MVPI Interpretive sample

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Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory by Robert Hogan, Ph.D & Joyce Hogan, Ph.D.

MVPI Interpretive Report


Candidate Name:

Sophie Sample



Issue Number:


Date Test Completed:

11 July 2011

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

Introduction The MVPI is concerned with values and preferences – the underlying motivators that influence the individual when making choices or decisions - the value orientations that determine what we like to do. These personal characteristics are likely to play an important part in determining friendships, who gets along with who, the kind of job that someone will enjoy and the organisational culture in which they are most likely to flourish. They help explain preferences, actions and behaviour, and the ability or willingness to cope with various situations. While personality assessment is usually concerned with the way that someone comes across to others - the you that others know - the MVPI focuses on the values that are closely associated with one’s sense of identity - the you that you know. These values are likely to influence any major life decisions and may, in the case of scales where the individual achieves high scores, identify life themes about which they feel passionately.

Scores on the MVPI can be useful in a number of contexts: Self-awareness – the MVPI may help an individual clarify their thinking about what is important to them, what situations they are likely to feel comfortable in, what sort of people they would like to work with, and what kind of organisation they would like to work in. Information contained in this report can be used to inform an individual about any potential ‘blind spots’ – things that are of little significance to them – as well as their own particular preferences.

People tend not to distort their answers on interest measures because their values and aspirations are part of their identity and they are normally eager to discuss them. Finally, motives, values, and preferences are remarkably stable; they tend to change very little as a person grows older - what interests someone now will interest them later. The scales on the MVPI are defined as follows: Recognition - High scorers value fame, visibility, and publicity. Power - High scorers value competition, achievement, and worldly success. Hedonism - High scorers value fun, good company, and good times. Altruism - High scorers value actively helping others and improving society. Affiliation - High scorers value frequent and varied social interaction. Tradition - High scorers value history, tradition, and old-fashioned virtues. Security - High scorers value certainty, predictability, and risk-free environments. Commerce - High scorers value business activities, money and financial gain. Aesthetics - High scorers value creative and artistic self-expression. Science - High scorers value ideas, technology, and rational problem solving.

Career implications – any profile of motives and values will have implications for the kind of jobs and organisations someone will feel most suited to. Evaluating fit with a job and an organisation – there are two ways this motivational information can be useful. First, it can be used to evaluate the fit between an individual’s interests and the psychological requirements of jobs; thus, the MVPI can be used to help choose occupations or careers. Second, the inventory can be used to evaluate the fit between the candidate’s values and the culture of a particular organisation. © Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................................................




















79 0




Total UK Sample 2010










The graph above shows Sophie's scores on each MVPI scale. Scores shown are in percentiles. The percentile scores indicate the percentage of people from a comparison (or norm) group who score at or below Sophie's obtained score. The norm group used is indicated below the profile. The ten MVPI scales and Sophie's profile for each scale are summarised on the following pages.

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


a mid-point on Sophie's profile. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 0











Recognition is a mid-point on Sophie's MVPI profile. This suggests that while Recognition motives and values are not of particular significance for her, she can probably appreciate why they might be more important for others. Description High scorers on this scale value public recognition and are interested in receiving credit and respect for their achievements. Low scorers are more likely to value modesty when discussing personal achievements and they may prefer not to draw attention to their own accomplishments. How these values find expression Recognition motives are associated with a desire to be known, recognised, visible or even famous. High scorers are likely to express these motives in a lifestyle guided by opportunities for self-display and dreams of achievement - whether or not they are actualised. They are interested in being the centre of attention, and believe that people should have their accomplishments publicly acknowledged. They may want others to notice them and probably enjoy it when their achievements are respected and promoted. For this reason high scorers usually like to work with people who praise and appreciate them or where they have the opportunity to make a distinctive contribution. Sophie's profile on the Recognition scale Sophie is apparently relaxed about being recognised for her achievements. Perhaps not someone who likes to blow their own trumpet, she nevertheless probably quite enjoys any appreciative comment about her work. Although a need for respect and public recognition may not be the primary motivator in Sophie's life, she will certainly feel that credit is due for important accomplishments. On the other hand, because she is quite relaxed about being praised for her accomplishments, Sophie is also likely to willingly share credit with others for their contribution to any success.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Recognition Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


14 out of 15



5 out of 9

Occup. Prefs.


6 out of 12



7 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


7 out of 15

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


one of Sophie's low points. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 0











Power is a low point on Sophie's MVPI profile. As Power motives and values may have little appeal for her, she may not always appreciate that others may have a distinct preference in this area. Description High scorers on this scale probably value competition, an aggressive career strategy, and the prospect of reaching positions of authority. Low scorers are perhaps uninterested in competition and status games. How these values find expression Power motives are associated with a desire for challenge, competition, and achievement. People with high scores on this scale care deeply about success, control, and getting on in life. They may prefer a competitive, achievement-oriented work environment, and if given a chance, (depending on their ability and temperament) they may go far in their career. They probably value positions of status and authority, and may admire people who seek challenges. They would probably like to be leaders themselves and will be motivated by opportunities for success. Sophie's profile on the Power scale Typically, people with profiles similar to Sophie's will seem quite modest and, although not likely to pass up opportunities for promotion, they are not especially driven by concerns about status. Usually careful about following procedures and more inclined towards delivering on the expectations of their superiors rather than challenging authority, they may at times seem to be compliant rather than assertive. Sophie would probably consider that there is more to life than work, status and worldly success and is unlikely to value power for its own sake. She probably expects influence over others to be based on technical and managerial competence rather than assertiveness or privilege.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Power Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


8 out of 12



6 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


9 out of 12



9 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


8 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


a mid-point on Sophie's profile. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47 0











Hedonism is a mid-point on Sophie's MVPI profile. This suggests that while Hedonism motives and values are not of particular significance for her, she can probably appreciate why they might be more important for others. Description High scorers on the Hedonism scale may tend to seek out opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment, although the extent to which these motives for pleasure impact on actual work performance will depend on the individual's attitude to hard work and their desire for success. How these values find expression Hedonistic motives are associated with a desire for pleasure, enjoyment, excitement, and variety, and a lifestyle organised around good food, good drink, and having fun. High scorers may be drawn towards occupations specifically involving entertainment and recreation, such as the restaurant, travel and leisure industries, or any environment that allows people to have fun and enjoy themselves. They probably enjoy being with people who are dramatic, flirtatious, impulsive, and the life and soul of the party. It is likely that high scorers are attracted to people who know how to have a good time. Sophie's profile on the Hedonism scale It appears that although Sophie may sometimes be impulsive and perhaps, on occasion, slightly indulgent she will generally put business before pleasure and be concerned about fulfilling commitments. Such people will be considered to be relaxed, informal and fun-loving, but will usually strike a proper balance between work and play and between fun and being task focused. They prefer a flexible work environment that allows managers to set their own priorities, and that recognises the need for employees to balance work with more light hearted interludes.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Hedonism Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


9 out of 12



6 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


7 out of 12



11 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


8 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


one of Sophie's high points. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 92 0











Altruism is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile. Description High scorers on this scale may express idealistic social attitudes and have a compassionate approach towards others. Low scorers tend not to give priority to Altruistic values, perhaps being more inclined to work to their own agenda. How these values find expression Altruistic motives are associated with a desire to serve others, to improve society, to help the less fortunate, and a lifestyle organised around making the world a better place to live in. People with high scores on this scale care deeply about social justice, the plight of the have-nots, and the fate of the environment, and they may prefer to associate with people who feel the same. High scorers value a sensitive, sympathetic and compassionate approach towards others. These motives may be expressed in a caring attitude to clients, staff or society, possibly in careers such as teaching, social work, counselling, and human resources. Sophie's profile on the Altruism scale Sophie will probably be seen by colleagues as kind and concerned about the welfare of others. It is highly likely that she will be interested in social issues, generally being sympathetic to the plight of those who are less fortunate. Sophie seems to be the kind of person who could easily devote their life to public service and good causes. She will probably be most comfortable doing a job where there are opportunities to help others such as in the public services, voluntary organisations or the caring professions. People with this kind of profile are usually idealistic and concerned about social justice. HIGH POINT - implications Altruism is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile: Personal Implications Sophie tends to strive for social justice and fairness, and is probably a compassionate and sensitive person. She is likely to be supportive of new colleagues within a job. Sophie is also likely to be sympathetic to any colleagues experiencing personal difficulties, and will probably play the role of the 'shoulder to cry on'. Work Tasks Sophie is likely to prefer jobs that enable her to provide care to the public, and is likely to be generous with her time. Sophie probably realises the importance of charitable organisations, and would prefer to work somewhere where she feels she will be needed and can help others. Organisational Implications Sophie would be most comfortable in an environment that is ethical, compassionate and concerned about equal opportunities. She will probably like a staff-centred organisation, and opportunities to help others.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Altruism Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


11 out of 12



11 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


11 out of 12



12 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


11 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


a mid-point on Sophie's profile. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56 0











Affiliation is a mid-point on Sophie's MVPI profile. This suggests that while Affiliation motives and values are not of particular significance for her, she can probably appreciate why they might be more important for others. Description High scorers on the Affiliation scale prefer to be with other people and may seek out opportunities for social interaction. Low scorers are not particularly interested in varied social contact and are probably quite comfortable working independently. How these values find expression Affiliative motives are associated with an appreciation of frequent social contact, a feeling of belonging, and a lifestyle organised around social interaction. People with high scores on this scale believe in the value of friendships and socialising, and may enjoy just being amongst other people. These motives may best be expressed in jobs such as sales, public relations, health care and other roles that have a significant social dimension. High scorers probably appreciate variety in their interactions, and are likely to enjoy having many friends. Sophie's profile on the Affiliation scale The opportunity for social interaction may not be a primary motivator for Sophie. However, people with similar profiles usually prefer a work environment that requires at least some teamwork and group processes, and will dislike working alone over extended periods. Such people are often perceived as approachable and friendly. They are usually fairly comfortable with strangers, will be open communicators and are likely to keep others informed and provide feedback to their staff.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Affiliation Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


9 out of 12



12 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


11 out of 12



9 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


10 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


one of Sophie's high points. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 75 0











Tradition is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile. Description High scorers on the Tradition scale will prefer an ethical approach to their work and an environment that respects people and encourages fair play. Low scorers are less concerned about displaying integrity. How these values find expression Traditional motives are associated with a concern for morality, proper standards and family values, and a lifestyle guided by acceptable and well-established principles of conduct. People with high scores on this scale care about tradition, custom, and ethical issues. They believe in the ethics of trust, consideration and moral rectitude, and may value work environments that are likely to promote such standards. Sophie's profile on the Tradition scale Sophie appears to be a rather principled person who has clear ideas about right and wrong and whose approach to life is guided by this moral philosophy. She is likely to have respect for social institutions and established values and will be most comfortable working in organisations that operate within a framework of business standards and principles. Often concerned about tradition, custom, ethical practices and socially acceptable behaviour, people with this kind of profile tend to be even-handed and considerate. HIGH POINT - implications Tradition is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile: Personal Implications Sophie tends to have a need for principles and work ethics, and prefers to work within a structure that shows respect for others and values socially appropriate behaviour. Working in an environment that promotes the equitable and fair treatment of others is likely to be something that is important to her. Sophie is likely to have strong ideas about work ethics and may take a serious approach to her work or life. Work Tasks Sophie probably prefers jobs that do not require her to operate outside of her personal code of conduct. Sophie may be most comfortable in jobs that have a clear framework where there is a degree of clarity and consensus about how the job should be done. This is not necessarily because of a preference for established or structured practices, but rather because having a framework increases the likelihood of transparency, which in turn helps to ensure that people are treated fairly. Organisational Implications Organisations that offer conventional methods of work, or where there is a clear framework of business ethics are likely to satisfy Sophie's preferences. She is likely to be most comfortable within an environment that values integrity.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Tradition Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


9 out of 12



8 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


10 out of 12



9 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


10 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


one of Sophie's low points. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 0











Security is a low point on Sophie's MVPI profile. As Security motives and values may have little appeal for her, she may not always appreciate that others may have a distinct preference in this area. Description High scorers on this scale may find risk and uncertainty uncomfortable and may be reluctant to take chances. Low scorers, while they may not necessarily court risk and change, will probably not be averse to such activities. How these values find expression Security motives are associated with a need for structure, order, and predictability, and a lifestyle organised around planning for the future and minimising financial risk, employment uncertainty, and criticism. People with high scores on this scale care deeply about safety, financial security, and avoiding mistakes. They may enjoy working in an environment that is stable and predictable, and may endorse a careful, conformist approach to work. They may be averse to risk taking, prefer not to take any unnecessary chances, and be uncomfortable in an organisation that is prepared to take risks or to operate in a precarious fashion. Sophie's profile on the Security scale Security appears not to be high on Sophie's agenda and it seems that she may sometimes be prepared to take risks with her career. Sophie may welcome some unpredictability in her work routine and may therefore prefer work environments where a degree of flexibility and initiative are appreciated. Individuals with this kind of motivational profile may appear to others to be somewhat independent and sometimes ready to push things to the limit.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Security Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


4 out of 12



5 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


9 out of 12



7 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


7 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


one of Sophie's low points. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 0











Commerce is a low point on Sophie's MVPI profile. As Commerce motives and values may have little appeal for her, she may not always appreciate that others may have a distinct preference in this area. Description High scorers on the Commerce scale are interested in the commercial side of life, in the opportunity to make money and to gain material wealth. Low scorers are not likely to be motivated by financial rewards or to evaluate people in terms of their financial status. How these values find expression Commerce motives are associated with an interest in entrepreneurial activities, earning money, realising profits, finding Commerce opportunities, and a lifestyle organised around investments and financial planning. People with high scores on this scale care deeply about monetary matters, material success, and income as a form of self-evaluation. They may appreciate a work environment that allows them to express Commerce and financial motives, in areas such as financial institutions, accountancy firms, estate agencies, property development and stockbroking. Sophie's profile on the Commerce scale Commerce activities, money and financial gain appear not to be a motivating force for Sophie. She apparently has an easy-going attitude towards economic and commercial matters. People with similar profiles are not primarily motivated by money. They are relatively relaxed about their financial affairs, probably being more interested in the content of their job, enjoyment of their work and job satisfaction than in material success. Sophie's interest in making a success of her job may reflect a personal or intellectual challenge and she may only become aware of market issues and the Commerce challenges faced by her organisation when they impinge on her directly. Sophie is more likely to be interested in the responsibilities organisations have towards their staff and the wider community than in the commercial and financial challenges that organisations face in the Commerce world.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Commerce Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


7 out of 15



7 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


5 out of 15



5 out of 9

Pref. Assoc.


5 out of 9

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


one of Sophie's high points. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 97 0











Aesthetics is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile. Description High scorers on the Aesthetics scale tend to be interested in artistic and cultural subjects and to appreciate imagination and originality of thought. Low scorers are probably unconcerned about aesthetic issues and may not be particularly tolerant of those with an artistic temperament. How these values find expression Cultural motives are associated with an interest in art, literature, and music, and a lifestyle guided by issues of imagination, Aesthetics, and good taste. People with high scores on this scale care about aesthetic values and creative self-expression, and although they may or may not themselves be creative, they may be most happy in careers with an aesthetic dimension, such as having some association with art, music, advertising, journalism, or entertainment industries. They tend to like people who are independent, bright, original, and artistic. They are, therefore, disposed to tolerate non-conformists and the idiosyncrasies associated with the artistic temperament. Sophie's profile on the Aesthetics scale Sophie's MVPI responses indicate that she has a distinct preference for the artistic, imaginative and innovative over the down-to-earth and practical. She will have a particular appreciation of cultural and artistic pursuits and is likely to hold strong views about good taste. In some cases, people with profiles similar to Sophie's may find that their enthusiasm for the imaginative, the new and the original may make it difficult to concentrate on the dull or the repetitive. Whether or not Sophie is creative or artistic herself, cultural and aesthetic considerations are likely to have a significant influence on her priorities, her decisions and her life. Within the context of work, Sophie will be someone who is aware of her surroundings and who appreciates work place design and decor. Sophie will hold definite views about the appearance and presentation of work products, promotional materials, stationery and all the other elements that contribute to the public image of the company. HIGH POINT - implications Aesthetics is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile: Personal Implications Sophie tends to value the imaginative and original, and is appreciative of artistic self-expression. She is likely to prefer innovation and change rather than routine and predictability. She probably values refinement, quality and good taste in many areas of her life. Work Tasks Sophie will probably prefer jobs that enable her to design and be creative, allowing her to express herself. Sophie is likely to be interested in jobs that allow her to use graphics and presentations of her work. Sophie would probably like to work where she can use a wide spectrum of imaginative ideas and designs to show the range of her abilities, or alternatively, she may simply like to work within a creative atmosphere. Organisational Implications ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Organisations that offer an environment that is stylish, creative and artistically sophisticated and that appreciate the artistic Aesthetics Theme lifestyle are likely to Scores satisfy Sophie's preferences. Sub Themes



Life Style


12 out of 12



11 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


8 out of 12



10 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


11 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile


Science is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 79 0











be worth considering when evaluating her profile. Description High scorers on this scale are usually intellectually motivated and value an analytical and inquiring approach to work and problem solving. Low scorers are perhaps relatively uninterested in pursuing scientific, objective truths and are unlikely to value spending time on establishing the logic of an argument. How these values find expression Science motives are associated with an interest in new ideas, new technology, an analytical approach to problem solving, valuing evidence over intuition and facts over opinion, and a lifestyle organised around learning, exploring, and understanding how things work. People with high scores on this scale care deeply about the search for objective truth and about getting below the surface to solve problems correctly. They may appreciate working with bright and enquiring people and are likely to be interested in new technological developments. These kinds of motives may best be expressed in careers focused on science, technology, medicine and engineering or any area that requires a logical and analytical approach. Sophie's profile on the Science scale A person who views scientific and technical progress as important routes to problem solving, Sophie is likely to give priority to logical and objective analysis. Apparently someone who enjoys generating solutions, Sophie seems ready to embrace new ideas and technology and to emphasise evidence rather than opinion or intuition. Although she may not be wholly dismissive of more speculative or emotive styles of reasoning, she is unlikely to allow these approaches to influence her more rational style of problem solving. HIGH POINT - implications Science is a high point on Sophie's MVPI profile and there are a number of implications related to this scale that may be worth considering when evaluating her profile: Personal Implications Sophie tends to need objective answers to problems, and prefers evidence over opinion. She probably prefers ideas and technology, and is likely to take a logical and analytical approach to problem solving. Depending on how affiliative Sophie is, she may be more comfortable dealing with new technology than people. Work Tasks Sophie is likely to prefer jobs that require her to solve problems, and where she is able to demonstrate her ability to use different types of strategies in order to analyse problems. Organisational Implications Sophie would probably prefer to work in an environment that is structured and well organised. She is likely to feel more comfortable in an evidence-based situation where there are coherent policies on which to base her reasoning. Sophie is probably motivated by an academic or research based environment where she is able to learn from her mistakes and move forward. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ Science Theme Scores Sub Themes



Life Style


12 out of 12



7 out of 12

Occup. Prefs.


8 out of 12



9 out of 12

Pref. Assoc.


10 out of 12

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie Sample's MVPI Profile

IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ The most extreme scores on the MVPI, whether high or low, are the ones with the most significance for an individual. In this section of the report we look at the implications of Sophie's high MVPI scores on her relationships with people who either do or do not share those values. We also describe how Sophie might relate to people who have strong beliefs and preferences that are of little interest to her. The extent to which we have values in common with others will have a profound effect on the nature of the relationships we have with them. Our values are central to our sense of identity and self-concept. From our own view at least, our values define who we are, so it is not surprising if we tend to choose our friends on the basis of shared values, beliefs or preferences. We more often find ourselves in agreement with people who share our values and find it easier to understand their point of view. On the other hand, we are more likely to offend, or be offended by, the views and actions of those with whom we have no values in common. Conflicts of interest, misunderstandings and simple confusion are more likely occurrences between people who have no shared values or where there are extreme differences. The text below reflects the high and low points of Sophie's MVPI profile and describes: (1) the impact Sophie's strongest values have on her relationships with others (2) the blind spots that may occur when Sophie deals with people who do not share her values (3) the lack of awareness Sophie may have of issues that are important to people whose values are directly opposite to her own i.e. when Sophie's low points are their high points. Sophie's values and their impact on others This section describes how Sophie's most significant values will impact on her work style and her relationships with others. Sophie is likely to appreciate colleagues that show compassion, and those that fight for social justice. Sophie probably views staff morale as important, and so treats all colleagues as equals to her. If Sophie is in a managerial position, she would probably prefer to motivate staff by emphasising the importance of development and training rather than by methods of setting challenges. Sophie is likely to relate well to employees that show respect for ethical values and practices. She will probably motivate colleagues by operating a reliable framework of standards and principles that her colleagues can relate to. Sophie is likely to relate well to employees that are able to freely express themselves through design or fashion. She will appreciate those that support creative ideas, and cultural or artistic pursuits. If Sophie is in a position to manage others she will probably motivate the work force by providing a well-designed and informal environment, and by providing opportunities for change and innovation. Sophie will probably better understand colleagues who recognise the importance of scientific and technical progress, and those who have a desire for knowledge. She would motivate the workforce by providing challenging opportunities so that colleagues could demonstrate their abilities. As a manager Sophie is likely to reward colleagues who use their own initiative and knowledge to solve certain problems. Working with others who do not share similar values This section describes how Sophie may be unaware of the needs of people who do not share her most significant values i.e. where Sophie's high points on the MVPI are their low points. Sophie may have a blind spot: > when dealing with colleagues who are not concerned about the welfare of others, or at least not to the extent that it might interfere with their ability to get on with their job or impact on their decision making process. > when it comes to working with people who do not share her concern for fair play and respect for others. > for those individuals who are more concerned with down-to-earth practicalities and in getting the task completed, rather than worrying about presentation or appearance. > when working with people who prefer opinion over evidence and who are prepared to accept more intuitive and less logical explanations for things. Awareness of the values of others This section describes how Sophie may fail to appreciate the needs of people whose most significant values are of no importance to her i.e. where Sophie's low points on the MVPI are their high points.

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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Sophie may fail to appreciate that many people are driven by their desire for advancement and greater responsibility and like to be rewarded when they have achieved certain goals. In contrast to her own preferences, it is important for some people to get ahead and gain greater status within their job, either by title or financial gain. Sophie needs to appreciate that some people require an environment that revolves around minimising risk, uncertainty and criticism. In contrast to her own views, it is important to understand that some people are motivated by the idea of a stable and secure future, and so prefer to avoid risk taking situations and confrontations, finding these encounters unnerving. Sophie may fail to understand that some people prefer to feel part of a successful organisation, and that through their ideas they have contributed to the profits, growth and competitiveness of the company. In contrast to her own preferences, it is important to realise that some people may require a direct and focused manager, who uses indicators such as market success as a measurement of achievement.

Š Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559540

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