The importance of soft skills development in polytechnic students

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The Importance of Soft Skills Development in Polytechnic students A generation ago, classic picture of working engineer would have been like a person planning or tinkering with his tools all by himself. At that time engineering was typically examined as isolated degree learnt to fulfill all or only technical skills. The scope of engineering has widened, due to the progress and improvement in technology and communication. Modern Engineering often works under traditional engineering system. MNCs in engineering domain have abrupt change, and as a result this has made cross-culture association an essential part of day to day work. Modern engineering is a specialist that is dedicated to the design, development and improvement of various concepts of engineering and technology. Modern engineering technology deals with practical knowledge rather than theoretical one. In such an environment, today’s Engineer undoubtedly needs soft-skills (to handle interpersonal relationships) apart from his core expertise (technical skills) for survival at work. In academic and career world, having a strong background in “hard” skills will be helpful but the number of employers will only improve along with “soft” skills. Soft skills include the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and the willingness to learn through experience, and are applicable across multiple disciplines and careers. It is important for students of polytechnic college to develop soft skills as they prepare themselves for college and enter the work arena. According to research, 9 out of 10 employers believe that Soft-skills will become increasingly important as globalization speeds.

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