Thursday, November 15, 2012
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“Daily Issues Online”
Hurricane Boys Soccer State Champs SEE SOCCER ON PAGE 8
Medicare Education Event Rescheduled for November 16 Healthcare professionals will answer questions about Medicare and discuss upcoming changes to programs that may affect local seniors HUNTINGTON – The “Medicare A,B,C,Ds” event sponsored by Cabell Huntington Hospital’s Senior Services Department and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has been rescheduled for this Friday, November 16, from 10 a.m. to noon in the Harless Auditorium on the campus of Cabell Huntington Hospital. The program will provide Tri-State seniors with useful information about Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, which continues through December 7. Anyone who now has Medicare, will soon enroll in Medicare or assists someone with their Medicare coverage is invited to attend this free educaSEE MEDICARE ON PAGE 16
HOW TO REACH US PHONE: (304) 743-6731 FAX: (304) 562-6214
50 Cents Volume 143
l Issue 45
Putnam County Master Gardeners schedule Annual Wreath Making Class Submitted by Chuck Talbott, WVU Extension Service The Putnam Country Master Gardeners will have two wreath making classes at the Teays Valley Presbyterian Church (304-7576073) at 4122 Teays Valley Road in Scott Depot. The first class is on Monday, December 3rd from 6-9 PM and the second class is on Tuesday, December 4th from 9 AM to noon. The church is beside Teays Manor. The cost of the class is $15.00; different kinds of greenery will be provided to make your own live wreath. Come join in the merriment and display your creative talents for all to see on your front door! Please, remember to bring your own pruners. RSVP to the Putnam County WVU Extension Office at 304-586-0217 to re-
serve a spot. Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Ex-
tension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age,
veteran status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, and marital or family status.
National Forest and WMA Roads Open to Hunters with Disabilities SOUTH CHARLESTON – Physically-challenged hunters possessing a Class Q/QQ hunting permit may hunt on designated roads throughout the Monongahela National Forest, portions of the George Washington/Jefferson National Forest in West Virginia and on selected wildlife management areas, according to Curtis I. Taylor, Chief of the Wildlife Resources Section of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (DNR). “Designation of these Class Q/QQ roads on National Forest
lands in West Virginia is a cooperative effort between the U.S. Forest Service and the DNR,” noted Taylor. “This highly successful program provides hunting access for physically-challenged sportsmen and women, and for the past 20 years these areas have been well received by hunters.” To participate in this program, hunters must possess either a Class Q (resident) or Class QQ (nonresident) permit issued by the DNR. Applications for these permits may be obtained at any DNR office or
hunting and fishing license agent. In addition to the Class Q/QQ hunting permit, both resident and nonresident hunters must possess all applicable hunting licenses and stamps. Nonresidents hunting on National Forest lands must also possess a National Forest Stamp (Class I). Hunters with a Class Q/QQ permit must apply in person at the appropriate National Forest district office or DNR district office and receive a letter of authorization, which must be in the hunter’s possession
while hunting on the designated roads in the program. The Class Q/QQ permit holders may be accompanied by no more than one assistant, at least 16 years of age, when hunting within a designated area. The assistant cannot hunt while accompanying the Class Q/QQ permit holder. Authorized hunters will have access to specific gates via a special lock. While behind the gate, hunters must observe all national forest and/or state SEE HUNTERS ON PAGE 4