This Week: August 1, 2020

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It's not too late to jump in! Our Summer Prayer Guide theme is “The Power of God” and runs now through September 5. We are currently in the Psalms and Proverbs. The guide will only be available on our PCPC app, which you can download for free.


We are continuing to assess the safety of our worshippers on a week to week basis. We are still REQUIRING all attendees to wear masks or cloth face coverings over the nose and mouth while in the church building. If you are uncomfortable with this, we understand and ask that you attend worship online. To help ensure we hold our worship services safely, we ask that you reserve a seat for you and your family online at If you or anyone in your party have had any of the following in the past 7 days, we ask that you please worship online with us at • Fever Over 100 • Cough or Sore Throat • Shortness of Breath • Contact with anyone confirmed to have COVID-19 (in the past 14 days) There is no rush to return. Our desire is to lead the Body in worship of our Lord and Savior whether in person or online. So, we will continue to live stream our services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. for any and all who would prefer to worship online at Given the unpredictable nature of COVID-19 and the public health risks associated with it, we do not have a date selected for re-entry for children, parents, or volunteers into the Children’s Ministry. PCPC Leadership is continuing to monitor the city, state, and national protocols, and will inform us when it is an appropriate time to plan for re-entry. There are a few updates and reminders the Children's Ministry would like to share: • continues to be the hub for all resources we are providing on a weekly basis. Please go there for Sunday School lessons, curriculum, lesson specific videos, crafts, coloring sheets, events, programs, and more! • We encourage you to follow us on Instagram (pcpckids) and Spotify (pcpckids) to find more resources throughout the week. • We will be providing new, family-oriented resources in the fall including Parent Equipping virtual meetings and a midweek class for kids. Be on the lookout for an email from the ministry as those dates roll out.


BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS Knowing God by J. I. Packer has become a classic of the Christian faith. Why? While it gives us information about God with clarity and grace, it does much more—it aids us in actually knowing Him, in building our relationship with Him, and helps draw us closer to Him in love and worship.





VOL. XXXI, NO. 15 | AUGUST 1, 2020

God's Very Good Idea by Trillia Newbell is all about God's delightfully different family. Everyone you see is different than you, and the same as you. We look different, speak different and play different—but we are all valuable. That's because, in the beginning, God had the very good idea of making us that way. This is the story of His idea—and how you can be a part of it! The Bookstore is doing curbside by appointment. Email or call 214-224-2673. Our inventory is searchable at


births • Corrie Laine Cope, daughter of J. Marty & Marissa Cope (CC#06) on July 12, 2020. • Warren Walker Tindol, son of William & Allie Tindol (Outof-town Members) on July 21, 2020.

marriages • Rachel Denise Smith and Cody Garrett McClarty on July 18, 2020.


Staff Highlight

Jenna Tenpenny

• Pamela Mueller (CC#14), mother of Mary Catherine Mueller (CC#14), Grace Mueller (CC#14), Matthew Mueller (CC#14), Juliana (& Ian) Webb (CC#25); grandmother of Audrea & Eloise Webb (CC#25) on July 22, 2020. Care Clusters – GENERAL FUND


2020/2021 operating budget July 1—July 19, 2020 budget July 1—July 19, 2020 giving Budget Variance

$13,500,000 $551,183 $1478,109 –$73,073

Jenna, what's your position and how long have you been on staff? I am currently the Coordinator for City Missions Strategic Workgroups and Communications, and I've been on staff over seven years! Every person is touched by the Holy Spirit with different needs they see in this world, but we often lack the certainty we want to pursue them. Yet, there is always a back story as to why those needs impress themselves so deeply on our hearts. Examining the ways God has exposed you to His world leads to a joyful discovery of how you can serve, and this leads to wise, confident, and cheerful giving. Recently, a new member had an idea of how to put her passion to work and was looking for help to make it happen. As a new member of PCPC, she found that the various outreach programs can be overwhelming. Sometimes it is difficult to know what questions should be asked. One Sunday she approached one of the ministers about getting involved, and he referred her to Pete Deison with the PCPC Foundation. In the meeting, it was obvious that she wanted to be wise with her resources and how to best accomplish her passion. The goal of the Foundation is to expand the ways our members can extend God’s Kingdom. How does one become a wise and cheerful giver? There are so many worthy organizations with overwhelming needs. How does one choose? We told her the answer is becoming confident about the passions, concerns, and burdens that God places in your heart. This is discovered through God’s work in your past. She said, “I had a friend who became a missionary to Iran, and later to Kenya, who related some of her experiences with soul winning in other countries. Her insights led me to want to stay involved with global ministries.” It was in discussing these God given burdens that she began to feel confident about her ideas to use the Foundations Gift Planning options. She wanted to use a Charitable Gift annuity. Ultimately, the goal of the PCPC Foundation is to reach more people for Christ through faithful stewardship to the supported ministries. That vision made a strong impact on her and she was able to feel connected to the global outreach ministries of PCPC through the information and guidance of the Foundation Team. The PCPC Foundation has helped many generous individuals with all kinds of giving desires that are beyond their normal tithes and offerings to the church. We have helped with memorials, disaster rescue, urban ministries, micro loans, silent retreats, battered women’s ministries, youth interns, PCPC@Work, and recently COVID-19 relief. There are so many possibilities. As one wise saint said, “Generous people generate.” They make new things happen. To learn more about PCPC Foundation gift planning options, visit — Pastor Pete Deison, PCPC Foundation President

How do you connect with others at PCPC? Some of my deepest friendships began in PCPC’s Young Adult community, on mission trips to Japan, and while serving in the nursery and High School ministry. Story of Rescue? I was raised in a wonderful Christian home with a strong spiritual foundation. My parents began attending PCPC when I was 2 years old, and I can still remember my 5-year-old Sunday School teachers. I praise the Lord that I can’t remember a day when I was unaware of my need for the saving work of Jesus Christ on my behalf, and am deeply grateful for the countless women and men at PCPC who have poured into my life. Because of some friendships in my younger years and my own sinful inclination, I developed a tendency toward performance and legalism, resulting in distinct pride and self-righteousness. I thought my “offering of good deeds” deserved something in return from the Lord. I truly did not understand grace until my sophomore year of high school. Since that time, short-term missions and youth ministry have played a crucial role in my spiritual formation. The Lord has graciously guided and sheltered me through seasons of joy and sorrow, revealing Himself to me and teaching me to place my identity in Christ. I think frequently of the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:10, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.”

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” — 2 Corinthians 4:7 How do you abide in Christ? Prayer has been vital to my walk with the Lord in the past few years, and I’ve taken great comfort in praying through the words of the psalmists. I’ve also found that in addition to morning Scripture reading, scheduling a quarterly silent retreat for myself is immensely helpful. Where have you been able to extend Christ to others? Many of my favorite conversations have occurred at Dallas coffee shops. I think there are few spaces remaining in our culture where people with widely varying backgrounds gather around a common interest without a specific agenda. I’ve met some remarkable people at coffee shops who are surprisingly open to having a deep conversation. Favorites? Song: Anything by John Mayer, Audrey Assad, or Kacey Musgraves Hobby: Street and architecture photography Book: Lately I’ve enjoyed Rosaria Butterfield & James K. A. Smith Movie: The list is far too difficult to narrow down, but my favorite TV show is either Parks & Recreation or the BBC Sherlock series. Vacation Spot: It's the cliché Dallas resident answer, but I really love Colorado in the summer.

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