THIS WEEK: May 28, 2011

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Vol. XXI, No. 11 | May 28, 2011

Nominees for June 5 officer election

These men were recommended by the congregation in May of 2010 and approved by the Session as candidates in the Class of 2015. Under the leadership of pastors and elders, they spent nine months studying the Bible, the Westminster Confession, and the PCA Book of Church Order. All have passed the written exams and were approved by the Session. The Session also selected Shepherding Elders Tommy Bain and Frank Bullock to serve with this class.

Nathan Mackenroth Spouse: Amy; Occupation: Business intelligence consultant; Years at PCPC: 7; Leisure: Reading and studying apologetics and economics; Passion: Singles' ministry and education for all ages

Alan Balser, Elder Nominee Spouse: Pam; Children: Laura and Charlotte; Occupation: Oil and gas exploration; Years at PCPC: 20; Leisure: Tractor/farm work, golf, fly fishing; Passion: Proclaiming Christ

Edward McDow Spouse: Anne; Children: Andrew, Deborah, Hannah, Beth, and Joel; Occupation: Engineer; Years at PCPC: 7; Leisure: Gardening; Passion: Billy Graham Call Center, men's small groups

Randy Wood, Elder Nominee Spouse: Leigh Ann; Children: Ben, Meredith, and Hayley; Occupation: Commercial real estate; Years at PCPC: 10; Leisure: Riding his bicycle; Passion: Teaching Sunday school

Ben Moffitt Spouse: Katherine; Occupation: Attorney; Years at PCPC: 3; Leisure: Golf; Passion: Teaching and welcoming newlyweds, praying for specific needs of the church body

Jonathan Agee, Deacon Nominee1 Spouse: Cindy; Occupation: Consultant; Years at PCPC: 3; Leisure: Spending time with Cindy, reading; Passion: Sharing God's love to people in need, impacting Dallas

Ray Nixon Jr. Spouse: Denise; Children: Ryan, Jennifer, Kelly, and Chase; Occupation: Investment business; Years at PCPC: 9; Leisure: Golf; Passion: Spiritual growth, leadership, serving, education

Michael Cagle Spouse: Lou; Children: Michael, James, and William; Occupation: Real estate; Years at PCPC: 20; Leisure: Outdoor activities; Passion: Caring and serving those in need

Thomas Stanley Spouse: Beverly; Children: John, David, and Katie; Occupation: Business owner; Years at PCPC: 4; Leisure: Photography, yard work, and reading; Passion: Greeting, ushering, Helping Hands

Don Dillahunty Spouse: Marilu; Children: Marisa, Laura, Melinda, Jonathan, Claire, and Grace; Occupation: Physician; Years at PCPC: 14; Leisure: Reading; Passion: Growing in Jesus, Kingdom

Steve Tenpenny Spouse: Celeste; Children: Jason, Jenna, and Brian; Occupation: Telecom; Years at PCPC: 8; Leisure: Reading, baseball, camping; Passion: Transforming lives, be a light in Dallas, global missions

Walter Knight Children: Laura and Mary; Occupation: Sales; Years at PCPC: 4; Leisure: Running, exercise, and care of pet parrot; Passion: Communicating God's truth

Richard Thompson Spouse: Susan; Children: Ashley and Chuck; Occupation: Manufacturers representative; Years at PCPC: 6; Leisure: Family, handball; Passion: Exhortation, mentoring, hospitality, mercy


Missionary reception for Jessica and Corey Young   2

All Deacon Candidates, Class of 2015, following.

NEW: PCPC classifieds webpage  2

Colin Howland organ concert  4a

Find your voice  4a

Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.

o u r fa m i ly Births zz Brooklyn Jewel Smith daughter of Dina and Stan Smith, on May 12, 2011

Marriages zz Elizabeth Brooks Carlock and Kevin Glenn Phillips on May 7, 2011

Deaths zz Clyde "Doc" Swalwell (CC#01/ Good News) on May 10, 2011 zz Eulila Martin (CC#13) on May 13, 2011 zz Julia "Sue" Stuart (CC#21) on May 14, 2011

Sympathies zz Nort Stuart (CC#21) on the loss of his wife Julia "Sue" Stuart, on May 14, 2011 zz Laurie Butterfield (CC#19) on the loss of her grandmother Jean Veers Crawford, on May 12, 2011 zz Joan Swalwell (CC#01/Good News) on the loss of her husband Clyde "Doc" Swalwell, on May 10, 2011

announcements Everyone

Immigrant welcomers

Who is a welcomer? A welcomer offers a hand of friendship and service to people who have immigrated to the United States. If you currently serve international students and/or refugees or want to get involved in this ministry, please consider joining us for an informational dinner meeting Wednesday, June 8, 6:00 pm, 6705 Del Norte. Contact or 214-224-2525.

Mercy Street Read and Play Camp

Are you looking for creative activities to do this summer as a family? Consider helping Mercy Street with their Read and Play Camp, Monday– Wednesday, June 13–15, Carver Elementary. Sign up your family today! Contact Annie Roberson, or 214-905-1042 ext. 101.

Missionary reception for the Youngs

Join us Sunday, June 26, 12:10 pm, Room 259. We will celebrate the commissioning of our newest home church missionaries to Cambodia, Jessica and Corey Young. The Young Couples Sunday School Community will sponser this reception by providing a light lunch. No RSVP is needed. Contact or 214-224-2523.

Adoption Ministry

Join us Sunday, June 26, 7:00 pm, home of Melissa and Greg Shull. We will meet for an intimate evening and hear from experts from Covenant Kids on the topic of fostering to adopt. Adults only. Dessert will be provided. RSVP to or 214-224-2683 by Thursday, June 23.

Indonesia short-term mission trip

Join Jeff White and Keeley Chorn July 13– 23, for a mission trip to Indonesia. Contact or 214-224-2525.

Student Ministries

Summer Sizzle

Incoming fifth–sixth-graders, join us Wednesday–Thursday, June 1–2, for our Summer Sizzle activities to kick off the summer. Visit Contact or 214-224-2762.

Summer Night Live

Incoming seventh–eighth-graders, join us Friday– Saturday, June 3–4, for our Summer Night Live activities. Visit Contact or 214-224-2762.

Middle school parent meeting

Parents of incoming fifth–eighth graders (current fourth–seventh graders) are invited to meet Mike Haberkorn, the new ministry leader of middle school and the rest of the staff. Join us Sunday, June 5, 11:00 am–12:00 pm, Hang Out. Contact or 214-224-2762.

VBS Ski School volunteer opportunity

Help us run activities and games for elementary students during this year's VBS Ski School Monday–Thursday, June 20–23. Learn more about this year's Ski School online or contact Julie Conklin, or Nancy Brown, Register at by Monday, June 13. Contact Taryn Cooper,

Doulos leadership retreat

Seventh–eighth graders in the 2011–2012 school year, save the date for this year's Doulos leadership trip July 25–29, Galveston, TX. Complete the application for this trip at Contact or 214-224-2717.

PCPC Family Camp: Colorado

I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy the blest assurance gives! He lives, He lives, who once was dead; He lives, my everlasting Head! —Samuel Medley


Join us July 24–30 or July 31–August 6, Sky Ranch at Ute Trail. Mark Davis will be the speaker for the first week and Patrick Lafferty will speak at the second. Call Sky Ranch to register, 903-266-3300. Contact or 214-224-2762.

New PCPC classifieds webpage

We are excited to announce a ministry to the church—our own classified section on the website at Starting Wednesday, June 1, we will electronically publish the classifieds, which will be updated every two weeks. Submissions can be made at by any member of the church for roommates needed, garage sales, job postings, etc., but we cannot accept ads for professional sales or services. Contact Amy Mackenroth,

Trouble Now—Glory

Download your copy of Skip Ryan's suffering at

This Week  May 28, 2011

calendar June

1–2 3–4 5

Summer Sizzle, 214-224-2762 Summer Night Live, 214-224-2762 10:40 am Congregational meeting, Sanctuary, 214-224-2775 11:00 am–noon Youth parent meeting, Hang Out, 214-224-2762 8 6:00 pm Immigrant welcomers, 6705 Del Norte, 214-224-2525 12 4:00 pm Colin Howland organ concert, Sanctuary, 214-224-2633 16 10:30 am–12:30 pm Nancy Ashley review, Oak Lawn West, 214-224-2771 20–23 9:00 am–noon VBS Ski School, PCPC Ski Lodge, 214-224-2568 26 12:10 pm Reception for the Youngs, Room 259, 214-224-2523 7:00 pm Adoption Ministry, Home of Shulls, 214-224-2683 12–July 24 11:00 am Find Your Voice, Oak Lawn West, 214-224-2740

Young Families

Summer Musikgarten classes

c om

Summer is the perfect time for your children to dive into music! The Nimble & Quick class gives parents an opportunity introduce their young children to music in a fun atmosphere as well a chance to meet other parents. Does your child show an interest in piano? The piano camp gives them a fun way to try it with their friends. Register at by Tuesday, June 21. Visit or contact or 214-224-2633.

Song and Story summer schedule

Song and Story will not meet in June. The summer schedule begins Monday, July 11, with weekly Song and Story times every Monday, 10:45 am, Room 122, for five consecutive weeks. Beat the summer heat with some wiggly-giggly, laugh-out-loud, reading and singing fun. Bring a sack lunch and meet friends outside for a picnic afterward at the shaded large playground and fountain area to keep the fun going 'til nap-time! No RSVP needed. See you in July! Contact or 214-224-2780.

Children's Ministry volunteers needed

Join our Children's Ministry team as we shape our covenant children's stories (lives) for Christ. You will experience a change in your story (life) as well! Contact or 214-224-2566.

y Then devotionals

s seven devotionals for times of es

May 28, 2011  This Week

9–18 13–23 24–30 25–29 31–6

July Reverse Mexico mission trip, PCPC, 214-224-2738 Indonesia short-term mission trip, Indonesia, 214-224-2525 Family Camp (session 1), Sky Ranch at Ute Trail, 214-224-2762 Doulos leadership retreat, Galveston, TX, 214-224-2717 Family Camp (session 2), Sky Ranch at Ute Trail, 214-224-2762


August 8:00 am Helping Hands Day, Room 263, 214-224-2742


October Amazing Grace 360, Cobb Galleria Centre, 214-224-2738

ki es

June 20-23

Park Cities Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church in America 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-224-2500


S e e k a nd s a v e - L u k e 1 9:10

VBS Ski School

Calling all snow bunnies to freestyle skiers! Kids age five by 9/1/11 to rising fourth-graders, it's time to register for Ski School (VBS) at the PCPC Ski Lodge this summer. Join us June 20–23, 9:00 am–noon, PCPC Ski Lodge. We need volunteers to bring snacks for our VBS teachers in June. Visit www.pcpckidz. org to sign up for snacks. Contact Jody Dodson, Also, consider praying for this important ministry. Contact Waverly Wilson, Last, the 2011 Rescue Mountain Team is seeking additional ski patrol (a.k.a. VBS teachers and teaching assistants.). Please prayerfully consider this cool experience to share the gospel with kids this summer. Register at by Monday, June 13. Contact or 214-224-2568.

Sunday worship 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am

Communion Sundays, 8:00–9:00 am Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm

24/7 prayer hotline 214-224-2680 or 24/

General fund budget 2010/2011 operating budget


July 1–May 15, 2011 budget


July 1–May 15, 2011 giving


Budget variance




Women's summer Bible studies Are you looking for a way to be in the Word and in fellowship this summer? Women's Ministries will offer these Women's Bible studies: zzStrength Training 2011, 1 & 2 Peter, Neatice Warner Wednesdays, June 1–29, 10:00–11:00 am zz Parenting by the Book, Jill Chesnut and Nancy Turner Wednesdays, June 8–29, 7:15 pm zz Intimate Marriage Couples Bible study Sundays, June 5–26, 5:30–7:00 pm zzYoung Women's summer Bible study: Finding your identity, Keely Chorn, Mary Haberkorn, and Kari Stainback Wednesdays, June 8–July 6, 6:45–8:30 pm zz Life Together, Shannon Geiger and Kelly Woods Tuesdays, July 5–26, 7:00–8:30 pm zz Resolving Everyday Conflict, Barbara Smith and Susan White Wednesdays, June 1–29, 10:00–11:30 am, cost is $10

Congregational meeting

The Session has called a congregational meeting, Sunday, June 5, 10:40 am, (between services) in the Sanctuary, for the purpose of electing deacons and elders for the Class of 2015.

Officer recommendations in May

Officer recommendations for next year's candidates for elder and deacon for the Class of 2016 may be submitted May 1–31. For qualifications and recommendation forms, visit or contact or 214-224-2775.

60+ Community

Nancy Ashley book review and luncheon

Join us Thursday, June 16, 10:30 am–12:30 pm, Oak Lawn West. Nancy will review the biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, martyr, prophet, spy. After this we will enjoy lunch. RSVP to or 214-224-2771 by Monday, June 13.

Visit or contact or 214-224-2722.


Reverse Mexico mission trip

Colin Howland organist

Too dangerous to take a mission trip to Mexico? Reverse! Twelve leaders of women's ministries in Monterrey, Mexico will come to Dallas Saturday, July 9–Monday, July 18, for our first Reverse Mission Trip. PCPC women will train them in prayer and Bible study skills as well as give them an opportunity to minister alongside women at Cristo Rey, PCPC's Hispanic church plant. Interested in helping with housing, meals, transportation, or donating? Contact or 214-224-2738.

Amazing Grace 360

Sunday, June 12

Ladies, join us October 7–9, Cobb Galleria Centre, GA. Nancy Guthrie, a gifted teacher, writer, and conference speaker, will teach on the full-orbed grace of God in our lives—Amazing Grace 360. If you'd like to be in charge of organizing a group of PCPC women to attend, let us know. Register at by Thursday, September 15. Contact or 214-224-2738.

4:00 pm s Sanctuary


New in the Library

a six-week summer Sunday morning seminar

June 12-July 24

11:00 am Oak Lawn West

with Patrick Lafferty and Kenny Marchetti

Stop by the library to check out these books. For adults, see The Pastor as Scholar and the Scholar as Pastor—Reflections on life and ministry by John Piper and D.A. Carson, which discusses our need for both theological depth and practical focus. Planting for the Gospel is a hands-on guide to church planting. The Psalms as Christian Worship by Bruce Waltke and James Houston "blends verse-by-verse exposition of select psalms with a history of their interpretation in the church from the time of the apostles to the present.” The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher was written in the 1600 and has commentary by Thomas Boston, an introduction by Philip Ryken, and an historical introduction by William Vandoodeward. Derek Thomas calls it “one of the most important theological texts of all time.” Last, check out We’re Just Friends and Other Dating Lies, which offers practical wisdom for healthy relationships. Questions? Visit or contact or 214-224-2673.

questions? or 214-224-2740

May 28, 2011



May 28, 2011

Vol. XXI, No. 11 | May 28, 2011 Park Cities Presbyterian Church Matt Rodriguez, editor 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219-3152 214-224-2711 • fax 214-224-2711

Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas

This Week (007-362) is published biweekly except once in December by Park Cities Presbyterian Church, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219. Periodical postage paid at Dallas, Texas 75219. POSTMASTER: send address changes to THIS WEEK, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219‑3152.

Baptized, May 8, 2011 New Communicant, February 27, 2011 3 All New Communicants, May 15, 2011, following

2 1

son of Christy and Matt Tyson

Brooks Tobin Tyson1 son of Betty Montague

Samuel Langdon Masullo1 daughter of Michelle and Lee Bridgeman

Amelia Page Bridgeman1

Mira Martin 2

Dayton Conklin

Samuel Joyner

Will Reichert

Jacki Pedigo 2

Kate Conklin

Sam Miller

Annie Snell

Coleman Brink 3

Michael Hudson

Jamie Patterson

New Communicants and Baptisms, 2011

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