Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Readers look for stories that are of particular interest to them and their families… looking for local sports, community events and ‘things to do’. MILTON CELEBRATES 136TH ANNIVERSARY. PAGE 5
Knights undefeated after recordbreaking Homecoming,7034 overWoodrow Wilson By Bishop Nash For The Cabell Standard
MidWWToCS8 / Midland WR Nate Moore tackled by Chase Hancock. Nate had 3 catches for 58 yards. Good performance, Nate. Photo by Jim Parsons. ONA- Homecoming is always a memorable part of the high school experience, but the 2012 edition will be one not soon forgotten. Especially for David Gaydosz. Theseniorrunningbackbrokethe Cabell Midland single-game rushing recordwith328yards,andtheteam's 70 points were a single-game record astheKnightssmashedtheWoodrow Wilson Flying Eagles 70-34. “The offense played really well. It was like whoever touched it had a chancetoscore,”saidCabellMidland head coach Luke Salmons,“It's great asacoachtoseeguyssucceedanddo that.” SEE MIDLAND ON PAGE 16
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50 Cents
l Volume 114 l Issue 41
Salt Rock teacher to appear on Wheel of Fortune By Jack Bailey jackbailey@theputnamstandard.com
SALT ROCK – Salt Rock Elementary School first grade teacher Jessi Pierson will appear on an upcoming episode of the popular television game show Wheel of Fortune. The episode featuring Pierson was filmed in August and will air during the week of Oct. 22. Pierson cannot reveal how she did on the show prior to its broadcast later this month, other than to say she was pleased with the way it turned out. Local viewers can find Wheel of Fortune on WSAZ NewsChannel 3 weekdays at 7 p.m. “I have always wanted to be on the show and have watched it with my Nana since I could read,” said Pierson. “She is the one who inspired me to tryout.”
Salt Rock Elementary first grade teacher Jessi Pierson (far left) will appear on an episode of Wheel of Fortune that is set air the week of Oct. 22. Here, her first grade class offers words of encouragement. Courtesy photo. Pierson tried out for the show last spring, when a traveling “Wheel Mobile” made a stop in
West Virginia at the Mardi Gras Casino in Nitro. She said that she and several other people went to
the local audition and filled out applications to appear on the program. At the local auditions, people were picked at random to come up on stage and play the game. Pierson said that she wasn't picked and thought her chances of appearing on the show were over. However, a few months later, producers contacted Pierson by email and asked her to come for an audition. “One thing on my application form that I think caught the eye of the Wheel of Fortune staff is that I was MissWestVirginia USA 2009,” said Pierson, who went on that year to place in the Top 10 in the Miss USA Pageant, while also winning Miss Photogenic. At her audition to appear on the SEE TEACHER ON PAGE 9
WV Pumpkin Festival Parade, 5-K Run, Oh My! By Trudy Black trudyblack@thecabellstandard.com
The WV Pumpkin Festival Media Dinner, held on September 18th, gave folks a preview of the upcoming Festival. A Horse Show on September 22nd saw riders and onlookers reaching for their jackets as the autumn air turned cool and crisp throughout the evening. Then, early Saturday, September 29th, runners were out in full-force to participate in the 5k run. As the race ended, it wasn’t long before the annual WV Pumpkin Festival Parade hit the streets of Milton… and a parade it was! With bands, various floats,
Cabell Midland Band put on a show for the hundreds of people who came out to see the 2012 Pumpkin Festival Parade. Photo courtesy of the West Virginia Pumpkin Festival. politicians and much more… the 2012 Parade was one NOT to miss. This year, parade-organizers
‘worked it out’ so that area bands could participate in the parade prior to a band competition to be held later that day at Cabell Mid-
land. The 90-minute parade made its way from Pumpkin Park to Route 60, then east where the bands were ‘fed’ into the parade, from there it was back Route 60 west and through town. This year, there was a performance area where the bands were judged. Late Saturday night, following the competition at Ona, winners were crowned. Spring Valley High School won the parade competition, while Capital High School won the field competition and was the overall grand champion for the ‘first ever’ Harvest Champions event. Many of you will ask, “So what’s coming next?” And we can tell you, the best is still to come! All of these various festivities SEE FESTIVAL ON PAGE 8