Personal Development Sample

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Personal Personal Development Development Report Report

by Psychological Consultancy by Psychological Consultancy Limited Ltd for Sophie Sample [102872-30] [PMUWy74okC6] [16/11/2010 11:04:13] [EG]

© Psychological Consultancy Limited 8 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, TN4 8AS Telephone: 01892 559 540


Sophie Sample

How to use this report ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... The PROFILE:MATCH速 Personal Development Report provides a comprehensive picture of your personality and also considers the implications of this profile for your aptitudes and competencies at work. It will allow you to review your present understanding of your strengths and limitations and give you an additional competency-based perspective. This sharpened focus will enable you to plan a realistic and attainable path for future personal development and career planning. PART ONE 'YOUR PERSONALITY PROFILE' is based on a psychometric interpretation of your responses to the online personality questionnaire. This is a state-of-the-art personality measure that focuses on the distinctive and consistent characteristics that make you recognisable as the person you are - it measures what we refer to as 'the primary colours' of personality. These are the factors that research has identified as the key elements accounting for the way that you will come across to others, the 'you' that other people know. From a career development perspective, it is important to realise that personality has a major influence on what comes easily to us, what we can do well and what we will struggle to do with any degree of consistency. PART TWO 'YOUR COMPETENCY PROFILE' reflects the way that your personality plays out in terms of the varied demands of the work place. In this section of your report, the personality described in Part One is converted into a series of competency ratings using a technique that we refer to as Competency Metrics. In effect, Competency Metrics mixes the primary colours of personality; giving you a rating measured against the optimum blend of personality characteristics for each of the competencies addressed. These ratings indicate the extent to which your combination of personality characteristics would be an advantage or a disadvantage in relation to each of the job competencies discussed. The final page summarises all the Points for Reflection raised in Part Two. These raise various issues about your behavioural tendencies and predispositions that you will need to consider the starting point for your personal development plans.

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Sophie Sample

PROFILE 1: Sophie Sample's Personality Profile ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Your temperament Self-Confident



Self-conscious Self-critical Worrying Passionate Moody Irritable

Composed Serene Unflustered

Shy Socially reticent Reserved

Outgoing Talkative Gregarious


Easy going Not goal focused Not status conscious


Task focused Aloof Insensitive





High self-esteem Upbeat Optimistic

Independent Forthright Uncompromising Impulsive Challenging Unconventional Flexible Unsystematic Impatient with detail Practical Not easily bored Unadventurous


Learn from experience Tolerant of others' mistakes Resistant to being taught


Intuitive Open minded Superstitious

Competitive Energetic Keen to take charge Sympathetic Warm Approachable Eager to please Amenable Acquiescent Conforming Risk averse Rule abiding Attentive to detail Organised Thorough Curious Analytical Big picture perspective Knowledgeable Informed Prepared Logical Critical Prefer reasoned argument

Validity of these results You endorsed 10 items on the PROFILE:MATCH速 Consistency scale. This score indicates that the profile is valid and interpretable.

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Sophie Sample

PROFILE 2: Sophie Sample's Competency Profile ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... The influence of your temperament in the workplace very poor

poor match

average match


good match

very good

✦ 1





Decision Making





























✦ 1




Leadership Potential


✦ 1






✦ 1





People Management

✦ 1





Persuasive Communication


✦ 1






Planning And Organising

✦ 1




Results Orientation






















✦ 1






✦ 1




Strategic Awareness


✦ 1





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Your Personality Profile

Part One ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Part One provides an overview of your personality profile. Your personality will influence the way that you come across to others, the way that others perceive you, and how they are likely to describe you and to react to you. Your personality reflects, for example, how calm you are, how friendly you are, how receptive you are to new ideas and how sociable you are. These are among the numerous personality characteristics that determine how you deal with life, how you get along with other people, what kind of roles you are most comfortable in and how you develop your career. The PROFILE:MATCH速 questionnaire assesses key factors of personality to build your personality profile. Your individual pattern of highs and lows will give you advantages in some situations and disadvantages in others. The benefit of this assessment lies in its ability to help you utilise your talents to the best advantage, and to learn where you need to develop new skills or strategies that can compensate for any limitations. This part of the report illustrates your position on eleven different personality scales - see pages 7 to 17. You can use this information in a number of constructive ways to better understand yourself and to evaluate yourself against the kinds of challenges that you will encounter in earning a living and developing your career. The precise way that any single scale influences your behaviour will depend to some extent on your other personality characteristics, so even people with the same scores on a scale may manifest that characteristic rather differently. Two individuals with high 'imaginative' scores, for example, will display that quality differently if one is a very 'self-confident' person and the other very 'self-critical'. As you go through Part One of the report scale by scale, consider each of the Points for Reflection and respond by circling Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether or not that statement is true for you. Then, in the space provided, make your own notes and observations about how, and to what extent you manifest that aspect of personality. Note where you feel that you differ from the characteristics described under Your Profile, but also consider whether this difference could be due to the influence of other aspects of your personality profile as described above.

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with an individual's self-esteem and the extent to which they are self-confident, upbeat and optimistic - or, conversely, are self-critical, self-doubting, self-conscious, vulnerable and apprehensive.


Self-conscious Self-critical Worrying

High self-esteem Upbeat Optimistic

YOUR PROFILE You are likely to be self-doubting, mistrustful of others, generally worried and anxious. Because of this, you are probably quite apprehensive and unsure of yourself. People with similar profiles are likely to worry about impressing others or giving presentations because they are anxious about expressing their own views and ideas. These anxieties should drive them to be extremely well prepared if required to address a group or perform in any way. Your strengths in relation to this scale include being self-examining, introspective, and vigilant in your concerns about your work performance. You are also candid, honest and very self-aware. You tend to be very demanding of yourself and to be the first to find fault with your performance. Because you are able to be self-critical you are likely to respond very well to feedback or coaching, and you may even be inclined to drive yourself to improve. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that they are so self-doubting that there will inevitably be occasions when their anxieties interfere with their performance. This is most likely where a task requires spontaneity and flexibility rather than a carefully prepared performance. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Do you spend too much time analysing yourself? Y / N · Are you more self-critical than others? Y / N · Do you make unrealistic demands on yourself? Y / N · Do your levels of anxiety ever prevent you from doing things? Y / N · Are you over sensitive to people's opinions of you? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent that individuals are even-tempered, unemotional and remain calm and steady in the face of change or the unexpected - or, conversely, display their emotions and react passionately to events.


Passionate Moody Irritable

Composed Serene Unflustered

YOUR PROFILE You are likely to feel strongly about things and to be passionate and enthusiastic about any issues that engage you - whether in a positive or a negative way. People with profiles like yours 'wear their heart on their sleeve' and may have difficulty in containing their feelings or emotions. Because of this tendency other people may well be aware of your changes in mood. Your particular strengths in relation to this scale stem from the fact that you are likely to be a passionate person and very emotionally expressive, perhaps someone who is likely to display their enthusiasm for projects that interest them. The concern for people scoring at the level achieved by you is that, because they invest so much personal emotion in people, plans or events, they seem passionate and intense and their reactions to disappointment can be highly charged and emotional. Their expectations and demands on others can be burdensome, their moods unpredictable, and their ability to cope with stress may also be limited. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Do you get personally involved and very disappointed when things don't work out? Y / N · Do you feel strongly about people or ideas? Y / N · Are you easily disappointed by people? Y / N · Do you think others may sometimes find you moody and unpredictable? Y / N · Do you find it difficult to hide the way that you feel? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent that individuals are outgoing, gregarious, and attracted towards opportunities for social interaction - or, conversely, are self-sufficient, happy with their own company and relieved to get away from the social scene.


Shy Socially reticent Reserved

Outgoing Talkative Gregarious

YOUR PROFILE You describe yourself as being quite talkative and gregarious. You appear to enjoy the limelight and may even be somewhat exhibitionistic. You seem to be an outgoing and spontaneous person who enjoys meeting new people. For this reason, you probably prefer not to work by yourself. These qualities could be useful for jobs where the quantity of social interaction with others is important. However, they could potentially prove a disadvantage in jobs that provide little opportunity for contact with others, or where social interaction would actually interfere with the levels of concentration and vigilance demanded by the job. One of your strengths is that you are quite outgoing, talkative and gregarious. You enjoy being the centre of attention and like to be noticed. You make a strong first impression and would be comfortable in high profile positions. You are viewed by others as sociable, outgoing and approachable. You enjoy meeting the public and working with new people and value a lifestyle and career organised around social interaction. You are probably comfortable making presentations and relaxed about speaking in public. There are two concerns about people who are as sociable as you. The first is that they may have such a desire for, and enjoyment of, social interaction that they may lose sight of the purpose for their engagement (for example, in a sales role they may devote too much time to poor prospects). Secondly, they may overwhelm their less extravert colleagues with their own more intense need to socialise. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Do you tend to talk more than most? Y / N · Do you enjoy being the centre of attention? Y / N · Are you good at making a strong impression on others? Y / N · Do you ever enjoy talking so much that you forget the purpose for your interaction? Y / N · Do you think you have a tendency to dominate conversations sometimes? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals are determined to make their mark, are achievement oriented, competitive, assertive and energetic - or, alternatively, are relaxed, easy going and difficult to energise, other than in current areas of interest.


Easy going Not goal focused Not status conscious

Competitive Energetic Keen to take charge

YOUR PROFILE You are likely to be at least as achievement oriented as most other people. You are probably quite competitive and should expect to progress your career over time. Although you should be capable of being assertive and energetic, it is doubtful that you will be preoccupied about status and achievement. Your strengths in relation to this scale include being a fairly assertive person who is willing to take charge of a group or project when necessary, while also being comfortable letting others take the lead at times. You are as driven and aspirational as most and will probably have some idea of where you are going in life. You probably strike a balance between living for work and working to live. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that there may be some roles that demand a greater degree of competitiveness and achievement-orientation than would come naturally to you. At times, others may perceive you as indifferent about who takes the lead on projects, and there may be occasions when you don't put yourself in a position where you could exert influence on the situation and make an impact. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Your profile suggests that you are at neither one extreme nor the other on this scale. Comparing your results to those of other people who have taken this questionnaire, it appears that at least 35% of people are more competitive, driven, and eager to take the lead than you while at the other end of the scale, at least another 35% of people are more easy-going, less goal focused and less status conscious than you. YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals are warm, friendly, approachable, sympathetic, forgiving, tolerant and concerned about others - or, conversely, are more remote, cold, aloof, intolerant of others' shortcomings and more task than people focused.


Task focused Aloof Insensitive

Sympathetic Warm Approachable

YOUR PROFILE You are likely to be very warm, informal and approachable. You will show interest in others and readily express sympathy with their concerns - very much a compassionate people person. You will put a high priority on interpersonal relationships and opportunities to converse with and listen to others. Since you are likely to be much more people oriented than task focused, you may at times let concern for others interfere with accomplishing what needs to be done for the business. A strength for you in relation to this scale is that you are a likeable person who is sensitive to the needs of others. You engage others and earn their trust and because of this you will be able to build and maintain friendships and working relationships. You like to help and protect those around you. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that they are so sympathetic to the personal needs of others that they accommodate unreasonable requests and may, paradoxically, put an unfair burden on the rest of the team. They are likely to make poor negotiators and, at another level, may devote too much time to people issues at the expense of efficiency. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Are you more interpersonally sensitive than most? Y / N · Do you enjoy helping other people? Y / N · Do you find it easy to make friends? Y / N · Do you think you ever give in to people too easily? Y / N · Do you allow concerns about people to get in the way of getting the job done? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals have a strong desire to be popular, and are disinclined to criticise others or disagree with them - or, conversely, are outspoken, unconcerned about disagreeing with people, more able to live with conflict and openly express their personal point of view.


Independent Forthright Uncompromising

Eager to please Amenable Acquiescent

YOUR PROFILE You seem very averse to conflict or confrontation. Your priority is likely to be to reach a consensus on any issues and to maintain positive relationships with others. You are likely to be concerned about what others think of you and to view your popularity as an important aspect of your influence. You will probably tend to canvas other people's opinions and consult widely about difficult issues. Such people can have difficulty deciding about the best course of action, being reluctant to impose decisions that would be unpopular with some elements. A strength for people with profiles like yours is that they think staff morale is important and encourage teamwork, co-operation and consensus. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you arises from their eagerness to please and the belief that their influence depends on their popularity. This may make them averse to conflict or confrontation and interfere with their capacity to take decisive action. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Do you take other people's feelings into account when making a decision? Y / N · Do you find yourself worrying whether other people will like your suggestions? Y / N · Do you feel uncomfortable when people disagree with each other? Y / N · Is it important to you to be popular? Y / N · Is it difficult to make the right decision without discussing it with others? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals are conforming, obedient, anxious to comply with rules, expectations and procedures - or, conversely, are individualistic, autonomous, unconventional, risk taking and non-conforming.


Impulsive Challenging Unconventional

Conforming Risk averse Rule abiding

YOUR PROFILE You will be as amenable and conforming as the next person and will generally expect to comply with workplace rules, expectations and procedures. However, you are also likely to recognise the inevitability of change and to value alterations to standard practice or challenges to the established methods as a way of developing the organisation. Your strengths in relation to this scale include being a reasonably compliant and reliable person, but that is not to say you are totally inflexible about alternative ways of doing things. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that they may find it difficult to be flexible or adaptable in situations where they feel uncertain. It is important to remember that, in some situations, rules and procedures are important while in others being able to accommodate change is more important. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Your profile suggests that you are at neither one extreme nor the other on this scale. Comparing your results to those of other people who have taken this questionnaire, it appears that at least 35% of people are more conforming, risk averse and rule abiding than you while at the other end of the scale at least another 35% of people are more impulsive, challenging and unconventional than you. YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals are thorough, planful, organised, attentive to detail and concerned about the quality of their work - or, conversely, are careless and disorganised or concerned that provisions should be sufficient rather than optimal and are the sort of people who have a broader focus.


Flexible Unsystematic Impatient with detail

Attentive to detail Organised Thorough

YOUR PROFILE You are likely to be as thorough, precise and organised as most people and will probably be concerned about the quality and detail of your work without being perfectionistic. One of your strengths is that you are a reasonably organised person, but that is not to say you are rigid or formal. You plan ahead as much as most people and are reasonably careful about your work. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that there may be some roles that require a higher level of precision and attention to detail than comes naturally to you. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Your profile suggests that you are at neither one extreme nor the other on this scale. Comparing your results to those of other people who have taken this questionnaire, it appears that at least 35% of people are more attentive to detail, organised and thorough than you while at the other end of the scale at least another 35% of people are more flexible, unsystematic and impatient with detail than you. YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals are curious, questioning, imaginative and full of ideas but easily bored - or, conversely, are accepting, have narrow interests and can cope with repetitive routines.


Practical Not easily bored Unadventurous

Curious Analytical Big picture perspective

YOUR PROFILE With regard to interests and your general approach to life, the indications are that you have a normal degree of imagination and curiosity. You have as much interest in learning new things as most other people. You probably have some interests and hobbies, but others may regard you as having a practical rather than a reflective turn of mind. Although you may tend to be somewhat wary of new ideas and generally practical in your outlook, this may be balanced by a degree of imaginativeness and originality. However, you are unlikely to find particular fascination in purely speculative questions. Your strengths in relation to this scale include being able to speculate and being interested in ideas, but you can also be practical and down to earth. You have a normal degree of imagination and curiosity and tend to contribute to the strategic planning of an organisation by evaluating the ideas of others. Depending on your level of achievement-orientation you may enjoy taking the visionary ideas of others and translating them into workable solutions. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that they may not always be particularly interested in new ideas, preferring simply to get the job done. Because of this you may lose sight of the big picture and seem unenthusiastic about strategic planning. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Your profile suggests that you are at neither one extreme nor the other on this scale. Comparing your results to those of other people who have taken this questionnaire, it appears that at least 35% of people are more curious, analytical and likely to have a big picture perspective than you while at the other end of the scale at least another 35% of people are more practical, unadventurous and less easily bored than you. YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which individuals are prepared to subject themselves to the discipline of learning from others, whether they want to know a subject, to research issues and decisions and enjoy learning for its own sake - or, conversely, whether they are the sort of person who wants to find things out for themselves, is unreceptive to teaching or to advice, values learning only as a means to an end, may know a little about everything, and is prepared to develop opinions and make decisions without thoroughly researching the issues.


Learn from experience Tolerant of others' mistakes Resistant to being taught

Knowledgeable Informed Prepared

YOUR PROFILE You will probably place a high value on education and have some respect for knowledge. You are likely to make some of your decisions about restaurants, films, books and other purchases, on the basis of reviews or internet research. People with profiles like yours have fairly wide interests and tend to keep up-to-date in their field. Their appreciation of education is likely to be reflected to some extent in their qualifications, their reading and other more studious self-development pursuits. These characteristics are usually associated with being the sort of person who generally likes to be prepared, to be well-informed, and to base their decisions more on knowledge than on gut feeling. One of your strengths is that you seem bright and knowledgeable. You enjoy and value formal education for its own sake. You seek opportunities to grow and develop and value training for yourself and those around you. People with profiles like yours enjoy pushing things through to completion and like to keep up-to-date in their area. The concern for people scoring at the same level as you is that, although they may have qualifications and have wide interests, they may be too concerned to do things by the book and may also be intolerant of others' lack of knowledge or understanding. They may also have a tendency to undervalue input from others if it is based on personal experience rather than on accepted information. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Do you enjoy being taught something new? Y / N · Do you tend to read around your subject? Y / N · Are you the sort of person who researches their holiday or restaurant choices? Y / N · Are you ever critical of others' lack of knowledge? Y / N · Are you sometimes dismissive of suggestions that lack a basis in current knowledge or research? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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SCALE DEFINITION This scale is concerned with the extent to which one approaches situations in a detached, rational and logical way. High scorers will prefer evidence over opinion and prefer research to intuition. They frequently probe the proposals of others to find weaknesses in their arguments. Rational individuals are likely to enjoy this process of critical review and debating ideas with others. Low scorers will be open to many sources of influence, ranging from the arts to superstition and the mystical. They are more likely than high scorers to emphasise fate and luck in their understanding of things and, in some cases, to use commonly understood rituals as a safe-guard against these influences.


Intuitive Open minded Superstitious

Logical Critical Prefer reasoned argument

YOUR PROFILE You are likely to be more open minded than most about causes and reasons for things and will be influenced by ideas and theories that go beyond conventional scientific understanding. For example, you may view orthodox medical treatments as limited and consider that a wider range of factors, including alternative therapies have a contribution to make. The group of people with profiles similar to yours will include those who hold some superstitious beliefs, or who adopt rituals or gestures designed to ward off bad luck. Whether or not you share these views, you may well consider that science is less informative about the human condition than literature and the arts. You probably regard yourself as quite an intuitive and insightful person who gets a feel for people and situations and these perceptions will contribute to your decision making. POINTS FOR REFLECTION The points below relate to your particular score on this personality scale. They will allow you to consider how correct this portrayal is, whether your current self-perceptions are accurate, and what the implications might be for your future development. · Do you tend to over emphasise fate and luck in your explanations of life events? Y / N · Are you open to the influence of opinions and ideas that would be hard to substantiate? Y / N · Do you tend to make judgements on the basis of your gut-feelings rather than analysis? Y / N · Are you attracted by alternative theories whilst ignoring others that are well proven? Y / N · Do you accept proposals or suggestions without sufficient questioning or analysis? Y / N YOUR NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS

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Your Competency Profile

Part Two ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... Part Two considers your personality in relation to selected job competencies. The focus is on the fit between temperament and workplace competencies and the way that your personality is likely to impact on your capacity to succeed in each of the competencies addressed by this report. Clearly, competency in any area is made up of more than just personality. Performance in any role will depend on knowledge, skills and past experience as well as personality or temperament. However, your personality profile will undoubtedly be a critical factor in determining what you can do, what comes easily to you and what you will enjoy doing. When your temperament is an ideal match to a competency, you should be able to develop rapidly, sustain a high performance over extended periods of time and you should enjoy the fact that you can deal comfortably with this aspect of your job. On the other hand, when elements of your temperament are a poor match for any competency, you will find it harder to develop in this area or to maintain the desired consistency of performance. We probably all have to reign in or push the frontiers of our natural inclinations at times, in order to accomplish things that make demands beyond our natural range and, with effort, we may sometimes be able to perform at the required level. However, when striving to compensate in this way there will be a cost in terms of the effort and concentration required and the reliability of our performance. From page 19, each page of the report discusses one of the competencies that have been selected for this assessment. You are strongly advised to get familiar with this format and spend a little time getting to understand where the information within each section is located. Each of these pages follows a similar pattern with a Competency Definition, a Competency Rating, a Your Profile description and, under the heading Points for Reflection, a listing of some characteristics that you may want to consider as potential development points. The text in brackets, after each statement, indicates which of the ten personality scales from Part One is the source of that observation. Cumulatively, over Part Two, this will give you an impression of which aspects of your personality are raising the most issues. A summary of all these Points for Reflection is provided at the final section of the report. An extended description of each PROFILE:MATCH速 competency can be downloaded from the PROFILE:MATCH速 website. Look for 'resources' within the Personal Development part of the site.

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COMPETENCY DEFINITION Concerned with having a systematic and considered thinking style, this competency requires a rational and logical approach. High scorers will value evidence over opinion, be wary of superficial conclusions and will base decisions on a thorough examination of all relevant factors.


very poor

poor match

average match


good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Questioning: So far as being curious and analytical are concerned, you should be about as questioning as most other people. You seem to strike a balance between being analytic and being practical and accepting. Imaginative: Although not especially imaginative or visionary, people with this kind of profile probably draw from a fairly wide frame of reference. Not really a big-picture person, but not narrow-minded either, you are able to look outside the immediate situation and to take different perspectives into account. Rational: You are likely to be more open-minded than most and may sometimes be influenced by ideas that go beyond any logical or scientific understanding. Whether or not you hold un-orthodox views and beliefs, you probably regard yourself as quite intuitive and insightful rather than exclusively rational and objective; a person who gets a feel for people and situations. It is likely that you will sometimes make judgements and decisions based on these perceptions, rather than on a logical analysis of the facts. Evidence Based: You seem to be someone who would keep yourself well informed and have an appreciation of the value of good information. Whilst being influenced by personal experience and other people's opinions, you should also see the benefit of researching issues. Being aware of the limitations of a more relaxed approach, such people will understand the value of having a good factual knowledge base for their analysis when making important decisions. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Are you comparatively unquestioning in your approach and unlikely to challenge established assumptions? Do you tend to focus narrowly on the immediate practicalities of the moment, rather than exploring and analysing the wider picture and a variety of solutions? Are you open to the influence of ideas or theories that would be hard to substantiate, perhaps accepting proposals or suggestions without sufficient questioning or analysis?

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Decision Making

COMPETENCY DEFINITION Having the strategies to capture the key information and a broad enough perspective to see the wider issues, high scorers will also be rational, calm and composed. They should cope with the uncertainty of unresolved questions, and be committed to decisions that advance the ambitions of the organisation.


very poor

poor match

average match

Decision Making

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Questioning: You should be as bright and questioning as the next person. Although possibly wary of purely speculative ideas, this may be balanced by some interest in originality. Your decisions are likely to draw on your past practical experience, as well as being reflective and open to innovation. Informed: It seems that you will be very aware of the importance of good information in relation to effective decision making. You will be naturally disposed to validate your own views and experiences by checking and researching the facts when making decisions, relying on a sound knowledge base rather than on intuition. Self-confident: You do not appear to be a very confident person. However well you actually manage in situations where you need to make an impression on others, you will probably feel some degree of uncertainty or self-consciousness. Any such self-doubts may contribute to a rather cautious approach to making decisions. Compliant: You seem to be as compliant as the next person. You will generally expect to make your decisions within the context of the organisation's values, rules and procedures, and your decision making should not be contentious from that point of view. Rational: You are probably open to the influence of a wider range of theories or opinions than most. This may include a degree of fascination with alternative or unorthodox ideas. You are likely to apply wider rules of acceptability than the usual criteria for what is believable. You may sometimes make judgements and decisions on that sort of basis, rather than on a narrowly rigorous analysis of the situation. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Are you lacking in confidence, indecisive and, as a result, do you tend to rely excessively on the contributions of others in your decision making? Are you influenced by ideas that would be hard to substantiate, making judgements on the basis of your 'gut feelings' rather than from analysis?

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Leadership Potential

COMPETENCY DEFINITION We are concerned here with core qualities that can make a leadership contribution at any level within an organisation. The emphasis is on effectiveness under pressure, determination to succeed, having the vision to think strategically, and being independent but perceptive about others.


very poor

poor match

average match

Leadership Potential

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Composed and Stress Tolerant: You are probably quite passionate in your reactions to events. You will get excited about ideas, people or projects but this enthusiasm will be vulnerable to disappointment, worry or pressure. You may not manage stress well and fluctuating moods may detract from your effectiveness. Determined to Succeed: You are likely to be as energetic and competitive as most other people. You seem to be quite ambitious for yourself and potentially for the business also. You should bring a useful degree of assertiveness and energy to bear in leading others. Strategic and Visionary: It seems that you should be as curious and imaginative as most other people. Although perhaps not particularly visionary or strategic, you will have ideas and opinions and an appreciation of innovative contributions from others. Perceptive: Your interpersonal style is probably very open and receptive. Colleagues should have no difficulty in approaching you with their ideas or concerns. A good listener, and sensitive to the needs of others, your leadership style should be very supportive and accessible. Independent: You seem to lack independence in your views. Very concerned to avoid disagreement and conflict, your priority may be to compromise to maintain harmonious relationships. Worried what others think of you, you may view popularity as essential to your influence. Leadership Style: Great leaders are not always charismatic - many have been modest or self-critical. These factors have more to do with leadership style than with performance. Leaders with profiles like yours do tend to be quite high profile and to enjoy being the centre of attention.They also tend to be anxious so that their leadership style may be tense rather than relaxed; demanding of others and of themselves. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Are you aware of inconsistencies in your moods and emotions that may be difficult or demanding for colleagues? Although seemingly uncompetitive, are there times when you have been able to engage in missions purposefully and to influence and motivate others, or is this an area for development? Are you aware that your down-to-earth outlook may mean that you are not tuned into the wider vision and into more innovative strategies and solutions? Are you likely to get so personally involved with colleagues and their needs and concerns that you would have difficulty in maintaining a purposeful, task-focused approach? Does your need to avoid conflict and maintain harmonious relationships stop you from expressing potentially unpopular opinions? Does your effectiveness depend on making a conspicuous social impact and maintaining a very high profile? Page: 21

Have you learned how to manage your anxieties and self-doubts, so that you avoid being sceptical, mistrustful or overly pessimistic?



COMPETENCY DEFINITION Demonstrating the ability to self-motivate, a readiness to take responsibility for their work and a willingness to take the initiative when necessary. Such people will seem optimistic and energetic and will work to the organisation's goals.


very poor

poor match

average match


good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Ambitious: You seem to be as aspirational as the next person. You may like the idea of personal advancement and greater responsibility, but do not single-mindedly assert yourself. You may be very confident in your particular area of expertise, but not particularly competitive. You probably expect to advance in terms of responsibility and status, but this is unlikely to be an overriding everyday concern. Self-confident: Whatever social impression you create and whatever your desire for success, you are likely to have more self doubts than most. You seem to be self-critical and pessimistic; someone who may therefore be easily discouraged. Your approach to new work demands and opportunities may be somewhat wary, making you appear reluctant or unenthusiastic. You may be most effective when you have time to adjust and to build confidence step by step in relation to new initiatives or responsibilities. Cooperative: You should be as committed to the organisation as most employees. You may not go to extremes of compliance, but should appreciate being recognised as a good organisational citizen and generally be 'on message'. Whatever your contribution, it will usually be channelled purposefully within the framework of the established goals and values of the organisation. Independent: Being very anxious to fit in with others and to maintain harmonious relationships, any initiatives you propose are likely to be uncontentious and to closely reflect the consensus of opinion. You are likely to be very concerned about other people's opinions of you, and anxious that your efforts should not adversely affect your popularity in any way. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Because of self-doubts and uncertainties, do you seem difficult to motivate and a reluctant recruit to new experiences or responsibilities? Does your desire for popularity stop you from confronting difficult issues, or interfere with getting the job done?

Page: 22


People Management

COMPETENCY DEFINITION Having the ability to manage and motivate others effectively. Striking a balance between being task oriented and people oriented and judging where to draw the line in terms of formality and intimacy. Being prepared to deal with issues of performance and discipline when appropriate.


very poor

poor match

average match

People Management

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Assertive: You are likely to be about as energetic and competitive as most other people. You seem to be quite assertive and should be ambitious enough to take on increased responsibility for yourself and for the work of others. You should bring a useful degree of energy to the task of managing staff and motivating them. Composed and Consistent: You are likely to feel strongly about things and to outwardly show your feelings. You will potentially have more variable moods and be more emotional than most. People with this profile can be passionate and enthusiastic, but may also become intense or irritable, and difficult to deal with because they are changeable. On Message: With regard to compliance and getting behind the company mission, you seem as conforming as most people. Whatever your management style, you should generally be expected to comply with workplace rules and procedures. In dealing with performance or disciplinary issues you should balance a willingness to listen to grievances with respect for company guidelines and policies. Agreeable: You are likely to be very friendly, sympathetic and concerned about others. You are very much a 'people person' and will tend to be very sensitive and approachable. Such individuals give priority to personal relationships and are usually good listeners. In terms of people-management style, your tendency to get too involved with others could threaten to compromise managerial effectiveness if not managed in a professional way. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Would your personal lack of competitiveness detract from the energy of your management style and your capacity to influence and motivate? Would you tend to manage in ways that please the employee at the expense of the organisation's aims and goals? Does your irritability and your difficulty in masking your emotions interfere with effective management? Would others be wary or anxious about approaching you because they don't know what to expect? Is your focus so much on 'people issues' that you neglect the basic needs of the organisation?

Page: 23


Persuasive Communication

COMPETENCY DEFINITION To communicate effectively with all levels of the organisation and its clients. To be able to disseminate information clearly and in a form appropriate to the recipient. To express ideas or facts in a persuasive and influential manner and to be determined to convince others of one's point of view.


very poor

poor match

average match

Persuasive Communication

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Determined: However sociable you may be, your profile suggests that you are not especially assertive, but neither are you submissive. You should be at least as achievement-oriented as most other people. Although not especially forceful, you are likely to be quite competitive and capable of applying yourself with energy and enthusiasm. Sociable: You are very sociable and should have a strong social presence. Such people are typically seen as talkative and socially confident. You should enjoy the limelight and being the centre of attention and are likely to see yourself as socially skilled and entertaining. You should relish the social dimension of this competency. Original: Persuasiveness benefits from inventiveness and the ability to think flexibly in order to counter unexpected challenges. You seem to be quite imaginative, perhaps not inspirational, but not lacking in ingenuity either. You probably have quite broad interests, and should seem as bright and inventive as the next person. You can be quite agile in dealing with any objections to your ideas and should hold your own in most situations. Engaging: You are likely to seem very warm, informal and approachable. You will show interest in others and seem sympathetic and concerned. Because you are so interpersonally sensitive and amiable, this may compromise your forcefulness and determination to win the argument or to get your message across. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Are you so amiable that you will fail to confront others or to pursue your purpose with determination?

Page: 24


Planning And Organising

COMPETENCY DEFINITION Having a recognition of the need for procedures, careful planning and co-ordination in order to realise the organisation's objectives. Those who meet the criteria for this competency will seem organised, thorough and conscientious and mindful of the details of projects and plans.


very poor

poor match

average match

Planning And Organising

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Evidence Based: Because you recognise the value of good information, you will usually be inclined to check your assumptions and try to resolve uncertainties. You appear to appreciate the importance of researching your decisions, so your planning and organising processes are likely to be careful and considered. Concerned about Quality: You are probably as thorough and as organised as most people, and are likely to be concerned about the quality and the detail of your work without being a perfectionist. You will strike a balance between the broad and flexible approach on the one hand and seeming rigid or inflexible on the other. Conventional: You will be as conventional and amenable as the next person, and will generally expect to fit in with workplace expectations and to direct your planning and organisational efforts towards organisational goals. Similar people to you generally abide by the spirit of established rules and procedures, even if they are not always compliant with every detail. Reliable: Regardless of whether you have a particular talent for organisation, you are not particularly impulsive or spontaneous and will be no more risk-taking than the next person. You should be steady, consistent and reasonably predictable. Committed: You should be as committed to the organisation as most people, although you are unlikely to go to extremes of loyalty or duty. Even if you view such behaviour as rather outmoded, you should appreciate being recognised as a good organisational citizen. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Are you able to appreciate the need for working arrangements and routines to be planned and well organised? Are you so unrestrained and reluctant to work with established values and procedures that you would prove difficult to supervise?

Page: 25


Results Orientation

COMPETENCY DEFINITION Being able to focus on organisational targets and to think independently about how best to achieve these goals. Such people can motivate others through their 'can do' attitude, often displaying initiative, persistence and optimism.


very poor

poor match

average match

Results Orientation

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Driven: You are likely to be quite competitive, but you are likely to appear purposeful rather than particularly driven or ambitious. People with this profile probably like the idea of personal advancement, but may not particularly assert themselves or show more initiative than others. You are probably as concerned about efficiency and productivity as most other people, but these are unlikely to be overriding concerns for you. 'Can-do' conviction: You seem somewhat self-doubting and unsure of yourself. You will probably present yourself very well, but may be susceptible to pressure and feel concerned and anxious. Typically, such people are inclined to be cautious and tend to focus on the hazards rather than the opportunities. These are characteristics that could influence your resilience in the face of setbacks and your capacity to get the job done. Independent minded: You seem very people-focused and concerned to avoid conflict or confrontation. Such people can have difficulty deciding about the best course of action, being reluctant to impose decisions that could be unpopular. At times, you may prioritise the maintenance of harmonious relationships over the need to address performance issues. Task Focused: Your interpersonal style is probably very warm, informal and approachable, reflecting your strong interest in other people's welfare. Typically, such people are attentive and socially skilled, but their concern for others and aversion to conflict will tend to compromise their insistence on doing whatever is required to 'get the job done'. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Do you have the drive to ensure that work goals are attained and results achieved? Does your lack of assertiveness mean that you have talents that go unappreciated and under-utilised? Do you sometimes fail to make an effective contribution because of your self-doubts? Are you so pessimistic and easily discouraged that you are likely to dampen the enthusiasm of others? Would your concerns about unpopularity interfere with your focus on results and 'getting the job done'? Are you so amiable that you would fail to confront others and have difficulty in making the unpopular decisions?

Page: 26



COMPETENCY DEFINITION Concerned with being sure of oneself and untroubled by doubts about one's abilities, one's viewpoint or one's right to contribute. Such people will be composed, socially self-assured, readily express their opinions, and confident about taking on responsibilities.


very poor

poor match

average match


good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Status-seeking: Whatever your self-esteem, you are not a dominating person. Although ready to show initiative, you won't always rush to take charge of situations and may settle for others taking the lead or making the decisions. The content of a job, the tasks you are involved in and the nature of the business are probably equally as important to you as the status of the role. Commanding: You are likely to be as competitive and keen to make your mark as most other people. Prepared at times to be the focus of attention, you can probably accept the challenge of dealing with groups and making presentations. Nevertheless, people with this profile are at their most persuasive, and get their viewpoint across best, within the comfort zone of a familiar setting. Self-assured: You seem somewhat self-doubting. Regardless of how well you usually present yourself socially, you probably feel anxious or self-conscious at times. Perceptions of your self-confidence may be influenced by a cautious or apprehensive manner. Trusting: You may sometimes be quite concerned about your reception by others. Typically, such people do not always presume that they will receive a warm response. As a result, you may sometimes appear wary or mistrustful. Optimistic: You seem to be rather pessimistic - someone who typically suspects that things may go wrong. Such people are easily discouraged and may seem easily defeated or fatalistic. Composed: You may seem enthusiastic, but more variable in temperament than most. You may sometimes be unsettled by setbacks and be sensitive to apparent criticism. Such individuals may have difficulty in hiding their emotions and this inconsistency of mood may sometimes be uncomfortable for others to deal with. These are all qualities that can be exacerbated by stress and which may undermine any perception of self-confidence. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Does your modesty make you reluctant to take the initiative or to take the lead? Are you reticent about showing off your skills and talents even though you may have much to offer? Do you fail to make a contribution because of self-doubts or fear of embarrassment? Does your pessimism discourage others and dampen your enthusiasm? Do you invest so much personal emotion into your work and working relationships that your reaction to setbacks and disappointments could be highly charged, emotional and visible?

Page: 27


Strategic Awareness

COMPETENCY DEFINITION Concerned with an awareness of the big picture and a reasoned appreciation of the essential elements involved in organisational issues and problems. Such people will have a rational perspective and will appreciate the wider implications of their recommendations or decisions.


very poor

poor match

average match

Strategic Awareness

good match

very good

âœŚ 1










YOUR PROFILE Critical and Challenging: Strategic awareness requires a disposition that questions, challenges and critically evaluates within a big picture context. You seem to be as critical and open to ideas as most people. You appear not to be especially interested in speculative or hypothetical questions, but neither are you solely focused on the practicalities of the moment. You should be as bright and open-minded as the next person, but not perhaps especially imaginative, innovative or strategic. Rational: You are probably open to the influence of a wider range of theories or opinions than most. This may include a degree of fascination with alternative or unorthodox ideas. Whether or not this is the case for you, you are likely to apply wider rules of acceptability than the usual criteria for what is believable. You probably regard yourself as an intuitive and insightful person who gets a feel for people and situations. You may sometimes make judgements and decisions on that sort of basis, rather than on a rigorously logical analysis of the situation. Prudent: You should be as controlled, cautious and compliant in your approach as the next person. Prepared to take some risks, you should also be careful in the planning and implementation of your ideas. Compliant: Your regard for values and history will temper any individualistic or radical tendencies you might have. Such people may challenge the status quo, but not as a matter of course. Whether or not they are imaginative, they are unlikely to break the mould in their strategic thinking. POINTS FOR REFLECTION Each point below relates to your score on one of the personality scales contributing to this competency. It will be useful to consider whether, in the light of your other attributes, such tendencies could be an issue for you. Are you so focused on immediate practicalities that you are unaware of the big picture and wider strategic issues? Are you so unquestioning and conventional in your thinking that you lack the imagination to conceive the radical strategies that may be called for? Are you open to the influence of ideas that would be hard to substantiate, making judgements on the basis of your 'gut feelings' rather than from analysis? Are you attracted by alternative theories, whilst ignoring others that are well proven, perhaps accepting proposals or suggestions without sufficient questioning or analysis?

Page: 28


Points for Self Reflection

The findings described in Part Two are summarised below. All your Points for Reflection are presented here, grouped competency by competency. The competency ratings in this report are based on your personality and a unique combination of personality attributes will have been taken into account in each case. SUMMARY OF POINTS FOR REFLECTION Analytic Are you comparatively unquestioning in your approach and unlikely to challenge established assumptions? Do you tend to focus narrowly on the immediate practicalities of the moment, rather than exploring and analysing the wider picture and a variety of solutions? Are you open to the influence of ideas or theories that would be hard to substantiate, perhaps accepting proposals or suggestions without sufficient questioning or analysis? Decision Making Are you lacking in confidence, indecisive and, as a result, do you tend to rely excessively on the contributions of others in your decision making? Are you influenced by ideas that would be hard to substantiate, making judgements on the basis of your 'gut feelings' rather than from analysis? Leadership Potential Are you aware of inconsistencies in your moods and emotions that may be difficult or demanding for colleagues? Although seemingly uncompetitive, are there times when you have been able to engage in missions purposefully and to influence and motivate others, or is this an area for development? Are you aware that your down-to-earth outlook may mean that you are not tuned into the wider vision and into more innovative strategies and solutions? Are you likely to get so personally involved with colleagues and their needs and concerns that you would have difficulty in maintaining a purposeful, task-focused approach? Does your need to avoid conflict and maintain harmonious relationships stop you from expressing potentially unpopular opinions? Does your effectiveness depend on making a conspicuous social impact and maintaining a very high profile? Have you learned how to manage your anxieties and self-doubts, so that you avoid being sceptical, mistrustful or overly pessimistic? Motivation Because of self-doubts and uncertainties, do you seem difficult to motivate and a reluctant recruit to new experiences or responsibilities? Does your desire for popularity stop you from confronting difficult issues, or interfere with getting the job done? People Management Would your personal lack of competitiveness detract from the energy of your management style and your capacity to influence and motivate? Would you tend to manage in ways that please the employee at the expense of the organisation's aims and goals? Page: 29


Points for Self Reflection

Does your irritability and your difficulty in masking your emotions interfere with effective management? Would others be wary or anxious about approaching you because they don't know what to expect? Is your focus so much on 'people issues' that you neglect the basic needs of the organisation? Persuasive Communication Are you so amiable that you will fail to confront others or to pursue your purpose with determination? Planning And Organising Are you able to appreciate the need for working arrangements and routines to be planned and well organised? Are you so unrestrained and reluctant to work with established values and procedures that you would prove difficult to supervise? Results Orientation Do you have the drive to ensure that work goals are attained and results achieved? Does your lack of assertiveness mean that you have talents that go unappreciated and under-utilised? Do you sometimes fail to make an effective contribution because of your self-doubts? Are you so pessimistic and easily discouraged that you are likely to dampen the enthusiasm of others? Would your concerns about unpopularity interfere with your focus on results and 'getting the job done'? Are you so amiable that you would fail to confront others and have difficulty in making the unpopular decisions? Self-Confidence Does your modesty make you reluctant to take the initiative or to take the lead? Are you reticent about showing off your skills and talents even though you may have much to offer? Do you fail to make a contribution because of self-doubts or fear of embarrassment? Does your pessimism discourage others and dampen your enthusiasm? Do you invest so much personal emotion into your work and working relationships that your reaction to setbacks and disappointments could be highly charged, emotional and visible? Strategic Awareness Are you so focused on immediate practicalities that you are unaware of the big picture and wider strategic issues? Are you so unquestioning and conventional in your thinking that you lack the imagination to conceive the radical strategies that may be called for? Are you open to the influence of ideas that would be hard to substantiate, making judgements on the basis of your 'gut feelings' rather than from analysis? Are you attracted by alternative theories, whilst ignoring others that are well proven, perhaps accepting proposals or suggestions without sufficient questioning or analysis? NEXT STEPS Page: 30


Points for Self Reflection

In order to make full use of all this information we would recommend that you use MATCH:UPTM. MATCH:UPTM is an online facility designed to help you to work through this report and get the most out of it. It will guide you through the personal development planning process and help you to decide which development goals to prioritise. You will also need to consider what would be the best development strategy to adopt for each goal and MATCH:UPTM helps you make these key decisions. A detailed assessment like this can generate a lot of potentially useful information and give you a lot to think about. However, if you are determined to make life altering changes, you need to plan things carefully and realistically - teaming good intentions with realities. MATCH:UPTM is designed to help you achieve this. To find out more about MATCH:UPTM, call 01892 559540 or visit the PROFILE:MATCH速 website at

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