Avoidance – the quiet route to leadership derailment Gillian Hyde
Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:02 AM
Jeremy Caufield said that 'Our biggest problems arise from the avoidance of smaller ones'. Are you leaders and managers guilty of avoidance? Gillian Hyde explains how to identify it – and the problems it can cause Our history is littered with examples of leadership that has gone off the rails, where the positive traits that propelled individuals into leadership roles have tipped over into the socalled ‘dark side’. A person who is commanding, colourful, influential, and charismatic, for example, can turn into a manipulative, authoritarian, attention-seeking and self-centred boss. These types of excessive personality characteristics make compelling management headlines. We see titles such as ‘Dark Side of Charisma’ and ‘Snakes in Suits’. However, there is an alternative spectrum of derailment that can knock both individuals and the organisations they work for off track.