This Week: May 12, 2018

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births • Harper Leigh Hovitz, daughter of Chas & Abigail Hovitz (CC#04), on April 17, 2018.

sympathies • Paul & Laura Nell Morrow (CC#11) on the loss of his mother; Austin, Emily, & Mack Morrow (CC#11) on the loss of their grandmother, Elizabeth S. Morrow, on April 22, 2018. • Wayne & Ginnie Johnson (CC#10) on the loss of his father; Caroline Johnson (CC#04) on the loss of her grandfather, William H. "Bill" Johnson, on April 23, 2018. • Drew & Carrie Randall (CC#08) on the loss of her father; Holt, Scarlett, Knox, & Buck Randall (CC#08) on the loss of their grandfather, Sonny Campbell, on April 30, 2018.

YOUNG FAMILIES song & story

Come to our last Spring for Song & Story on Friday, May 18, 9:30–11:00 am, Room 122. The program is suitable for ages toddler through kindergarten and will run from 9:30–10:30 am followed by free play for kids and fellowship for parents. Feel free to pack a lunch; water and tea provided. or 214-224-2502

4th grade graduation & moving up

For their last Sunday in Elementary, 4th graders will be celebrated with a graduation service Sunday, May 20, 8:30­–9:15 am, Room 104/106. They will receive a diploma and final farewell! At the beginning of the 11:00 am hour, 4th graders will be escorted by the middle school staff to their new Sunday hangout spot! or 214-224-2545

WOMEN early in the morning bible study

Join us Wednesdays, May 9, 16, 23, 30, and June 6, 7:00–8:15 am, Fellowship Hall, for Bible Blogs: Truth You Need from Scripture You Never Read, led by Neatice Warner. This study will be five lessons focused on lesser read books of the Bible. Each lesson stands on its own so join in when you can. or 214-224-2722

maymester bible study

Join us Wednesdays, May 16, 23, 30, and June 6, 10:00–11:00 am, Fellowship Hall, for Bible Blogs: Truth You Need from Scripture You Never Read, led by Neatice Warner. This study will be four lessons focused on lesser read books of the Bible. Each lesson stands on its own so join in when you can. Childcare is available by reservation at or 214-224-2722



dessert reception for matt and jennie steinfeld

pegasus fellowship, class of 2018-2019

The Pegasus Fellowship is an intensive nine-month theological and spiritual development program designed to equip Christians for gospel leadership in the world.​We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us next year. For more information please contact The Fellowship runs from Labor Day through Memorial Day. Applications due volunteers needed for regufee ministry Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Are you interested in serving the ever-growing refugee community here in Dallas? For more information about joining a welcome team and pegasus internship, summer 2018 volunteering weekly or over the summer, contact The Pegasus Internship is an intensive four-week Sarah Morrison program for rising high school seniors and recent or 214-224-2524 graduates designed to provide a foundation for They aren’t married yet, but they will be by May 17! Join us to meet Jennie, celebrate their marriage, and hear about their work in Lithuania on Thursday, May 17, 7:00 pm, Oak Lawn West. Please RSVP. or 214-224-2551

integrating faith into all areas of life. The Internship

international student furniture drive brings together theological training, spiritual and Spring cleaning your house? Donate your used furniture to incoming international students at SMU. This is an incredible blessing to them and opens the door to ongoing relationships. Items needed: couches, tables, chairs, beds, and desks. To donate, contact Chris Morrison. or 214-693-7662.

personal formation, and meaningful work exposure to equip emerging adults to participate in God’s creative and redemptive work in the world. The internship runs June 2-July 1. Now accepting applications.

MEN men's tuesday morning bible study

Summer is here! Join us for our Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study on Desires, taught by Pat Hobin, James Madden, and Brent Baker, Tuesdays, 7:00–8:15 am, June 12, 19, 26, and July 10, 17, 24, Fellowship Hall. In this study we will take an in depth look at what John calls “the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life.” The word “desire” in Greek actually means in this context “desire for what is forbidden, lust.” Please join with us in this study as we take a look at ourselves in light of this passage. Please plan on joining in no matter how your summer schedule might affect your attendance. Donuts and coffee will be served. or 214-224-2736

circle 5

Circle 5 will meet on Tuesday, May 15, 10:00 am, at the home of Peggy Skidmore, 7215 Stefani, for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Call Peggy Skidmore, 214-361-4704, with any questions.

general fund


2017/2018 operating budget


July 1—April 29, 2018 budget


July 1—April 29, 2018 giving


Budget variance


“Satan is so much more in earnest than we are--he buys up the opportunity while we are wondering how much it will cost.” — Amy Carmichael TW2018-0512.indd 1

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EVERYONE ministry safe training

We believe we have the best volunteers, but even the best benefit from training. From fire evacuation to recognizing signs of abuse, Park Cities Presbyterian Church is committed to keeping its children, youth, and vulnerable adults safe while on our campus. Sunday, May 20, 4:30—7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall, begins the training required of all volunteers working with these populations. Join us for Texas BBQ and an abuse awareness and prevention program presented by Kim Norris of Ministry Safe. Please note that no child under age 17 will be allowed to attend the training. Childcare is provided for children ages birth—fourth grade (attendees must supply their own meal alternative if dietary restrictions exist). Please register online. or 214-224-2534

how people change—a summer study

Join us for a six-week study about “HOW PEOPLE CHANGE” from the book by the same title written by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp and taught by Pat Hobin, Wednesdays, June 13, 20, 27 and July 11, 18, 25, 7:00–8:30 pm, Oak Lawn West. Books can be purchased in the PCPC bookstore for $13. Come for all six sessions if you can. If you can’t, please come when you can. Official registration is not necessary, but it would be very helpful to email Pat and let him know if you plan on attending. or 214-224-2541

SERVE PCPC job openings at pcpc The following positions are open and in need of filling. Full-Time Director of Communications Ministry Ministry Leader & Discipler for Short-Term Missions Coordinator of Missions and Church Planting Part-Time Sexton Part-Time Admin Assistant to PCPC Foundation For a list of all open positions at PCPC, please visit

EXTEND extend campus plan Demo has begun! We have some exciting updates coming regarding Extend. Until then, we want to make sure your questions are answered. Submit those to and be on the lookout for more news coming soon!


VOL. XXIX, NO. 10 | MAY 12, 2018


THISWEEK@PCPC TW2018-0512.indd 2

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