0912 - December 2009

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Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America

December 2009

drifter the

On the Cover This 2003 996 Turbo X50 photographed at Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado on a Porsche Parade 2009 tour at an elevation of almost 12,000 feet features a 3.6 liter with twin turbos and 450 horsepower. It is midnight blue with grey interior. Owned by SVR Member Collin Fat Photo by: Collin Fat

New and improved SVR calendar Go to the SVR home page at www.derporsche.net and take a look at the new and more functional calendar, which includes listings of regional, Zone 7, and national PCA events. You’ll like it!

Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California, and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in our events.

Jan 31 - Thunderhill Feb 22 - Laguna Seca Feb 26 - Thunderhill March 4-5 - Laguna Seca March 8-9 - Infineon Mar 19 - Infineon Apr 3 - Thunderhill April 12-13 - Infineon May 21 - Thunderhill May 29 - Infineon Come out and stretch your car’s legs on some of the finest tracks in the country! Fun, safe, and definitely . . .

No speeding tickets!


2009 Board of Directors President Cookie Anderson president@svr.pca.org

Vice President Bill Keegan


Secretary & Niello Event Coordinator Kim Nelson secretary@svr.pca.org

Treasurer Betty Silva treasurer@svr.pca.org


www.derporsche.net 916.415.1539




Membership Director Doug Klein



Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 competition@svr.pca.org

Webmaster John Murphy webmaster@svr.pca.org

Past President Mike Willis


Drifter Editor JR Evinger editor@svr.pca.org

Upcoming Events

In This Issue

15 - SVR Goodie Store

02 - SVR Monthly Breakfast

15 - Index of Advertisers

07 - SVR Annual Christmas Party

16 - SVR Classified

09 - SVR Calendar of Events

Social Director Babette Hatten social@svr.pca.org

December 2009

Volume 47, No. 12


10 - January Pot Luck 13 - Pacific Grove Tour

Features and Reviews 06 - Mendocino Tour Review 10 - Tech Article: Noisy Tires

Columns and Departments 03 - Cookie’s Crumbs


05 - Drifting Back 12 - SVR Nov. Board Minutes


14 - SVR Nov. Membership Report

Information and Committee Directory

Zone 7 Representative Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel sharonneidel@yahoo.com

Autocross Chair Bob Peake


Goodie Store Tom Sisson


Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch


Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian


Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz


Technical Chair Jim Kinnicutt


Concours Chair Kent Brandon


G24 Chair Lee Deter


Dummkopf Chair Larry Wilson


Advertising Manager Mike Willis













Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.

the drifter


Join Your Fellow SVR Members At

7811 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights (Across from Lowe’s)

The First Saturday of Each Month The Club is a conversational group dedicated to the enjoyment of its members. It is a friendly group in which there are no strangers. Please join us for an hour or two of conversation about our cars, upcoming events, or anything else that interests you.

Meet in the banquet room at 9:00 A.M. Order from the menu and pay for your own meal. Senior Menu Available

If you plan to join us, call Herb or Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163

want to see it in your rear view mirror? Call us, we can make it happen!

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the drifter

Cookie Crumb’s

by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2009 SVR President The new 2010 Boards of Directors have been filled and thank you for placing your vote. The new board will be Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson President, Rik Larson Vice President, Phil Wood Treasurer, Kevin Dougherty Secretary, Doug Klein Membership and Frederick Rauch Competition. We had two write-ins for Social whom I called and they both declined the Social position. I ran an ad for the Social Director position and received two phone calls. I have decided to offer the position to Rob Sime and Helen Ashuckian both long time members of Sacramento Region. Mendocino trip was fun we had around 30 cars on the tour. Weather was beautiful both days while we were there. Friday night was a social gathering and meet at the Hill House in one of their large rooms up stairs. Saturday the sun was shinning with a slight westerly wind so miniature golf was pulled off and chaired by Rich McGlumphy. Later in the afternoon we meet on the bluffs to fly kites. We all went on our own for dinner Saturday night. I understand that six of our members rented a private house for the Mendocino weekend, the Hatten’s, Mitchell’s and Hoffman’s. While preparing dinner on Saturday night they had a little fire in the house. I understand that Dave Hoffman tried to dry wood chips out in the oven. Dave put a bag of wood chips in the over and the bag caught on fire??? The house was full of smoke and I understand that everyone was waving dish clothes around to keep the fire alarm from going off??? What happen Dave did you forget to put a cookie sheet under the bag?? I understand that they finally turned off the oven and got the bag of burning chips on a cookie sheet so Dave could make it out side to the BBQ. Well don’t you think Dave should be awarded The Dummkopf Award? I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year.

the drifter



the drifter

Drifting Back – December 2009 by Larry Wilson

30 Years Ago (December 1979)

The December 7th Christmas Party/Dinner at The Firehouse, 1112 Second Street, was the only SVR event scheduled for the last month of 1979. The top sirloin steak/baked potato dinner menu and music by the Modern Sounds DJ, Gene Orr, for dancing on the three-couple portable dance floor provided the background for the usual end-of-year awards made at the annual club gala. Activity Chair Stan Breyfogle presented the “Most Active New Member” award to first-year members George and Nona Morley. The “Most Active (old) Member” award went to Larry and Pat Wilson. Out-of-town SVR dual members present included Joe and Bev Riedhart, Ken and Tina Moore, and Howard and Marlene Souza from Yosemite Region; Jon Milledge and Glenn and Laquita Hills from Golden Gate Region; and Mike and Vicki Willis from Sierra Nevada Region who announced they would return, permanently, to Sacramento very soon. The partying continued well into the night with our Zone 7 Rep (and SVR member), Paul Bates, becoming nicely loosened up wearing his tie around his forehead backwards. Everyone missed Clint deWitt’s red nomex Santa suit costume. And, under the heading of Dumbkopf News, the club couldn’t pay the Firehouse bill that night because event chair, Bess Feil, forgot to get a signed check from the club’s outgoing treasurer, Paul Baldarelli, who was not present. Not long afterwards, the club’s rules were changed to permit other board members to co-sign a check.

20 Years Ago (December 1989)

The December 2 Christmas Party, chaired by Elizabeth Carr, was held in the Terrace Room of the Clarion Hotel on 16th Street, an old favorite place for special club occasions of that era. Dinner, dancing, awards, and recognition - the tried and true formula. This time, a great turnout of past has-beens as 11 of 27 past presidents were present along with the tuxedo bunch of Marv Smith, Jim McDade, Randy Vidmar, Harvey Cain, Kirk Bradford, Gary Thompson, Bob Berriman, Bob Peake, Steve Taggart, and Ron Boeck. Such splendor! Grace and Oran Crumley, PCA members since October 1958, left Paradise (the town) long enough to share the festivities. Founding-member John Muenier, and wife Betty had a shorter drive from Mokelumne Hill. Elizabeth Carr and her daughter, Amelia, did creative work on the table decorations, and Sally Boeck and Sara Clements did a fine job with door prizes for one and all. Ron Boeck was Santa. After dinner, the out-going board was honored for their great work in 1989 and, from outgoing president Randy Vidmar, each received a very nice Porsche tire gage. Randy in turn received a nifty robe good for cutting Zzzzs. The Event of the Year award, a lovely crystal vase, went to Alma and Gary Thompson for their smashing Tahoe Ski Tour in March. Rookies of the Year were Bob and Marion Berriman who also received a crystal vase. Pat and Larry Wilson received the President’s Award. Then the party resumed with dancing.

Cathie Chandler, R.B. and Brett Chandler, Sally and Ron Boeck, Larry and Pat Wilson, Suzanne Plantz, Dolores and Allen Weddle, Dorren and Uta Unger, Ken and Marcella Mitchell, and others. They gave an underwhelming (no, make that, awful) rendition of seasonal carols. Then, after hitting Dovewood, it was back to the Kroetz home for a party.

10 Years Ago (December 1999)

The December 4 SVR Christmas Party, Susan Fleming in charge, was held in the Terrace Room, Andiamo Restaurant, Sacramento, and party-goers brought new, unwrapped toys to be donated to the Twin Lakes Food Bank’s Christmas Toy Drive. Over 60 people attended with many out-of-town guests (Niedels, Behrens, Mullineaux, Lommatzsch, Provasis) celebrating Christmas with SVR before hitting the Parade 2000 committee meeting the next day. After recognizing the out-going board and introducing new board members (see the names in this column next month), recognition shifted to the most memorable events of 1999. The Charity Auction was correctly deemed the social event of the year, and its co-chairs, Jude and Tom Sisson, received champagne and truffle baskets. The September Autocross/Dinner was selected as the competitive event of the year, and its co-chairs, Tania and Glen Brooksby, also received champagne and truffle baskets. Dinner was delicious, the dessert superb, and the company great.

Friday night, no fog or rain, just a nip in the air, and perfect for the December 15 Tambra’s 2nd Annual Christmas Lights Tour, with Tom and Tambra Kroetz as co-chairs. The route included Christmas scenes on Agena Court and Dovewood Court. On Agena, Tambra assembled the Porsche Tone-deaf Traveling Glee Club for caroling. Singers(?) were Stieve and Grover Davidson, Steven and Karen and Cherie Taggart, Karen Mangin, Dave and the drifter


Mendocino 2009 Tour by SVR Member Rik Larson Same Time, Every Year! (well almost) The annual tour to the Mendocino Coast at our traditional time in the fall experienced great weather. The tour (3-days) was held on the weekend that featured Halloween and the increasingly popular Day of the Dead Festival event. And we had wind on Saturday for the kite flying (a key ingredient for a successful event). Friday Start About a dozen cars met at Niello to enjoy coffee and donuts. After signing the release forms, paying the tour fees, and a short drivers meeting, we were off. Bill and Cathy Keegan served as the lead car to our first stop ---gas and potty stop at Pedrick Road at Interstate 80 near Dixon. Another dozen cars joined us at this stop. At this point we decided to have two groups on the road. The first group was lead by Mike and Emily Willis (with Jim McDade as back door). The second group (with on-demand potty stops) was lead by me with Jon and Janet Kramer as the back door. The route took us by Lake Berryessa, a small portion of the Silverado Trail, thru downtown Calistoga, crossing US 101 just north of Healdsburg, and then proceeding thru the Dry Creek wine region to our lunch stop. Friday Lunch We arrived at the Lake Sonoma Park around 12:30 pm for the lunch break. Larry and Linda Adams from Golden Gate Region joined the tour here. Then it was decision time. A significant number of cars decided to take the Skaggs Road route to the coast. This route has been extremely popular with Frederick Rauch and the Deters in the past and by all reports, everyone enjoyed it who took it this year. Others took off on their own leisurely pace. Because of reported road construction on California 128 between Cloverdale and Boonville, I decided to lead a small group that detoured around the problem. At Boonville we were back on California 128 and heading toward the coast. Friday Social After everyone checked in to their hotels, inns, vacation rentals, we met at the Hill House for a social hour. Plenty of food and drink were available. Thanks to Tom Kroetz and Cookie Anderson for setting this up. Saturday Morning Rich McGlumphy had arranged for 44 people to play miniature golf at 10 am in Fort Bragg. He setup the shot-gun start and off we went (except for me who arrived about 15 minutes late.........my wristwatch had stopped). Rich told us that there would be prizes for the best team but that the ‘teams’ were secret. Turns out that we selected numbers at the completion of our rounds but we still did not know who was on which team. Rich said that would be announced at the kite flying in the afternoon. Saturday Afternoon Kite Flying and Golf Awards And we had plenty of wind. Things got started around 2 pm. We had fewer kite flyers this year but a great time. Photos taken by John Murphy are on the SVR web site. First kite up award went to Sally Boeck. The “Dive Bomber” award went to Mike and Emily Willis. The Viagra kite was flown by Darlene Byerley and Tom Sisson. We had delta kites (Bradfords) and big parafoils flown by a number of folks. The “Left it in the Hangar” award went to Rich McGlumphy who was last seen still trying to assemble his delta kite. We were told to be on the lookout for a kite being flown by a couple of guys in a dingy out on the ocean. Sure enough, there were Rod Sorensen and Ron Boeck out in a dingy flying a kite (see the photo on the website). Part way thru the kite flying we were joined by several cars from Redwood Region. They have joined us on Saturday for many years now as they do just an overnight to the coast that same weekend. Rich McGlumphy then handed out awards for the miniature golf. We found out who the ‘teams’ really were based upon numbers that we had drawn at the conclusion of our golf play. Prizes were awarded to Babette Hatten, Bill Keegan, Rik Larson, Sheila McDade, Jerry Cupler, and Rich McGlumphy. Saturday Evening Because it was Halloween, a number of folks took in several activities being held in Mendocino. The Hill House Inn had a live band (a lot better than last year, and more people in costume). There was also an event sponsored by the local ice cream palor and pizza joint that closed off a block downtown. Included were the Flynn Creek Flying Circus, lots of folks in costumes, live music, etc. Sunday Morning Ah, that extra hour of sleep.............the switch back to standard time. Many folks made the short trip up to the Fort Bragg Grange for the $5 breakfast. Others had breakfast at various local bakeries, the Bay View Restaurant (with a great view from the deck on the main street in Mendocino), or inns. The drive back home was done in small groups taking various routes. Same Time, Next Year! The planning for the 2010 Mendocino tour has already begun. We are targeting the first weekend in November........away from the Halloween weekend. 6

the drifter

Christmas Party 2009

Niello Porsche have most graciously offered their elegant facility in Rocklin as the location for our 2009 Christmas Party. The SVR Board of Directors have made a contribution of $15 to reduce the price per person to $25.

SVR Mem ice: $25 P er P erson!! Membber Pr Price: Per Person!! ion Festiv corat ivee Music - Holida Holidayy De Dec ation ionss Delic ious FFo ood Delicious SVR FFrriends - P ors ch pr ise s! Po rsch chees - Sur Surpr prise ises! So cia he Sho wroom - Dinn er in tth he B ay Soc iall Hour in tth Show Dinner Ba

! Special Guest Speaker !

Pete Stout, Editor excellence THE MAGAZINE ABOUT PORSCHE Location: Niello Porsche Facility 4525 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009 Reservations Due Prior to 12/7 Time: Social Hour, 5:30pm Dinner: 7:00pm Holiday Attire Mail Reservation and check (made payable to SVR PCA) to:

Tom Sisson C/O Darlene Byerley, 7740 Juan Way Fair Oaks, CA 95628

For registration questions, contact Tom at: targatom@volcano.net the drifter


, Loren Burgess cember 10th 2008

2:55 pm De

puts the finishing

touches on a 993

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the drifter

SVR December/January Calendar of Events

Date 2 5 12 12 18


Location December

SVR Monthly Board Meeting RPM Motorsports SVR Monthly Breakfast Waffle Square , Citrus Heights 356 Car Breakfast Marie Callender’s, Citrus Heights Christmas Party SVR Christmas Party, Niello Rocklin Drivers Ed - TrackMasters Laguna Seca

Date 2 6 16 ???


SVR Monthly Breakfast Waffle Square , Citrus Heights SVR Monthly Board Meeting RPM Motorsports Pot Luck/Game Night Sacramento: Portuguese Chapel 2009 Zone 7 Awards TBD



3 6 9

SVR Monthly Board Meeting SVR Monthly Breakfast SVR Monthly Dinner 2010 Events Planning Meeting


Location January

Location February

Contact Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 Jim Hardie 916.972.7232 Kim Nelson


Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports. com

Contact Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Sharon Neidel


RPM Motorsports Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Waffle Square , Citrus Heights Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 TBD Dave & Kaye Mitchell 916.721.3650 Annual Member Meeting to determine schedule of events for the New Year thru April 2011 Round Table Pizza, 9500-1 Greenback Ln, Folsom

Check out the latest calendar information available online at www.derporsche.net Information regarding 2010 Zone 7 events is available at www.zone7.pca.org the drifter


Potluck & Game Night January 16, 2010 from 3:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M

Portuguese Chapel 2117 5 Street, Sacramento (Between U & V Streets) th

BYOB • Cold and hot drinks will be served. • $5.00 per Person A silent auction will be held. Bring your own place setting and win a prize in one of these categories: Most elegant place setting • Silliest place setting • Best theme place setting Games being played include: Poker • Mexican Train •10,000 • Scrabble •Monopoly Sign up to bring a salad, hot dish, or dessert. RSVP to Cookie Anderson at 916.988.6534 by January 11, 2010.

Tech Article: Noisy Tires

by Jim Kinnicutt With acknowledgment to PCA online. Hello to all. The Mendocino tour was another great time out in the Boxster with a bunch of great friends! I talked to a couple of the guys and heard some comments on noisy tires. It seems the tires had excellent tread with little outward sign of wear, but were noisy none the less. I found an article at PCA online that speaks to this issue and thought I would include it here for your reading entertainment. This article relates to a C4S, but in reality is pertinent to all models. Take notice the age of the car and relative low miles. ============================================================== 2003 C4S Tires are noisy 09 Feb 2009 11:18:10 AM Vehicle Information: Model: C4S; Year: 2003; Body Type: Coupe; Total Mileage: 16480; Front tires are: Pirrelli P Zero Asimmetrico 225/40 ZR 18 N3 Rear tires Are: Pirrelli P Zero,s 295/30 ZR 18 N3 As far as I know, these tires came new on the car and are not cupped. The only complaint is the noise level inside the car. Do you have a suggestion on tires that are quieter and yet will not degrade performance? Wife does not like long trips due to noise. Thank you. 09 Feb 2009 12:48:40 PM The noise is because the tires are old. Porsche says to replace them every 6 years (2003 plus 6 = 2009). You are right on schedule. Actually your 2003 may have tires made in 2002 or even earlier. High performance tires don’t last that long, and for a weekend pleasure use car, it is becoming common to have them die of old age rather than run out of tread. This has nothing to do with the brand or the size ============================================================== Next month we will talk about how age can affect the tires performance and noise production as well as flat spotting. Thanks!! Jim Kinnicutt jkinnicu@yahoo.com 10

the drifter

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the drifter


November 04, 2009 SVR board meeting by Kim Nelson, SVR Secretary

President Cookie Anderson called the meeting to order at 6:33PM.

talking with our advertisers Mike will see if any of them have an interest in the spot.

Attending: Mike Willis, Kim Nelson, Cookie Anderson, Doug Klein, JR Evinger, Babette Hatten, John Murphy, Lee Deter, Helen Ashuckian, Drifter: JR Evinger Frederick Rauch, Bill Keegan, Phil Wood, Rik Larson, Rob Sime JR reported that he still needs more content from the membership for Minutes: The October minutes were reviewed and accepted. the Drifter. In particular, he is not getting post event articles on the many events the club has every month. He also welcomes members to send him OLD BUSINESS: pictures for the Drifter. JR noted that in an effort to increase the quality NTR of the Drifter he would like the Board to consider using a 100 lb glossy stock for the cover. JR will research the additional costs for this upgrade NEW BUSINESS: and get back to the Board. Drifter: Cookie asked that the Drifter be done and ready to send out by the 25th of each month. JR requested that we get articles to him on Financial Report: Betty Silva a quicker time basis so he’s not slammed with work at the last minute. Betty reported that the club is financially strong and has money in the bank. Transition Meeting and Budget: Cookie has scheduled a Board transition meeting for November 14th at 9:30 am at RPM. A budget of G24: Lee Deter $50.00 was presented for the meeting and a motion made to accept the Lee indicated that our membership is showing signs of increasing and he budget. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. will start planning activities for next year. Wine Appreciation Budget and Expenses: This event went over budget Goodie Store: Tom Sisson by $141.00 because of some unforeseen expenses. A motion was made NTR to have the club pay the $141.00; the motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Membership Director: Doug Klein SVR has 568 primary members with 467 affiliate members for a total New Budget and Expense Sheets for 2010: Cookie asked that Phil Wood of 1041. The club also has 6 dual members. We had 7 new members work with her to put together new budget and expense sheets so the last month with no transfers out. Doug noted that SVR has had a 3% board can use them for next years forecasting. Cookie and Phil agreed to drop in membership since the beginning of the year which is not bad meet after the first of the year to develop the new documents. compared to National. Election Ballots for 2010: The election ballot for 2010 SVR Officers was Social Director: Babette Hatten presented to the Board. A few typographical errors were noted and the Babette reported that our February 8th dinner meeting will be at Whitballots will be ready to go to the membership by the end of the week. ney Oaks Golf Club. The budget for the diner was presented and a motion made to approve as presented. The motion was seconded and unaniSVR Christmas Party: Kim reported that the Christmas Party already has mously approved. 32 people signed up and we are preparing for as many as 200 members this year. It was noted that because of the number of comped meals this Tech Chair: Jim Kinnicutt year for guests and advertisers that we may go over our forecast budget. No report. A motion was made to increase the budget by $1700.00. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Webmaster: John Murphy The website has recovered and the number of visitors is remaining conBOARD MEMBER REPORTS: sistent at about 60,000 per month. The Drifter continues to be a popular Charity: Tambra Kroetz download with the expected local readers and many unexpected visitors Cookie and Tambra will be presenting the $4,000.00 proceeds from the from as far away as India and Afghanistan. Charity Auction to the Folsom Zoo. Vice President: Bill Keegan Competition: Frederick Rauch Bill updated the calendar for Board members. Frederick noted that the December 18th track day at Laguna Seca is in jeopardy because we do not currently have enough participants to cover Past President: Mike Willis expenses. Plans are currently being made to restructure the event in an No report. effort to get more participants. Most of the maintenance items on the autocross trailer have been completed. President: Cookie Anderson No further information reported. Advertising: Mike Willis Mike indicated that he will be talking with most of our advertisers over Meeting adjourned: 7:52 P.M. the next week and suggested to the board that we keep our advertising rates flat for 2010. It was also noted that we have a half page spot Next Meeting: RPM Wednesday, December 02, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. available for advertising in our 2010 Membership Directory and when 12

the drifter

Pacific Grove Tour 2010 - March 5th, 6th and 7th The Pacific Grove Tour is back. We will be leaving Sacramento on the morning of Friday, March 5, 2010. We have 20 rooms reserved (if we go over 20, it is O.K.) this year. Innkeeper Robert Boerner has graciously offered Sacramento Valley Region members a 15% discount if we book our rooms before the end of the year. Be sure to mention that you are SVR members in order to receive the discount. I will give you a trivia question the day of the tour and the first person to respond with the correct answer will receive a very nice prize at the end of the tour. Tour cost will be $5.00 per car. There is a seven-day cancellation notice at the Inn. Please RSVP Jim McMahen at jimmcmahen@hotmail.com or 916.924.1463 The inn’s address and phone number are: Pacific Gardens Inn • 701 Asilomar Boulevard • Pacific Grove, CA 93950 1.800.262.1566 • www.pacificgardensinn.com

the drifter


November Membership Report by Doug Klein, Membership Director

As of October 30, we have 568 regular members, 467 affiliate members and 6 dual members for a total of 1,041. Congratulations to Robin and Richard Wetmore on 35 years of Porsche Club of America membership.

New Members:

David Wong and Diane Arnell Grass Valley , CA 95945 david@avatarnumedia.com 650-619-8819 2006 Cayman S Silver Transfer from Monterey Bay Region Cliff Stewart and Beth Savidge Davis, CA 95616 cliffs2nd@yahoo.com 530-758-0926 2006 Cayenne Black Ernesto Belmonte Sacramento CA 95816 ernesto.belmonte@gmail.com 916-804-5479

2000 911 Black

David Rossiter Folsom CA 95630 rossiter_david@hotmail.com 650-537-0393

1960 356B Blue

Ann and Ethan Allen Grass Valley CA 95945 eaallen@goskywest.com 530-268-8265

1987 Carrera Silver



Carl and Suzi Brakensiek 1999 996 Arena red, 1986 911 Coupe Michael and Michelle Calvert calvertsr@sbcglobal.net Matt and Dorothea Casner 530-273-5465 Val and Deborah Dawang 916-996-6047 2004 Cayenne S, 2002 996 Mario and Laura Duenas 1995 911 Black Dave and Kathi Eckert Goodyear AZ 95395 623-399-8720


Rich Farlinger farlinge@nepenthean-homes.org Colin and Elaine Fat 2003 996TT Blue Martin Fry and Mary Reddick 530-263-8525 Don and Pamela Harley dpharley76@gmail.com Phil and Patricia Hill 916-435-4992 Robert and Toni Hoy Spring Creek NV 89815 530-318-2660 toninbob@gmail.com Stephen and Keiko Dashiwada sikash@aol.com Marc and Gretchen Levine Granite Bay CA 95746 Barry and Sue Maashoff 2005 Carrera Coupe Ron and Brenda Martinez Roseville CA 95747 Dwight and Linda Mitchell dmitch19@verizon.net Jack and Nancy Paddon 2001 Boxster S, 2009 911S Cab Gregory and Ann Pasiuk Bast34@zetabb.com Tom Plumb and Maria Reyes Sacramento CA 95814 916-706-2190 Dan and Claudia Rowland 1997 C2S Red, 2004 Boxster S Phil and Darla Shelton 2006 911 Cab Jerry and BJ Shook 530-878-8756 Ray and Betty Silva bdzsilva@comcast.net Joseph Skowron 2001 Boxster S Don Stockett and Carol Norton Granite Bay CA 95746

Don and Cathy Tollefson 1986 911, 2006 Cayenne S Dave and Ray Trimble 1988 911 Coupe William Turpie and Joan Walker 916-759-6898 Warren and Joan Walker warren.walker@wfadvisors.com David Wong and Diane Arnell Grass Valley CA 95945 Congratulations to the following on their: One Year Anniversary Chandan and Ravi Cheema Terri and Victor Cummings Five Year Anniversary David and Susan Preston Jonathan Van Gundy Twenty Year Anniversary John and Carrie Alden Scott Jensen and Sally Brown Andy and Jan Lundback Twenty Five Year Anniversary Jeffery Edgar and Joni Enders-Edgar Thirty Year Anniversary Jon and Janet Kramer Greg and Cyndee Peart Thirty Five Year Anniversary Robin and Richard Wetmore

Interested in having fun with other Porsche enthusiasts? It’s easy! Join at www.pca.org (credit cards accepted) or email Doug Klein at membership@svr.pca.org or call 791-4864 for a paper membership application.

the drifter

GOODIE STORE MANAGER NEEDED by Tom Sisson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper


o ads or trivia this time. After about 30 years of running Goodie Stores for various clubs, including about 10 for PCA-SVR, I have decided to hang up my shingle and turn SVR’s Goodie Store over to someone else effective the first of January, 2010. I am hoping to find a volunteer to take over the store before that time so I can introduce them to our clothing vendor and let them know something about the merchandise and procedures.

We are proud to announce that Dream Car Solutions has opened it’s exclusive detailing services to the public! This once members only service is now available to exceed your expectations. THE WORKS

I think some fresh thinking could improve sales. Besides it is a good way to get to know a lot of the club members, and have some fun at the same time. If anyone is interested, please let me or Cookie Anderson know. You can find our contact information on the Drifter masthead. Thanks for your patronage through the years. Tom Sisson

$150.00 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Wash Vacuum Interior cleaned and Conditioned Stain removal and carpet repair Engine cleaned and dress Under carriage cleaned Removal of impurities in paint Paint restoration and repair Scratch Removal High speed polishing Paint sealants and waxes Custom matched paint touch up’s




Index of Advertisers

A & S BMW Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel Pacific Power Motorsports Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Schatz & Krum TrackMasters Walt Stickel US Route 395

the drifter

3 11, 15 15 IBC IFC OBC IBC 2 4 8 16 13 11 IFC 14 4 15

Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled.

Parts for Sale

996 Carrera 18-inch full set of wheels:

Factory take off part numbers 993.362.134.06 18x7.5” ET50 offset 993.362.140.04 18x10” ET65 offset

Porsche 993 Chrome 17” Cup Wheel Set What this all means is that even though the tires are still mounted, I am selling this set for the value of the Chrome wheel set. $600. Please let me know if you have any questions. Jeff Kinder (916) 765-2801 993cab@sbcglobal.net

Wheels are all straight but with some curb rash. These will look sharp on a 986 Boxster or good for a set of winter wheels. $375 o.b.o. call Rich Tsai 530.219.8125 or e-mail rich@singlelens.net Cayenne S 18-inch Wheel:

Factory take off part number 7L5.601.025 A 18x8” ET57 offset No curb rash or bend, but slight scuffing on the wheel face (can be polished or touched up). Perfect to replace damaged wheel or use as a full size spare. $80 o.b.o. call Rich Tsai 530.219.8125 or e-mail rich@singlelens.net

Why join the Porsche Club of America??? Three months FREE posting in the classifieds section Driving tours to the best wineries and most scenic locales Porsche tech sessions Delicious BBQ picnics Drive at Infineon and Laguna Seca Monthly dinner parties/meetings Autocross to learn car control skills Porsche tech sessions…and more If you want to have a great time with other friendly Porsche enthusiasts, log on to www.pca.org (credit cards OK) or email/call Doug Klein at membership@svr.pca. org / 791-4864 for a membership application.

For Sale 1985 Porsche 944 with118,000 miles. Located in West Sacramento. White with Black leather interior. 5 speed. Options include: sun roof, air conditioning, CD player, custom wheels. Mechanics records are available. $4200 OBO Contact Neal at 530.906.7035 or yogialil6@yahoo.com


the drifter

Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Since 1969

Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo


Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502

Our motto: “If you like our work, tell others. If not, tell us.”

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards

Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651

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