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pcl research paper Hogan Development Survey & BarOn EQ-i® by Sarah Mills

Reported here are the results of a study looking at the relationship between the HDS and EQ-i®, using data from 280 participants. All these relationships are presented in Table 1. The text below focuses on the three strongest significant correlations for each scale on the HDS.

Hogan Development Survey (HDS) Based on research into management derailment, the HDS identifies 11 patterns of dysfunctional interpersonal leadership behaviour. These ‘dark side’ tendencies erode trust, loyalty and enthusiasm and are of particular concern in relation to supervisory, managerial and leadership roles as they can seriously hinder career progression. The HDS, written by Bob Hogan, measures eleven flawed interpersonal styles that become exaggerated under pressure and are difficult to detect in interviews.

BarOn Emotional Intelligence Quotient Inventory (EQ-i®) The EQ-i® is a measure of emotional intelligence. According to Reuven Bar-On emotional intelligence is how we recognise, understand and manage our emotions to ultimately succeed in life. Studies indicate that the higher our emotional intelligence, the more likely we are to perform well at work (BarOn, 1997). In line with the HDS, at the extreme it is considered that there is the potential for elements of our emotional intelligence to be overplayed, which could on occasion lead to negative outcomes (Book, 2007). The instrument has 5 composite scales; Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Adaptability, Stress Management and General Mood. These 5 main areas are then broken down into 15 sub-areas (see Table 1 for details on these).

Relationship with the EQ-i® and the HDS at the scale level Enthusiastic-Volatile HDS Volatile correlated negatively with all 15 of the scales on the EQ-i®. Similarly there were large significant negative correlations with the 5 EQ-i® composite scales and the Volatile scale. This suggests that overall, people high on Volatile may be less emotionally intelligent. More specifically, the three strongest negative correlations were with EQ-i® Happiness, Self-regard and Interpersonal Relationships. This suggests that high scorers on Volatile are less content with life, are less self-assured and may be less comfortable networking, building and maintaining relationships with others.

Shrewd-Mistrustful HDS Mistrustful had significant negative correlations with EQ-i® Impulse Control, Reality Testing and Social Responsibility. This indicates that high Mistrustful scorers may at times be impulsive, find it hard to tune into the realities of a situation (e.g. have inappropriate suspicions) and may engage less in group activities.

Careful-Cautious The Cautious scale on the HDS had its strongest correlation negatively with the EQ-i® Assertiveness, Self Regard and Stress Tolerance scales. The negative correlation of .72 with Assertiveness was the largest correlation of the matrix and confirms the major themes associated with the Cautious scale, involving reluctance to openly voice opinions or thoughts. The other strong negative correlations indicate that Cautious individuals may lack self-acceptance and may cope less well than

Copyright © 2008 Psychological Consultancy Ltd www.psychological-consultancy.com

pcl research paper Hogan Development Survey & BarOn EQ-i® by Sarah Mills

others when faced with adverse events.

Independent-Detached The Detached scale on the HDS negatively correlated with Interpersonal Relationships, Happiness and Empathy. This fits with the extreme of the Detached scale, which indicates high scorers may be less motivated by building relationships with others and may be imperceptive to the moods and feelings of others. Happiness, as defined by the EQ-i®, encapsulates being cheerful and fun loving with others. These results indicate that high Detached scorers may be less inclined to outwardly express their happiness to others.

Focused-Passive Aggressive HDS Passive Aggressive correlated most negatively with the EQ-i® Assertiveness, Reality Testing and Self Actualisation scales. The Assertiveness and Reality Testing links reflect the tendency for high scorers to get lost in their own thoughts as opposed to focusing on the here and now, and a reluctance to vocalise their annoyance when interrupted. The negative correlation between EQ-i® Self Actualisation and HDS Passive Aggressive supports the view that high Passive Aggressive scorers may have anxieties about the value of their contribution and concerns that they are not fulfilling their potential in life. These are people who may appear stubborn and reluctant to deviate from their preferred way of doing things. The correlation with low EQ-i® Self Actualisation suggests that these tendencies may be a way for the individual to control their insecurities about their self-worth and importance.

Confident-Arrogant HDS Arrogance correlated positively with EQ-i® Assertiveness, Independence and Optimism. Such results suggest that high scorers on the Arrogance scale are rarely limited by self-consciousness, are forthright, self-directed and positive, even in the face of adversity. When over-used, these EQ-i® scales tie in with the Arrogance scale, as these individuals may be seen as too dominant and intimidating.

Charming-Manipulative HDS Manipulative correlated most strongly with Optimism and Assertiveness in a positive direction and negatively with Impulse Control. Such correlations emphasise the notion that individuals scoring high on Manipulative tend to be happy to share their views with others, are optimistic, yet impulsive and hasty at times. In line with the main themes of the HDS Manipulative scale, at the extreme end, these elements of emotional intelligence may result in an individual being so convinced that events will turn out positively in the end, that they don’t always fully evaluate the consequences of their actions.

Vivacious-Dramatic The Dramatic scale on the HDS correlated most significantly with Assertiveness, Optimism and Interpersonal Relationships. These results suggest that high Dramatic HDS scorers may be happy to assert themselves, view life positively and enjoy building relationships with others. If the high scoring EQ-i® scales are overplayed the correlations suggest that a high Dramatic scorer may at times be domineering in social interactions and a poor listener.

Copyright © 2008 Psychological Consultancy Ltd www.psychological-consultancy.com

pcl research paper Hogan Development Survey & BarOn EQ-i® by Sarah Mills

Imaginative-Eccentric It was found that HDS Eccentric correlated negatively with Impulse Control and positively with Assertiveness and Independence. This fits with the theme of Eccentric as the correlations suggest an individual who can be described as passionate, variety seeking and determined in their ideas. If overplayed, the scales on the EQ-i® describe an individual who may be overly zealous with their contribution and quick to jump to conclusions.

Diligent-Perfectionist The Perfectionist scale on the HDS has the weakest correlations with the EQ-i® scales, indicating that it may draw less on emotional intelligence in the way that it manifests itself. This is not surprising given that the focus of the HDS Perfectionist scale is more about controlling data than it is about controlling relationships; of all the HDS scales this one has the weakest connection to insecurities about relationships with others. The only positive correlation was with the EQ-i® scale of Problem Solving and the negative correlations were with Assertiveness and Independence. The positive correlation with Problem Solving indicates that high scorers on Perfectionism are likely to be systematic and methodical when dealing with emotional issues, however if overused the Problem Solving scale suggests individuals may be too systematic and consequently slow to act. The negative relationships indicate that Perfectionist high scorers may be passive and uncertain of their work, making them inclined to check their work repeatedly.

Dutiful-Dependent HDS Dependent correlated negatively with Assertiveness, Independence and Optimism. This relationship fits with the main characteristics of the Dutiful scale which describes a compliant, passive individual who may be keen to seek others’ opinions and may be overly pessimistic about outcomes.

Total EQ Total EQ on the EQ-i® reflects the overall scores for an individual across all the EQ-i® subscales and provides a snapshot of an individual’s emotional functioning. There were significant correlations with total EQ and all the scales on the HDS. By far the largest correlations were with the HDS scales Volatile and Cautious at -.64 and -.65 respectively.

This suggests that people

with higher EQ are less anxious, less self-critical and less self-conscious than those with lower EQ.

Copyright © 2008 Psychological Consultancy Ltd www.psychological-consultancy.com

pcl research paper Hogan Development Survey & BarOn EQ-i® by Sarah Mills

Relationship with the EQ-i® and the HDS at the cluster level The HDS can be grouped into three clusters; Moving Away, Moving Against and Moving Towards (see below for details). All of the Moving Away and Moving Towards HDS scales primarily correlated negatively with the EQ-i® scales, while the four HDS scales classed as Moving Against (Arrogance, Manipulative, Dramatic and Eccentric) primarily correlate positively with the EQ-i® scales. This suggests that when high scorers on the HDS tip into counter-productive tendencies in the Moving Away and Towards domains, they may not be managing their emotions and understanding others’ emotions well. By contrast, in the Moving Against domain they may be over-using their emotional intelligence to such an extent that it may upset or annoy others. The 11 scales of the HDS fall into 3 clusters that characterise the underlying insecurity or anxiety for any particular scale.

Moving Away cluster The first 5 scales of the HDS – from Enthusiastic-Volatile to Focused Passive-Aggressive – are in the Moving Away cluster. The Moving Away scales combine themes of insecurity, mistrust, hostility and social withdrawal.

Moving Against cluster The second cluster, Moving Against, relates to the next four scales of the HDS – Confident-Arrogant through to Imaginative-Eccentric. The Moving Against cluster of scales share aspects of social self-confidence, impulsivity, energy, competitiveness, and a talent for self-display.

Moving Towards cluster The final cluster, Moving Towards, contains the HDS scales Diligent-Perfectionistic and Dutiful-Dependent and these scales share themes of conformity, obedience, and eagerness to please.

These relationships between the EQ-i® and the HDS scales and clusters provide important interpretive information and support for the taxonomy and factor structure of the tools.

Copyright © 2008 Psychological Consultancy Ltd www.psychological-consultancy.com

pcl research paper Hogan Development Survey & BarOn EQ-i速 by Sarah Mills

Table 1 - Correlations between the EQ-i速 and the HDS





Prob Solv









Rea Tes




Soc Res



Inter Rel

















































































Em Awr







Sel Act














Self Reg






Imp Con






Stres Tol





Total EQ














Stres Man


Gen Mod Pos Imp Neg Imp



-.10 .18** -.00




























-.48** -.24**























































































.31** -.01 .31**

.46** .05 .01

.21** -.00 .40**

Note: Prob Solv = Problem Solving, Flex = Flexibility, Rea Tes = Reality Testing, Soc Res = Social Responsibility, Inter Rel = Interpersonal Relationship, Emp = Empathy, Happ = Happiness, Opt = Optimism, Indep = Independence, Em Awr = Emotional Self-Awareness, Sel Act = SelfActualisation, Assert = Assertiveness, Self Reg = Self Regard, Imp Con = Impulse Control, Stres Tol = Stress Tolerance, Intra-per = Intrapersonal Composite, Inter-per = Interpersonal Composite, Adapt = Adaptability Components, Stres Man - Stress Management Components, Gen Mod = General Mood Components, Pos Imp = Positive Impressions, Neg Imp = Negative Impressions. N = 280 *p < .05 **p < .01

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