Don’t judge a recruit by their cv | the sunday times 121014

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Don’t judge a recruit by their CV Without conducting all the checks, companies may not get what they see on résumés Carly Chynoweth Published: 12 October 2014

Wendy Somerville, HR director at the solicitor Pitmans, said that even professional services firms should not take candidates at their word (Akira Suemori)

David Hutchinson is no longer surprised when background checks on senior job candidates find skeletons that should have emerged from the cupboard years before. Far too many organisations simply assume that applicants were screened when they got their previous job, and therefore do not need to be checked again. This means that all it takes to “launder” a questionable CV is one job with a reputable company, Hutchinson said. “If a candidate can get away with something once, the next employer will think, ‘Oh, he worked at such and such company, they will have checked. He looks good, we’ll take him’,” said Hutchinson, managing director of PeopleCheck, which conducts background reviews.

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