Leverage People Newspapers’ strong digital presence
engage with a highly-desired market. Partner with us on sponsored content through web or social media posts on any of our platforms, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and TikTok. Put your company in the spotlight through digital ads on our frequently-visited website, or ads in any of our six popular e-newsletters that go to inboxes throughout the week. All of these options enable you to capture the attention of the most influential, affluent consumers in Dallas.
Park Cities and Preston Hollow residents pride themselves on their tight-knit communities, united by their support for their prestigious schools and their small-town feels in a big city. These neighborhoods are home to the city’s most prominent and active citizens, who patronize local businesses, contribute to charitable causes, and soak up the relevant coverage in Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People. This is an audience you need to be in front of, and our competitive rates and offerings make that possible.
With an average of over 10,000 newcomers to the Park Cities and Preston Hollow each year, the Newcomer’s Handbook offers prime advertising space to ensure your business is among the first to make an impression on newcomers to the neighborhood! The handbook will offer information about important local landmarks, traditions, well-known residents, home services, favorite places for dining, entertainment, outdoor recreation, and more.
• Mailed throughout the year to our newest neighbors
Often called the best day of the year, the Park Cities 4th of July Parade is attended by almost everyone in the community, and People Newspapers is an active participant. With the float we have in the parade and our booth in Goar Park, we draw thousands of eyes every year, and you can too! We offer various sponsorship opportunities for advertisers, so you can make a lasting impression on this sought-after audience.
To celebrate the local up-and-coming entrepreneurs and philanthropists featured in our annual 20 Under 40 special section, People Newspapers holds this annual event with drinks, hors d’oeuvres, a keynote speaker, and an awards ceremony. There are many opportunities for sponsorships in every aspect of this event. Shine a spotlight on your company and get your brand in front of the most influential decision-makers in our markets.
The annual tree lighting in Snider Plaza is a highly-anticipated holiday event, and People Newspapers has a booth every year. There are multiple sponsorship opportunities for advertisers, such as giveaways at our booth, sponsorship of our booth activities, and more. By having a presence at this well-attended event, you will catch the attention of the affluent residents of Park Cities and Preston Hollow .
Total Circulation: 24,000*
Zip Codes Served: 75209, 75220, 75225, 75229, 75230
*saturation mailed delivery: 22,000 single copy: 2,000
Total Circulation: 21,100*
Zip Codes Served: 75205, 75209, 75225
*saturation mailed delivery: 17,000 single copy: 4,100
The Galleria
Preston Forest Square Market
Preston Forest Village Preston Forest Shopping Center
Preston Royal Village Preston Oaks Shopping Center Preston Royal Southwest Center
Preston Hollow Village
The Villages of Preston Hollow NorthPark Center
Inwood Village/The Pavilion
Preston Center Plaza at Preston Center
Snider Plaza
Highland Park Village
The Shops of Highland Park
Turtle Creek Village
West Village
10” x 14” (5 col. x 14") 70 col. ”
10” x 9.33” (5 col. x 9.33") 46.66 col. ”
10” x 7” (5 col. x 7”) 35 col. ”
1 column - 1.85”
2 column - 3.88” 2.5 column - 4.9” 3 column - 5.92” 5 column - 10”
2/3 PAGE
4.9” x 14” (2.5 col. x 14”) 35 col. ”
10” x 4.5” (5 col. x 4.5”) 22.5 col. ”
4.9” x 7” (2.5 col. x 7”) 17.5 col. ”
6-12”: $25 13-24”: $40 25-35”: $60 36-70”: $75
5.92” x 5.83” (3 col. x 5.83”) 17.5 col. ”
3.88” x 5.83” (2 col. x 5.83”) 11.66 col. ”
4.9” x 3.4” (2.5 col. x 3.4”) 8.5 col.”
1/8 PAGE 1/6 PAGE
1.85” x 5.83” (1 col. x 5.83”) 5.66 col. ” 3.88” x 2.83” (2 col. x 2.83”) 5.66 col. ”
6-24”: $15 25-35”: $40 36-70”: $75
ADS IN SHELL 750 N. St. Paul St., Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75201 | Ph: 214.739.2244 | advertising@peoplenewspapers.com
- Built ads that require more than 15 minutes in changes.
- Camera-ready ads that require more than 15 minutes in adjustments.
- Ads with more than 2 proofs provided.
*Shell ads include: - Ads that have a shell in which photos, addresses, etc need to be changed (i.e. real estate).
All advertisements are accepted and published by the Publisher upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof.
In consideration of its acceptance by the Publisher, the agency and/or advertiser will indemnify and save the Publisher from harm and against any loss or expense resulting from claims or suits based upon the contents or subject matter of those advertisements including, without limitation, claims or suits for libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism and copyright infringement. Publisher has the right to reject any advertising.
• All images must be high-quality, 300 dpi, and CMYK format (no RGB or Pantone). Images should be .eps, .tif, or high resolution .pdf files.
• Our printer SNAP specifications: max density 220; line screen 100; DPI no lower than 180 up to 300.
• When using black, make sure that it is a mixed black. For example, a mixed black would have C=10%, M=20%, Y=20%, K=90% when it should be C=0%, M=0%, Y=0%, K=100%.
• Use at least a .5-point rule for thin lines. sizes below 8pt.
• When using reverse type, avoid type smaller than 10pt. Avoid using “thin” or “light” versions of a font; use “medium” or “regular.”
• All text must be sent with fonts outlined. Make sure your overprint is turned off.
• Do not use word processing programs, such as Microsoft Word or Publisher to create ads.
• Ensure the ad is the correct dimensions. Please see sample ad page. Proofread for typographical or grammatical errors.
• Send all camera-ready ads as high resolution .pdf files. Include supporting fonts and images used in the ad. Cameraready ads can be sent via email or Dropbox.
Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People are published monthly.
Space Reservation: Generally the first Monday of the month by 5 pm, for next month’s issue with some exceptions due to holidays.
Materials Deadline: Following Thursday by 5pm.
Camera Ready Ads: Tuesday the following week (generally the second Tuesday of the month).
All ads must be approved Wednesday by 5 pm, one week after the materials deadline.
These are firm deadlines, and late charges will be applied for materials that arrive past deadline.
750 N. St. Paul St., Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75201 | Ph: 214.739.2244 | advertising@peoplenewspapers.com