Eye on Al-Aqsa Mosque

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Contents •

Foreword ............................................................................................... 4

Introduction ......................................................................................... 6

Status of Al-Aqsa Mosque & Jerusalem in Islam ............................... 7

Brief History of Al-Aqsa Mosque ........................................................ - From Prophet Ibrahim until Prophet Solomon (PBUT) ................... - After Prophet Solomon (PBUH) until Persian Empire ...................... - From Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Era until Before Crusaders ............................................................................................ - From Crusaders until Ottoman Empire ............................................. - In the Modern Era ...............................................................................

9 9 10 11 12 13

Landmarks of Al-Aqsa Mosque .......................................................... 14

Judaization of Jerusalem ...................................................................... - Judaization of the Old City .................................................................. - Settlements Expansion ........................................................................ - Displacement of Jerusalemites ............................................................ - Apartheid Wall .................................................................................... - House Demolitions .............................................................................

Chronology of Israeli Assaults Against Al-Aqsa Mosque .................................................................................................. 23

18 18 19 21 21 22

• Our Responsibility towards Al-Aqsa Mosque .............................. 28 • Endnotes ............................................................................................... 30



Foreword In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious the Most Merciful It is a known fact that Jerusalem has always been the indicator of the state of the Muslim Ummah; if the city was free and dignified the Ummah would certainly be strong, but if it is occupied by enemies of the Ummah, the Ummah must then be weak and divided. If the Ummah is to restore its unity and strength, Jerusalem has to restore its freedom and dignity. In fact, one of the best things about Jerusalem is that it can act as a uniting issue for the whole Ummah. There is no banner under which the Muslim Ummah can overcome its cultural, political, ethnic and sectarian differences and unite better than the banner of Jerusalem. Over their long course of history, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque were never honored like they were honored under Islamic rule. Throughout the eras of the Rashidun, the Umayyads, the Abbasids, the Ayubids, the Mamluks and the Ottomans, people of all faiths had the full freedom to worship in Jerusalem. This was not the case during other reigns. The crusaders, who ruled Jerusalem for over a century, turned the Mosque into a horse stable. The British, who ruled Palesitne from 1917 until 1948, tortured Arab Jerusalemites and expelled the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. The Israeli Authorities, who currently control Jerusalem, have been working day and night to Judaize the city and transform Al-Aqsa Mosque into a Jewish temple. Bearing this fact in mind, each and every Muslim should do his/her best to end Israeli occupation of Jerusalem and Palestine. It is needless to re-emphasize that Al-Aqsa Mosque belongs to Malaysians as much



as it belongs to Palestinians. Liberating Al-Aqsa is hence the responsibility of all Muslims and all free people of this world. Finally, it is essential if we want to work for Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem to know the relevant facts about them. This booklet serves the purpose of highlighting the main facts about and issues of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque. It also offers some practical steps and measures to be considered if one decided to act for the sake of this noble cause. Muslim Imran, Chairman of Board of Directors, (PCOM)



Introduction Al-Aqsa Mosque, is the third holiest site in Islam, the first Qiblah and the second mosque built on earth. Al-Aqsa is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. Jerusalem (Bait Al-Maqdis) and its holy mosque “Al-Aqsa� have fallen in the clutches of the Zionist occupation in June 1967, and since then, the Israeli occupier has been striving to obliterate their Islamic identity and impose a Jewish nature on the holy city, as well as the preparations being made by the extremist Jewish organizations to build the so-called Third Temple (Al-Haykal) on the ruins of Al-Aqsa. During the past few years, the Israeli occupation has escalated its measures against Al-Aqsa Mosque to impose a fait accompli, where thousands of Israeli extremists stormed Al-Aqsa compound to declare their intentions openly, to stress the alleged right of the Jews to the holy place and to pave the way for dividing it between Muslims and Jews as they have done to the Abraham Mosque in Hebron city 20 years ago. At the same time, Palestinians who are below 50 year-old are denied access to Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. These escalations against Al-Aqsa Mosque come along with tens of tunnels being dug under its foundations exposing it to collapse anytime. On the other hand, the Israeli authorities have escalated their attack against the Jerusalemites who are considered as the protection shield for Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, where thousands of their houses were demolished, their lands were confiscated and thousands were expelled out of their holy city. The following sections of this booklet stress the right of Muslims to Al-Aqsa Mosque and present its history, status in Islam, structure and landmarks, the Judaization project and the chronology of Israeli assaults against it. Besides, this booklet suggests means and mechanisms to support Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem.



Status of Al-Aqsa Mosque & Jerusalem in Islam 1

There are many verses in various chapters that give an indication as to the status of Jerusalem in Islam, notably Surah Al-Isra’ (The Journey by Night): “Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).”2 wherein Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to Heaven in 621 CE. Moreover, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Saddles should not be prepared except for three mosques—Al-Haram Mosque (in Mecca), my mosque (in Medina) and Al-Aqsa Mosque (in Jerusalem).”3 The Prophet (PBUH) added: “Prayers in Al-Haram Mosque are equal to 100,000 prayers; in my mosque 1,000; and in Al-Aqsa 500.”4 In another incident at the time of the Prophet, Abu Thar (may Allah be satisfied with him) asked Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) “Which mosque had been built first? The Prophet replied: “Al-Haram, then Al-Aqsa was built 40 years later.”5 In another Hadith (a report conveying the sayings, actions or the approvals of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) Abu Umama Al-bahily said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “There are still a group of Muslims victorious by Right and superior to their foes until the Orders of Allah come.” When asked where are they, the Prophet replied: “In Jerusalem and its neighbourhood.”6



These aforementioned texts clearly show that Al-Aqsa Mosque is the location of the ascent of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him; the first kiblah for Muslims; one of the three holy mosques to be visited; the second mosque to be built on earth; and a holy and sacred place where the reward for good deeds and actions are multiplied and sins are forgiven. Muslims strongly believe that Jerusalem and its surrounding neighbourhood is holy land which can never be given up because it is a part of their faith. Muslims are the only people who believe in all the Prophets (peace be upon them all) from the time of Adam through to Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). Thus, all Muslims are obligated to defend all religious places wherever they are. Muslims have always viewed Jerusalem as a holy place which must be defended as it is similar to Mecca in its holiness and has been for more than 14 centuries. These places must be protected given that Abraham, the Father of all Prophets (peace be upon them all), had built the Kaaba in Mecca and thereafter moved to Palestine where he passed away and was buried in Hebron near Jerusalem. Muslims will never forget that they used to pray toward Jerusalem in the early stages of Islam before Allah ordered it to be changed to the Holy Shrine in Mecca. On the other hand, Muslims still consider the places where God spoke to Moses; where David and Soloman repented to God and where the mountains and birds had been put in their service; where Issac asked his sons to bury him; and where Christ was born, spoke in the cradle, the banquet was descended from the Heavens, where he was raised to the Heavens and where Mariam passed away, as holy places to be guarded. This is the real and sincere attitude of all Muslims toward Jerusalem, which shows their appreciation and respect for all Prophets and their holy places as an immense historical and religious responsibility.



Brief History of Al-Aqsa Mosque From Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) until Prophet Solomon (PBUH) 7 The father of all the believers of Allah (God), i.e. Jews, Christians, and Muslims is Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham, PBUH). He (PBUH) rebuilt the Kaaba in Mecca with his firstborn son Ismael (PBUH). This was an order from Allah that Ibrahim and Ismael (PBUH) reconstruct this Holy House of Allah as a place of worship for all the believers on earth. Ismael (PBUH) was 17 at the time he and his father rebuilt the Kaaba. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), a descendent of the Prophet Ismael (PBUH), would come nearly 2,500 years after Kaaba was rebuilt and repurify it as a holy place of worship according to the teachings of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH). Forty years after the reconstruction of Kaaba, Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) expanded this place of worship and established a place of worship in Jerusalem. This place would later be known as The House of Allah or “Beteyel”. Ibrahim (PBUH) referred to Beteyel as “Al-Aqsa Mosque”, which means the farthest place of worship northwest of Kaaba in Mecca. Isaac (PBUH), Prophet Ibrahim’s (PBUH) younger son, worshipped in Al-Aqsa, but also made journeys to Kaaba in Mecca for Hajj (Pilgrimage) as did Ibrahim (PBUH). Jacob (PBUH) the second son of Isaac (PBUH), extended Al-Aqsa as a place of worship for all the believers of Allah in the region. The natives of the land, the Palestinians, believers in the teachings of the Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), also worshipped in Al-Aqsa or “The House of Allah”. Some years later, Prophet Joseph (PBUH), the son of Jacob (PBUH) attained a high position of power in Egypt, he sent for all of his family to come live with him in Egypt away from the pov-



erty of Palestine. There were 33 in all, Jacob (PBUH), his children and his grandchildren. Because there was no one left from Jacob’s (PBUH) tribe to care for Al-Aqsa, Jacob (PBUH), entrusted care of Al-Aqsa Mosque to the natives of the area, the Palestinians. This was acceptable due to the fact that the natives were also followers of Ibrahim PBUH. The Israelites (Jacob’s Tribe) remained in Egypt for four hundred years with no connection to Palestine, the land from which they immigrated. This choice was not forced on them; they simply chose to leave Palestine for the sake of the wealth and riches in Egypt. In the time of Prophet Moses (PBUH), the Israelites were slaves to the Egyptians. Allah ordered Moses (PBUH), after freeing the Israelites from bondage, to lead them to Palestine. The Israelites rejected this order from Allah, and preferred to live in the desert of Sinai, rather than to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah. They believed this land belonged to the Palestinians, the natives of the area. For 40 years, the Israelites wandered in the desert of Sinai. A new generation was born, and from it came forth Prophet David (PBUH), he would lead this generation of believers to Palestine. Prophet David (PBUH) established his kingdom in part of Palestine, and controlled Jerusalem. His son, Prophet Soloman (King Solomon) (PBUH) rebuilt Al-Aqsa Mosque with the help of the natives, and next to it he built the ruler’s palace. After Prophet Solomon’s death, his two sons divided his kingdom amongst themselves. Each son established his own kingdom and each had its own capital. According to Jewish history, these kingdoms existed for nearly two hundred years. After Prophet Solomon (PBUH) until Persian Empire 8 In 586 B.C., the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed what King Solomon had built in Jerusalem. After seventy years of slavery in Babylon, King Cyrus of Persia gave the Israelites their freedom. At that time very few of the Israelites returned to Palestine. These few Israelites worshipped only in The House of Allah or “Al-Aqsa”. During the period when the



Roman Empire was in constant battle with the Persian Empire, the Israelites aided the Persians, and benefited when the Persians had control of Jerusalem. Because the Israelites supported the Persian Empire as spies and in other ways, the Romans treated them as enemies of the Roman Empire. In 70 A.D., the Romans destroyed (burned) The House of Allah, and converted it into a place of Roman idol worship (Jupitor, etc.). In 315 A.D., when the Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, the Romans had no regard for The House of Allah. It became a place where the inhabitants of Jerusalem, including the Jews threw their garbage. The Jews no longer considered The House of Allah a Holy Shrine. The Persian Empire defeated the Romans in 614 A.D., the Jews were now able to worship where they wished, but choose not to worship in The House of Allah. The Persians controlled Jerusalem until 624 A.D. The Jews, who were in a position of power during this period, tortured the Arab Christians. Jerusalem was in need of a just ruler. Both the Christians and the Jews had suffered under different empires, and both knew that the Holy Scriptures promised the coming of a ruler to save them from all this unjust torture and aggression. From Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Era until Before Crusaders 9 The Israelites were awaiting the coming of the Messiah, who would be king and ruler, and would defeat all the evil empires, as promised by Allah. The only Prophet in history to have accomplished this task was Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his fol-



lowers defeated all the empires of the time, establishing the Islamic State throughout the region. In 621 A.D., Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ascended to the heavens in the night known as “Isra and Miraj� to the Muslims. In that night, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) led all the Prophets of Allah in prayer in Al-Aqsa Mosque. In 637 A.D., the Christian leader of Jerusalem, Snaifors, realized through the holy Scriptures (Zeckariah 9,Verses 9 and 10), that the second leader of the Islamic State, Umar Ibn Al-Khatab, fits the description of the one who would open Jerusalem and free it from the evil empires. Snaifors surrendered peacefully. Umar Ibn Al-Khatab and the Muslims, after securing Jerusalem, again established Masjid Al-Aqsa as a holy place of worship. Both the Christians and the Jews were pleased with the arrival of Umar and the Muslims, and with the just rule under the Islamic State. Al-Aqsa was reconstructed by the Ummayad Caliph Abd Al-Malik and finished by his son Al-Walid in 705 A.D. Their era witnessed the building of the Qibli Mosque and the Dome of the Rock which is considered as one of the best Islamic landmarks. From Crusaders time to Ottoman Empire Jerusalem was captured by the Crusaders in 1099, during their time, Crusaders used Al-Aqsa Mosque as a stable for horses.



Sultan Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi succeeded in re-conquering Jerusalem in 1187, then, several renovations took place at Al-Aqsa Mosque. Salahuddin has added the Minbar (pulpit) of Sultan Nur Al-Din to Al-Aqsa Mosque in November 1187, although the Minbar was constructed in 11681169 and completed after the death of Nur al-Din. After the Ottomans assumed power in 1517, they did not undertake any major renovations or repairs to the mosque itself, but they did to the Noble Sanctuary as a whole 10. In the Modern Era Britain occupied Jerusalem in 1917 and facilitated the migration of Jews to Palestine paving the way for the establishment of a Zionist entity. 78% of the Palestinian lands were occupied by “Israel� in 1948 followed by the occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestinian lands in 1967. Since then, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque have undergone systematic Judaization measures to turn their Islamic identity into a Jewish one.



Landmarks of Al-Aqsa Mosque Al-Aqsa Mosque is the whole area surrounded by the wall and located in the southeastern part of the old city of Jerusalem ÂŤBait Al-MaqdisÂť, with a total area of 144,000 square meter. The boundaries of Al-Aqsa Mosque are shown in red colour in the picture below:

15 17 19

20 27 21









4 1 7

3 25



Below are some of the key landmarks of Al-Aqsa Mosque, however, there are many other landmarks (i.e., schools, fountains, domes and arches) that are not highlighted in this picture. Mosques: 1. Qibly Mosque. 2. Dome of the Rock. 3. Marwani Mosque. 4. Old Aqsa Mosque. 5. Al-Buraq Mosque.


23 22


6 8


6. Moroccans Mosque. 7. Women Mosque. Minarets: 8. Moroccans Minaret. 9. Chain Minaret. 10. Ghawanmeh Minaret.

11. Al-Asbat Minaret. Gates: 12. Al-Asbat Gate. 13. Gate of Remission. 14. Darkness Gate. 15. Ghawanmeh Gate.


16. Inspector Gate. 17. Iron Gate. 18. Merchants Gate. 19. Ablution Gate.

20. Chain Gate. 21. Moroccans Gate. 22. Mercy Gate. 23. Funerals Gate.



24. Single Gate. 25. Double Gate. 26. Triple Gate. 27. Al-Buraq Wall.




























AL-AQSA.. Tomorrow will be FREE..





Judaization of Jerusalem The Judaization of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa by “Israel” has become obvious for everybody through the continuous actions perpetrated by the Israeli government and the Jewish organizations. The Israeli authorities have taken a series of Judaization measures since the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967 up till today. These measures have been escalated and intensified in the recent years to accelerate the work on their malicious plan that aims at building the so-called Third Temple (Al-Haykal) on the ruins of Al-Aqsa and announcing Jerusalem as the united capital for their state. The following are some of the Judaization measures taken by “Israel”: Judaization of the Old City 11: The Israelis seek to change the Islamic identity of Jerusalem’s Old City to a Jewish identity and to erect a sacred Jewish city parallel to it. This plan is called (Jerusalem First). This city extends below Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Silwan suburb in parts of the Islamic Quarters, and in Al-Sharaf neighbourhood “the Jewish Quarter” in the Old City. It is connected to a group of gardens, parks, museums and archaeological sites, set-up above ground in the periphery of the Old City. It extends south of the Old City where Silwan Suburb is situated, and to its east where the Mount of Olives and al-Tur suburb. Israel calls the plan to erect the Jewish city “the Holy Basin Plan”. Excavation operations and archaeological digs are most active at Al-Aqsa Mosque and in Jerusalem’s Old City. The Israeli excavations were never directed at learning the



truth as much as at proving Jewish claims and trying to find evidence of the Torah’s corrupted accounts and Israeli historical narrations. They purposely obliterated discovered Islamic relics, changed the location’s features and falsified its original identity. The number of Israeli excavations has exceeded 60, and they revealed Islamic, Byzantine, Roman and Jebusite relics. A city of tunnels was formed that sometimes goes as deep as 40 meters below ground; this poses a threat to the foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Israeli government continued its Judaization policy by announcing plans to build 10 synagogues. The most notable Israeli achievement in this regard during 2009 was the opening of the Hurva Synagogue, which is an immense synagogue located in al-Sharaf neighbourhood to the west of Al-Aqsa Mosque. It hides Al-Qibli Mosque completely from the view of the person looking at it from the west. Furthermore, the Israeli Jerusalem Municipality started erecting the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem on the Ma’manullah Cemetery grounds, situated west of Jerusalem’s Old City. The cemetery contains the remains of a number of Prophet Muhammad’s companions and their successors, as well as thousands of scholars and martyrs. On the other hand, Israeli authorities continue their infringement upon Jerusalem’s cultural and historical identity through the Government Names Committee,” which undertakes the renaming of places, sites and streets, according to alleged Zionist, historical, or corrupted Torah considerations. Settlements Expansion: In support of implementing the Greater Jerusalem Plan, Yisrael Katz, a member of the Knesset from the Likud Party presented a draft of a law to incorporate the settlements present outside Jerusalem’s municipal limits (Ma’ale Aduniim, Giv’at Ze’ev and the Gush Etzion area) and place them under the municipality’s control. This is not a new proposal, for it was previously presented by the former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon



and Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz. This plan separates East Jerusalem and numerous Palestinian concentrations completely from the WB, and from all sides. It also annexes vast Palestinian lands and places them under Jerusalem’s control, and cuts off geographic continuity between Jerusalem and West Bank 12. Several other expansion projects are being carried out by Israeli authorities to achieve the greater Jerusalem Plan, such as; building of 300 housing units in Abu Dis area named (Kidmat Zion), 307 more unites in Jabal Abu Ghneim, 150 units near Jabal Al-Mukabbir, 440 units in Armon Hanatziv south of Jerusalem, 11-13 thousands units on the lands of Qalandia, and 1960 units in the Ramat Shlomo settlement established on the lands of Shu’fat Village. Moreover, the Israeli government has announced the confiscation of 2000 donums of the Al-Walaja Village lands to establish a new settlement named (Giv’at Yael). After Annapolis Peace Conference, during the period (4/12/2007 – 12/2/2008), Israeli authorities issued tenders to build 31990 housing units in the settlements of Jerusalem. Besides, Building Plan No.5834A was also announced concerning the Giv’at Hamatos settlement, established on the land of Beit Safafa Village, on an area of 411 donums 13. In November 2011, the Israeli Ma’ariv Newspaper revealed a plan by Jerusalem Municipality to build over 60000 housing uinits in Jerusalem’s settlements within the next 20 years , 28000 of them during the next 5 years 14. The year 2012 witnessed the approval of 6932 housing units, while tenders to build 2386 more units were issued 15. Furthermore, the Israeli authorities have approved the construction of 4,000 housing units in east Jerusalem, since the return to negotiations in July 2013 16.



Displacement of Jerusalemites: Successive Israeli governments have worked on implementing the recommendation of the Ministerial Committee for Jerusalem Affairs of 1973, headed by Golda Meir, which decreed that the Palestinian population of Jerusalem should not exceed 22% of the city’s total population. That is why Israel resorted to the use of various means to implement this recommendation, the last of which was revoking the IDs of Jerusalem’s Arab residents 17. The Israeli authorities have withdrawn the IDs of around 15,000 Jerusalemites since 1967 (40% of them in the last 5 years only). Moreover, the Israelis have imposed heavy taxes on the Jerusalemites, such as; income tax and property tax, to force them out of their city. In 2010, the Israeli authorities invoked “breach of loyality to the state of Israel” in order to withdraw the IDs of three members of Palestinian Legislative Council and a former Palestinian Minister of Jerusalem Affairs. Apartheid Wall 18: Erecting the Separation Wall around the West Bank reflects an aspect of the Zionist isolationist mentality, which is a product of Israel’s security worries and its fear of the native inhabitants, i.e., the Palestinians. In that, it does not differ from the mentality of white settlers in South Africa. That is why the Wall reminds of the apartheid policies previously adopted by the white regime there. Perhaps the most important objective of the Wall is to implement the plan of Judaizing Jerusalem by confiscating its lands and surrounding it with rings of walls and settlements that strangle it and isolate it from its Arabic and Islamic environment. Thus, this wall is not only a security wall, but also a demographic, political and economic one. In Jerusalem, the Wall’s path extends about 167km, with Israel erecting the Separation



Wall around Jerusalem and seeking to confirm it, in its peace settlement with the Palestinians as the final borders, 163 km2 of the lands of East Jerusalem on which the largest Jewish settlements are located will be added, Thus, the area of land that Jerusalem will encompass behind the Wall will become 289 km2. House Demolitions: The number of Palestinian demolished houses in Jerusalem has exceeded 24,000 houses since the occupation of Jerusalem in 1967 19. In September 2013, Euro-Mid Observer for Human Rights revealed that onethird of the Palestinian-owned houses in Jerusalem face demolition under the pretext that applications for building permits were incomplete 20. The plans concerning regulation and building in Jerusalem were made for the sake of limiting the Jerusalemites’ population and constructional growth. This state of affairs compelled the Jerusalemites to build without permits, thus subjecting their homes to the threat of demolition. The prospect of a Jerusalemite obtaining a building permit is an almost impossibility. For the cost of a permit, it may go as high as $30 thousand, in addition to the length of time it takes to obtain one. According to present regulations, the area available for building in Jerusalem does not exceed nine thousand donums of a total of 72 thousand donums; building within these available areas requires obtaining the necessary permits that take an average of three years for a single apartment. As for the average number of building permits granted annually to the Arab population, it does not exceed 200 permits 21.



Chronology of Israeli Assaults Against Al-Aqsa Mosque (1967 – 2013)


The following are only some of the major Israeli assaults against Al-Aqsa Mosque since its occupation in June 1967 till today, where the holy Mosque witnesses daily desecration and aggression by Israeli extremists: June 1967: Israeli army bulldozers wantonly demolished the Maghariba and alSharaf neighborhoods, leveling them to the ground. The Palestinian inhabitants of the two neighborhoods were expelled unceremoniously at gunpoint. All in all, 135 houses, two mosques, and two religious schools or Zaouias were destroyed and completely obliterated. April 1968: Israel confiscated the Magharibah (Moroccans) neighborhood for “public use” and built on the site a large plaza in front of the Buraq Wall. 21 August 1969 An Australian Christian Zionist, bearing the name Michael Dennis Rohan, set fire on the interior of Al-Aqsa Mosque, probably using flammable substance. The huge fire he set quickly and completely gutted the ancient exquisite minbar of Sallahuddin. 1970: Israeli occupation authori-



ties began intensive excavation works right beneath the mosque on the southern and western sides, and in 1977, the digging continued and a large tunnel was opened beneath the women’s prayer area. 1979: A new tunnel was dug under the mosque, going east to west. 2 March 1982: An armed Jewish terrorist, a Talmudic student, attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Chain Gate after assaulting Muslim guards. Eventually, the terrorist was overpowered, thus preventing the occurrence of a potential massacre. 11 April 1982: A Jewish American terrorist, who was also an Israeli soldier, by the name of Allan Goodman, entered the Dome of the Rock and started firing randomly at Muslim worshipers. Dozens of people were killed and injured. 27 April 1982: Jewish terrorist leader Meir Kahana, along with a hundred of his followers, stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, carrying a large diagram of the Temple which he was planning to build “on the ruins” of Al-Aqsa Mosque. 27 January 1984: Two waqf guards saw two Jewish terrorists fleeing near the Golden Gate, the two left behind ladders, 13 Kg of explosives and 21 Israeli-manufactured grenades.



29 March 1984: The Israeli archaeological department of the Ministry of Religious Affairs dug a tunnel, one meter in length and two meter in width and ten meters deep near the western part of Al-Aqsa Mosque, endangering the Islamic Council building. 1 August 1984: The Al-Aqsa security guards discovered another group of Jewish terrorists preparing to blow up the Mosque. Sheikh Sa’ad al Din al Alami, the Mufti of Jerusalem, said “Had it not been for the protection of God, the whole mosque would have been completely obliterated”. On the same day, a Jewish terrorist by the name of Yosef Zeruya was convicted of plotting to blow up the Dome of the Rock Mosque and sentenced to 3 years in jail. 8 October 1990: Israeli “border police” soldiers murdered as many as 22 Palestinians and injured more than a hundred others during a protest triggered by an attempt by Jewish extremists to lay the cornerstone for a Jewish temple in Al-Aqsa compound. September 1996: The Israeli occupation authorities opened a large ancient tunnel beneath Al-Aqsa, sparking off bloody clashes with Palestinians throughout the West Bank in which 57 Palestinians and 16 Israelis were killed. December 1997: Jewish terrorists tried to toss a pig’s head into Al-Aqsa compound. 28 September 2000: Ariel Sharon, then opposition leader, carried out a deliberate provo-



cation when he led hundreds of Israeli soldiers into Al-Aqsa Mosque esplanade in order to “underscore Jewish rights�. The next day, the Al-Aqsa Intifada broke out. 7 February 2007: Israeli bulldozers began digging outside Al-Maghariba (Moroccans) Gate. The digging was part of Israeli designs against the Mosque. 15 August 2008: An 800 meter tunnel beneath al-Marwani Mosque was discovered, the tunnel caused serious cracks in the floor and walls of the mosque 23. 22 February 2009: Israeli authorities launch a project to connect the Jews neighbourhood in the old city with the foyer of al-Buraq by electrical lift 24.



15 March 2010: The Israelis initiated a great synagogue called “Hurva or Ruin Synagogue” in the old city near Al-Aqsa Mosque to impose a Jewish nature on the holy city 25. January 2011: The Israeli authorities converted the Shihabi foyer attached to the Iron Gate of Al-Aqsa Mosque to a Jewish prayer hall and called it a “mini wailing” 26. 13 March 2012: Moshe Feiglin, a leader in the Israeli Likud party stormed Al-Aqsa mosque guarded by big number of Israeli occupation forces. In May, a group of Israeli politicians and members of Knesset stormed the mosque accompanied by a group of extremists to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the occupation of Jerusalem 27. May 2013: The Israeli Ministry of Religions revealed its intention to study a law that allows the Jews to perform their prayers inside the compound of Al-Aqsa mosque to pave the way for dividing it 28. August 2013: The Israeli authorities built a metallic dome in the foyer of al-Buraq wall as a first step to establish a synagogue for a Jewish women group called “Women of Wailing” 29. September 2013: Israeli settlers accompanied by Israeli forces escalated their assaults against Al-Aqsa Mosque and stormed its compound tens of times to impose a fait accompli for dividing the mosque… And the aggressions continue…



Our Responsibility Towards Al-Aqsa Mosque Each and every free man and woman should bear part of the responsibility towards the issue of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque, every individual may contribute through his/her own position, the following are some of the possible means to support Al-Aqsa Mosque: Politicians & Governments’ Responsibility: • Adopting supportive stances to the cause of Al-Aqsa Mosque in local, regional and international platforms. • Garnering support to the cause of Al-Aqsa Mosques in regional and international summits and forums. • Condemning the Israeli crimes and assaults against Al-Aqsa Mosque and placing pressure to end the attack. • Sponsoring large scale projects in Jerusalem to reinforce the steadfastness of the Jerusalemites; especially in education and housing sectors. Academics’ Responsibility: • Writing books, research and scientific papers on Al-Aqsa Mosque; its history, its status in Islam and its cause. • Promoting the idea of adding a subject on Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque in the schools and universities curricula. NGOs’ Responsibility: • Raising funds for the cause of Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Carrying out or sponsoring projects in the holy city of Jerusalem in accordance with the priorities and needs of the Jerusalemites.



• Conducting awareness programs, campaigns, exhibitions and rallies for the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Mobilizing the public support for the issue of Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Working on bringing Israeli leaders before International crimes courts. Media Responsibility: • Exposing the crimes and assaults of the Israeli occupation against Al-Aqsa Mosque to the public. • Correcting the misconceptions about Al-Aqsa Mosque and creating public awareness on its issue. • Creating a supportive public opinion to Al-Aqsa cause via documentaries, films, reports, stories and articles broadcasted and published in local and international media outlets. Individuals’ Responsibility: • Supplicating to Allah S.W.T to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque and grant the Palestinian people strength, patience and wisdom to keep defending the Holy Land against the Israeli war machine. • Following-up the news and developments in the occupied land and getting educated about the issue of Al-Aqsa and Palestine, its roots and current developments. • Allocating a part of the individual’s income to sponsor a project in Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Hanging a photo of Al-Aqsa Mosque in our houses, offices, shops and cars to create a constant reminder to the Issue of Al-Aqsa. • Boycotting the Israeli or Israel-sponsoring companies and products. • Attending/Participating in lectures, programs and rallies organized to support the issue of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque. • Joining a solidarity organization for Al-Aqsa cause. • Speaking up for the issue of Al-Aqsa at your facebook, blog, twitter or other social networks.



Endnotes 1. Abdulhalim Ewais, (2003), Status of Baitul Maqdis in Islam. 2. Surah Al-Isra’, Verse 1. 3. Agreed upon. 4. Reported by Al-Tabarani. 5. Reported by Al-Bukhari. 6. Reported by Ahmad. 7. Qais Al-Kalby, (2005), Prophet Mohammad the Last Messenger in the Bible. 8. Ibid. 9. Ibid. 10. Friends of Al-Aqsa, (2007), Al-Aqsa Guide. 11. Muhsen Saleh, (2011), The Suffering of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites, Book Series: Am I Not a Human? (7). 12. Ibid. 13. Ibid. 14. Quds International Institution, (2011), Taqreer Hal Al-Quds (4). 15. Quds International Institution, (2012), Al-Quds 2012, Qera’ah Fi Masar Al-Ahdath Wal-Ma’alat. 16. Palestinian Information Centre Portal, (26/9/2013). 17. Muhsen Saleh, (2011), The Suffering of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites, Book Series: Am I Not a Human? (7). 18. Ibid. 19. Bait Al-Maqdis Centre for Studies’ Portal, (24/1/2010). 20. Euro-Mid Observer, (2013), The Israeli Occupation of the Palestinian Territories. 21. Muhsen Saleh, (2011), The Suffering of Jerusalem and the Holy Sites, Book Series: Am I Not a Human? (7). 22. Khalid Amayreh, (2007), Timeline of Jewish Designs against the Aqsa Mosque. 23. Quds International Institution, (2009), Ain Ala Al-Aqsa. 24. Ibid. 25. Quds International Institution, (2010), Ain Ala Al-Aqsa. 26. Quds International Institution, (2011), Ain Ala Al-Aqsa. 27. Quds International Institution, (2012), Hal Al-Aqsa,Taqdeer Isterategi. 28. Al-Quds Newspaper, (9/5/2013). 29. Ma’an News Portal, (28/8/2013).






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