Vol. XXII, No. 5 | March 3, 2012
Skip Ryan Returns as Part-Time Assistant Pastor
EQUIP Mentors Needed
Mark Davis and the Session are pleased to announce that Skip Ryan will return to PCPC as a part-time assistant pastor. This decision comes as a result of 10 months of prayer, discussion, and deliberation, and with the unanimous approval of both the PCPC Session and the North Texas Presbytery. He will also remain in his current role as chancellor of Redeemer Seminary while serving PCPC in a ministry of rescue and renewal through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Go to www.pcpc.org to read a letter from Mark explaining more fully the process that was pursued to confirm this call and the role which Skip will fill.
VBS registration opens March 5 age five by 9/1 /12 to rising fourth graders
We are accepting applications for the School of Rock (aka VBS), June 11–14. Registration opens March 5 at www.pcpc.org for kids age 5 (by September 1) to rising fourth graders. Contact Meredith Mabus, meredithmabus@hotmail. com, for more information. Rock on!
“He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken. ” Psalm 62:2
Want to edit this newsletter? 2
Legendary coach Gene Stallings to speak at men’s meeting 2
EQUIP is a prevention program that exists to share the transforming presence of Jesus Christ and, by God’s grace, to help break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. It seeks capable, eager-to-learn individuals who are in need of a little hope. Mentors come alongside those lost in hopelessness to say, “You’re not alone. We can help. We’re on your team.” It doesn’t take much, because the people who come to EQUIP are hungry to learn and hungry to provide better for themselves and their families. They just need a little support getting there. In 2011, EQUIP helped keep 22 families from becoming homeless with less than $40,000. That’s less than $2000 per family! And many families don’t need that much. EQUIP is a truly unique program in that: •• All candidates are fully screened by Interfaith Housing Coalition, allowing for a good immediate prognosis •• All candidates have a solid work history •• Mentors provide emotional and spiritual aid and encouragement •• We teach financial, career, and family management skills to prevent future setbacks •• Many had a traumatic event that led to financial or emotional despair (surgery, layoff, divorce, death) •• Mentors share their expertise and help provide needed resources (as simple as catching an error on a bill) •• We can provide financial help where other programs cannot (electric bills, rent, childcare, etc.) •• Most mentees graduate from the program in three to six months. As you have heard, teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime. That is what EQUIP is all about. We have seen great success through this logical and practical model of assistance, instruction, and encouragement. We pray that the Lord would lay on your heart a desire to be a part of this incredible program. To find out more about becoming a mentor, contact Linda Wells, lwells2145@gmail.com, or Julia Lawrence, julia.lawrence@pcpc.org.
Cute additions to the covenant family 4
Singles’ Bible study meets Tuesdays 4
Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.
o ur f ami l y Births
• Theodore Robert Burgher, son of Emma and Ford Burgher, on November 19, 2011 • Matthew Inshick Choi, son of Esther and James Choi, on December 17, 2011 • Antonetta Lola-Gayle de Kanter, daughter of Sarah and Drew de Kanter, on February 9, 2012 • Ann Elise Goebel, daughter of Jenni and Paul Goebel, on February 15, 2012 • Ellen Louise Woodward, daughter of Caroline and Richard Woodward, on February 24, 2012
Deaths • Jerry Stover (CC#13), husband of Juanita Stover, on February 7, 2012
Sympathy • Ellen and Skip Solomon (CC#20/ Good Shepherd) on the loss of his mother, Martha Solomon, on February 12, 2012 • Thayer and Joseph O’Brien (CC#12/ Vineyard) on the loss of her father; Andrew, Charlie, and Lacey O’Brien (CC#12) on the loss of their grandfather, Ned Collins, on February 16, 2012 • Pam Alley (CC#12) on the loss of her father; Lynn and Gil Sheehan (CC#9/ Vineyard) on the loss of his father; Harrison Alley (CC#12) and Jamie, Jordan, and Riley Sheehan (CC#9) on the loss of their grandfather, James Sheehan, Jr, on February 17, 2012 • Shirley and Wayne Hast (CC#18) on the loss of his mother, Helen Hast, on February 23, 2012
A man’s greatest care should be for that place where he lives longest; therefore eternity should be his scope. – Thomas Watson
ann o un c ements Gene Stallings to speak at men’s gathering
Wheaton College Symphony Orchestra
The orchestra will focus on major orchestral works from the 18th century to today. Join us for this free concert Sunday, March 4, 7:00 pm, in the Sanctuary. Contact frances.cope@pcpc.org or 214-224-2635.
Intimate Mystery Workshop
Join Dan Allender and Steve Call to call forth a deeper joy in living out God’s design for your marriage. This three-day workshop, March 22–24, at PCPC, includes teaching, small group sessions, and individual couples’ sessions with highly skilled facilitators. Register at www.theallendercenter.org or 888-977-2002 ext. 112. The fee is $1850 per couple. For information about limited scholarships, contact Betty Montague, betty.montague@pcpc.org or 214-224-2683, by Thursday, March 15.
Arts Festival opening ceremony
The 2012 PCPC Arts Festival, The Passion and the Promise, will open Saturday, March 24. An awards ceremony at 2:00 pm will feature speaker David J. Goa, director of the Chester Ronning Centre for the Study of Religion and Public Life at the University of Alberta. The exhibit will be open 10:00 am– 6:00 pm daily, March 24–April 1, in Fellowship Hall. For more information contact Lawan Glasscock, lawan.glasscock@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739.
Rock ’n’ Roll Half Marathon
This race will cause access and parking changes on Sunday morning, March 25. You can download a map of the course at www.pcpc.org.
Texas football legend Gene Stallings will speak at the monthly men’s gathering Tuesday, March 27, 7:30 am, in Fellowship Hall. The cost is $5 per person if you register online before Friday, March 23, and $10 afterwards. Gene Stallings was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a coach in 2010. For more information contact Lawan Glasscock, lawan.glasscock@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739.
Helping Hands Day
Help single moms, widows, senior adults, and the chronically ill who need help with household maintenance Saturday, March 31, 8:00 am–1:00 pm. Meet in Room 263. Contact wilma.morgan@pcpc.org or 214-224-2742.
Holy Week
Worship Jesus Christ and meditate on His death on the cross April 2–6, noon, in the Sanctuary. The Maundy Thursday service is April 5, 7:00 pm, in the Sanctuary; and our Resurrection Sunday services are April 8, 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am, in the Sanctuary. The nursery and preschool will be open on Easter Sunday. Contact jayne.bjork@pcpc.org or 214-224-2632. Look for the booklet “Holy Week Meditations” in the main hall beginning Sunday, March 25. These seven devotionals by PCPC pastors will enhance your worship during Holy Week.
PCPC Family Camp: Colorado
Mark Davis will speak the first week of family camp, July 22–28. The second week, July 29–August 4, is currently full. To register or to be put on a waiting list, contact Sky Ranch, 903-266-3300. For information contact lily.riemer@pcpc.org or 214-224-2762.
job opening
Full-Time Communications Specialist Provides technical, editorial, and graphic design services for a variety of PCPC media. Responsibilities include publishing the biweekly print edition and weekly e-mail edition of the newsletter; maintaining our central content management system for all PCPC events and announcements; editing, proofing, and posting a weekly devotional; publishing weekly news in the worship bulletin; managing Mailchimp files and reports; creating or adapting graphics as needed; assisting the E-Ministry team as needed with online updates, e-mail campaigns, etc.; and working with the entire staff to support its communication needs, including education and advice on best methods and tools.
The position is highly team-oriented, with strong skills and five years’ experience needed in three areas: 1) writing, editing, and proofing, 2) technical knowledge including XML experience and use of Microsoft Office, Symphony, Textpattern, and various web-based applications, and 3) graphic design with expert knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. A member of PCPC is preferred with a college degree and a heart to serve this church. A portfolio of design is requested. A full job description can be viewed at jobsatpcpc.org, and resumes can be sent to careers@pcpc.org.
This Week March 3, 2012
c a l en d ar 4 4 4 5 9–13 12 20 22–24 24–Apr 1 24
25 26 27 31
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am Dr. Philip Ryken, Sanctuary, 224-2632 10:45 am Aging with Grace, Room 259, 224-2771 7:00 pm Wheaton College Symphony, Sanctuary, 224-2635 noon–12:30 pm Pray First, Parlor, 363-1588
7:00 am–noon Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon 10:45–11:30 am Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 7:30am Monthly Men’s Gathering, Fellowship Hall, 224-2739 8:00 am–1:00 pm Helping Hands Day, Room 263, 224-2742
Austin City Project, T Bar M Sports Camp, 224-2762
10:45–11:30 am Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 7:00–8:30 pm Lenten Prayer, 3814 Potomac, 224-2722
1–8 9 12 23 29
Intimate Mystery Workshop, PCPC, 224-2683
10:00 am–6:00 pm daily Arts Festival, Fellowship Hall, 224-2739 2:00 pm Arts Festival Opening, Fellowship Hall, 224-2739
Minister to the homebound
The 60+ Community and Ron Williams are looking for a few good folks! Is the Lord leading you to minister to those who are homebound? Contact Diane Steele, dianesteele@sbcglobal.net or 214-522-8659.
Urgent short-term missions need
Do you love young children? Want to have a longterm impact through a short-term trip? We have a unique and urgent need for one or two people to serve in East Asia April 3–9. Contact Anna Graber, anna.graber@pcpc.org or 214-224-2551.
Arts Festival volunteers needed
Love art? Then consider volunteering for our upcoming Arts Festival, Saturday, March 24– Sunday, April 1, 10:00 am–6:00 pm daily. Go to pcpcartsfestival.org or contact Lawan Glasscock, lawan.glasscock@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739.
Holy Week, Sanctuary, 224-2632
10:45–11:30 am Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 6:30–8:30 pm The Bridge, 696-4748 10:45–11:30 am Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 7:00 pm Remember concert, Sanctuary, 224-2635
The Bridge: What’s her story?
Form cross-generational friendships over a light dinner while hearing a story of rescue in the life of a Christian woman Thursday, April 12, 6:30–8:30 pm. Dinner costs $10; no RSVP is necessary. Contact Susan Bullock, sbb@reelmemories.org or 214-696-4748.
Spring reflective retreat
Enjoy scriptural teaching and time to quietly pray and read God’s Word May 11–12, at Montserrat Retreat Center in Lake Dallas. Two sessions of teaching on the spiritual discipline of stewardship of our time and money will be led by Elizabeth Robinson and Kari Stainback. There will be sweet fellowship during meals as well as time to slip away from the busyness of life and into solitude before the Lord. The cost is $100. Contact mary.haberkorn@pcpc.org or 214-224-2725.
Spring break for Bible studies
There will be no women’s Bible studies the week of spring break, March 12–16.
Lenten Prayer
Join us midway through Lent for an Easter prayer and worship time on Tuesday, March 20, 7:00–8:30 pm, at 3814 Potomac, the home of Anne Logan. For more information contact Elizabeth Robinson, 214-369-9140 or pray56@sbcglobal.net.
View upcoming short-term summer missions trips at www.pcpcmissions.org or contact Anna Graber, anna.graber@pcpc.org or 214-224-2551.
March 3, 2012 This Week
Presbyterian Church in America 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-224-2500 www.pcpc.org www.facebook.com/parkcitiespca www.twitter.com/pcpcnews
Sunday worship
Pray First
Help us pray for our church, families, and more Monday, March 5, noon–12:30 pm, in the Parlor. You may also submit your prayer requests to us. Contact Phyllis Mabus, phyllismabus@me.com or 214-363-1588.
Park Cities Presbyterian Church
Missions and church planting
Mission trip leader needed
Are you interested in leading a short-term trip to Senegal June 29–July 7? Please contact Jerry Gibson, jerry.gibson@pcpc.org or 214-224-2525.
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am
Communion Sundays, 8:00–9:00 am Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm
24/7 prayer hotline 214-224-2680 or 24/7prayer@pcpc.org
Young Families
Song and Story
Bring a sack lunch Monday, March 12, 10:45– 11:30 am, and meet friends in Room 122 or on the playground, depending on the weather. No RSVP is needed. Also, we need readers for the spring (every second and fourth Monday, March 12 and 26, April 9 and 23, and May 14). Contact amy.westervelt@pcpc.org or 214-224-2780.
General fund budget 2011/2012 operating budget
July 1, 2011–Feb. 19, 2012 budget
July 1, 2011–Feb. 19, 2012 giving
Budget variance
b a ptisms
February 19, 2012
Student Ministries
Florida Trip 2012
Jack Walter Agee son of Cindy and Jonathan Agee
Tate Andrew Colby son of Sarah and Ethan Colby
Registration begins on March 5 for the trip to Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center, May 26– June 1. Spots are limited and will fill up quickly. For more information about the trip and to register, go to www.pcpchighschool.org. Contact lily.riemer@pcpc.org or 214-224-2762.
Everett Vail Colby son of Sarah and Ethan Colby
Henry David Colby son of Sarah and Ethan Colby
Youth Ministry Asia mission trips
Jill Hope Pennington daughter of Kiki and Jeff Pennington
This summer the Youth Ministry will take two separate mission trips to Asia. Ninth and tenth grade students will travel to East Asia Thursday, July 12–Thursday, July 26. Eleventh and twelfth grade students will travel to Hong Kong Thursday, July 12–Monday, July 30. Contact carrie.jussely@pcpc.org or 214-224-2766.
Young Adults
Oak Lawn West Bible Study
Sawyer Berlin Platt son of Anne and Judge Platt
Audrey Faith Sunghei Thomason daughter of Andrea and Tim Thomason
This weekly Bible study of singles in their 20s and 30s meets every Tuesday, 7:00 pm, in the Oak Lawn East High School Room. Join us for worship, teaching, and fellowship afterwards. For more information contact McKenzie Griffin, 214-224-2728 or mckenzie.griffin@pcpc.org.
This Week (007-362) is published biweekly except once in December by Park Cities Presbyterian Church, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219. Periodical postage paid at Dallas, Texas 75219. POSTMASTER: send address changes to THIS WEEK, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219‑3152.
Park Cities Presbyterian Church Terri Speicher, editor 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219-3152 214-224-2711 • fax 214-224-2711 www.pcpc.org
Vol. XXII, No. 5 | March 3, 2012
Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas