 Porsche 911S, a car they said they would keep forever. They were probably aghast to see in the February DRIFTER that Loose Lips Jim Karver had revealed many of their friends secret rally-name: Loose Goose, Bruce Moose, the Snake, L3, Hedgehog, Reverend Rod, Sister Singh, Yosemite Sam, Stanley Screw, Donna Two, Gabby, Sleeper & Sport, Curta von Halda, Stick, Buzzard, The Dunk, Bad Guy, Hard Nose Charlie, Dingy, Penguin, Maid Marian, Always Lost, Never Found, Turkey Neck, Chilli, and Hot Tamale, just to name a few. This is hot stuff, and should be incorporated with other new-member orientation topics! Will the next Karver revelation be secret rallyist handshakes? The February DRIFTER also featured many photos taken during the December Christmas frolic, and four of them showed a certain disguised Santa Claus with a traditional hat and mustache/beard, and non-traditional sunglasses and nomex racing suit. The get-up was so outrageous, it could have been Darrel Overstreet, or. . .it could have been Judge Clint deWitt. Yeah, probably Judge deWitt. During the February 2 Dinner Meeting at Aomi’s, SVR Treasurer Paul Baldarelli announced Share-the Wealth contributors included Autosport Technology (Dwight Mitchell), Strutz Jewelers (Ted Strutz), Continental Auto Service (Wyn Robertson), Overstreet Racing Enterprises (Darrel Overstreet), Mutual Life (Kern Breaux), Paul Bates, Niello Porsche-Audi, and Lasher Porsche-Audi. 20 Years Ago (February 1989) Odds ‘n’ Ends: Minutes of the February 8th board meeting reported that DRIFTER editor, Larry Wilson, upgraded the club’s computer equipment (Mac Plus with two floppy disk drives) to the absolute cutting-edge of future technology by purchasing a 30-meg hard drive and a 2400-baud modem at the recent MacWorld show in San Francisco. Consensus said future editors would never need more capacity. Never, ever. Membership Director, Arlene Pluth, reported that a prospective SVR member, employed by the CHP, appropriately has a coppercolored Porsche. The board, noting that such juxtaposition was very important, voted unanimously to grant membership to this fine officer. Secretary Mark Smedley noted the meeting was adjourned promptly at 9:28 P.M. The February 9 Dinner Meeting, chaired by Marie Smith, was held at The Old Spaghetti Factory at Hazel and U.S. 50. SVR Treasurer, Sara Clements, noted in the February DRIFTER that the club’s Goodie Store had accumulated several collectable items such as the SVR “1970 Region of the Year” cloth

patch, and “Tinklers” from CRAB 8 (1979) which were ceramic wind chimes in the shape of five different model Porsches made by noted Sacramento ceramic artist, Jo Ann Marquardt. According to the wrapper sticker, the Tinklers retail price was $17.00. 10 Years Ago (February 1999) SVR rallyists did extremely well as they helped to launch the 1999 Zone 7 rally series by running Diablo Region’s February Frolic Rally on St. Valentine’s Day, February 14th. The route covered lightly traveled roads around the Livermore area. J. Toney and Helen Ashuckian took first overall with a total error of TWO seconds for the six rally legs (four zeros and two ones). Al Armellini and Rik Larson won Class C with a score of 47, and Larry and Mary Clark took second in the class with a score of 53. Kirk and Linda Bradford finished second in Class B with a score of 491. Jim and Kellie Finley hosted the February 18 Valentine’s dinner meeting at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Roseville, and Judy Hanna’s DRIFTER headline, “Valentines, pasta, Dumbkopf highlight February dinner,” says it all. Randy Vidmar, the new Dumbkopf award chairman, explained the rules of this prestigious award and how candidates are evaluated by the “clap-o-meter.” First up was Randy himself for breaking all the wine glasses in his picnic basket. Next, Randy’s wife, Maureen, for getting lost on an autocross course. Then, Larry Clark got consideration for mixing up telephone numbers in THE DRIFTER. But, new member Mike Linville nailed it, as explained by Jim McDade, for sampling a mysterious fluid leak under his Porsche which was created by Max, the “leaking dog.” The clap-o-meter never lies. Linville would have received the award on the spot if the Dumkopf chair had remembered to bring it to the meeting.

the drifter


26th Year Porsche & Vintage VW Literature Toy/Model, and Memorabilia Swap Meet Saturday, March 7th, 2009 Los Angeles Airport Hilton Hotel 5711 West Century Boulevard From 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Admission: $10.00 at 9:00 A.M. or early bird $30.00 at 7:00 A.M. There will be over 225 tables of collectibles. For vendor information, contact Wayne Callaway, 1504 East Cedar Street, Ontario, CA 91761, telephone 909.930.1999, or go to the website at www.LALitAndToyShow.com


the drifter

“You Gave, They Wished and Magic Happened!” Make-A-Wish Donation Update Intro by Mike Willis

Through the generosity of the SVR members SVR was able to have our auction proceeds grant a wish to a local child from the Make A Wish Foundation. The letter below reflects the wish that we helped grant. Again thanks to all the SVR members and guests that made this possible.

Make-A-Wish Foundation Of Sacramento and Northeastern California www.makeawish-sacto.org December 5, 2008 Porsche Club of America Sacramento Valley Region Susan Fleming Dear American Porsche Club Sacramento, You Gave, They Wished and Magic happened! On behalf of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Sacramento & Northeastern California, we wish to thank you for making possible the “Sacramento Valley Region-Porsche Club of America Annual Charity Auction” generation an amazing $6,200! Your support will help us continue our mission of granting wishes to children with life threatening medical conditions with Hope, Strength and Joy. Tory, who is 11 and Hydrocephalous and a shunt releasing pressure from her brain, loves the Disney Princesses and pink and purple. Tory wanted a place to hang out that was her own and that met her needs. Tory and her mom, Denny, thought that the perfect wish for Tory would be to have her bedroom made over with her favorite colors and decorated with her favorite things. In anticipation of the big day, Denny cleared out Tory’s room and let Aziza Prasad from Exquisite Interior ReDesign take over. Aziza and her assistant Cindy let the magic pour out and over the next few days created Tory’s awesome new space. On reveal day, a stunned Tory opened the door to her new bedroom to find pink and purple walls showcasing a castle mural above Tory’s new bed. Some new shelves now hold Tory’s most cherished dolls and pictures. The tv/vcr combo lets Tory watch all her favorite DVD’s as many times as she likes. Her comfy new princess comforter, pillows, princess chair and numerous decorations make Tory’s new room feel like she’ll always be at a Disney park! It takes many hands and hearts to make a wish come true, we appreciate your efforts in organizaing the charity auction contributing to the visions and dreams of our wish children and once again, thank you for “Sharing The Power of a Wish”! With Best Regards, (Signed) Annie Pellegrini Regional Development Manager (There is a special handwritten thank you to Susan Fleming on the letter also.) the drifter


Hands-on Tech Session by Jim McMahen

Have you ever wanted to pick up a few tips on getting your car really clean, polished, sealed, and waxed? Ever wondered why some cars shine more than others? Maybe you can’t figure out how to get rid of those pesky spider web scratches in your car’s paint. After you wash your pride and joy have you ever felt something on the paint, but you couldn’t see it? Well, your ship has come in!

The day’s schedule will be as follows: 1. Continental breakfast at 9 a.m. 2. Introduction to Detailing 10 a.m. 3. Washing Techniques 4. Claying the Car 5. Polishing the Surface 6. Sealing the Paint 7. Lunch 8. Sealing the Paint (second coat) 9. Cleaning Wheels and Tires 10. Waxing

Join us on Sunday, April 26 2009 at Bob Jacobson’s home for a gathering of enthusiasts who love their cars. We will have a “Hands-on” tech session addressing the proper cleaning, claying, polishing, sealing, waxing, and tire dressing for your Porsche. Under the supervision of David Yamada, noted automobile detailer, all participants will perform one or more of these tasks on selected cars. Please be prepared for a day of learning and working the session is expected to last six hours. All products will be supplied and you may purchase additional ones. th

11. Final Buffing 12. Questions and Answers

Your friends are also invited; they don’t have to a Porsche, just a love for their automobile. Come early and enjoy a nice continental breakfast and a cup of coffee, or orange juice. Lunch will be provided. There will be a $10.00 charge per participant and guest to help offset the cost of the food.

Please RSVP to Jim McMahen at 916.924.1463 or jimmcmahen@hotmail.com (This information will help me plan for the continental breakfast and lunch). Also include your e-mail address, phone number, and region. Directions to Bob’s home are: 1. East on I-80 to Sierra College Boulevard. “Do not take the Sierra College exit.” 2. Left (North) on Sierra College Boulevard towards Lincoln. 3. Approximately 6.5 miles after turning on Sierra College Boulevard look on the left for a sign that will point to Bob’s driveway. Please join us at Bob’s (916.645.3555) for a day with good people and a good time.


the drifter

Register for Parade - 101 54th Porsche Parade

Keystone. CO. June 29th – July 4th, 2009 by Kathy Fricke

While talking with some of our PCA members during the regional Holiday parties, it occurred to Kathleen Lennon and I that some of you really didn’t have a good idea of what registering for the Porsche Parade is all about. We thought we should take a moment to explain just how the process goes. Here are some of the basics for you to think about: When you register for Parade 2009 online, you must first have access to the PCA National website. Some of you may already have access to www.pca.org and have a password set up for its access. For those of you who do not, please contact Vu Nguyen, PCA Executive Director at vun@pca.org. He will assist you in gaining access to the National site, where you will be registering for our 2009 Porsche Parade. Have a copy of the 2009 Porsche Parade’s full schedule of events at hand. It will help you when you are in the registration process, and you can find the full Parade schedule on www.porscheparade2009.com . It will list the four major competitive Events, Special Activities and Banquets plus all their dates and times for your convenient selection. The Parade registration process will take you approximately 30 minutes on line. The 54th Porsche Parade registration fee is $165.00, and covers basic admittance to the Parade for the entrant, a co-entrant, and one car. The co-entrant may be an unaffiliated PCA member, but must share the same car with an entrant. An exception applies if the registered Porsche is not legal for street use, in which case a second Porsche may be registered for use in the TSD rally only.

· If you are not comfortable using the online method of registering, please go to the Colorado Parade site directly at www. porscheparade2009.com to download the registration form. Fill it in and mail it on or after March 3, 2009. · If you do not have Internet access, call Kathleen Lennon, Parade Registrar, at 719-487-2842 or 719-330-1525 and request that a paper registration form be mailed to you. Requests for paper registration forms will be accepted beginning February 14th. · Mailed registrations and online registrations will be treated alike. There is no advantage to registering either way, beyond your own convenience. As in the past, there is no early registration. The online registration site will be available starting Tuesday, March 3rd. All online registrations submitted on March 3rd, 4th, or 5th will be treated equally as first day registration and paper registrations postmarked the same days. Paper entries received with an earlier postmark will be rejected. There is no rush to register on a single first day as in past Parades. You may also register later but your options may be somewhat limited. As you can see, Parade registration has it rules, as do many regional events we all register for. If you are still confused or simply worried you won’t do it right, please feel free to call Kathleen Lennon. She will hold your hand through the process prior to our actual registration dates. Kathleen and I hope these hints and things to think about will help you with your registration for the 2009 Parade.

Beginning with the 54th Parade, we have lowered the registration fee, but will be charging entrants additional fees for the four major competitive events, if you choose to enter any or all: Concours - $20 per car; Autocross - $20 per driver; TSD Rally - $10 per car; and Tech Quiz - $10 per person.

Once you are registered, you will receive a confirmation of registration from the registrar and the Parade code to help you with your selection of Keystone Parade lodging. Whether you choose a hotel or a condominium, you will need this Parade access code to obtain the Parade rates. Check our regional Parade website for a lodging map of the Keystone area www.porscheparade2009.com

Additional fees apply for banquet/meal tickets and for selected other activities such as the spectacular driving tours, golf tournament, 5K walk/run and some Parade kids’ activities.

Walt and I will also be available to answer any Parade questions you may have. Our e-mail is katfricke@msn.com or call 303499-6540.

There are three ways to register for the Colorado Parade and all its activities: · The fastest, easiest way to register is online at www.pca.org · Before you can do that, you must be a registered user on the PCA website, as I have stated above. If you aren’t already registered, please do that now so you are ready to go at Registration time. If you are already registered, please make sure your information is up to date.

Welcome to the registration process for the 2009 Porsche Parade. Kathleen Lennon - Parade Registrar Kathy and Walt Fricke - Parade Chairs

the drifter


Porsche Fields Ten Factory Drivers for 2009 Season - Five to Race in U.S.

Porsche Reports Decrease in North American Customer Deliveries

January 15 -- The driver line-up for Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, is now complete. A total of ten works drivers will contest various sports car and GT series around the world in the 2009 season, with five factory drivers having season-long assignments in the United States. As in the past years, the Porsche factory drivers support teams in top class championships as well as long distance races and are also involved in the further development of racing vehicles. In the American Le Mans Series (ALMS), Joerg Bergmeister (Germany) and Patrick Long (USA) belong to the favorites in the GT2 class with the Porsche GT3 RSR of the Flying Lizard Motorsports team. Long remains the only American Porsche factory driver. Wolf Henzler (Germany), as well, is keen to wrap up the ALMS title for the Farnbacher Loles Racing outfit. In a Porsche-powered Daytona Prototype, Timo Bernhard (Germany) and Romain Dumas (France) hunt for points for the Penske Racing team in the Rolex Grand-Am Sports Car series. The season schedule for Sascha Maassen (Germany) has yet to be finalized. However, Maassen, along with most of the factory drivers, will participate with customer teams in the upcoming Rolex 24 Hours At Daytona January 24 - 25. Marc Lieb (Germany) and Richard Lietz (Austria) will form a strong pairing for the Proton team in the 2009 Le Mans Series (LMS). The two share the cockpit of a Porsche 911 GT3 RSR. Patrick Pilet from France will also contest the LMS piloting a GT3 RSR of the IMSA Performance team. Emmanuel Collard (France) joins forces with the Penders squad in the FIA GT championship. The executive who contracts the drivers, Porsche head of motorsport, Hartmut Kristen, placed emphasis on continuity. "I'm very pleased that I can count on ten world class pilots in the 2009 season. They have all competed for Porsche for at least a year and I know the strengths of every single one of them. In addition to the core series that we've chosen for our drivers, some of them will also contest other individual events," said Kristen. The Porsche works drivers (with date of birth): Joerg Bergmeister (Germany), 13 February 1976 Emmanuel Collard (France), 3 April 1971 Romain Dumas (France), 14 December 1977 Wolf Henzler (Germany), 5 April 1975 Marc Lieb (Germany), 4 July 1980 Richard Lietz (Austria) 17 December 1983 Patrick Long (USA), 28 July 1981 Sascha Maassen (Germany), 28 September 1969 Patrick Pilet (France), 8 October 1981 Timo Bernhard (Germany), 24 February 1981

Deliveries to customers in North America in the 2008 calendar year by Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, amounted to a total of 27,717 units. Out of this overall figure, the USA accounted for 26,035 cars, Canada for 1,682. Compared with the previous year with record sales of 36,680 units, this represents a decrease by 24 per cent in terms of volume.




Particularly the 911 and Boxster sports cars were affected by this drop in sales, with customer deliveries decreasing in each case by about one-third. Apart from the US economic crisis, the changeover to new models in both model series was responsible for the decrease in sales. While the new generation of the 911 has been introduced into the market in the meantime, the new Boxster and Cayman mid-engine models are still awaiting introduction in March 2009. By contrast, the Cayenne model series, down by 11 percent, remained remarkably strong in the difficult market environment. The first signs of stabilization in sales in December 2008 provide good news from the perspective of the Stuttgart-based sports car manufacturer: Sales in the last month of 2008 in North America amounted to 2,249 units, with 2,154 units in the USA and 95 cars in Canada. While this still represents a decrease by 25 per cent compared with the same month a year before, these figures offer reason for hope compared with the far weaker figures in previous months. Porsche’s best seller in December 2008 was the Cayenne accounting for 917 units sold, representing a decrease by 30 per cent. Customer deliveries of the 911 model series accounted for 645 units, down by 26 per cent. The number of mid-engine Boxster and Caymen sports cars delivered to customers was down by 16 per cent to 687 units, the Cayman and Cayman S accounting for a total of 328 units sold.

the drifter

2009 SVR PCA Calendar of Events February - April Date

Event Type



Contact Info



Monthly Breakfast, Marie Calendar’s; Citrus Heights

Cookie Anderson

(916) 988-6534


G-24 Breakfast

in conjunction with above

Lee Deter

(916) 391-9956


Monthly Dinner

Spaghetti Factory, Rancho Cordova

Dave & Kaye Mitchell

(916) 721-3650


Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports

2009 Board



Monthly Breakfast, Marie Calendar’s; Citrus Heights

Cookie Anderson

(916) 988-6534


Non PCA Event

Porsche/VW Toy Model, Memorabilia Swap Meet, LA Airport Hilton

Wayne Callaway

(909) 930-1999


356 Registry

All Porsche Swap Meet, Costa Mesa

Bob Lee

(858) 414-3523



Fat’s, Folsom

Cookie Anderson

(916) 988-6534


Lunch Tour


Andy & Diana Leight

flashleight@sbcglobal. net

3/19 - 3/20



Frederick Rauch



Poker Run


Helen Ashuckian & Jerry Cupler

(916) 481-2759


Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports

3/27 - 3/29

Time Trial

GGR-Zone 7 DE/TT/Race, Thunderhill




Monthly Breakfast, Marie Calendar’s; Citrus Heights

Cookie Anderson

(916) 988-6534

4/4 or 4/18


Spring Time In Saratoga Wine Tour

Dave & Kaye Mitchell




Laguna Seca

Frederick Rauch



Concours School

SVR - Zone 7 Judge’s School

Mark Gersh



Monthly Dinner

Carver’s Steakhouse, Roseville

BS Twins


4/18 - 4/19


SVR-Zone 7 Autocross, Stockton TBD

Bob Peake




Weidman’s Wheels, Oroville & Beyond

Dan Rowland/Bill Keegan





Frederick Rauch



New Member Tour

Club Intro for New Members & Board

Doug Klein

(916) 791-4864

4/25 - 4/26

Diablo Region Tour



February 2009

6:00 PM

March 2009

6:00 PM

2009 Board

April 2009


Concours Tech

Preparing your car for concours

Jim McMahen


Board Meeting

RPM Motorsports

2009 Board



Laguna Seca

6:00 PM

Frederick Rauch

(916) 924-1463 fdr@fdrmotorsports.com

the drifter


SVR Kicks off the New Year with its Annual Planning Meeting by Kim Nelson Fifty-Six SVR members attended the January 8th Planning Meeting at Roundtable Pizza in Folsom and judging by the amount of Pizza consumed, everyone had a good time. 2009 looks like it’s going to be a busy year for SVR with activities planned for just about everyone. No less than five wine tours are planned during the year, a tour to San Francisco to visit the Anchor Steam Brewery, a Rib Cook-off and then a host of Track events, Autocrosses, Rallies, Concours, monthly breakfast and dinner gatherings. Just about every weekend of the year you can join your SVR friends in a well organized event. You can check out the latest SVR calendar on our website at www.derporsche.net. Hope to see you out this year at our events enjoying you Porsche with other SVR members.


the drifter

Porsche Wins Numerous Prizes and Awards Stuttgart 2008 was yet another excellent year for Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart, in the truest sense of the word: once again, the 911, the Boxster, Cayman, and Cayenne brought home numerous prizes and awards for the German manufacturer of sports cars. In all kinds of contests, competitions and tests, both the public and the press, customers and connoisseurs confirmed through their vote that Porsche continues to outperform even the greatest expectations in the market. Porsche has become a regular winner in the contest for the “Best Cars”, conducted each year by Germany’s leading motor magazine Auto Motor und Sport among its readers. In 2008 the Overall Convertible Award went to Porsche’s proven 911 Carrera Cabriolet. The readers of Sportauto, another leading German car magazine, chose the Boxster in the Convertible/Roadster Category up to Euro 80,000 as the “Most Sporting Car in 2008”, thus paying their tribute to the enormous dynamic driving potential offered by Porsche’s lightweight mid-engined roadster.

are among the world’s “10Best Cars”, as in the previous year. Porsche sets the benchmark not only in terms of products, but also through its vehicle concepts and technologies. As an example, VDI-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik awarded their “Useware Prize 2008” to Porsche’s new PCM 3.0 Communication Management. PCM stands out in particular through its simple, rapid and safe operation, this special award presented once a year expressing the appreciation of the Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Association of German Engineers) for particularly user-friendly systems based on outstanding methods of development.

The open-air 911 also convinced the readers of Auto Zeitung to choose this outstanding car as No 1 in the Convertible Category above Euro 30,000 for their “Auto Trophy”. And for the 15th time in 21 years, the 911 Carrera was chosen by the same readers as the “Best Sports Car”, winning its category by a wide margin. Auto Bild Sportscars, in turn, acknowledged the 911 GT2 as their most outstanding sports car, just as the 911 GT2 was also lauded by Powercar, another leading sports car magazine, as the winner in the Supersports Category above 450 bhp. The 911 GT2 is of course the top supersports model within the 911 model series. The editors of the same magazine also picked the 911 Turbo Cabriolet as their No 1 in the Convertible/Roadster Category and the Cayenne Turbo S as the best offroader. The Cayenne successfully defended its leading position as the benchmark in the SUV market with several magazines. Readers of Off Road, a specialist magazine for vehicles of this type, chose the Cayenne in their “Off Road Award 2008” as the best luxury SUV. Diners Club Magazine lauded the Cayenne as the “Best Offroader of the Year“, and the internet portal Autoscout24 presented the Cayenne with its “Internet Auto Award” as the best sports utility of its class throughout the whole of Europe. Porsche’s SUV also won the national competitions in Germany, France and the Netherlands, with Autorecht24 placing the Cayenne Turbo right at the top in 2008 as the “Car of the Year”. Porsche models were among the winners also on other continents, as is clearly borne out by two examples in particular: No less than two Porsche sports cars appear on the podium in the prestigious “Performance Car Of The Year” Award presented by Motor Magazine in Australia, with the 911 GT2 ranking right at the top and the new Carrera S with PDK receiving third place from the jury. And in the opinion of the US car magazine Car and Driver, Porsche’s Boxster and Cayman entry-level models the drifter


Mendocino 2009 Tour

By Sacramento Valley Region October 30th – November 1st (three days, two nights) This is the initial announcement for the annual Mendocino Tour. This is a 3-day, 2-night tour to the Mendocino area. And because Halloween occurs that Saturday, we will have a party. And then take an extra hour of sleep because it is also the end of daylight savings time. This is a very informal tour. We will have some kite flying (weather permitting), miniature golf, and several socials. We have several hotels/inns that we work with to house our group. The 2007 tour had over 65 cars. We manage a block of rooms at the Hill House (contact is Tom and Tambra Kroetz at 916.989.1954), the MacCallum House Suites (contact is Frederick and Susan Rauch at 916.595.3371) and the Little River Inn (contact is Rik and Lettie Larson at 916.481.6084). We suggest that you make reservations early as the coast tends to fill up on the weekends (even during the winter). Schedule: leave Niello Porsche on Friday morning; lunch stop in the wine country; social on Friday evening. Saturday is open (kite flying, golf, shopping, etc.) and a party on Saturday night. Sunday is also open with folks generally returning home in some groups. Don’t miss out on this popular tour -------- we even have members from other regions join us for a good time. And remember, don’t turn your back to the ocean. mendocino2009tour.svr@gmail.com


the drifter

Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled.


Parts for Sale

Blaupunkt “Frankfurt” Radio: Need a working one or the circuit board from a broken one. This radio is a monaural, 5-button radio with two AM presets and three FM presets. Call Greg Peart, Sacramento Valley Region at 916.870.7841 or e-mail xfil911@comcast.net (01/09)

2008 Turbo Wheels: taken off at 600 miles; finished by the dealer in Speed Yellow. Will sell cheap so you can refinish in your choice of color. $1200.00 OBO. Contact Bill at _Bills911997@aol.com. (12/08) Boxster Roof Transport System: PN 986.801.202.00; never used, requires assembly; retails new for $645.00; asking $400.00. Contact Bud Behrens at (209) 477-6496 or e-mail budnmaryann@cs.com. (11/08) Porsche Prince Child Safety Seat: with air bag disconnection belt for children 20 to 40 lbs. Model 411-13. Free to good home. Call Carl Brakensiek at 916.612.3274. (11/08)

Leather Steering Wheel and Airbag from ’06 Boxster S: will also fit Carrera. I’m told it will fit 986 and 996 as well; excellent condition, with no tears or scuffs. $600. Contact Tom Ware at 916.205.0444 or Tomdamit@att.net. (01/09)

Wheels: Boxster S owner looking to purchase a set of 18-inch wheels - 18” x 9” rear and 18” x 7.5” front. Any style is acceptable but would prefer hollow-spoke turbo wheel style or 5 double-spoke style. Contact Paul Richins at 916.933.1898 or e-mail prichins@jps.net (01/09)

For Sale

Piloti Drivng Shoes model DTM, size 11.5, color-navy, grey, & black. Brand new! $50 Dave Hoffman (916) 7258727 or davzin@surewest.net (02/09)

the drifter


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the drifter


The Last Word

by Tom Sisson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper

by JR Evinger


ou know what that means. Boxes of heart-shaped candy and red underwear. Yep, once again you have to think of a present for your significant other. Cripes! Didn’t we just get through with Christmas? Relax! Just call St. Valentine’s agents at the GOODIE STORE!

Hello all. My name is JR Evinger, as in “JR and Sue Ellen”... and I am your new editor. First off I have to thank Bud Behrens. He has been very giving, gracious and patient as I search the grey matter of my brain for the newsletter editorship skills I used over 20 years ago! Secondly I would like to thank the board for accepting me as the editor. I was quite nervous at my first board meeting but everyone was quite nice and made me feel very comfortable. They have also provided much of the content for this issue and for that I offer my most heartfelt thanks.

We have the good stuff: Car Badges: PCA--$18, SVR--$15, T-shirts ($20) polo shirts ($30) and denim shirts ($35), fleece vests ($35) with the SVR logo or Porsche crest or script, etc. Check the web site for all available logos.

I am excited to be the new editor of your Drifter newsletter. I look forward to meeting as many of you as humanly possible and talking Porsches for as long as we can! I know you all have great stories! One of the ideas I have heard from several of you is articles on local members. I would love to include a monthly feature on our members, their Porsches and their stories. If you have anything you would like to see in your newsletter please let me know!

Did you know that Valentine’s Day was originally created to replace a fifth century pagan fertility rite. The Romans celebrated a young man’s rite of passage by holding a lottery in mid-February. The names of teenage girls were drawn at random by teenage boys. Thus a young man was assigned a young woman companion for their mutual pleasure (often sexual) for a year. After the year was up another lottery was held. Sounds like a good deal doesn’t it? However, as Christianity spread, Church leaders resolved to replace the pagan rite with a day honoring a “lovers” saint named Valentine, a third century bishop who had been martyred for the cause of love. Emperor Claudius had forbidden marriage because he believed that married men made poor soldiers. Valentine disagreed with the emperor and married young lovers in secret. Claudius (a mean dude) had Valentine seized, imprisoned, clubbed, stoned, and then beheaded. Valentine did not survive! While awaiting execution, Valentine sent little love notes to his followers. It is also believed that while in prison he fell in love with the jailer’s blind daughter, and that God enabled him to miraculously restore her sight. His farewell message to her supposedly contained a closing that transcended time: “From Your Valentine”. Traditionally, mainly due to the lottery, mid-February was a Roman time to court prospective mates. The young men instituted a custom of offering women they admired handwritten greetings of affection on February 14. The cards became known as Valentine’s Day Cards. Doesn’t that just give you goose bumps? Contact your friendly Goodie Store people! See Tom Sisson or Cookie Anderson at meetings and events, or contact them. Email targatom@volcano.net. Items can be mailed for a small shipping/ handling fee.

I plan on attending as many events as I can but please don’t feel like you have to wait to meet me in person if you have a story, article idea or even if you just want to tell me a funny thing that happened to you on the way home from work in your Porsche! Just send me an email at editor@svr.pca.org. Give me some background about yourself, and include a photo or two if you can (don’t worry about file size) and I will reply as soon as I can. Thanks again to everyone that has helped me during my transition back into the world of desktop publishing! JR Evinger

Index of Advertisers A & S BMW Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel Pacific Power Motorsports PartsHeaven Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Schatz & Krum TrackMasters Vineyard Specialties, Inc. Walt Stickel

the drifter

17 8 18 IBC IFC 4, OBC IBC 20 15 16 18 2 14 18 IFC 12 6 19

Join in - February membership report by Doug Klein, SVR Membership Director

SVR has 588 Regular Members and 481 Affiliate Members for a total of 1,059 members plus 10 Dual Members. New Members (Joined December 2008) Chandan & Ravi Cheema Granite Bay, CA 95746 emaildrcheema@yahoo.com 916.791.8514 Terri & Victor Cummings Sacramento, CA 95835 jacksmom@comcast.net 916.956.6636 Dr. Scott & Lorena Heatley Shingle Springs, CA 95682 sahmdphd@pol.net 530.672.1970 Andrew & Lily Hiroshima Sacramento, CA 95831 ahiroshima05@yahoo.com 916.393.2028 Transfers In John & Anthony Sheppard Grass Valley, CA 95945-8807 steve.shepard@mac.com 978.807.6232 (from Northeast)

06 Carrera 4

08 Cayenne

01 991

03 911

08 997 Turbo

Changes Warren Beam Sacramento, CA 95831-4455 Robert Becker rbecker@4ase.com Ferenc & Rocio Bertalan Yuba City, CA 95993 r.bertaln@comcast.net Alexander Buller & Barbara Lafargue-Buller 925.963.1833 Ken J. & Susan Catchot Sloughhouse, CA 95683-9610 Arthur Firebaugh & Mary Bradley Roseville, CA 95678 916.474.4240 Douglas H. Klein & Alice Schilla Phil Lawrence & Emily Barbee philinthehills@ymail.com Paul & Jackie Mehus Los Gatos, CA 95032-7602 Kevin & Sherry Meyerhoff 916.435.4810

Ray & Betty Silva Fairfield, CA 94534-1409 Jonathan & Judy Stubbs judyjondar@att.net David & Suzanne Tidball d.tidball@sbcglobal.net Michael & Dayne VanPelt mrvanpelt46@yahoo.com Roger & Janet Walker Folsom, CA 95630-1891 Alan Wong alanwong4@yahoo.com

02 996

Anniversaries Sandra Barbour [5] Mike Carter [5] Karen & Peter Holmes [5] Walt & Julie Marquardt [5] Norman Plotkin & Jennifer Zins [5] Rachel Johnson [5] Todd English & Sharee Curtice [10] Mark & Donna Blum [10] James & Remy Doyle [10] Dennis & Judith Stettner [10] Michael S. & Linda Edwards [10] Phillip & Barbara Marks [45]

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the drifter

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