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¡Proletarios de todos los países uníos!


Central Committee Communist Party of Perú May 2017 1


Proletarians of all countries, unite!

LONG LIVE MAY FIRST, DAY OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROLETARIAT! In commemorating the hundredth anniversary of the great and glorious October Revolution, which shaking the Earth opened the era of the proletarian world revolution, the Communist Party of Perú, continuing indeclinable in its struggle for the communist orientation, joyously extends its comradely greetings to the international proletariat and the Peruvian proletariat in this First of May. I. WHAT ARE THE REAL INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CONDITIONS IN WHICH THE PROLETARIAT FIGHTS TODAY. Two major issues are expressed in the context of the last decade: the most serious and widespread crisis of capitalism and the antechamber of a new imperialist plundering war. How is each of them specificed? 1. THE 2008 ECONOMIC CRISIS HAS NOT ENDED. IT IS MORE SERIOUS THAN THAT OF 1929. IT STILL PERSISTS IN EUROPE AND A FEW MONTHS AGO IT EXPERIENCED A NEW AND STRONG FINANCIAL REPERCUSSION. This crisis, which is almost a decade old, has been developing in a slow and long recovery, for some “desperately slow and fragile”, and for others it means “a lost decade” in the developed economies. ECLAC calls it “a long cycle of ‘new normalcy’”, taking what IMF itself affirmed, evidencing: low growth, low investment, slow productivity, stagnant wages, high levels of indebtedness, high unemployment and larger growth of inequality. All that we can see in the advanced econo3

mies: The United States grew only 1.1% in 2016, with a 2.1% projection for 2017; in the Eurozone, the potential growth remains below 1% and has accumulated two recessions since 2008; in Japan growth is halting and near a recession; in the United Kingdom the estimated growth is 0.8%; the economies of the so called emerging countries like Brazil and Russia are in recession; and China, with 6.7%, is showing an increase of strong deceleration, affecting the economies based on exportation of raw materials such as Latin American countries, Perú among them. A crisis scenario of the capitalist system envisaged by Marx, Lenin and Chairman Mao Tsetung, and from which they cannot escape. Crisis that is generating more and more destruction of the means of production and mainly of the work force. This economic system of exploitation, with cyclical periods of unavoidable crises; expressed in globalisation, within which the trend of several decades of concentration of wealth in less and less hands has sharpened, on the one hand; and a greater impoverishment of the class and the people who are the vast majority, on the other hand. As the international organisations themselves recognise: “a drastic increase in inequalities”, which is nothing more than the largest and most unbridled capitalist exploitation, evidencing the internal contradiction of globalisation: Greater socialization of production on one side, and on the other a greater concentration of wealth in less and less hands. Generating also, and as consequence, exploitation and oppression like never seen before at a world level. The following figures are very significant: the richest 10% concentrates 87% of the wealth, and 1% controls 50% of the world’s assets. This is the capitalist system that grinds and destroys the proletariat and the people for the increase of surplus value! And in times of crisis, redoubles


its exploitation and aggravates its repression in order to maintain its quota of profit! Today the financial oligarchy is using temporary work—precarious and without rights--as means to overcome the crisis, and also, the use of robotics that displaces the work force to increase surplus value, with immense unemployment: the so-called fourth industrial revolution of sinister prospect for the proletariat, but at the same time creates magnificent conditions for the shaping of the great Maoist slogan: Rebellion is justified! The fundamental problem in this crisis is that an intense and new struggle underlies between the two big factions of the financial oligarchy, one to displace the other, hence the intensification of the debates about abandoning the divinity of the market and returning to protectionism; although the promoters of neoliberalism promote today “a more pragmatic and less ideological balance between State and Market”, others argue that “the current phase of deregulated globalisation is in retreat” and that “adjustments in the economic nucleus of a new phase of globalisation” must be made. But everyone agrees that conditions should be prepared to face a new crisis of the capitalist system which they envisage will be much worse than this already very serious capitalist crisis within imperialism and globalisation. But the capitalist system faces not only economic crisis, but also political crisis. The traditional demo-bourgeois principles of liberty, equality and fraternity are being swept away by a growing political reactionarisation, which is witnessed in the most developed economies, such as England with Brexit, France with the upsurge of the ultra-right, the same as in Austria, Poland, or Hungary, and also in the United States, the greatest imperialist power, whose newly-inaugurated ruler openly promotes xenophobic ideas, is against the free self-de5

termination of peoples by insisting on subjecting and razing their sovereignty, systematically denies rights to his own citizens, seriously increasing poverty, and concentrating more and more wealth on less and less hands: he is also one of those who underestimate the role of women and advocate an individualist ideology. Positions that accelerate the context for a new plundering war for repartition of the world. Just as there is a “new normality” of decay within capitalism, there is also a “new normality” with the reactionarisation of bourgeois democracy, restricting freedoms and rights of the class and the people. 2. THE IMPERIALIST POWERS TAKE POSITIONS FOR WAR. THEY CONTINUE DISPUTING AREAS OF INFLUENCE: SOUTH CHINA SEA, NORTH KOREA, THE MIDDLE EAST, THE BALTICS, CENTRAL ASIA, ETC. AND ON ANY OF THESE AREAS, OR OTHERS, A CONFLICT WILL SPRING UP. TROOPS ARE EXTENSIVELY DEPLOYED, OR ARE SETTING UP IN NEW LOCATIONS, AS NEW WEAPONS BEGIN TO BE PROBED. DIPLOMATIC MEETINGS ARE MULTIPLYING, AS SORPRISING APPROXIMATIONS AND DISTANCINGS TAKE PLACE. In this evident scenario of unfinished economic crisis, the antechamber to war manifests a taking of position for war by the imperialist powers, and the contradictions are sharpened: The South China Sea. It continues to be an area of conflict. In July of last year, the Court of The Hague ruled against China, and it decided not to abide by it; undaunted, it built artificial islands, antagonizing contradictions with the United States, which it has demanded and claimed not to meddle because “it is not a problem between China And the United States”, since “the United States has no territory in that region”. “The freedom and safety of navigation is of concern to China more than any other country, because it is the vital line for our foreign 6

trade� (words of Cui Tiankai, Chinese ambassador to the United States). Nowadays, politicians and economists in the world are searching how to define the new model of relations between China and the United States, which expresses more clearly the bipolarity between the two powers. In its relations with the countries in its area of influence, despite that in January, China and the Philippines established a consultation mechanism on the China Sea, it broke up and the Philippines ordered a military deployment on the islands by June. China is careful to point out that its army has always been a strong military force in safeguarding world peace, however, confirming Chairman Mao’s words, the more they talk about peace, the more they prepare for war, the Chinese army has sent since 1990 more than 30,000 soldiers and officials to UN peacekeeping operations in more than 10 countries. Currently, more than 2,600 envoys remain in 9 mission areas in Africa and the Middle East. From December 2008 to date, it has sent 24 fleets of Navy ships to the Gulf of Aden and the waters of Somalia, where they have deployed an escort for more than 6,900 Chinese and foreign merchant ships. North Korea. In the area of influence of China, it has recently become another red-hot spot. The United States, along with its ally South Korea, have acted with a plan of constant harassment and threat against North Korea, using the pretext that it is developing its nuclear program. Threatening it with a pre-emptive strike, they have deployed their forces to only 500 km from the site where North Korea is conducting its tests, raising tensions. Simultaneously, Russia, and especially China, in their collusion and struggle with the United States, try to resolve this conflicting issue through diplomatic means. Situation that until today is not solved, on the contrary it has been sharpened in the last days with the greatest artillery test in North 7

Korea by the 85th Anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Army of North Korea, when it made a simulation with real fire on his eastern shore, firing 300 to 400 pieces of long-range artillery. And at the same time, the United States assured the arrival of its nuclear submarine “USS Michigan” (which uses missiles with nuclear warheads) to South Korea, where it will join with its nuclear carrier of the Nimitz class, considered the largest in the world, to perform manoeuvres. China for its part sent 20 submarines to avoid, it says, that things might get worse. Thus, more than 50 submarines from the United States, Japan, China, Russia and South Korea find themselves near the Korean peninsula, in front of nearly 70 underwater vessels of Pyongyang. All which some have nominated “a display of military might”. That is, an obvious demonstration of forces that would seek to provoke each other. Middle East. Another also red-hot spot, but of a longer time, where the powers such as the United States and Russia also contend, and where the latter strengthened its positions in the region with the capture of Aleppo and underpinned the regime of Bashar Al Assad. US imperialism with Trump’s new administration, using as a pretext the denunciation of alleged use of chemical weapons, materialised Obama’s already proclaimed threat with a localised and direct attack on an air base in Syria, from which the supposed chemical weapons would have been launched, in other demonstration of strength and warning to other imperialist and regional powers like Iran. In this area, the US Navy’s infantry forces are moving, in “a new escalation in the war” according to The Washington Post, to an area near the city of Raqqa, controlled by the Islamic State, and set up a military base with 800 troops in the Kurdish-controlled Syrian area of Hasakah, 70 km from the border with Turkey and 50 km from Iraq.


The Baltic Sea area remains an area of unresolved conflict. The US plan to surround the area of the former USSR and seize it has been using NATO with new deployments in the form of an arrow bow pointing to Moscow; and last year Russia has continued to respond to the US offensive, through NATO, on its western frontiers, where the potential of an attack intensifies, new military bases are built and the infrastructure of war is expanded. It has continued to carry out joint military manoeuvres with allied countries such as Belarus (former USSR), and under NATO military manoeuvres in Montenegro (Balkans) it carried out joint exercises in Serbia with members of the Russian, Serbian and Belarusian air forces and troops, as well as deploying modern radars on the island of Wrangell to monitor the Arctic, militarily reinforcing Kaliningrad, its enclave between Poland and Lithuania, and recently deploying its forces toward Alaska. Central Asia, Afghanistan. The United States, in another of its demonstrations of military power, launched in April an attack with a new weapon, the so-called “mother bomb”, the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in a province near the border with Pakistan, an area of the Islamic State. Following the defeat and withdrawal of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, 13,000 NATO troops and 8,000 US troops still remain at war against the ISIS-allied Taliban. Finally, the tension between the United States and Iran in the Strait of Hormuz has intensified, with disployment of military vessels from both countries. As for Mr Trump’s denial of the non-nuclear agreement between Obama and the Iranian government, a threat to which Israel is joining against Iran, the Iranian response has been to divulge that it won’t ask no one’s permission for its nuclear development, while exhibiting its military might.


At the same time diplomatic meetings multiply, we see how diplomatic meetings have intensified between the major imperialist powers: US-China, China-Russia, Russia-Japan, etc. And with the countries in zones of conflict: United States-South Korea, China-North Korea, meetings of Russia with Syria and Iran, etc. In the backyard of the United States where China has become the main trading partner, the response to the context of crisis and war is expressed in the series of struggles throughout the continent, among them stand out: the millions of offspring of Mexico who manifest themselves against the imperialist offensive against their nation. The struggles of the combative Argentine people against the imposition of neoliberalism, struggles crowned by a significant general strike. The struggles of the Venezuelan people to avoid the overthrow of the elect President Maduro, who faces an interventionist ideological political offensive of US imperialism, using the most perverse reactionary methods of drowning the popular struggle through starving. Unfortunately, to remain within the demo-bourgeois order limits the development of this revolution, whose real and accurate solution is to turn towards the course of the proletarian socialist revolution. But the answer extends beyond this area of influence; in the very heart of the great European capitals, popular protest is increasing, rejection of Trump is agitated in the streets of North American cities, and the feeling is that the obligation is peremptory, of the Communist Parties to materialise what Marx, Lenin, and Chairman Mao have demanded, to assume their leadership of the class struggle, and very especially in homage to the great Lenin and the hundred years of the great and glorious October Revolution, so it is fitting that: LET’S UPHOLD MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM AND LET’S FIGHT FOR THE WORLD PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION! The only 10

way to oppose the new imperialist war. II. HOW TO ANALISE THE ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CONDITIONS OF OUR COUNTRY IN WHICH THE PROLETARIAT IS EVOLVING. 1. IMPULSING THE NATIONAL ECONOMY WILL NOT BE POSIBLE FOR THE LACKING OF MEANS AND CONDITIONS. IT WAS WITNESSED IN 2016 AND WILL BE WITNESSED THIS 2017. As it could not be otherwise, the economic crisis of capitalism impacted in our country, generating a slowdown with the risk of recession and decline, the grand bourgeoisie required an immediate reactivation and a new plan of general impulse of its economy. PPK’s ultra-right-wing government raised both objectives, being the main aim to promote the economy by placing private investment at the center. For which, in collusion with the other ultra-right Fujimori faction, they enacted a package of legislative decrees focused on eliminating “the bad use of permissions” or “focusing on legal processes” in order to “unlock” the investment of large projects in infrastructure that may “modernise” the country. They emitted some measures of tax reform for the formalisation of small informal companies and thus to broaden the tax base collecting more. But they are not getting it done, and will hardly achieve this. Persisting in their neoliberalism they seek to maintain the fiscal balance without resorting to the increase of public expenditure as an element of reactivation, as even IMF recommends and their imperialist masters themselves do. And they focus on reactivating private investment that does not gain momentum. For its economic reactivation, the government has resorted to a “public investment shock” given the impossibility of increasing private investment, 5.5 billion soles transferred to regional and local governments, 11

3,900 million for investment projects and 1,500 million for “support to the emergency”. Pure crumbs far from a solution. With all these measures they projected a GDP growth to 4.5%, but the reality is that they do not manage to impel the economy. Private investment has not grown, already for 36 months with negative figures because of the economic crisis. The impacts of Trump’s policy did not allow for an increase in private investment, and these were added to China’s low demand for the slowdown in its economy; aggravating this situation, the corruption problems of the Odebrecht case emerged, that generated uncertainty in the great investments of the monopolies; worse still, the two most important megaprojects of investment in infrastructure: Line 2 of the Metro and the South Peruvian Gas Pipeline are paralysed because they are linked to Odebrecht. To this difficult panorama was added the Niño Costero natural disaster that has hit the north of the country, mainly the people and the class. The government was forced to readjust its growth forecast for this year on two occasions, first to 3.8% and recently 3% (due to the impact of the Niño Costero and allegations of corruption), but already before that the international economic organisms adjusted their projections downwards to 3.4%, and worse still, other economists forecast a barely 2.5% to 2% growth for 2017. The tax collection has fallen by 4.6%, the IGV has decreased by 1% and the collection from companies has decreased by 9%, contrary to the pretensions of the government. What is the situation of the economic sectors? The manufacturing sector is the most affected, 3 years of recession with a drop of -6.7%, a collapse of the industrial sector that has left 150,000 workers unemployed. Construction, with a negative figure which in 2006 was 12

-2.7%. Employment only grew marginally with precarious work and without rights, and economic decline will lead to increased underemployment and informality, which reaches 72% of the EAP and only 28% with formal employment. The unemployment rate is 7.7%, only in Lima Metropolitan there are 403 thousand unemployed, the highest rate of the last 5 years, and is more serious when half of the unemployed are young people under 25 years old. In addition, regarding the national youth population, 90% is in the informal sector and 25% unemployment falls on this youth population. To all this is added the increase of inflation that would reach 3.3% per annum, with the rise in food prices that hit the salaries of the class and the people. A few days ago the Minister of Economy, faced with the aggravation of the economic situation derived from the Niño Costero phenomenon, has announced that it will present a bill to broaden the fiscal deficit ceiling and boost public investment to compensate for the economic slowdown and the reconstruction. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH. IT WILL NEITHER BE IN 2017 NOR IN 2018. THE DAMAGES ARE VERY SERIOUS AND THE MEANS THAT THEY ARGUE ABOUT ARE EXIGUOUS. IT IS REQUIRED: BIG PLANS WITH STRATEGIC VISION, VAST MEANS TO BE OBTAINED AND MANY YEARS. THE ENTREPRENEURS WILL BE WHO WILL PUT THE GREAT AGRO-EXPORTS IN MOTION, AND THE PEOPLE WILL FACE ALL THE HARDNESS OF THE CRISIS OF THE COUNTRY’S NORTH. The damages caused by the Niño Costero phenomenon are serious and profound, affecting 1,081,893 people, 185,873 districts damaged, 5 departments affected mainly in the north of the country, 874 districts in emergency and affecting mainly 3 sectors: manufacturing industry, agro-export and infrastructure; 710 health facilities to 13

be rebuilt and 39 collapsed, 2,000 school sites affected, 3,000 km of road network affected, 323 bridges destroyed, 25,000 hectares of crops lost, 60,000 hectares affected, plus 40,000 houses affected, of which 20,000 were destroyed and the others to be rebuilt. The President announced that the first stage of the reconstruction will cost 3,500’0 $ but others say it will cost twice as much. Heavy losses that mainly hurt the people’s economy! As we see, all the harshness of the crisis of the North falls on the people, and the Law of “Reconstruction with Changes”, passed in Congress in collusion between the two factions of the extreme right, will not serve the interests of the class and the people, but to guarantee those of the grand bourgeoisie. A new threat is envisaged of dispossession of communal lands, and a reconstruction without planning and land-use planning will bear the same fate as previous experiences. Thus the people affected must fight for their rights; they must demand from the State: Housing, health, education, services, employment for the people; since it is FUNDAMENTAL: DEFEND THE RIGHTS OF THE WORKERS AND SERVICES FOR THE PEOPLE! 2. COLLUSION AND STRUGGLE OF THE TWO FACTIONS OF THE EXTREME-RIGHT. Collusion in defence of its system and struggle for who seizes the profits of capitalist accumulation between the two factions of the neoliberal ultra-right is expressed in Peruvian politics. They colluded for the approval of the legislative decrees and fought harshly between rumours of vacancy and coup, facing the accusation of corruption in the Odebrecht case, which would implicate the President himself, also aggravated the struggle for the interpellation against the Minister of Transport and first Vice President, impelled by the Fujimori faction, but the mudslides occurred and the interpellation did not take 14

place. At the face of the disaster of the Niño Costero phenomenon, the government first minimised it, and then called for national unity rallying after “a single force”; with concrete and direct measures, it has succeeded in weathering the storm and recovering from its crestfallen approval, giving signs of strength to the weakness of its government. The government, in order to gain the support of the other faction of the far right, has used the issue of Fujimori’s freedom and the Fujimori faction has pressed for it to be by way of a pardon signed by the Executive, sparing debate in Parliament of a Law of benefits that would conceal the fact that it would be a law with a name of its own; this is what the political landscape has evolved, showing collusion and struggle, expressing a temporary collusion necessary for the approval of its economic project. Throughout this process, group interests have prevailed, in no way have the interests of the State, the Nation and the Peruvian society been treated, when the bicentennial of its independence is near, leaving totally to the margin the solution of the problems derived from the war, promoting only a “reconciliation” between the two factions of the extreme right. On the other hand, there is nothing strange about the ambiguous position toward the people and more inclined towards the right of the Frente Amplio Front, a hybrid and divided bourgeois left which provides no orientation to the class and the people. What corresponds to the proletarian stand is Political Solution, General Amnesty and National Reconciliation, adding to this banner that “The Bicentennial is Freedom on all fronts”, also freedom for all political prisoners, political freedom for all popular organizations and economic freedom as expression of self-determination of peoples.


III. WITHIN THESE CONDITIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CLASS STRUGGLE THE GREAT TASK OF THE CLASS AND THE PEOPLE IS: LET’S UPHOLD MARXISM-LENINISM-MAOISM AND LET’S FIGHT FOR THE WORLD PROLETARIAN REVOLUTION! And in Perú, we must also persist in the direction toward communism, leading the popular struggle for their fundamental rights and demands for basic services to the State. Therefore today, May first, 2017, the year of the 100th Anniversary of the World Proletarian Revolution, we call upon the class and the people to apply the unfading words of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Chairman Mao, and also ours, namely: Engels, referring to capitalism unravelled by Marx, wrote: “Such is the economic regime on which the whole of today’s society rests: the working class is the one who produces all the values, for value is only a term to express labour, the term in our current capitalist society designates the amount of necessary labour contained in a particular commodity. But these values produced by the workers do not belong to them. They belong to the owners of the raw materials, the machines and tools and the anticipated resources that allow these owners to buy the labour power of the working class. Therefore, of the whole quantity of products created by it, the working class receives only a part. And, as we have just seen, the other part, which the capitalist class retains for itself, and is compelled at the most to share it with the class of landowners, grows with every new invention and every new discovery, while the part corresponding to the working class (calculating it per person), only increases very slowly and in insignificant proportions, provided it does not stagnate or even diminish, as it happens in some circumstances. But these discoveries and inventions, that rapidly displace one another, this rendering of human labour, which grows day after day in previously unprecedented proportions, end up creating a conflict, in which the current capitalist economy has to emerge forcefully. On the one hand, immense wealth and a plethora of products that overwhelm the consumption capacity of the buyer. On the other 16

hand, the vast masses of the proletarised society, converted into salaried workers, and thus incapable of acquiring this plethora of products. The division of society into a tiny, fabulously rich class, and a huge class of salaried workers who own nothing, makes this society suffocate in its own abundance, while the vast majority of its individuals are barely guaranteed, or not at all, against the most extreme misery. With each passing day, this state of affairs is becoming more absurd and more unnecessary. It must be eliminated, and can be deleted. A new social order is possible in which the current class differences will disappear and in which - perhaps after a brief period of transition, accompanied by certain privations, but in any case very useful morally -, through the use and the harmonious and proportional development of the immense existing productive forces of all individuals of society, with the general duty to work, will be equally available to all, in increasing proportions, the necessary means to live, to enjoy life and to educate and exercise all physical and spiritual faculties. That the workers are increasingly determined to conquer, by fighting, this new social order, they will patent it, on both sides of the ocean, tomorrow, May 1st...” (F. Engels, Introduction to “Salaried Labour and Capital”, by C. Marx) “Finally, as the capitalists are forced, ... to exploit on an increasing scale the already existing gigantic means of production, being forced to do so to put all the springs of credit into play, the frequency of industrial earthquakes increases, in which the commercial world only manages to keep afloat by sacrificing to the gods of the Averno a part of the wealth, of the products and even of the productive forces; they increase, in a word, crises. These crises become more frequent and more violent, because of the fact that, as the mass of production grows, and therefore the need for larger markets, the world market reduces itself more and more, and fewer and fewer new markets remain to be exploited; since each previous crisis submits to world trade a market that had not yet been conquered or that trade was only exploited superficially. But capital does not exist only from work. This master, distinguished and barbarous, drags to the grave with him the corpses of his slaves, entire hecatombs of workers who succumb to crises. We see, then, that if capital grows rapidly, the competition among workers is growing even more rapidly, that is to say, the means of employment and the


means of life of the working class are reduced relatively more; and yet the rapid increase of capital is the most favourable condition for wage labour”. (Marx, “Salaried labour and capital”) “Financial capital and trusts do not relax, but rather accentuate the difference in the pace of growth of the various elements of the world economy. And if the correlation of forces has changed, how can contradictions be solved under capitalism, if not by force?” (V.I. Lenin, “Imperialism, upper phase of capitalism”) “In the face of this, one might ask: in the field of capitalism, what other means could there be but war, to eliminate the existing disproportion between the development of productive forces and the accumulation of capital on the one hand, and the distribution of the colonies and of the ‘spheres of influence’ of financial capital, on the other? (Idem) “Of course, the possibility of reducing production costs and increasing profits by implementing technical improvements works in favour of the modifications. But the tendency to stagnation and decomposition, inherent in monopolies, continues to work in turn, and in certain branches of industry and in certain countries there are periods when it imposes itself. (...) Imperialism implies an enormous accumulation of monetary capital in a few countries ... Hence the extraordinary increase of the class or, rather, of the sector of rentiers, that is, of individuals who live on ‘coupon clipping’, who do not participate at all in any company and whose profession is idleness. The export of capital, one of the most essential economic bases of imperialism, further accentuates this complete divorce between the sector of rentiers and production, stamps a hallmark of parasitism on the whole country, which lives off the exploitation of the labour of a few countries and colonies overseas”. (Idem) “In all the countries they are discussing now whether or not a third world war will erupt. Faced with this question, we must also be 18

spiritually prepared, and must examine it in an analytical way. We are resolutely in favour of peace and against war. However, if the imperialists insist on triggering a war, we should not be afraid. Our attitude regarding this subject is the same as regarding any other ‘disorder’: in the first place, we are against it; secondly, we do not fear it. After the First World War the Soviet Union appeared, together with two hundred million inhabitants; after World War II the socialist camp emerged, which encompasses nine hundred million beings. It may be argued that if, in spite of everything, the imperialists unleash a third world war, hundreds of millions will pass inevitably to the side of socialism, and the imperialists will no longer have much space in the world; even the whole imperialist system is likely to collapse totally”. (Chairman Mao)


May 1, 2017



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