Internship for water concentration

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Water Concentration: International Internship

Water Concentration: International Internship

Potential faculty mentors: Kamal Alsharif ( ): His research focuses on the interdisciplinary approach to the environmental decision-making process and water policy. Furthermore, he is interested in the human interactions with the environment and providing environmental benchmarks. Ricardo Izurieta ( He is an expert in tropical and infectious diseases. He specializes in vector-borne and water-borne diseases as well as ecological changes and emerging diseases. His research focuses on improving water and sanitation in rural areas to prevent and control water-borne diseases and gastrointestinal infections. Sharon Hanna-West ( She is the Exide Distinguished Lecturer of Ethics and Sustainability in the Department of Management and Organization in the College of Business. Her work focuses on engaging key stakeholders in the process of positive change and facilitating a shared strategic vision among business leaders Shawn Landry ( His research focuses on understanding the socio-ecological factors influencing spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the urban forest. He is also interested in modeling and mapping the urban environment through the use of information technology to assist citizens and local governments in making informed decisions related to water resource management and community development. Kebreab Ghebremichael ( His research interests include sustainable and low cost technologies for water and wastewater treatment and integrated urban water management. He has worked in different regions including developing countries. Seneshaw Tsegaye ( His research areas are integrated urban water management as well as resilient and adaptive infrastructures. Furthermore, he has obtained his Ph.D. on Flexible Urban Water Distribution System. Teaches graduate global sustainability course of systems thinking Daniel Yeh ( His research and teaching interests are related to water treatment, wastewater reuse and nutrient recovery, bio-energy (methane and algae biofuel) from wastes, rainwater harvesting, desalination, green building net-zero water strategies, sustainable urban water management, and adapting the infrastructure of coastal cities to climate change.

Jeffrey Cunningham ( His research interest are related to contaminant fate and transport in the (aqueous) environment; Physical, chemical, and biological processes for water treatment and water quality control; Water resources and water re-use; Contaminant behavior in groundwater; Groundwater remediation; Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide. Sarina Ergas ( Her research interests include biological treatment processes including wastewater treatment, nutrient removal, membrane bioreactors, bioremediation systems, water reuse, low impact development technologies, and sustainable algal biofuel systems. Maya Trotz ( Her research, teaching and service are at the nexus of geochemistry/water quality and global/community sustainability. Her interests are interdisciplinary and forge non-traditional university partnerships. Current research projects include the development of mineral oxide-dependent treatment technologies for contaminant remediation. Linda Whiteford ( Her research focuses on sustainable practices and global policies that shape water-based and water-borne infectious and contagious diseases. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and other funding organizations and she has been a consultant for the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the Pan American Health Organization, and other multilateral funders.

Themes or topics for water projects           

Urban water management Small scale water supply systems Urban drainage Flooding Water resources management Watershed management Water and public health Water and the environment Climate change and water resources Combination of water and Energy Combination of water and sustainable tourism

Potential organizations/agencies coordinating internships 1. Going Global ( USF World) USF World has recently signed on with Going Global, an online portal that gives students and faculty access to career resources in 33 countries and 43 U.S. cities. Going Global career and employment resources include more than 10,000 pages of constantly-updated content on topics including: job search sources, work permit/visa regulations, resume writing guidelines, employment trends, salary ranges, networking groups, cultural/interviewing advice and more. In addition to job resources each country profile contains cultural advice and guidelines. 2. Asia Academic Experience AAE is an organization created to design and administer innovative and custom tailored academic study abroad programs for American Universities, colleges and students who wish to broaden their life experience and enrich their knowledge of South East Asia Contact: Lana Cao Managing Director Phone: 843-822 0492 735 Kime Rd, Geneva, NY 14456 Email: 3. People & Places Cambodia, Gambia, India, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Romania, Saint Lucia, South Africa, Swaziland Sample projects: Peru: The Gambia: Madagascar: St Lucia: Contact: Kate Stefanko, Placement Director Tel: +44 (0) 1795 535 718 4. Stint Ireland Stint Ireland identifies internship opportunity in Ireland. Contact: Melanie McDowell Dublin, Ireland

Tel: +353 86 739 5163 5. Good Stuff International Den Bosch, The Netherlands External Contact: Derk Kuiper Tel: +31 6520 45772 6. Projects Abroad Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, Central America, South Pacific, South East Asia Tel: 1-888-839-3535 Email: Contact: Terri Ball Tel: 1-212-244-7234 7. Kalu Yala Internships in Biology, Education, Business, Agriculture, Outdoor Recreation and Education San Miguel, Panama (404) 474- 1924 8. CRCC ASIA The CRCC Asia, China Internship Program, provides internships across industry sectors operating in China. It is designed for students and graduates to complete a 1 to 3 month internship in Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzhen. Programs start every month all year round.

Potential partners 1. UNESCO-IHE, Netherland Contact: Carlos Salinas Contact: Henk van Schalk Contact: Yong Jiang Tel: 015-2151862 2. Dura Vermeer, Netherland Dura Vermeer focusses on building adaptive infrastructure in flood prone areas. For example they specialize in building floating houses. Contact: Chris Zevenbergen Contact: Berry Gersonius 3. Water Footprint Network, Netherland Contact: Erika Zarate +31-53-489-4135 Water Footprint Network WFN, c/o University of Twente, P.O. Box 217 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands 4. International Water Association (IWA), Netherland Contact: Ger Bergkamp International Water Association (IWA) Telephone: +31 (70) 31 50 792 Fax: +31 (70) 34 77 005 5. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia Contact: Dr. Rod Oliver Program Leader Catchment Biogeochemistry and Aquatic Ecology CSIRO Land and Water Waite Campus

Urrbrae South Australia Ph: (08)83038481 Mob: 0428108191 Fax:(08)83038590 6. Australian Water Association (AWA), Australia Contact: Andrew Speers External Contact #: 61-2-9467-8426 External Email: Level 6, 655 Pacific Highway St. Leonards, NSW, AU 1590 7. Public Utilities Board (PUB) , Singapore Contact: Hilda Lie, Executive Engineer Technology & Water Quality Office Tel: 6326 2990 Fax: 6326 2929 8. Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition, Hazelton, B.C Contact: Cynthia McCreery, Operations Director Tel: 250-842-2494 9. Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Tel:(501) 822-1094 Contact: Tyrone Hall Tel: 501-630-8615 10. Office National de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement, Djibouti Contact: Mohamed FOUAD Tel: 00 253 77810290 Fax: 00253 21354423 11. HafenCity University, Germany Contact: Anke Jurleit Tel: 040-42827-5339

12. Aqua-Tex Scientific Consulting, Canada Contact: Patrick Lucey, President Tel: (250) 598 0266 13. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Contact: Dr. Susanne Bieker Tel.: +49 (0) 61 51 / 16 – 51 72 Fax: +49 (0) 61 51 / 16 – 37 58 14. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Design of Sustainable Infrastructure for Community Development Contact: Dr. Francisco Maldonado, Co-Director, (CoHemis) (Civil Engineer specialized in sustainable development) University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Center for Hemispherical Cooperation Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00681 Tel. (787) 832-4040 x3499 15. ACDI/VOCA - agribusiness/food security, Global Contact: Diana Roach Telephone: 202-469-6000 16. Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development – development, France Contact: Charlotte de Dinechin Telephone: (+33) 1 42 65 33 33 Email: 17. Charity Water, US Headquarter Contact: Stephanie Goetz Telephone: 646-688-2323 Email: 18. Foundation for Sustainable Development – development, US Headquarter Contact: Keiko Pinces Telephone: 415-283-4873 Email: 9. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) ( The objective of the internship programme is to provide a framework through which postgraduate students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to the UNFCCC secretariat to enhance their educational experience through practical work assignments. It allows selected candidates to gain insight into the work of the United Nations and provides assistance and training in various professional fields. 19. US Agency for International Development - development 20. Visions in Action – urban development Contact: Shaun Skelton Telephone: 301-944-3370 Email: 21. Wilson Center - policy Contact: Derek J. Langford, Africa Program Telephone: 202-691-4355

Additional list      

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Carbon Trust ( OECD, Paris, France ( International rivers ( Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) ( Nepal Reliance Organization ( Environmental internships in New Zealand and Australia (New Zealand:, Australia: Greenheart International - Greenheart Travel, Ecologic Institute EU ( United Nations University, Bonn, Germany ( United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (

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