This Week: March 14, 2020

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“In this is love, not that we have loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” —1 John 4:10


For many, Holy Week is the most beloved week of the year at our church. It is beloved not merely for the beautiful music, added fellowship, or triumphant celebration, but for the way it helps fix our eyes on Jesus Christ. Our rhythm of rest and worship during Holy Week helps clear away the debris of distraction and helps remind us how central and significant the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are. The drama of Holy Week is the center of Scripture, of history, and – because of our sin and our union with Jesus Christ – the center of our lives as Christians.

HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE APRIL 5 | PALM SUNDAY SERVICES | 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M. APRIL 6-10 | NOON WEEKDAY SERVICES | NOON-12:35 P.M. (lunch following; childcare 11:30-1:30 p.m. by reservation at



A P R I L 5 -1 2 , 2 02 0

APRIL 9 | MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION SERVICE | 7:00 P.M. (childcare by reservation at

APRIL 12 | EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES | 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 A.M.


VOL. XXXI, NO. 05 | MARCH 14, 2020

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EVERYONE HELPING HANDS Join the deacons to extend helping hands to our single moms, widows/ ers, senior adults, and those with chronic illness who have asked for assistance around their homes on Saturday, April 4, 8:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., Oak Lawn West. To sign up or to request help, contact Wilma Morgan. or 214-224-2742

YOUNG FAMILIES EASTER SONG & STORY Join us for a special Easter Song and Story on Friday, March 27, 10:30 a.m., Oak Lawn West. Song and Story will be followed by lunch from Chickfil-a at no cost to you. Friends and families are welcome to join too! Please park behind Oak Lawn West and NOT the Shops of Highland Park. Register at by Wednesday, March 25. or 214-224-2556

SENIOR ADULTS TRIP TO THE DALLAS ARBORETUM The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives—forever! Do you remember when you first felt your need for Jesus? Do you remember that moment when someone God had placed in your life told you that Jesus came to rescue sinners? Do you remember when you placed your trust in Jesus to save you for all eternity? We need to remember! We need to remember that we needed the Gospel. We need to remember that we still need the Gospel. We need to remember that He is calling us to extend His Gospel to others who need the Gospel. Throughout history the people of God have often forgotten the Gospel. We all have been, “prone to wander” as the great hymn sings, “prone to leave the God we love.” In our journey with Christ, individually and corporately, we forget our need for the Gospel and its power to transform lives—ours and others. When we forget, we become complacent, comfortable, cynical, fearful, filled with doubt, and often drift away from the One who promises life now and forever. This drifting happens to individuals and to whole bodies of believers—churches. What’s amazing is that God shows us His mercies morning after morning and gives us all we need to keep from drifting. At the core of His provision, is remembering who He is and who we are in Him—now and forever! At this incredibly significant time in the life our church, our elders are calling the body of Park Cities Presbyterian Church to RE-ENTER the doors of our church in order to remember all that God has done to rescue us. We need to RE-ENTER the doors and remember the power of the Gospel! In this important season we are seeking His face together for a time of deep Gospel renewal and transformation. We are looking to the Holy Spirit for the life He has given us in Jesus and for the mission He has called us to -- to share Christ with the world. The Gospel changes lives—forever! The purpose of our RE-ENTER Weekends— • For us to experience the transforming power and presence of Jesus and His Gospel. • To seek His face together for the vision He has given our church to extend His Gospel and reach new people. • To understand how to connect more deeply to one another as we grow to be more and more like Jesus. These weekends are vital to the future of our church. You will experience the joy of remembering your salvation and all that God has done to rescue you. You will experience a deeper connection to Christ, His body of believers at PCPC, and the vision He has given PCPC as a church moving forward. You will leave with a deeper understanding of how we can better connect to Christ, one another, and the specific mission He has given us as a church to extend His Gospel Kingdom. You will understand how we believe God is calling us to move forward as a church. Your presence will help others remember the Gospel and protect us from drifting away from who Christ has called and made us to be. Register and join us as we RE-ENTER our doors, RE-MEMBER our need for the Gospel, and RE-NEW our calling to EXTEND His Kingdom to Dallas and to the world. —Mark Davis

We will board the bus by 10:00 a.m on Friday, April 17 and head to the Arboretum to view all the springtime flowers. Bring a friend and join us for this excursion to one of the loveliest experiences Dallas has to offer! There are several places to eat, so you make your own choice of place and time. We will then meet back at the front entrance at 1:30 p.m. to head back to our cars. Cost is the entrance fee ($10 - $15) plus your lunch. Please make your reservation for a seat on the bus and lunch no later than Wednesday, April 15. or 214-224-2771


marriages • Kara Noelle Davis and Andrew Hoyme Obenchain on January 25, 2020.

deaths • Bobby Burns (CC#22), husband of Sherry Burns (CC#22) on February 7, 2020. • M.A. Dunscombe (CC#03), wife of Tom Dunscombe (CC#03); mother of Amy (& Stephen) Burgher (CC#10); grandmother of Thomas Burgher (CC#10), Stephen Burgher, Jr. (CC#03), and Mary Beth (& Will) Mogk (CC#18) on February 24, 2020. • Artemus “Art” W. Townley, Jr. (CC#14), husband of Bobby Townley (CC#14) on February 28, 2020.

sympathies • Dan & Caroline Hatten (CC#18) on the loss of her grandfather; Hank, Oliver, & Tommy Hatten (CC#18) on the loss of their great-grandfather, David E. Wicker, III, on February 19, 2020. • Bill & Cayla Woodruff (CC#22) on the loss of her mother; Jeff & Kara Axley (CC#22) on the loss of her grandmother; Harper & Robert Axley (CC#22) on the loss of their greatgrandmother, Mildred Margaret Hogg, on February 29, 2020. Care Clusters –



2019/2020 operating budget


July 1, 2019—March 1, 2020 budget


July 1, 2019—March 1, 2020 giving


Budget Variance


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