Copyright © 2011 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
March, 2011 Dear Colleague, It is with a great deal of excitement that we are now releasing the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i®) 2.0 and the EQ-360™. It’s been fourteen years since we released the world’s first test of emotional intelligence. Over 1,000,000 people in 45 languages across 66 countries have taken the EQ-i. While the response to the EQ-i has been overwhelmingly positive, we’ve also had some great feedback from users on what they would like to see improved. We’ve taken the comments from hundreds of users and integrated them into the next generation assessment of emotional intelligence, the EQ-i 2.0. We’ve updated the items, norms, reorganized the factors, and kept the scientific rigor MHS is known for at the heart of the new instrument. In addition, we’ve created a whole new online platform that not only saves you time with its ease of use, but provides you with the information you need about the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 and their use in various scenarios — such as coaching, employee selection, leadership development. We hope you’ll be as excited as we are as you go through this overview of what we’ve accomplished. The assessment experts at MHS have worked hard over the past few years to bring you this unparalleled emotional intelligence assessment tool. We look forward to your continued feedback. Sincerely,
Steven J. Stein, Ph.D. Chief Executive Officer
March, 2011 Dear Colleague, I am very pleased to announce the highly anticipated release of the next generation of our globally renowned EQ-i assessment: the EQ-i 2.0. Official release of this brand new assessment tool begins in early summer 2011, with pre-release launch events taking place during the spring of 2011. At MHS, we are very proud of our newest product — we predict that it will set the highest standards within the emotional intelligence circle, bringing with it all the advantages of the original EQ-i and combining those features with data and content that represents our environment and society as it is today. The EQ-i 2.0 continues to present the same scientific validity of its predecessor; it carries many of the valued elements of the original EQ-i (Bar-On, 1997), in combination with updates needed to make them even better predictors of human performance. For example, we adhered to our rigorous normative standards in the development of the EQ-i 2.0, but we increased the sample size and, more importantly, adapted the sample to the increasingly diverse cultural demographics represented in North America. The EQ-i 2.0 is more than just an assessment; it’s an all-encompassing experience that will help you become the emotional intelligence authority in the eyes of your clients. The EQ-i 2.0 Experience provides you with resources such as case studies, ROI data and success stories that will help you win the buy-in of your clients. It also supplies tools such as a Learning Management System that will help trainers set up their classrooms in a cohesive and customer-centric manner, while saving them time and providing flexibility to participants. There is much to say about the EQ-i 2.0, and we hope that you find this guide useful in navigating through it. You can hold us to our promise of supporting you every step of the way should you be interested in any supplemental information — MHS is here to help. With kind regards,
Hazel Wheldon Chief Operating Officer
Table of Contents Introduction to EQ-i 2.0
The New EQ-i Experience
What is EI?
The Science Behind EQ-i 2.0
The EQ-i 2.0 Model
EQ-i 2.0 Reports
The New EQ360
The EQ-i 2.0 Portal
Certification Process
Partnership Program
Appendices 33 EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report (Client)
EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report (Coach)
EQ-i 2.0 In Action: Case Studies
54 1
Introduction to EQ-i 2.0 • A busy schedule and lack of support • Marketing and selling their services
At MHS, our mission is to set the standard within our industry and to provide you with the best, most scientifically valid assessments without ever compromising on providing the best service possible. The New EQ-i 2.0 truly exemplifies these core principles. In fact, it is so far beyond what is available in the market today that we prefer to talk about the EQ-i 2.0 in terms of providing a new experience rather than a new product.
A NEW EXPERIENCE Why is it a new experience? It’s an experience because the EQ-i 2.0 provides you with an array of services and client-focused offerings, all delivered through an easy-to-access online portal. This new experience not only provides you with a newly updated emotional intelligence assessment, the additional services will help make you an expert in emotional intelligence, thereby giving you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Like with any good development process, we didn’t come up with this overnight. In order to really understand what this experience should look like, we needed to get our information straight from the source.
We also asked what the ideal EI assessment experience would look like to you. Here’s what you told us: • A valid and reliable measure • Easy to use • Added support on usage, including resources and connections to other users • Flexibility and customization of reporting options and other features • A business-centric language and design We compiled your feedback and generated a whole host of preferred service offerings and features.
We created for you We created a revolutionary new experience that leverages the scientific rigor and predictive capability of our current EQ-i assessment and combines this with what you asked for. In addition, we provide many added benefits such as updated norms and more multi-cultural relevance in the EQ-i 2.0. We built all this, and much more!
All to benefit you
We listened
By joining the EQ-i 2.0 experience, you gain access to all of these benefits and become more accessible, more insightful, more connected and ultimately more confident in the eyes of your customers.
We spoke to over 700 consultants, coaches, academics, and business professionals, and they told us about their day-to-day business challenges: • Finding new clients • Selling the value and benefits of EI
We leveraged each and every significant request and integrated it into our new EQ-i 2.0 experience. We believe the end result will benefit the assessment industry in ways that will change it forever. 3
The New EQ-i Experience The EQ-i 2.0 experience was created in conjunction with what our customers requested. This is what we came up with:
CLIENTS Told Us They
NEW EQ-i 2.0
Paper & Pencil Mail/Fax Outdated Technology
Easy-to-use online scoring tool
New online portal
Some articles provided upon request, but no self-serve mechanism
Access to more information that will help them sell their business
New online library of searchable articles, white papers, case studies, webcasts and much more
Certification Process
3 days in-class, Manual processing
Easy-to-use and best-of-breed online certification process
New online portal with full learning center, allowing for easy access to certification courses. Blended elearning with in-class experience and new online exam.
MORE INSIGHT Norming and Development Process
Based on 3,831 EQ-i respondents
Norms that are up to date, representative of the North American population, and product specific
2008 American Community Survey (Census) Norm group of 5,000 (derived from on nearly 15,000 participants from EQ-i, EQ360, validity studies, pilot data, etc.) Surveyed EQ-i and EQ360 users
133 items: Published 1998
A globally relevant assessment that’s easy to interpret
133 items- newly updated Global, business-centric language More relevant terminology Measures individual constructs Better supports personal growth & development
Text-driven, low customization
Reports catered to a workplace client
Intuitive, visual, customizable options, work-place centric
A forum to connect with likeminded EI experts and connect with potential new clientele
New online portal with an Exclusive Community for certified EQ-i users only
Client Leads
More qualified leads
New Partnership Program that rewards qualified partners with buy-ready leads and access to MHS’s EI expert and CEO Steven Stein (one presentation/year)
Promotional Opportunities
More resources to help market and promote their services
New Partnership Program provides marketing resources to all certified partners and promotional opportunities for qualified partners
Results were available, just not documented
Proven, ROI specific EQ-i success stories
Past and current partner success stories showcasing real EQ-i results from around the globe
Good product
A competitive edge- to stand out from the crowd
A unique and outstanding experience that makes you the EI authority—driving repeat business to you
What is EI? As the EQ-i 2.0 measures emotional intelligence (EI), it’s important to consider what EI is, what it measures, and how is can impact people and the workplace.
Defining EI Emotional intelligence is defined as “a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.” Emotional intelligence (EI) as defined here and applied in the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) reflects one’s overall wellbeing and ability to succeed in life.
Why is EI important? While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it is proven to be a key indicator in these areas. Emotional intelligence is also not a static factor — to the contrary, one’s emotional intelligence can change over time and can be developed in targeted areas.
Employee development The EQ-i 2.0 measures the interaction between a person and the environment he/ she operates in. Assessing and evaluating an individual’s emotional intelligence can help establish the need for targeted development programs and measures. This, in turn, can lead to dramatic increases in the person’s performance, interaction with others, and leadership potential. The development potentials the EQ-i 2.0 identifies, along with the targeted strategies it provides, make it a highly effective employee development tool.
Recruitment and retention The EQ-i 2.0 is versatile in workplace environments and can be used by employers — via HR and OD consultants, psychologists, or EQ-i 2.0 certified professionals — as a screening tool in hiring, leading to the selection of emotionally intelligent, emotionally healthy, and the most-likely successful employees. Supplemented by other sources of information, such as interviews, the EQ-i 2.0 can make the recruitment and selection process more reliable and efficient. A sound recruiting process leads to higher retention rates and reduced turnover which can result in significant cost savings, improved employee effectiveness and increased morale
The Science Behind EQ-i 2.0 Several changes and advancements were made within the science behind EQ-i 2.0. While some of these changes are merely basic improvements over the previous version, others reflect major shifts in society and use of the assessment, and they will make a vast difference for assessment users.
Norms With our rigorous process in building a large and highly representative normative sample, we set the basis for precise performance prediction. The EQ-i 2.0 normative sample includes 5,000 self-report ratings from adults residing in the U.S. (90% of the sample) and Canada (10% of the sample). Data were gathered from all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, as well as from all ten Canadian provinces. This sample includes 200 men and 200 women in each of the following age groups: 18–24, 25–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65+. Race/ethnicity, education level, and geographic region distributions are all within 4% of Census targets. This close match to Census means that the EQ-i 2.0 normative sample is highly representative of the North American general population; therefore meeting the highest scientific standards for norm sample development. The need for an updated normative sample is of paramount importance, given the dramatic shift in cultural diversity levels, as well as changing attitudes and value systems in the North American population that have occurred since the original EQ-i was released.
Reliability and Validity Reliability refers to the consistency or precision of scores (i.e., how consistently does the EQ-i 2.0 measure emotional intelligence?), and validity refers to how effectively the EQ-i 2.0 measures emotional intelligence (i.e., how well does the EQ-i 2.0 do what it is supposed to do). Based on results from numerous statistical analyses, users of the EQ-i 2.0 can be confident that the scores generated by this assessment will be consistent and reliable. Results also revealed that the EQ-i 2.0 very accurately measures emotional intelligence. For example, decades of research now show the effectiveness of the EQ-i in measuring emotional intelligence, related concepts, and relevant outcomes. We found a very strong relationship between the scores on the original EQ-i and the EQ-i 2.0.
The EQ-i 2.0 Model The EQ-i 2.0 is based on a new model *. While it builds on the previous version’s model, it introduces some differences that stem
from changes to assessment items, updated norms, and rigorous reliability and validity studies.
Self-Perception Self-Regard is respecting oneself while understanding and accepting one’s strengths and weaknesses. Self-Regard is often associated with feelings of inner strength and self-confidence. Self-Actualization is the willingness to persistently try to improve oneself and engage in the pursuit of personally relevant and meaningful objectives that lead to a rich and enjoyable life. Emotional Self-Awareness includes recognizing and understanding one’s own emotions. This includes the ability to differentiate between subtleties in one’s own emotions while understanding the cause of these emotions and the impact they have on the thoughts and actions of oneself and others.
STRESS Management
o hi n al ps
Op t imi
rs rpe s I n te ation h l t e R pa s E m pon s e R al Soci
St r e ss To
it y
Emotional Intelligence
ro ol ble m vin g Te ul sti se ng Co ntr ol
r ession l Exp ona ess oti t i ve n ser dence pen de
-Ac t uali z at i o n Self Emo t i onal a r w e A n e f ss Sel
S e l f - Re g a r d
F l ex i b
Emotional Expression is openly expressing NEW one’s feelings verbally and non-verbally. Assertiveness involves communicating feelings, beliefs and thoughts openly, and defending personal rights and values in a socially acceptable, non-offensive, and non-destructive manner. Independence is the ability to be self directed and free from emotional dependency on others. Decision-making, planning, and daily tasks are completed autonomously.
Flexibility is adapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors to unfamiliar, unpredictable, and dynamic circumstances or ideas. Stress Tolerance involves coping with stressful or difficult situations and believing that one can manage or influence situations in a positive manner. Optimism is an indicator of one’s positive attitude and outlook on life. It involves remaining hopeful and resilient, despite occasional setbacks.
Copyright © 2011 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
Decision Making Based on the original BarOn EQ-i authored byInterpersonal Reuven Bar-On, copyright 1997. Problem Solving is the ability to find solutions to problems in situations where emotions are involved. Problem solving includes the ability to understand how emotions impact decision making. Reality Testing is the capacity to remain objective by seeing things as they really are. This capacity involves recognizing when emotions or personal bias can cause one to be less objective. Impulse Control is the ability to resist or delay an impulse, drive or temptation to act and involves avoiding rash behaviors and decision making. * Based on Original model by Reuven Bar-On, 1997
Interpersonal Relationships refers to the skill of developing and maintaining mutually satisfying relationships that are characterized by trust and compassion. Empathy is recognizing, understanding, and appreciating how other people feel. Empathy involves being able to articulate your understanding of another’s perspective and behaving in a way that respects others’ feelings. Social Responsibility is willingly contributing to society, to one’s social groups, and generally to the welfare of others. Social Responsibility involves acting responsibly, having social consciousness, and showing concern for the greater community. 9
Highlights: The 1-5-15 factor structure: this is a particular structural set-up, based on the Bar-On (1997) model of EI, that EQ-i users have always found easy to use and have become accustomed to. The EQ-i 2.0 features one overarching EI score, broken down into five composite scores which, in turn, are broken down into a total of 15 subscales. While, in the earlier version, individual items loaded on multiple subscales, in the new EQ-i 2.0, items only load on one subscale.
New composite scales — Self-Perception, Self-Expression: The Emotional Self-Awareness subscale from the previous version contained items that measured both, the perception and the expression of emotions. The new factor structure resolves this ‘double content’ issue by dividing the items into two subscales. The items pertaining to selfawareness now reside in the Emotional Self-Awareness subscale of the Self-Perception composite. The self-expression items were also retained and expanded to better address how one expresses oneself, inspiring the addition of the Emotional Expression subscale.
New subscale — Emotional Expression: This subscale, which is part of the Self-Expression composite scale, is about openly expressing one’s feelings, verbally and non-verbally. Emotional expression extends beyond the simple overt expression of one’s feelings to include the communication of one’s feelings in a manner that can be understood by the recipient.
New composite scale — Decision Making: The Decision-Making composite scale addresses the way in which one uses emotional information in the decision-making process. This facet of emotional intelligence includes Problem Solving, Reality Testing, and Impulse Control subscales. This composite scale reveals how well one understands 10
the impact emotions have on decisionmaking, including the ability to resist or delay impulses and remain objective so to avoid rash behavior and ineffective problem solving. The Decision Making composite is also a result of the realignment and restructuring of the original Adaptability and Stress Management composites. Decision Making is more intuitive, easier to coach to, and better addresses the needs of EQ-i 2.0 users.
Problem Solving subscale: In the case of the Problem Solving subscale which exists in both, the EQ-i and the EQ-i 2.0, improvements have been made to resolve potential interpretation issues. Problem Solving is now defined as the ability to find solutions to problems in situations where emotions are involved. It includes the ability to understand how emotions impact decision making and about using emotional information in a meaningful way to enhance the problem solving process: recognizing a problem and feeling confident in one’s ability to work through it, defining the problem, generating a solution, and implementing the plan.
Happiness: Previously, the EQ-i included Happiness as one of the 15 components of emotional intelligence. The EQ-i 2.0 has been modified to view happiness as a product of emotional intelligence rather than a contributing factor to emotional intelligence. This, coupled with the fact that most coaches, consultants, and counselors, found it difficult to directly coach to Happiness, lead to EQ-i 2.0 introducing the Well-Being indicator. It explores the relationship between one’s level of Happiness and SelfRegard, Optimism, Interpersonal Relationships, and Self-Actualization. Each report will consist of a Happiness score which is generated in the same manner as all other EQ-i 2.0 subscales, but it does not affect the total EI score.
The Model Evolution from EQ-i to EQ-i 2.0
EQ-i Scales Self-Regard Self-Actualization
Emotional Self-Awareness
Emotional Expression
Interpersonal Relationships
Interpersonal Relationships
Reality Testing Flexibility
Self - Perception
Emotional Self-Awareness
Problem Solving
Stress Management
Social Responsibility
Self - Expression
Total EI
Total EQ
EQ-i 2.0 Scales
Social Responsibility Problem Solving Reality Testing
Decision making
Impulse Control
Impulse Control
Stress Tolerance
Stress Tolerance
Stress management
Response Style
Validity Scales
Optimism Happiness
Positive/Negative Impression Inconsistency Index
Positive/Negative Impression Inconsistency Index
Well - being indicator
Response Style Indicators
Other Indicators
General Mood
* Based on Original model by Reuven Bar-On, 1997
EQ-i 2.0 Reports The EQ-i 2.0 reports are built based on customer feedback and they differ from the original EQ-i reports in multiple ways. They also come with a lot of added support features that will be a benefit for assessment users.
Unparalleled Support - A report designed to support you as much as your client. With clear instructions, interpretation guidelines and result driven content for both you and the client throughout the reports; setting you and you client up for success has never been easier.
Customization - A report as unique as the clients you deal with everyday. Create your reports to fit the way you prefer to work with your clients by choosing sections that matter most to you and your client • Insert your company logo, client/ company name on the cover page • Ability to turn labels or numerical scores off in order to focus on relative strengths and weaknesses • Ability to turn off the following report sections: - Follow-Up Questions - Debrief Guide - Action Plan - Development Commitment - Balancing EI
Business Centric – A report that is relevant, relates and communicates effectively. With an all new color coding format , clear layout and language that speaks to you and your client; use an assessment that is professional and is effective in the coaching/ development process for all settings.
Report Types - EQ-i 2.0 will initially feature three types of reports: Workplace, Leadership, and 360. All three report types have a client and a coach section. The coach version includes, among many features, interpretative guidance for the coach as well as response explanations, follow-up questions, and de-briefing guide — all the tools needed to give the most useful and accurate feedback possible. The client section focuses on conveying the results and providing development recommendations to the client. Future reports in development include: • Higher Education Report* • Lifestyle Report* • Group Report* * publication dates to be determined
Coach report — response style The response style has everything you need to know about the way your client responded to the questions of the EQ-i 2.0 on one concise page giving you a clear summary of how valid the results are. Immediate results with immediate feedback. What it gives you? • High level overview of how your client responded to the assessment • Flags that identify areas that require follow-up along with the questions that trigger these flags • Explains if the respondent’s answers are valid using words not numbers for easier interpretation • Tailored questions empowering you to probe deeper into how your client
Balancing EI Go farther with your investigation and interpretation and make important links between all scales with the newly designed Balancing EI Section • Making instant connections between related subscales and help your clients leverage their EI strengths to improve EI weaknesses • Get started on feedback with pre-designed narratives explaining the common traits of imbalanced Emotional Intelligence skills.
Coach report— follow-up questions
Get a head start on the debriefing/interviewing process with ready-made questions organized by subscale designed for you to dive deeper into your client’s everyday behavior as it relates to their emotional intelligence.
OVERVIEW OF YOUR RESULTS Get an overall picture of your client’s complete EQ-i 2.0 profile with an entire view of the 1-5-15 factor structure. From the client’s Total EI score to specific Emotional Intelligence competencies along with concise definitions of each subscale. • Quickly identify patterns in your client’s entire profile. • Give the client a clear, organized understanding of where their strengths and weakness lie in a non-threatening way. • Effectively measure where your client is and where they want to be with standard scores in relation to the general population.
Coach report – debrief guide No matter if you’re a novice or an expert user in measuring emotional intelligence, the debrief guide provides an organized step-by-step process when preparing for an EQ-i 2.0 debrief session. Save time in preparing your debriefs with pre-written questions for every step in interpretation process.
Report Cover The report cover page can be customized to fit your requirements.
Customizable Title
Your Logo Here
INDIVIDUAL SUBSCALE PAGES Gain a deeper insight into how each subscale of Emotional Intelligence impacts your client’s work performance. (Eg., conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision making and much more) • This section is the foundation for making relevant links between your client’s work behavior and their emotional skill set. • Get specific and actionable strategies driving your client’s success in each subscale. • Give your client helpful information on each EI skill in language that enables your client to utilize their strengths.
Name: Steve Sample
Self-Regard 70
Self-Regard respecting oneself; confidence
Low Range
What Your Score Means
Mid Range
High Range
Individuals with self-regard respect themselves and accept both personal strengths and limitations while remaining satisfied and self-secure. Steve, your result suggests that your self-regard is stronger than most people’s. You know yourself and are comfortable with yourself, which generally translates into increased performance. You may have: n a high level of respect for yourself, your talents, and your weaknesses. n a willingness to confidently admit mistakes or unfamiliarity with a situation. n to ensure that your perception of your strengths is supported by objective evidence, otherwise you run the risk of being seen as overconfident in your abilities.
impact at Work
Emotional Implications. Your result may mean that on an emotional level you are driven to achieve your fullest potential, have a more positive outlook on your capabilities, and are more confident in expressing yourself than those with average selfregard. The potential challenge is that you could lose touch with objective assessments of your capabilities. Draw on reality testing behaviors to maintain a healthy self-perception. Social and Behavioral Implications. Your willingness and ability to understand and accept your strengths and weaknesses is often perceived by others as confidence. People may frequently gravitate toward you, look to you for advice, and seek your leadership. Because your strengths are confidently demonstrated, you may be given opportunities or promotions that maximize these talents, but it is also important to seek out opportunities that stretch your less developed skills as well. To avoid potential negative consequences of overly high self-regard, use empathy and an appropriate level of assertiveness to avoid appearing overconfident.
Strategies for Action
Self-Regard Profile. Seeking others’ feedback on your strengths and weaknesses demonstrates a willingness to learn and gives you objective data to confirm whether your self-beliefs are in line with what others see. n Identify those at work (colleague, manager) who know you well enough to comment on your strengths and weaknesses. n Ask them to list your strengths and weaknesses with specific observations or examples. n Without looking at their list, write what you believe your strengths and weaknesses are. Then compare lists. Look for disconnects and similarities between lists. Are there examples of where others didn’t agree with your listed strengths? Own up to your Weaknesses. Although challenging, openly admitting your weaknesses can help keep your Self-Regard in check with how your colleagues see you. n Record your reaction to any mistakes or errors you make over the next few weeks. If you find yourself blaming “the system” or others for your mistakes, you might want to start openly admitting your points of weaknesses. n Rather than placing blame, use mistakes as opportunities to show you know and accept your weaknesses and put in place strategies that manage them, rather than pretending they don’t exist.
Balancing Your EI This section compares SelfRegard with SelfActualization, Problem Solving, and Reality Testing. Achieving balance between these subscales can enhance emotional functioning. SelfRegard(121) Your SelfRegard is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for significant growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach whether comparing SelfRegard with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social functioning.
Copyright © 2011 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.
ITEM RESPONSES Your clients’ responses to every item organized by subscale for EQ-i 2.0; this gives you immediate information on how your client answered the questions in a brand new formal. • Save time from referencing multiple documents (i.e., Manual) by having your clients’ answers next to the corresponding question being asked. • Make quick determinations on how valid your clients’ answers were to the questions with additional flags pinpointing any questions that require specific follow-up.
Action plan
With the all new EQ-i 2.0 report, an action plan is provided for you to use to track your client’s progress in achieving their EI development goals. Identify where your client wishes to improve upon and outline the steps to get there. • A consistent standardized format that is easy to follow for you and your client. • Useful for any development activity where professional/personal goal setting
is involved
Development commitment Drive client accountability and commitment to reaching their EI potential by having you and your client sign to mutually agreeable terms with real timelines. • Establish a commitment with your client and their area(s) of development • Make a lasting impact on your client that
holds meaning in their everyday work
The New EQ360 more easily understood and reports better interpreted. And, of course, the new EQ-i 2.0 model — as described earlier — also applies to EQ360. While the EQ-i 2.0 identifies the level of a client’s emotional and social functioning based on his or her responses, the EQ360 assessment provides a more in-depth analysis by having those who work with the client provide information as well. When observer ratings are compared with the results of an EQ-i 2.0 self-report, a more complete 360 degree profile emerges. The EQ 360 identifies key employee strengths that can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization, as well as impediments to high performance that could be improved. As with the EQ-i 2.0, the new EQ360 features significant changes based on data and feedback gathered over several years. This feedback resulted in: • Clear alignment with EQ-i 2.0 items • Automated set-up • Condensed report output • Enhanced report appearance • More detailed interpretation
Clear alignment with EQ-i 2.0 One important change that was requested was a better alignment between the EQ-i and the EQ360. In the new EQ360, each of the 133 assessment items has a corresponding and equivalent item in the EQ-i 2.0. In addition, the EQ360 reports are now set up in such a way that participants can view the results for each item across all rater groups; this even includes their self-report results. This improved alignment creates higher face validity because the results can be much
Automated set-up
The new EQ360 provides simplicity and automation — all based on direct customer feedback. For example, after participants have nominated their own raters, the system emails raters automatically with a unique URL that they then use to access the tool and to rate the participant. Having an automated process makes it easy to work with the EQ360 and it saves you time.
Report output
The new EQ360 Client and Coach reports include not only the feedback of all the raters, but also the feedback of the participant — all in one consolidated report. This saves you and your client’s time and effort in working through multiple reports, and it allows for better comparison and understanding of the feedback received. Reports are structured in a very clear and linear manner that is easy to follow and reference — making the EQ360 an entirely positive user experience.
Report appearance The new EQ360 features a one-page overview, as well as providing a GAP analysis which is a visual representation of the ratee’s responses directly compared to the responses of the nominated raters. The GAP analysis points out the areas where there is a high versus a low level of agreement between the ratee and the raters, and it highlights potential blind spots. 21
The EQ-i 2.0 Portal MHS’ Emotional Intelligence portal gives EQ-i 2.0 administrators access to invaluable resources, information and people. This information-rich site will be continuously and frequently updated to provide the latest resources and information as well as the newest tools to connect with other emotional intelligence experts.
The portal consists of five key areas identified in the tabs at the top of the page. Publicly viewable are the homepage, assessments, certification, community, and a limited version of the resource center. Once EQ-i 2.0 qualified, portal users receive login information to access the portal’s private areas which consist of a personalized dashboard, a private community of EQ-i 2.0 professionals, and a full-access version of the large resource center.
Homepage: The portal homepage is the starting point for accessing all portal areas and for log-in. Here, users can learn about the value of using EQ-i 2.0 and choosing MHS as a partner. It’s also a starting point for accessing resources, learning about what’s new, and connecting with the emotional intelligence community.
Dashboard: The dashboard is an area of the portal which includes: • A one-page overview of anything you may be looking for • A summary of individual assessment usage • Access to manage participants • Access to create reports • A summary of updates within the community page • Information on new resources, upcoming events, and other relevant news
Certification: The certification page is an allencompassing page with everything relating to certification, including: • The benefits of becoming certified • Access to a certification workshop calendar with training dates and locations • Information on training partners
Community: The online emotional intelligence community is a key benefit for users of the portal. The public side of the community page explains the benefits of the community and what it provides to certified users. In the restricted area, a LinkedIn-style community connects emotional intelligence experts and advocates, coaches and trainers. It allows users to: • Network with peers and potential clients • Exchange insights and gain knowledge on using the EQ-i 2.0 successfully • Connect with peers in specialized interest groups
Resource Center: EQ-i 2.0 users receive free, fullaccess admission to a new one-stop area for EQ-i 2.0 specific resources:: • Presentations • White-papers • Manuals • Research • Marketing and selling tools • Guidance on EQ-i 2.0 interpretation and feedback
Easy Administration The portal’s easy 1-2-3 process provides convenience and saves time.
Email participants directly
Your account dash-
An all-new line of pro-
from your secure account.
board shows you
fessional, customizable
Invitation templates and
who has complet-
reports gives you a big
unique URLs to take the
ed the EQ-i 2.0 so
edge. Purchase report
EQ-i 2.0 online ensure your
you can track your
tokens in advance and
clients are protected.
projects and quick-
spend them however
ly access reports.
you wish.
Assessments Qualified users who log in to their account are able to use multiple new and useful features within the private assessments area.
An intuitive set-up which allows users to create groups of respondents, directly email them from the portal — either individually or collectively — and to provide them with a unique link to directly take the EQ-i 2.0 online.
The navigation format helps portal users access records they need easily and quickly.
Easier Purchasing Method: The new portal is also the place to purchase tokens and to redeem them. EQ-i 2.0 features a new token system when it comes to payment. The new system provides huge benefits to users as it makes payment more flexible and much easier. Tokens are purchased and are redeemable for any new EQ-i 2.0 and EQ360 report. Users can generate and pay for reports as needed.
The customization options described in the ‘EQ-i 2.0 Report’ section, including the logo and cover settings, can be saved as favorites. They can also be changed at any time, but the saving option saves users time and effort otherwise needed to re-create a specific setting.
Note: All images are subject to change.
Certification Process Looking to get EQ-i 2.0 Certified? We want to make you the authority in emotional intelligence. If you are not already certified in the EQ-i, now is your chance to become part of the EQ-i 2.0 experience.
• T wo free reports to use after you get certified and a online account where you administer and score the assessments • Y ou get to take the assessment yourself and get feedback from an experienced coach • A certificate authorizing you as eligible to purchase and administer the EQ-i 2.0
Why get certified in the EQ-i 2.0? Give yourself a unique competitive advantage • Access – to the EQ-i 2.0, a Level B instrument that is well respected in the market and a leading-edge assessment to add to your toolkit • Grow – your business by using the EQ-i 2.0 as a catalyst for building your client development action plan • Diversify – your practice by using the EQ-i 2.0 in a variety of ways: leadership development, selection, executive coaching and much, much more.
What does certification include? • A ccess to resources on the EQ-i 2.0 and emotional intelligence in general • Access to an online portal where you can connect with current EQ-i 2.0 certified practitioners like you
EQ-i 2.0 Certification Program Components • A blended learning solution that enables you to do parts of the certification online, saving you time and travel costs • A 1.5 day interactive in-class portion focused on building the skills you need in order to use the EQ-i 2.0 with confidence • A virtual classroom where you access elearning pre-work as well as the online exam
Where do I get EQ-i 2.0 Certified? • F or a complete list of MHS approved EQ-i 2.0 trainers, please go to or just ask us!
Partnership Program Our ground-breaking partnership program is a mutually beneficial business opportunity for MHS and our customers and a new way of working together for mutual success. MHS is an industry leader when it comes to developing and publishing scientifically ground-breaking emotional intelligence assessments. Our customers are experts in providing highly personalized and relevant consulting and training services. Through its strong global brand and strategic marketing campaigns, MHS can provide qualified leads to our partners, allowing them to focus on consulting, coaching, and training.
Three levels of partnership Level 1 = BUILD: For Consultants / Trainers who are newly EQ-i certified and are actively building their EQ-i business.
Level 2 = GROW: for Customers who spend $10-20K on MHS products and services (past two years) and want to grow their business.
Level 3 = THRIVE: For Customers who spend $20K+ on MHS products and services (past two years), and want their business to thrive by deepening their client connections.
Level 1 = Build
Level 2 = Grow • Q ualified leads from organizations looking for EI assessment tools, training, and consulting services • F ull customer service support after you get EQ-i certified • C onnections and expertise through access to our EI online community • A ccess to resources to help you sell and market your consulting/training services
Level 3 = Thrive • A ccess to Dr. Steven Stein — our highly accredited CEO and EI community guru. You can invite him to make a presentation before or after your EQ-i program roll-out. He is available for up to 1 presentation per year to help promote EI and your business! • Marketing for your consulting/training business using MHS’s extensive marketing network. Includes: EI Insider e-newsletter; website; speaking engagements, and more • Even more qualified leads from organizations looking for EI assessment tools and consulting services • Your own personal customer service consultant • Connections and expertise through access to our EI online community • Access to resources to help you sell and market your consulting/training services
• F ull customer service support after you get EQ-i certified • Connections and expertise through access to our EI online community • Access to resources to help you sell and market your consulting/training services
Appendices • EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report (Client) • EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report (Coach) • EQ-i 2.0 In Action: Case Studies
Name: John Sample
Empathy 70 Empathy understanding, appreciating how others feel
122 Low Range
What Your Score Means
Mid Range
High Range
Empathy, the ability to recognize, understand, and appreciate the way others feel, is a crucial EI skill at the heart of all effective work relationships. John, your result indicates that your empathy is well-developed; you are likely empathic towards others, respecting their ideas even when they differ from your own. Your “emotional read” on people is usually accurate, ensuring peers feel safe sharing important issues with you. With a result such as yours: n you are constantly “tuned in” to how others are feeling. n you care about others, and take their feelings into consideration before acting. n it is easy for you to imagine how others feel and predict emotional reactions.
Impact at Work Emotional Implications. Generally, you “feel” for others more than the average person does, almost always showing sensitivity and respect for others. High Empathy can also be a double-edged sword. Being empathic, your coworkers trust you with their issues and feel comfortable coming to you for advice. You, being very concerned with their feelings, run the risk of taking on their problems, becoming the victim of your empathy. Social and Behavioral Implications. The intensity with which you care for others is evident in the way you approach your job, whether it be when making decisions, resolving conflict, or leading change; you act in others’ best interests. Because you are constantly on the lookout for emotional reactions, you have a pretty good read of your team’s emotional landscape; you likely know ahead of time how people will react to what you have to say. You may want to be vigilant of putting too much emphasis on others’ feelings, causing you to avoid making tough decisions or dealing proactively with performance issues.
Strategies for Action Watching a Pro. Find someone who you believe is an effective communicator and team leader. Observe their communication style in practice, taking note of how they balance their ability to remain empathic and socially responsible with meeting organizational demands. Examine your scores on Independence, Interpersonal Relationships, and Assertiveness to see how you can leverage other skills to balance organizational and team progress with Empathy. Mixing Sugar with Spice. It is important to ensure that your empathy doesn’t get in the way of handling tough conversations/decisions. Being empathic does not mean being extra nice all the time; you still have deadlines to meet and so does your organization. When a tough conversation or decision is needed, acknowledge that you may need more preparation time in order to be empathic. Then to prepare: n Write down what you want to say and rehearse it. n Be respectful of people’s reactions, but don’t let them derail you. n Keep in mind that if you mirror the emotion, you will likely intensify the other person’s reaction. For example, if the news you are bringing someone makes them angry, by becoming angry yourself you are likely to make the situation more heated.
Balancing Your EI This section compares Empathy with Emotional SelfAwareness, Reality Testing, and Emotional Expression. The subscale that differs the most from Empathy is Emotional Expression. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your overall emotional intelligence. Empathy(122) Emotional Expression(86) Your Empathy is higher than your Emotional Expression. This imbalance suggests that you may be more comfortable relating to others’ emotions than you are expressing your own. One implication of this imbalance is that you could end up ‘wearing’ others’ emotions by expressing what others feel rather than expressing what you are truly feeling. You may at times resemble an ‘emotional chameleon’, expressing what the group feels and not what you feel. 11
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EQ-i 2.0 In Action: Case Studies Female Executive Assistant
One aspiration that she discussed before completing the EQ-i 2.0, was to take a more entrepreneurial course to her career and start her own business.
EQ-i 2.0 Summary The client’s profile graph reveals some interesting areas of both strength and opportunity. In a previous conversation, the client had mentioned that she feels like she copes well with the demands of her job but feels she has much more to offer, particularly when it comes to working with people. Her above average result on Empathy (118), Interpersonal Relationships (108) and Emotional Expression (131) seem to support her feelings of “wanting a job that puts her in close contact with people and allows her to truly help others.”
Client Background Heather, a 33 year old female executive assistant completed the EQ-i 2.0 as part of an exploration exercise to guide decisions about whether or not to make a career change. In past conversations this client has expressed excitement over several new career options in response to her discontent with her current role. She has been in an administrative role for most of her professional life but is recently questioning whether her career truly plays to her interest: directly helping people. Prior to taking the EQ-i 2.0 the client shared that she would like to know more about where her strengths lie in order to make a more informed decision about what career change is best.
Reality Testing and Problem Solving are two areas that present as potential derailers should she seek her own business. Low scores in Reality Testing (76) and Problem Solving (73), coupled with both of these subscales being 30 points lower than Impulse Control (108) suggest a tendency for Heather to be delayed or paralyzed in decision making. Although generating exciting ideas may not be a problem, creating realistic plans to execute her ideas may be problematic. This concern is reinforced through her response of “occasionally” to the Reality Testing item “creating realistic plans to achieve goals.” Her result in Independence, particularly her mid-range responses on items such as “I am more of a follower than leader” and “I find it hard to make decision on my own” suggest that while she likely has no shortage of
great ideas, her ability to execute and follow through on them might be compromised, particularly if she is in a role where she alone has to react quickly to environmental demands and pressures. Heather also presents with a Flexibility score that is higher than most other subscales on the EQ-i 2.0. As a result, Heather may appear to be less practical or pragmatic in her career decisions, since her Flexibility score coupled with low Reality Testing and Problem Solving interact in a way that may leave her susceptible to her high emotional investment/ interest in a new direction without a realistic evaluation of whether she can indeed follow through with a given direction.
Coaching Approach The recommended coaching approach would be to set aside deciding on a career (which has likely spawned from her excitement to try something new without the realistic assessment of what a career change entails) and concentrate on two developmental areas: • Gaining a clear understanding of her strengths and weaknesses • Working through different decision making techniques and processes
Rationale (1) Her response was that she only “sometimes” has a good sense of her strengths and weaknesses. There are clear subscales
that could be strengths for her (i.e., Empathy (118), Emotional Expression (131), Flexibility (111) and Interpersonal Relationships (108)) where she may benefit from further understanding and realization. It may help her to examine real situations in her current role where she excelled in these areas and those outside of what the EQ-i 2.0 measures. She may need assistance in this activity because her slightly lower Self-Regard may lead her to being overly conservative in her evaluation of her capabilities. (2) Building on this process, she may benefit from being introduced to some techniques for making decisions independently, including setting realistic goals and mapping out an action plan for achieving them. Although these should be small and short term goals, they should be coupled with gathering more information about career options, and even completing additional career interest inventories. The crux of this developmental exercise would be for her to follow through on, and hold herself accountable for completing an action plan for reaching these goals. She may need to watch her tendency to be overly expressive and that her emotions don’t overrule or overshadow an objective evaluation of a situation (i.e., extreme excitement about the idea of starting her own business versus how much commitment and follow through will be needed to create and build a successful company.
Despite having a career driven by his passion, Johann is unhappy with the day-to-day operations of running his business which he feels detracts from his passion of coaching and mentoring young athletes. However even while coaching, Johann has recently found himself confronted with the challenges of helicopter parents and athletes with a below average work ethic and above average expectations. Unfortunately, Johann doesn’t challenge the status quo or voice his concerns until his back is against the wall.
Tennis Champion
Summary of EQ-I 2.0 Results
Client Background Johannn is a 39 year old former national collegiate tennis champion, retired ATP touring professional, small business owner, head tennis coach, husband and father, striving to achieve a work-life balance. Johann completed the EQ-i 2.0 as part of a self-development process that he has undertaken in response to the trials and tribulations he faces as a coach and professional in his community. Johann is a prominent figure in his community and is renowned for his positive demeanor, willingness to lend a helping hand, while going the extra mile to help his students achieve their goals, even at the expense of his own goals, and personal and financial well-being.
Overall, Johann’s total emotional intelligence score is low (90) and although this score in itself presents an opportunity for development, there are also several implications of his low Total EI score reflected at the subscale level, impacting the process by which he addresses and copes with his day-to-day challenges. As a result, the true opportunity for Johann lies at the subscale level and the interactive effects between his relative strengths and weaknesses. Figure 1 highlights some of the key relationships addressed during Johann’s coaching and development. In this case, despite Johann’s Impulse Control (105) falling in the Mid Range, it is one of his ‘relative’ strengths. Given his level of development, remaining resistant to temptation while not being overly reactive, is a strength for Johann. Although addressing Impulse Control in isolation is a good starting point, it is equally important to take into account the interactive effects of Impulse Control. Of
Figure 1 Key Interactions Explored Key Relationships
Subscale Score
Subscale Score
Subscale Score
IC 105
EM 105
ESA 101
FL 90
ESA 100
RT 93
ST 89
RT 93
EE 92
AS 84
EE 92
ST 89
particular interest in this case was the interaction of Impulse Control with Flexibility, Stress Tolerance, and Assertiveness. Collectively, this combination of results indicate that Johann is not only adept at tempering his reactions, but this combination of skills might suggest that he is overly guarded, resistant to change, and in some cases, inflexible. During the feedback session, this hypothesis was explored.
Coaching Approach and Development Strategies
Johann’s initial reaction to the probing questions during the feedback process was initially surprise, followed by thoughtful reflection. As the conversation evolved, Johann soon realized that although as an athlete he was open to new ideas and loved to be challenged, as a coach, however, he feels much more vulnerable, and such change implies incompetence.
Given the relatively low scores across Johann’s profile, a combination of the model approach and narrative approach (see Chapter 7 & 8) to feedback was used to help engage Johann in the feedback process. The model approach helped to minimize the sting of the relatively low profile, why the application of the narrative approach allowed Johann to move freely through his results.
Johann’s Empathy (105) is complimented by his relative strength in Emotional Self-Awareness (101). This combination of skills suggests that Johann is not only able to relate to the plight of others, he can also understand how the positive and negative emotions of others can impact his own emotional state. The difficulty for Johann lies in the combination of low Reality Testing (93), coupled with his lower Emotional Expression score (92), suggesting that Johann may misperceive the gravity of a given situation and incompletely or inaccurately express (verbally and nonverbally) how he is feeling.
Post feedback, Johann had agreed to work on three key areas of emotional intelligence development. To provide structure to the coaching and development process, energy was directed toward the Self-Regard, Reality Testing, and Assertiveness subscales.
While Johann possesses the ability to understand how he feels and why, it is likely that his Emotional Self-Awareness (101) coupled with his low Stress Tolerance (89) may account for why he often feels overwhelmed by the day-to-day interactions with the parents and athletes he coaches. For the most part, Johann feels stressed and is very aware of these feelings. The difficulty for Johann is that he either lacks the necessary skills or confidence in his skills to adequately cope with or modify a given situation.
Collectively, Johann’s three personal strengths have shed light onto several development areas. In many cases, these development areas are directly related to the professional challenges Johann communicated prior to completing the EQ-I 2.0.
Self-Regard. Although Self-Regard is not among Johann’s lowest scores, it is sufficiently low to warrant attention, given that a healthy sense of self is fundamental to effective emotional and social functioning. As a result, the first step to helping Johann enhance his sense of self included conducting a Self-Regard inventory. Johann was engaged in an extensive process where he created a list of his strengths and areas that he believed needed development. Once he had identified what he believed to be his areas of strength he was encouraged to leverage these strengths whenever and wherever possible. Johann was also encouraged to meet with several friends, family members, and colleagues with whom he felt comfortable to explore what he believed to be his weaknesses.
The second step to helping Johann with his self-regard included setting specific individual goals while also setting collaborative goals with each of his athletes. By doing so, Johann was better equipped to manage both his expectations and the expectations of his athletes. In many cases, Johann developed specific, measurable, and action-oriented goals, and when necessary he further broke down his goals into smaller mini-goals. Reality Testing. Johann is perceptive, but he has the tendency to misinterpret cues, which has often resulted in Johann feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and frustrated. Johann needed to better understand how to validate the information he was attuned to. Johann’s responsibility was to identify three specific people from the groups he outlined above and that he felt truly comfortable with. During regular interactions, Johann was to describe the context of a given situation, what he perceived to be happening, and the emotional tone and implications of the situation. This process exposed Johann to the gaps he was experiencing in many of his interactions.
Assertiveness. During the coaching and development process it became very clear that Johann’s discomfort with voicing his opinion and standing behind his decisions, or in many cases remaining passive in the face of a disagreement with a parent or athlete was deep rooted in his low self-regard. Coupled with the above mentioned process for helping Johann improve his sense of self, Johann worked on expressing a variety of thoughts, ideas, and feelings while learning that being expressive is perfectly acceptable provided that the delivery is non-offensive and non-destructive. In fact, learning to be more assertive and expressive was crucial to his success. Placing emphasis on Self-Regard, Reality Testing, and Assertiveness during the initial coaching period provided the necessary skills to help Johann begin to realize the opportunities that lay ahead, and helped provide the foundation for future coaching to enhance the coping skills that Johann needs to be truly effective and happy with his day-to-day responsibilities.
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