drifter the Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America
September 2009
On the Cover Darlene Byerley, Cookie Anderson, Jay Leno and Tambra Kroetz at Pebble Beach Concours d’ Elegance August 16, 2009. Photo by: Ira McKee
New and improved SVR calendar Go to the SVR home page at www.derporsche.net and take a look at the new and more functional calendar, which includes listings of regional, Zone 7, and national PCA events. You’ll like it!
Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California, and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in our events.
Thunderhill - Friday September 11th Mazda Raceway @ Laguna Seca - Monday Sept 14 Thunderhill - Friday October 2nd Infineon - Thursday & Friday October 8th and 9th Infineon - Friday October 23rd Infineon - Friday November 6th Infineon - Saturday November 21st
Come out and stretch your car’s legs on some of the finest tracks in the country! Fun, safe, and definitely . . .
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2009 Board of Directors President Cookie Anderson president@svr.pca.org
Vice President Bill Keegan
www.derporsche.net 916.415.1539
Secretary & Niello Event Coordinator Kim Nelson
Treasurer Betty Silva
Social Director Babette Hatten
Membership Director Doug Klein
Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 competition@svr.pca.org
Webmaster John Murphy
Past President Mike Willis
Drifter Editor JR Evinger
September 2009
Volume 47, No. 9
In This Issue Upcoming Events Features and Reviews 02 - SVR September Breakfast 09 - On Being New 04 - SVR September Dinner 11 - SVR-PCA Rib Cook-Off 04 - SVR PCA Charity Auction 13 - Tech Article: Blowing Smoke 05 - SVR Autocross #4 06 - Anchor Steam Beer Tour Columns and Departments 08 - SVR Calendar of Events 03 - Cookie’s Crumbs 12 - SVR Region Autocross 07 - Drifting Back 16 - SNR Silver State Concours 15 - SVR August Board Minutes 18 - 2009 Mendocino Tour 17 - SVR Sept Membership Rpt 18 - Preston Castle Tour 19 - SVR Goodie Store 19 - The Last Word 20 - SVR Classified
Information and Committee Directory
Zone 7 Representative Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel sharonneidel@yahoo.com
Autocross Chair Bob Peake
Goodie Store Tom Sisson
Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch
Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian
Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz
Technical Chair 916.989.1954 Jim Kinnicutt
Concours Chair Kent Brandon
Dummkopf Chair Larry Wilson
G24 Chair Lee Deter
Advertising Manager Mike Willis
Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source.
the drifter
want to see it in your rear view mirror? Call us, we can make it happen!
Pacific Power Motorsports
2330 Bates Ave, Suite D5 Concord, CA 94520 925/525-0470
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the drifter
Cookie Crumb’s
each of the Chairs and present the reports to them for comment, questions or reconciliation (you may have accidently charged the wrong account for an expense). The Chairmen are protective and Board Members that will be termed out in 2010 will be Bill knowledgeable of their budgets and they really don’t like you to Keegan Vice President, Kim Nelson Secretary and Betty Silva charge an expense to them that is not within their prevue. You Treasurer. Babette Hatten Social Director has decided not to run are encouraged and will want to attend as many of the SVR events as you possibly can. You represent the Board at any of the events for a second term. you attend. I asked the officers that will not be running to write a little something about their duties. To keep our club going we will need your As the Treasurer you will also work with the Advertising Chairhelp in filling these positions. If you are interested in filling one of person and send invoices to all Drifter advertisers and you will the above positions please give me a call 916-988-6534 or contact receive all payments for such ads. If ads are unpaid you will re-bill if necessary. You will work with the Membership Chairperson to the above Board members. invoice the Directory advertisers and you will receive payment for such ads. Duties of the Vice President: Assist the President in any/all club functions * Fill in for the President as needed * Maintain the Club calendar * Obtain Insurance In addition to this, you will work with each officer and Chairperson Coverage from PCA – National for all events where “wheels are on the Board to prepare and present the annual Budget for the moving” * Work with the Social Director to schedule, organize, SVR Board to approve. Along with this responsibility comes the and run the annual Planning Meeting * Attend Monthly Board responsibility to have the State and Federal tax returns prepared, filed and paid by the deadline in May. The time commitment is Meetings about 25 hours per month writing the checks, making deposits, mailing checks and keeping the accounts current and up-to-date. Duties of the Secretary: This is my second year of being Secretary for the SVR Board so I will be termed out in December. The most enjoyable part of this Why would you want this job??? It is an excellent way to see how position is that you get to help define the direction of our club SVR spends member dues on events that are available for each and participate in all the discusions and decisions that affect our member. It is a way to have input into the policies of the club and to assist in providing direction and leadership to the SVR membership. Region as a whole. You really get to know the inner workings of On the other hand at times I’m so busy trying keep up with what SVR and you learn that it is sometimes very expensive to provide is being said that I can’t contribute as much as I’d like. In any the activities that our members enjoy participating in. The most case the primary responsibility of the position is to take accurate valuable thing and it really is not a thing at all, is that you get notes of the Board meeting, clean them up after the meeting, to spend some time with some really nice people on the Board. get the board to approve the minutes and send send them off for inclusion in the Drifter. SVR has a long and rich history within I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure as Treasurer. It has been a PCA and what takes place with the current board affects future lot of work but it has been fun as it became a part of my routine Board decisions so having accurate meeting minutes is important and yes, once in a while someone will say thank you. to insure consistency. Duties of Social Director: Print and send out packets for all tours and dinners 4 months Duties of Treasurer: The basic requirements are that you can balance your checkbook to in advance of the event. * 3 months prior to the event ensure the penny (it worries you if it doesn’t balance and you won’t sleep budget is completed, by the chairperson of the event, and reuntil it does), have a PC computer (and know how to use it) and ceived by the social director to present to the Board. * Follow are willing to install QuickBooks Accounting Software and learn up on questions with the chairperson to ensure event planning how to use it. QuickBooks is the “checkbook” for the Region. One is going smoothly and on schedule. * Events Calendar is sent must receive the monies from SVR event chairs, enter them into out via Constant Contact the 1st and 15th of every month to the register as a deposit and make deposits on a very frequent basis the members of SVR. The Events Calendar is a list of the next at a Wells Fargo Bank branch. SVR has an ATM card (only) so it 3 months of SVR events. If there is room Zone 7 events are is very easy to make the deposits into the automated machine or added. The social director contacts the chairs of these events go inside and chat with the tellers if you like human interaction asking for a short 2 or 3 line write up of the event, to put in rather than machine directions. Each day that the mail is sent to on the calendar. Pictures are added for enhancement. * Emails you from the PO Box you wait eagerly in anticipation that you are the most common means of communication. Telephoning will get to write checks. You must write checks to the venues where is necessary for discussions. * Attend monthly Board meetings SVR events are held if needed, pay insurance, vendor requests for to present budgets if necessary and to inform the Board of any payment and member requests for reimbursement for the events upcoming events. * It is not necessary to attend all functions as that are being held. You also get to deposit all of those checks that a Social Director. It is an added bonus. When attending events and the chair of an upcoming event is not attending, offer to event attendees write to SVR to attend an event. print and pass out flyers for their event. A short talk of the upOn a monthly basis you are expected to attend the monthly Board coming event is helpful to increase awareness and excitability of meeting. At this meeting you will present the Treasurer’s report the upcoming event. Usually this happens at the breakfast and and receive any monies that Board members may need to give dinners. you. You are an active and vital part of the SVR Board as you are seeing the total financial picture and health of the Club. It is your duty to keep the President and the Board apprised of the financial condition of the Club and of any financial concerns you may have with spending or income. You will receive the budgets for each of the events, ask questions and inform the President of irregularities. For the Board meeting you may also run reports for
by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2009 SVR President
the drifter
September Dinner Meeting
Hosted by Frederick and Susan Rauch Wednesday, September 16th • Social at 6:15 P.M.•Dinner at 7:00 P.M.
8525 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks, CA. Phone 967.0954. Fins is in the shopping center at the corner of Kenneth and Madison in the far right of the property facing Madison Ave. (Landmark: Starbucks) Plenty of Porsche Parking. Appetizers include Calamari Strips & Smoked Salmon • Beverages: Soda, Coffee, Hot Tea or Iced Tea Entrée Choices include Grilled fish choices include Maddies Patties (twice-baked cheese mashed potatoes), Sautéed Vegetables, and Carribbean Cole Slaw & Sourdough Bread. Grilled Fish Entrée Options include1. Salmon: $27.00 • 2. Mahi –Mahi: $29.00 Salad Entrée Options include 3. Combo Louie Salad with New England Clam Chowder & Sourdough Bread: $27.00 4. Chicken Caesar Salad & Sourdough Bread: $20.00 Dessert includes New York Cheesecake with Fresh Berries Prices per person and include appetizers, beverage, entrées described above, tax, gratuity and $1.00 to SVR. No Host Beer and Wine available RSVP bu September 11th to Frederick at fdr@fdrmotorsports.com (email preferred), Telephone 916.989.0580
The Social Director per SVR Policy Statement will bill members who cancel reservations after the deadline or fail to show up for dinner.
SVR PCA Charity Auction Sunday, September 13 10 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Our annual charity event is a family picnic and auction held at the City Park Pavilion in Folsom at 403 Stafford Street (Off Natoma Street) in Folsom. The Pavilion has a large covered area, picnic tables, benches and charcoal grills. Look for the reserved sign. The park is next to the Folsom Sanctuary Zoo: small and well landscaped, and where each animal has a story. All of the money raised in the acution will go to the zoo. In the early part of the day you will have time to view and bid on the silent auctions plus time to visit the zoo. The regular, loud, and sometimes very funny auction starts at 1 P.M. What to bring to the picnic: A picnic lunch, the kids, the neighbors, your wallet and comfy chairs Donations needed: Creative, homemade, homegrown are all welcome. Homemade cookies and pies are all big hits as well as a coupon for a home-cooked meal, and of course, Porsche related items
the drifter
SVR Autocross #4 at Stockton Saturday Sept 26, 2009
OK, for those of you who have been paying attention we have already had three SVR Autocrosses this year. You might have “missed” the Sunday May 31 event because it was also a GGR and Zone 7 event. Your next, and possibly last, chance to Autocross this year is coming up on Saturday September 26th at the Stockton Fairgrounds. The turnout has been outstanding; we had 37 drivers at the April 18th event and over 50 drivers each day at the two day Zone events in May. The addition of the “SVR Bistro” which sells fresh grilled Brats with chips and a soda for $5 for lunch, and tables and chairs and shade to eat in, has also been a big success. With our new run format of 3 laps every time you go out on track, one practice and two timed, we have been getting 8 to 10 timed runs per person. We also changed to 3 run groups so everybody does “work”, “run”, “rest”, so you have time to eat and visit with your friends, and shop at the Goodie Store during the day as well.
If you have been bitten by the AX bug, then put Sept 26th on your calendar and RSVP to bbayou@jps.net and let me know how many are driving and how many want Brat for lunch. If you haven’t been bitten, then this is your chance… we have instructors available to help you, Steve Nieslony does a “Rookie Course Walk” in the morning (which I have seen people who have autocrossed for 5 or 6 years listening in on…) and we have loaner helmets available. If your still not sure, check out the event articles and pictures on derporsche. net or drop me an email and we’ll talk! It’s Safe for you and your car, it teaches you car control and shows you what your car is really capable of doing in braking, accelerating and turning. New or old Porsches are amazing to drive near the limit, and you will never find a safer place to do that than at an Autocross. So, come down and play with your car for the day, it will LOVE YOU for it. Porsches were Made To Be Driven! Bob Peake Autocross Chairman 2009
the drifter
Anchor Steam Beer Tour Monday, September 28, 2009
The brewers at the Anchor Steam Beer brewery in San Francisco have agreed to show us how they make their beer and why they believe it to be the best beer on the planet. Then, to prove their point, they will let us taste the result of their efforts in their beautiful tasting room. (Note: their samples are generous.) The tour will start at the brewery at 11:00 A.M. on Monday, September 28th and, with the tasting, will last about two hours. Consequently, we will be leaving Sacramento at 8:30 A.M. for a leisurely drive to San Francisco. The meeting place is the Tower Theatre parking lot, Broadway and Land Park Drive (16th Street), behind the theatre, across the street from Starbucks. At the conclusion of the tour/tasting we will have lunch in the area, or, for that matter, you are free to have lunch anywhere you wish. It is San Francisco, after all, and the sky’s the limit on good eating there. Since these tours are very popular, and sell out early, the good folks at the brewery have requested that we notify them the number of our party by September 1st. We have only ten spots available, so get your requests in early. Call Jan and Herb at 916.424.5163, or email them at h.hoover@comcast.net
the drifter
Drifting Back – September 2009 by Larry Wilson
30 Years Ago (September 1979) A joint rally school held jointly for SVR and the Alfa Romeo Club of Sacramento on September 9 by Rik Larson presented class room training, a one and one-half hour rally, and a classroom post-rally evaluation and discussion. The September DRIFTER presented the Sacramento Valley Sports Car Council T&D rally series standings with SVR-members Jim and Denise Boswell in first place (22 points), and Fred Roloff in 8th place (10 points). The second leg of the Porsche/Corvette Matchup was held September 23 at Cal Expo. This time, Kirk Bradford was the chair, but the results were the same as the June 9th Porsche-Corvette Challenge -- Porsches won 9 of 13 classes. Class-winning PCAers included Tina Moore, Larry Wilson, Linda Mitchell, Emmett Wilder, Matt Ballentine, Mary Ann Behrens, Terry Zaccone, Judy Zaccone, and Paul Baldarelli.
Gary and Alma Thompson and Robin and Bruce Pressley at Tom and Brenda Solter’s home on Horseshoe Bar Road in Loomis sent $2,415 to the Sacramento Chapter of Make-A-Wish Foundation. Larry Wilson and Kirk Bradford were auctioneers, and great home-made items gathering serious-money bids included a wooden plate and bowl by Marv Smith, gorgeous afghan by Lettie Larson, and a Christmas Mouse by Sally Boeck.
Carrera de Sierra V, September 29/30, Rik Larson (and Lettie) and Stan Breyfogle as rallymasters, was the largest Carrera rally of all time with 130 cars registered (17 cars of checkpoint workers and 113 rally cars). In all, 255 people participated in this two-day time and distance rally to Yosemite Park and back with six legs and checkpoints each day and a Saturday-night barbeque under the stars of Camp Curry.
10 Years Ago (September 1999) The September 5 Labor Day A-B Rally ended with a barbecue/ pool party at Mary and Larry Clark’s home in Granite Bay. But first the Larry Clark-written rally. Surprise, surprise. J. Toney won again - this time running solo - with a score of three points. Ira and Carol McKee had the next best card with 13. The general instructions said entrants could get two bonus points added to their score by asking, “Where the heck is Bora Bora?” when they reached the finish. Three teams (including one former Zone 7 rally champion) did so, somehow forgetting that the object is to score the LOWEST possible score. The party featured a cat pi–ata that Larry Clark obtained, and rallyists, in the order of finish, were given a chance to beat the candy out of it. J. Toney tried as did Mike Willis and others - no joy. Finally, Shelagh Matthews decapitated the pussy revealing nothing inside but old Spanishlanguage newspapers. Both Mary and Larry Clark thought pi–atas came stuffed with candy. Right.
First Place Overall (and 1st Expert Equipped) went to Keith McMahan and Kathy Hopkins of Golden Gate Region. Jim and Denise Boswell, SVR, took 1st Place Novice Unequipped class. PCA checkpoint workers included Rich and Gail Burke, Sally Weddle and Lee Larson, Larry and Pat Wilson, Ted and Kaylane Robinson, Scott and Kathy Peebles, Mike and Vicki and Michelle Willis, Paul Baldarelli and Laurie Adams, Allen and Dolores Weddle, Trische Robertson, Jack and June Samples, Chris and Elyce McIntyre, Emmett and Marliese Wilder, and Jim and Estelle Haskell The best fun of the weekend came Saturday in West Point as 46 rally cars entered the town after a local parade shut down the only two exit streets. All cars were allowed to proceed, slowly, nose to tail, only after agreeing to become part of the parade, much to the delight of the locals who never had so much attention. After clearing the town, the 46-car group proceeded at speed swarming checkpoint #4. Hello! Ever try to clock in 46 cars and get the recorded in-time (to the second) associated with the correct car number? Ask Mike Willis. 20 Years Ago (September 1989) Who Done It? That’s what you had to figure out on the September 9th SVR Mystery Rally with Sally Boeck and Karen Mangin as rallymistresses. If you were Sherlock Holmes, you knew Cahn Mann was murdered by his wicked stepsister so she could get an inheritance to pay off her gambling debts. Among the SVR Sherlock wanabees were Mark and Starla Hirst, Allen and Dolores Weddle, Tom and Tambra Kroetz, Rik Larson, Mike and Michelle Willis, Ray and Sara Clements, Elizabeth Carr and Bob Dennison, Barb Schumacher and Suzanne Gallicho, Pat and Larry Wilson, Bob and Mary Siles, and Steve and Karen Taggert. The September 17 Charity Auction and Picnic with co-chairs
On September 9, Rich McGlumphy and Karen Goffin arranged to hold the SVR monthly dinner meeting at Rick’s Hacienda at Highway 99 and Fruitridge Road, one of THE DRIFTER’s advertisers. More than 30 people enjoyed chips and salsa, nachos, Cuervo margaritas, and the combo plate, carnitas and shrimp. Once again the Dumbkopf Award ceremonies took center stage and, guess what? Mary and Larry Clark shared the award for having an empty pi–ata awaiting Labor Day A-B Rally entrants. The clap-o-meter never lies. A big turnout for the September 25-26 Carrera de Sierra two-day rally with 12 checkpoints on Saturday to the overnight stay at Bear Valley Lodge, and more on Sunday to the finish in Jackson. Organized by the BMW club with assistance from SVR, the event had 31 rally cars vying for awards in four classes with Keith McMahan and Ken Whitson as rallymasters. J. Toney/Helen Ashuckian finished first overall (557 points) with Phillip Marks/ Richard Wetzel in second (733) and Al Armelini/Rik Larson in third (793). Ira and Carol McKee finished 12th overall, Mike and Sue Ambrozewicz 15th, Rich McGlumphy/Karen Goffin 18th, and Tina and John Murphy 31st. Checkpoint workers included Bud and Mary Ann Behrens, George and Nona Morley, Bob Van Heuit, and Tom Sisson.
the drifter
SVR September/October Calendar of Events Event
September 2
SVR Monthly Board Meeting
Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534
SVR Monthly Breakfast
Waffle Square
Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163
Rolling Thunder III - DE/TT Club Race
DE/TT Paulette Johnson: GGRRegistrar@gmail.com Club Race Andrew Forrest: ggrracefeg@gmail.com
Driver’s Education
Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com
Preston Castle Wine Tasting, Hors d’Oeuvres and Castle Tour
Preston Castle
Doug Klein 916.791.4864 douk@surewest.net
SVR Charity Auction/Event
City Park Pavilion in Folsom
Tambra Kroetz 916.989.1954
Driver’s Education
Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca
Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com
SVR Monthly Dinner
Fins - Madison Ave, Fair Oaks
Frederick Rauch 916.989.0580
SVR Series AX #4
Bob Peake bbayou@jps.net
Redwood Region Zone 7 Concours
Ledson Winery
James Heisey
Anchor Steam Brewery Tour
San Francisco
Jan & Herb Hoover h.hover@comcast.net
SVR Monthly Breakfast
Waffle Square
Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163
Concours - Niello @ Serrano
El Dorado Hills
Larry Wilson lwilson1230@comcast.net
SVR Monthly Board Meeting
Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534
Driver’s Education
Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports.com
New Member/G-24 Tour
Doug Klein 916.791.4864
Time Trials - GGR DE/TT
Walker/Cullinan ggrttchair@gmail.com
SVR Monthly Dinner
Back Wine Bar -Folsom
Kevin Dougherty kdougherty@aol.com
Wine Appreciation
Jacobson’s Garage, Loomis
Bob & Beth Jacobson BobJacobson@yahoo.com
Mendocino 2009 Tour & Weekend Getaway
Rik Larson 916.481.6084
Check out the latest calendar information available online at: www.derporsche.net 8
the drifter
On Being New…
by Dr. Rob Sime RN, PhD So you’ve finally bought a Porsche and joined the PCA. Good for you. Now what? Going to events sounds fun but unless a friend or neighbor introduced you to PCA and will be there to show you around that can be intimidating. All of us who have been members for a while can remember when we didn’t know anyone and felt outside the first event we went to. These are pretty normal feelings for a new member. I am here to tell you though, you are welcome. Resources are available to make you feel like you do belong. G24 is run by veteran members with the goal of easing your path to being a comfortable member who feels like they belong. You will see G24 events listed in the Drifter so by all means, go and meet your fellow newbies. With all of these events from which to choose, and no experience at anything what should you do? Dinner meetings are a good way to meet people and network. Plus, you get a feel for the culture of the club. Many find it surprising that we are older or younger than they expected. Going to these low key social events clears up misconceptions about who and what the PCA is like. Plus, you will find that even those people who are older and have been around the PCA forever are pretty friendly and accepting of new people. Try a dinner meeting. The worst that can happen is indigestion! Tours are another option that allows you to meet and mingle and drive your car. Often, the tour will have a start point and everyone drives to the end point in a group. These can be spirited, canyon carving experiences or you can choose to stay within the limits of the signs that sporadically interrupt your view of the roadside. You will not be left behind as a group leader is at the head of the group and another at the tail. The destination often involves a private tour of a famous place. My personal favorite is the Hearst Castle during the San Simeon Tour held every few years. Try a tour, you will not be bored! My personal favorite PCA event is autocrossing. A miniature road course is set up in a parking lot with traffic cones. One to three cars are on course at any given time, carefully separated by safe distance so they do not hit each other. Your goal is to get through the course as fast as possible without hitting cones. Penalties are assessed for those pesky cones that will in-
crease your time by a second or two. Autocrossing is heart pounding good fun. It can be competitive too but I encourage the new autocrosser to go out and learn to be a better driver. Think of it less as a race and more as driver improvement. Turns happen on an autocross course about 4 times faster than they do on a real race track so your skill as a driver will almost certainly improve. I think autocrossing is actually good for the car. This is a bold statement that demands an explanation so hear me out. When you autocross your car, you check things you otherwise might have neglected religiously. Air pressure, fluid levels, brake pads… All those little duties of car ownership we have abrogated to the lube and oil shop. Things that might be wrong with your car will tend to be unmasked by the spirited use during the event. Is it hard on the car? That is a debate I have been having with people for years. I don’t think it is hard on anything but tires and brake pads, and if you’re doing it right, probably not that hard on the brake pads. Figure that your tires will have about a year less life, but consider that you will have so much more life from your tires. A word of caution though, the temptation is there to go crazy spending money trying to improve your times. Work at improving yourself as a driver before you spend money on anything. Your biggest drop in time will come from becoming a better driver. First thing to do is tighten the nut behind the wheel. That’s you! Rallying is a great way to bring your spouse or your older children into your PCA club life. It is frustrating and challenging from my point of view but the people who do it will accept you no matter if you are good at it or not. Sacramento Valley Region has a perfect example of the family aspect in the Toney Father and Daughter team. They have brought Parade honors for themselves and SVR the last couple years. There are several levels of rally but the basic outline is that you are given a set of instructions that include where to go and how fast to get there. I never even get close but I always have a good time anyway! Try a Rally… These are just some ideas of what a new member can do. It isn’t intended to include everything, just give you an idea of the basics. The important thing is to stick with us until you discover one day that you are one of the veterans…
the drifter
, Loren Burgess cember 10th 2008
2:55 pm De
puts the finishing
touches on a 993
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the drifter
July 18, 2009 by Susan Duvall-Serota & David Hoffman It was a dark and stormy night……NOT! Our thanks to Cookie and Jerry for supplying their beautiful backyard for our event. It sure was a wonderful spot to take a dip in the heat of the day with our chefs toiling over hot smokers and BBQs. We want to thank our chefs, Bill Keegan, First Place, Jerry Cupler, Second Place, Ron Boeck, Third Place and of course Honorable Mentions to our other chefs, Matt and Olivia Sainson, Dave Mitchell, Dave Hoffman and Ron Riley, you all did a marvelous job!
Our special thanks to our judges that did a yeoman’s job tasting eight different entries and living through it: Jim Webber of Niello Porsche, Ron Kain of IPB Autosport, and Lauren Lundsten of Swanberg’s on J (great place for Hawaiian shirts and Hawaiiana).
We also want to thank everyone in the club that brought such great side dishes, we don’t think anyone could have gone home hungry…… Despite those hot temperatures a good time was had by all!
the drifter
SVR Region Autocross #4
Saturday, September 26, 2009 San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, Stockton, CA Registration and tech from 7:30 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. Late registration and tech from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. First car out at 9:00 A.M. No open exhaust “One and two� format with eight to ten timed runs Instructors and loaner helmets available Fee: $35.00 per driver; no fee for spectators The SVR Bistro will provide a grilled brat lunch for $5.00 RSVP to Bob Peake at bbayou@jps.net Directions: From I-5 or Hwy. 99: Take Highway 4 (Cross-town Freeway) toward Downtown Stockton. Take the Wilson Way exit and turn South onto Wilson Way. Turn left at Charter Way and then right through the gate into the fairgrounds. Follow the access road, bear left at the Y-intersection, continue straight, and turn right to enter the parking lot.
the drifter
Tech Article
by Jim Kinnicutt with special thanks to Jim Webber – Niello Porsche
will then be burned off on the first ignition upon start up. If this remains random and there is no significant drop in the oil level is detected, then this should be of no real concern, other than a minor annoyance.
Another possibility is a malfunctioning oil separator. In this case smoke will likely be produced more consistently upon startup. In this case, to be safe, we always recommend having your vehicle checked out by a PORSCHE dealer. They always has the most current and updated information supplied to the factory First of all, we plan on a Q & A type of format. If you trained technicians. have a question about your particular Porsche model, or a question in general, please submit it to me via my In the last minute, I did have a couple of other “smoke“ eMail (jkinnicu@yahoo.com). I will research it and get related questions and I will address them in the next the answer(s) back to you as soon as I can. I will also issue. publish it in the next Drifter, so you may become a If you have any questions you would like to discuss, famous published author! please get them to me as early as possible to give me Hello to all. My name is Jim Kinnicutt and I am picking up the responsibilities for the Tech Articles in our Drifter. We have talked about changing the format of this column to make it more interactive and, hopefully, more informative for you.
Secondly, from time to time, we will highlight a project time to research and make the deadlines! I look forward of interest that one of our members has taken on and to hearing from you! give a detailed progress and outcome report(s). BTW… these questions are open to ALL Porsches, so For this first article in the new format I will lead off let’s hear from some of the 356ers as well! with a question I have heard mentioned several times Jim Kinnicutt in various social settings... jkinnicu@yahoo.com Q: “Why does my Boxster blow a cloud of smoke periodically on start up? It seems to be random and not related to the amount of time the vehicle has been parked, and at times can be significant.” A: First of all, this is not unique to Boxsters... it does occur with other models. The occurrence of blowing a random initial cloud of blue gray smoke upon start up can be caused by a couple of things: The most common explanation: When the engine is shut down, if one of the pistons is positioned on an intake stroke such that an intake valve is not yet open, a vacuum is created in that cylinder. That vacuum will have a tendency to try to “relieve” itself via any available seepage in order to equalize to outside atmospheric pressure. In doing so, any standing oil around the valve stem or seal area can be slowly “sucked” into the cylinder. It the drifter
BMW • PORSCHE® • MINI Schatz & Krum – Independent BMW – Porsche®
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8460 Belvedere Avenue Sacramento, CA 95826 www.schatzandkrum.com the drifter
August 5, 2009 SVR board meeting by Kim Nelson, SVR Secretary
President Cookie Anderson called the meeting to order at Webmaster: John Murphy 6:37PM. If you are hosting an event and “the plan” changes - like date, time, location, details, the event is cancelled for some reason – Attending: Cookie Anderson, Mike Willis, Doug Klein, Betty please include the webmaster in your notification. This will enSilva, Babette Hatten, Helen Ashuckian, Bill Keegan, Juan sure the calendar and, if appropriate, the Home Page on the webCalderon, Ray Silva & Jim Kinnicutt site can be a current as possible. Minutes: The July minutes were reviewed and accepted. OLD BUSINESS: None.
Vice President: Bill Keegan Presented updates to the calendar.
Past President: Mike Willis NEW BUSINESS: No report. The Drifter still needs timely articles and Cookie requested that Board members copy her on their articles. Drifter deadline is the President: Cookie Anderson 1st of every month. No further information reported. Current officers continue to work on their procedures that will Meeting adjourned: 8:12 P.M. help future Board members. Next Meeting: RPM Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. It was noted that the President should have a full set of back-up keys and passwords. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Charity: Tambra Kroetz Tambra raised $72.00 at the Rib Cook-off for Charity. Competition: Frederick Rauch No Report. Advertising: Mike Willis Mike noted that he had made a couple of contacts but no results yet. Drifter: JR Evinger No report.
We are proud to announce that Dream Car Solutions has opened it’s exclusive detailing services to the public! This once members only service is now available to exceed your expectations. THE WORKS
Financial Report: Betty Silva Went over the budget versus actual to date for all SVR activites. We are pretty much on schedule. G24: Lee Deter No report. Goodie Store: Tom Sisson Report received and approved. Membership Director: Doug Klein SVR has 576 members with 473 affiliate members for total of 1049. Social Director: Babette Hatten Approved budgets for October Dinner, Wine Tasting and Mendocino. Tech Chair: Jim Kinnicutt Working with Niello on a question and answer process for tech information. Also will check on the “tech” for the new Panamera???
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)
Wash Vacuum Interior cleaned and Conditioned Stain removal and carpet repair Engine cleaned and dress Under carriage cleaned Removal of impurities in paint Paint restoration and repair Scratch Removal High speed polishing Paint sealants and waxes Custom matched paint touch up’s
the drifter
Sierra Nevada Region, PCA - Silver State Concours Weekend Concours #6 - Zone 7 Series Saturday, September 12 and Sunday, September 13, 2009 Tech Quiz/Hosted Meet & Greet Party Saturday, 4:00 to 6:00 PM Historian Inn, 1427 Hwy 395 N, Gardnerville, NV Meet and greet friends and members from other regions in Zone 7 (refreshments provided) Prizes awarded to Tech Quiz winners
Zone 7 Concours #6 - Sunday, 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Basque Dinner – Saturday, 7:30 to 9:30 PM JT’s Basque Restaurant, 1426 Main St, Gardnerville, NV Cost: $30 per person **$7.00 corkage fee to bring your own wine, otherwise wine included with dinner
Sponsored by Bill Pearce Porsche Lampe Park on Waterloo Drive, Gardnerville, NV Fee for judged cars: $25 per car BBQ luncheon served by Sierra Nevada Region • Cost: $15 per person BBQ’d on site by Gilbert Dayao from Gilson Auto Body **No alcoholic beverages, glass containers, or animals except Seeing Eye dogs with masters per Lampe Park regulations
For more information and registration form, visit the Sierra Nevada Region website at http://snr-pca.org or For more information and registration form, visit the Sierra Nevada Region website at http://snr-pca.org or contact Julia Lynn at 775.852.5329 or jlynn62@earthlink.net The Historian Inn, 1427 Hwy 395 N, Gardnerville, NV 89410, 877.783.9910, http://www.historianinn.com/, is holding a block of rooms (Fri & Sat nights) for our event at a 10% discount ($88.11 per night). To receive the discounted rates, participants should tell the hotel that they are with the Porsche Group. The block of rooms will be held for our group until August 15th. *** Again this year - Participants in the Concours will be able to wash their cars in the back parking lot area of Historian Inn for free. Hoses and buckets will be provided.
the drifter
September Report Membership Report by Doug Klein, Membership Director As of August 1, the Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche Club of America has 576 regular members and 473 affiliate (husband, wife, son, etc.) members for a total of 1,049 members. This past month, we had 3 new members and 2 transfers in from the California Central Coast and North Florida Regions. Membership is down by 3% since the first of the year, a surprisingly small number given current economic conditions.
New Members:
Robert and Diane Perry RPerryMFT@yahoo.com
Doug Brannon Nevada City CA 95959 brancon@nccn.net H: 530-265-2984
2003 911TT Blue
George and Mary Graham Colusa CA 95932 gagram@frontiernet.net 530-458-8781 Leo Northart Gold River CA 95670 bgcoury@aol.com 916-804-1181
Robert and Jennifer Ragsdale Fair Oaks CA 95628 Frederick and Susan Rauch 2001 911 C4 Black
2003 Boxster S Gray
2003 Carrera Red Cab
Transfers In:
Gerald and Bj Shook Auburn CA 95602 850-668-8757 shook@bacb.com From: North Florida
Val and Mitzi Bojko mitzibojko@yahoo.com Suzanne Franks blackoshindancer@gmail.com Robert and Dividica Leonard 916-874-7876 rbl@winfirst.com
Congratulations to the following on their:
One Year Anniversary:
Roy Neilson El Dorado Hills CA 95762 760-734-6920 roy@autointl.com From: Central California Coast
Robert and Shirley Barbosa-Sime 1984 911 Carrera 1975 914 Targa
1972 911E
1964 356C White
Dennis and Barbara Angelini Juan Calderon and Evelyn Yee Philip and Rosa Cordero David and Eileen Kaufman Tony Kobrossi Mary Madison Chuck and Jadz Miller Paul and Amy Thomas David Villalba
Five Year Anniversary: Jack Friend
Ten Year Anniversary: John and Karen Kessler
Fifteen Year Anniversary: Dennis and Carol Ann Smith
Thirty Year Anniversary:
Interested in having fun with other Porsche enthusiasts? It’s easy! Join at www.pca.org (credit cards accepted) or email Doug Klein at membership@svr.pca.org or call 791-4864 for a paper membership application. The new SVR database has space for two email addresses for each member. Want SVR emails sent to both your home and work addresses, or to another family member? Email the second address to membership@svr.pca. org, and I’ll include it in the database. When changing your mailing address, email address, phone or any other information, remember to update both PCA (the national organization) and SVR (your local club). The two databases are separate and independent. Update PCA by logging on to the national web site, www.pca.org. Update SVR by emailing changes to Doug Klein at membership@svr.pca.org.
Why join the Porsche Club of America??? Driving tours to the best wineries and most scenic locales Porsche tech sessions Delicious BBQ picnics Drive at Infineon and Laguna Seca Monthly dinner parties/meetings Autocross to learn car control skills Porsche tech sessions…and more If you want to have a great time with other friendly Porsche enthusiasts, log on to www.pca.org (credit cards OK) or email/call Doug Klein at membership@ svr.pca.org / 791-4864 for a membership application.
Ron and Bente Lis Riley
Roy Nielsen and Winnie Mitchell El Dorado Hills CA 95762
the drifter
Mendocino 2009 Tour October 30th – November 1st (Three Days, Two Nights) This is a 3-day, 2-night tour to the Mendocino area. And because Hallowe’en occurs that Saturday, we will have a party. And then take an extra hour of sleep because it is also the end of daylight savings time. This is a very informal tour. We will have some kite flying (weather permitting), miniature golf, and some socials activities. We have several hotels/inns that we work with to house our group. The 2007 tour had over 65 cars. We manage a block of rooms at the Hill House (contact is Tom and Tambra Kroetz at 916.989.1954), the MacCallum House Suites (contact is Frederick and Susan Rauch at 916.595.3371) and the Little River Inn (contact is Rik and Lettie Larson at 916.481.6084). We suggest that you make reservations early as the coast area tends to fill up on the weekends (even during Winter). Schedule: Leave Niello Porsche in Rocklin on Friday morning; lunch stop in the wine country; social on Friday evening. Saturday is open for kite flying, golf, shopping, etc. followed a Saturday night party. Sunday is also open, with folks generally returning home in groups. Don’t miss out on this popular tour; we even have members from other regions join us for a good time. And remember: Don’t turn your back to the ocean.
Preston Castle Wine Tasting, Hors d’Ouvres and Castle Tour Saturday, September 12, 2009
Been curious about the magnificant brownstone that dominates the Ione skyline? Now’s your chance to explore this 1890s Romanesque Revival building, while having a grand time noshing, tasting and socializing. Castle Tour. We’ll start with a docent-guided tour just for our group at 1:30, before the Castle is opened to the general public at 3:00 (and closes at 6:00). Drink. Fourteen Amador County wineries will be providing their best at tasting stations throughout the castle. Nibble on a variety of chocolate treats. Food. In abundance! Bring an appetite. This year’s menu hasn’t been released, but the food has always been delicious. Music. A band on the patio will be complemented by a roving accordion player inside. Meet at Starbucks in Town Center Mall at the southeast corner of Hwy 50 and El Dorado Hills Blvd at 11:30. Cost? $37 donation/person, which includes castle tour, food, wine tasting, and a commemorative wine glass. All proceeds are used by the Preston Castle Foundation for continuing restoration of this historic structure. RSVP with Doug Klein at dougk@surewest.net or call 916-791-4864. Also check out www.prestoncastle.com
the drifter
BUCKLE YOUR SWASH…….. by Tom Sisson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper
e still have some hot weather---so get some SVR and Porsche Tshirts—still only $20 in various colors. The SVR polo shirts are great also. The fleece vests ($35) are still in style and feel good on a cool morning. Also we have our denim shirts, sweatshirts, etc. Don’t forget an SVR car badge ($15) or a PCA car badge ($18) The big news is that we still have a number of items that we can close out for much less than usual-really!! You may have seen some of them being sold by Cookie at the last AX. Cookie has the inventory and if you Email her, I am sure she will give some ideas on size, etc. Don’t miss this sale! Our stuff is so cheap, you would have to be a buccaneer to get a better deal! And why do we call pirates “buccaneers”? If you think there’s some sort of romantic origin to this word, think again. It has nothing to do with swish, swash or buckle. The word buccaneer comes from the “Spanish Main” in days of yore. It arose in the 17th century and was derived from the French verb, boucaner, to cure meat, as in putting the flesh out on a wooden rack to dry. Pirates preserved meat in this manner so that they could store it on long voyages. It is thus not swordplay that figures in the origins of “buccaneer,” but knife and fork play. It was not about satisfying the pirate’s appetite for booty, just his appetite. We knew you couldn’t wait to find out! For Goodie Store merchandise, go to your friendly Goodie Store people! See Tom Sisson or Cookie Anderson at meetings and events, or contact them (see the Drifter masthead.) Remember to allow sufficient time as many things need to be ordered.
Index of Advertisers The Last Word by JR Evinger, Editor Happy September everyone! I am continually looking for portrait photos of you and your cars for the cover and as always I want to solicit your feedback as this is your newsletter. Please feel free to drop me your comments at editor@svr.pca.org. JR
A & S BMW Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel Pacific Power Motorsports Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Schatz & Krum TrackMasters Walt Stickel
the drifter
12 14, 15 19 IBC IFC OBC IBC 2 6 10 20 16 14 IFC 17 19
Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled.
Parts for Sale
996 Carrera 18-inch full set of wheels:
Porsche 993 Chrome 17” Cup Wheel Set
For Sale
Set of 4 17” chrome Cup wheels from my Porsche 993. Straight, non damaged, as removed from my car, except for the one wheel that has curb rash. Factory take off part numbers 993.362.134.06 18x7.5” ET50 offset 993.362.140.04 18x10” ET65 offset
The tires are still mounted, however, the rear tires are bald. Although the fronts have some tread, they are now going into the wear bars. 1992 Carrera C2 Cabriolet This is an exceptional example of one of the last air-cooled 911’s. Completely original, only 75,000 miles. Second owner since 2005. Guards red with tan leather interior.
Wheels are all straight but with some curb rash. These will look sharp on a 986 Boxster or good for a set of winter wheels. $375 o.b.o. call Rich Tsai 530.219.8125 or e-mail rich@singlelens.net Cayenne S 18-inch Wheel:
All the amenities, A/C, power windows, Part Number: Wheel Sizes: Tire Sizes: seats, etc. Factory stereo/cd player. New ZR 993.362.128.00 9Jx17-ET55 Rear 255/40ZR17 993.362.124.06 7Jx17-ET55 Front 255/55ZR17
Factory take off part number 7L5.601.025 A 18x8” ET57 offset No curb rash or bend, but slight scuffing on the wheel face (can be polished or touched up). Perfect to replace damaged wheel or use as a full size spare. $80 o.b.o. call Rich Tsai 530.219.8125 or e-mail rich@singlelens.net
What this all means is that even though the tires are still mounted, I am selling this set for the value of the Chrome wheel set. $600. Please let me know if you have any questions. Jeff Kinder (916) 765-2801 rated tires, New top/boot, car covers (2). 993cab@sbcglobal.net Maintenance records available. Asking $23,000 Call Ken at (916) 342-2546 (06/09)
the drifter
Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Since 1969
Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo
Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502
Our motto: “If you like our work, tell others. If not, tell us.”
Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards
Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651