Vol. XX, No. 21 | OC TOBER 16, 2010
Too much "i" in your lives?
Women’s Reflective Retreat October 22-23 Montserrat, Lake Dallas
See page 3
illiam R. Park & the Brian Piper Trio
There's an App for that!
Broadway vocalist Billy Park will join the Brian Piper Trio for a dinner concert Friday, October 29, 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall. Cost is $15 per person. Purchase tickets at www.pcpcconcerts.org. Childcare for birth–five-year-olds is available by calling 214-7062797 by Tuesday, October 26. Contact frances.cope@pcpc.org or 214-224-2635.
First-graders to receive Bibles 2
Special Missionary Mailings for the holidays 2
Compelled by Christ to Serve hear Patrick Lafferty Sunday, October 24 9:30 or 11:00 am
Reserve your Christmas pointsettias now 4A
Workplace Ministries luncheon rescheduled 4B
Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.
o u r fa m i ly Births z Brooks Tobin Tyson, son of Christy and Matt Tyson, on June 30, 2010
Marriages z Meredith Clare White and Taylor Gene Clark on October 2, 2010
Sympathy z Manila Inthavong (CC#23) on the loss of her father; Andre Norasith (CC#23) on the loss of his grandfather, Inthavong Simeuang, on September 25, 2010 z Terri Speicher (CC#21) on the loss of her brother, Richard Singer, on September 29, 2010 z Tricia Rohde (CC#07/Single Moms) on the loss of her daughter; Jennifer Huddleston (CC#07) on the loss of her sister, Lauren Huddleston, on October 3, 2010
announcements Everyone
Fall Festival at Voice of Hope
All members and friends of PCPC are invited to the Voice of Hope Fall Festival on Saturday, October 30, 10:00 am–3:30 pm. Bring your friends and family to serve and meet residents of West Dallas. Register at www.pcpc.org/registrations by Wednesday, October 27. Contact Sharon Baxter, ronlsb@sbcglobal.net or 817-801-5335.
All-church, all-night Prayer Vigil
Save the date for this time of prayer with your PCPC family, November 12–13, 6:00–10 pm, 7431 Caruth Blvd. Sign-up for a one-hour time slot at www.mysignup.com/boldprayer. Contact amy.tassos@pcpc.org or 214-224-2740.
Helping Hands Day
Join us as we work with our deacons to aid single moms, widows, and senior adult couples who need help around their house on Saturday, November 13, 8:00 am–5:00 pm, Room 263. Experience the love of God through this service to others. It's a guaranteed way to have a wonderful day! Contact wilma.morgan@pcpc.org or 214-224-2742.
PCPC Arts Festival volunteers needed
Energetic art enthusiast? If so, we need you! No art knowledge is required—only a love for people and God's beauty. Consider sitting with the art collection as guests peruse. Two-hour time slots will be filled daily, November 13–21, 10:00 am–6:00 pm. Contact lawan.glasscock@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739.
Audio/Visual volunteers needed
We need volunteers to assist with video production. Training will be provided for video system cameras and the switcher. We need four volunteers for a once-permonth rotation, Sundays, 9:00 am–12:15 pm. Contact dennis.adams@pcpc.org or 214-224-2536.
Community Event
Finding families for Texas' waiting kids
Join Focus on the Family, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services and others on November 13, 10:00 am, Watermark Community Church in Dallas. You'll hear about the 3,500 orphans that need families, learn about adopting from foster care and ways to support adoptive families, and speak with agency and county representatives. Register at www.icareaboutorphans.com/Texas. Contact betty.montague@pcpc.org or 214-224-2683.
missions and church planting
Missions and church planting volunteer
Help our missions ministry with filing, copying, labeling, mailing, and more for four hours a week. Contact marzena.dunham@pcpc.org or 214-224-2523.
Missionary Mailings
The holiday season can be a difficult time for missionaries as they serve far away from home. We will have a special Missionary Mailings to write holiday notes of love and support to our missionaries on Sunday, November 7, 12:101:15pm, Room 260. Children are welcome. Contact marzena.dunham@pcpc.org or 214-224-2523.
Young Families
First-grade Bibles
We will give all first-grade students Bibles, Sunday, October 24, 8:30 am, Fellowship Hall. Contact darian.reichert@pcpc.org or 214-224-2568.
youth ministries
Trick or Can Food Drive
All fifth–eighth grade students are invited to dress in costume and help us trick or treat for canned food items in the Highland and University Park areas on October 27, 7 pm. Students will be accompanied New books in the library with adult volunteers and all cans will be donated to Check out these new books: For adults, Her Mother's charity. There will also be a costume contest. DropHope by Francine Rivers. For juniors, Primrose Day by Carolyn Haywood and Heaven for Kids by Randy Alcorn. off and pick-up will be at the PCPC Hangout. Contact mary.haberkorn@pcpc.org or 214-224-2734. Contact adair.gregory@pcpc.org or 214-224-2673.
“We face death for God each day. What can pluck us from His way? Let God’s people ever say, Nothing. Hallelujah!” —James Boice
Counseling ministries
Body Image and Healthy Eating discussion
If you struggle with diet, eating, and weight, or wrestle with images about body and sexuality, come to the Body Image and Healthy Eating Discussion Group on October 18 and 25, 7:30–9:00 pm, Room 263. Contact betty.montague@pcpc.org or 214-224-2683.
Trans:parenting meeting
Parents of all fifth–eighth graders are invited to this open discussion on raising middle school students, November 11, 7:00 pm, 3528 Hanover, 75225. A panel of parents, who survived the years of raising middle schoolers, will share their insight by answering any questions you might have. E-mail lily.riemer@pcpc.org with any questions you would like the panel of parents to answer by November 5. There is no question too big or small. This Week October 16, 2010
calendar October
16 18 19 21 22–23 24 25 27 28 29 30
9:30 am–1:00 pm Student-to-student tutoring, Voice of Hope, 224-2762 7:30–9:00 pm Body Image and Healthy Eating, Room 263, 224-2683 11:30 am Caregiver support lunch meeting, Oak Lawn West, 224-2771 6:30–8;30 pm The Bridge, 3537 Southwestern, 224-2725 Reflective Retreat, 224-2725 8:30 am First grade Bibles, Fellowship Hall, 224-2568 7:30–9:00 pm Body Image and Healthy Eating, Room 263, 224-2683 7:00–8:00 pm Middle School Trick or Can Food Drive, Hangout, 224-2734
5–7 6 7
PCA Global Missions Conference, shelley.accardy@mtw.org 9:30 am–1:00 pm Student-to-student tutoring, Voice of Hope, 224-2762 12:10–1:15 pm Missionary Mailings, Room 260, 224-2551 Urban Holiday Expo, PCPC, 224-2520 North Texas Presbytery meeting, 224-2775 7:00–8:00 pm Middle school Pit Stop, Hangout, 224-2762
9 10
Last Art Delivery Day for junior artists, 214-562-0538 7:00 pm Billy Park & Brian Piper Trio concert, Fellowship Hall, 224-2635 10:00 am–3:30 pm Fall Festival, Voice of Hope, 817-801-5335
Women's ministries
Reflective Retreat
“God’s servants must be taught the value of the hidden life.” F.B. Meyer
This retreat will give you an opportunity to have 24 hours of refreshment at nearby Montserrat Retreat Center on Lake Dallas. Two sessions on the spiritual discipline of worship will be led by Elizabeth Robinson and Kari Stainback. Fellowship at meals, combined with quiet in between sessions, will let you unplug from the busy world and give you time to read your Bible, pray, and rest. Join us on October 22-23. Cost is $100. Register at www.pcpcwomen.org or at the Women’s Ministry table. Contact ann.higginbottom@pcpc.org or 214-224-2725.
The Bridge: Save the date!
12–13 13 13–21 25-26
4 9 11 12 24–27 31
10:00 am–12:30 pm 60+ Community Bible Conference, 224-2771 12:00 pm–1:30 pm Workplace Ministry lunch, Fellowship Hall, 224-2739 7:00 pm Transparenting meeting, 3528 Hanover, 75225, 224-2762 6:00 pm–10:00 pm Prayer Vigil, 7431 Caruth Blvd., 224-2740 8:00 am Helping Hands Day, Room 263, 224-2742 PCPC Arts Festival, 224-2739 PCPC offices closed, 224-2500
8:00 am Christmas Helping Hands Day, Room 263, 224-2742 10:00 am–12:30 pm 60+ Community Bible Conference, 224-2771 9:00 am–1:00 pm Christmas Food Baskets, 6100 Cedar Springs, 224-2520 7:00 pm Magnificat! A Christmas celebration concert, Sanctuary, 224-2635 PCPC offices closed, 224-2500 noon PCPC offices closed, 224-2500
Retirement home worship schedule
z Sunday, October 17, 2:00 pm: Caruth Haven; 3:30 pm: White Rock Court; 4:00 pm: The Forum z Thursday, October 21, 3:00 pm: Monticello z Sunday October 24, 1:00 pm: Town Village North; 3:00 pm: Meadowstone; 3:30 pm: White Rock Court z Thursday, October 28, 3:00 pm: Monticello; 3:00 pm: Edgemere
Park Cities Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church in America 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-224-2500 www.pcpc.org www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca www.twitter.com/pcpcnews
urban ministries
ESL volunteers needed
We need tutors and high schoolers or adults to help with the kids program Tuesday or Thursday evenings. We also need baked goods for about 60 morning students and old coloring books, markers, and story books for ESL children. Contact Kathy Dunn, esl@pcpc.org or 214-224-2528.
Enjoy a casual dinner, build relationships with other women in different walks of life, and listen to Leslie Newman's story of rescue on Thursday, October 21, Union Gospel Mission meals 6:30–8:30 pm. No RSVP is needed. Dinner is provided Join us as we serve meals to the homeless, November for a small fee. Please note the new location—we will 24–26 and December 24–25. Contact Paul Galahity at meet at Betsy Newman's home, 3537 Southwestern. 214-637-6117. Contact ann.higginbottom@pcpc.org or 214-224-2725.
Sunday worship 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am
Communion Sundays, 8:00–9:00 am Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm
24/7 prayer hotline 214-224-2680 or 24/7prayer@pcpc.org
ARM and ROD meal
adult ministries
Caregiver support group lunch meeting
If you are caring for a spouse, parent, child, or loved one, please join us for a time of prayer, fellowship, food, and encouragement on Tuesday, October 19, 11:30 am, Oak Lawn West. RSVP to jane.beasley@pcpc.org or 214-224-2771.
October 16, 2010 This Week
Join us as we serve a meal to clients at Adult Rehabilitation Ministry (ARM) and Restoration Outreach of Dallas (ROD) on November 25. Register to Cynthia Jackson at 214-417-8589.
Voice of Hope meal
Help us serve a meal to families of West Dallas on November 13. Also, we need frozen turkeys. Register at dsolis@voiceofhope.org or 214-631-0067.
General fund budget 2010/2011 operating budget Budget for July 1, 2010–October 3, 2010 G iving for July 1, 2010–October 3, 2010 Budget variance
$10,700,000 $2,186,362 $2,157,565 ($28,798)
with speaker
Reserve a poinsettia It’s poinsettia time! Each Christmas season we offer PCPC members the opportunity to purchase a poinsettia ($7.50 each) in memory of or honor of a friend or family member. They will be in the Sanctuary, Sunday, December 12, and there will be a bulletin insert that morning listing the names of the donor and the recipient. Our chancel area will be wreathed in these beautiful plants for our worship services on December 12, December 19, and Christmas Eve. You may take your plant with you following the Christmas Eve evening services. Please fill out the form below (when ordering multiple plants, please write information on a separate sheet of paper and attach to the form) and mail it no later than November 30 to insure that your gift is listed in the bulletin insert.
Thursday, November 11, noon Fellowship Hall • $10 RSVP at www.pcpc.org/registrations with payment by Sunday, November 7, midnight. contact lawan.glasscock@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739
Requests received later than December 2nd will likely miss the insert printing deadline.
Men's Weekly Prayer Breakfast
Pointsettia reservation form
with Mark Davis and Pete Deison Every Tuesday, 6:30–7:30 am • Fellowship Hall
Light but free breakfast!
Please reserve one plant in honor of
did you know? 1. You can change your mailing preferences by calling 214-224-2508 or e-mailing database@pcpc.org. 2. You can also subscribe to the PCPC Update e-mail and Every Thought Captive devotional e-mail at www.pcpc.org. 3. You can subscribe to our monthly missions Remember the Nations e-mail by contacting worldmissions@pcpc.org.
or in memory of
Given by
Phone number of donor
www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca Make checks ($7.50 per plant) payable to PCPC and mail to PCPC, attention Jayne Bjork, 4124 Oak Lawn Ave., Dallas TX 75219 (mail or hand-delivery to be received by December 2!)
October 16, 2010
www.facebook.com/pcpcmissions www.facebook.com/pcpcartsfestival
October 16, 2010
ARM Bible study
Join other PCPC men as we walk alongside men coming out of a life controlled by addiction and into a life controlled by Christ. Contact Gil Sheehan, PCPC Ministry Coordinator for ARM, at gsheehan@barrington-itd.com or 214-528-1519.
Beyond Ourselves
Want to become more involved in the upcoming Beyond Ourselves event, Saturday, February 26? We need people with expertise in building supplies, construction, landscaping, food services, and organizational/cleaning skills. Contact christina.spruill@pcpc.org or 214-224-2520.
Toddlers! Bring your mom to
SECOND MONDAYS • 10:45-11:30 am • Room 122 Contact heather.holmes@pcpc.org, 214-224-2780
This Week (007-362) is published biweekly except once in December by Park Cities Presbyterian Church, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219. Periodical postage paid at Dallas, Texas 75219. POSTMASTER: send address changes to THIS WEEK, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219‑3152.
Park Cities Presbyterian Church Matt Rodriguez, editor 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219-3152 214-224-2711 • fax 214-224-2711 www.pcpc.org
Vol. XX, No. 21 | October 16, 2010
Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas