PCOM Georgia DO Commencement Program 2020

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Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine welcomes you to the Commencement Ceremony of PCOM Georgia honoring the Class of 2020

Doctorate in Osteopathic Medicine Thursday, May 21, 2020

Program Invocation and Introduction ............................................................ H. William Craver III, DO Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM South Georgia

The Star-Spangled Banner......................................................................................... Ruth Pierre

Greetings ...................................................................................................... Jay S. Feldstein, DO President and Chief Executive Officer

Remarks............................................................................................................... John P. Kearney Chairman, Board of Trustees

Presentation of Candidates for Degrees in Course

Conferring of the Degrees ....................................................................................... Dr. Feldstein

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

The Osteopathic Oath .............................................. Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, DO, MPH, MBA Interim Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM Georgia

Student Address ................................................................................................ Ronak Patel, DO 2020 Class Chair

Mission Statement .................................................................................................. Class of 2020

Closing Remarks ......................................................................................................... Dr. Craver

PCOM Georgia Overview Established in 2005, PCOM Georgia is a private, not-for-profit, accredited institute of higher education dedicated to the healthcare professions. e Suwanee, Georgia, campus is affiliated with Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, which has a storied history as a premier osteopathic medical school. PCOM Georgia offers doctoral degrees in osteopathic medicine, pharmacy and physical therapy and graduate degrees in biomedical sciences and physician assistant studies. Emphasizing “a whole person approach to care,” PCOM Georgia focuses on educational excellence, interprofessional education and service to the wider community. PCOM extended its commitment to the Southeast by establishing PCOM South Georgia, an additional teaching location in Moultrie, Georgia, which offers a full four-year medical program leading to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. In addition, a Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences will be offered beginning in August 2020. e College is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, which granted recognition in 2004 to PCOM Georgia as an approved branch campus. PCOM Georgia is authorized by the Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission of Georgia as a branch campus of PCOM. e College, its branch campus and its additional location are accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. PCOM Georgia’s programs hold specialized accreditations through the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine




e congratulate all of our award recipients for their distinguished academic performance and service to the College and community.

2020 DOCTOR Of OSTeOPAThIC MeDICIne The DR. ThOMAS M. ROWLAnD, JR., SChOLAR-AThLeTe AWARD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has shown academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences and who has participated in and contributed to one of the College’s organized sports programs. Gregory nathaniel Griffin

The JeSSIe M. YOUnG MeMORIAL AWARD Awarded to a member of the graduating class for exceptional service to the community or to the College. nicollette Baldwin Mitchell

The GALen S. YOUnG, SR., DO MeMORIAL AWARD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has shown exceptional interest and ability in the field of surgery. efrain Padilla

PCOM GeORGIA STUDenT AffAIRS LeADeRShIP AWARD In recognition of the class member who demonstrated exceptional leadership by establishing student organizations and representing the student body in the College and the community. Ronak Patel

The T.A. SAPPInGTOn AWARD In fAMILY MeDICIne Awarded to a graduate who has been selected for a Georgia Family Medicine Residency Program and who demonstrates leadership abilities and participation in school and community activities. Alexis Danielle Brown

Awards ALUMnI ASSOCIATIOn AWARD Awarded by the Alumni Association of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine to the member of the graduating class who has been selected because of the high caliber of performance of professional duties in hospital and outpatient services, and academic excellence in basic and clinical sciences. Sara Giani Jananeh

GeORGIA OSTeOPAThIC MeDICAL ASSOCIATIOn TRIMBLe AWARD Of eXCeLLenCe Awarded to the student recognized as an outstanding graduate upon recommendation of the faculty and administration of PCOM Georgia in consultation with the Georgia Osteopathic Medical Association. Khadijah emani Jihad

eXCeLLenCe In PRIMARY CARe AWARD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who has been selected as most proficient in family medicine, general internal medicine, pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology. Megan Raynor

eXCeLLenCe In SPeCIALTY CARe AWARD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has demonstrated excellence in surgery, specialty internal medicine, emergency medicine, neurology, pathology and radiology. Soren Lind Jensen

eXCeLLenCe In OSTeOPAThIC MAnIPULATIVe MeDICIne AWARD Awarded to the member of the graduating class who, in the opinion of the faculty within the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, has shown exceptional ability in the use of osteopathic philosophy and osteopathic manipulative treatment. Carissa Shalini Rosten

Awards PReSIDenT’S LeADeRShIP AnD DIVeRSITY AWARD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who has made a unique contribution to create an environment of shared responsibility and ownership for diversity and inclusion at PCOM, as well as demonstrating emerging and sustained commitment thereon.

nicole Ivonne McManus

PCOM GeORGIA OSTeOPAThIC MeDICIne STUDenT AWARD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who attained the highest scholastic average. Sarah elizabeth McCullough

The DeAn’S AWARD Awarded to a member of the graduating class who, by personal and professional conduct and by contributions to student affairs and to the general program of PCOM Georgia, has been deemed worthy of special citation as recipient of the Dean’s Award. Mahtab Melissa Parham

MASOn W. PReSSLY AWARD Presented to that member of the graduating class who has demonstrated exceptional service to the community and to the College. Abdul Abel Walters

Degrees in Course May 21, 2020

Degrees in Course DOCTOR Of OSTeOPAThIC MeDICIne Tracy Jonathan Adams, Jr.

Alexandra Marisa Derr

Khadijah emani Jihad

Ayesha Ahmad

Kanisha Desai

Samuel Jimenez

Kyle Spencer Altman

Raj Jagdishkumar Desai

Gabrielle Sade Johnson

Joshua Ang

Tyler Barrett Drury

Andrew Jacob Keith

nathan Wade Anisko

Dione Duc

Cameron omas Kennelly

Taylor Amiel Attar

Christopher omas Duke

Sussan Del Carmen Kokinda

Simone elizabeth Corwine Autry-Lott

Andrew Joseph Dunaway

Brett Kramer

Yusra Azhar

Kaitlyn Melissa Durr-Santos

Raheem Lalani

Jason Christopher Banarsee

Chinonso Anne ezike

Anh Si Le

harold Brantley Barron

Michael George ferrell

Madison Leigh Lindgren

Cory elizabeth Barrows

Jay omas fickle III

Jessica faith Lindsay

Brittany Pena Barthelemy

Jerica Lashay Gibson

Caroline Amanda Lloyd

Silpa Benny

Austin Jeffrey Gillette

Minisha Lohani

omas Andrew Brooks

Katie Shiver Googe

Ramneek Manchanda

Alexis Danielle Brown

henry Levi Greene

John Tyler Martin

Tanner Douglas Cabbage

Gregory nathaniel Griffin

Reshmi Merin Mathew

Sean Michael Cady

Kaylyn Reychele Guthrie

Steven Pulimootil Mathew

So Mang Chang

Reanne Catherine harris

Tom John Albunian Mayuga

Scott edward Chewning

Ricardo José hernandez

Sarah elizabeth McCullough

Govind Singh Chhina

Madeline R. herrera

Danielle Warner McGallagher

Ishan Chopra

BaoLam n. ho

Lauren elizabeth McKune

Christine Anne Collins

Brittany Alycia holden

nicole Ivonne McManus

William A. Costello, Jr.

Lauren Zodia holland

Gayatri Menon

Alexandra Maria Cruz

Rudiona hoxhaj

nicollette Baldwin Mitchell

Aaron Curtwright

Sara Giani Jananeh

Chisom Mogbo

Alexis Lynn De La Cruz

Soren Lind Jensen

Brandon T. Monk

Degrees in Course Cameron Moore

Ronak Patel

Brian John Sicner

Christina Lynn Morgan

Vashishtha Patel

Ashima Singh

Joseph John Murcko IV

Tracy uy Phan

Matthew Doyle Sorensen

Seema Muayyad Mustafa

Yash Bhavin Raval

Maliha Marino Taufiq

Tawsif Mohammad nadir

Megan Raynor

Jean Aka Toffey

hyder Ali naqvi

Sabih Rehman

Mansi nitin Vadodaria

nichole Margaret nilsen

Christina Reid

Juan Andres Valladares

erin Kathleen O’Pry

Colin Richard Rhoads

Abdul Abel Walters

efrain Padilla

Lauren Alexandra Ricchiuti

Alex Wang

Mahtab Melissa Parham

Joseph Martin Roberts

Chelsea Ashlen White

hana Young Park

Matthew Kerry Kalani Rose

Tyler Williams

Ashish Gajabsinh Parmar

Yasmin Rosshandler

Jessica Santrice Wilson

Amola Patel

Carissa Shalini Rosten

Cassandra Jessica Roberts Wood

hetal Shantilal Patel

Clay Costen Rowe, Jr.

Seokyeong Yee

nidhi narendra Patel

Amanda Beth Seamon

Da na Yoon

Parth Piyush Patel

Yassmin Shariff

Pak Lik Patrick Yue

Reshma Patel

Degrees in Course OSTeOPAThIC MAnIPULATIVe MeDICIne CLInICAL SChOLARS PROGRAM The Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship program is designed to provide osteopathic medical students with the tools necessary to integrate osteopathic principles into all areas of clinical practice and to develop superior patient management and clinical problem solving and to enhance OMT teaching skills. The program extends the medical school curriculum an additional year, incorporating teaching, clinical experience and research. At the outset, the program was partially endowed by the family of C. Paul Snyder, DO, PCOM Class of 1910, and the Oxford Foundation. Contributions from alumni, families, friends and estate gifts help to continue funding this undergraduate teaching fellowship largely supported by the College. We are pleased to recognize and congratulate the following graduates of PCOM Georgia’s Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship program: Caroline Amanda Lloyd erin Kathleen O’Pry Clay Costen Rowe, Jr.

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Class of 2020 Post-Graduate Training

DO Class of 2020 Post-Graduate Training Tracy Jonathan Adams, Jr. Family Medicine Residency of Idaho, Family Medicine/Rural, Boise, ID

Sean Michael Cady Guthrie/Robert Packer Hospital, Emergency Medicine, Sayre, PA

Andrew Joseph Dunaway Medical College of Georgia, Anesthesiology, Augusta, GA

Ayesha Ahmad Piedmont Athens Regional, Internal Medicine, Athens, GA

So Mang Chang Emory University SOM, Family Medicine, Atlanta, GA

Kyle Spencer Altman HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME, Emergency Medicine, Brooksville, FL

Kaitlyn Melissa Durr-Santos Prisma Health–Upstate/University of South Carolina SOM, Pediatrics, Greenville, SC

Scott edward Chewning Grand Strand Regional Medical Center, Emergency Medicine, Myrtle Beach, SC

Joshua Ang Midwestern University OPTI, Internal Medicine, Mesa, AZ

Govind Singh Chhina University of Arizona COM–South Campus, Internal Medicine, Tucson, AZ

nathan Wade Anisko Piedmont Columbus Regional, Family Medicine, Columbus, GA Taylor Amiel Attar AU-UGA Medical Partnership, Internal Medicine, Athens, GA Simone elizabeth Corwine Autry-Lott Cone Health, Family Medicine, Greensboro, NC Yusra Azhar Redmond Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Rome, GA harold Brantley Barron Medical College of Georgia, Family Medicine, Augusta, GA Cory elizabeth Barrows Medical College of Georgia, Pediatrics, Augusta, GA Brittany Pena Barthelemy Northeast Georgia Medical Center, Family Medicine, Gainesville, GA Silpa Benny HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME, Family Medicine, St. Petersburg, FL omas Andrew Brooks SUNY Upstate Medical University, Pediatrics, Syracuse, NY Alexis Danielle Brown Memorial Health–University Medical Center, Family Medicine, Savannah, GA Tanner Douglas Cabbage University of Tennessee COM, Pediatrics, Chattanooga, TN

Ishan Chopra Eglin Air Force Base, Family Medicine, Eglin AFB, FL Christine Anne Collins Rutgers–R W Johnson Medical School, Emergency Medicine, New Brunswick, NJ William A. Costello, Jr. Carolinas HealthCare System Blue Ridge, Internal Medicine, Morganton, NC Alexandra Maria Cruz Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Alexis Lynn De La Cruz University of Cincinnati Medical Center, Radiology–Diagnostic, Cincinnati, OH Alexandra Marisa Derr University of Florida COM, Emergency Medicine, Jacksonville, FL Kanisha Desai Albert Einstein Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Raj Jagdishkumar Desai Medical College of Georgia, Radiology–Diagnostic, Augusta, GA Tyler Barrett Drury Jefferson Health, Internal Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Dione Duc Piedmont Columbus Regional, Family Medicine, Columbus, GA Christopher omas Duke Palm Beach Consortium for GME, Psychiatry, Tamarac, FL

Chinonso Anne ezike Morehouse School of Medicine, Family Medicine, Atlanta, GA Michael George ferrell Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Family Medicine, Norristown, PA Jay omas fickle III Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Internship, Philadelphia, PA Jerica Lashay Gibson Cahaba Medical Care, Family Medicine/Rural, Centreville, AL Austin Jeffrey Gillette University of Florida COM–Shands Hospital, Family Medicine, Gainesville, FL Katie Shiver Googe Baptist Outreach Services, Family Medicine, Montgomery, AL henry Levi Greene Northside Hospital Gwinnett, Internal Medicine, Lawrenceville, GA Gregory nathaniel Griffin Campbell University Southeastern Health, Emergency Medicine, Lumberton, NC Kaylyn Reychele Guthrie omas Jefferson University, Anesthesiology, Philadelphia, PA Reanne Catherine harris Medical Center Central Georgia/ Mercer University SOM, Internal Medicine, Macon, GA Ricardo Jose hernandez Beaumont Health, Orthopaedic Surgery, Farmington Hills, MI Madeline R. herrera Beaumont Health, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Farmington Hills, MI

DO Class of 2020 Post-Graduate Training BaoLam n. ho Spartanburg Regional Healthcare, Family Medicine, Spartanburg, SC

Anh Si Le Mercy Health–St. Rita’s Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Lima, OH

Gayatri Menon WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Marietta, GA

Brittany Alycia holden Baylor University Medical Center, Pathology, Dallas, TX

Madison Leigh Lindgren University Hospitals, Emergency Medicine, Jackson, MS

Lauren Zodia holland Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Internship, Philadelphia, PA

nicollette Baldwin Mitchell Vidant Medical Center/East Carolina University, Emergency Medicine, Greenville, NC

Jessica faith Lindsay East Tennessee State University, Surgical Research, Johnson City, TN

Rudiona hoxhaj WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Marietta, GA Sara Giani Jananeh University of Miami/ Jackson Health System, Pediatrics, Miami, FL Soren Lind Jensen University of South Florida Morsani COM, Pathology, Tampa, FL Khadijah emani Jihad WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Emergency Medicine, Marietta, GA Samuel Jimenez Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Internship, Philadelphia, PA Gabrielle Sade Johnson Wellington Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Wellington, FL Andrew Jacob Keith Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Anesthesiology, Hershey, PA Cameron omas Kennelly WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Marietta, GA Sussan Del Carmen Kokinda Coliseum Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Macon, GA Brett Kramer AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Psychiatry, Atlantic City, NJ Raheem Lalani Medical College of Georgia, Family Medicine, Augusta, GA

Caroline Amanda Lloyd Baystate Medical Center, Emergency Medicine, Springfield, MA Minisha Lohani Stony Brook Teaching Hospital, Internal Medicine, Stony Brook, NY Ramneek Manchanda Baylor College of Medicine, Neurology, Houston, TX John Tyler Martin Palm Beach Consortium for GME, Emergency Medicine, Port St. Lucie, FL Reshmi Merin Mathew University of Florida COM, Internal Medicine, Jacksonville, FL Steven Pulimootil Mathew Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, Psychiatry, Grand Rapids, MI Tom John Albunian Mayuga Atlanta Medical Center, Family Medicine, Atlanta, GA Sarah elizabeth McCullough Baystate Medical Center, Medicine–Pediatrics, Springfield, MA Danielle Warner McGallagher Campbell University, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Fayetteville, NC Lauren elizabeth McKune Vidant Medical Center/East Carolina University, General Surgery, Greenville, NC nicole Ivonne McManus Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Internship, Philadelphia, PA

Chisom Mogbo SUNY Upstate Medical University, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Syracuse, NY Brandon T. Monk Geisinger Health System, Surgery–Prelimnary, Danville, PA Cameron Moore Morehouse School of Medicine, Surgery–Preliminary, Atlanta, GA Christina Lynn Morgan UPMC–Susquehanna, Family Medicine, Williamsport, PA Joseph John Murcko IV Mountain AHEC, Family Medicine, Hendersonville, NC Seema Muayyad Mustafa Emory University SOM, Internal Medicine, Atlanta, GA Tawsif Mohammad nadir Campbell University, Family Medicine, Conway, SC hyder Ali naqvi South Georgia Medical Education & Research Consortium, Family Medicine, Moultrie, GA nichole Margaret nilsen Portsmouth Naval Medical Center, Obstetrics-Gynecology, Portsmouth, VA erin Kathleen O’Pry Piedmont Columbus Regional, Family Medicine, Columbus, GA efrain Padilla HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME–Bayonet Point, General Surgery, Hudson, FL Mahtab Melissa Parham WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Emergency Medicine, Marietta, GA

DO Class of 2020 Post-Graduate Training hana Young Park WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Emergency Medicine, Marietta, GA Ashish Gajabsinh Parmar Southeastern Health/Campbell University, Internal Medicine, Lumberton, NC Amola Patel Eastern VA Medical School, Pediatrics, Norfolk, VA hetal Shantilal Patel Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Pediatrics, West Islip, NY nidhi narendra Patel WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Family Medicine, Smyrna, GA Parth Piyush Patel WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Marietta, GA Reshma Patel University of Texas Medical Branch, Pediatrics, Galveston, TX Vashishtha Patel Merit Health–Wesley, Internship, Hattiesburg, MS Tracy uy Phan Medical College of Georgia, Family Medicine, Augusta, GA Yash Bhavin Raval Broward Health Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Fort Lauderdale, FL Megan Raynor Baylor College of Medicine, Pediatrics, San Antonio, TX Christina Reid University of Kansas SOM, Psychiatry, Wichita, KS

Colin Richard Rhoads Cleveland Clinic Foundation–South Pointe, Orthopaedic Surgery, Warrensville, OH

Maliha Marino Taufiq Spartanburg Regional Healthcare, Family Medicine, Spartanburg, SC

Lauren Alexandra Ricchiuti Manatee Memorial Hospital, Family Medicine, Bradenton, FL

Jean Aka Toffey Memorial Health–University Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Savannah, GA

Joseph Martin Roberts Medical Center Central Georgia/Mercer University SOM, Pediatrics, Macon, GA

Mansi nitin Vadodaria Northside Hospital Gwinnett, Internal Medicine, Lawrenceville, GA

Matthew Kerry Kalani Rose University of Tennessee COM, Family Medicine, Chattanooga, TN

Juan Andres Valladares HCA Healthcare/USF Morsani GME– Bayonet Point, Internal Medicine, Hudson, FL

Yasmin Rosshandler WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Marietta, GA

Abdul Abel Walters Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Internship, Philadelphia, PA

Carissa Shalini Rosten MountainView Regional Medical Center, Osteo Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine, Las Cruces, NM

Alex Wang Tufts Medical Center, Anesthesiology, Boston, MA

Clay Costen Rowe, Jr. WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Marietta, GA

Chelsea Ashlen White HealthONE, Neurology, Lone Tree, CO

Amanda Beth Seamon Medical College of Georgia, Psychiatry, Augusta, GA

Tyler Williams Methodist Hospital, Family Medicine, Houston, TX

Yassmin Shariff Floyd Medical Center, Family Medicine, Rome, GA

Jessica Santrice Wilson Medical City–Arlington, Internal Medicine, Arlington, TX

Brian John Sicner Largo Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Largo, FL

Cassandra Jessica Roberts Wood Forrest General Hospital, Family Medicine, Hattiesburg, MS

Ashima Singh St. Mary–Corwin Medical Center, Family Medicine, Pueblo, CO

Seokyeong Yee MedStar Union Memorial Hospital, Internal Medicine, Baltimore, MD

Matthew Doyle Sorensen Aventura Hospital, Emergency Medicine, Miami, FL

Da na Yoon WellStar Kennestone Regional Medical Center, Family Medicine, Smyrna, GA

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Board of Trustees Administration Alumni Association

Board of Trustees Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine foundation and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Officers Chairman of the Board

John P. Kearney

Vice Chairman

Thomas J. Gravina

President and Chief Executive Officer

Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81

Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean

Kenneth J. Veit, DO ’76, MBA

Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Peter Doulis, CPA

Chief Legal Affairs Officer

David F. Simon, JD

Chief Advancement Officer

Carrie Collins, JD, PhD

Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer

Marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD

Interim Dean and Chief Academic Officer Osteopathic Medical Program – PCOM Georgia

Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, DO ’82***

Dean and Chief Academic Officer Osteopathic Medical Program PCOM South Georgia

H. William Craver, III, DO ’87***

Dean, School of Pharmacy – PCOM Georgia

Shawn Spencer, PhD***

Chief Campus Officer – PCOM Georgia

R. Bryan Ginn, Jr.***

Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary

Lavinia Lafferty

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine foundation and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine James H. Black, DO ’62, LLD (Hon.) John B. Bulger, DO ’95, MBA Timothy P. Burgess, MPA Joseph A. Dieterle, DO ’70 Mr. Matthew O. Elkes Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81 Stephanie H. Felgoise, PhD* Julie R. Fox, MBA Mr. omas J. Gravina *Faculty Representative **Alumni Representative ***These individuals are members of the PCOM Board only

Jerel A. Hopkins, Esquire Mr. John P. Kearney Vincent Lobo, DO ’65 Suzanne S. Mayes, JD Mr. R. David McCleskey A. Scott McNeal, DO ’88 Dana C. Shaffer, DO ’85 ** Mr. Wayne T. Sikes Kenneth J. Veit, DO ’76, MBA

Administration Jay S. feldstein, DO President and Chief Executive Officer Kenneth J. Veit, DO, MBA Provost, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean Peter Doulis, CPA Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer Linda R. Adkison, MS, PhD Associate Provost Accreditation, Growth and Development Sheree J. Aston, OD, PhD Interim Associate Provost for Accreditation, Academic Growth and Development h. William Craver III, DO Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM South Georgia Robert DiTomasso, PhD Dean, School of Professional and Applied Psychology Joseph M. Kaczmarczyk, DO, MPh, MBA Interim Dean and Chief Academic Officer Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM Georgia Gregory McDonald, DO Dean, School of Health Sciences Shawn Spencer, PharmD Dean and Chief Academic Officer School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Deborah A. Benvenger, MBA Chief Admissions Officer Carrie Collins, JD, PhD Chief Advancement Officer Jane Z. Dumsha, PhD Chief Research and Sponsored Programs Officer Stephanie ferretti, MLS Chief Library Services Officer Mindy George-Weinstein, PhD Chief Research and Science Officer R. Bryan Ginn, Jr. Chief Campus Officer, PCOM Georgia erik Langenau, DO, MBA Chief Academic Technologies Officer Margaret McKeon, BSn, esq. Chief Compliance Officer Patience Mason, Med Chief Student Affairs Officer

Samuel A. Matheny, Med, MA Chief Student Services Officer, Financial Aid and Interim Registrar Christina Mazzella, MS Chief Human Resources Officer Marisa niedbalski, MBA Chief Information Security Officer Marcine Pickron-Davis, PhD Chief Diversity and Community Relations Officer Wendy W. Romano Chief Marketing and Communications Officer David Simon, JD Chief Legal Affairs Officer Richard T. Smith, MBA Chief Technology Operations Officer frank h. Windle Chief Facilities Officer Arthur Sesso, DO Senior Associate Dean of Osteopathic Curricular Innovation and Oversight and Chair, Surgery Bonnie A. Buxton, PhD Associate Dean, Osteopathic Curriculum and Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, Osteopathic Medical Program, PCOM Georgia Kerin fresa, PhD Associate Dean, Osteopathic Curriculum, Philadelphia Campus naushad M. Khan Ghilzai, PhD Associate Dean for Academics and Assessment, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia David Kuo, DO Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Director of Medical Education Michael Becker, DO, MS Assistant Dean, Clerkship Education Marla Golden, DO Director of Clerkship Academics, PCOM Georgia, PCOM South Georgia Chair of Clinical Education, PCOM South Georgia Michael Lee, PhD Assistant Dean, Professional and Student Affairs, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Julie Wickman, PharmD Assistant Dean, Clinical Education School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia Joanne M. Jones, MBA Campus Officer, PCOM South Georgia Brian Balin, PhD Chair, Department of Bio-Medical Sciences

Administration (continued) Stephanie h. felgoise, PhD, ABPP Chair, Department Clinical Psychology elizabeth A. Gosch, PhD, ABPP Chair, Department of Counseling, PCOM Jessica Glass Kendorski, PhD, nCSP, BCBA-D Chair, Department of School Psychology, PCOM Laura Levy, DhSc, PA-C Chair, Physician Assistant Studies Philadelphia and PCOM Georgia

Phillip Palmer, PT, PhD Chair, Physical Therapy, PCOM Georgia Avadhesh C. Sharma, PharmD, PhD Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia John Tovar, PharmD Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, PCOM Georgia

Philadelphia College Of Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association 2020 Council Members executive Council

Professional Careers Council

William B. Swallow, DO ’79 – President

Prerakkumar Adhuria, PharmD ’17

Paul J. LaPoint, DO ’90 – President-Elect

Jennifer Alvarado, MS/FM ’08

Amanda S. Murphy, MS, PA ’02 – Secretary

Christopher W. Brown, MS/CCHP ’11

Shanda D. Lucas-O’Dennis, MS/ODL ’09

Madeleine L. Brown, MS/Biomed ’18

Awards Committee Chair Jennifer A. Dwyer, DO ’08 Nominating Committee Chair Melissa Schwartz, DO ’91 – Past President

Krystal N. Carter, MS/CCHP ’10 Ashara Cashaw, MS, PsyD ’13 Rashim Lancit, EdS ’13 Ruark Lanham, MS/ODL ’07 David M. Poponi, PsyD ’09 Preston Williams, MS/PA ’07

DO Council Michael Becker, DO ’87

Trainee Council

James M. Bonner, DO ’86

Sarah C. Hryzak (DO ’18), Resident

Gretta A. Gross, DO ’97

Samuel Berding (DO ’22), Student Rep,

Ricky P. Lockett, DO ’84 Joseph Nyzio, DO ’00 Ositadinma O. Opara, DO ’99 William J. Pesce, DO ’89 Elsira M. Pina, DO ’89

PCOM Georgia Jazmone Kelly (DO ’23), Student Rep, PCOM South Georgia Jacob Stein, MS/Biomed ’19 (DO ’23), Student Rep, PCOM

Howard M. Robinson, DO ’90 Alumni Association Board Representative to PCOM Board of Trustees Dana C. Shaffer, DO ’85 PCOM President & CeO Jay S. Feldstein, DO ’81 Senior Manager, Alumni Special Services Pamela J. Ruoff, MS

Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

The College Seal The Academic Costume The Class of 2020 Mission Statement The Osteopathic Oath

The College Seal

The College seal first appeared in 1925 embossed on the cover of The Synapsis, the College’s first yearbook. Volume One of The Synapsis was published by the junior class of Philadelphia College of Osteopathy in honor of the graduating class of 1925. The first seal incorporated the College motto mens et manus, “mind and hand.” The seal’s origin is unknown, as is its designer. In 1938, Edgar O. Holden, DO ’22, dean of the College from 1924 to 1943, and Russell C. Erb, PhD, associate dean from 1937 to 1943, proposed and designed a coat of arms. The coat of arms appeared for the first time in the 1938 alumni magazine and featured a heraldic design that applies to the osteopathic profession. The three triangles are symbolic of the three segments of the vertebral column, which has a significant part in the science of osteopathic medicine. The hand emerges from a noble crown indicative of the regal aspect and dignity, as well as the healing powers of the human hand when applied to the art and science of osteopathic medicine. The College motto was retained, and the coat of arms was utilized as the College seal in various motifs through the mid-1980s. An adaptation of the first College seal was re-introduced in 1986. Today’s College seal, similar to the original, was adopted following the College’s Centennial Celebration in 1999. The seal features a centrally placed shield within which are shown a scroll and a flaming torch of knowledge. Immediately above is the College motto, reflecting the College’s osteopathic origin. Uppermost and arranged in a radial pattern are streaks of solar brilliance. Separated from either side of the shield are branches of laurel joined and bound together at the center, close to the base of the shield. These components exemplify teaching, learning and the attainment of knowledge leading to successful careers in the healthcare professions. The name of the College and the year of its founding encircle the seal.

The Academic Costume The history of academic costume originated in medieval times and stems from the early days of the oldest universities. It is thought that long gowns were first worn for warmth in the cold lecture halls. And hoods may have covered the tonsured heads (shorn crowns) of priests and monks who made up the faculty. One university insisted on the tonsure for scholars. The hoods were replaced by the skull cap, which in turn was displaced by a headgear somewhat like that worn today. The faculty and students of European universities still wear a diversity of academic regalia. However, in 1893, a United States intercollegiate commission dictated a uniform code, which has been accepted by most American colleges and universities. The commission devised three types of gowns and three types of hoods for the bachelor’s, the master’s and the doctorate degree. All gowns are black except for the associate in arts degree, which is gray. The bachelor’s gown features pointed sleeves and is worn closed; the master’s gown has an oblong sleeve and may be worn open or closed. The gown for the doctorate degree has bellshaped sleeves slashed with three velvet bars. The front of the gown is faced with velvet and is worn either open or closed. The colorful hoods are lined with silk in the color or colors of the institution granting the degree (PCOM’s colors are maroon and gray). In addition, the hood is trimmed with velvet facing representing the academic discipline in which the degree has been granted: white for arts, letters or humanities; golden-yellow for science; purple for law; lemon-yellow for library science; sapphire-blue for commerce or business; light blue for education; brown for fine arts; dark blue for philosophy; green for medicine—the color of life and growth (Fellows of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons wear hoods trimmed with crimson). The length of the hood varies according to the degree: short for the associate and bachelor’s degree, medium for the master’s and long for the doctorate. Mortarboards are generally recommended for caps, although soft, square-topped caps are permissible. Tassels may be black or gold and are usually gold for the doctorate degree. While there is no rule for the position of the tassel, many colleges and universities (including PCOM) request the candidates to wear the tassel on the right side and to shift it to the left at the moment the degree is awarded.

The Class of 2020 Mission Statement

"We, the PCOM Georgia class of 2020, commit to professionalism, teamwork, being open to criticism, and treasuring quality time with friends and family. We pledge to utilize osteopathic principles to treat the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Together we stand for our community, pursuing excellence through dedication, humility through service, mastery through practice, and compassion through care to be doctors devoted to learning, vigilant over dignity, dedicated to care, and worthy of trust."

Osteopathic Oath I do hereby affirm my loyalty to the profession I am about to enter. I will be mindful of my responsibility to preserve the health and life of my patients, to perform faithfully my professional duties. I will be vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community. I will endeavor to work in accord with my colleagues in a spirit of progressive co-operation. I will look with respect and esteem upon all those who have taught me my art. I will be loyal to my college and strive always for its best interests and for the interests of the students who will come after me. I will be alert to further the application of basic biologic truths and to develop the principles of Osteopathic Medicine.

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