Ilm gt five potential pitfalls of personality profiling

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The Five Potential Pitfalls of Personality Profiling By Geoff Trickey, December 2nd, 2014

Many employers use personality profiling as part of the recruitment process – but are they giving you the right results? Geoff Tricky, Managing Director of Psychological Consultancy, asks if they’re all they’re cracked up to be Until recently, personality profiling was seen as the exclusive domain of psychologists and confined to assessment for senior roles. Tests were usually conducted as an intimate and thoughtful one-on-one experience between the psychologist and the individual. Today, occupational therapists, HR professionals, recruiters, executive coaches, trainers, careers advisors and others, all with very varied backgrounds, manage these techniques. The technological revolution has driven much of this change. A few clicks can shepherd tens of thousands of candidates through a wide range of online psychometric assessment portals. Personality testing is now almost a routine part of any recruitment process. Is this revolution a good thing though? While no one wants to turn back the clock, nor could they, it is constructive to evaluate the situation and consider whether and how personality profiling can be improved. Personality profiles are potentially incredibly powerful. Recruitment decisions and career progression can be strongly influenced by psychometric tests, but both users and takers of these tests need to be very clear about the pitfalls of personality profiling.

1. Exactly what is personality? This could almost be falling at the first hurdle as the term ‘personality’ means different things to different people, to both psychologists and to others. It is a conceptual minefield with the approach and the content varying considerably. The critical thing is that you are clear what the author of the test means by ‘personality’. Personality provides the behavioural consistency that differentiates one person from another. A persistent behavioural bias impacts on job performance.

2. Do you know what you’re looking for?

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