This Week: July 18, 2020

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It's not too late to jump in! Our Summer Prayer Guide theme is “The Power of God” and runs now through September 5. We are currently in the Psalms and Proverbs. The guide will only be available on our PCPC app, which you can download for free.


Our virtual VBS will be available on our website and PCPC's YouTube channel all summer long! Host a Backyard Bible Club in your neighborhood or rewatch on a hot afternoon.


Have you watched our Deep Light series hosted by our very own Mark Davis and Tommy Obenchain? You will hear fun, meaningful, and life-giving stories from members and friends of PCPC. Deep Light is available on YouTube at We’ve created a section on our website to help us extend the Kingdom of Christ against the evils of racism and all forms of injustice. On this page, you will find a collection of resources that can help you grow in your understanding of the issues of race and justice and how the Church should respond. This is a collection of books, interviews, podcasts, and websites that are recommended by members and friends of our church. We all need to grow in our understanding of the issues and how we can engage. As you read, watch, and listen, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and show where and how you need to change and engage. You will likely not agree with everything you read and hear. But, in these resources, you will find helpful and challenging insights for building up His Kingdom. As you read, remember that all truth is God’s truth. Read with a spirit of humility and love, anchored in the Word of God.



As we assess the safety of our worshippers on a week to week basis, we have decided to REQUIRE all attendees to wear masks or cloth face coverings over the nose and mouth while in the church building. If you are uncomfortable with this, we understand and ask that you attend worship online. To help ensure we hold our worship services safely, we ask that you reserve a seat for you and your family online at If you or anyone in your party have had any of the following in the past 7 days, we ask that you please worship online with us at • Fever Over 100 • Cough or Sore Throat • Shortness of Breath • Contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 (in the past 14 days) There is no rush to return. Our desire is to lead the Body in worship of our Lord and Savior whether in person or online. So, we will continue to live stream our services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. for any and all who would prefer to worship online at





VOL. XXXI, NO. 14 | JULY 18, 2020

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births • Luke Thomas Ericson, son of Chris & Amela Ericson (CC#22) on June 15, 2020.

sympathies • Jay & Beth Hohfeler (CC#14) on the loss of her father; Kate & Maggie Hohfeller (CC#14) on the loss of their grandfather; Jack & Molly Vaughn (CC#22) on the loss of her grandfather, Wayne E. Lindsey, on June 25, 2020. • Dave & Linda Mutchler (CC#17) on the loss of her mother, Betty Case, on July 3, 2020. Care Clusters –

How do you abide in Christ?

Staff Highlight

Kelsey Glover Kelsey, what's your position and how long have you been on staff? Almost a year and a half! I started in February 2019 as a Female Discipler of Young Adults. How do you connect with others at PCPC?

I'm currently in school at Dallas Theological Seminary, and I had a professor tell me recently that I should try to view all of my work as devotional, instead of setting hard boundaries of what is devotional and what isn't. I've learned in this season to abide with Christ in anything He's put in front of me! If I'm writing a paper, listening to professor lecture, or reading for school, I get to ask God to help me love Him more in the midst of it. It's extended to my daily realities: washing the dishes, going on walks, or sending emails. I can abide with Christ right then and there by acknowledging all my work, actions and effort honor Him, and He's present with me even in those mundane things. Where have you been able to extend Christ to others? During and after college, I worked in retail part-time for five years and was a manager for about a year. Those were by far the most fruitful years of my life in terms of getting to have gospelconversations with those who are far from Christ. The retail world is really dark and getting to work closely with so many women was a gift from the Lord. Recently, and in part thanks to COVID, my roommates and I have been able to invest more in the neighborhood we live in. We're prayerful and hopeful of how those relationships will grow.

Staff Highlight

Bill Lamberth



2020/2021 operating budget


July 1—July 5, 2020 budget


July 1—July 5, 2020 giving


Budget Variance


Bill, what's your position and how long have you been on staff? This is my second iteration on staff at PCPC. I originally joined the staff in 1992 as an assistant pastor until Cindy and I were used by God to plant Redeemer Presbyterian Church in McKinney, Texas where I served as Pastor from 1996 to 2000. I left Redeemer to return to my previous career in the Real Estate business with the Trammell Crow Company. In 2005 I was asked to rejoin the PCPC staff, so I have served as an assistant pastor in this second iteration for 15 years.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” — Ephesians 2:10

How do you connect with others at PCPC?

How do you abide in Christ?


I love to get to know the people of PCPC. I have taught several Sunday Morning Communities. One of my favorite things to do is greet people on the street as they are coming to worship on Sunday mornings.

Story of Rescue?

Song: Every song by Taylor Swift (not kidding!)

Story of Rescue?

I use the ordinary means of grace by which Christ holds me close through His Spirit: worship, prayer, the reading of God’s Word, and the fellowship with other Christians. During this quarantine season, I have camped out in Romans 8, meditating on its promises and attempting to memorize it.

I didn’t grow up in the church and don’t remember the gospel ever being presented to me until around 16 or 17. My childhood was chaotic and unstable. I was your typical mean girl in high school: dramatic, unhappy, and lacking no confidence. I was obsessed with the opposite sex and being popular. After I moved schools my junior year, a faithful new friend began inviting me to church with her. She knew my reputation and loved me despite the persona I displayed. After attending church with her for a few months, I heard the gospel clearly proclaimed, and I wept. The reality that God knows all the darkest parts of me and yet loves me and was pursuing me was (and is) staggering. I don’t think I could have communicated the gospel to you at that point, but I knew I wanted Jesus. He became my Savior that night, but He didn’t become the Lord of my life until college. By God’s grace, my college years were spent being mentored by faithful women, learning God’s Word in a healthy local church, and working through my past with empathetic counselors.

Hobby: Learning of any sort - podcasts, documentaries, reading books, talking to someone way smarter than me.

I grew up at Park Cities Baptist Church and the Lord called me to Himself on a youth retreat at Glorietta, New Mexico. God demonstrated His faithfulness and goodness to me in 1978 when my wife, Julie, died of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. She was 24 and I was 25. God sustained me in that tragic period primarily through members of a Sunday school class at Highland Park Presbyterian Church who loved me through the pain.

I work for the Young Adult ministry, so I get to hang with Young Adults all day. It's so fun! I also serve with the Women's Ministry, so it has been a great gift to get to know women of all ages. One of my good friends works on the City Missions team, so I get a glimpse into their world as well. I try to jump in as often as I can.

Book: The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis Movie: Pride and Prejudice or Little Women Vacation Spot: Truly anywhere near water. I recently went to Lake Tahoe, and it was a perfect combination of water + mountains! "For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly." —Psalm 84:10-11

Later that year, Phyllis Mabus introduced me to Cindy and said if I would go out with her, I would marry her. Cindy has been God’s great expression of love and faithfulness to me. On our first date she told me she had been praying for me since the night of the accident. She met me in my grief and walked with me through it. It was not an easy path for her but by God’s grace she persevered, and I am forever grateful. Phyllis was right; we have been married for 41 years.

Where have you been able to extend Christ to others? Through PCPC@WORK, it has been our vision to help the women and men of our church to see their daily vocations as teachers, lawyers, mechanics, doctors, administrative assistants, and waiters as their primary area of ministry and place to extend the transforming presence of Christ. Over the years, it has been my privilege to walk with many younger men in our church, as a friend, a counselor, a mentor, or a coach. Favorites? Song: It Is Well with My Soul Hobby: Golf Book: Fabric of Faithfulness by Steve Garber Movie: The Emperor's Club Vacation Spot: Cancun

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