The Cabell Standard

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Community newspaper reflects its community and tells its stories.


Support the Huntington Area Food Bank

Let's Fill This Barrel The Barboursville Lions Club and Barboursville Leo Club will be collecting money and food for the Huntington Area Food Bank at Foodfair on Route 60 on Saturday, August 4. They are encouraging customers coming to Foodfair to bring a food item from home or purchase an item or two of non-perishable food to be put into a collection barrel just outside the store. Customers can also make a cash donation. A donation jar will be available on site. Lions and Leos will be there to take your donations throughout the day.

HOW TO REACH US PHONE: (304) 743-6731 FAX: (304) 562-6214

50 Cents

l Volume 114 l Issue 32

District Governor makes Official Visit to the Barboursville Lions Club BARBOURSVILLE -- Lions District 29-O District Governor Donna Pinkerman made her official visit to the Barboursville Lions Club on July 10, 2012. Having attended the Lions International Convention in Busan, Korea, the Governor came to the Barboursville Lions Club with greeting from new International President Wayne A. Madden, of Auburn, Indiana, USA. Governor Pinkerman’s slogan for this year is “GET’ER DONE.’ The governor has a daunting task of working to increase membership in District 29-O. Her goals for the year include increasing membership in each club in the district by a net of one, to in-

crease family membership in each club, to extend Lionism in at

least two communities, to have each club do a special project for

“One Shot-One Life, to eradicate measles around the world, and to have an increase of fellowship between clubs by visitation and possible joint club projects. Club president, Lion Charlie Buzzard, indicated to the District Governor and those in attendance that one of his goals for the year is to win the District Governor’s Award. The Barboursville Lions Club currently has 42 members. However, the club will continue to seek out new members who are interested in serving their community. To learn more about the club, go to its website: e-clubhouse.o rg.sites/Barboursville.

Living Proof Live 2012 Are you ready to see God's Word in a new way? Thousands of women will gather on September 15, 2012 from all over the country and the world to hear Beth Moore’s inspiring teachings through her Living Proof Live Simulcast event. The event offers powerful messages that will challenge and encourage both veteran and first time participants to dig deeper into a more intimate relationship with God. Gather your youth girls grades 11-12, your college age students, family and friends and make arrangements to join together at Milton Baptist Church for this very special day.

Experience Living Proof Live with Beth Moore (and Travis Cottrell) live via simulcast at Milton Baptist Church! Tickets are on sale now for this life-changing bible study and inspiring worship.

Beth's focus will be on the Scripture that God lays on her heart for each individual Living Proof Live event - no two are the same. As she explores the Bible and how it applies to real life, you'll be amazed by her own experiences as a believer, and you'll be inspired to magnify and strengthen your own relationship with God. Beth Moore is a speaker and author of best-selling Bible studies and other books for women. Beth is a woman of purpose, preparation, prayer, and passion. It's apparent in everything she does, from teaching Bible studies at her home church and on her blog

to speaking to the thousands of women who attend her Living Proof Live conferences each year. Where: Milton Baptist Church When: Saturday, September 15th Time: Doors open at 8:30 am Coffee & muffins Registration fee: $25.00 per person; at the Door: $30.00 per person (Lunch is included in registration) T-shirts $12.00 - Sept. 1 Deadline to purchase. Facebook: Milton Baptist Church www.miltonbaptist or Phone: (304) 743-3461 Lisa Legg for more information.


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