The Putnam Standard

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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Community newspaper reflects its community and tells its stories.


Maloney says “Culture of Corruption” Must End


50 Cents Volume 143

“Chopped” Competition at the Putnam Farmer's Market By David Payne Sr.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Maloney speaks with residents at the end of a town-hall-style campaign stop at the Putnam County Courthouse in Winfield Wednesday July 25th. Photo by David Payne Sr. By David Payne Sr.

Bill Maloney is ready for another shot at Gov. Tomblin's job to make West Virginia more businessfriendly and a chance to take on what he calls “Obama's war on coal” the GOP gubernatorial nominee said Wednesday, July 25th, during a campaign event in Winfield. Around 100 people attended the event at the PutSEE MALONEY ON PAGE 5

HOW TO REACH US PHONE: (304) 743-6731 FAX: (304) 562-6214

l Issue 30

The Putnam County Farmer's Market showcased many of its foods, albeit in unusual combinations, at its second-annual “Chopped” competition held at Hurricane City Park on Tuesday, July 24th. The competition is based on the Food Network show of the same name, where contestants must prepare meals for judges that include specific ingredients that normally aren't prepared together. Culloden resident Mike Best won the competition. “It was a lot of fun. I've never

done anything like that. I'm not a professional chef, or anything like that, I'm an attorney.” Best said. The Putnam Farmer's Market was established three years ago to help local producers expand their marketing opportunities Mike Best prepares a dish during the "Chopped" and give local competition at the Putnam County Farmer's MarNichole Lemasters came in second place during the residents a ket in Hurricane on July 24. Best won first place "Chopped" competition. Photo by David Payne Sr. and a $100 prize. Photo by David Payne Sr. SEE CHOPPED ON PAGE 3

Support for Special Needs Caregivers in Scott Depot J o h n a n d Ja n e K i n c a i d k n ow f i r s t - h a n d t h e c h a l lenges people face when caring for a person with special needs. Their experiences with one of their now adult-children has been the inspiration for the start of a new support group in Scott D e p o t , W V. Many resources, both public and private, are available for children and older adults with special needs. How e v e r, m o s t c a r e g i v e r s f o r these precious children and adults find themselves alone to face the challenges involved in providing quality care. The challenges include not only the daily care for

their child or adult, but also the struggle to work with the various doctors, school programs, and maze of social agencies and gover nment pro-

grams to get the aid and assistance they critically need. There are big issues to face but sometimes the simple scheduling of a

quiet evening out with your spouse or finding someone to tend to your child or adult while you attend a funeral can be a major undertaking. The Special Needs Caregiver Support Group's mission is to help the caregiver so that they may be in a better position to help their child or adult in need. This group provides a monthly opportunity to share ideas, lend emotional support and provide useful informal and formal information not only from professionals, but also from caregivers who have "been there and done that". The group SEE CAREGIVERS ON PAGE 3


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