Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine welcomes you to the Commencement Ceremony of PCOM Georgia honoring the Class of 2022
Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine Doctorate in Pharmacy Doctorate in Physical Therapy Thursday, May 26, 2022
Program *Fanfare and Processional Faculty Marshals ..............................................................................................Donald Penny, MD Shari N. Allen, PharmD, BCPP Teresa Pierce, DPT, PT *Invocation Chief Campus Officer, PCOM Georgia.............................................................R. Bryan Ginn, Jr. The Star-Spangled Banner ....................................................Ruth Pierre, PharmD Class of 2022 Introduction Provost and Senior Vice President........................................................Kenneth J. Veit, DO, MBA Welcome President and Chief Executive Officer ............................................................Jay S. Feldstein, DO Remarks Chairman, Board of Trustees.............................................................................Thomas J. Gravina Chairman, Gwinnett County Commissioner..........................................Nicole Love Hendrickson Introduction of Professor Emeritus ....................................................................................Dr. Veit Walter C. Ehrenfeuchter, DO, FAAO Presentation of Candidate for Honorary Degree.....................................................Dr. Feldstein Conferring of the Degree ..........................................................................................Mr. Gravina DoCToR oF Humane LeTTeRS, HonoRIS CauSa anTHony J. SILvagnI, Do, PHaRmD, mSC, FaCoFPDIST., FCPP, FaFPe Dean emeRITuS, nova SouTHeaSTeRn unIveRSITy DR. KIRan C. PaTeL CoLLege oF oSTeoPaTHIC meDICIne FoRT LauDeRDaLe, FL address........................................................................................................................Dr. Silvagni Remarks Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program.........Andrea Mann, DO, FAAP Presentation of Candidates for Degrees in Course.......................................................Dr. Mann Conferring of the Degree..........................................................................................Dr. Feldstein Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine osteopathic oath President-Elect, PCOM Alumni Association ......................................................Paul Lapoint, DO *Please rise if you are able
Program Remarks Dean and Chief Academic Officer, School of Pharmacy .......................Shawn Spencer, PhD, RPh Presentation of Candidates for Degrees in Course....................................................Dr. Spencer Conferring of the Degree..........................................................................................Dr. Feldstein Doctor of Pharmacy oath of a Pharmacist..................................................................................................Dr. Spencer
Remarks Dean, School of Health Sciences .............................................................Gregory McDonald, DO Presentation of Candidates for Degrees in Course ...............................................Dr. McDonald Conferring of the Degree..........................................................................................Dr. Feldstein Doctor of Physical Therapy oath of a Physical Therapist ......................................................Ruth M. Maher, PhD, DPT, PT
Benediction................................................................................................................................... Chief Student Affairs Officer ...................................................................Patience A. Mason, MEd
PCOM Georgia Overview Established in 2005, PCOM Georgia is a private, not-for-profit, accredited institute of higher education dedicated to the healthcare professions. e Suwanee, Georgia, campus is affiliated with Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, a premier osteopathic medical school with a storied history. PCOM Georgia offers doctoral degrees in osteopathic medicine, pharmacy and physical therapy and graduate degrees in biomedical sciences, medical laboratory science, and physician assistant studies. Emphasizing “a whole person approach to care,” the Suwanee campus focuses on educational excellence, interpro fessional education and service to the wider community. PCOM extended its commitment to the Southeast in 2019 by establishing PCOM South Georgia, an additional teaching location in Moultrie, Georgia. is campus offers a full four-year medical program leading to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree and a Master of Science degree in Biomedical Sciences. e College is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, which has recognized PCOM Georgia as a branch campus since 2004. e campus is authorized by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission as a branch campus of PCOM. Middle States Commission on Higher Education accredits the College, its branch campus, and its additional location. In addition, PCOM Georgia’s programs hold specialized accreditations through the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation, the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, the Commission on Accreditation in Physical erapy Education, and the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant.
Commencement Speaker anTHony J. SILvagnI, Do, PHaRmD, mSC, FaCoFPDIST., FCPP, FaFPe Dean emeRITuS, nova SouTHeaSTeRn unIveRSITy DR. KIRan C. PaTeL CoLLege oF oSTeoPaTHIC meDICIne FoRT LauDeRDaLe, FL Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine alumni Dr. Anthony J. Silvagni has been an educator for more than 50 years. Most notably, he is the former dean of osteopathic medicine at the Nova Southeastern University - Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (NSUKPCOM), serving from 1998 to 2015. Until his retirement in April 2019, he served as dean emeritus and director of international medicine. Earlier in his career, Dr. Silvagni had developed the international medicine program at the college. He established affiliations for exchange rotations with international medical universities in Argentina, Austria, Portugal and Slovakia. Prior to serving as dean, Dr. Silvagni held the positions of professor of family medicine and professor of public health, in addition to clinical professor of pharmacy practice in the college of pharmacy. He holds a BS degree in pharmacy, an MSC degree with three majors including pharmacokinetics at Purdue University, finishing with hospital pharmacy and administration, and later a PharmD degree from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. He earned a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree in 1982 from PCOM, where he was named a Distinguished Alumnus in 2007. He is board certified in family medicine. Dr. Silvagni is a Distinguished Fellow of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, a Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, and a Fellow of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education. Among his numerous professional affiliations, he was elected chair of the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Board of Deans in 2010 and served for two years. In addition, he was the chair of the Council of Florida Medical School Deans for eight years and is the past president of the Florida Society of the American College of Family Physicians. From 2008 through 2016, Dr. Silvagni served as a member of the board of directors of Friends of WLRN, an affiliate of national Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System. In 2010, he received the Golden Baton Award from the Symphony of the Americas Society. He recently served on Florida’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, based in Tallahassee, Florida, and served as a board of trustees’ member for the United States Pharmacopeia organization, a nongovernmental, public standards-setting authority for prescription and over-the-counter medicines and other healthcare products manufactured or sold in the United States. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Westside Regional Medical Center in Plantation, Florida.
Commencement Speaker Dr. Silvagni is the recipient of many awards from academic, scientific and professional organizations. He was selected as a Harvard Macy Foundation Education Scholar in 1997 and was named one of the Ten Leading Men in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties in 2004 by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Other accolades bestowed on Dr. Silvagni include the Humanitarian Award by the Florida Grand Opera Society, the Physician Recognition Award from the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine, and the President’s Award from the Broward County Osteopathic Medical Association. He believes his most significant honors are a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association, in which he was awarded honorary lifetime membership, the Physician of the Year Award from the Florida Society of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians, and the NSU Academic Dean of the Year Award. Due to his interest in international medicine, he was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Scholarship and was selected by Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, to lecture and share his knowledge in global medicine, osteopathic medicine, public health, contemporary medical education, pharmacokinetics. and therapeutics. While serving at the university, he was awarded Comenius University’s Commemorative Medal for Professional and Academic Contribution by the Slovak Republic Scientific Council. Until his retirement, he continued working with the US Embassy, WHO and Comenius University initiating a public health program and other programs in the Slovak Republic.
Professor Emeritus WaLTeR C. eHRenFeuCHTeR, Do ’79, Faao With a distinguished career in medicine and medical education, Walter C. Ehrenfeuchter, DO ‘79, FAAO, served students and patients as a faculty member at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine for a total of 40 years. But, before being employed at the college, he was affiliated with PCOM as a student, intern and resident. A 1975 graduate of Drexel University in Philadelphia, Dr. Ehrenfeuchter, affectionately known as Dr. E earned a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from PCOM in 1979, completing an internship at the Hospital of PCOM, and then served as the first resident in the history of the osteopathic manipulative medicine profession in 1980. He was a professor and chair of the PCOM Georgia Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine for 16 years, retiring in June 2021. Prior to establishing the department in Georgia, he rose through the ranks at PCOM to the position of professor and vice chair of the OMM Department where he worked for 17 years, having started as an instructor. He was also the medical director of the Philadelphia Center for Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine for seven years. Dr. Ehrenfeuchter received the 2021 Fellow of American Academy of Osteopathy Distinguished Service Award just prior to his retirement from the college. e award is presented annually to one recipient by the Committee on Fellowship of the American Academy of Osteopathy. Dr. Ehrenfeuchter was honored at the Fellows dinner during the academy’s Convocation in March. His name and award date were engraved on the FAAO Distinguished Service perpetual plaque, which is on display in the AAO office. Dr. E achieved the status of Fellow of the AAO in 1990 and was board certified the same year. He was elected to the Board of Governors in 1995 and became a member of the Committee on Fellowship in 2012, where he continues to serve. He has also been a member of the AAO’s Education Committee, chairing the academy’s convention program in 1993 and leading a number of muscle energy technique CME programs in the following decade. From 1996 to 1999, Dr. E was a member of the American Osteopathic Board of Special Proficiency in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, serving as vice-chair for two years. In 1999, the specialty board was reconstituted as the American Osteopathic Board of Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine where he served as vice-chair from 1999 to 2006 and chair from 2006 to 2008. Dr. E was the PCOM Student American Academy of Osteopathy chapter advisor from 1981 to 1998 and assisted in the founding of the PCOM Georgia chapter in 2005, serving as chapter advisor until 2014. He served as the PCOM representative to the Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles from 1981 to 1997, and as the representative from PCOM Georgia from 2005 to 2021.
Professor Emeritus At ECOP, he served as chair of the Glossary Committee from 2009 to 2015. As the ECOP core curriculum project evolved into a textbook, Dr. E served as the author for six chapters of Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine, the standard text for teaching the osteopathic profession, now in its fourth edition. He has authored numerous articles and delivered a wide variety of lectures and workshops in the United States, Germany and Japan on many topics including osteopathic principles, principles of osteopathic manipulative techniques, biomechanics, disorders of the axial skeleton, disorders of the appendicular skeleton, osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine, and an osteopathic approach to patients with systemic disorders. In addition, Dr. Ehrenfeuchter serves as a member of the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners. Dr. E notes that his career move to the Suwanee area was the first time in his life that he had lived outside of Philadelphia. He said, “In addition to the professional opportunities afforded me, the move also resulted in my meeting my wife, Julie, and 14 of the happiest years of my life.” Coming full circle, he noted that Julie grew up in Norristown, Pennsylvania, so he did meet and marry a Philly girl, but in the South!
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Doctor of Pharmacy Doctor of Physical Therapy
Doctor of Osteopathic MedicineAwards
e congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and service to the College and community.
2022 DoCToR oF oSTeoPaTHIC meDICIne
maSon W. PReSSLy aWaRD Presented to the member of the graduating class who has demonstrated exceptional service to the community and to the College. Kala Simone Hurst
PCom geoRgIa oSTeoPaTHIC meDICIne STuDenT aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who attained the highest scholastic average. Lana ghosn aleuy
THe Dean’S aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who, by personal and professional conduct and by contributions to student affairs and to the general program of PCOM Georgia, has been deemed worthy of special citation as recipient of the Dean’s Award. ashley Dalyn Bloom
eXCeLLenCe In oSTeoPaTHIC manIPuLaTIve meDICIne aWaRD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who, in the opinion of the faculty within the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, has shown exceptional ability in the use of osteopathic philosophy and osteopathic manipulative treatment. marc elin medina-Faldas
eXCeLLenCe In PRImaRy CaRe aWaRD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has been selected as most proficient in family medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology. Lana ghosn aleuy
Doctor of Osteopathic MedicineAwards eXCeLLenCe In SPeCIaLTy CaRe aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated excellence in surgery, specialty internal medicine, emergency medicine, neurology, pathology and radiology. Logan elizabeth allee
THe gaLen S. young, SR., Do memoRIaL aWaRD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has shown exceptional interest and ability in the field of surgery. Hye Rhee Chi
aLumnI aSSoCIaTIon aWaRD Awarded by the Alumni Association of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine to the member of the graduating class who has been selected because of the high caliber of performance of professional duties in hospital and outpatient services and academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences. Patrick andrew Ziarnowski
THe JeSSIe m. young memoRIaL aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class for exceptional service to the community or to the College. Kala Simone Hurst
THe DR. THomaS m. RoWLanD, JR., SCHoLaR-aTHLeTe aWaRD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has shown academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences and who has participated in and contributed to one of the College’s organized sports programs. amy Hong Tran
PauL evanS, Do ’79 anD mRS. RoXanne evanS FounDIng Dean enDoWeD CommenCemenT aWaRD Awarded at commencement to an outstanding member of the graduating class who was a non-traditional student (spent at least two years working, doing research, and/or serving in the military before entering medical school). michael Joshua Hamilton
Doctor of Osteopathic MedicineAwards geoRgIa oSTeoPaTHIC meDICaL aSSoCIaTIon TRImBLe aWaRD oF eXCeLLenCe Awarded to the student recognized as an outstanding graduate upon recommendation of the faculty and administration of PCOM Georgia in consultation with the Georgia Osteopathic Medical Association. Lana ghosn aleuy
PReSIDenT’S LeaDeRSHIP anD DIveRSITy aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto. aldwin Ben-aziz Soumare
PCom geoRgIa STuDenT aFFaIRS LeaDeRSHIP aWaRD In recognition of the class member who demonstrated exceptional leadership by establishing student organizations and representing the student body in the College and the community. Samuel Harrison Berding
Doctor of Pharmacy Awards
e congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and service to the College and community.
2022 DoCToR oF PHaRmaCy meRCK aCaDemIC eXCeLLenCe aWaRD Awarded to a graduating student who has displayed superior scholastic and professional achievement, desirable qualities of professional, leadership and ethical conduct. maya Kiana Watford ashley Danielle Butts
vIaTRIS PHaRmaCeuTICaLS eXCeLLenCe PHaRmaCy aWaRD Awarded to a graduating student in the top 25% of their class who demonstrates high personal motivation and possess an unique ability to communicate drug information. abigail Teiko Wilson
WoLTeRS KLuWeR HeaLTH aWaRD In eXCeLLenCe In CLInICaL CommunICaTIonS Awarded to a graduating student who has demonstrated academic excellence (top 25% of class academically) as well as superior verbal and written communication skills. Jessica Lyne mulbah
PCom geoRgIa PHaRmaCy STuDenT aWaRD Awarded to the graduate who has attained the highest scholastic average. vincent Jia Way Savannah June Wills
aPPe STuDenT oF THe yeaR Awarded to the graduate who is recognized by preceptors and faculty for demonstrating excellence during advanced pharmacy practice experiences. amanda aiad
Doctor of Pharmacy Awards PHaRmaCeuTICaL SCIenCeS ReSeaRCH aWaRD Awarded to the graduate who is recognized for excellence in research in the area of pharmaceutical sciences. Joanna Ho Savannah June Wills
PHaRmaCy PRaCTICe ReSeaRCH aWaRD Awarded to the graduate who is recognized for excellence in research in the area of pharmacy practice. Krysten alicia mcnaught
JoHn C. KeRmoDe aWaRD Awarded to the student who best demonstrates genuine sincerity, compassion, positive attitude and willingness to help and motivate others. Krysten alicia mcnaught
Dean’S CITIZenSHIP aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated exemplary service and engagement as a citizen of PCOM. Ted Sukhdeo
LeaDeRSHIP aWaRD Awarded to the graduate who has exemplified leadership qualities within PCOM and the profession. Laura y. nhi nguyen
PRoFeSSIonaLISm aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated the most professional conduct or professional contributions to the profession. Briszeida Cespedes Soto
Doctor of Pharmacy Awards CommunITy SeRvICe aWaRD Awarded to the graduate who has demonstrated exemplary engagement, time engagement, time donations and service to the broader external community, locally or nationally. Laura y. nhi nguyen
unITeD STaTeS PuBLIC HeaLTH SeRvICe aWaRD Awarded to recognize pharmacy students that make significant contributions to public health. aliyiah Chantel Smith
PReSIDenT’S LeaDeRSHIP anD DIveRSITy aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto. Krysten alicia mcnaught
moST ImPRoveD aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated the most improved academic performance. ericka Jasmine Sim
Doctor of Physical Therapy Awards
e congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and service to the College and community.
2022 PHySICaL THeRaPy eXCeLLenCe In anaTomy aWaRD Awarded to the student who has shown exemplary knowledge, understanding and application of the principles of human anatomy through identification and translation of anatomical concepts into clinical and/or educational artifacts that have been disseminated. Daniel Wade Copeland
eXCeLLenCe In ReSeaRCH aWaRD Awarded to the graduate who excelled in a graduate research project or scholarly activity in the area of physical therapy. Shanni W. He Connor alexandra o’neill
eXCeLLenCe In LeaDeRSHIP & PRoFeSSIonaLISm Awarded to a student who has demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities and demonstrates professionalism as defined and described by the American Physical Therapy Association. Shivam Prakash Patel eXCeLLenCe In SeRvICe Awarded to a student who has made outstanding contributions to the community through volunteerism while enrolled in the doctoral program in physical therapy. Samantha Lynn gracia amber Lee mcKnight PReSIDenT’S LeaDeRSHIP anD DIveRSITy aWaRD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereto. Shahnaz Bhayani
Degrees in Course May 26, 2022
Degrees inCourse DoCToR oF oSTeoPaTHIC meDICIne Syed mohammad ali Waris abbas
yeshel viral Chokshi
Dahlin Jackson
aliy mirza ahmed
Becky Jae yeon Choung
ummar Saeed Jamal
Lana ghosn aleuy
Timothy Ryan Cofer
nancy Jhanji
Logan elizabeth allee
andrielle C. Collier
Ken Johnson
mohamad ammar alshaar
Brandon Wayne Cunningham
Khadija Shanae Jones-Shelton
Francis Harper anderson
Rachel erin Davis
John Kabue
John angiel
Karina marie Delgado
Bryan mitra Kamalaker
Sierra marie armbrust
manali vijay Desai
emily elizabeth Kepfer
abhinav arora
venkatasai (Sunny) Pradeep Devarapalli
Samuel eric Khair
Hayley Bryn arrowood
alexander Calogero Dolce
mohammad a. Khan
Sean Patrick Bagent
marc-eli medina Faldas
Rasha a. Khan
nivedha Balaji
Justin Robert Farley
Khin Kay Khine
Ceattle Balcorta
gregory alexander gandarillas
Jeffrey Paul Kilheffer
Sanisha Balsara
Ben-Patrick martinez gorion
Isaac young Kim
abdullah ahmed Baosman
Drew nelson Scott graydon
Jing Kim
nisha gajjar Beard
malachi H. groover
Catrina Kure
Samuel Harrison Berding
adriana I. guevara aranguren
Tam anh Le
Bradley Carl Bierman
michael Joshua Hamilton
Junhyuk Lee
ashley Dalyn Bloom
Rebecca a. Heffner
Brittany Lewis
abijha Biju Boban
amirah nicole Hill
Sarah Joy Lewis
megan Kathleen Bryant
neesha mukesh Hira
Sydney Leigh Lipskind
Zachary andrew Burger
Kala Simone Hurst
Jaclyn ann Locigno
Diego Ruben Castillo
aleksandra Patrycia Ignatowicz
eric Paul malaney
Rachel Darlene Check
Kenny nonso Ikebudu
Christopher Bernard marsalisi
Silvia S. Cherian
John gregory Ingram, Jr.
Jay Harshad mehta
Hye Rhee Chi
gary alberto mejia
Degrees inCourse elisa noelle mercando
Katherine Josefina Patterson
Tyler Douglas Stevens
michelle Saeyoung min
Brandon Kenny Phillip
mo yan Sun
Siedah ashley morgan
analisa elena Podgorski
Samah Hisamuddin Syed
Doree gardner morison
Christian Jacob Pruitt
Shadee marie Tajik
amrutha (neha) mylarapu
Tyler James Raeford
ashley n. or Tanner
SivaniaravindaPriya nattama
Carolsun Samuel Rajan
Rita oylnade Tolu-ajayi
ariel Lynn newsom
Chandler Williams Sapp
amy Hong Tran
Julie nguyen
ashrine Sattani
Phi Phillip Tran
obianuju Pauline nwamah
alicia Louise Schmidt
vanshika Tripathi
manuel orozco
Kevin Pradip Sheth
Harsha n. upadhya
Justin Lee owens
Hamid Redha Shirazi
michael martin Lapera valenzuela
mary elizabeth Pappaconstantinou
Samantha C. Sircar
Zsa Zsa Chantal Whyce
Hiral Patel
Syara I. Slaughter
Lavar Sydney Williams
marissa nitin Patel
aldwin Ben-aziz Soumare
Brittany elizabeth Wilson
Sahil mukesh Patel
amy Tran Spence
omas Scott Wolz
Shivani Bharat Patel
Holli Parker Spikes
Ian andrew yeager Patrick andrew Ziarnowski
Degrees inCourse oSTeoPaTHIC manIPuLaTIve meDICIne CLInICaL SCHoLaRS PRogRam The Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship program is designed to provide osteopathic medical students with the tools necessary to integrate osteopathic principles into all areas of clinical practice and to develop superior patient management and clinical problem solving and to enhance OMT teaching skills. The program extends the medical school curriculum an additional year, incorporating teaching, clinical experience and research. At the outset, the program was partially endowed by the family of C. Paul Snyder, DO, PCOM Class of 1910, and the Oxford Foundation. Contributions from alumni, families, friends and estate gifts help to continue funding this undergraduate teaching fellowship largely supported by the College. We are pleased to recognize and congratulate the following graduates of PCOM Georgia’s Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship program: Dahlin Jackson obianuju Pauline nwamah
Degrees inCourse DoCToR oF PHaRmaCy ahmed munaf abdulrahman
nyasia Sabrina gray
Ruth Wilmine Pierre
amanda aiad
aileen C. guidry
Chonnikarn (Karen) Piyarat
edgardo Javier albino-Rivera
Joanna Ho
nasim Rahimpour
eresa uzoamaka anieke
Kindra marie Hunter
David Hunter Rainey
grace anim
edward Hwang
Jourber Romilus
melissa amanda armstrong
Wonhee Kim
Rabia Sanjish
elizabeth osei asibey
LaTasha Shantae' Lawson
morgan Britney Savoy
Shantae Badie-Jackson
Stephanie may Louangoudom
ericka Jasmine Sim
Kimberly y. Barnes
Terrence Christopher mann
aliyiah Chantel Smith
Celia Sha'ron Black
Kayla ashley marshall
Briszeida Cespedes Soto
marcus allen Bright
ahmed munif mawri
Lindsay Stalls
ashley Danielle Butts
Krysten alicia mcnaught
Chanhee (Chris) Suh
Brent adam Chatoff
golnar moghtaderi esfahani
Ted Sukhdeo
Lenne Chau
Jessica Lyne mulbah
melika Tajlili
Ijeoma amarachi Chukwukere
montana munroe
Pegah Tavana
Shatiya alexandria Cranford
Lanisha Simonne murrell
ashley elizabeth ompson
Khanh (Britney) Hong Dang
Bora nam
Darien Cong Tran
Zarnab Daniyal
esther njeri ngigi
Sherry Ha Tran
Stuart Collin Dowling
Bao Chieu Huynh nguyen
maya Kiana Watford
Tesfahun getachew Dumessa
Laura y. nhi nguyen
vincent Jia Way
Ian Dyson
nhu Quynh Phuoc nguyen
Tyler Deion Whitlock
Florintina Shanell ellis
veronika P. nguyen
Kayce Ruth Williams
Chioma nnenna eneremadu
ezinne Queenth ogbonnaya
Savannah June Wills
eunice amaka ezechukwu
Stephania orbe mancillas
abigail Teiko Wilson
Saywon alice Flah
oluwakemi abiodun oyedeji
mahlet michael Wole
Demeriah Janeé garrott
Kayla nicole young
Degrees inCourse DoCToR oF PHySICaL THeRaPy austin Slate admire
Spencer alan Folsom
Timothy Brent neal, Jr.
amber Rose aldridge
Samantha Lynn gracia
elizabeth Hoang nguyen
Brandon Barnes
Tyler Kenneth Haims
Deisy nunez aguirre
Jonathan Beltran
anna n. Haley
Connor alexandra o’neill
Shahnaz Bhayani
mary Kathryn Harshman
Shiv P. Patel
michael Joseph Blake
Shanni W. He
Shivam Prakash Patel
marcus Q. Bradley
Samuel Jehun Huh
alainey Penn
Hsu-yu Hunter Chen
Jessica a. Jones
morgan elizabeth Ross
Daniel Wade Copeland
Samuel Watson Lewis
Savannah marissa Simerly
Tymel Lashawn Dodd
David andrew Linbo
Rebekah Jin Smith
Pierre Cedric Dorvilier
amber Lee mcKnight
Jordan Lynn Townsley
Damir Dracic
Corey mcPhetridge
melody yazdani
Fletcher Lucile estock
Remington Sydney mcRae
Quan Zhang
Russell Paul mitchell Jr.
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Class of 2022 Post-Graduate Training
DO Class of 2022 Post-Graduate Training Syed mohammad ali Waris abbas, Do Family Medicine HCA Medical City Healthcare Arlington, TX
abdullah ahmed Baosman, Do Internal Medicine AU-UGA Medical Partnership Athens, GA
Silvia S. Cherian, Do Internal Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
Aliy mirza ahmed, Do Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Wright Center for GME Scranton, PA
nisha gajjar Beard, Do Psychiatry Gateway Behavioral Health Community Service Savannah, GA
Hye Rhee Chi, Do Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
Samuel Harrison Berding, Do Surgery-General Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
yeshel viral Chokshi, Do Internal Medicine Vidant Medical Center/ East Carolina University Greenville, NC
Lana ghosn aleuy, Do Internal Medicine Emory University SOM Atlanta, GA Logan elizabeth allee, Do Ophthalmology Larkin Community Hospital Program South Miami, FL Francis Harper anderson, Do Anesthesiology omas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA John angiel, Do Family Medicine Cahaba Medical Care Birmingham, AL Sierra marie armbrust, Do Family Medicine Floyd Medical Center Rome, GA Hayley Bryn arrowood, Do Neurology Nuvance Health Poughkeepsie, NY Sean Patrick Bagent, Do Surgery-General St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital Youngstown, OH nivedha Balaji, Do Internal Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA Ceattle Balcorta, Do Surgery-General Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Portsmouth, VA
Bradley Carl Bierman, Do Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Wright Center for GME Scranton, PA ashley Dalyn Bloom, Do Anesthesiology University Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine Knoxville, TN abijha Biju Boban, Do Internal Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA megan Kathleen Bryant, Do Family Medicine Inova Fairfax Hospital Fairfax, VA
Becky Jae yeon Choung, Do Family Medicine WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Smyrna, GA Timothy Ryan Cofer, Do Emergency Medicine Einstein Medical Center Montgomery, PA East Norriton, PA andrielle C. Collier, Do Pediatrics Baylor College of Medicine San Antonio, TX Brandon Wayne Cunningham, Do Surgery-Preliminary Grand Strand Regional Medical Center Myrtle Beach, SC
Zachary andrew Burger, Do Transitional Year Program HCA Healthcare/ USF Morsani GME-Oak Hill Oak Hill, FL
Rachel erin Davis, Do Internal Medicine Redmond Regional Medical Center Rome, GA
Diego Ruben Castillo, Do Family Medicine AdventHealth Florida Orlando, FL
Karina marie Delgado, Do Pediatrics Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Miami, FL
Rachel Darlene Check, Do Internal Medicine WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Marietta, GA
manali vijay Desai, Do Neurology University of Florida COM Jacksonville, FL venkatasai (Sunny) Pradeep Devarapalli, Do Pediatrics University of Arkansas COM Little Rock, AR
DO Class of 2022 Post-Graduate Training alexander Calogero Dolce, Do Internal Medicine University of Central Florida/ HCA Healthcare GME Gainesville, FL marc-eli medina Faldas, Do Family Medicine Madigan Army Medical Center Tacoma, WA Justin Robert Farley, Do Medicine-Preliminary Atrium Health Navicent Medical Center Macon, GA
amirah nicole Hill, Do Family Medicine Piedmont Columbus Regional Columbus, GA
Khadija Shanae Jones-Shelton, Do Family Medicine Lancaster General Hospital Lancaster, PA
neesha mukesh Hira, Do Internal Medicine NCH Healthcare System Naples, FL
Bryan mitra Kamalaker, Do Internal Medicine Northside Hospital Gwinnett Lawrenceville, GA
Kala Simone Hurst, Do Dermatology Case Western/ University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Cleveland, OH
emily elizabeth Kepfer, Do Medicine-Pediatrics West Virginia University SOM Morgantown, WV
gregory alexander gandarillas, Do Transitional Year Program Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
aleksandra Patrycia Ignatowicz, Do Internal Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
Ben-Patrick martinez gorion, Do Pediatrics Medical College of Georgia Augusta, GA
Kenny nonso Ikebudu, Do Internal Medicine Baptist Memorial Hospital-North Mississippi Oxford, MS
Drew nelson Scott graydon, Do Medicine-Preliminary Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
John gregory Ingram, Jr., Do Internal Medicine e University of Mississippi Medical Center Jackson, MS
malachi H. groover, Do Family Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
Dahlin Jackson, Do Psychiatry University of Minnesota Medical School Minneapolis, MN
adriana I. guevara aranguren, Do Internal Medicine CMSRU/Cooper University Hospital Camden, NJ
ummar Saeed Jamal, Do Internal Medicine AU-UGA Medical Partnership Athens, GA
michael Joshua Hamilton, Do Emergency Medicine Tower Health/Reading Hospital West Reading, PA
nancy Jhanji, Do Internal Medicine University of Tennessee COM Chattanooga, TN
Rebecca a. Heffner, Do Emergency Medicine AdventHealth Florida Orlando, FL
Ken Johnson, Do Internal Medicine Northside Hospital Gwinnett Lawrenceville, GA
Samuel eric Khair, Do Family Medicine WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Smyrna, GA mohammad a. Khan, Do Internal Medicine St. Francis-Emory Healthcare Columbus, GA Rasha a. Khan, Do Internal Medicine Albert Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia, PA Khin Kay Khine, Do Family Medicine Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton San Diego, CA Jeffrey Paul Kilheffer, Do Psychiatry Portsmouth Regional Hospital Portsmouth, NH Isaac young Kim, Do Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Rutgers NJMS/Kessler Newark, NJ Catrina marie Kure, Do Internal Medicine Northside Hospital-Gwinnett Lawrenceville, GA
DO Class of 2022 Post-Graduate Training Junhyuk Lee, Do Transitional Year Program Inspira Health Network Mullica Hill, NJ
Siedah ashley morgan, Do Emergency Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
Brittany Lewis, Do Family Medicine West Virginia University SOM Morgantown, WV
Doree gardner morison, Do Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Tulane University SOM New Orleans, LA
Sarah Joy Lewis, Do Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Tulane University SOM New Orleans, LA
amrutha (neha) mylarapu, Do Radiology-Diagnostic University of Louisville SOM Louisville, KY
Sydney Leigh Lipskind, Do Family Medicine WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Smyrna, GA
SivaniaravindaPriya nattama, Do Transitional Year Program Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
Shivani Bharat Patel, Do Pediatrics LSU SOM New Orleans, LA
Jaclyn Locigno, Do Pediatrics Children’s Hospital-NEOMED Akron, OH
ariel Lynn newsom, Do Emergency Medicine Sparrow Hospital Lansing, MI
Katherine Josefina Patterson, Do Family Medicine AdventHealth Florida Orlando, FL
Christopher Bernard marsalisi, Do Internal Medicine University of Florida COM Jacksonville, FL
Julie nguyen, Do Psychiatry Cone Health Greensboro, NC
Jay Harshad mehta, Do Internal Medicine Memorial Health-University Medical Center Savannah, GA
Brandon Kenny Phillip, Do Internal Medicine Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
obianuju Pauline nwamah, Do Obstetrics-Gynecology St. Joseph Mercy-Oakland Pontiac, MI
gary alberto mejia, Do Psychiatry SIU SOM & Affiliated Hospitals Springfield, IL
manuel orozco, Do Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Larkin Community Hospital Palm Springs Campus Hialeah, FL
Christian Jacob Pruitt, Do Psychiatry University of Colorado SOM-Denver Aurora, CO
elisa noelle mercando, Do Medicine-Preliminary Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
Justin Lee owens, Do Transitional Year Program University of Central Florida/ HCA Healthcare GME Orlando, FL
Tyler James Raeford, Do Family Medicine Prisma Health-University of South Carolina SOM Greenville Seneca, SC
michelle Saeyoung min, Do Internal Medicine Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Temple, TX
mary elizabeth Pappaconstantinou, Do Radiology-Diagnostic Albert Einstein Healthcare Network East Norriton, PA
Carolsun Samuel Rajan, Do Surgery-General St. David’s Healthcare GME Austin, TX
Hiral Patel, Do Internal Medicine Prisma Health-University of South Carolina SOM Greenville, SC marissa nitin Patel, Do Pediatrics SUNY HSC Brooklyn Brooklyn, NY Sahil mukesh Patel, Do Internal Medicine Brookwood Baptist Health Birmingham, AL
analisa elena Podgorski, Do Radiology-Diagnostic LSU SOM-New Orleans-LA New Orleans, LA
DO Class of 2022 Post-Graduate Training Chandler Williams Sapp, Do Pediatrics Memorial Health-University Medical Center Savannah, GA
amy Tran Spence, Do Emergency Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
vanshika Tripathi, Do Internal Medicine University of Florida COM Jacksonville, FL
ashrine Sattani, Do Family Medicine Geisinger Health System Wilkes Barre, PA
Holli Parker Spikes, Do Pediatrics Memorial Health-University Medical Center Savannah, GA
Harsha n. upadhya, Do Family Medicine University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School Austin, TX
alicia Louise Schmidt, Do Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical University of Rochester/Strong Memorial Rochester, NY
Tyler Douglas Stevens, Do Surgery-Preliminary HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME Brandon, FL
Kevin Pradip Sheth, Do Family Medicine University Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis, TN
michael martin Lapera valenzuela, Do Orthopaedic Surgery Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, PA
mo yan Sun, Do Internal Medicine Northeast Georgia Medical Center Gainesville, GA
Hamid Redha Shirazi, Do Psychiatry Coliseum Medical Centers Macon, GA
Samah Hisamuddin Syed, Do Internal Medicine WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center Marietta, GA
Brittany elizabeth Wilson, Do Pathology-Anatomic and Clinical Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC
Shadee marie Tajik, Do Internal Medicine SIU SOM & Affiliated Hospitals Springfield, IL
omas Scott Wolz, Do Psychiatry Lehigh Valley Hospital Allentown, PA
ashley n. or Tanner, Do Family Medicine Geisinger Health System Wilkes Barre, PA
Ian andrew yeager, Do Psychiatry Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Bethesda, MD
Samantha C. Sircar, Do Internal Medicine University of Central Florida/ HCA Healthcare GME Gainesville, FL Syara I. Slaughter, Do Emergency Medicine University of Massachusetts Chan - Baystate Springfield, MA aldwin Ben-aziz Soumare, Do Neurology University of Connecticut School of Medicine Farmington, CT
amy Hong Tran, Do Family Medicine Northside Hospital Gwinnett Lawrenceville, GA Phi Phillip Tran, Do Internal Medicine Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Temple, TX
Zsa Zsa Chantal Whyce, Do Emergency Medicine Orange Park Medical Center Orange Park, FL
Patrick andrew Ziarnowski, Do Anesthesiology University of Central Florida/ HCA Healthcare GME Ocala, FL
PharmacyClass of 2022 Post-Graduate Training ahmed munaf abdulrahman, PharmD Pharmacy - Community Holzer Health System Jackson, OH
Krysten alicia mcnaught, PharmD Pharmacy Mount Sinai Beth Israel New York, NY
amanda aiad, PharmD Pharmacy WellStar Atlanta Medical Center Atlanta, GA
Jessica Lyne mulbah, PharmD Pharmacy Temple University Health System Jeanes Hospital Philadelphia, PA
Celia Sha'ron Black, PharmD Pharmacy Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital Muncie, IN ashley Danielle Butts, PharmD Pharmacy - Ambulatory Care Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy New Orleans, LA Joanna Ho, PharmD Pharmacy-Pharmacology AbbVie Pharmaceuticals/University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA
Laura y. nhi nguyen, PharmD Pharmacy - General Piedmont Columbus Regional Midtown Columbus, OH veronika P. nguyen, PharmD Pharmacy Sentara Healthcare Charlottesville, VA Chonnikarn (Karen) Piyarat, PharmD Pharmacy - Community Holzer Health System Jackson, OH
Briszeida Cespedes Soto, PharmD Pharmacy PCOM School of Pharmacy WellStar North Fulton Suwanee, GA Ted Sukhdeo, PharmD Pharmacy PCOM School of Pharmacy WellStar North Fulton Suwanee, GA maya Kiana Watford, PharmD Pharmacy WellStar Cobb Hospital Austell, GA vincent Jia Way, PharmD Pharmacy Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center Augusta, GA Savannah June Wills, PharmD Pharmacy - Community NorthShore University Health System Glenview, IL
Physical TherapyClass of 2022 Post-Graduate Training Brandon Barnes, DPT Orthopedic Ironman Sports Medicine Institute Mermorial Hermann Health System Houston, TX
Daniel Wade Copeland, DPT Orthopedic Mercer University Atlanta, GA
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Board of Trustees Administration Alumni Association
Board of Trustees Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine Foundation and Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine – officers Chairman of the Board
Thomas J. Gravina
Vice Chairman
John P. Kearney
President and Chief Executive Officer
Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81
Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean
Kenneth J. Veit, DO ’76, MBA, FACOFP
Vice President for Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Peter Doulis, CPA
Chief Legal Affairs Officer and Assistant Secretary
David F. Simon, JD
Chief Advancement and Strategic Planning Officer
Carrie Collins, PhD, JD
Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer
Marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD
Chief Campus Officer – PCOM Georgia
R. Bryan Ginn, Jr.*
Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary
Lynn A. Kush
Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine Foundation and Philadelphia College of osteopathic medicine James H. Black, D.O. ’62, LLD (Hon.) John B. Bulger, D.O. ’95, MBA Timothy P. Burgess Joseph A. Dieterle, D.O. ’70 elma Dye-Holmes, Ph.D. Matthew O. Elkes Jay S. Feldstein, D.O. ’81 Julie R. Fox, M.B.A. Marla D. Golden, D.O., ’88, M.S., F.A.C.E.P.** omas J. Gravina
*Officer of the PCOM Board only **Faculty Representative ***Alumni Representative
Jerel A. Hopkins, Esquire John P. Kearney Vincent Lobo, D.O. ’65 R. David McCleskey A. Scott McNeal, D.O. ’88 Dana C. Shaffer, D.O. ’85 *** Wayne T. Sikes Virginia A. Stallings, M.D. Kenneth J. Veit, DO ’76, M.B.A., F.A.C.O.F.P.
Administration Jay S. Feldstein, Do President and Chief Executive Officer Kenneth J. veit, Do, mBa Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean Peter Doulis, CPa Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer David Simon, JD Chief Legal Affairs Officer R. Bryan ginn, Jr. Chief Campus Officer, PCOM Georgia Carrie Collins, JD, PhD Chief Advancement Officer and Strategic Planning Officer marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer Linda R. adkison, PhD, mS Associate Provost, Accreditation, Growth and Development H. William Craver III, Do Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM South Georgia Robert DiTomasso, PhD, aBPP . Dean, School of Professional and Applied Psychology andrea mann, Do, FaaP Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM Georgia gregory mcDonald, Do Dean, School of Health Sciences Shawn Spencer, PharmD Dean and Chief Academic Officer, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Joseph Kaczmarczyk, Do, mPH, mBa Vice Dean, PCOM Osteopathic Medicine Program arthur Sesso, Do Senior Associate Dean of Osteopathic Curricular Innovation and Oversight and Chair, Surgery David Kuo, Do Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Director of Medical Education
Kerin Fresa, PhD Associate Dean, Osteopathic Curriculum, PCOM nikita mirajkar, PhD Associate Dean, Curricular Execution Osteopathic Medicine Program naushad m. Khan ghilzai, PhD, BPharm Associate Dean for Academic Affairs School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia michael Becker, Do, mS Associate Dean of Clinical Education, PCOM marla golden, Do Associate Dean of Clinical Education PCOM Georgia, PCOM South Georgia Stephanie H. Felgoise, PhD, aBPP Associate Dean for Academic Integration of the School of Professional and Applied Psychology Chair, Department of Clinical Psychology michael Lee, PhD Assistant Dean, Professional and Student Affairs, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Julie Wickman, PharmD Assistant Dean, Clinical Education, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Sue Hingley, PhD Interim Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, PCOM elizabeth a. gosch, PhD, aBPP Chair, Department of Counseling, PCOM Jessica glass Kendorski, PhD, nCSP, BCBa-D Chair, Department School Psychology, PCOM Laura Levy, DHSc, Pa-C Chair, Physician Assistant Studies PCOM and PCOM Georgia Ruth Maher, PT, PhD, DPT Chair, Physical erapy, PCOM Georgia
avadhesh C. Sharma, PharmD, PhD Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia John Tovar, PharmD Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Richard White, PhD, FaHa Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, PCOM Georgia
Administration (continued) oliver Chen, PhD Chief Library Services Officer Jane Z. Dumsha, PhD Chief Research Operations Officer mindy george-Weinstein, PhD Chief Research and Science Officer erik Langenau, Do, mS Chief Academic Technologies Officer
Brian mann, ma, Pa-C Chief Simulation Operations Officer Patience mason, med Chief Student Affairs Officer Samuel a. matheny, med, ma Chief Student Services Officer, Offices of Financial Aid and Registrar maureen o’mara Carver Registrar
PhiladelphiaCollegeOf Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association 2022 Council members executive Council
Professional Careers Council
William Swallow, DO ’79, President
Prerakkumar Adhuria, PharmD ’17
Paul LaPoint, DO ’90, President-Elect
Jennifer Alvarado, MS/FM ’08
Shanda Lucas, MS/ODL ’09, Awards
Christopher Brown, MS/CCHP ’11
Committee Chair Jennifer Dwyer, DO ’08, Nominating Committee Chair Melissa Schwartz, DO ’91, Past President
Madeleine Brown, MS/Biomed ’18 Krystal Carter, MS/CCHP ’10 Ashara Cashaw, PsyD ’13 Rashim Lancit, EdS ’13 Ruark Lanham, MS/ODL ’07 David Poponi, PsyD ’09 Preston Williams, MS/PA ’07
Do Council Michael Becker, DO ’87
Trainee Council
James Bonner, DO ’86
Elisa Giusto, DO ’18
Dipan Desai, DO ’02
Anthony Sciuva (DO ’24),
Gretta Gross, DO ’97 Ricky Lockett, DO ’84 Jessica Masser, DO ’07 William Pesce, DO ’89 Elsira Pina, DO ’89
Student Representative South Georgia Scott Rosen (DO ’24), Student Representative Philadelphia Colin Roozbehi (DO ’24), Student Representative Georgia
Howard Robinson, DO ’90
alumni association Board Representative to PCom Board of Trustees Dana C. Shaffer, DO ’85 PCom President & Ceo Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81 Deputy Chief advancement officer NecieLiggeons, MS/ODL ’20
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
The Mace and Baton The College Seal The Academic Costume Mission Statements The Oaths
The Mace and the Baton Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Georgia Campus academic processions are led by the bearer of the College mace who precedes or accompanies the president of the College. The bearers of the mace and baton serve as marshals of faculty. The medieval mace was first a protective device for the clergy who were not allowed to carry swords. Later, maces became ceremonial and are carried today in the Houses of Parliament in England and also in the United States House of Representatives where, when in position to the right of the Speaker of the House, it is a symbol of his or her authority. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s original mace and baton were designed by Paul T. Lloyd, DO ’23, and created by William F. J. Ryan of New York, a member of the International Academy of Heraldry. The mace and baton were presented to the College by the Alumni Association in 1972. Faculty marshals in all academic processions since that time have carried them. The mace and baton were replicated for PCOM Georgia by Henry Hopkins, III, a silversmith of Baltimore, Maryland. They were formally presented to President Matthew Schure on May 14, 2009, by Paul Evans, DO ’79; H. William Craver, III, DO ’87; Gary H. Watson, PhD; and the Alumni Association of PCOM, whose generous contributions made the replication of the mace and baton possible. A sphere with a golden crown tops the mahogany staff heralding sovereign authority of the College to grant academic degrees by virtue of the powers given it by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Engraved on the sphere is the caduceus, the symbol of medicine. The caduceus represents the staff of Aescsulapius, the Latin name for Askelepios, the Greek god of medicine, son of Apollo and the nymph, Coronis. A snake is entwined on the staff ’s branch because the serpent was held sacred to the gods and was an early symbol of medicine. Three coats of arms appear on the upper of the two hexagonal modes: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (directly beneath the caduceus), the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia (the locale of the College since its founding in 1899). PCOM’s coat of arms is engraved on the top of the marshal’s baton, a symbol of authority in keeping with the title and office held by the marshal. The metallic elements of the mace, to wit the hexagonal modes and the globe, are bronze-based with heavily-plated rhodium. The coronet is gold-plated and the staff is South American mahogany.
The College Seal
The College seal first appeared in 1925 embossed on the cover of The Synapsis, the College’s first yearbook. Volume One of The Synapsis was published by the junior class of Philadelphia College of Osteopathy in honor of the graduating class of 1925. The first seal incorporated the College motto mens et manus, “mind and hand.” The seal’s origin is unknown, as is its designer. In 1938, Edgar O. Holden, DO ’22, dean of the College from 1924 to 1943, and Russell C. Erb, PhD, associate dean from 1937 to 1943, proposed and designed a coat of arms. The coat of arms appeared for the first time in the 1938 alumni magazine and featured a heraldic design that applies to the osteopathic profession. The three triangles are symbolic of the three segments of the vertebral column, which has a significant part in the science of osteopathic medicine. The hand emerges from a noble crown indicative of the regal aspect and dignity, as well as the healing powers of the human hand when applied to the art and science of osteopathic medicine. The College motto was retained, and the coat of arms was utilized as the College seal in various motifs through the mid-1980s. An adaptation of the first College seal was re-introduced in 1986. Today’s College seal, similar to the original, was adopted following the College’s Centennial Celebration in 1999. The seal features a centrally placed shield within which are shown a scroll and a flaming torch of knowledge. Immediately above is the College motto, reflecting the College’s osteopathic origin. Uppermost and arranged in a radial pattern are streaks of solar brilliance. Separated from either side of the shield are branches of laurel joined and bound together at the center, close to the base of the shield. These components exemplify teaching, learning and the attainment of knowledge leading to successful careers in the healthcare professions. The name of the College and the year of its founding encircle the seal.
The AcademicCostume The academic costume originated in medieval times and stems from the early days of the oldest universities. It is thought that long gowns were first worn for warmth in the cold lecture halls. And hoods may have covered the tonsured heads (shorn crowns) of priests and monks who made up the faculty. One university insisted on the tonsure for scholars. The hoods were replaced by the skull cap, which in turn was displaced by a headgear somewhat like that worn today. The faculty and students of European universities still wear a diversity of academic regalia. However, in 1893, a United States intercollegiate commission dictated a uniform code, which has been accepted by most American colleges and universities. The commission devised three types of gowns and three types of hoods for the bachelor’s, the master’s and the doctorate degree. All gowns are black except for the associate in arts degree, which is gray. The bachelor’s gown features pointed sleeves and is worn closed; the master’s gown has an oblong sleeve and may be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctorate degree has bellshaped sleeves slashed with three velvet bars. The front of the gown is faced with velvet and is worn either open or closed. The colorful hoods are lined with silk in the color or colors of the institution granting the degree (PCOM’s colors are maroon and gray). In addition, the hood is trimmed with velvet facing representing the academic discipline in which the degree has been granted: white for arts, letters or humanities; golden-yellow for science; purple for law; lemon-yellow for library science; sapphire-blue for commerce or business; light blue for education; brown for fine arts; dark blue for philosophy; green for medicine—the color of life and growth (Fellows of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons wear hoods trimmed with crimson). The length of the hood varies according to the degree: short for the associate and bachelor’s degree, medium for the master’s and long for the doctorate. Mortarboards are generally recommended for caps, although soft, square-topped caps are permissible. Tassels may be black or gold and are usually gold for the doctorate degree. While there is no rule for the position of the tassel, many colleges and universities (including PCOM) request the candidates to wear the tassel on the right side and to shift it to the left at the moment the degree is awarded.
Mission Statements Do CLaSS oF 2022 “We, the class of 2022, pledge to provide quality care through hard work and dedication. Using the skills we have obtained, we will meet the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of our patients to promote optimal health and wellness. By molding ourselves into competent and compassionate physicians, we will lend ourselves to our craft and strive to meet the needs of the community.”
PHaRmaCy CLaSS oF 2022 “We, the future pharmacist class of 2022, will represent PCOM Georgia in serving a diverse population by vowing to uphold integrity, compassion and professionalism to our patients, our peers and our community. We, as pharmacists, will strive to advocate for the patients as well as empower the bond between patients and the healthcare professionals, promising to sustain the highest standards of care.”
Osteopathic Oath “I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter. I will be mindful of my responsibility to preserve the health and life of my patients, to perform faithfully my professional duties.
I will be vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community.
I will endeavor to work in accord with my colleagues in a spirit of progressive co-operation.
I will look with respect and esteem upon all those who have taught me my art. I will be loyal to my college and strive always for its best interests and for the interests of the students who will come after me. I will be alert to further the application of basic biologic truths and to develop the principles of Osteopathic Medicine.”
Oath of a Pharmacist “I promise to devote myself to a lifetime of service to others through the profession of pharmacy. In fulfilling this vow: I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns. I will promote inclusion, embrace diversity, and advocate for justice to advance health equity. I will apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes for all patients. I will respect and protect all personal and health information entrusted to me. I will accept the responsibility to improve my professional knowledge, expertise, and self-awareness. I will hold myself and my colleagues to the highest principles of our profession’s moral, ethical and legal conduct. I will embrace and advocate changes that improve patient care. I will utilize my knowledge, skills, experiences, and values to prepare the next generation of pharmacists. I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.”
Oath of a Physical Therapist “As a physical therapist dedicated to providing the highest quality care and services, I solemnly pledge I will: Respect the rights and dignity of all individuals who seek my services or with whom I work. Act in a compassionate and trustworthy manner in all aspects of my services. Exercise sound professional judgment while abiding by legal and ethical requirements, Demonstrate integrity during interactions with colleagues, other health care providers, students, faculty, researchers, the public, and payers for the enhancement of patient care and the advancement of the profession; Enhance my practice through life-long acquisition and application of knowledge, skills, and professional behavior. Participate in efforts to meet physical therapy and health care needs of local, national, and global communities. us, with this oath, I accept the duties and responsibilities that embody the physical therapy profession.”