This Week: July 23, 2016

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births • Carter Troy Prater, son of Collin & Casey Prater (CC#06), on June 9, 2016.

sympathy • Collin & Casey Prater (CC#06) on the loss of his grandmother, Jo Ann Hogan, on June 21, 2016.

URBAN MINISTRIES volunteer in the summer partnership

Looking for a fun way to work with kids this summer? Voice of Hope, HIS Bridgebuilders/HIS Kids and Behind Every Door provide summer programs and need you. Whether you’re available a couple of hours, once a week or more—our partners would love to have you. or 214-224-2715



precepts august summer study

children and youth choirs

How do people survive when they have no hope? Where do they turn when there’s nothing but misery all around them? The only true hope Christians have is in the Lord. Study Lamentations and get a glimpse of the God whose compassions never fail. Teacher: Susan Keyes Tuesdays , August 9, 16, 23: 9:30–11:30 am, Room 263 or 6:30–8:30 pm, 4025 Marquette, Dallas 75225; Materials: $8 or call 214-543-7749

SENIOR ADULTS the sacraments for today

west dallas community school clean-up day

Looking for a service project to kick-off the school year? Join Urban Missions on Saturday, August 13, 8:30 am–12:00 pm in serving West Dallas Community School! Volunteers of all ages are needed to clean, paint, garden, and help with teacher projects. Breakfast will be provided. or 214-224-2501

MISSIONS & CHURCH PLANTING items needed for the missionary house

Our PCPC Missionary House needs gently used games, sports equipment, and books for children 10 and up, especially items for teenage boys! We could also use a storage shed for the backyard. Contact, 214-224-2551

esl needs teachers

We perform only two simple rituals: baptism and the Lord's supper. Why? Ron Williams will be teaching, and music will be led by Stephen Nielson on Thursday, July 28, 10:30 am–1:00 pm. We will meet in the Chapel for the teaching, then a light lunch in Fellowship Hall at noon. RSVP for lunch by Tuesday, July 26. or 214-224-2771

YOUNG ADULTS night of worship rescheduled

We are excited to pray and sing together as one generation of young adults, Friday, August 5, 7:00– 8:30 pm, Chapel. We will pray for the Holy Spirit to work mightily in our families, our marriages, our church, and our call to missions. Childcare birth-K is provided: register online by Wednesday, noon, August 3. All young adults are invited to all the above events including college, singles, marrieds, and families. or 214-224-2728

It's coming! A new semester of learning opportunities and worship participation for singers kindergarten through grade 12 will begin in September. For more information, contact Lynda Fray. or 214-224-2636

summer sing choir

Come join the Chancel Choir this summer—one Sunday or every Sunday, your choice. We start at 8:45 am and will learn a simple piece of music to present in worship at 9:30 and 11:00 am. or 214-224-2632

COUNSELING & PASTORAL CARE instruments in the redeemer's hands

Get equipped for ministry while being encouraged to personally grow in the Lord. This class continues until August 15, 7:00–8:30 pm, Oak Lawn West. Come to some or all. Register by contacting or 214-224-2541

SERVE PCPC job openings

Full-time Organist and Associate Director of Music, Full-time Ministry Leader of Preschool, Part-time Coordinator for Tommy Overton & Family Ministry and Part-Time Coordinator for Facilities & Property Management. View full job descriptions at jobsatpcpc. org and email questions or your resumé (with desired position specified) to

Join PCPC's ESL teaching team for the upcoming school year (September 2016–May 2017). ESL teachers volunteer once a week at one of our four class times—Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30–11:00 am or Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00–8:30 pm. Sign up to teach alone or with a partner. or 214-224-2528

missionary sendoff luncheon for matt steinfeld

Join us on Sunday, August 7, 12:15 pm, for a luncheon to send off Dr. Matt Steinfeld to Lithuania, after his commissioning as a Home Church Missionary in the worship services. Lunch provided, donations appreciated. Please RSVP. or 214-224-2551

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general fund


2016/2017 operating budget


July 1—July 10, 2016 budget


July 1–July 10, 2016 giving


Budget variance


“Nobody worries about Christ so long as He can be kept shut up in churches. He is quite safe there, but there is always trouble if you try to let Him out.” — G. A. Studdert Kennedy

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Extending the Gospel in Cross-Cultural Relationships We all have increasing in contact with people from other cultures. How can we establish meaningful relationships with them and build effective bridges for the Gospel? Join us as we equip ourselves to extend the Gospel in cross-cultural relationships. This last seminar will be led by the PCPC Missions & Church Planting staff and Global Institute of Applied Linguistics (GIAL) Wednesday, 27, 7:00–9:00 pm, Room 301. No need to RSVP, come as you are able. or 214-224-2528

frontline ministry needs volunteers

PCPC exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world. The question is, “How can you be directly involved?” One way is through our new churchwide welcoming, greeting, and hospitality ministry called Frontline. Volunteers will engage members and visitors as they arrive at PCPC’s doors, parking lots, and hallways, ensuring everyone who attends feels welcomed and included. Contact Cole Robertson for more information. or 214-415-2287

assist the officer fund

PCPC is a church that “opens wide her doors and offers welcome” to “all who mourn and long for comfort.” As Dallas Police Chief Brown expressed his heartbreak over the loss of the five fallen guardians of freedom, the City of Dallas mourns. Please remember the families in your prayers, and if you feel led, you can go to to donate to the fund for families of our fallen officers. 100% of the proceeds go to the families. or 214-224-2775


VOL. XXVII, NO. 15 | JULY 23, 2016


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