Shaping up to a life in recruitment

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Shaping up to a life in recruitment (Published In The Recruiter, December 2013) IS A CAREER IN RECRUITMENT FATAL ATTRACTION OR A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN) GEOFF TRICKEY INVESTIGATES It seems that people may be attracted to the careers and roles they are going to devote their lives to, rather than directed to them. In some cases, future career paths are established from a very young age (16% from childhood, according to a recent survey). Research confirms that different professions do attract people with a distinctive set of personal qualities. For example, in a recent recruitment project that involved personality assessment of 300 applicants, even though there were four distinct recruitment pipelines, the personality profile for candidates from each was uncannily similar- although distinctly different to the wider population. Not only that, it replicated the pattern of characteristics identified by researchers working with that same profession in 1984 and in another study in 1980. People seem to be attracted by the prospect of working with people like themselves. Is the same likely to be true for recruiters? If people are somehow drawn to a particular occupation, then it seems paradoxical that gaining a clear appreciation of one's own talents and limitations is so difficult But this is an area of rampant subjectivity and selfdeception. Facing up to our limitations can certainly be an uncomfortable experience. On the other hand, we can easily take our own talents for granted; just a commonplace part of our everyday experience. Similarly, distinctive features shared throughout a profession may be undervalued, considered 'normal' or unremarkable. As a result, incumbents steeped in their own professional culture may develop significant blind spots when it comes to identifying what is key for the Job. So, what should we be looking for when recruiting recruiters? Researching the industry and reviewing the content of ads for recruiter roles, as well as referencing against the Job Analysis Survey (JAS), an online tool used to identify the competencies that are most important for any role, six themes recur as characteristics critical for high performing recruiters. Â&#x;ď‚&#x; Firstly, they need to be self-confident; sure of themselves and untroubled by doubts about their abilities, their viewpoint or their entitlement to state their case.

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