Rtc adventurous type case study

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pcl case study

Adventurous Risk Type Peter is an employee benefits consultant. He will try to get insurance for things that his colleagues might think were uninsurable. For example, if he had a client who wanted to insure an employee with a serious illness he wouldn’t turn them away; he would try to find a way to insure them whilst warning the client of the potential difficulties. Peter takes the view that nothing is insurmountable, he will keep trying to find a solution where many others would give up. He feels, though, that he is a realist. He does have a sense of there being limitations sometimes but this doesn’t stop him from trying to achieve things his colleagues might think were impossible. Peter doesn’t dwell on things; if something has gone wrong he may consider it for 5 or 10 minutes but he will then move on. He is well known for not being reactive to events and he is aware that colleagues may be unsure when he is happy as he is not very demonstrative. If, for example, the team has won a new client, Peter will be happy inside but others may not realize this. Also, he’s very quickly ready to move on to the next challenge. He believes that we learn from both our successes and our failures. In his personal life Peter has been adventurous; he has experimented with drugs, gone to illegal raves, skis ‘like a complete imbecile’, goes rock climbing, runs marathons and he expressed a desire to do a parachute jump.

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