Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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Hurricane Boys Soccer State Champs
50 Cents Volume 143
l Issue 45
It is Done: Winfield Wins State Title By Justin Waybright justin@theputnamstandard.com
Hurricane Holds GW Until 4th Quarter
The Redskins' defense was strong. Here the players work together to make a big stop early in the game. The defense was able to hold off Gw until the fourth quarter.. Photo by Justin Waybright
CHARLESTON - Winfield now has the best girls' soccer team in the state. Suspense, action and emotion filled every second of the game that got it there. The Lady Generals had to fight hard during its 60-minute match, topped with two-10-minute overtime periods. It was do-or-die time for Winfield and the fans knew it. The sheer power and presence of the Generals' audience was undeniable. Their chants and cheers sounded like thunder rolling throughout the grounds of Coonskin Park. There was a feeling in the atmosphere that something epic was about to take place.
Emotion and reality set in seconds after Winfield wins the State AAA Girls’ Soccer Championship. Tears of joy flooded the faces of many players. Photo by Justin Waybright. The game started with a strong showing from Winfield's
offense. By the end of the first half, the Generals were up by 2.
The Lady Generals played SEE WINFIELD ON PAGE 8
Veterans honored in Putnam County
By Justin Waybright justin@theputnamstandard.com
By Justin Waybright justin@theputnamstandard.com
CHARLESTON -- Hurricane's defense showed up in force against Gorge Washington during the AAA Football Playoffs. The Redskins kept the game SEE HURRICANE ON PAGE 16
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WINFIELD—A flag pole stood high, waving red, white and blue boldly in the afternoon sun. The chilly, fall breeze stretched and wrinkled a flag that, for some, meant the ultimate sacrifice. About 50 area residents gathered under the banner to honor all that it stands for. When the National Anthem was sung, several people with tear-stained cheeks crossed their hearts and saluted. Reverence and admiration filled the patriotic atmosphere during the 5th Annual Veterans Appreciation Day held outside the Putnam County Courthouse in Winfield on November 4th.
Members of the Marine Corps. League conducts a flag folding ceremony during the annual celebration. Photo by Justin Waybright. U.S. Marine Veteran Sam Armstead has attended this November celebration since its sec-
ond year. Armstead enjoys seeing pride and patriotism on display in Putnam County.
The former marine described the importance of remembrance SEE VETERANS ON PAGE 4