Vol. XXI, No. 2 | January 22, 2011
The Reality of the Blessing
Tim Keller
A workshop for those exploring adoption
onsidering the blessed reality of adoption? Hear from Patrick Lafferty and others who have taken the journey of faith to adopt Friday–Saturday, February 18–19. Be encouraged by stories of rescue. Visit with the experts at adoption agency booths.
The need for adoption A Biblical view of adoption The adoption process Adoption and your legacy Parenting the adopted child The special needs child Your inner adoption fears Adoptive parents panel discussion
Register at www.pcpc.org/registrations. The cost is $45 per family. Friday's session is from 6:15–8:30 pm and Saturday's is from 8:00 am–12:30 pm, Fellowship Hall. Childcare for birth to fiveyear-olds may be reserved in advance by calling 214-706-2797 by Wednesday, February 16. There's a $5 fee per session per child, which you will pay at the conference check-in table. Contact betty.montague@pcpc.org or 214-224-2683.
Worship, dinner, and teaching at Midweek 2
n these times, when political, economic, cultural, and personal issues suggest chaos and fear, can peace be anything more than a religious aspiration? Is peace, after all, realistically possible?
Join us Wednesday, January 26, 7:30 pm, PCPC Sanctuary, to hear Tim Keller speak on The Gospel of Peace. He will look at Philippians 4:4–12. This event is free, open to all, and sponsored by Redeemer Seminary. Childcare is available by reservation only for birth to five-yearolds by calling 214-706-2797 by 5:00 pm, Monday, January 24. Questions? Contact lawan.glasscock@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739.
During this conference, these topics will be discussed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
The Gospel of Peace
An outstanding workshop for any couple considering adoption! Stephen Curtis Chapman Register now! www.pcpc.org/registrations
Pray First 2
Kayak, rock climb, and more at PCPC's Family Camp 2
Pray for your missionaries 2
Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.
o u r fa m i ly Birth z Allison Lee Turner, daughter of Melissa and Robert Turner, on January 4, 2011
announcements Midweek
z C. Thomas "Tom" Davis (CC#11/ Agape) on January 5, 2011
Join us for worship, dinner, fellowship, and teaching on Wednesdays. There's Vespers at 5:30 pm, Chapel; dinner at 5:30 pm, Fellowship Hall; nine adult classes following dinner. Read about the MIDWEEK classes at www.pcpc.org/midweek or pick up a brochure in the literature racks. Don't forget to RSVP for dinner at 214224-2826 by 4:00 pm on Mondays and for childcare for birth to five-year-olds at 214-706-2797. Contact debbie.blanton@pcpc.org or 214-224-2744.
Intro to PCPC class
Deaths z Mary Ellen Forde (CC#04/Good News) on December 29, 2010
z Cheryl and Bill Henry (CC#10/ Covenant) on the loss of her father; Laurie Henry (CC#10) on the loss of her grandfather, Robert L. Wright, on December 19, 2010 z Katie and Andrew Whitcomb (CC#03/Young Adults) on the loss of his grandfather; Hayley and Jake Lester (CC#18) on the loss of her grandfather; Phil Whitcomb (CC#08) on the loss of his father-in-law, Marvin Lookwood Davison, on January 4, 2011 z Christy and Ben Abbott (CC#02) on the loss of her mother; Sadie and Bode Abbott (CC#02) on the loss of their grandmother, Cher Seibert, on December 29, 2010
Learn about PCPC's vision, purpose, ministries, membership, and more Friday–Sunday, January 28– 30, Room 259. RSVP at www.pcpc.org/registrations. Childcare for birth–five-year-olds is providing by RSVP'ing to 214-706-2797 by Wednesday, January 26. Contact debbie.blanton@pcpc.org or 214-224-2744.
Prayer for the World
Pray for your PCPC-supported missionaries Sunday, February 6, 8:30–9:20 am, Parlor. We will have missionaries' prayer requests and prayer guidelines to help you. First-timers are welcome. Can't make it? Prayer for the World meets the first Sunday of each month. Contact Renatta Rasmussen, worldmissions@pcpc.org or 214-224-2551.
Alex McDonald piano recital
z Suzie and Bunker Curnes (CC#10) on the loss of their baby; Betsy and Tom Curnes (CC#11) on the loss of their granddaughter; Caroline and Bunker Hunt (CC#13/Good News) on the loss of their great granddaughter, Christine Caroline Curnes, who was born on January 8, 2011
A young pianist with vibrant interpretations and tireless technique, Alex will present a program of varied masterworks Sunday, February 13, 4 pm, Cambridge Hall. Currently, Alex is studying for his doctorate and teaching at the Julliard School in New York. Contact frances.cope@pcpc.org or 214-224-2633.
z Sandy and Frank Haughton (CC#12) on the loss of his sister, Mary Ellen Forde, on December 29, 2010
Join us on Saturday, February 26 as we serve our neighbors throughout the city. Register at www.pcpc.org/registrations. There are great projects for every age and stage! Sign up with your family, friends, small group, or Sunday community. Contact christina.spruill@pcpc.org or 214-224-2520.
z Jean Davis (CC#11/Agape) on the loss of her husband, C. Thomas "Tom" Davis, on January 5, 2011
Beyond Ourselves
ESL teachers needed “No heart can conceive that treasury of mercies which lies in this one privilege: in having liberty and ability to approach unto God at all times, according to His mind and will.” —John Owen
We need teachers for Tuesdays, 9:30–11:00 am. We need people who speak English well and love people from different cultural backgrounds. Lesson plans will be provided. If you are interested, contact Kathy Dunn, esl@pcpc.org or 214-224-2528.
Second annual PCPC Family Camp
Join us for our second annual family camp July 24–30 or July 31–August 6, Sky Ranch at Ute Trail in Colorado. The cost for one room cabins is $2,400 per family, which includes all meals and on-site activities, and two-bedroom cabins cost $2,700. To learn more about PCPC Family Camp, visit www.skyranch.org/familycamp. Register by calling 903-266-3300.
Artificial Christmas trees needed
We need artificial Christmas trees for next year's Vacation Bible School. To make a donation, contact darian.reichert@pcpc.org or 214-224-2568.
The Bridge
Enjoy a casual dinner, build relationships, and listen to Mary Flo Ridley’s story of rescue Thursday, February 3, 6:30–8:30 pm at the home of Susan Bullock, 3620 Bryn Mawr. No RSVP is needed. Dinner is provided for a small fee. For more information, visit www.pcpcwomen.org or contact ann.higginbottom@pcpc.org or 214-224-2725.
Pray First
Join us as we pray for our church, families, state, and world Monday, February 7, 12:00–12:30 pm, Parlor. We would love to pray with and for you. For more information or to submit prayer requests, contact Carri Case, kcases@swbell.net or 214-363-0558.
adult ministries
Retirement home worship schedule
z Sunday, January 23, 1:00 pm: Town Village North; 3:00 pm: Meadowstone; 3:30 pm: White Rock Court z Thursday, January 27, 3:00 pm: Monticello; 3:00 pm: Edgemere z Sunday January 30, 3:30 pm: White Rock Court z Thursday, February 3, 3:00 pm: Monticello
youth ministries
Florida trip—save the date!
All ninth–twelfth graders are invited to this week-long retreat at the Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, Florida May 28–June 3. Online registration will open on Monday, February 14. For more information, visit www.pcpchighschool.org or contact lily.riemer@pcpc.org or 214-224-2762.
This Week January 22, 2011
calendar January
26 The Gospel of Peace by Tim Keller, 224-2739 28–29 Women in the Word: A workshop, 224-2725 28–30 Introduction to PCPC class, Room 259, 224-2744
1–2 10 24 29–May 1
Bible Alive seminar, Fellowship Hall, 224-2740 7:00 pm A German Requiem concert, Sanctuary, 224-2633 Resurrection Sunday services, Sanctuary, 224-2632 Introduction to PCPC class, Room 259, 224-2744
6:30–8:30 pm The Bridge, 3620 Bryn Mawr, 224-2725 8:30–9:20 am Prayer for the World, Parlor, 224-2551 12:00–12:30 pm Pray First, Parlor, 214-363-0558
3 6 7 13 14 15 18–19 26 27
Alex McDonald concert, Cambridge Hall, 224-2633 10:45–11:30 am Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 10:00 am Circle 5 meeting, 4145 San Carlos., 214-361-4704 Adoption—The reality of the blessing conference, 224-2683 Beyond Ourselves, 224-2520 Communion at 9:30 and 11:00 am, 224-2632
11–15 20
Spring break mission trip, TbarM Sports Camp, 224-2762 4:00–6:00 pm Kara Welch and Bradley Welch concert, Sanctuary, 224-2635
6–7 Boot Camp for Lovers, Oak Lawn West, 224-2683 28–Jn 3 High School Florida trip, Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center, 224-2762
4:00 pm Colin Howland organ concert, Sanctuary, 224-2633
24–30 Family camp (session 1), Sky Ranch Ute Trail, 903-266-3300 31–Aug 6 Family camp (session 2), Sky Ranch Ute Trail, 903-266-3300
Park Cities Presbyterian Church
March 11-15
Youth spring break
eventh–twelfth graders, join us in serving the city of Austin. You will also enjoy fun activities and great teaching times at the TbarM Sports Camp. Invite your friends. Early registration costs $260 by Tuesday, February 1. Starting Wednesday, February 2, registration costs $300. Register at www.pcpc.org/registrations. Contact lily.riemer@pcpc.org or 214-224-2762.
Presbyterian Church in America 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-224-2500 www.pcpc.org www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca www.twitter.com/pcpcnews
Sunday worship 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am
Communion Sundays, 8:00–9:00 am Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm
24/7 prayer hotline 214-224-2680 or 24/7prayer@pcpc.org
ow n k u o id y
We now have an e-mail format of This Week! The e-This Week will be sent early every Thursday morning to all members and regular attenders with a valid e-mail address in our database. To update your e-mail address and other contact information, log into www.pcpc.org/directory. (We will continue to mail This Week to those who prefer the print format, but we also encourage you to consider receiving the e-mail version only and reducing costs.)
January 22, 2011 This Week
General fund budget 2010/2011 operating budget Budget for July 1, 2010–January 9, 2011 G iving for July 1, 2010–January 9, 2011 Budget variance
$10,700,000 $6,212,485 $5,708,339 ($504,146)
Baptisms, December 19, 2010
Emma Grace Cecilia Menerey daughter of Tiffany and Zac Menerey
Harrison Campbell Wade son of Julie and Brad Wade
Caroline Anne Palmer
Silas James Porter
Gable Rose Scott
Emerson Olivia Wade
daughter of Lisa and Stokes Palmer
son of Ellen and Reid Porter
daughter of Kristen and Jay Scott
daughter of Julie and Brad Wade
McKinley Annabel Wade daughter of Julie and Brad Wade
Thatcher Holden Wade
Grace Parker White
Noah Anthony Whittle
son of Julie and Brad Wade
daughter of Kim and Jeff White
son of Rebecca and Luke Whittle
www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca www.facebook.com/pcpcmissions www.facebook.com/pcpcartsfestival
Shop at the PCPC Bookstore And save on shipping! Open Monday–Friday, 8:30 am–5:00 pm and Sunday, 9:00 am–1:00 pm
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Park Cities Presbyterian Church Matt Rodriguez, editor 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219-3152 214-224-2711 • fax 214-224-2711 www.pcpc.org
Vol. XXI, No. 2 | January 22, 2011
Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas