What happens when corporate leaders and managers

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What happens when corporate leaders and managers 'derail?' 22nd October 2014

People dictate what organisational culture is, not location, sector or size. Research by Schneider (1987) asserted that ‘the people make the place’; that people are attracted to and recruited into organisations where they think they will fit. Over time, in ways that are outside of individual awareness, organisations maintain the characteristics of the highstatus people within them. As a more distinct culture emerges, the organisation tends to attract and retain people of a similar personality, thus reinforcing the culture. So what happens when corporate leaders and managers start to go off track? What is the impact of the particular derailers that are prominent in different cultures? Bob Hogan, a prominent psychologist and expert in personality assessment, has identified three personality tendencies than can lead to management derailment: • Moving Towards – characterised by acquiescence, ingratiation and conformity

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