Pasadena City College
Winter session should be reinstated Page 4» Volume 107, Issue 2
The independent student voice of PCC. Serving Pasadena Since 1915.
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January 24, 2013
New grading system weighed
Women’s hoops own the hardwood
Panel exploring a plus/minus grade scale ANTHONY RICHETTS Online Editor
we’re starting to think strategically about the online program and the new funds will help.” Tirapelle expressed some concerns about the details in the budget especially how the funds will be distributed. “We’re very excited about the proposal…but are there strings attached?” she asked. Chancellor Harris says that the California community college system has already laid the groundwork for the governor’s .
The Academic Senate has formed an ad-hoc committee to explore whether the college should switch its grading scale from a full letter grading system to a plus/minus grading system. The measure, proposed by committee co-chairs, history Instructor Susie Ling and biology Instructor Debra Folsom, is said to grade students on a more accurate scale as opposed to the current system. “Bottom line: it helps the B+ and C+ students and hurts the A- and B- students,” Ling explained in an email. In the current system, in a class that is graded on a 100point scale, if one student receives 89 points and another receives only 83 points then both students would receive a B as their final grade, a 3.0 grade point average in the class. “In disciplines where letter grades are often given to assignments in lieu of "points," a diligent student who has earned a borderline C+/B- (2.5) is often given the higher, "B" grade, while another diligent student, who has earned a solid B+ (3.3) is bumped down to a B (3.0). There is a .8 (almost an entire grade point) difference between the quality level of the student work.” stated Diana Savas, a member of the ad-hoc committee
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Benjamin Simpson / Courier Women’s basketball Coach Joe Peron discusses tactics in the Lancer’s away win over LA Trade Tech on Jan. 18. Story / Page 12
Budget seeks $197 million more for colleges RAYMOND BERNAL Staff Writer
After years of drastic cuts to education, Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed 2013-14 budget includes increased funding of $197 million for California community colleges in addition to the $179 million colleges will be receiving due to the passage of Proposition 30. California Community Colleges Chancellor Brice Harris was ecstatic about the news and
said in a statement: “This budget represents a good start toward financial recovery for our [college] system. The governor and voters deserve credit for beginning this overdue reinvestment.” The governor’s budget directs the California Community Colleges Board of Governors to determine the best way to allocate the funds to districts. Some of the aspects of the proposed budget are the shifting of responsibilities of adult educa-
tion – now performed at K-12 – schools to community colleges. It also directs that $17 million be used to develop a “virtual campus” of 250 new online courses. The additional funds will be helpful, says PCC Interim Director of Distance Education Leslie Tirapelle.“We never had a large online program [here at PCC]. It’s something that we’re just starting to grow,” said Tirapelle. “Online courses have always grown organically here and not strategically, but now
New chief aspires to give back to the community SHELLY MALDONADO Staff Writer
Being in a police uniform most of the time may evoke a sense of intimidation, but behind the sharp image and 28-year law enforcement career is a soft-spoken man who has traveled the world in hopes of bettering communities. Reclined in a black-leather office chair, newly appointed campus Police Chief Don Yoder reminisces of the difficult childhood experiences that led
Speak out! Did Michelle Obama’s fashion sense outshine the inaugural ceremony? vote at
him to pursue a career in law enforcement; having grown up in a treacherous neighborhood, Yoder knows the importance of aiding those in need. “No matter how bad your worst day is, think about the people who don’t have nearly as much as what we have,” Yoder said. “That’s where we have fallen as a society; we are never there to help out our communities, and if there is anything that I can instill in students it is, try to give back to your communities.”
Yoder hopes that his own efforts inspire students to give back to their communities. As Yoder describes his difficult past, it is easy to depict the man behind the badge. He admits that his troubles served as a driving force in his decision to pursue a career in law enforcement.“Unfortunately, I had a very troubled childhood. I was always one of those kids who was always getting in trouble as a kid and making some Continued on page 11
Biggest Loser?
Artificial field has both advantages and disadvantages
14week weight loss competition gets under weigh
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Lissett Matos / Courier New Police Chief Don Yoder speaks at the Jan. 16 Board of Trustees meeting.
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January 24, 2013
New arts building construction progresses KARLA SOSA Staff Writer
The Center for the Arts building is scheduled to be occupied by the end of the summer, officials said. According to Jack Schulman, director of Measure P projects, the new building project is scheduled to be completed by July 1, 2013. There are still many things to be done after the completion of the building, he said. “Furniture and equipment installations [need to be put in the building]. The project will be ready for the campus to move in around the first or second week of September,” said Schulman. The construction of the Center for the Arts building was delayed when Edge Development the original contractor, went out of business. According to Schulman the new contractor [Kemp Brothers] has been doing a good job. “They have staffed the project with the proper management team and are working hard with all the subcontractors to complete on time,” said Schulman viaemail. According to Schulman, there are often
Upcoming Events Thursday PCC Foundation: Finance and Investment Committee meeting. 7:30 to 9 a.m. Terrace Room Associated Students Town Hall – Students are invited to discuss and be informed about the impact of the three-semester calendar on students planning to transfer in the fall. 6 pm. Creveling Lounge Monday Academic Senate Board Meeting. 3 to 5 p.m. Circadian UCLA Rep visit- Transfer advisement for UCLA. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. L110 CSULA Rep visit- Transfer advisement for CSULA. 10 am to 6 p.m. L110 Tuesday University of Phoenix Rep visitTransfer advisement for University of Phoenix. 10 a.m. to 1p.m. Quad Wednesday UC Berkeley Rep visit- Transfer advisement will be offered for students interested in transferring to UCB. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. L110 APU Rep visit- Transfer advisement will be offered for students interested in transferring to APU.10 a.m. to 12 p.m. L110 CSULA Rep visit- Transfer advisement for CSULA.10 a.m. to 6 p.m. L110 National University Rep VisitTransfer advisement for National University.11 a.m. to 1 p.m. L110
problems with construction projects. “We have a well-qualified, seasoned team of construction managers, architects, engineers and inspectors,” he said. “Any of the issues/problems that have come up are immediately dealt with and resolved. To date, we have no unresolved problems,” he said. Rueben C. Smith, executive director of facilities services said that with the change in the contractor, in theory the cost would remain about the same. “Changes are a normal part of the construction process and cost may slightly go up or down a few percent depending on the addition or deletions throughout the course of the project,” said Smith viaemail. According to James A. Arnwine, Performing and Communication Arts Division dean, the completion of the Center for the Arts building will allow the arts students will have a lot more space. “The rooms will be a lot larger and just in general it will be a nice and pleasant place to work,” said Arnwine. “The music [department] will have the right facility for them to practice, and for
Mary Nurrenbern / Courier A construction worker carries materials while working on the new building on Jan 11. Work is scheduled to be completed in July.
them to have their own space,” said Arnwine. “When the building is done I
feel that students will want to join more art classes.”
Banana tree sculpture looking for a home ADAM MITCHELL Staff Writer
Artist Yutaka Sone’s sculpture of a giant baby banana tree has been removed from its pedestal in the Boone Sculpture garden and is undergoing repairs. The original installation was completed in 2008, but was badly damaged in the November 2011 massive windstorm. The damaged sculpture was left untouched until the winter 2012 break. The sculpture has now been removed and disassembled for repair and preparations have begun to find it a new home on the PCC campus. The repair has been complicated due to the damage from the windstorm with some pieces being broken off and some having to be removed entirely because of structural damage, college officials said. Alexander Kritselis, the former dean of the Visual Arts and Media Studies division and now a consultant to PCC has been involved with the project since the beginning. “The [goal] is to have the sculpture installed in time for the Center for the Arts opening, sometime in June to File Photo September of this year,” said Artist Yutaka Sone installs his Baby Banana Tree sculpture in 2008. Kritselis.
According to Joseph L. Futtner, interim dean of visual arts and media studies, the repair has been difficult. “There has been a sort of perfect storm: a windstorm, the artist’s busy schedule and the institutional crisis here at PCC,” said Futtner. There was a problem with the original engineering report with “an underestimate of the potential wind force,” said Futtner. He also said the Center for the Arts is now having a new engineering report done and has had the sculpture removed to prepare for further engineering. The search for the perfect landing space has proven equally difficult, said Associate Professor and Art Gallery Director Brian Tucker, with talks of the sculpture being located closer to the Center for the Arts. But with the future of the U Building still up in the air, there are concerns over future construction causing a problem with the space needed for the extremely large art piece, added Tucker. According to Futtner there is a “significant institutional commitment and full cooperation of the artist” to find a new home for the giant baby banana tree.
Grant infuses learning with technology on and off-campus TERESA MENDOZA Staff Writer
The Distance Education Captioning and Transcription (DECT) grant from the state will create valuable opportunities for instructors to develop mediarich distance learning courses, according to grant administrators at College of the Canyons. The DECT grant allows PCC full-time and adjunct instructors to close-caption work that they produce themselves or copyrighted video and/or audio materials they have permission to use, according to Distance Education Specialist Dr. Carole S. Robinson. She added that the
actual length of the video(s) submitted for closed captioning and transcription determines the amount of each grant. “It pushes the faculty to start learning to use different media and make their own videos,” she said. Robinson explained that the grant is intended for online, hybrid and on-campus classes that use methods of material delivery over distances, such as web conferencing, podcasting, class capture and content posted within a managed learning system. Geography Instructor Rhea Presiado has used the grant since 2012; she shares the recorded-
closed-captioned lectures with both her online and her on-campus classes. “I tell my face-to-face students when you go home you may want to study the lecture,” Presiado said. “Maybe you zoned out or you forgot or you didn’t understand…the closecaptioning has helped all my students.” Geography student Jasper Yangchareon finds it convenient to be able to pause and jot down or clarify something with the correct spelling. “Basically, I’m allowed to follow along at my own pace which I think is key to more widespread student success,” he said.
Presiado produces her own videos and with the grant gets them closed-captioned and transcribed. The videos range from traditional lectures to screen casts to tutorials to show students how to use a specific program on the computer, showand-tell on geography and how to read an online textbook. Presiado also records and close-captions the field trips with her face-to-face students and is able to share these with her online class, allowing the students to take a virtual trip. In addition to furthering the college’s ability to serve learning-impaired and audio/visual learners, closed-captioning also
supports regular students as the course content is always accessible and they can consult the material to improve their comprehension, according to Robinson. “ESL students have a much easier time learning if they see the words. It benefits everyone. In a way, it benefits the instructor because more people comprehend what is going on,” she added. The Fashion Department produced its own video illustrating a sewing lesson. “They really caught on,” Robinson said. “Students can go back and look at [the video] and slow it down…it is a really good tool.”
January 24, 2013
Health services recommends flu shots PAUL OCHOA Staff Writer
With the recent flu epidemic health officials are recommending that everyone take measures to avoid getting sick and missing school. So far the Health Center has administered around a 1000 flu vaccinationss and will continue doing so until the supply runs out. “Here on campus we’ve administered a thousand [flu vaccines]. We do have a limited supply but it is free to students enrolled and attending,” said Jo Ann Buczko, coordinator of Student Health Services. To stay healthy, Buczko recommends everyone frequently wash their hands and avoid touching their face. “[For students to stay healthy I recommend] just what the Center for Disease Control is recommending, which is frequent hand washing and avoid touching your face because the virus is going in through the eyes or mouth. With prevention, get the flu shot,” said Buczko. Before receiving the flu shot students must read an information sheet, which contains information specific to the vaccine. “We give students a vaccine info sheet; anyone who [gets] it has to read information specific to the vaccine,” said Buczko. Buczko said students should get vaccinated to avoid potential
Tam Ta receives a free flu shot from the Student Health Center on Jan. 22. Students can get free flu shots while supplies last. Benjamin Simpson/ Courier
loss of class time and for the protection of infants, which are very susceptible to the flu. “When you get sick with it you can lose a lot of time with school [and] if anyone is going to be around an infant less than 6 months old, [they] should get the vaccine, ” said Buczko. Buczko also encourages students who have come down with the flu to stay home.
Symptoms of the flu, said Buczko, vary from runny rose to fatigue and are more rapid than the cold. “Rapid onset of runny nose, cough, fever, muscle aches, fatigue – the cold is slower than the flu which is more rapid,” says Buczko. Rayma Halloran, staff nurse, mentioned the fear that people might have of needles as discouraging some from receiving
the vaccine. “Most people don’t like needles but they know it’s important to get the shot. Its just like a two-to-three second sting. For just a short momentary period of discomfort they’re getting a lot in return,” said Halloran. Even though she has a fear of needles Alasha South, nursing decided to get vaccinated. “I have had a cold and I heard
the flu is going around and it will help me, [even though] I am scared of needles,” said South. Kelsea Gustin, business gets a flu shot every year and recommends other students do the same. “Because my mom’s a nurse, I get a flu shot every year. I recommend other students get one since there’s so many different strains of flu,” said Gustin.
ESL Center a haven for international students CHRISTINE MICHAELS News Editor
It's hidden well inside the third floor of the D Building, up a creepy stairwell where there seems to be nothing at the top. But upon entering the ESL Center, a completely different tone is set. A light is placed at the end of the stairs, where English learners, English speakers, students, faculty, and volunteers all work together in a room full of round tables, books, laptops, and even a movie section. A warm smile comes from the Front Desk secretary Nikolas Sanchez-Wong, while helping a Korean native check out a few grammar books. "Here you go, don't forget to bring them back,
OK," he said. The student nods and walks out the door and down the stairs. The place is jam-packed with people the week before finals. Every table is full; the tutor center in the back has a line six people long. Wong explains the center isn't usually this busy. "This is the craziest, busiest week ever," he said. Another student comes up to the desk to check in for his ESL class lab hours. His name is Emin Yaghoubi, an Armenian from Iran. "I don"t really like to read, but here," Yaghoubi opens his hands out towards the room, "I read more. The environment helps me to read more." Wong explains at first he didn't even know this place existed. "I didn't even know these stu-
dents came here," he chuckled, and then sighed. "Some of them don't even speak English at all, but nothing is stopping them from learning. They want to do their best." ESL Instructor and head of the ESL Center Melissa Michelson walks in and huffs as a small smile forms on her face, "Wow, it's busy in here." Michelson was part of the team that brought the ESL Center into existence. "We wanted to create a place where [English learners] could feel comfortable with other ESL students," she said. An older man sitting at a round table looks up from his grammar book and smiles at Michelson, who waves back. "He is in one of my ESL classes. He's a great student," she
College aims to bolster ‘student success’ CHRISTINE MICHAELS News Editor
late start core courses starting this week online. The college plans to The courses being improve student access in added include Spring 2013 according to English 1A, geograofficials at the Jan. 16 phy 1, political sciBoard of Trustees meeting, ence 1, among other in co-ordinance with the high-demand transBoard’s goal of enrollment fer courses, accordmanagement. ing to the Enrollment With the passage of Management’s Proposition 30, approxireport presented at mately $4.4 million plans the Board meeting. to be used to add more stuLissett Matos/Courier “There are open dent access, according to The Board of Trustees at the Jan. 16 meeting seats available in discusses student access and success. officials. English 1A right “This is going to be now,” Kollross said. great. This is why I became a member of the Board, PCC President Mark Rocha felt confident in the to add more seats for students,” said Board increase of student access. “25 months ago we prePresident John Martin at a Dec. Board meeting. sented [the Board] with the Educational Master Director of Institutional Effectiveness Crystal plan which [was] approved … We’ve made great Kollross explained that college would be offering progress since then,” he said.
said. Michelson explained the Center was in the process of evaluating the progress of students in their classes who come to the Center versus those who do not. "So far we are seeing students who come here are doing much better in their classes," she said, while getting ready to leave for her next ESL class. The ESL Center was given approximately $100,000 by the state as 'use it or lose it’ money, according to Michelson. "I wish [the state] would see that we deserve a budget," she
said. "We could do so much more here for students." Back at the desk, Wong is attempting something similar to sign language to ask for an identification card with a Chinese native student. "Do you have your card," he asks while pulling out his own ID card and pretending to swipe it at the check-in computer. The student finally understands and pulls her card out. "It's hard to communicate," he chuckles. "But we try our best, just like they do."
Courier 2012 JACC General Excellence Award Winner EditorinChief Nicholas Saul News Editor Christine Michaels Assist. News Editor Teresa Mendoza Online Editor Anthony Richetts Opinion Editor Emily Chang ‐ Chien Assist. Opinion Editor Raymond Bernal Arts & Entertainment Editor Paul Ochoa Features Editor Luis Rodriguez Assist. Features Editor Shelly Maldonado Sports Editor Philip McCormick Assist. Sports Editor Benjamin Simpson Photo Editor Buren Smith Assist. Photo Editor Matthew Chan Chief Photographer Justin Clay Online Photo Editor Antonio Gandara Assist. Online Photo Editor John Novak Scene Editor Concepcion Gonzalez Staff Writers: Jonathan Biles, Aerika Dave, Tiffany Herrera, Madison Miranda, Vivian Meza, Adam Mitchell, Tiffany Roesler, Andrew Salmi, Karla Sosa Staff Photographers: Alia Funaro, Jordan Harris, Teresa Mendoza, Caitlin KellyThompson, Lissett Matos, Jaime Morales, Mary Nurrenbern, Bridget Sanchez, Benjamin Simpson Faculty Adviser Warren Swil Photography Adviser Rachel Fermi Advertising Coordinator Anthony Richetts The Courier is published weekly by the Pasadena City College Journalism Department and is a free‐speech forum. Editorial opinions and com‐ ments are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the institution and its administra‐ tion, student government or that of the Pasadena Area Community College District. The Courier is written and produced as a learning experience for student writ‐ ers, photographers and editors in the Journalism Department. Phone: (626) 585‐7130
Bring back winter session The administration should reconsider the calendar issue It is 2013 ― a new calendar year, and a time for new beginnings. Floodgates were opened in 2012, as a cascade of calamity characterized the year. The campus has been left with uncertainty as many anticipate a repetition in history: another turbulent semester at PCC, if not another rocky year. Moving forward, one can sense the pessimism and cynicism 2012 has left in the community. However, in light of the passage of Proposition 30 and the allocation of an additional $6.7 million to the college, perhaps old wounds can be healed. After all, the root of a good portion of campus turmoil revolved around the accessibility to classes. After the December Board of Trustees meeting about $4.4 million in new state funds was allocated for additional classes in the summer academic term. Officials reported that 750 classes are slated for the summer. This is a positive development deserving applause. However, it all depends on whether the college receives its “deferral” check from the state in May, according to Director of Institutional Effectiveness Crystal Kollross. If everything goes smoothly, PCC will offer the most summer courses in recent history. In the meantime, all can take in a breath of fresh air and appreciate the restoration of classes. But, one must consider: were the events of 2012 excessively contentious? What is essentially happening is a shuffling of the academic calendar. Although the winter intersession was eliminated, the classes are being resurrected and relocated to the summertime. However, this has presented many with problems such as those expressed at the Jan. 10 rally. Many students expressed their frustration that their progress toward transferring to four-year institutions had been hindered;
Jaime Morales / Courier
several institutions do not accept summer courses taken prior to transfer. As plans are made for the 2013-14 calendar, it is an opportune time for all shared governance groups to
PAUL OCHOA Staff Writer is the name of its website, its members protest at funerals of American soldiers, and openly express their hatred for Jews and Catholics. It is the Westboro Baptist Church. Even if you don’t agree with what its members are saying, there is one thing you cannot deny them and that is their right to say it. The problem that many have with the Westboro Baptist Church is that its forms of
protest and what its members have to say does not sit well in the listeners' ears. But, the First Amendment clearly states: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The First Amendment does not say anything about what you can or cannot protest about; it just asks that you do it peaceful-
Advertising: (626) 585‐7979
Online, we asked: Should Lance Armstrong be forgiven for his alleged drug usage?
The first copy of the Courier is free. Additional copies are $1 each © Copyright 2013 Courier. All rights reserved.
revisit the issue of a winter session. The three-semester calendar has been met with widespread opposition, and we urge the administration and Board of Trustees to reinstate winter.
Freedom of speech should not be questioned
Fax: (626) 585‐7971
Office: 1570 E. Colorado Blvd., CC‐208 Pasadena, CA 91106‐3215
January 24, 2013
Results as of 5 p.m. Wednesday: 36% Yes 63% No
vote at
ly. Now protesting anybody’s funeral – whether it be a military or civilian funeral – is in bad taste and is disrespectful. But, just because it may be ugly does not mean that it is illegal. The troops that fought and died to defend this country did so to defend our freedoms, and that means all of us, boneheads included. Further proof of this is the Supreme Court’s ruling that the Westboro Baptist Church’s funeral protest is protected by the Constitution. The First Amendment to our
constitution gives us the freedom of speech among other freedoms like selecting our religion and freedom of the press. Even though what the Westboro Baptist church might say may seem un-American, when we deny anyone their constitutional rights we ourselves are being unAmerican. Just because what people say might offend and shock us does not mean we have the right to silence them. After all, this is the United States of America and we pride ourselves on being the land of the free.
Note to Readers Letters to the Editor
The Courier welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be about 300 words and may be edited by Courier staff. All letters must contain your full name and a correct daytime phone number. Letters can be delivered to the Courier office in CC 208 or sent by e‐mail to
Corrections The Courier staff endeavors to ensure accuracy in all aspects of its report‐ ing. If you believe we have made an error, please contact us at (626) 585‐7130 or via e‐mail to
January 24, 2013
Doping: fallen hero or filthy liar? Armstrong’s philanthropic actions outshine his alleged drug usage
Charity does not justify lying; cyclist’s entire career is fraudulent
NICHOLAS SAUL Editor-in-Chief
Lance Armstrong was the most prolific cycling champion in history. He founded a highly successful charity – the Livestrong Foundation. He also cheated, was stripped of every title and banned for life for using illegal performance-enhancing drugs. After all his transgressions, however, he should be forgiven because of the good his charitable contributions have accomplished. Cycling is one of the most grueling sports in the world but also one of the most corrupt. The United States Anti-Doping Agency has suspended 89 American cyclists since 2001, with nine of those, including Armstrong, being lifetime bans.In every Tour de France since 2002, at least one rider besides Armstrong has been either stripped of that year’s title or tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in the Tour itself, or another race that season. “It wasn’t possible to win the Tour de France without doping,” Armstrong told Oprah Winfrey in an interview on Thursday. “I didn’t invent the culture [of doping], but I didn’t stop the culture and I’m sorry for that,” he said. Armstrong has been heavily scrutinized and vilified for his drug use and elaborate cover-up, but his charitable con-
tributions should outweigh these negatives. Armstrong’s Livestrong Foundation was given a 64 percent rating out of 70 by Charity Navigator, a charity evaluator. Livestrong has raised over $470 million since 1997 for cancer research and programs designed to help those with the disease. Eighty-two percent of Livestrong’s funding goes to its initiatives, while the federal government requires only five percent of a foundation’s net assets go to the cause itself. After Armstrong’s victory against his own bout with metastasized testicular cancer and his seven Tour wins, he inspired throngs of supporters – the healthy, cancer survivors, and sufferers alike – to rally to his cause and subscribe to the “Livestrong” way. Ultimately, cycling is trivial – Lance Armstrong is simply a man riding a bicycle – the vitriol will subside and Lance Armstrong will be another disgraced sports figure desperately trying to regain his reputation. Maybe Armstrong’s drug use was a detriment to his health, his reputation, and his accomplishments, but if one person can be cared for or given a sense of moral or emotional support against the world’s leading cause of death, it would have been worth it. Armstrong should be forgiven because he made that happen.
Lance Armstrong will go down as the biggest fraud in sports history. What his legacy comes down to is this: is his lying justified by the millions of people he inspired, despite the millions of dollars he generated towards cancer research? After all, he was just the best doper athlete in a field full of doper athletes. Considering how dirty this sport was during this era, was Armstrong’s crime that bad? The idea that because all the best cyclists during Armstrong’s seven year reign at the Tour were all doping, Armstrong gets a free pass is simply ignorant. The ‘everyone is guilty, so nobody’s guilty,’ spiel is not only tired, but wrong. It wasn’t a level playing field. Armstrong bullied his entire team to dope and take performance-enhancing drugs; no one else had entire teams filled with dopers. Not only that, but because Armstrong was essentially the ringleader, he had access to doping methods that no one else had. Armstrong had no tolerance for people who got in his way, either. Athletes and assistants who questioned him found themselves fired, their names slandered, embroiled in lawsuits, and in some cases they had to leave the coun-
try. Armstrong admitted in his interview with Oprah that he can’t even remember the number of people whom he’s sued during his 14-year lie party. Ironically, Armstrong is now trying to snitch on other people involved in the doping ring to try to reduce his lifetime ban from cycling, according to ABC News. And while the Livestrong foundation earned an A-rating by, its grade is misleading. Most people think Livestrong is a research foundation, but the majority of the money used by the charity goes to public relations and preserving Armstrong’s marketability. Doug Ulman, Livestrong’s CEO explained in Outside why the charity no longer focuses on cancer research.“Most organizations are about the disease,” he said. “They’re about trying to solve a disease, and we are about trying to improve the lives of people that are battling the disease.” There isn’t a shadow of a doubt that Armstrong took PEDs, doped through blood transfusions. Before he was caught, he inspired millions, and on Jan. 14, admitted to the lies he told for 14 years. In the end Armstrong wasn’t sorry he did it, he was sorry he was caught.
VOICES: Should gun control be stricter?
“I believe in the Second Amendment which states that I have the right to bear arms if I want. End of story.” Shane Heninger, Film and Television
“The best solution comes from Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. We don’t necessarily need new laws; we should fix the ones we already have.” Ulises Velasco, Telivision and Radio
“We need to [be] more like Europe. Take guns off the street and make marijuana legal. Let’s keep the peace.” Catalina Akbar, Telivision Broadcasting
“Gun control is important. We won’t ever get rid of all guns, but we should relatively make it harder to get them and penalize more for guns that aren’t registered.” Alex Hellsund, Veterans Resource Center
“They need to have a tighter lock on who can own guns. Go through a medical evaluation, as well as other mental stability tests to qualify to own a weapon.” Jourdan Tyner, Film
“I am against changing the gun law or even debating over what should be done. As an American I can own a gun if I want. The security measures could be tighter as far as who can own a weapon. Putting more restrictions on people will only make matters worse.” Sergio De La Torre, Music
“We need to shift our attention to people getting through the loopholes in the system instead of thinking about how to better regulate the guns and debating over it. I would love to live in Utopia, but it doesn’t exist. We can only do so much.” Austin Drake, Trumpet Performance
“I am a proud and legal gun owner. Instead of focusing on how to get guns away from legal and sane citizens, they should have stricter consequences on murderers and shooters. Criminals should suffer, instead of being given medical [care], dental [care] and food in jail.” Garry Cabrera, Custodian
“We should invest more in deep background checks before a person can own a gun. Keeping records, physical and mental, of all people in this country unfit to have a gun in their household is a start.” Julie Rongavilla, Nutrition
“I feel it’s basic. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. Killers will find a way regardless of the circumstances [despite] regulating guns or even having a debate about the amendment to the law.” Alex Rodriguez, General Education
Reporting by: The Courier Staff, Photos by: Justin Clay, Makoto Lane
January 24, 2013
Students pack the Quad for Club Week on Jan. 17. Club Week is a biannual event to encourage students to take part in the various clubs on campus. Jaime Morales/ Courier
Caitlin KellyThompson / Courier Queer Alliance club gives out condoms and candy a passerbys on Jan, 15.
Benjamin Simpson / Courier Caitlin KellyThompson / Courier Joseph Seal and Andrew Ujita, members A student is recruited during Clubweek of the Salle Lancier Fencing Club, display on Jan. 17. thier fencing skills on Jan 15.
Mary Nurrenbern/Courier Jenine Juri, fashion design, dresses a mannequin for the fashion club booth during club week held on Jan 17.
Students station themselves promoting their respective clubs during Club Week in the hopes of attracting new members. Matt Chan / Courier
Bridget Sanchez / Courier
Clubbing for Beginners Mary Nurrenbern / Courier Michael Argyris, Industrial Engineering, shows Kevin Martinez, Art, right and Gabriel Rousset, business the epee sword which is from the Salle Lancier fencing club on Jan 17.
Bridget Sanchez/ Courier The Black Student Alliance table in the Quad during PCC's Club Week on Jan. 17. ----
Matt Chan / Courier Members of the Circle K Club Tim Tu left, Eryn Bollin, Thanh Trinh, and John Remo promote their club in the hopes of attracting new members.
Mary Nurrenbern/Courier Philip Silao, staff member of the intervarsity christian fellowship plays the guitar for passerbys during club week held on Jan 17
Students gather for club week in the Quad on Jan.15.
Bridget Sanchez / Courier White umbrellas dot the Quad for club week.
January 24, 2013
‘Biggest Loser’ inspires weight challenge TIFFANY ROESLER Staff Writer
Sweat, blood, tears, and pounds are about to be shed as the Wellness Center kicked off its Lose Big, Win Big: The Journey to Wellness competition on Jan. 16. The contest, inspired by NBC’s Biggest Loser, is part of a twoyear grant that was awarded by the California Community Colleges Student Mental Health Program, explained Wellness Center Project Coordinator Theresa Reed. Part of the $244,541 grant will also help with the development and open-
Mary Nurrenbern/Courier Miriam Escobar at the Lose Big, Win Big weight challenge kick off event held in the Circadian on Jan 16.
ing of a wellness center on campus. “With the competition the idea is taking a look at the body [as the] part that connects to overall wellness,” said Reed. “[It’s] a way to do something a little fun, a way to bring the campus together in ways that we haven’t done historically.” Lose Big, Win Big will last 14weeks, as competitors face mandatory monthly weigh-ins. Two winners, a man and woman, will be judged based on overall body composition lost, and split a cash prize. But just because it’s a fight to be the fittest, doesn’t mean the contenders are in it alone. “That’s one of the things that the project is really about: the idea of coming together as a team,” said Reed. “Being able to cheer each other on, to compete against each other [because] we all have that competitive spirit, [is] a way to get healthier.” Each of the competitors was given a backpack containing contest rules, nutrition guides, shopping lists, protein options and pedometers. Even a free fit club group, in association with independent distributors of Herbalife, offered workout sessions every Monday at Victory Park in Pasadena. “I’m a health coach so if clients or participants want extra help with their weight loss goals we get them healthy, active and in shape,” said Herbalife Independent Distributor Ajoke
Mary Nurrenbern/Courier Brothers Rodrigo Ursulo (left) and Francisco Ursulo stand in line to be weighed for the Lose Big, Win Big weight loss challenge event held in the Circadian on Jan 16. The challenge is modeled after the Biggest Loser TV show.
Adebesin. “We’re just here for help if they want it.” Help to be healthy came in abundance throughout the rest of the orientation as Reed went over ways to stay on track and keep focus, and gave inspiration to become better participants. “I like it because I felt it was motivation for me as a person to lose weight,” said Mayrd Mena, kinesiology. “I’ve been struggling with my weight my entire
life so I thought it was something good from the [college] to bring it as an initiative for wellness.” Mena was one of several students to enter the contest.Also joining Lose Big, Win Big was Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Scott Thayer. “It’s a good way for people to get together around the idea of wellness,” said Thayer. “Just to get informed about it, and the
best way to do it is to participate. This year [my wife and I] will focus on fitness, wellness and health so we’re going to do it.” The goals of the project and contest are not only to prove that overall wellness can be achieved in 14 weeks, but that they can be maintained beyond that with new knowledge. “Journey to wellness is not an ending point, but this journey is a path,” said Reed.
Jewelry a craft, not just a hobby Experts recommend modes of motivation MADISON MIRANDA Staff Writer
Want to make a fashion statement with your own unique jewelry? Or sell it to others and make some money? The jewelry/metal fabrication class will teach you the basics of jewelry making. “When you say ‘crafts,’ people think of what you do at Michael’s with a hot glue gun, and it’s not that,” says Instructor Kay Yee. Art 36A is the beginning jewelry course in which students learn sand blasting, anodizing and overlaying from photographs to create pieces such as rings and pins. There are three jewelry and two crafts sections offered at PCC. “People who take the metal [class] often take the crafts class,” says Yee. While the crafts material and process class is not a co-requisite, many students take the classes together, she said. The crafts class is also a requirement for the Jewelry Occupational Skills Certificate that is offered by the Visual Arts and Media Studies Division. A full list of requirements for the certificate can be obtained at the Visual Arts and Media Studies office in the R Building. “The class is designed so that if anybody walked in, they could meet the [requirements],” says Yee. People who are good with their hands and are artistic would most likely enjoy the class, according to Yee. There are many art, sculpture and design majors who take the class, says Yee. In the second and third sec-
Teresa Mendoza / Courier Sylvia Nguyen solders a silver ring in jewelry class on Jan. 24.
tions of the class, students learn skills such as stone setting, hollow fabrication, stamping, enameling and photo etching. The projects for this class include necklaces, spinning rings and bracelets. The spinning rings are a new project that is being tried for the first time this semester, according to Yee. Some students feel the rewards outweigh the amount of work required for the jewelry class. “You regret every choice you made [to take the class], but in the end you think that maybe it was worth it,” says student Allison Sakaida about her time in the jewelry class. She is taking the third section of the jewelry class this semester. Katherine Ameche, who is in the third section of the jewelry
class, says she felt the first section was very gratifying. She is also taking the second section of the crafts class this semester. Both Ameche and Sakaida agree that, for them, jewelry making is a hobby with the potential to become a career. “Many students who start taking the class love it and want to make it their career,” says Yee. One student who plans on jewelry making as a career is Jackie Plascencia, who is taking the second section of the jewelry class this semester. “It is really rewarding to have [my] ideas turn into a three dimensional product,” says Plascencia. She is an art major and says she plans to transfer to CSU Long Beach to earn her master’s degree in Jewelry.
While sitting in class, it is common to hear ones’ peers discussing the impact of school on their lives. The daily grind of school causes some students to experience a pendulum swing of highs and lows. Whether it is procrastination, personal issues and other obligations, school can become a debilitating force that elicits a loss of motivation. Several experts offered helpful hints to reignite and maintain academic drive in students. Assistant Dean of Special Services Kent Yamauchi reminds that being a college student means being future-oriented. “You are here for a purpose — to move forward in life,” he said. “But, you also need to break down your big goals into smaller, more manageable units of time.” In the classroom environment, social sciences Instructor Julie Kiotas encourages students to attend classes fully prepared and fully present. She emphasizes that students learn as much as possible while engaging with the material, classmates and faculty. “The more engaged you are, the more you will retain,” Kiotas said. “Try to actively integrate the material into your everyday life.” President Dr. Mark Rocha advises that students find motivation in reconnecting with their past; students’ graduation from PCC is a way to repay their family. He feels that success in
school is not only something that is fulfilling for the self, but also something that one’s family can take pride in. “It’s not just about you; it’s about the others who helped to get you here,” Rocha said, via email. When stresses begin to pile up, sociology and psychology Instructor Michelle IrelandGalman emphasizes that it is important for students to remember that they are not in control of the various stimuli in their respective environment, but they are in control of how they respond to the stress. When things are rough for her, Ireland-Galman perseveres and prioritizes, making sure that she does the best that she can, all the while remaining hopeful and optimistic. “Remember too, to believe in yourself and your fine capabilities,” Ireland-Galman said. “Your persistence will see you through. Stay steady in the boat.” Yamauchi prescribes a plan: make goals and prioritize, seek social support, keep up physical and mental health, practice stress and time management, utilize motivational quotes, and reward yourself by celebrating accomplishments. Yamauchi also suggests that students monitor their physical and emotional health, and reminds students to visit Student Health Services periodically, and Psychological Services to seek professional counseling in keeping emotions in check.
January 24, 2013
Bees, trees and sustainable technologies DIEGO CHAVEZ Contributing Writer
Standing at 6'4", with a full beard and a heavy frame, Jason Carman is only missing a hatchet to be mistaken for a lumberjack. Instead of cutting trees down and yelling "Timber!" Carman is doing the opposite. Carman spends most of his time activating, educating, and guiding Pasadena City College towards more sustainable practices and uses technology to aid him. Carman grew up using technology all his life. Raised by a family of engineers, writing computer codes became second nature to him. His mother says he was able to program computers before he walked and by the age of 6 he was already playing with the earliest computers most Silicon Valley computer engineers had. But instead of chasing a highpaying job in Silicon Valley he chooses to do something different: geology. "I really love PCC, there's so much left to do here," Carman said. "I could have transferred and rushed out with a program but I could still do a lot here. I can grow more at PCC." Carman is the founder of the
club Seeds of Change at PCC and has been president since June 2010. He is the vice chair of the ASPCC Sustainability Committee and has spend the last year working on school policies that will be used to set PCC sustainability goals for the next 20 years. Carman has also pushed the use of drought tolerant native plants, which goes to reducing PCC's water bill, and freeing up funds for the general fund. Bees have fascinated Carman since he was a little kid. But in early 2009 he started practicing beekeeping. He personally disagrees with the ideologies of traditional beekeeping so he sprung into action. When he was looking for a beekeepers organization he came across the Backwards Beekeepers Association. This beekeepers association is a group of organic, treatmentfree beekeepers in Los Angeles, with branches forming in other cities. Their main goal is to do right by the bees so that the bees can return the favor. Carman has successfully captured several bee swarms and is currently a licensed professional beekeeper with hives in the city of Pasadena. Although Carman can get
Justin Clay / Courier Located near the Quad, the Sustainability Garden is one of the ongoing projects of the Associated Students Sustainability Committee, which promotes environmentally conscious thinking on campus.
busy with activities outside of campus, he is still able to incorporate his vision to make PCC more sustainable through technology. Communicating through web coding, Carman spreads his message via web making his skills with computers appreciated by his peers.
"Well Jason brings a wealth of knowledge to the sustainability committee. He has years of experience working outside of PCC with several community organizations, and at PCC he is involved with several clubs, as well as different student government bodies. " Said Juan Ashton,
Vice President of the Sustainability Committee. "I know I can do so much for PCC still and that's why I have not left yet. I believe that somehow my effort will sprout into something big. I love PCC and this planet too much to see it get destroyed."
Single mom juggles full-time job and classes RAYMOND BERNAL Staff Writer
Full-time PCC employee, fulltime CSU L.A. student and fulltime single mom, Lauri-Jo Brannon is fielding phone calls, responding to emails, typing reports, answering questions by countless walk-ins into her office and she does it all with a smile and ease. Brannon seems a little surprised that anyone would want to do a profile on her. She is seemingly unaware that by her sharing her story about how she manages to be a “full-time everything” may help others in
similar situations, especially single parents. Brannon, 28, didn’t start thinking about attending college until after her daughter, Leilani, 4 was born. While some might see a child as an excuse for not going to or finishing college, Brannon saw the birth of her child differently. “My daughter is the reason why I should stay in school and get an education,” said Brannon. “Your children should be your motivation for wanting to keep going.” Brannon currently is the interim secretary of PCC Athletic Division. She recently received two associate degrees from PCC,
one in humanities and the other in social science behavioral studies, and is working on her bachelor’s degree in urban learning and a special education teaching certificate at CSU L.A. “I’m not Wonder Woman. I’m just Lauri-Jo and if I can do it anyone can,” she said. Time management is the key explains Brannon. Get used to a schedule and after a while that schedule becomes second nature to you, she says. “Doing the impossible is possible,” says Brannon. “You just have to manage your time right.” Brannon’s parents couldn’t be more proud of their daughter.
“I’m proud of Lauri-Jo that she realized on her own that she needs an education to raise her daughter, and just as proud that by her sharing her experiences she might help others,” said her mother Mrs. Lauri Brannon. “Stay focused,” says her father Joe Brannon “Look at the longterm because you’re doing it for the future of your child.” As for her social life Brannon says, “it’s on hold.” But her father quickly adds: “It wasn’t always on hold which is why she’s juggling so much now,” says Joe Brannon as he tries to hold back laughter. Brannon’s boss, Athletic
Director James Woods appreciates Brannon. “Lauri-Jo is the point person for just about everything around here. She has a huge responsibility,” said Woods. “She’s going to be very successful someday and we are seeing [in Lauri-Jo] the start of something very big.” Brannon does have one concern. She prays that her old 1998 Nissan Altima with almost 200,000 miles, lasts her until she gets her bachelor’s degree. “But regardless of my car, I don’t care because I’m getting things done,” she says. “ And I’ve never been happier.”
Students get opportunity to experience theater in London KARLA SOSA Staff Writer
Big Ben in London, England. Taken during the 2012 Spring semester abroad in Oxford, England in March. File Photo / Courier
Twenty-two PCC students along with Instructor Joseph Sierra and Dean Amy Ulmer will be traveling to London from May 3 to 12, 2013 to explore theater in London. Amy Ulmer, dean of the English division says students have been going to theatre in London for about 30 years, if not more. “It’s an opportunity for students to be part of a learning community to experience travel overseas,” said Ulmer. According to Sierra he says that this trip is an opportunity for students to experience theater and travel to London. “There’s probably two places to see plays that would be New York and London, London is better,” said Sierra. Ulmer and Sierra pick the plays the group will be watching based on who wrote the plays or who’s in them. “We try to pick plays that students would be interested in, we go see dramas, musicals, comedy, classics” said Ulmer. Ulmer and Sierra pick the plays they’ll be watching based on who wrote the plays or who’s in them. “One of the good things about theater
in London is that the theaters are small and you feel that you’re right in the play,” said Ulmer “Two years ago we saw the play “War Horse” that was exquisite,” said Sierra. During that play the group was seating about five feet from the horse. “On the first day after arrival, there is an opening dinner. The group meets together for tours of museums, and plays. The rest of the time students are given their free time to explore London. Students are given a one-week pass, so they can travel on the bus or on the underground subway,” said Ulmer “We have had some students even go to Paris for the day, since it’s a two hours away from London,” said Ulmer. According to Ulmer, once students go to London they always want to go back and study abroad in Oxford. She has never heard anything bad about the trip from students. “They always have a lot of fun,” said Ulmer. This trip is open to all students who want to travel and explore London. If students are interested in going on the trip, they can go to the website and register before January 27, 2013.
January 24, 2013
Athletic trainer finds time for every job YEYSON CABALLEROS Staff Writer
With 16 collegiate sports yearround, there are just two athletic trainers in the Athletic Training Facility at PCC caring for participants in these sports. One of them is athletic trainer Patty Gallego Bellali, who on her own, is responsible for the safety and health of athletes in 13 sports. As the head athletic trainer and instructor in the Kinesiology, Health and Athletic Division, Bellali is known for the impact she has among her athletes and students, said athletic training major at the University of La Verne, Stephanie Mangrun. Mangrun is a volunteer at the PCC athletic training facility as a part of the Athletic Training Program of La Verne. “I have been working under Patty since the summer and the relationship and professionalism she contributes to this facility is truly something to look up to,” said Mangrun. Aside from the athletic training classes Bellali teaches, she also teaches and guides her volunteers at the athletic training
File Photo/Courier Patty Gallego Bellali, in the Athletic Training Facility in the GM Building, helps an athlete stretch.
facility to make sure they are qualified to treat athletes, due to the fact that there is only one other single certified athletic trainer helping her. “I have either PCC students or other volunteers working in the
clinic,” said Bellali. “Since I only have one [other] certified athletic trainer, I teach my students and volunteers how to tape, massage, and wrap athletes – the basics of the job. As they progress, they get a hands
on learning experience.” According to Bellali, with an abundance of responsibilities including paper work, recovery plans for athletes, attending games, and practice preparation, her days are busy and active.
“In fall for example, the earliest sport to begin practice is usually women’s volleyball at 11:30 a.m. Therefore, I am usually in the clinic two hours earlier to start the whirlpool, answer emails, submit paper work, and treat the athletes before their practices start,” she said. Kinesiology major and captain of the soccer team, Elio Angiano says that Bellali is much more than an athletic trainer to the students; she establishes a friendly relationship with the athletes. “Every morning when I pass by the gym, I am always inclined to say hi before I go to class or to practice,” Angiano said. “Although she is strict with the recovery plans, her friendliness and her understanding of athlete’s impatient desire to get back on the field makes it so much easier to trust her with our bodies. I trust her to always be looking out for my best [interest] even if I personally cannot see it.” According to Mangrun, her professionalism and friendly nature is what makes Bellali a good athletic trainer and an amazing person to work for.
California artist aims to inspire Lancers with historic mural TERESA MENDOZA Staff Writer
After much ado, PCC was able to acquire a momentous public art piece themed on the first Rose Parade to adorn the HuttoPatterson Gymnasium and inspire athletes and the public beginning in 2013. The painted mural by Millard Sheets, renowned 20th century artist, was acquired by the college as a result of the concerted effort of the PCC Foundation and the Visual Arts and Media Studies division, among others working with the city of Pasadena Cultural Affairs Department, according to Joe Futtner, interim dean of visual arts and media studies. “I wanted the mural to stay in the city of Pasadena [at PCC] it will be very visible and I hope that it that inspires a lot people,” said Tony Sheets, Millard Sheets son, himself a noted artist. “We’re still trying to nail an agreement in terms of an arrangement with the city of Pasadena to put it on display on
Photo courtesy of Tony Sheets. Mural by artist Millard Sheets themed on the Rose Parade that will be installed in the Hutto-Patterson gym.
the walls in the gym,” said Futtner. “We will have a long-term partnership leasing agreement [of the mural], a 25-year loan exhibition,” he added. In 2010, the mural was removed from its former location, the Home Savings lobby on Colorado Boulevard, during a corporate remodel after being
purchased by Chase Bank. Tony Sheets, who runs the nonprofit Millard Sheets Center for the Arts at the Fairplex in Pomona, received the donation of the art piece from Chase Bank and worked on its restoration to later donate the mural to the city of Pasadena. According to Sheets the color had been faded by the sunlight,
so it had to be re-stained and varnished to protect it, and added that the restoration gave back the mural a lot of its striking power. The 1963 mural is painted on 15 specially made dark walnut wood panels telling the origin story of the Rose Parade with stylized horses, elaborate carriages and marchers in exotic costumes. “It [depicts] a continuous parade and its not a mural you can divide,” said Sheets. The mural measures 74.11 feet long by 10 feet high and Sheet's main concern was to find a location where the mural could be installed in a single sweep. According to Futtner the new location will allow the mural’s full scale to be appreciated. “It will be a beautiful complement to the otherwise rather
dour building interior that is simply white,” he added. Bobby Abram, executive director of the PCC Foundation, explained that the mural would be installed in the east lobby of the gym called the Stan Grey Athletic Zone, where athletics and academia come together bringing needed stimulus to both sides. “The mural will probably span three or at least two of the walls. It’s going to add quite a bit of inspiration to that lobby,” she said. That space in the gym connects directly to the Center for The Arts, which will be a featured entrance to the structure according to Futtner. “We will rebalance that corridor and the spaces within there and bring it a kind of dignity,” he said.
January 24, 2013
Artificial field gets both good, bad reviews BENJAMIN SIMPSON Asst. Sports Editor
In 2006 PCC opted to install a permanent artificial field in Robinson Stadium and since then the decision has had both good and bad reviews. The first issue to the school is cost. According to the website of FieldTurf, the company that installed the field, there is a marked difference in annual upkeep cost. The website states that a normal grass field will cost $20,000 a year in maintenance. An artificial field cost just $5,000 a year in upkeep. Attempts to reach school officials to ascertain the actual costs at PCC were not successful. But there is something else, apart from the cost of upkeep: but the amount of use a field can absorb. Mount San Antonio College has two soccer fields next to each other and a separate football stadium. According to Yeyson Caballeros, captain of the Lancer men’s soccer team, who previously attended Mt. SAC, during training the soccer team would train on one field while the other field was being maintained. The problem occurs because of the limited space at PCC which is hemmed in on all sides by the city. There is nowhere to grow. Mt. SAC is on the outskirts of a city and has almost unlimited room to grow. According to Robert Lewis, sports information specialist, the field at PCC is used by all the physical education classes, including shot putt and javelin, which tear up the turf. “It has improved the quality of the facilities,” said Lewis. “Because the field can be in constant use, there is no down time. “As a coach and a player myself,” said Men’s Soccer Team Administrator Greg Altounian, “we always prefer natural grass. But the nice thing about turf is you can play on it all year long.” Despite it being artificial turf, it is still watered. The field is a strange combina-
tion of green and black rubber. The green is the fake stalks of grass, which gives the field its traditional color, but below this and in between are billions of miniature rubber balls, each the size of a grain of sand. This gives the field a strange combination of both unyielding and slippery. The tiny balls of rubber allow a player to slide over the artificial turf, these black grains of sand working like a million tiny ball bearings. But the webbing holding the turf together does not come apart in clumps like natural grass. As with the history of artificial turf, a problem with injuries arises. “I prefer real grass rather than artificial turf … you get injured really quickly [on artificial turf] – it’s a harder surface,” said Mike Sepulveda captain of the Lancer football team. “[In grass] you hit the ground and slide, you don’t get the turf burns on your arms all the time.” “You have injuries no matter what,” said Lewis. “You will have injuries on grass fields, you will have injuries on turf fields.” “I think it’s more about not being in shape. It really doesn’t make too much of a difference,” said Altounian. But there is a problem with filling a stadium with black rubber in Southern California. On the hot days of summer the temperature of the field, and the air just above the field, is sometimes 15 degrees hotter than the surrounding area. It’s like walking across black tarmac that has been soaking up the summer sun. There is also a smell that goes with the hot summer days; it is a subtle smell of burning rubber, or of a pumping oil field. This is the time when the sprinklers are turned on, to cool the field down before a game. “You get used to it. When we actually started playing on it that summer [of 2006],” said Altounian, “it was difficult to get used to the heat of the field … but the more you play on turf fields, the more normal they are, you just get used to it.” Another problem with the limited
Benjamin Simpson / Courier The artifical turf, installed in 2006 at Robinson Field, has both positive and negative consequences for the athletics department.
space on campus is the limited width of the soccer field. This is why the women’s soccer team played it’s home-field playoff game at Occidental College. According to Rich Koller, commissioner
of the South Coast Conference the minimum width of a soccer field is 70 yards, with a maximum of 80 yards. Both Lewis and Altounian said that the PCC soccer field is 65 yards wide.
Plus and minus grading system is being considered Continued from page 1
on plus/minus grading, in an email. In the proposed plus/minus system, the student with 89 points would receive a B+ grade, a 3.7 GPA, whereas the student with 83 points might receive a Bgrade, a 2.7 GPA. However the proposal states that students receiving an A+ grade will not receive any additional points and earn a 4.0 GPA just like A students. State regulations also
prohibit the use of a C- grade. “The "whole grade" system does not recognize this large discrepancy in quality level, while the plus/minus system allows the professor to raise the C+/Bto a B- (2.7), while accurately reporting the much higher quality level of work done by the B+ (3.3) student. The .6 difference is significant--more than half a letter grade. The scenario is the same, or even more critical, when we consider the student who earns a
Governor proposes an additional $197 million for community colleges Continued from page 1
desire to improve online education. Twenty-seven percent of community college students take at least one course online each year and nearly 17 percent of all courses offered are through distance education, he said. Selina Yap, biology, had some reservations about more online courses. “I think it’s great that we’re getting more funding but I tend
to learn more in an actual classroom than an online course,” said Yap. “It’s always better to have the actual contact with teachers and fellow students and at times it takes forever to get questions answered online especially follow-up questions.” The governor announced his budget proposal earlier this month but it’s not expected to be finalized by the state Legislature until sometime in June
D+/C-, who will be bumped up to a "C" and the student with the solid C+ work, who is bumped down to the "C" grade.” Said Savas. “With the ''whole grade" system, the students with the borderline or weaker grades (including those who are a hair's breathe away from failing) benefit, while the students with the better quality work get penalized. The plus/minus grading more accurately reflects the real quality-level of the student's work.”
“I want to support the B+ student,” said Ling. “For years I felt that if you got a B+ and he got a B- you both get a B on the record, and that is not fair. I know the difference between 82 and 83, and to only give [an] A, B, or C, is just really unfair to the student.” According to an informational email sent out to adjunct faculty regarding the measure, seven of the eight undergraduate UC schools and 21 of 23 CSUs use a plus/minus grading system. It is
hoped that by adopting this new grading system that it will help make transferring students’ transition into these four-year universities easier. The Academic Senate has sent out a survey to faculty asking whether or not they approve of the proposal. Should it receive a majority approval, the Senate will bring it up for a vote later in the semester. The Associated Students will discuss its position on the issue at their meeting on Jan. 23.
New chief aims to make a difference Continued from page 1
bad choices,” he said. “Reflecting back, I went into the military to get out of trouble and out of the area where I grew up…I started getting involved as a military police man and figured it was a good way to make a difference in [one’s community]community,” he said, “…and have an effect to change somebody’s life and make sure that you always have choices no matter how you were as a teen. You can always make a difference to change your life and become a better person.” Yoder has held a plethora of jobs over his career, including SWAT Commander and instructor of administration of justice courses at Victor Valley College. But he has never lost sight of his personal philosophy: the importance of giving back. “That’s really what I looked at,” he said. “How can I make a difference and change some lives of the youth out there, make them better people and make them an asset to the community versus the guy that’s always in trouble.”
Yoder hopes to spread his personal philosophy around campus. “It’s very important for us, the older generation, to teach [the] younger generation, to try to give back to [their]communities,” he said. “The more you get involved, the more you can have an effect in somebody’s life.” Senior Vice President Robert B. Miller had kind words to say about the new chief of police. “We are indeed fortunate he has selected PCC as his next professional home,” Miller said. Officer Tyler Robins looks forward to working with Yoder. “He has a ton of experience and I’m sure he can bring another facet of law enforcement to our police department. I’m excited to see in which direction he will take us…it will only be onward and upward,” Robins said. When Yoder is not focused on bettering communities around the world, he is focusing on earning his masters degree at National University, which he hopes to receive in February. Additionally, he is looking forward to starting his “own footprint” at PCC, and gives an important piece of advice to those pursuing a career in law enforcement: “Be safe, always do the right thing and never give up.”
January 24, 2013
Women’s B-ball crushes LA Trade Tech BENJAMIN SIMPSON Assist. Sports Editor
Dominant is the only word that correctly describes the Jan. 18 away game between the Lancers Women’s Basketball and the Beavers of Los Angeles Trade Tech College. Through most of the first half the Lancers kept a score double that of the home team, with the first half ending 43-25 and the final score
80-49. “They all did good,” said Coach Joe Peron. “We’re getting back to doing the little things, the boxing out, the containing the people from driving to the basket.” The women of Trade Tech could not keep up with the energy of the Lancers, who kept a full court press during the game, harrying the Beavers into numerous turnovers.
“I think we could have done a lot better in the season,” said Kaitlyn Parks. “Some of the games we lost, we shouldn’t have lost … we’re just trying to get back into our rhythm and keep our good record.” With this game Pasadena moves back into a winning record for the conference. While the women might be 14-5 in all games this season, they are only 4-3 in the conference, putting
them tied for fourth with East Los Angeles College (4-3), behind Mt San Antonio (7-0), Long Beach (6-1) and Cerritos (52). “We picked up from the game in East LA,” said Peron. “Stella [Ghazarian] is getting her shot back, and [has] been more consistent. I’m happy about that.” Ghazarian played an outstanding offensive game, with a total of 24 points, including five
three-point shots. Parks scored 16 points as the forward working hard under the net. Parks also picked up 10 rebounds while Tyler Crockom picked up 13. “It went well [today],” said Parks. “We won, but there is still a lot of stuff I need to work on. I need to be intense like I was in the last 10 minutes.” Coach Peron summed up the night. “Happy with the win,” he said.
Lancer teams get decked out with equipment Lancer Women’s Basketball jerseys laid out for players, after being washed and dryed in the Equipment Room of the GM Building on Jan. 23. Justin Clay / Courier
Behind a pair of gray double doors centered in cemented walls of the Hutto-Patterson Gym hallway is the fresh scent of laundry and practice gear. Jerseys, helmets, and sports bags for 16 teams and over 150 athletes fill the corners of the room. In charge of it all are Equipment Managers Terry Tapley and Dana Stoddard. They are the dynamic duo equally responsible for supplying PCC’s athletes with the gear they need to perform to maximum potential. “We work behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly on the field, on the court, or in the pool so that the coaching staff doesn’t have to worry about anything,” said Stoddard. Both have to manage and test equipment before the athletes use it. If an athlete gets injured, the piece of equipment must be
examined and made sure it’s up to standards. “It’s a major operation,” said Tapley. “You have two people and 16 sports. We just have to make sure we order [the equipment], inventory it, make sure we meet all the rule changes and qualifications.” Aside from keeping track of equipment, Stoddard and Tapley must keep track of athletes as well. They work closely with the coaches and athletic trainers to make sure only eligible athletes are the ones out on the field, track, court, or in the pool. “We are the check point for eligibility of who’s able to play and not play,” said Tapley. “People come down here looking for a uniform and we go ‘No.’ We already got [the list], and we know if they have a physical. This is the final checkpoint.” Ordering, washing, and folding uniforms is an ongoing cycle. Imagine having to clean over 100
Justin Clay/Courier Various football equipment is being housed in the Equipment Room in the GM Building.
football players’ sweaty gear in the summer on a daily basis. That’s not even including the other sports. “Without them it would be extra work to make sure we have clean uniforms and stuff like that,” said basketball player Desiree Loving. “I’m glad they’re here because I’m lazy and I don’t like playing in dirty
uniforms.” Most of the team’s uniforms are sponsored by Nike under a special contract, and PCC was the first community college to earn that contract. On top of that, every so often other vendors for the athletic programs send a thank you, allowing Tapley and Stoddard to surprise teams with special jer-
seys or other pieces of equipment. Effective communication, constant team effort, long days, and satisfaction of helping athlete’s be successful is the joy of it, they say. “I think they’re doing a great job, and everything would be a lot more complicated without them,” said Loving.
Men’s hoops come up four points short in last-minute rally PHILIP MCCORMICK Sports Editor
A short-handed men’s basketball team lost Jan. 18 to El Camino College Compton Center, losing only by a smidge after being down by 19 points early in the first half. The final score was 95-91, Tartars. “Well, we were missing three players,” said Coach Mike
Swanegan Sr. “But it was still close and came down to the last few minutes. They came out on top.” The Lancers started out slow and were soon down by 19 points after a 20-1 run by the Tartars. “We got off to a very slow start,” said Center Lorelle Martin. “It was good that we made it a game in the end, but we have to do better in the
future.” PCC committed 28 turnovers in the game, which really drenched its chances of a comeback. “It’s difficult to come back from a deficit like that,” said player Mike Swanegan Jr. “We are going to have to handle the ball with more care.” On a brighter note, the Lancers had four players in double-digits in points in the loss. Martin had
a monster game getting 24 points, 11 rebounds and five blocks. Swanegan Jr, also played well with 21 points and Jeffrey Dockett added 17 points of his own along with five assists. “I liked the production I saw from the players out there,” said Swanegan Sr. “Martin played very [well] and besides the slow start, the team played an all-
around all right game.” With three players out, the Lancers will not allow that to be an excuse for the loss. “We were short handed, but that’s not a good enough reason,” said Swanegan Jr. “We’ve had a lot of ups and downs, but we have to keep playing. I think we are going to have to come out early in games with more intensity and be more motivated."