HPI INT sample

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Hogan Personality Inventory by Robert Hogan, Ph.D & Joyce Hogan, Ph.D.

HPI Interpretive Report


Candidate Name:

Sophie Sample



Issue Number:


Date Test Completed:

07 July 2011

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Introduction The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) is designed to assess personal qualities that promote success in work, in relationships, in education and training, and in life. This report may reveal some interpersonal tendencies that can cause problems; conversely, the report may reveal areas of unexpected strength or competence. In either case, the information will be a useful foundation for personal and professional development. Because different occupations require different personal characteristics, the HPI can also be used to aid decisions about staff selection, job change, and career planning. The HPI has 7 Primary Scales and a further 6 Occupational Scales. This report is based on the scores achieved on these dimensions; it describes how the candidate is likely to act in various circumstances and on the most distinctive parts of the profile it notes particular work implications and includes some discussion points that could be raised during feedback. Although this report presents the candidate’s HPI profile on a scale-by-scale basis, their actual behaviour is likely to reflect the combined effects of one scale on another. Where points made in the report about a particular scale seem overstated or even wide of the mark, your first strategy should be to consider how other prominent scale scores may account for this.

HPI Primary Scales Adjustment - High scorers tend to be calm, selfconfident, and steady under pressure. Low scorers tend to be tense, moody, and they may not handle pressure well. Ambition - High scorers tend to be energetic, competitive, and eager to advance themselves. Low scorers tend to be quiet, unassertive, and less interested in advancement. Sociability - High scorers tend to be outgoing, impulsive, and colourful, and they dislike working by themselves. Low scorers tend to be reserved and quiet; they do not call attention to themselves, and they do not mind working alone.

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Interpersonal Sensitivity - High scorers tend to be friendly, warm, sociable, and popular. Low scorers tend to be independent, frank and direct. Prudence - High scorers tend to be organised, dependable, and thorough; they tend to follow rules well and are easy to supervise. Low scorers tend to be impulsive and flexible; they tend to resist rules and close supervision; however, they may be creative and spontaneous. Inquisitive - High scorers tend to be imaginative, inventive, and quick-witted; they may be easily bored and may not pay attention to details. Low scorers tend to be practical and down to earth; they are willing to tolerate boring tasks. Learning Approach - High scorers tend to enjoy learning and education and to perform well in training. Low scorers are less interested in formal learning and tend not to perform well in educational settings or training environments.

HPI Occupational Scales The HPI Occupational scales concern attitudes and characteristics that have broad, general importance for job performance. These scales are based on the personality dimensions presented previously; they were developed by comparing people with high and low standing on the occupational dimension under consideration using the HPI. Qualities that distinguished high rated people from low rated people formed the scales. The following are the main occupational scales: Service Orientation - Concerns being attentive and helpful. Stress Tolerance - Reflects the ability to deal with pressure and adversity. Reliability - Measures willingness to comply with rules and procedures. Clerical Potential - Concerns being hard-working, responsible & attentive to detail. Sales Potential - Assesses traits associated with successful sales performance. Managerial Potential - Reflects talent for leadership and persuasion.

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile PRIMARY SCALES Adjustment






Interpersonal Sensitivity 67 Prudence




Learning Approach

86 0



















Stress Tolerance




Clerical Potential


Sales Potential


Managerial Potential

19 0





50 Percentile


UK Total Sample 2010

Validity of these results ............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Sophie endorsed 12 items on the HPI Validity scale. This score indicates that the profile is valid and interpretable.

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 0











Description Concerns an individual's emotional response to events. Low scorers are anxious and more easily upset by others and by events. They work best in stable, supportive and consistent settings. High scorers are steady in the face of pressure and rarely take things personally. They generally handle stressful and emotionally demanding roles well. Relationship to job competencies High scorers on this scale will be composed, able to build relationships with colleagues, and good at stress management. They may, however, not pay enough attention to feedback in order to be very receptive to personal coaching. Low scorers will be interested in self-improvement and will be receptive to personal coaching. However, they may find it difficult to remain composed at all times, to manage their stress and to build relationships. Sophie's profile on the ADJUSTMENT scale Sophie's questionnaire responses suggest that she may sometimes be rather reflective and perhaps somewhat defensive. It seems that she sometimes feels deeply about things and that, as a result, her mood can fluctuate. This sensitivity, combined with a tendency to be self-critical, may mean that she is inclined to take things personally at times. Sophie may be considered by others to be somewhat introspective and, when under pressure, perhaps even rather edgy. It appears that she sometimes makes more of her personal shortcomings than is realistic and, whether or not she admits it to others, she may tend to blame herself when things go wrong. This HPI profile also suggests that Sophie probably achieves most when working at her own pace, finding it difficult to perform at her best when being pressurised. She is most likely to demonstrate her true capabilities in a supportive and appreciative atmosphere. People with these characteristics often work best in less formal environments where individualistic styles of behaviour are most appreciated. IMPLICATIONS Sophie is probably quite emotionally expressive and vigilant. She will be concerned about her work and self-aware. She responds fairly well to feedback or coaching, because she is able to be self-critical. As for most people there will be situations in which Sophie is more sensitive. There may be some situations where she is prone to becoming tense, irritable, emotional or critical to the extent that it may affect her work or working relationships. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Do you ever let your personal worries and responsibilities interfere with your work? > Do you have any strategies for stress management? > Do you ever try to understand how others perceive you by asking for feedback from them? > Do you recognise that you can sometimes be inconsistent in the messages that you send?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

ADJUSTMENT SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Adjustment scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Adjustment scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Empathy Absence of irritability

I am rarely irritated by faults in others

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Not anxious Absence of anxiety

I am seldom tense or anxious

1 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Guilt Absence of regret

I rarely feel guilty about some of the things I have done

2 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Calmness Lack of emotionality

I keep calm in a crisis

3 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Even tempered Not moody or irritable

I rarely lose my temper

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Somatic Complaint Lack of health concerns

I almost always feel good

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Trusting Not paranoid or suspicious

People really care about one another

3 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Good Attachment Good relations with one's parents

No matter what happened I felt my parents loved me

3 out of 5


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

AMBITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 0











Description Of course, nearly everyone is pleased to accept any advancement that comes their way, but low scorers are likely to be relaxed about status and worldly success and more interested in the content of a job than in opportunities for rapid promotion. High scorers are 'on a mission' and will be concerned about prospects and what this job might lead on to. They will be achievement-oriented and keen to take on leadership roles. Relationship to job competencies High scorers will be hardworking, interested in advancing their career, willing to take charge, results-oriented and good at making decisions. Low scorers will be happy to remain in a job as long as the content is satisfying to them; they will probably not be interested in being given extra responsibilities. Sophie's profile on the AMBITION scale It appears that Sophie is not a competitive person. She probably prefers to avoid positions of authority and is likely to take a relatively relaxed attitude to career advancement and personal recognition - even to the extent that she lets opportunities for promotion pass her by. People with Sophie's kind of profile tend to be unconcerned with status, power or commercial success. They tend to be modest in their aspirations and happy to leave leadership roles to others. They are likely to be perceived by others as relaxed, laid back and easy going. In their career development they will probably be either cautious and conservative or simply unconcerned. Once they have found a comfortable niche they will probably prefer to remain in this familiar role rather than either speculating about future possibilities or, especially if they are fairly prudent, taking the risks associated with changing their job in the hope of achieving advancement. Sophie is most likely to appreciate roles where she finds the job content appealing, is familiar with procedures and where long steady service is appreciated. IMPLICATIONS Sophie is probably content with her position in life and will appear very relaxed about her career advancement. She may prefer letting others take charge and is happy to follow those who lead. She is not concerned about office politics. She chooses not to seek additional responsibilities or leadership roles, so any career promotions she has achieved are likely to be the result of being perceived as having a particular competence rather than the result of striving for a high profile in the organisation. She seems to be more interested in the content of a job than in status or personal advancement. However, because she is happy to let others take the initiative she may fail to exert influence where she could make an impact. Sophie probably appears to others as unassertive, and even shy or retiring. She is very unlikely to be comfortable making presentations to groups and her colleagues may view her as lacking focus, vision and drive. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Do you ever talk about the need for people to work together, and involve your colleagues in those discussions? > Do you make your vision known to others? > Do you ever make leadership statements e.g. 'My vision for the organisation is' ? > Do you talk about the important tasks of the organisation or group? > Do you give colleagues frequent feedback, both positive and negative? > Do you support your colleagues in both words and actions?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

AMBITION SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Ambition scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Ambition scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Competitive I am an ambitious person 3 out of 5 Being competitive, ambitious and persistent ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Self-Confidence Confidence in oneself

I am a very self-confident person

0 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Depression Feelings of contentment

I am a happy person

4 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Leadership Capacity for leadership

In a group I like to take charge of things

3 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Identity Satisfaction with one's life tasks

I know what I want to be

1 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Social Anxiety Social self-confidence

I don't mind talking in front of a group of people

4 out of 6


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

SOCIABILITY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 0











Description Concerns the extent to which an individual needs social contact. Some low scorers may be quite self-contained, prefer their own company and work well on their own. High scorers will be more conspicuously sociable, make a strong social impact, enjoy jobs where they meet new people and prefer working in teams. Relationship to job competencies High scorers will be good at initiating interactions, they will appear energetic, approachable, good at networking, but if they have a very high score they may have a tendency to dominate in team work. Low scorers will allow others the time and space to have their say, but they will probably not be the ones to initiate interactions with others and so, depending on their values and preferences, they might be better suited to jobs that do not involve a great deal of contact with others. Sophie's profile on the SOCIABILITY scale Sophie's responses suggest that there are times when she is relieved to get away from the social scene. Usually quite happy to take a low social profile, she does not appear to particularly enjoy being the focus of attention. It seems that she may be rather reserved, that she is generally content with her own company and that she may be more comfortable working in positions that are not predominantly defined by the requirement for her to interact with or communicate with others. Because, on first acquaintance, she prefers not to be the one to initiate social interaction, others may perceive Sophie as shy. People with similar profiles typically have a social life that is comparatively subdued and centred on a close circle of people they know well. Although socially reticent, this does not imply that they lack the social skills to deal with social situations when required to do so. Sophie's actual social skills will be reflected in the qualities discussed in the next scale. IMPLICATIONS Sophie tends not to engage in small talk and is consequently more business focused and task oriented. She does not require constant social interaction to keep her interested in her job. She is independent and able to work on her own. She may tend to communicate in writing rather than face to face where there is a choice. These characteristics are useful for research work, as well as technology driven jobs or where the role in relation to others is responsive rather than proactive. However, Sophie may be perceived by others as reserved, quiet and shy. She may find it difficult to interact with strangers and it probably seems to require a lot of effort on her part to get to know others in different parts of the organisation. She doesn't easily engage in small talk and will have difficulty in positions that demand a high level of social interaction. If she is in a managerial position she probably finds it difficult to give others feedback. Other people may incorrectly assume that she is not especially interested in making new acquaintances. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Have you considered training in communications skills? > Could you try to talk daily with colleagues in their work areas? > Do you encourage questions from colleagues? > Do you solicit ideas from colleagues and try to use them? > Do you canvas the opinions of your clients and your colleagues to develop strategies for improving service?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

SOCIABILITY SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Sociability scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Sociability scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Likes Parties Enjoys parties

I would go to a party every night if I could

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Likes Crowds Finds large crowds exciting

Being part of a large crowd is exciting

1 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Experience Seeking Preference for variety and challenge

I like a lot of variety in my life

1 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Exhibitionistic Exhibitionistic tendencies

I like to be the centre of attention

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Entertaining Being witty and entertaining

I am often the life and soul of the party

2 out of 4


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

INTERPERSONAL SENSITIVITY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 67 0











Description Low scorers will be quite direct, even tough-minded. Their focus will be more on the task and on results than on the people around them and they will not be unduly concerned about the impression they make or about being popular. High scorers will be concerned about maintaining harmonious relationships. They will seem warm, caring and approachable but may shy away from the need to confront issues. Relationship to job competencies High scorers will seem compassionate, co-operative and interested in input from others, but will find it difficult to take unpopular decisions or to confront subordinates who are not performing as well as they might. Low scorers will be comfortable taking unpopular decisions and giving negative feedback to subordinates, but they are more likely to be seen as independent rather than co-operative, task-focused rather than people-focused, and not particularly interested in the viewpoints of others. Sophie's profile on the INTERPERSONAL SENSITIVITY scale When it comes to social interaction with colleagues and acquaintances, Sophie's questionnaire responses suggest that she is usually thoughtful, warm and considerate; she probably arouses liking and trust in others. She has good social skills and should work very well with other people in many capacities. People with scores in this range are friendly and pleasant. They also tend to be tactful and quite insightful about interpersonal matters. They have some of the qualities one expects in people who are successful in the caring professions, or managers who are able to motivate and gain the trust of their team. On the other hand, they may sometimes be uncomfortable in dealing with people problems that require tough action. Generally though, these are qualities that are likely to be reflected positively in Sophie's work style, particularly in supervisory or management roles, and other jobs where one must meet and interact with the public. Interpersonal sensitivity is less important in jobs that do not involve responsibility for others or where there is little contact with clients and co-workers. IMPLICATIONS Sophie has a fairly high degree of social skill and interpersonal sensitivity. She would probably describe herself as more person focused than task focused. She enjoys being with others and works to maintain good working relationships. She is, however, not so eager to please others that she is totally unable to give any criticism but tries where possible to avoid confrontation. She likes to get along with people and may find giving negative feedback a difficult thing to do this can create perceptions of favouritism. She may be perceived as not being forceful enough. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Do you ever delay confronting poor performers? > Do you recognise that you might contradict yourself when trying to be considerate? > Do you ever promise more than you can deliver? > Do you think you should hold people to their commitments more?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

INTERPERSONAL SENSITIVITY SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Interpersonal Sensitivity scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Interpersonal Sensitivity scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Easy to Live With Tolerant and easy-going nature

I work well with other people

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Sensitive Tends to be kind and considerate

I always try to see the other person's point of view

3 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Caring Interpersonal sensitivity

I am sensitive to other people's moods

4 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Likes People Enjoys social interaction

I enjoy just being with other people

6 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Hostility Lack of hostility

I never hold grudges very long

2 out of 3


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

PRUDENCE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 76 0











Description Low scorers are independently minded and willing to challenge the status-quo. They may prefer work environments that encourage spontaneity, involve taking risks, and allow them to re-think the way that things are done. High scorers are pleased to comply with the policies of an organisation and prefer working within a framework of clear procedures and expectations. Relationship to job competencies High scorers will probably be good at planning things, be able to pay attention to detail and timelines, and be concerned to abide by the organisation's rules. However, they may find it difficult to handle ambiguity and they may not be very flexible. Low scorers will probably be able to handle ambiguity and deal with multiple projects and they are likely to be flexible and adaptable. However, they will probably be better suited to jobs that do not require a great deal of planning or attention to detail and they are more likely to be interested in what they are trying to accomplish rather than in following the rules carefully. Sophie's profile on the PRUDENCE scale There are elements in Sophie's profile that suggest she is responsible, organised, and generally plans things carefully. People with this kind of questionnaire response pattern tend to be conscientious and hard-working rather than spontaneous or flexible. They tend to be organised and systematic, but they may also be somewhat cautious and conservative; preferring not to leave things to chance. Because they also tend to be rather serious and conforming, they may be well suited for work that requires close concentration and attention to detail. They are generally reliable and predictable and respond well to supervision. Sophie is, therefore, likely to prefer working in a structured framework within a context of established methods and procedures, rather than in an environment that is subject to frequent change. She will probably be trusted by her co-workers and supervisors and viewed as a hard-working and dependable colleague, someone who can be relied upon to see a project through to completion. IMPLICATIONS Sophie usually plans ahead and is fairly organised and thorough. She tends to work hard and follows rules and procedures. She seems reliable, dependable and conscientious and values providing high quality work products and meeting high performance standards. However, she probably finds it hard to be flexible in situations where she feels uncertain. At such times she may be perceived as rigid, inflexible, and even over-controlling. She may be unclear about when she has enough information to make a decision. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Do you recognise you might take too long sometimes to make a decision? > Do you try to do every task equally well? Does this ever cause a build-up of work? > Would you feel uncomfortable about breaking a rule? Can you see it might sometimes be better to bend or break the rule a little?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

PRUDENCE SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Prudence scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Prudence scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Moralistic Adhering strictly to conventional values

I always practise what I preach

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mastery Being hard working

I am a hard and steady worker

4 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Virtuous Being perfectionistic

I do my job as well as I possibly can

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Not Autonomous Concern about others' opinions of oneself

Other people's opinions of me are important

3 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Not Spontaneous Preference for predictability

I always know what I will do tomorrow

1 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Impulse Control Lack of impulsivity

I rarely do things on impulse

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Avoids Trouble Professed probity

When I was in school I rarely gave the teachers any trouble

4 out of 5


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

INQUISITIVE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 93 0











Description Low scorers have fewer interests and are able to cope with routine and the repetitive aspects of a job. High scorers are ideas people with many interests who are curious but easily bored. They enjoy jobs that allow them to think speculatively and enjoy finding original solutions to problems. Relationship to job competencies High scorers are likely to be creative, able to manage innovation, to be curious, have vision and be a resource for problem solving within the organisation. However, they probably will find it difficult to tolerate boredom or routine, repetitive tasks. Low scorers will not overanalyse problems and they may be comfortable working at fairly routine, repetitive tasks. However, they will probably not be idea generators or creative problem solvers. Sophie's profile on the INQUISITIVE scale With regard to interests and her general approach to life, there are strong indications that Sophie is bright, insightful, and imaginative. She comes across as an enquiring and adventurous person, with creative potential and a wide range of cultural interests. She seems to welcome new experiences and to be someone who enjoys dealing with ideas and speculative questions, rather than being rooted in the here-and-now or concerned solely with practical issues. These qualities are important in jobs where people need to be curious, analytical, questioning, and critical. People with this kind of profile often have a talent for seeing the big picture but they may not be well suited to repetitive jobs, or jobs that demand careful adherence to established routines or procedures. IMPLICATIONS Sophie is imaginative, bright and quick-witted. She likes to know how things work. People with profiles such as this are often creative or adventurous. They understand the big picture and tend to think outside the box. They tend to think strategically about business and are interested in speculative ideas. They can generate ideas and are fairly resourceful problem solvers. This is particularly important in jobs that require creativity, problem solving, strategic planning, and leadership. However, they may become bored without a fairly frequent supply of new, stimulating and varied activities. They may be perceived as easily distractable especially when performing more tedious tasks. They can be unpredictable and may find that others do not share their enthusiasm for experimentation. They may sometimes over-analyse problems and can have trouble making decisions. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Do you ever overlook the day-to-day details of the business? > Would it be helpful to keep a file to help you follow through on decisions or commitments? > Do you ever try to fix things that aren't broken just because you enjoy the stimulation/challenge/variety? > Can you see that not everyone likes change?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

INQUISITIVE SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Inquisitive scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Inquisitive scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Ability Interest in science

I am interested in science

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Curiosity Curiosity about the world

I have taken things apart just to see how they work

3 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Thrill Seeking Enjoyment of adventure and excitement

I would like to be a racing car driver

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Intellectual Games Enjoys intellectual games

I enjoy solving riddles

3 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Generates Ideas Ideational fluency

I am a quick-witted person

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Culture Interest in culture

I like classical music

4 out of 4


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

LEARNING APPROACH ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 86 0











Description Concerns the extent to which we view learning as of intrinsic value. Low scorers see training and education as a means to an end while high scorers actively seek out opportunities for learning. Relationship to job competencies High scorers will probably be well informed and up-to-date on relevant developments within their field, they may learn quickly, be happy to be taught new things, communicate clearly in writing and seem intellectually motivated. However, they may be critical of others who are not so well-informed. Low scorers may be relaxed about others' shortcomings or their mistakes. However, they are less likely to keep themselves informed and will probably not enjoy working in a role that involves a lot of reading in order to keep up-to-date, or that requires them to undergo a lot of training and development. Sophie's profile on the LEARNING APPROACH scale It appears that Sophie is alert and well informed, and that she has a high level of academic motivation. She is therefore likely to be a good candidate for development through further training or education. She is probably perceived by others as clever or ingenious. People with similar profiles to this tend to keep themselves informed about developments in their field. IMPLICATIONS Sophie probably seems bright and knowledgeable. She enjoys and values formal education for its own sake. She seeks opportunities to grow and develop and values training for herself and those around them. People with profiles like this enjoy pushing things through to completion and like to keep up-to-date in their area. These characteristics are important for most jobs. However, Sophie may be viewed as intolerant of those less-informed than herself and may appear to know it all, and this could lead her to lose credibility over time in her organisation. She likes to do things according to the accepted wisdom and is therefore sometimes perceived as inflexible. She focuses more on learning rather than doing and sometimes ends up procrastinating or delegating uninteresting yet necessary tasks. She may jump on the latest technology craze without looking closely at its usefulness within the organisation. Because she is well informed she may move faster than others and take action on an issue before others see the point and are ready to move forward. DISCUSSION POINTS Depending on whether you are using this report for interview or development purposes you may want to use the discussion points given below as either prompts for interview questions or for issues to seek confirmation about during feedback. These questions will probably need to be adapted to ensure they are appropriate for this particular assessment context. > Do you think you are ever impatient with others who aren't as clever or ambitious as you are? > Do you recognise that you try to do everything by the book when it might be better to try a different approach? > Do you think others ever see you as a know-it-all? > Do you ever share your passion for learning with your colleagues?

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

LEARNING APPROACH SCALE COMPOSITION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The preceding text is of general applicability to people who score at the same level as Sophie on the Learning Approach scale. However, the scores on the Subthemes of the Learning Approach scale illustrated below will provide a more detailed insight into Sophie's unique profile on this scale.


Sample item


............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Education Being a good student

As a child, school was easy for me

3 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Maths Ability Being good with numbers

I can multiply large numbers quickly

2 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Good Memory Having a good memory

I have a large vocabulary

3 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Reading Enjoys reading

I would rather read than watch TV

4 out of 4


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

SERVICE ORIENTATION ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 55 0











Description This scale defines people who are courteous and helpful when dealing with customers and colleagues. High scorers will be anxious to do their job well and will want to perfect their performance, but will be relaxed, easy going and approachable. They will have the capacity to be tolerant of other people's shortcomings and will rarely be irritated by other people. They will be kind and considerate and willing to make the effort to see the other person's point of view. Low scorers may be less tolerant, tense, more easily irritated and less concerned about doing their job well. They may be described by others as moody, tense, fault-finding, bossy or self-pitying. Service Orientation is important in most jobs which involve dealing with the public, but it is most important in jobs like retail sales, customer services, any personal service and other jobs where the quality of contact with customers is an essential part of the role and central to the purpose of the employer. In restaurant work, for example, the quality of the service may be as important as the quality of the food and the overall success of the enterprise may depend on it. Sophie's profile on the SERVICE ORIENTATION scale Sophie's score on the Service Orientation scale suggests that she is normally service oriented. She appears to be reasonably polite and matter-of-fact. Subtheme

Sample item

Sample item

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Empathy Absence of irritability

I am rarely irritated by faults in others

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Sensitive Tends to be kind and considerate

I always try to see the other person's point of view

3 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Virtuous Being perfectionistic

I do my job as well as I possibly can

5 out of 5


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Page: 18

Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

STRESS TOLERANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 0











Description The Stress Tolerance scale identifies people who handle pressure well and are not tense or anxious. High scorers will tend to come across to others as calm and not easily ruffled. They will seem comparatively happy and contented rather than troubled and their disposition will be even and predictable rather than moody and changeable. They will not easily be unsettled by change, disruptions, disappointments or unexpected events and are not likely to turn a drama into a crisis. Their even disposition, dependability and ability to keep their head under pressure make them comfortable and reassuring to work with. In contrast, low scorers may be described as moody, unstable, worrying, highly strung, temperamental or self-punishing. Stress Tolerance is desirable in most jobs and people with this quality can expect to be appreciated and promoted. Its importance increases with responsibility and exposure to pressure. People with high Stress Tolerance scores cope better than others in jobs which expose them to severe stress; this could be any job with tough demands or high levels of responsibility or it could be jobs such as emergency services (ambulance crews, fire fighters or police) or the armed forces. Sophie's profile on the STRESS TOLERANCE scale Sophie's score on the Stress Tolerance scale suggests that she may be mildly stress prone. She is likely to be anxious, edgy and concerned. Subtheme

Sample item

Sample item

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Not Anxious Absence of anxiety

I am seldom tense or anxious

1 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Guilt Absence of regret

I rarely feel guilty about some of the things I have done

2 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Calmness Lack of emotionality

I keep calm in a crisis

3 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Somatic Complaint Lack of health concerns

I almost always feel good

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Depression Feelings of contentment

I am a happy person

4 out of 6


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Page: 19

Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

RELIABILITY ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57 0











Description The HPI Reliability scale concerns willingness to comply with expectations and to follow the rules that prevail in the work place. At the entry level these may concern such things as dress, time keeping or work procedures. At the higher job levels they will also reflect compliance with the values and culture of the organisation and high scorers will be viewed as good organisational citizens. Generally, high scorers will be dependable and responsive to supervision. They will be able to keep their impulses under control, will keep out of trouble and will tend to maintain positive relationships with people. High scorers on the HPI Reliability scale are also likely to be described by others as stable, affectionate, responsible, soft-hearted and praising. Low scorers are described as self-pitying, noisy, fault-finding, irresponsible and unstable. HPI Reliability is concerned above all with compliance, being willing to accept supervision and acceptance of the rules, procedures and expectations of behaviour that characterise a particular work environment. Clearly, these expectations vary from work place to work place, so HPI Reliability is also concerned with the ability to pick up on clues about what might be expected of employees, as well as the disposition to moderate the way one behaves. Sophie's profile on the RELIABILITY scale Sophie's score on the Reliability scale suggests that she may be normally reliable and able to adjust well to the demands of the job. Subtheme

Sample item

Sample item

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Good Attachment Good relations with one's parents

No matter what happened I felt my parents loved me

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Hostility Lack of hostility

I never hold grudges very long

2 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Impulse Control Lack of impulsivity

I rarely do things on impulse

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Avoids Trouble Professed probity

When I was in school I rarely gave the teachers any trouble

4 out of 5


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Page: 20

Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

CLERICAL POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 0











Description The focus of the HPI Clerical Potential scale is on the personality attributes of those people who are likely to make responsible, hard working employees. High scorers should be congenial, industrious and attentive to detail. People who achieve high scores on the HPI Clerical Potential scale are typically described by their associates as active, energetic, outgoing, and polished. The scale also includes elements of leadership and a willingness to take charge of things. Low scorers on this scale are described as tense, nervous, moody, cold and probabaly rather anxious. The features in this scale that are probably most important from the employability perspective are concerned with being positive, outgoing and energetic - having a 'lets get on with it' mentality combined with a desire to do the job well. Sophie's profile on the CLERICAL POTENTIAL scale Sophie's score on the Clerical Potential Scale is in the below average range. People with scores in this range may dislike close supervision or may prefer to work by themselves.


Sample item

Sample item

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Not Anxious Absence of anxiety

I am seldom tense or anxious

1 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Somatic Complaint Lack of health concerns

I almost always feel good

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Leadership Capacity for leadership

In a group I like to take charge of things

3 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Caring Interpersonal sensitivity

I am sensitive to other people's moods

4 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Avoids Trouble Professed probity

When I was in school I rarely gave the teachers any trouble

4 out of 5


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Page: 21

Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

SALES POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 0











Description The HPI Sales Potential scale identifies people who are likely to be self-assured, flexible, ambitious, outgoing and self-motivated. There are many kinds of sales roles, from a shop assistant to a pharmaceutical rep, and each will have its own implications for the personality features that are particularly important. However, this scale pulls together fourteen different HPI themes to create a scale of broad relevance to sales jobs. These themes emphasise self-confidence, sociability, quick-wittedness, being experience seeking and enjoying being the centre of attention. High scorers on the HPI Sales Potential scale have generally been found to perform better than other sales staff with lower scores. High scorers are likely to be described by others as talkative, outgoing, assertive, outspoken and noisy. Lower scorers are likely to be described as shy, quiet, reserved or retiring. From the employability perspective, it is worth noting that a good sales profile includes aspects of behaviour that would not be valued in many other more conservative roles. Sales people need to have a strong social presence, to be impulsive, loud, even exhibitionistic and to enjoy living dangerously. Many sales roles require an ability to think on your feet, to dominate the interaction with clients and to steer discussions towards the sales objective, to be spontaneous and to 'wing it' in covering enquiries or criticisms about the product. Sophie's profile on the SALES POTENTIAL scale Sophie' s score on the measure of Sales Potential is in the below average range. People with scores in this range tend to lack the drive and social skills necessary to perform well in sales work.

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Page: 22

Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

SALES POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Subtheme

Sample item

Sample item

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Self-Confidence Confidence in oneself

I am a very self-confident person

0 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Social Anxiety Social self-confidence

I don't mind talking in front of a group of people

4 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Likes Parties Enjoys parties

I would go to a party every night if I could

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Likes Crowds Finds large crowds exciting

Being part of a large crowd is exciting

1 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Experience Seeking Preference for variety and challenge

I like a lot of variety in my life

1 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Exhibitionistic Exhibitionistic tendencies

I like to be the centre of attention

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Entertaining Being witty and entertaining

I am often the life and soul of the party

2 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Easy to Live With Tolerant and easy-going nature

I work well with other people

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Likes People Enjoys social interaction

I enjoy just being with other people

6 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Impulsivity Acting on impulse

I frequently do things on impulse

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Thrill Seeking Enjoyment of adventure and excitement

I would like to be a racing car driver

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Generates Ideas Ideational fluency

I am a quick-witted person

3 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Self Focus Being introspective

I often try to understand myself

4 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Impression Management Lack of concern about social feedback

I never wonder what people are thinking of me

0 out of 4


Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Page: 23

Sophie Sample's HPI Profile

MANAGERIAL POTENTIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 0











Description The HPI Managerial Potential scale identifies those likely to direct others in an effective and motivating fashion. High scorers are likely to have a strong sense of identity and purpose; to know who they are and what they want to achieve. They will be ambitious, competitive and hard working and enjoy taking charge of things. However, managers cannot achieve their objectives unless they can keep the people they are managing enthusiastic about their work, make them feel appreciated and have concerns for their staff as well as for the success of their company. For this reason, the most effective managers are approachable and interested in staff welfare issues and able to gain the trust and loyalty of their teams. High scorers on the HPI Managerial Potential scale tend to be described by others as active, precise, ingenious, wise, planful, outgoing and efficient. Low scorers may be described as irresponsible or unstable. Sophie's profile on the MANAGERIAL POTENTIAL scale Sophie's score on the measure of Managerial Potential is below average. People with scores in this range tend to lack leadership potential, and tend not to make good managers.


Sample item

Sample item

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Somatic Complaint Lack of health concerns

I almost always feel good

5 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Competitive I am an ambitious person 3 out of 5 Being competitive, ambitious and persistent ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ No Depression Feelings of contentment

I am a happy person

4 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Leadership Capacity for leadership

In a group I like to take charge of things

3 out of 6

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Identity Satisfaction with one's life tasks

I know what I want to be

1 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mastery Being hard working

I am a hard and steady worker

4 out of 4

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Avoids Trouble Professed probity

When I was in school I rarely gave the teachers any trouble

4 out of 5

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Education Being a good student

As a child, school was easy for me

3 out of 3

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Š Psychological Consultancy Limited Page: 24 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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