Vol. XXI, No. 5 | March 5, 2011
K in g d o m Movement in India
Bible Aliv e Friday–Saturday, April 1–2
ible Alive is a multimedia contextual immersion experience in understanding God’s Word in its original historical, cultural, geographical, literary, and visual context. This seminar will equip you with tools, resources, and frameworks to forever change the way you read and understand the Bible. The following statement captures the motivating principle behind this seminar: “We should never ask what a passage means to us today until we know what it meant to those who first heard those words and experienced its reality.” Using helicopter video of Holy Land sites together with images drawn from their unique library of photographs, illustrations, reconstructions, and maps, Preserving Bible Times teaching fellow Doug Greenwold will bring the Bible to life as never before.
Short-term mission opportunities 2
Monday, March 21 6:30–8:30 pm Fellowship Hall
Who should consider coming to Bible Alive? Anyone who: v Wants to rekindle their excitement and passion for God’s Word
A churchwide dinner evening featuring a taste of India RSVP: www.pcpc.org by Sunday, March 20 $9.50 marzena.dunham@pcpc.org or 214-224-2523
v Wants to rejuvenate their quiet times v Leads a small group or teaches others v Disciples another v Would like to study the Bible in Israel v Would like to fall in love with Jesus m ore deeply Bible Alive is appropriate for junior high students or older. Families are encouraged to attend. Session times are Friday, 6:30–9:45 pm, and Saturday, 8:30 am–12:30 pm. The cost is $25 per person or $40 per family until Friday, March 25; then $35 per person or $50 per family. Register at www.pcpc.org/registrations. Contact amy.tassos@pcpc.org or 214-224-2740.
PCPC Family Camp 2
njoy dinner and learn from Indian church leaders about the Holy Spirit’s work in India. This information is timely, since Mark Davis has been preaching on the Holy Spirit and PCPC is planting churches in India as part of the 2020 Vision. The dinner costs $9.50 per person and will consist of mild Indian cuisine. Children are welcome, but childcare is not provided. Handicrafts made by underprivileged women employed by the Dorcas House in Northern India will be available for purchase at the Monday night dinner and during Tuesday morning Women’s Bible studies. Contact marzena.dunham@pcpc.org or 214-224-2523.
Waiting list for high school Florida Trip 3
Women's Reflective Retreat 3
Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.
o u r fa m i ly Birth
z Hannah Kathryn Mueller, daughter of Amanda and Bert Mueller, on February 14, 2011
Marriage z Catherine Marie Jagers and John David Tornow on February 12, 2011 z Eryn Blair Humphrey and Joshua Mac Springer on February 19, 2011
Death z Col. Lucius "Lamar" Daugherty III (CC#16) on January 30, 2011
Sympathy z Shelley and Steve Lipscomb (CC#02/Shepherds of Souls) on the loss of her brother, Charles P. Guerriero IV, on February 8, 2011 z Lily and Will Riemer (CC#14) on the loss of her grandfather; Abigail Riemer (CC#14) on the loss of her greatgrandfather, Walter Heffler, on February 13, 2011 z Adair and Paul Gregory (CC#07/ Agape) on the loss of their son; Ted Gregory (CC#07) on the loss of his brother, Nolan Gregory, on February 15, 2011 z Mary and Albert Huddleston (CC#09/Shepherd of Souls) on the loss of his mother; Caroline Huddleston and Erika Huddleston (out-of-town members), Paul Huddleston (CC#18), and Gordan Huddleston (CC#09) on the loss of their grandmother, Erika Huddleston, on February 15, 2011 z Kathy and Tom Dunn (CC#13) on the loss of his father; Charlie Dunn (CC#09) and Erin Dunn (outof-town member) on the loss of their grandfather, Arnold Michael Dunn, on February 17, 2011
A “ true love of God must begin with a delight in His holiness.” —Jonathan Edwards
announcements EQUIP mentor training
Join us for this mentoring training session, Saturday, March 5 at Interfaith Housing Coalition. You will learn how to walk alongside a struggling family and help them regain self-sufficiency. Session times are flexible and can adapt according to your availability. Visit http://urban.pcpc.org or contact Linda Wells, lwells2145@gmail.com or 214-632-2088.
Prayer for the World
Pray for your PCPC-supported missionaries Sunday, March 6, 8:30–9:20 am, Parlor. First-timers are welcome. Contact Kerry Gibson, worldmissions@pcpc. org or 214-224-2551.
Caregiver support group lunch
Are you a caregiver to a parent, spouse, or loved one? If so, we would love to meet and encourage you Tuesday, March 8, 11:30 am, Oak Lawn West. Enjoy a light lunch and great time of caring, sharing, and praying for one another. Contact jane.beasley@pcpc.org or 214-224-2771.
Kara Welch and Bradley Welch concert
Join us for this concert, Sunday, March 20, 4:00 pm, Sanctuary. Kara is a member of the Dallas Symphony and Bradley is the Director of Music and Arts at Highland Park United Methodist Church. This concert affords a unique opportunity for them to partner together as chamber musicians. Admissions is free and doors open at 3:30 pm. Visit www.pcpcconcerts.org or contact frances.cope@pcpc.org or 214-224-2633.
The Knot
Are you made for each other? If so, join us for a weekend of discussion and learning that will help you build a foundation for a satisfying and godly marriage Friday, April 1, 6:00–9:00 pm, and Saturday, April 2, 8:30 am–3:00 pm. The cost is $60 per couple. Contact betty.montague@pcpc.org or 214-224-2683.
Helping Hands Day
Help single moms, widows, and others who need help with changing light bulbs, organizing closets, raking leaves, fixing running toilets, and more Saturday, April 30, 8:00 am–1:00 pm, Room 263. Contact wilma.morgan@pcpc.org or 214-224-2742.
2011 Short-term mission opportunities
Join us for one of our short-term mission opportunities. View them at www.pcpcmissions.org/world. Contact marzena.dunham@pcpc.org or 214-224-2523.
Guitar teachers needed for ESL
Would you consider donating free guitar lessons on Tuesday or Thursday evenings to a child whose mother attends ESL? To donate your time, contact Kathy Dunn, esl@pcpc.org or 214-360-4782.
Cars needed for missionaries
Do you have a car that a PCPC missionary might use when in Dallas for a few days? If so, contact Cindy Rhea, rheafam@sbcglobal.net or 214-766-2527.
Mentors needed for LPF Children
PCPC has started a mentoring program for the Lao Presbyterian Fellowship children, and we need your help! Boys and girls, ages seven–sixteen, need help with daily issues. Contact Ron and Sharon Baxter, RonLSB@sbcglobal.net or 817-801-5335.
New library reference volumes
We received reference volumes entitled The Christians: Their first two thousand years. These books are filled with pictures, explanations, maps, artifacts, and very readable text. Check out these volumes Monday– Friday, 8:30 am–5:00 pm or Sunday, 9:00 am–1:00 pm. Questions? Visit www.pcpcbookstore.org.
Young Families
Second annual PCPC Family Camp
Join us for family camp July 31–August 6, Sky Ranch at Ute Trail in Colorado. The cost for one- and tworoom cabins are $2,400 and $2,700 per family. Visit www.skyranch.org/familycamp. Register by calling 903-266-3300.
60+ Community
Retirement home worship schedule
z Sunday March 6, 2:00 pm: Caruth Haven; 3:30 pm: White Rock Court; 4:00 pm: The Forum z Thursday, March 10, 3:00 pm: Monticello; 3:00 pm: Edgemere z Sunday, March 13, 1:00 pm: Town Village North; 3:00 pm: Meadowstone; 3:30 pm: White Rock Court z Thursday, March 17, 3:00 pm: Monticello
Did You Know? We now have an electronic version of This Week, which is e-mailed every Thursday morning. If you are not receiving the e-This Week, sign up at www.pcpc.org/subscribe-email.
This Week March 5, 2011
calendar March
EQUIP mentor training, Interfaith Housing Coalition, 214-632-2088 8:30–9:20 am Prayer for the World, Parlor, 224-2551 12:30–2:00 pm Leadership lunch, High School Room, 224-2547 7 12:00–12:30 pm Pray First, Parlor, 363-0558 8 11:30 am Caregiver support group lunch, Oak Lawn West, 224-2771 9–Ap 13 6:45–8:00 pm Lenten Prayer, Parlor, 224-2725 11–15 Spring break mission trip, TbarM Sports Camp, 224-2762 20 4:00 pm Kara Welch and Bradley Welch concert, Sanctuary, 224-2635 21 6:30–8:30 pm India dinner, Fellowship Hall, 224-2523 5 6
6:30 pm; 8:30 am Bible Alive seminar, Fellowship Hall, 224-2740 6:00 pm; 8:30 am The Knot, Oak Lawn West, 224-2683
8–9 8–22 9
Women's Reflective Retreat, Montserrat Retreat Center, 224-2722 12:00 pm Holy Week, Sanctuary, 224-2632 9:30 am–12:30 pm Voice of Hope outreach, Hangout, 224-2734
Student ministries
High school leadership lunch
Project Austin spring break mission trip
Seventh–twelfth graders, join us in serving the city of Austin by teaming up with ministries, churches, and outreach organizations March 11–15. Also, don't forget to invite your friends. Registration costs $300. Contact lily.riemer@pcpc.org or 214-224-2762.
Voice of Hope outreach
7:00 pm A German Requiem concert, Sanctuary, 224-2633 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Evening Communion, Sanctuary, 224-2632 Resurrection Sunday services, Sanctuary, 224-2632 Introduction to PCPC class, Room 259, 224-2744 8:00 am–1:00 pm Helping Hands Day, Room 263, 224-2742
6–7 The Knot, Oak Lawn West, 224-2683 28–Jn 3 Florida trip, Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center, 224-2762
All high school students are invited to a lunch to discuss leadership opportunities Sunday, March 6, 12:30–2:00 pm, High School Room. Contact amy.westervelt@pcpc.org or 214-224-2547.
10 21 24 29–May 1 30
24–30 Family camp (session 1), Sky Ranch Ute Trail, 903-266-3300 31–Aug 6 Family camp (session 2), Sky Ranch Ute Trail, 903-266-3300
Pray First
Join us as we pray for our church, families, state, and world Monday, March 7, 12:00–12:30 pm, Parlor. We would love to pray with and for you. For more information or to submit prayer requests, contact Carri Case, kcases@swbell.net or 214-363-0558.
Lenten Prayer
Be refreshed and renewed by joining this six-week Lenten Prayer class Wednesday, March 9–April 13, 6:45–8:00 pm, Parlor, which will explore the basics of prayer and worship. Register by contacting ann.higginbottom@pcpc.org or 214-224-2725.
Fifth–twelfth graders, join us as we help Voice of Hope Saturday, April 9, 9:30 am–12:30 pm, PCPC Hangout. We will assist elementary and middle school students with activities and crafts. Contact mary.haberkorn@pcpc.org or 214-224-2734.
Women's Bible studies
Waiting list for Florida Trip
Relax at nearby Montserrat Retreat Center on Lake Dallas, Friday–Saturday, April 8–9. Elizabeth Robinson and Kari Stainback will lead two sessions on worship. The cost is $100; scholarships are available. Register at www.pcpcwomen.org or at the Women’s Ministry table. Contact laurie.butterfield@pcpc.org or 214-224-2722.
Incoming ninth–twelfth graders will go on this retreat at the Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center in Florida May 28–June 3. Online registration has ended because the trip is full. We are working to add more spots, so feel free to e-mail lily.riemer@pcpc.org to be added to the wait list. Include your name, current grade, and two roommate preferences.
Most Women’s Bible Studies will not meet during the week of Spring Break, March 14-18. Questions? Contact laurie.butterfield@pcpc.org or 214-224-2722.
Women's Reflective Retreat
www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca www.twitter.com/pcpcnews March 5, 2011 This Week
4:00 pm Colin Howland organ concert, Sanctuary, 224-2633
Park Cities Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-224-2500 www.pcpc.org www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca www.twitter.com/pcpcnews
Sunday worship 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am
Communion Sundays, 8:00–9:00 am Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm
24/7 prayer hotline 214-224-2680 or 24/7prayer@pcpc.org
General fund budget 2010/2011 operating budget $10,700,000 Budget for July 1, 2010–February 20, 2011 $7,392,645 G iving for July 1, 2010–February 20, 2011 $6,976,857 Budget variance ($415,788)
Kara Kirkendoll Welch Bradley Hunter Welch
Baptisms, February 20, 2011
Music for Flute and Organ Sunday, March 20 4:00 pm, Sanctuary
Cole Austin Clark
Preston Ryan Clark
Logan Gray Hope
son of Beth and Ryan Clark
son of Beth and Ryan Clark
son of Wiley and Michael Hope
Sloane Elizabeth Hope
Lydia Ko Millican
daughter of Wiley and Michael Hope daughter of Venus and Doug Millican
Claire Gallagher Trese
see page 2
Cooper Gregory Shull son of Melissa and Greg Shull
Emma Grace Williamson
daughter of Julie and Steve Trese daughter of Amanda and Logan Williamson
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Park Cities Presbyterian Church Matt Rodriguez, editor 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219-3152 214-224-2711 • fax 214-224-2711 www.pcpc.org
Vol. XXI, No. 5 | March 5, 2011
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