This Week: June 9, 2018

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births • Audrea Jane Webb, daughter of Ian & Juliana Webb (CC#14) on May 18, 2018.

May 20, 2018

deaths • Margaret Hawkes (CC#10) wife of Donald L. Hawkes (CC#10); mother of Don G. Hawkes (CC#12) on May 24, 2018.

MISSIONS international student welcome party

A new group of international students is arriving at SMU to study English prior to pursuing further study. Join us to welcome them Texas-style with a picnic Thursday, June 28, 6:00­—8:00 pm, Burleson Park, 3000 University Boulevard. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Sarah Morrison. or 214-224-2524

Wilson Axley

Emily Barnes

David Burns

Claudya Josselyn

Margaret Koenig

Annalise Martin

volunteers needed for regufee ministry

Are you interested in serving the ever-growing refugee community here in Dallas? For more information about joining a welcome team and volunteering weekly or over the summer, contact Sarah Morrison or 214-224-2524

international student furniture drive

Spring cleaning your house? Donate your used furniture to incoming international students at SMU. This is an incredible blessing to them and opens the door to ongoing relationships. Items needed: couches, tables, chairs, beds, and desks. To donate, contact Chris Morrison. or 214-693-7662.

MEN men's tuesday morning bible study

Summer is here! Join us for our Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study on Desires, taught by Pat Hobin, James Madden, and Brent Baker, Tuesdays, 7:00–8:15 am, June 12, 19, 26, and July 10, 17, 24, Fellowship Hall. In this study we will take an in depth look at what John calls “the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and the pride of life.” The word “desire” in Greek actually means in this context “desire for what is forbidden, lust.” Please join with us in this study as we take a look at ourselves in light of this passage. Please plan on joining in no matter how your summer schedule might affect your attendance. Donuts and coffee will be served. or 214-224-2736



connect: retreat

job openings at pcpc

Join us as we look to connect with other churches in the city through fun, fellowship and worship at the Sky Ranch Property in Van Texas on August 17—19. Scholarships are available upon request pending financial need. You must register by Friday, August 10. or 214-224-2584

The following positions are open and in need of filling. Ministry Leader & Discipler for Short-Term Missions Coordinator of Missions and Church Planting Part-Time Admin Assistant to PCPC Foundation For a list of all open positions at PCPC, please visit

YOUNG FAMILIES summer musikgarten

When music and movement are a natural, joyous part of childhood, children benefit greatly in many areas of life. Language development, self-expression, memory skills, concentration, social interaction, fine motor skills, listening, problem solving, teamwork, goal setting, and coordination all impacted by early music and movement education. PCPC Arts Academy’s Musikgarten classes are designed to provide a way for parents to give this gift to their children while bonding parent and child. Grandparents are welcome, too! Classes run July 10­—August 14, Room 122. Register online. Toddlers & Pre-schoolers: 9:30-10:15 am - $80 Babies: 10:30-11:00 am - $70 or 214-224-2633

general fund


2017/2018 operating budget


July 1—May 13, 2018 budget


July 1—May 13, 2018 giving


Budget variance


“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” — Martin Luther King Jr. TW2018-0609.indd 1

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EVERYONE how people change—a summer study

Join us for a six-week study about “HOW PEOPLE CHANGE” from the book by the same title written by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp and taught by Pat Hobin, Wednesdays, June 13, 20, 27 and July 11, 18, 25, 7:00–8:30 pm, Oak Lawn West. Books can be purchased in the PCPC bookstore for $13. Come for all six sessions if you can. If you can’t, please come when you can. Official registration is not necessary, but it would be very helpful to email Pat and let him know if you plan on attending. or 214-224-2541

groundbreaking celebration

Save the date for this church-wide event on Sunday, June 24, 4:30— 7:30 pm, PCPC! or 214-224-2737

summer prayer guide

This guide has a simple aim: to help us grow in our love for God through time in His Word and prayer. The Bible teaches that in order to love God, we need a relationship with Him. That relationship has been provided by God Himself, through overcoming the alienation caused by our sin through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God the Son. In union with Christ, we now have intimate access to God as our heavenly Father. Scripture and prayer are the means through which we experience, apply, and enjoy that relationship. As we learn to pray and as we learn to listen and obey the gracious overtures of God’s Word, we learn to live as God’s children—to love and trust Him more fully. Pick up a copy by the Information desk or download a digital copy at or 214-224-2737

EXTEND extend campus plan We have some exciting updates coming regarding Extend. Until then, we want to make sure your questions are answered. Submit those to and be on the lookout for more news coming soon!


VOL. XXIX, NO. 12 | JUNE 9, 2018


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