THIS WEEK: April 14, 2012

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Vol. XXII, No. 8 | April 14, 2012



Donovan Campbell Tuesday, April 24 • 7:30–8:30 am Best-selling author Donovan Campbell will address Leadership Learned on the Front Lines. The cost is $5 if you register at by April 20, 3:00 pm, and $10 afterwards. A continental breakfast will be provided. Contact Lawan Glasscock, or 214-224-2739, for more information.

sunday, April 29 7:00 pm • Sanctuary see page 2

Do you like to talk? The ESL ministry can use you!  2

Fifth and sixth graders: Get ready to jump!  3

Parents: Learn to understand your middle schooler  3

Meet our urban ministry partners at expo  4

Park Cities Presbyterian Church exists to extend the transforming presence of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in Dallas and to the world.


o u r fa m i ly Births


• Anna Lindor Jones, daughter of Sarah and Brad Jones, on November 21, 2011 • Marguerite Jane Chavoya, daughter of Laura and Brandon Chavoya, on February 26, 2012

Deaths • Jake Beatty (CC#5), husband of Billie Beatty, on March 26, 2012

Caregiver Support Group luncheon

If you are caring for a loved one, please join us for a time of prayer, fellowship, networking, food, and encouragement Tuesday, April 17, noon–1:30 pm, in Oak Lawn West. Remember, it’s important to take a little respite for yourself in order to effectively care for someone else. Contact Jane Beasley, 214-224-2771 or, to let us know that you’ll be joining us. We would love the opportunity to know you and be an encouragement to you.

60+ Bishop Arts District day trip

Sympathy • Beverley and Larry Dale (CC#9) on the loss of her mother; Pete, Edward, Jack, and Jaynie Dale (CC#9) on the loss of their grandmother, Sara Brown, on March 26, 2012 • Laurie and Greg Higgins (CC#19) on the loss of his mother, Nancy Higgins, on March 28, 2012 • Christy and Mark Gehlbach (CC#11/Vineyard) on the loss of her grandmother; Grant Gehlbach (CC#11) on the loss of his great-grandmother, Mae Kalas, on April 1, 2012 • Cindy and Joe Abbate (CC#11) on the loss of his father; Rebecca Abbate (CC#2) on the loss of her grandfather; and Abigail and Charles Hovitz (CC#4) on the loss of her grandfather, Joseph Abbate, Jr., on April 3, 2012

The 60+ Community is invited to take a day trip Thursday, April 19, 9:30 am–3:30 pm. Park behind Oak Lawn West and board the bus at 9:30 am for the Bishop Arts District over in Oak Cliff. There are many wonderful shops and restaurants for you to choose from. At 2:30 pm we will board the bus and head back. The only cost is your lunch and any purchases you make. Reserve a seat on the bus by contacting Jane Beasley, 214-224-2771 or, by Tuesday, April 17.

Missionary Mailings

We have 48 missionaries who welcome encouraging notes from us here in Dallas. Come enjoy a meal and fellowship while helping to bless our missionaries around the world Sunday, April 22, 12:15 pm, in Fellowship Hall. We will provide pizza, paper, notecards, crayons, and pens so you can write to one or more of the missionaries PCPC has the privilege to care for and support. Contact Anna Graber, or 214-224-2551.

Remember concert

Failure to worship consigns us to a life of spasms and jerks, at the mercy of every advertisement, every seduction, every siren. Without worship we live manipulated and manipulating lives. Edmund P. Clowney


We will celebrate and give thanks for loved ones who have gone before and pray for strength to finish our own lives well Sunday, April 29, 7:00 pm, in the Sanctuary. The PCPC Chancel Choir will present the poignant and sublime Requiem of Maurice Duruflé accompanied by symphony orchestra. The evening will conclude with hymns of hope, including “Amazing Grace” and “Be Still, My Soul.” Register for childcare by calling 214-706-2797 by Thursday, April 26. Contact or 214-224-2635.

SMU international students outreach

The World Missions Ministry invites you to be part of a new outreach to international students at SMU Thursday, May 10, 6:00–7:30 pm. Join us for a fun, family-friendly, casual evening as we seek to practice Leviticus 19:33 and welcome a new crop of master’s level students to our neighborhood. We’ll get to know these students from all over the world and consider how we might minister to them beyond this welcome party. RSVP to Anna Graber, or 214-224-2551 by Tuesday, May 8.

Oak Lawn West Bible study

This weekly Bible study of singles in their 20s and 30s meets every Tuesday, 7:00 pm, in the High School Room. The next meetings are April 17 and 24. Join us for worship, teaching, and fellowship afterwards. Contact McKenzie Griffin, or 214-224-2728.

Conversation partners needed

Help our ESL students practice their English this summer. Volunteer as a conversation partner and friend! You would meet regularly (when and where is up to you) to chat with a student one-on-one. Contact Elizabeth Cunningham, or 214-224-2528.

New in the Library

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon by Steven J. Lawson is in the Long Line of Godly Men Profiles series. Lifted: Experiencing the Resurrection Life by Sam Allberry shows the positive significance of the Resurrection for our lives every day. His Blood Works: The Meaning of the Word ‘Blood’ in Scripture by Alan Stibbs examines the biblical meaning of blood from both the Old and New Testaments. The Last Word: Jesus’ Teaching in the Upper Room by Wallace Benn gives a devotional and intimate commentary on Christ’s final teaching for his disciples then and now. The Messiah and the Psalms: Preaching Christ from all the Psalms by Richard P. Belcher, Jr. shows the relevance and significance of the Psalms and how they relate to Christ’s person and work. Finally, Time for The Talk: Leading Your Son into True Manhood by Steve Zollos is described by Tedd Tripp as “comprehensive, insightful, biblical, gospelcentered, and above all, doable.” Visit for more information or contact Adair Gregory, or 214-224-2673.


Pray First

Help us pray for our church, families, and more Monday, April 16, noon–12:30 pm, in the Parlor. We will also pray with and for you. You may also submit your prayer requests to us. Contact Phyllis Mabus, or 214-363-1588.

Circle 5 meeting

Circle 5 will have its April meeting Tuesday, April 17, 10:00 am, at the home of Netta Wilson, 1 Duncannon Court. Contact Peggy Skidmore, or 214-361-4704.

This Week  April 14, 2012

calendar 15 16 17

19 21–22 22 23 24 29


9:00 am–1:00 pm  Urban Ministries Expo, Fellowship Hall, 224-2520 noon–12:30 pm  Pray First, Parlor, 363-1588 10:00 am  Circle 5 meeting, 1 Duncannon Ct, 361-4704 noon–1:30 pm  Caregiver support group, Oak Lawn West, 224-2771 7:00 pm  Oak Lawn West Bible Study, High School Room, 224-2728 9:30 am–3:30 pm  60+ Bishop Arts District day trip, 224-2771 Young Adults Spring Retreat, Pine Cove Timbers Camp 11:00 am–noon  Transparenting, 7th & 8th Room, 224-2717 12:15 pm  Missionary mailings, Fellowship Hall, 224-2551 10:45–11:30 am  Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 7:30–8:30 am  Workplace Ministries breakfast, 224-2739 7:00 pm  Oak Lawn West Bible Study, High School Room, 224-2728 7:00 pm  Remember concert, Sanctuary, 224-2635

Women’s spring reflective retreat

1 8 10 11–12 14 15 20 26–6/1 3 11–14


7:00 pm  Oak Lawn West Bible Study, High School Room, 224-2728 7:00 pm  Oak Lawn West Bible Study, High School Room, 224-2728 6:00–7:30 pm  SMU international student outreach, 224-2551 Women’s Reflective Retreat, Montserrat Retreat Center, 224-2725 10:45–11:30 am  Song and Story, Room 122, 224-2780 7:00 pm  Oak Lawn West Bible Study, High School Room, 224-2728 Moving on Up Sunday Florida Trip, Laguna Beach, 224-2762


4:00 pm  Colin Howland concert, Sanctuary, 224-2635 9:00 am–noon  VBS, PCPC School of Rock

Moving On Up Sunday

Enjoy scriptural teachings and quiet time alone Students will be promoted to the next level of Sunday May 11–12, at Montserrat Retreat Center in Lake Dallas. school on Sunday, May 20. For information contact Elizabeth Robinson and Kari Stainback will teach Lily Riemer, or 214-224-2762. on stewardship. Register at ($100). Contact or 214-224-2725.

If you know about a birth, death, or hospitalization in our church family, please let us know so that PCPC’s pastors can care for the body of Christ. Contact Wilma Morgan, or 214-224-2762.

Young Families

Student Ministries


Have you ever wished you could be inside your middle schooler’s head? Now is your chance. Sunday, April 22, 11:00 am–noon, in the Seventh and Eighth Grade Room, counselors from the Nikao Counseling group who specialize in youth issues are coming to discuss interactions between parents and children and common issues for students. Bring your questions! Contact Mike Haberkorn, or 214-224-2717.

Jump Street

Fifth and sixth graders: We’re going to Jump Street! Friday, April 27, 5:00–9:30 pm. Come to the Hangout a little early to sign waivers, and bring $20 for dinner, jumping, and ice cream. Contact

Middle School summer events

All incoming fifth to eighth grade students, save the dates for these activities. Don’t miss out on the fun! •  Moving On Up Sunday: May 20 •  Summer Sizzle (fifth–sixth): May 30–31 •  Summer Night Live (seventh–eighth): June 1–2 •  Six Flags: June 19 •  Hurricane Harbor: July 16 •  Doulos Beach Retreat (seventh/eighth): July 23–27 Details are to come at Contact or 214-224-2762.

April 14, 2012  This Week

Song and Story

Toddlers, bring your mom for some wiggly-giggly, laugh-out-loud, reading and singing fun Monday, April 23, 10:45–11:30 am. Bring a sack lunch and meet friends in Room 122 or outside on the playground depending on the weather. No RSVP is needed. Contact or 214-224-2780.

PCPC School of Rock (VBS)

Calling all easy-listening and hard-rocking volunteers: We need your help at the School of Rock, June 11–14, 9:00 am–noon. We need teachers, teacher assistants, nursery workers, arts and crafts helpers, prayer warriors, carpool, and more. There’s a place for everyone! Register at If you have questions, e-mail

Community News

Share Your Faith workshop

Redeemer PCA in McKinney is hosting an Evangelism Explosion workshop on sharing your faith Saturday, April 28, 8:30 am–4:00 pm, at Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 7820 Silverado Trail, McKinney. Registration of $35 ($25 before April 15) includes workshop, continental breakfast, and lunch. This gospel presentation is easy to learn, fun to share, and hard to forget. Register at For more information contact or 972-375-6598.

Park Cities Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church in America 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 214-224-2500

Sunday worship 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am

Communion Sundays, 8:00–9:00 am Wednesdays, 5:30–6:00 pm

24/7 prayer hotline 214-224-2680 or 24/

General fund budget 2011/2012 operating budget


July 1, 2011–April 1, 2012 budget


July 1, 2011–April 1, 2012 giving


Budget variance



Vol. XXII, No. 8 | April 14, 2012 Park Cities Presbyterian Church JD Lemming, editor 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, Texas 75219-3152 214-224-2711 • fax 214-224-2711

Periodical Postage Paid at Dallas, Texas

This Week (007-362) is published biweekly except once in December by Park Cities Presbyterian Church, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219. Periodical postage paid at Dallas, Texas 75219. POSTMASTER: send address changes to THIS WEEK, 4124 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219‑3152.

Sunday, April 15 9:00 am–1:00 pm G I V I NG OURSELVES AWA

Meet representatives from our 17 urban ministry partners and learn about what the Lord is doing in Dallas. There are opportunities just right for you to get involved! A free lunch will be served at noon, no reservations required. Contact Imelda Martinez, or 214-224-2520.





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