0905 - May 2009

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the drifter Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

May 2009

On the Cover This 2009 Guards Red Cayman S Sports Edition, 6 spd, 303 hp 3.4 liter is owned by Ed Giguere who has been an SVR member since March 2009. Photo by: Doug DeVetter

New and improved SVR calendar Go to the SVR home page at www.derporsche.net and take a look at the new and more functional calendar, which includes listings of regional, Zone 7, and national PCA events. You’ll like it.

Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California, and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in our events.

Infineon - Monday May 4th Laguna Seca - Wednesday May 27th Thunderhill - Friday May 29th Laguna Seca - Monday June 8th Thunderhill - Friday August 21st Thunderhill - Friday September 11th

Come out and stretch your car’s legs on some of the finest tracks in the country! Fun, safe, and definitely . . .

No speeding tickets!


2009 Board of Directors President Cookie Anderson president@svr.pca.org

Vice President Bill Keegan



www.derporsche.net 916.415.1539

Secretary Kim Nelson


Treasurer Betty Silva


Social Director Babette Hatten


Membership Director Doug Klein






Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 competition@svr.pca.org

Webmaster John Murphy


Past President Mike Willis


Drifter Editor JR Evinger





May 2009

Volume 47, No. 5 In This Issue

13 - Blackhawk Museum Tour 3 - May Monthly Breakfast 14 - May Monthly Dinner 4 - SVR/Zone 7 Concours 15 - BS Wine Tour 5 - PCA Car Corral at Grand Am 18 - Zone 7 Porsche Swap Races & PCA & Concours Membership Station Features and Reviews 6 - SVR May Calendar 2 - Charity Chair Report 8 - Snake Eyes V Rally 20 - M96 Engine Survey 8 - Concours on Campus Columns and Departments 9 - Clever Pic Tour-Run 2 - Cookie’s Crumbs & Summer Solstice TSD Rally 7 - Drifting Back 10 - SVR & Zone 7 Autocross 16 - SVR March Board Meeting 10 - Stompin’ at the Schulz V Minutes 11 - June Monthly Dinner 17 - SVR May Membership Report 11 - PCA Club Racing 19 - SVR Goodie Store Rolling Thunder II 20 - SVR Classifieds Upcoming Events

Information and Committee Directory

Zone 7 Representative Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel sharonneidel@yahoo.com

Autocross Chair Bob Peake


Goodie Store Tom Sisson


Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch


Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian


Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz

Technical Chair 916.989.1954 Roger Walker


Concours Chair Kent Brandon

G24 Chair 916.663.1702 Lee Deter


Dummkopf Chair Larry Wilson












Advertising Manager Mike Willis



Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter


Cookie Crumb’s

by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2009 SVR President First of all Jerry and I would like to thank everyone who attended the Poker Run, you made it a great event and a huge success. We would also like to thank Niello Porsche in Rocklin for donating the coffee, door prizes and their showroom for the morning registration and the entrance to their service bay to finish out the Poker Run due to the wind. We had Wong’s Garden and Los Placita Dos donate dinners and Kragen’s Auto Part an Emergency Road Kit.

We would like to thank the workers Jim & Carol Kinnicutt, Karen & Rich McGlumphy, Helen Ashuckian, Juan Calderon and his fiancé Evelyn. My next question to everyone will there be another Poker Run in the future? Stay tuned!!!!!

After our original Match 22 date was rained out we rescheduled it for the next opening date March 29th. The weather was on our side sunny but a little breezy, but nobody seemed to mind. A total of 40 cars signed up, with 4 no shows and one late entry on Sunday. We collected enough money to make the poker pot three large amounts, 1st Place $100.00, 2nd Place $75.00 and 3rd by Tambra Kroetz, 2009 SVR Charity Chair Place $50.00. We also had a questionnaire on points of interest along the way. Charity raised nearly $300.00 at the first annual Poker Run, to benefit the Folsom Zoo. We had a great response to the 50/50 Our 1st place Poker Run winner was Richard Wetzel, 2nd place raffle. Our winner of the 50/50 raffle Mike Tracy, very generously winner Dave and Gale Schultz and 3rd place winner was Don donated his winnings back for the zoo. Then Gale Schultz gave Songey. her poker hand winnings to the zoo. Wow, thank you both and another thanks to everyone that bought tickets. Points of interest questionnaire was tied by three people with 100% were Linda McMahen, Jennifer and Abby Schumacker This time I think the animals held the best poker hand. and Dianna Leight. The next group of people that had only one question wrong was Gretchen and Mark Levine, Gerry Wade & Frances Hale and Richard and Anne Walker.

Zoo Animals Cheer Poker Run

We also had a 50/50 Raffle that collected a little over $200.00. This raffle money will be used for our SVR charity for the Folsom Zoo.


the drifter

New Saturday Breakfast Location

Waffle Square

7811 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights (Located at Birdcage Street, which is 1 block west of Sunrise Blvd.)

Saturday, May 2nd

Meet in the banquet room at 8:30 A.M. Order from the menu and pay for your own meal Senior Menu Available If you plan to join us, call Herb or Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163

want to see it in your rear view mirror? Call us, we can make it happen!

Pacific Power Motorsports

2330 Bates Ave, Suite D5 Concord, CA 94520 925/525-0470

Track & Race Preparation  Custom Fabrication  Street & Racing Parts Fire Systems  Chassis Set-up  Alignment  Chassis & Engine Dyno Tuning the drifter


Sacramento Valley Region Presents

Zone 7 Concours #3

Series 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009 Rally Concours Autocross

4525 Granite Drive • Rocklin, CA Registration opens at 8:00 A.M. and closes at 9:30 A.M. • Judging starts at 10:00 A.M Entry fee is $25.00 per car • “Display Only” fee is $10.00 per car Special Event: On Saturday, June 13 a Tri-Tip dinner will be served from 6:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at Niello Porsche. Cost is $15.00 per person. Jason Myers from The Racer’s Group will be our special speaker. Reseervations required. Call Cookie Anderson at 916.988.6534 or e-mail sacvalleypres@sbcglobalnet. Directions: From Sacramento and the Bay Area, take I-80 east, exit at Rocklin road, turn left on Rocklin Road, and then right onto Granite Drive. Niello Porsche will be on your right. From Reno/Tahoe Area, take I-80 west, exit at Rocklin Road, turn right onto Rocklin Road, then right onto Granite Drive. Niello Porsche will be on your right. For information, contact Kent Brandon at 916.663.1702 or e-mail kbrandon@ncbb.com


the drifter

the drifter


SVR May Calendar of Events May





Monthly Breakfast

Waffle Square


G-24 Tour

Amador Foothills & Georgetown Area Lee Deter 916.391.9956


DE @ Infineon


Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com


Blackhawk Museum Tour


Doug Klein 916.791.4864


Monthly Dinner

Thai Basil



3rd Annual BS Twins Wine Tour Wine Country

BS Twins jmmcdade@pacbell.net


Snake Eyes V Zone 7 Rally


Rik Larson rik.l@comcast.net

PCA Club Race


Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com


DE @ Laguna Seca

Laguna Seca

Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com


SVR Monthly Board Meeting


Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534


DE @ Thunderhill


Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com


SVR Series & Zone 7 Autorcross Stockton

Bob Peake bbayou@jps.net


SVR Series, GGR & Zone 7 AX

Bob Peake bbayou@jps.net


Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534


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the drifter

Drifting Back – May 2009 by Larry Wilson

30 Years Ago (May 1979) In the May issue, DRIFTER editor Trische Robertson announced her marriage to John Meeker. In addition to the usual receipt of wedding gifts, Trische said they made a very nice gift to the casino in Reno’s MGM Grand, which dealt a blow to her schedule for the return of her 912 to road-going status. Other breaking-news in the same issue: Club treasurer Paul Baldarelli announced the SVR treasury had climbed to “about $800,” a previously unheard-of balance; and, Jim Karver, in his monthly rally-tips column, revealed that he preferred chartreuse over all other color possibilities for highlighting important phrases in rally instructions. Readers could almost hear Jim’s breathing pick up a bit when he wrote, “The chartreuse color really stands out.” May 13 Mother’s Day Brunch at the Sacramento Inn, with Bess Feil in charge, was a blast! The highlight of the day was the unanimous vote of all present to bestow the SVR Dumbkopf Award to the ENTIRE SVR BOARD OF DIRECTORS because they couldn’t remember what date they had set for their May meeting. Trische Robertson accepted the award on behalf of the board and said, “It ain’t easy out there on the Yellow Brick Road, but we’re learning.” 20 Years Ago (May 1989) The May issue of THE DRIFTER was the first issue printed by Enterprise Printing. What an improvement! The SVREnterprise relationship would last eighteen years until the end of 2006. In the same issue, SVR President Randy Vidmar announced that Gary Thompson accepted the job of Charity Chairperson and was already at work on the September 17 charity auction. Publicity for the May 19 “The Real McCoy” rally, with Ron Boeck at the helm, asked entrants to “follow our intrepid rallymaster, where few have dared to go, through the wilds of the Delta levees, bogs, and sloughs in the dead of night.” And with the promise of cheap thrills and a ride on the U.S.S. Real McCoy, who could pass-up that invitation? Not many, as it turned out, with a huge turnout of workers and entrants. Ron lied, however. . .the ride was on the U.S.S. J-Mack ferry, which was not the Real McCoy. The top winners were Ray and Sara Clements, first in Expert-Unequipped Class; and, Helen Ashuckian and J. Toney, first in Expert-Equipped Class. But, wait - there’s more! Ron Boeck also won the SVR Dumbkopf Award when during the awards ceremonies it was discovered that ALL TEN TROPHIES were engraved, “First Place, Expert-Unequipped Class.” Nobody listened to Ron’s protest that Ray Clements ordered and pickup the awards. Allen and Dolores Weddle led 26 cars on the May 21 Gold Country Tour with a brunch and champagne destination at the Buckeye Restaurant in Georgetown. The Willis family provided back-door supervision on the tour, and Marv and Marie Smith brought chocolate-chip cookies for in-route nourishment. Mark Hirst and Herb Hoover were big winners in the wine door prize department. Jack and June Samples helped to get the bar in suitable condition in advance of the group’s arrival.

registration party and gymkhana with the CRAB banquet at the Folsom Community Center. On Sunday, the concours and beer ‘n’ brat finale was held in Fair Oaks Park. The Friday night gymkhana, Rich McGlumphy chair, was the usual laugh-a-thon, but competition was serious with the team of Tom Provasi and Tim Fleming having the fastest time of 251.47 followed closely by Ron and Sally Boeck with 254.75. Mike and Michelle Willis placed second in Class B with a score of 317.76. On Saturday, Rich Swenson and Judy Hanna led the CRAB Wine Tour through the foothills of Amador and El Dorado counties while thirty-one other drivers tested the CRAB autocross (Kern Beaux, chair). Tom and Sandy Provasi took TTOD (top time of day) for men and women respectively at the autocross. Bob Hollman not only took 1st in Class A in his 1956 356A, but on Sunday he took first in Class 4 AND People’s Choice Award in the concours. Also at the concours, Jim and Linda McMahen won first in Class 2 and Tom and Jude Sisson second in the class for rally entrants. Twenty-nine cars entered the CRAB 27 rally with Larry Clark as rallymaster. Six SVR teams finished in the top eight overall. Helen Ashuckian and J. Toney had the low score of the rally (79 points) with Ira and Carol McKee in second with 107 points. Tina and John Murphy with 121 points, Tom and Jude Sisson with 139 points, and Ron and Sally Boeck with 141 points took fourth, fifth and sixth, respectively. Kirk and Linda Bradford finished 8th with 200 points. On May 8, SVR held the second Zone 7 rally of 1999, “May Flowers,” with Phillip Marks rallymaster. Fifteen rally teams registered for this three-hour, three-leg time and distance rally. The start was at Mocha Joe’s in Davis, and the most distant checkpoint was in Rio Vista. Three SVR teams were entered. Tom and Jude Sisson won the Novice Class with a score of 235 points. J. and Cameron Toney were 3rd in Expert Class with 213 points, and in the same class Larry and Mary Clark were 5th with 900 points. SVR workers included Rik Larson, Richard Wetzel and Pat and Larry Wilson.

10 Years Ago (May 1999) CRAB 27, April 30 - May 2, with Mike and Sue Ambrozewicz co-chairs, was a smashing success. The Sheraton Hotel in Rancho Cordova served as event headquarters and site for the the drifter


Yosemite Region Presents

Series 2009

Concours on Campus The first Zone 7 Concours for 2009

Sunday, May 17 San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton

Rally Concours Autocross

Registration opens at 7:30 A.M. and closes at 9:00 A.M. • we will attempt to start the judging by 9:30 A.M. Entry fee is $25.00 • No fee for display only cars, although charity donations will be accepted. All proceeds will go to charity. Lunch is available at $7.00 per person and includes hamburgers or hot dogs, potato salad, chips and drinks. Directions: San Joaquin Delta College is located at 5151 Pacific Avenue. From Interstate 5, take the March Lane exit and proceed east to Pacific Avenue. Turn left onto Pacific and proceed to Yokuts Avenue (approximately ¼ mile). Turn left onto the campus and follow the signs. To get to Interstate 5 from Highway 99, use Eight Mile Road West or Highway 4 West (also known as the Crosstown Freeway) to Interstate 5. Make your check payable to “PCA-Yosemite” and send it and the following By May 10th to: Paul Czopek, 904 Changason Way, Modesto, CA 95351 • 209-531-1942, e-mail: p.czopek@clearwire.net Name


Concours Class

I want lunch:



Sacramento Valley Region of Porsche Club of America Presents

Series 2009

Snake Eyes V

A time and distance (TSD) rally Open to all makes of vehicles (not just Porsches) First event in the 2009 Zone 7 Rally Series

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rally Concours Autocross

Start and Finish at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton (See directions below) Cost is $15 per car (Two people per car per insurance requirements) Registration at 8:45 A.M. Driver/Navigator meeting at 9:06 A.M. First car out at 9:30 A.M. The Rally is specially designed for first timers and beginners. The rally covers approximately 100 miles and less than 2 ½ hours and will return to the start location (also the site of a Porsche concours that day). Directions: San Joaquin Delta College is located at 5151 Pacific Avenue. From Interstate 5, take the March Lane exit and proceed east to Pacific Avenue. Turn left onto Pacific and proceed to Yokuts Avenue (approximately ¼ mile). Turn left onto the campus and follow the signs. To get to Interstate 5 from Highway 99, use Eight Mile Road West or Highway 4 West (also known as the Crosstown Freeway) to Interstate 5. For information, contact Rik Larson at 916.481.6084 or e-mail at sysnake@comcast.net


the drifter

The Price Is Right!!!

Two Free Rallies You must register by June 18th. After that, the fee is $5.00 per car.

Clever Pic-Tour Rally and/or Summer Solstice TSD Rally Sponsored by Porsche Club of America, Sacramento Valley Region Do One or Both Events. Both events will start at Crawford Park in Woodland.

Saturday, June 20, 2009 Clever Pic-Tour runs in the morning and Summer Solstice runs in the afternoon. The Summer Solstice Rally is the second event in the 2009 Zone 7 Rally Series. Since each event is patterned after the format to be used at the 2009 Colorado Parade rallies in July, both will be good preparation if you plan to attend Parade this year. Rallymaster is J. Toney, Sacramento Valley Region. All types of cars may enter, not just Porsches. There will be a rally school between the events, at lunchtime. Bring a picnic lunch or obtain lunch nearby. Contact J. Toney at 530.666.1908 or by e-mail at yoloconflict@aol.com to reserve your spot and receive the general instructions. Directions: Both events start at Crawford Park in Woodland. From California 113 (Woodland and Interstate 5) head west on East Gibson Road. Turn left on College. Crawford Park is at the south end of College Street (just south of El Dorado Drive).

Series 2009

Rally Concours Autocross

the drifter


Redwood Region and Zone 7 Present

Stompin’ at the Schulz V

Saturday and Sunday, May 2nd and 3rd, 2009 Event #1 and #2 in the 2009 Zone 7 Autocross Series

Charles M. Schulz Sonoma County Airport, Santa Rosa Gates open at 8:00 A.M. • First car out at 10:00 A.M. Fee: $30.00 per driver • No open exhaust, 92-decibel limit strictly enforced. Trailers and cars may be left at the autocross site overnight. Directions: Take Shiloh exit, a few miles north of Santa Rosa on Hwy 101 and proceed west for 1.5 miles. Turn left on Windsor Road and continue for 1.2 miles to the rear gate to the airport (on your left). Please drive safely and quietly so as not to upset the local residents. Lodging: Hilton Garden Inn Sonoma County Airport (a one-block, five-minute walk from Kal’s, the Saturday night dinner locatiion and a ten-minute drive from the autocross site) at 417 Aviation Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA, telephone 707.545.0444. Be sure to mention “Porsche Club” to get the 10% PCA discount.

Series 2009

Rally Concours Autocross

Saturday Night Dinner: Kal’s at 397 Aviation Boulevard.

For info, contact David Bunch at 415.717.4117 or e-mail david.bunch@sbcglobal.net

Sacramento Valley and Golden Gate Regions Present

Zone 7 Autocrosess #3 and #4

Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31 San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, Stockton, CA Registration and tech from 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. Late registration and tech from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. First car out at 9:00 A.M. No open exhaust Fee: $35 per driver per day Questions? Contact Bob Peake (SVR) at bbayou@jps.net or Carl Switzer (GGR) at Cswitzer@fbm.com Directions: From I-5 or Hwy. 99: Take Highway 4 (Cross-town Freeway) toward Downtown Stockton. Take the Wilson Way exit and turn South onto Wilson Way. Turn left at Charter Way and then right through the gate into the fairgrounds. Follow the access road, bear left at the Y-intersection, continue straight, and turn right to enter the parking lot. On Saturday evening there will be get together/dinner/bench racing gathering at a site to be determined. See the Zone 7 website at http://zone7.pca.org/ for details.


Series 2009

Rally Concours Autocross

the drifter

SVR Dinner

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Carmelita’s Mexican Restaurant 4071 Howard Street • Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Social time at 6:30 P.M. • Dinner at 7:00 P.M.


Combo 1 - Choose 1 item below: $13.00 per person Combo 2 - Choose 2 items below: $15.00 per person Taco • Flauta • Burrito • Tamale • Chile Relleno • Enchilada • Tostada All dinners served with rice and beans • Drinks purchased separately RSVP by June 8th to Cookie Anderson at 916.988.6534 or ck_ya@hotmail.com The Social Director, per SVR policy, will bill members who cancel reservations after the deadline or fail to show for dinner.

Golden Gate Region Presents

Rolling Thunder II Buttonwillow Raceway Park, Buttonwillow, CA May 23 and 24 Registration opens on March 27 at 10:00


at http://register.pca.org/

Rookies take note! We regret that schedule pressures don’t allow us to provide practice start and race sessions, so rookie license candidates will not be allowed to register for this event.

Practice, Qualify, and Race on both Saturday and Sunday! Space is limited, so register soon! All entrants must be PCA members and have a PCA Club Racing license or an approved License Application. Go to http://www.pca.org/clubrace/docs/forms.htm or call 847.272.7764. Registrar Andrew Forrest ggrracereg@gmail.com

the drifter


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2:55 pm De

puts the finishing

touches on a 993

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the drifter

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the drifter


SVR Dinner

Thai Basil 835 Twelve Bridges Drive Lincoln, CA 95648

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Social Hour is at 6:30 P.M., followed by dinner at 7:15 P.M. $23.00 per person dinner includes: Tri-Tip Steak •Chicken with Yellow Curry Pad Thai • Steamed Vegetables • Rice Dinner is served family style. There is full bar with beer, wine and well drinks.

Please RSVP by May 5th to:

bethmjacobson@yahoo.com or bobjacobson@yahoo.com or call 916.645.3555 The Social Director, per the SVR policy statement, may bill members for their meals if they cancel after the deadline or fail to show for dinner.

Be sure to bring a contribution to “Share the Wealth”


the drifter

The Third Annual BS Wine Tour May 16, 2009

From Starbuck’s on Reed Avenue in West Sacramento (Across I-80 from IKEA) Meet at 8:00 A.M. and depart at 8:30 A.M. Bring a picnic lunch and a full tank of gas. This year’s tour takes us to the Sonoma Valley via Pope Valley and our first stop at Pope Valley Winery. We have discovered some fantastic Porsche roads for your driving enjoyment, including the infamous Ink Grade. The lunch stop will be at the beautiful Chateau St. Jean Winery, where we will enjoy a formal tasting followed by a picnic in their lovely redwood grove. The winery requires wine consumed on the premises be Chateau St. Jean only. The next adventure will be a visit to Jack London State Park where we can wander through the beautiful grounds. Jack London State Historic Park is a memorial to writer and adventurer Jack London, who made his home at the site from 1905 until his death in 1916. The park was once part of the famous writer’s Beauty Ranch. The park contains the cottage residence where he wrote books, including Call of the Wild, White Fang and The Sea Wolf, and oversaw various agricultural enterprises. After London’s death, his wife, Charmian, continued to live in the cottage until her death in 1955. It was her wish that the ranch be preserved in memory of Jack London and his work. There is a museum and hiking trails, so wear comfortable shoes. You will pay an entry fee of $6.00 per car based on the oldest occupant at the gate ($5.00 for persons 62 and over) that is not included in the official tour cost. We will visit another winery and then continue on to an optional early dinner at Villa Romano. If you attended last year’s tour, you will remember dining at this cozy restaurant in Napa, where we were provided a private room, separate checks and hearty Italian cuisine. The price for the tour is $11.00 per person for the first 25 people who sign up. After that, the price is $21.00 per person. We have free tasting coupons for 25 people and this is the only way to calculate the tour fee. Reservations required. • Deadline is May 9, 2009. Contact Barbie Flores or Sheila McDade at (916) 632-1737 or jmmcdade@pacbell.net

the drifter


March 25, 2009 SVR board meeting by Kim Nelson, SVR Secretary

President Cookie Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:50 PM. Attending: Bill Keegan, Cookie Anderson, Doug Klein, JR Evinger, Lee Deter, Frederick Rauch, Mike Willis, Jerry Cupler and guests Juan Calderon and Stephen King. Stephen King (800-423-4544 or 714-780-3800) representing Yokohama Tires and Big O Tires and in particular, the stores owned by Todd Asher’s presented the following: He wants to get people into the shops and to do so, Mr. Asher will present tech sessions. Stephen is working on a program with Mr. Asher in which anyone purchasing a set of tires from Big O will get half off the price of a track day with Hooked on Driving. He may also set up a drawing in which the prize will be a 2-3 day session with Russell Racing School. Stephen will coordinate with Roger Walker regarding the tech sessions. The first may be in June. Todd Asher owns five outlets in the Sacramento area and several in the Bay Area. Minutes: The February minutes were reviewed and accepted. OLD BUSINESS: Policy statement---no change since the last meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Paid Advertisers Mike. Most advertisers have paid. Mike tried to contact Vineyard Specialties but they have not returned his call. PCA Incident Reports, Observer’s Report & Post Event Reports Bill addressed his concerns regarding the new forms being mailed out with 2009 Insurance Certificates. These forms are being required by National to be completed for each event and in a timely manner. Bill is waiting for a return call back from the Safety Officer at National. Until Bill gets better clarifications on these forms, he is not requiring the event leaders to complete these forms. New Drifter JR is working on getting people to subscribe to the Drifter. His goal is to make the printed version something members would want to have around, something that would look attractive and contain useful and interesting content, and not just advertisements and notices of future events. JR has gotten a bid for color on the outside cover. Calendar Review Cookie noted no tours in June or July. Mike will check into organizing a tour to San Simeon with a possible date of July 25-27. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Charity: Cookie for Tambra. Tambra made $35 dollars net at the Fat’s dinner meeting auctioning her attractive basket. The Folsom Zoo is this year’s beneficiary of SVR’s Charity Auction.

Advertising: Mike has been in contact with the advertisers, there are a few that haven’t paid. Drifter: JR. Drifter will go to the printer Thursday or Friday. JR recommends using half pages for event notices, but a full page can be used for exceptional events. He would like to include articles of general Porsche interest, for example how to buy a used Porsche. JR has requested authorization to subscribe to a clip art web site and to add 4-color printing. The amount is included in the SVR budget. The Board approved. Financial Report: Betty via speakerphone. Plenty of money. Betty wanted to let the board know that there is still a considerable amount of monies outstanding from the 2008 Mendocino Tour. Rik Larson is in the process of reconciling his records with those of the of the Little River Inn and will report his findings back to Betty. The Treasurer’s budget includes the cost of record storage and taxes the club pays. The Board approved the budget. G24: Lee Deter. G24 tour will occur as scheduled May 2, 2009 & Sept 13th Goodie Store (Cookie for Tom Sisson): Brought in $15.00 net for the month of March. Membership Director: Doug. 589 primary members and 483 affiliate members for a total of 1072, a gain of 5 since January. The club also has 4 dual members. Social-Concours: Cookie for Babette. Cookie talked about A Tri Tip Dinner being served on June 13th Saturday, the night before the June Concours. Martin Steger from the Racers’ Group will be the dinner speaker. The budget for Cookie’s June 11 dinner meeting at Carmelita’s was approved. The budget for Susan Duvall-Serota’s July 18 rib cook-off was approved. Tech: Cookie will contact Roger regarding getting some technical articles for the Drifter. Webmaster: John was out of town but via e-mail reported that the Website is still operating, the Internet is still connected and people are still visiting. Vice President: Bill. No report Past President: Mike. No Report President: Cookie. No Report Meeting adjourned: 8:50 P.M. Next Meeting: RPM Wednesday, April 29, 2009 at 6:30 PM.

Competition: Frederick. Nothing to report


the drifter

May Membership Report by Doug Klein, Membership Director The Sacramento Valley Region has 590 Regular Members and 481 Affiliate (husband, wife, son, etc.) members for a total of 1,071 members, a gain of 3 compared to last month. Plus 4 affiliate members.

New Members:

Rich and Karen McGlumphy 916-725-9828 mgoo@surewest.net

Dean Adams Granite Bay, CA 95746 dadams1598@surewest.net 916-765-1871

2006 911 Grey

Cunningham, Mark Lincoln, CA 95648 mcunnin428@aol.com 916-521-8491

1966 912 Red

Michael and Aileen Hunt Grass Valley, CA 95949 livewire81@sbcglobal.net 916-575-1960 2006 Cayman Cobalt Blue Malian Vartan Roseville, CA 95661 vmmalian@yahoo.com 916-791-0789 2007 C4S Carmona Red

Transfers In:

Donald and Chris O’Neill 916-300-1817 emaildonneill@gmail.com Richard and Delores Wetzel Sacramento CA 95853 916-304-6555 dickanddelores@comcast.net Congratulations to the following on their:

One Year Anniversary: Michael and Tina Calvert Steve Fargo William Hagman Babette and George Hatten Danny and Susan Oliver

Jonathan Stover Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 jonstover@hotmail.com 343-806-0656 1985 928S Guards Red From: Down East Region-Maine

Five Year Anniversary:

Mark and Joan Savarese Lincoln, CA 95648 mark_savarese@yahoo.com 408-705-3439 From: Golden Gate Region

Nicolas and Virginia La Porte William and Carol Pettis Dennis and Judy Stettner


Doug De Vetter pca@devetter.com Karen Holmes 916-985-2665 karen@karensbakery.com Steve Honeychurch honeybb@dishmail.net

William and Nancy Conner Jeff and Penny Lyon

Ten Year Anniversary:

1997 Boxster Silver

Fifteen Year Anniversary:

Steven Eckles and Michelle Marlink Judy Wawrzeniak Bill Winkler and De’mai Miller

40 Year Anniversary: James and Pat Thompson

We are proud to announce that Dream Car Solutions has opened it’s exclusive detailing services to the public! This once members only service is now available to exceed your expectations. THE WORKS

$150.00 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Wash Vacuum Interior cleaned and Conditioned Stain removal and carpet repair Engine cleaned and dress Under carriage cleaned Removal of impurities in paint Paint restoration and repair Scratch Removal High speed polishing Paint sealants and waxes Custom matched paint touch up’s




the drifter







SWAP REGISTRATION: 6:30am 7:30am To 2:00pm $20.00 PER STALL [10’X20’]

FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: CONCOURS : Bob Morgan, PHONE: # 408-410-3209 , EMAIL : rjmorgan@aehr.com SWAP MEET : Jim Bryant , PHONE: # 408-937-5469, EMAIL : jjbryants@hotmail.com LOMA PRETA REGION HOME PAGE http://LPR.PCA.ORG STORE & FOOD CONCESSIONS BY LOMA PRIETA REGION.

23694 BERNHARDT ST. HAYWARD, Ca. 94545 1-800-767-7250 TEL: 510-782-0354 FAX: 510-782-0358




the drifter

MAY ALERT! MAY ALERT! by Tom Sisson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper


ome on now! You know you can’t dance around the May Pole in those old clothes. You will be stripped to your skivvies and paraded around as a terrible example. You can avoid this shame by merely purchasing a few clothes from your GOODIE STORE! You can get T-shirts in a variety of colors with small or large Porsche script-only $20.

ing of Spring and Summer. I would rather go off to the woods. Another educational moment from the Goodie Store. Contact your friendly Goodie Store people! See Tom Sisson or Cookie Anderson at meetings and events, or contact them (see the Drifter masthead.) Remember to allow sufficient time as many things need to be ordered.

The famous SVR logo Polo shirts come in various colors and are only $30. Faded or blue denim shirts with the SVR logo are $35. And don’t forget the ladies—we can get T-shirt weight halter tops, V-necks, and scoop necks. The fleece vests ($35) are still in style and feel good on a cool Spring morning. We also have Porsche crests to sew onto all types of clothes. You do plan to dance around the May Pole don’t you? I know it is not yet a sanctioned Zone 7 event but it is an ancient tradition! May Day is a Druidic holiday practiced by the Celts in the British Isles. It involves dancing around a May Pole, creating garlands and bowers of flowers, the playing of bagpipes and drums. Beltaine or La Baal Tinne, as the Irish call it, starts at sundown on April 28 and lasts for three days (this gives the Irish time for a few drinks!). At sundown Druid priests light fires on the top of the nearest beacon hill to mark the beginning of celebrations. Revelers jump naked through the fires (maybe you don’t need new clothes), which confer healing properties and protection. May Day also signifies the rite of passage into adulthood. Young men and women stay out in the forest to greet the May sunrise (see why you need new threads), making flower garlands to carry back and decorate the village. Because many young women returned home pregnant, this custom was outlawed in 1644 by the Puritans (always a spoilsport). Another May Day custom involving young love is one where young men leave evergreen boughs on the windows and doors of their friends’ houses (I always like stories about young love-I vaguely remember what it is). Since there was a language of leaves as well as of flowers, a thorn branch meant scorn and mountain-ash signified love. May Pole dancing came about as a way of working off energy after the Puritans banned young people from skeedaddling off to the woods. Well, actually, May Pole dancing is a form of country folk dancing done with a pole up to 9 feet tall that has colored ribbons attached in multiples of 4. It celebrated the com-

Index of Advertisers A & S BMW Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel Pacific Power Motorsports Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Schatz & Krum TrackMasters Vineyard Specialties, Inc. Walt Stickel

the drifter

2 17 19 IBC IFC 4, OBC IBC 3 5 12 20 14 6 IFC 20 17 19

Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled.

Parts for Sale

Set of four 18x8 Cayenne Turbo wheels: in excellent condition. The wheels have painted Porsche crest centers. Please contact juan@juancalderon.com for more information or for high resolution pictures. $500 for the set. (03/09)

Brakes/Rotors, New Bridgestone’s on The Cayman and 911’s (996’s and 997’s) have 17” 993 wheels, $Thousands in Receipts. the same engine design, and possible weakness. The subject of this discussion is a thing called $25,750. Located in Seattle, WA

an intermediate shaft. This shaft is intermediate (in between) the crank and the valves. The Serious Inquirers Only Please ! bearing at the flywheel end fails, causing all sorts 425-210-3247 or craigrkoegel@comcast. of things to interact which shouldn’t. This may net for more info and pictures! (03/09) result in total engine destruction. Not a good thing. Nobody, at least in the public realm, has hard data on how many of these engines blow up. Guesses range from 20-50%. This is high for any car, especially an expensive one. So, in the interest of acquiring more data on this subject, I’m asking all SVR Boxster, Cayman, and current water-cooled 911 car owners to let me know about their experience, failure or not. We need reports of no failure to offset the usual bias of reporting bad things.

Leather Steering Wheel and Airbag from ’06 Boxster S: will also fit Carrera. I’m told it will fit 986 and 996 as well; excellent condition, with no tears or scuffs. $600. Contact Tom Ware at 916.205.0444 or Tomdamit@att.net. (01/09)

The variables include year, model, mileage, type of transmission, and how many engine rebuilds the car’s had! Some Boxster owners have reported more than one shaft failure. Please e-mail me at edlittrell@comcast.net Or look up my phone number in the roster and call me. You can even keep your identity secret!

If I get a “reasonable” number of responses, I’ll report on it. I won’t post any names or identify(1998-present Boxster, 2006-present ing info. Just the raw results. Since this is an Cayman, 1999-present 911) unscientific survey, “reasonable” will be at my discretion. I’m the proud owner of a 1998 Boxster. For Sale However, on a certain bulletin board, and Ed Littrell Piloti Drivng Shoes model DTM, size in “Excellence” magazine, there has been a 11.5, color-navy, grey, & black. Brand steady stream of posts and articles about Box- P.S. Mine with the five speed hasn’t failed at new! $50 Dave Hoffman (916) 725- ster (986’s and 987’s) engines blowing up! 65,000 miles.


8727 or davzin@surewest.net (02/09) 1988 944 TURBO-S

Immaculate Condition Completely Stock 1988 944 Turbo-S Limited Edition with All Records/Services since New including $50K window sticker. Rare Deep Met Red on Special Order Light Grey. ONLY 22,147 Original Miles. Yes, that is correct, 22,147 original miles. Recent Timing belt, Mobil-1, Waterpump, 20

the drifter

Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Since 1969

Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo


Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502

Our motto: “If you like our work, tell others. If not, tell us.”

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards

Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

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