EVERYONE ALL-CHURCH PRAYER FOR HEALING Come join us Sunday, March 31, 5:00 p.m., Sanctuary, for a prayer service in which our elders will be praying over all who might have needs for spiritual, physical, emotional, or relational healing. Please come with whatever need you might want to share or join in praying for others. Prayer requests will be shared with and prayed for privately with two or three elders and held in confidence. cassie.rawson@pcpc.org or 214-224-2737
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING FOR THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Session of PCPC has approved a Congregational Meeting to take place between the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services on Sunday, April 7 for the purpose of electing elders and deacons for the Class of 2023. Candidates have successfully completed the officer training classes and have been approved by the Session. Members must be present to vote on the slate. Photos and profiles of the candidates will be published in ThisWeek and eThisWeek later in March. The ordination and installation will be on Sunday, April 28, during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services. sally.rogers@pcpc.org or 214-224-2775 Lent and Holy Week are here, and at PCPC our desire is for people to know and live the Word of God and pray bold and dependent prayers. We have developed a daily resource to read Scripture and spend time in prayer. We are excited to launch the Prayer Guide on the PCPC app. Download the app today and begin reading with us! Find out more at pcpc.org/resources/. shawn.davis@pcpc.org or 214-224-2710
WORSHIP & THE PERFORMING ARTS ELIJAH: SPRING CHORAL CONCERT Come experience Felix Mendelssohn’s vivid musical depiction of the life of the prophet Elijah, from his dramatic confrontation of the prophets of Baal to his being taken to heaven in a whirlwind with chariots of fire. This staged presentation features PCPC’s children’s, youth, and adult choirs with symphony orchestra on Sunday, March 24, 6:00 p.m., Sanctuary. Free admission. performingarts@pcpc.org or 214-224-2631
MISSIONS MISSIONARY SEND-OFF LUNCHEON FOR THE RAYL FAMILY Join us Sunday, March 24, 12:15–1:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall, to send off Taylor and Brett Rayl and hear about their work at Christ Bible Institute in Nagoya, Japan. Lunch provided, donations appreciated. Please RSVP. cindy.rhea@pcpc.org or 214-224-2551
JAPAN MISSION TRIP 214-224-2500 pcpc.org facebook.com/parkcitiespca twitter.com/parkcitiespca
VOL. XXX, NO. 04 | MARCH 2, 2019
Join a team of PCPC young adults headed to Nagoya, Japan, July 19–28, where they will partner with long-term missionaries, build relationships with a local church, and learn about Japanese culture. The team will serve alongside Brett and Taylor Rayl and Christ Bible Institute by hosting community outreach events, participating in evangelism opportunities and times of prayer, and helping facilitate regular programming hosted by churches. Apply by Thursday, March 21 at pcpc.org/shortterm/. hallie.powers@pcpc.org or 214-224-2510
Paradigm shifts are uncommon.
For the most part, we tend to go through our lives with a set perspective. Oh, it can certainly adapt, mature, and grow over time, but for the most part it very rarely changes dramatically. And then there are paradigm shifts.
February 16, 2019
sympathies • Ruth Millis (CC#04) on the loss of her husband, W. Craig Millis, on January 27, 2019. • Jim & Margaret Madden (CC#13) on the loss of his aunt Clara B. Stitt, on February 7, 2019.
Or when you’re a teenager and you are so mad at your parents because they don’t let you do anything that your friends are doing or have the newest phone or the latest clothes and you wonder what everyone is thinking about you all of the time and whether or not you’ll make the team or get asked to the party or go to the event or sit at the lunch table with the “right” group. And then you go on a mission trip to rural Guatemala.
Like many people, whenever we get invited to an “event” for a non-profit we tend to have our guard up a little bit. It’s generally acknowledged that whenever you go to one of these you’re going to get asked for money at some point. Compound that with the fact that this particular event had the word “Generosity” in the name, and we were more than a little wary. Imagine our surprise when instead of being asked for money, we were told that everything was fully-funded, and even if we wanted to give money it wouldn’t be accepted. Instead, we were treated to a short weekend of some of the most amazing, inspirational, and challenging stories of people living lives of generosity that we had ever heard. The things we learned, considered, discussed, debated, thought over, and prayed over served to shift our perspective on the gifts, talents, and resources that God has entrusted to us. Led by a facilitator who guided us through Scriptures, stories, questions, and conversations about what it means to be truly generous, we were challenged over and over again to reexamine what it means to be a steward of the gifts that God has given. There was nothing prescriptive about this time – we were never told what to do or how to do it. Instead, we were encouraged to think deeply, pray fervently, and discuss in-depth what it means to be generous. The Journey of Generosity was a novel experience for both of us. Never before had we spent that much dedicated time discussing a topic like generosity. It stretched us outside of our comfort zone, challenged us, and caused us to rethink a lot of the preexisting assumptions and beliefs about our time, our abilities, and our resources that we never even realized we had. Even now, more than a year after going on our Journey of Generosity, we find ourselves talking about, thinking about, and using the things that God has given us differently. We have a new perspective on what it means to be generous with all of the gifts that God has entrusted to us. If you are at all on the fence about whether or not to devote a short weekend to a Journey of Generosity, please don’t hesitate. You may find yourself in the middle of a paradigm shift – one you won’t regret. Visit www.pcpc.org/JOG for more information.
births • Eden Leigh Hudnut, daughter of Matt & Ginny Hudnut (CC#14), on February 9, 2019.
Like when you’re a young adult and you see a toddler melting down in a grocery store while the parent looks on helplessly or does his or her best to ignore them and bravely soldier on with the grocery shopping, and you wonder what’s wrong with that parent and why they don’t have better control over their offspring and why they don’t just deal with it. And then you have kids of your own.
A Journey of Generosity (JOG) is a paradigm shift. It has the potential to re-define how you think about the gifts that God has given you – time, resources, abilities, skills, and yes, money. It certainly did for us.
Becca Rose Cave daughter of Bess and Aaron Cave
James Fitzgerald Wilson son of Meg and Zac Wilson
FAMILIES VBS 2019: OUTLAW OUTPOST Rounding up all outlaws ages 5 by 9/1/19 to rising 4th graders! Registration for adult volunteers and their children opens Monday, March 4. Registration for non-volunteering member and long-standing participants opens Wednesday, April 3. General registration opens Monday, April 22. General Questions: Barrett Ball, vbs@pcpc.org Registration Questions: Heather Squibb, heather.squibb@pcpc.org
• Terrance & Hillary Luker (Out-of-town members/ missionaries) on the loss of his father; Mary Joyce, Thomas, & Paul Luker (Out-of-town members) on the loss of their grandfather, Melvin Luker, on February 7, 2019. • Terrance & Hillary Luker (Out-of-town members/ missionaries) on the loss of her father; Mary Joyce, Thomas, & Paul Luker (Out-of-town members) on the loss of their grandfather, Oscar Johnson Powell, on February 7, 2019. • Marimon S. Nettleton (CC#08) on the loss of her exfather-in-law; Peter & Philip Nettleton (CC#08) on the loss of their grandfather, Gordon A. Nettleton, II, on February 10, 2019. • Bond & Nancy Beams (CC#03) on the loss of his brother; Cary & Betsy Newman (CC#11) on the loss of her brother; Martin Newman (CC#22), Jess Newman (CC#11), & Grace Newman (CC#18) on the loss of their uncle, Drew Beams, on February 10, 2019.
GRANDPARENTING MATTERS PART 2 Did you realize that Satan has declared war on the family? From the beginning, God established the family as an Icon – an image bearer of Him on the earth. The enemy wants to erase that image and cripple generational faith. But you and I can be a powerful force to turn the tide because surveys show that “intentional grandparents” have influence on the faith of the next two generations. Join us Friday, March 29, 6:30–8:30 p.m. & Saturday, March 30, 9:00 a.m.–Noon, Oak Lawn West, as we explore the challenges we face and practical strategies for drawing close to and discipling your grandchildren. Speakers are Bill and Ann Parkinson, Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock; $25 for individuals, $40 for couples. Please register online. elizabeth.chandler@pcpc.org or 214-224-2739
Care Clusters – pcpc.org/care/care-clusters/
2018/2019 operating budget
July 1—February 17, 2019 budget
July 1—February 17, 2019 giving
Budget deficit
Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment. Alpha is ten sessions on Tuesdays, March 5–May 7, 6:30–8:30 p.m., Gather Kitchen at Thanksgiving Tower, 1601 Elm Street, and includes food, a short talk, and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage debate and explore the basics of the Christian faith. johnpaul.schulze@pcpc.org or 214-224-2584
The Bridge is a coming together of all women to hear of God's hope and grace in the life of a PCPC woman. Bring a friend to hear Ann Carolyn Williams share her story of rescue along with a light dinner and fellowship. Dinner is $5, and no RSVP is necessary. We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 p.m. janetyancy@icloud.com