PCPC 30th Anniversary Gala Concert Program

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30th Anniversary Gala Concert

Park Cities Presbyterian Church

e will hunt risk down, and we will engage it with joy... And we will risk everything for the Gospel’s sake because we have found the treasure in the buried field. We found the pearl of great price. And only in the risk of costly obedience to the Apostles’ teaching; only in worshiping in a way that makes Jesus sweeter than all our idols; only in the risk of pursuing the Gospel’s transforming presence as the only power that can deeply change us; and only in the risk of being on the front lines of Kingdom battle where we desperately need prayer as the connection to the supply lines of God’s glorious grace; only in that way will everyone continue to be filled with awe at the God who is, quite simply and forever, beyond all praising. Skip Ryan, former Senior Pastor on the occasion of PCPC’s 10th anniversary May 20, 2001

30th Anniversary Gala Concert Sunday, February 27, 2022 7:00 p.m. Variation IX (“Nimrod”) from Enigma Variations

Sir Edward Elgar


Fernando Ortega Great Is Thy Faithfulness Grace and Peace Mi Abuelito Sing to Jesus

Fernando Ortega Fernando Ortega Fernando Ortega

More Love to Thee, O Christ   Congregational Hymn Lift High the Cross Choirs and Congregation

music: Rich Nibbe; text: Fernando Ortega music: W. Howard Doane; text: E. Prentiss arr. Fernando Ortega

music: Sydney Nicholson; text: E. Prentiss arr. Sterling Procter


Laura Story with Bethany Bordeaux, violin

Indescribable Give You Faith Blessings

Laura Story and Jesse Reeves

Hank Bentley and Laura Story

Mighty to Save

Laura Story

Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan

Offering Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Chancel Choir, Chapel Choir, Covenant Choir, and Orchestra Come, Thou fount of every blessing Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love.

music: John Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music (1813) text: Robert Robinson; arr. Mack Wilberg O to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrained to be! Let that grace now like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here's my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above.

Here I raise my Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I'm come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood.

INTERMISSION — 20 minutes —


Iesus sought me when a stranger Sound the Bells

John Williams


Non Nobis Domine from Henry V   music: Patrick Doyle; text: Psalm 115:1 Russ Batchelor, soloist; Chancel Choir

orchestration: Lawrence Ashmore

Non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam Not to us, Lord, but to your name give glory.

Andrew Peterson with Thomas Griffith, piano, and Lincoln Mick, mandolin Songs will be announced from the platform and will include the following.

All Things New

Andrew Peterson, Andy Gullahorn, and Ben Shive

Come broken and weary. Come battered and bruised. My Jesus makes all things new, All things new.

Come frozen with shame. Come burning with guilt. My Jesus, he loves you still, He loves you still.

Come lost and abandoned. Come blown by the wind. He'll bring you back home again, Home again.


CHORUS: Rise up, oh you sleeper, awake,

The light of the dawn is upon you. Rise up, oh you sleeper, awake, He makes all things new. All things new.

The world was good, the world is fallen, The world will be redeemed, The world was good, the world is fallen, The world will be redeemed, So hold on to the promise. The stories are true that Jesus makes all things new. CHORUS

All things new. All things new. He makes all things new.


Is He Worthy?

Do you feel the world is broken? (We do.) Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do.) But do you know that all the dark won't Stop the light from getting through? (We do.) Do you wish that you could see it all made new? (We do.) Is all creation groaning? (It is.) Is a new creation coming? (It is.) Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? (It is.) Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? (It is.) Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll? The Lion of Judah, who conquered the grave, He was David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave. Is He worthy? Is He worthy Of all blessing and honor and glory? Is He worthy of this? He is. Does the Father truly love us? (He does.) Does the Spirit move among us? (He does.) And does Jesus, our Messiah hold forever those He loves? (He does.) Does our God intend to dwell again with us? (He does.)

Closing Comments

The Rev. Mark Davis, Senior Pastor


Andrew Peterson and Ben Shive Is anyone worthy? Is anyone whole? Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll? The Lion of Judah, who conquered the grave, He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave. From every people and tribe, Every nation and tongue, He has made us a kingdom and priests to God To reign with the Son. Is He worthy? Is He worthy Of all blessing and honor and glory? Is He worthy? Is He worthy? Is He worthy of this? He is! Is He worthy? Is He worthy? He is! He is!

Congregational Hymn O God Beyond All Praising Choir and Congregation

music: Gustav Holst; text: Michael Perry arr. Dan Forrest


Behold the Lamb of God

Andrew Peterson and Laura Story

Choirs and Orchestra

We who walk in darkness deep Now see the light of morning. The Mighty God, the Prince of Peace, A child to us is born. CHORUS: Behold, the Lamb of God

Who takes away our sin. Behold, the Lamb of God The life and light of men. Behold, the Lamb of God Who died and rose again. Behold the Lamb of God who comes To take away our sin. Wanderers in the wilderness, O hear, a voice is crying. Prepare the way, make straight the path, Your King has come to die.

Behold the Lamb of God The life and light of men

Son of God, (Emmanuel), Son of Man, (We praise you). Behold, (Behold) the Lamb, The hope (the hope) of man, Behold the Lamb.


Guest Artists Fernando Ortega is a classically trained musician whose distinctively earthy sound entwines thoughtful melodies with Celtic, bluegrass, classical and Latin American influences. Fernando's works encompass modern hymns, liturgical songs, and inspirational and praise and worship favorites. With three Gospel Music Association Dove Awards and a Billboard Latin Music Award to his credit, Fernando’s Christian radio hits include “This Good Day,” “Jesus, King of Angels,” and “Sleepless Night.” Renowned for his stirring arrangements of beloved hymns—“Give Me Jesus” and “Be Thou My Vision,” among others, Fernando has recorded 21 albums over the past 25 years. Laura Story is a wife, mother, songwriter, worship leader, author, artist, and Bible teacher. Her songs—which have won Grammys, Billboard Music Awards, and Dove Awards—include

“Blessings” and Chris Tomlin’s “Indescribable.” She is the author of three bestselling books and Bible studies, When God Doesn’t Fix It, I Give Up, and her latest, So Long, Normal. Laura has a master of theological studies and a doctorate in worship studies, and she has served as a worship leader at Perimeter Church in Atlanta since 2005. Her greatest joy is being a wife to Martin and mother to Josie, Ben, Griffin, and Timothy. Andrew Peterson is a singer-songwriter, author, filmmaker, and founder of the Rabbit Room, a ministry fostering spiritual formation and Christcentered community through story, art, and music. Andrew has released more than 10 records over the past 20 years, earning him a reputation for songs that connect with his listeners in ways equally powerful, poetic, and intimate. Andrew’s books include the four volumes of the awardwinning Wingfeather Saga and his creative memoirs, Adorning the Dark and God of the Garden. Production is underway on the first season of the animated series, The Chosen. Andrew lives in Nashville with his wife and about 80,000 honeybees.


30 years I

Looking back

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember Your wonders of old. I will ponder all Your work, and meditate on Your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; You have made known Your might among the peoples. You with Your arm redeemed Your people, the children of Jacob and Joseph. Psalm 77:11–15

our lives. To that end, the Psalms are t is remarkably easy to forget filled with remembering. Rememberour history. The stories of the past ing is an act of worship. tend to fade when we are overwhelmed by the circumstances of And we worship a God who has our present or worry about the done wondrous things. Thirty years unknown of the future. This is why ago God called 1,500 people to start the simple act of remembering is so Park Cities Presbyterian Church. important for the people of God. At That calling was as bold then as it Park Cities Presbyterian Church, we is today: to extend the transforming tell stories of rescue in order to represence of the Kingdom of our Lord member all that God has done. When Jesus Christ to Dallas we remember the deeds of the Lord “REMEMBERING and the World. we recall His goodIS AN ACT ness, His mercy, and OF WORSHIP.” His faithfulness in

For 30 years, God has fulfilled this calling by doing extraordinary things through the ordinary men and women of PCPC. By His goodness, He gave us a building strategically located in the heart of Dallas. By His mercy, He has established new ministries all over our city from the Park Cities to downtown, from Oak Lawn to West Dallas. By His faithfulness, He has used PCPC to extend His Kingdom from Dallas to the whole world by planting more than 100 new churches from Houston to Santa Fe, from Russia to Thailand. In the last 30 years, we have seen God do some truly amazing things. But we do not remember these things in order to live in the past. We remember these things so that we might faithfully envision the future. God has done a great work both in us and through us, and His work is not over. In celebrating 30 years as Park Cities Presbyterian Church, we look back on all God has done, and we look forward to all God will do as we continue to extend the transforming presence of Jesus Christ for years to come. —Paul Goebel, Associate Pastor

A few highlights 1991 1996 January 1996: Tim Keller speaks on a vision for Dallas June 1996: Fifth Anniversary celebration at Meyerson February 1997: First church plant begins worship in Houston August 1997: 2020 Vision to plant 100 churches established November 3, 1997: New Children's Education building dedicated January 1999: Over 5,000 hear Sinclair Ferguson at WinterGrace November 2000: John Piper speaks at World Missions Conference

2006 March 2006: Parenting in the Present Conference May 4–7, 2007: First Arts Festival takes place October 12, 2007: New organ inauguration concert given December 2007: Baskets (later Boxes) of Blessing event begun February 2008: SWCPNetwork celebrates 10-year anniversary May 11, 2008: Mark Davis installed as new PCPC senior pastor January 2009: First Urban Missions Conference February 2009: Beyond Ourselves draws over 500 volunteers June 2010: VBS holds Sonshine Carwash for 500 children July/August 2009: Choir mission trip to the UK

2016 January 2016: re|engage marriage ministry begins April 2016: Transform Dallas sends members citywide April 2016: Redemption Groups launched November 2016: Women host national PCA conference June 2017: EXTEND campaign kicks off November 2017: PCPC hosts national Global Missions Conference June 2018: Groundbreaking for new building is celebrated July 2020: Parish Ministry begins Fall 2020: Covid Response Team distributes $350,000 in aid

May 19, 1991: First worship service August 18, 1991: Hale/Wilder/Nielson/Young perform first concert November 1991: Skip Ryan called as first senior pastor January 1992: First Women In the Church general meeting April 1993: Children’s church expands to ages 3 to third grade January–March 1994: Capital Campaign meets goal July 1995: Choir mission trip to Moscow and Bern August 21, 1995: 25 men elected to first diaconate

2001 May 20, 2001: 10th Anniversary launches West Dallas Fellowship February 2002: Building to Extend the Kingdom campaign March 2002: Thao Project’s Nong Khai Church begins worship March 2003: Care Clusters begun to provide member support January 23, 2003: New Bible study for working women February 29, 2004: Small group ministry kicks off March 2004: 26 High schoolers take mission trip to New York City December 2004: Children’s choir releases CD of hymns 2005: Facilities get a makeover and Park Place Motors bought 2005: Outreach program to victims of Katrina

2011 January 2011: 2020 Vision surpasses goal of 100 church plants September 2011: 2,500 attend 20th anniversary event at SMU January 22, 2012: Remember the Nations Missions Sunday March 2012: Middle schoolers return to Austin on mission trip April 2013: Serve365 kicks off with a project workday May 2014: ESL finishes year of classes and one-on-one ministry March 2015: High school seniors travel for missions in Bahamas April 2015: Families attend Rodeo Roundup and SafeKids events

2021 March 2021: New building opens on Palm Sunday June 2021: VBS returns to PCPC campus Fall 2021: Missionary Mailings outside! February 2022: WinterGrace returns with Bryan Chapell




October 27, 1991: PCPC joins the PCA and 1,500 members join PCPC.



Our new building!

2018 –2021

2021 and onward THE EXTEND VISION New Doors, New Churches, New City The word extend has been foundational for PCPC. It was taken directly from our mission statement: Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.

New Doors We thank the Lord for planting PCPC in this specific location. From this footprint, we want to love our neighbors well by extending the hope of Christ in every direction. In order to more


effectively accomplish this mission, we

We commit

needed to create New Doors of entry that

to planting

would enable us to extend the Kingdom


of Jesus Christ to our neighborhood and

that are:

city. PCPC’s new campus plan energized


the Extend Vision, as we gather to wor-


ship, grow in community, and mobilize

and cross-

every member for Kingdom impact.


These New Doors centered on several

New City

areas of improvement to our existing

By His grace and for His glory, we desire

future of Park Cities Presbyterian Church.

church campus to support growing

for PCPC to have an enormous impact

During this prayerful process, the Extend

ministry opportunities and to create a

for the good of our city. The Extend

vision was born.” —PCPC Senior Pastor,

more meaningful connection to our city.

vision calls for us to engage our city with

Mark Davis

the hope of the Gospel in four ways: New Churches

poverty, racial reconciliation, leadership,


We praise the Lord for how He has used

and truth.

We see the fruit of God’s grace.

over the past 30 years. The Extend vision

“Years ago, our session began looking

55+ Countries Served

calls for us to plant new “extending

at property options as we sought the

In one way or another, PCPC has served

churches” in Dallas, the U.S., and around

face of the Lord regarding extending His

over 55 countries in our world, from

the world. We aim for all of our church

Kingdom to our neighborhood, our city,

Cyprus to Columbia, from Japan to

plants to be connected deeply to PCPC,

and our world. We looked at the current

Ukraine, from Mexico to Myanmar, from

our Extend vision, and philosophy of

needs of our body and we envisioned the

Azerbaijan to Zambia, and dozens more.

PCPC to plant more than 170 churches

170+ Churches Planted

2000+ Members Served

By God’s grace, we have planted over 170


churches around the world and in Ameri-

Over 2,000 PCPC

ca. We have also helped launch Reformed

members have served on

University Fellowship on 18 campuses.

an overseas mission trip. We have sent 136 family

18 Parishes Created

units (156 individual

In the 18 parishes that have launched,

members) to serve

elders have gathered a parish team of

globally. Currently, there

deacons and laypeople, men and women,

are 44 PCPC family units

who feel called to connect and keep up

(78 individual members)

with their PCPC neighbors in the area.

on the mission field. We have supported 15

20+ City Missions Partners Supported

international pastors

In City Missions, we partner with many

who are planting

ministries throughout Dallas that seek to


respond to needs and share the Gospel.

What does the future hold for us?


t’s not uncommon, during certain milestones, for individuals

powerful and real presence of the Holy Spirit, the Helper. Just as

and organizations to look into the future and predict what

He has promised to lead us and be with us, He has also promised

might be. While there may eventually be an affirmation in the

to never forsake us. With absolute certainty, we can know that

future of what they saw from the past, there is no guarantee

Jesus will never let us go.

that things will turn out exactly as they imagined. The Church

is different. As His children, we look into the future not with the hope of our best visionaries being mostly right, we look into the future with the certainty of what the living God has promised—

As I write these words in mid-February 2022, we just sang as a congregation Jesus is Lord. Hear again what we proclaimed with certainty:

He is leading us; He is with us; He will never forsake us!

“Jesus is Lord the tomb is gloriously empty,

When Joshua, the servant of the Lord, was called to replace

not even death could crush the King of love

Moses as the leader of God’s people and take them into the

the price is paid

promised land, the Lord spoke to Joshua these words, “No man

the chains are loosed

shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just

and we’re forgiven

as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or

and we can run into the arms of God.”

forsake you” (Joshua 1:5). The Lord was leading them. He was with them. He would never forsake them. As we look to the future, we know that the more perfect Joshua (Jesus’ name in Hebrew is “Yeshua”) is leading us. Jesus is Lord! As our Lord, He has given us everything we need to be the people He has called us to be. As our Lord, He is with us in the

What does the future hold for us? The promise that we will be held safe in the arms of God, our Heavenly Father, forever! In Christ, you’re His beloved! Mark


o all who are spiritually weary and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who sin and need a Savior; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to all who will come, this church opens wide her doors and offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please join the congregation of Park Cities Presbyterian Church for worship on Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

Children’s and Youth Choirs Claire Dillahunty, Chapel Choir Director Katie Haring, Covenant Choir Director CHAPEL CHOIR


Grades 2–4

Grades 5–8, 9–12

Georgina Becker Samuel Chambilla Lucas Cole Jackson Cole Genevieve Cope William Davy Margaret Davy Lucia Flores Eva Flores Margaret Goebel Ann Elise Goebel Grace Hale Caroline Holbrook Catherine Hunt Jayden Kim Michayla Lopez Rosamunde Mackenroth Ian McDonald Ben Murray Parker Murray Amelia Reed Catherine Winchester

Laura Chambilla Irene Davy John Davy Samuel Dunn Josiah Dunn Miriam Fender Erin Kelly Maria Kornelsen Emily McDonald* Ashley McDonald* Melanie Grace McDonald Jack Miller Anna Tatar* Laura Tatar* William Vohra Emily Winchester * High School Mentor


Chancel Choir J. Marty Cope, Director Dr. Nathan Davy, Organist Cristie Adams Sharon Adams Charlotte Ball Russ Batchelor Josh Beets Kari Beets Stephanie Bell Ben Bickley Candie Carver David Cassel Addison Debter Libby Ferguson Judy Franklin Evelyn Freeman Carla Gale Emily Garcia Natalie Garcia Alan Garrison Susan Geyer Barbara Gillis Judith Graham Katie Haring John Hendricks Sarah Hendricks Gabriel Hodges Jenny Hodges Jon Hodges Will Hughes Faith Jennings Steve Kahlke


Indeok Kim Don King Joanne King Laurie Knox Nancy Knox Jamie Kohlmann Carol Kuiken Michael Lauten Ruth Leatherman Jody Lubbers Betsy MacKay Connie Malone Teresa McCord Ashley McDonald Emily McDonald Tom McWhorter Charlotte Medley Dee Mellett Andrea Miller Laura Miller Linda Moore Henry Morgan Donna Morris Gregory Morris Nella Phillips Bill Platt Joe Preston Mary Preston Joyce Prettol Ken Prettol

Jenni Rasberry Lynnora Ratliff Jessica Ray Amanda Reeves Phil Russell Cliff Sanden Stan Sanders William Seeds Sue Senzig Ellen Solomon Courtney Squibb Bob Strasser Nancy Sutton Kindl Tanksley Signe Tanksley Anna Tatar Laura Tatar Margaret Terrill Jen Terry Andrea Tillman Robyn Toler Bryan Varenkamp Terry Warner Deborah Waterman Robert Waterman Frank Webster Victoria Webster Steve Williamson Judy Young James Zeller

Orchestra VIOLIN I



Adrian DeCosta Samantha Bennett Jennifer Betz April Kim Arthur Busby Rachel McClarty

Paul Unger Ryan Walter

Christian Paarup Steve Menard Scott Nguyen

Pam Adams Margaret Fischer (Piccolo)





Margaret Fischer Elise Belk (English Horn)

Mike McNicholas


Drew Lang Bill Klymus

Sasha Adkins Junsoo Park Brittany Merritt Nicole Paglialonga VIOLA

Lauren Menard Eve Tang Rachel McDonald Rob Mowrey CELLO

Christopher Adkins Emileigh Vandiver Sara Hood David Fray


Danny Goldman Daryl Coad

Jarrod Robertson




Stephen Nielson

Joshua Elmore Cara Owens



Gerry Wood Reese Farnell David Lesser Nancy Piper


Debbie Brooks


Kyle Sherman Cody McClarty Andrew House



Friends of Music We gratefully acknowledge those whose gifts make the Performing Arts Series possible. Cristie Adams Claudia Andersen Charlotte and Fred Ball Jayne Bjork Yoko and Benjamin Black Candie Carver David Cassel Elizabeth and Danny Chandler Janis and Roy Coffee, Jr. The Duke Family Trust Margie and Bert Ehrmann Elizabeth Ferguson Elizabeth Figari Ellen and Paul Flowers Marty Forté Judy and David Franklin Evelyn and Jack Freeman Muff Fregia Martha French Kay and Ray Gabrysch Christy and Mark Gehlbach Bette and Steve Goldmann Janie and Pat Hamner Linda Hardison Faith and Mark Haynes Cheryl and Bill Henry in honor of Jane Higginbotham (teacher of the Women of Grace Sunday School Class) Tracey Humphreys Alicia and Aaron Iwema Pam and Mark Jaudes Joanne Kersten Joanne and Don King Stephanie and Mark Krog Kyle Kuykendall Jamie and Brent Lake Michael Lauten Myrna Little Betty and Will Lowrance


Aleta Jo and Rowell Lubbers Libba and John Massey Vicki and Charles Minyard Sylviann Moisoff Linda and Pat Moore in memory of Lynda Fray Nancy and Rob Mowrey Carolyne and Stephen Nielson Susan and Boots Nowlin Diane and Bruce Phillips Emily and Paul Ponder Patsy and Bud Porter in memory of Ruth Millis Mary and Joe Preston Jenni and Bob Rasberry Lynnora Ratliff Michele and Tommy Reynolds Beth and Jim Richards Kim and Mark Ritchie Gail Schoellkopf Sue and Dick Senzig Linda and Leonard Sessions Peggy Skidmore Jennifer and David Stanton Landon Starnes Barbara and Marc Stewart Lynn and Jim Stroud Rodica and Florian Tatar Robyn and Doug Toler Patricia and Brian Trevor in memory of Lynda Fray Priscilla and George Underwood Diana Vick Anne and Walt Waldie Kitty Walker Linda and Huel Weaver Marsha and Steve Williamson Susie and Jerry Wilson

We extend our gratitude to the following: Jayne Bjork, Program Advisor Stephen Bond, Concert Administration/Ticket Manager/Lighting Stephanie Byrd, Graphic Design Juan Cantera, Sexton Candie Carver, Concert Administration Frances Cope, Production Manager J. Marty Cope, Director of Music & Arts Carleigh Cothran, Facilities Shawn Davis, Director of Communications Dr. Nathan Davy, Organist/Associate Director of Music and Arts Claire Dillahunty, Director of Chapel Choir Barry Dyer, Audio Angel Escobar, Sexton Katie Haring, Director of Children’s and Youth Choirs

Danny Jacobs, Audio John and Amy Shackelford, Ushers Nancy Knox, Production Manager and Manager of Music & Arts Ismael Licea, Sexton Maria Moncada, Festive Kitchen Catering Jose Angel Monreal, Sexton Terry and Larry Sengbush, Photography Weston Smith, Artists’ Audio Terri Speicher, 30th Anniversary Insert Daniel Tillman, Manager of Facilities Phil Vandermeer, Facilities Bryan Varenkamp, Music Specialist/Program Specialist Bill Weislak, Director of Operations Shawn Wellman, Video

Ordinary Saints art exhibit at PCPC This temporary art gallery will be displayed from mid-March through summer, featuring 20 portraits by painter Bruce Herman. The art is richly adorned by a collection of poems by Malcolm Guite and music by JAC Redford—both created in response to the art.

Face to Face: Seeking the Image of God in the Ordinary A mini retreat on art and beauty: God’s gift to a weary world

SATURDAY, MARCH 26 * 9:00 AM–3:00 PM & 6:00–9:00 PM * $40

Featuring sessions with Bruce Herman, Malcolm Guite, and JAC Redford. Music by the Brian Piper Jazz Trio and others, meals, poetry readings, and Compline. Space is limited.

Ordinary Saints Concert An evening of art, poetry, and music


With Bruce Herman, Malcolm Guite, JAC Redford, and chamber musicians.

For more information, please visit pcpcconcerts.org.

The Performing Arts at Park Cities Presbyterian Church 2021–2022 Nathan Davy Organ Concert

organ, brass, and percussion Sunday, September 26, 2021 * Sanctuary * 7:00 p.m.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra

Chamber Concert Sunday, November 14, 2021 * Sanctuary * 7:00 p.m.


Christmas at PCPC Sunday, December 12, 2021 * Sanctuary * 4:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Adkins & Nielson

Cello and Piano Sunday, January 23, 2022 * Cambridge Hall * 5:30 and 7:30 p.m.

Andrew Peterson, Laura Story, and Fernando Ortega PCPC’s 30th Anniversary Gala Concert Sunday, February 27 * Sanctuary * 7:00 p.m.

Lenten Organ Series

Fridays in Lent March 4, 11, 18, and 25; April 1 and 8 * Sanctuary * 12:00 p.m.

Ordinary Saints

An Exhibit and Concert of Art, Poetry, and Music Sunday, March 27 * Sanctuary * 7:00 p.m.

Grand Hall Feast

Friday, April 29 * Grand Hall * 6:30 p.m. If you would like to receive updates regarding upcoming concerts, please sign up for our email list at pcpcconcerts.org.

February 27, 2022 * 7:00 p.m. Park Cities Presbyterian Church 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75219 214-224-2500 * www.pcpcconcerts.org

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