Anonymous donations totaling $1 million will al low Friends of the Katy Trail to begin work on a new entry plaza and safety improvements where the trail intersects Harvard Avenue.
Dr. Jeff Williams, who graduated from Trini ty Christian Academy in 1988, has returned to campus as TCA’s leader. The new $16.8 million three-story, 44,600-square-foot middle school building includes a technology and robotics lab, literacy center, learning lab, and a library for fifth through eighth graders.
HSN Capital Partners bought the upscale 143-room hotel and restaurant – a favorite of celebrities and business leaders – and plans to continue operating the Mansion with Rosewood Hotels and Resorts.
“We are extremely grateful for the physical health of two of our girls, but we need many prayers for Grace Scheipe,” HP Cheer announced on Insta gram. Highland Park ISD superintendent Dr. Tom Trigg informed school board members that five students were involved in the Oct. 1 wreck — four of whom were released that same night.
After years of contentious debate, supporters hope limiting the maximum lot coverage of single-and multi-story homes to 40% will help preserve the character and history of the neighborhood near Dallas Love Field.
Highland Park Village is updating its parking model for the first time since 2014.
The last time it was updated, there were only a few restaurants in the Village. Now, eight years later, there are 12 restaurants and the Park House Social Club with about 3,000 members, in addition to the shopping scene.
Residents gathered for a communi ty meeting Oct. 3 to share their concerns with the parking situation: a “shared park ing model.” This means that developers used data supporting that shoppers tend to visit multiple stores and restaurants during visits, with “staggered peaks,” as peak times differ because of the mixed re tail uses within the shopping center.
“I understand that the Village is trying to be the Rodeo Drive of the East, and they have done a good job of increasing tax revenue for the town, so we appreciate that, but it has lost its community charm, and I think that’s really what most people
are upset about, aside from not being able to get in and out of there,” Mayor Will C. Beecherl said during the Sept. 20 town council study session.
Neighbors at the community meeting were given the floor to give input. Some of the suggestions included:
• Building underground parking to “go vertical”
• Eliminating valet services
• Creating a designated commercial area to prevent trucks from blocking traffic
• Containing parking to the main lot within the Village
• Forming a rideshare area for drop off and pickup
• Implementing a lower tenant density with fewer restaurants and bars
• Forming a buffer of “permit only” parking around the Village
• Billing Highland Park Village for people receiving parking tickets in sur rounding streets
Nelson\Nygaard will spend two months studying the parking situation to update it, but neighbors requested they study the area through the holidays to ac
count for seasonal spikes.
“We’re trying to capture efficiencies,” said Jackson Archer, senior associate at Nelson\Nygaard. “There’s only so much land use out there, only so much space for parking.”
Council and Highland Park Village, as well as counting parking spots and inter viewing shoppers to capture the issue.
“Highland Park Village is unique,” Ar cher said. “There’s a lot of shopping cen ters out there; there’s not very many that you can park in one place and walk to ev ery single shop.”
Archer said the team will tailor the new parking model to build from indus try practices to help the town and Village make decisions on how to proceed.
“When you’re talking about the de mand of the tenants in Highland Park Village, you’re not considering the de mand and the needs of the residents in the streets around it,” a woman at the community meeting said, followed by an applause from attendees. “There’s two sides to the demand.”
Nelson\Nygaard will return to High land Park residents in the spring once data collection is complete and a plan is created. The process will include hear ing from community members, discuss ing with stakeholders such as the Town
Highland Park Village celebrated its grand opening in 1931, and the first buildings were a filling station, sales office, and retail section. Completion took more than 20 years, and it continues to evolve.
Our STRONG market is so much to be thankful for!The Town of Highland Park hosted a recent community meeting to get public feedback about parking in and around Highland Park Village. (PHOTOS: MARIA LAWSON)
It has lost its community charm, and I think that’s really what most people are upset about, aside from not being able to get in and out of there. Will C. Beecherl
The ultimate Rolex classic, the Datejust was the first self-winding waterproof chronometer wristwatch to display the date in a window, and continues to be the quintessential watch, reflecting the essence of timeless style.
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Reported at 2:56 p.m.: an intruder got into a Kia Forte parked in the 8300 block of Preston Road and swiped debit cards and credit cards and $300.
How easy was it for a burglar to get into a Cadillac Escalade parked outside a restau rant in the 8300 block of Preston Road and take an iPad Pro, a MacBook, a Goyard piece, a Vera Bradley pouch, $10,000 worth of jewelry, and more before 8:40 a.m.? The Cadillac was unlocked.
A reckless rogue ran off from the Tolleson Bank location in the 5500 block of Preston Road with a Rolex Submari ner watch without paying after meeting an online seller about potentially buying the watch at 3:14 p.m. An off-duty security offi cer gave chase on foot, but the thief got into a nearby Ford SportsTrac.
Sept. 14
A fraudster claiming to be in law en forcement defrauded a woman from the 3100 block of Cornell Avenue out of a total of $237,550 before 8 a.m.
Sept. 17
A jerk cut down a pair of Japanese maple trees in the 4500 block of Southern Avenue before 4 p.m.
Sept. 20
Scammers used a bogus threat of arrest to con $22,250 from a resident in the 3200 block of Drexel Drive before 4:10 p.m.
Reported at 2:10 p.m.: a scammer used the bank information and Uber account in formation of a man from the 3400 block of St. Johns Drive to move $20,000 from his checking account and buy $600 worth of rides, gift cards, and more from Uber.
Oct. 5
Reported at 4:09 p.m.: how easy was it for a ne’er do well to take a Gucci bag, a Samsung Note 10, a Samsung Galaxy, and a $1,200 Montblanc piece from a Land Rover parked in the 6600 block of Hillcrest Ave nue? The Land Rover was left unlocked.
A louse lifted a bag of linens from out
side a home in the 3500 block of Milton Avenue before 12:08 a.m.
Oct. 8
A robber followed a man from a Bank of America location to the 4200 block of Lomo Alto Drive and took a tote bag with a pair of Ray-Ban aviators, debit/credit cards, keys to a Dodge pickup truck, and a pair of AirPods before driving away from the scene.
Oct. 9
A careless driver hit a meter base affixed to a telephone pole (and likely the trans former on top of the telephone pole) in the 5400 block of Lomo Alto Drive, causing a power outage to five homes in the area be fore 3:29 a.m.
A jerk threw about 120 nails on the streets at multiple intersections in University Park, including in the 100 block of Douglas Avenue, at 6:10 p.m. Sept. 8. That could cause some tire trouble.
Hyer Elementary has a new art teacher more than a month after the previous teach er, who worked for the district from Aug. 10 through Sept. 9, resigned.
“The previous teacher … submitted [their] resignation because of personal reasons,” Hyer Elementary principal Debbie Burt wrote in an email to the campus community. “[They] asked me to share the following with you, ‘I am grateful for the opportunity provided to me by Hyer Elementary, and appreciate the support I have received from staff, students, and parents.’ We truly wish [them] the very best in the future.”
Prior to the school’s new art teacher, Jenni fer Munsie, joining Hyer’s staff on Oct. 24, a substitute teacher staffed the art classroom in the interim.
Russell Fish, a University Park electronics inventor well known for his conservative ad vocacy on issues related to education, alleged during a Sept. 13 school board meeting that he’d learned that a student expressed concerns to a parent about the previous art teacher at Hyer and that some parents pulled their chil dren as a result of personal art relating to the LGBTQ+ community posted on social media that they attributed to the teacher. The district, though, denied knowledge of any parents who may have pulled their children from school as a result of a teacher’s social media activity.
“First and foremost, HPISD is commit ted to the safety and security of all of its students and staff. Any allegations made about staff members are taken seriously and
handled with discretion,” Highland Park ISD’s former communications director and chief of staff Jon Dahlander said. “While HPISD will not comment on issues related to individual personnel matters, the district is not aware of any students whose parents may have withdrawn them from school as
the result of any current or former teachers’ alleged online social media activity, nor is the district aware of any sexualized social media content involving children by either current or former staff members.”
For context, during his comments at the Sept. 13 meeting, Fish also referred to the
monkeypox virus as “gay pride pox.” News of the previous art teacher’s resignation also ap peared in The Epoch Times, a far-right news paper linked with the Chinese movement Felon Gong.
People Newspapers has been unable to reach Hyer’s previous art teacher for comment.
from DFW Airport?
from Love Field?
Bear, a golden retriever, is no stranger to Doggie Splash Day at the Holmes Aquatic Center in University Park.
Every year, his and many other pet own ers circle the event on their calendars. This year that date fell on Oct. 1.
People and pups played ball, splashed around, and took turns at the diving board – even if it takes a little coaxing as it did for Phil Tedeschi’s labradoodle, Emma.
The end-of-the-season tradition began in 2013.
“He’s completely exhausted by the time I get him home, but he loves it,” said Pat rick Stockwood of his dog, Gus. “I am orig inally from Newport Beach, California, and I have photos of Gus asleep on the beach with a tennis ball in his mouth. We look forward to this every year.”
– Staff reportAugust’s drought-interrupting deluge dis rupted lives for some, prompting the mobi lization of a Park Cities congregation to help friends in Old East Dallas.
Blocks near Peak Street Church, a congre gation planted by Highland Park Presbyterian, got 15 inches in just 24 hours, flooding homes and causing some residents to lose everything.
Those two churches, working the city of Dallas, Texas Baptist Men, and Primera Igle sia Bautista, provided such immediate relief as food boxes, clothing, and gift cards and orga nized cleanup and construction teams that con tinued working into October.
“While the devastation to those affected is extensive, it has been really encouraging to see the community come together and ensure all residents impacted by the storm are support ed,” said Cameron Beaty, lead pastor at Peak Street. “I’m so grateful for the church and our local partners. We could not do this without their help.”
The Rev. Michael Waters drew gasps with the props he brought for a Big D Reads discussion featuring faith leaders.
“I would suggest this (a red MAGA hat) is the reincarnation today of this symbol (a Klansmen’s hood) a cen tury ago,” Abundant Life A.M.E. Church’s pastor said.
His re marks came during a discussion I attended at SMU, where panelists explored the faith community’s role in Dallas’ past and present and issues raised by Big D Reads chosen book for this fall.
Originally published in the ‘80s and recently re-released, The Accom modation explores mid-century Dal las’ response to the bombing of Black residents’ homes and inequities in ac cess to housing and groceries.
One chapter addresses how W.A. Criswell, the late longtime pastor of First Baptist Dallas, staunchly sup ported segregation and quotes him complaining how desegregation ists were, in his view, “stirring up of our people” and “not in sympathy with the great spiritual aims of our churches.”
The church’s current pastor, the Rev. Robert Jeffress, sitting next to Waters, observed, “It’s a fairly accu rate chapter in what it records about First Baptist Dallas.”
“We didn’t have any official dog ma that said people of different races aren’t welcome here,” Jeffress noted. “We didn’t have to because minori ties didn’t feel comfortable.”
Criswell spoke “things that were absolutely wrong and racist,” Jef fress said, before recalling a sermon from 1968.
Jeffress was 12 when Criswell in a sermon titled “Church of the Open Door” walked back his segregation ist beliefs and proclaimed, “from this point on, First Baptist Church Dal las is open to everyone.”
Four decades later, former May or Tom Leppert joined First Baptist, calling it “the most diverse mega church in the city,” Jeffress added.
“I think because of my personal endorsement of the former president, people have felt like, ‘Well, that’s a Republican church,’” he said. “I think we and I have to continue to pro claim our stand is not on the Repub lican National Committee’s platform. Our stand is on the word of God.”
But back to Waters’ props.
“There are churches both near and far who advocate and express a vision of Christianity that is not the vision of the Christ that I serve, that came to liberate the oppressed,” he said. “As long as we’re unable to see the throughline from the chains, to the hood, to the hat, we’ll never be free.”
People Newspapers’ parent company D Magazine Partners supports the Big D Reads community book club initiative.
On a beautiful October night in the Park Cities, National Night Out events included play, pets, and water.
In Highland Park, the water came out of a firehose as members of the Highland Park Department of Public Safety helped chil dren aim for balloons.
The town closed off parts of Lexington Avenue and Drexel Drive beside Davis Park, where residents gathered to meet town em ployees, explore public safety and construc tion vehicles, and enjoy such other attractions as bounce houses, balloon artists, and snacks.
University Park, in conjunction with the SMU Police Department, held a “Block Par ty at the Flagpole,” with the water coming in the form of a dunk tank.
Residents met with first responders, lis tened as a disc jockey played upbeat music, and enjoyed a pooch parade, barbecue, and other activities.
Mike was an avid runner, but his severe liver disease kept him away from his beloved races. The specialists at The Liver Institute at Methodist Dallas Medical Center diagnosed him with two chronic inflammatory diseases. Mike needed a liver transplant. Luckily, he was in the right place to get one.
Today, Mike is proudly back in the race, “running on recycled parts” in honor of the organ donor who gave him a second chance at life.
Trust Methodist.
Billionaire banker Andy Beal would like fellow admirers of a grand tree at Beverly Drive and Preston Road to know that he will miss the ole oak too.
“Unfortunately, the tree was damaged and split due to the terrible storm in Dallas a few weeks ago (in early Sep tember),” Cassie Preston, an exec utive assistant to Beal, explained. “Andy had an expert arborist come out to as sess the damage to see if there was anything that could be done to save the tree.”
“Disappointingly, they told us that it was too damaged, and it was un salvageable,” Preston said. “So, it was with sadness that we had to have the tree removed.”
In place of the tree outside the es tate, Beal hung a sign explaining the tree’s fate.
“We loved this beautiful tree! We know our community did, too,” the sign read. “We will miss this beautiful tree
and treasure our memories of it.”
The loss of the tree at Beverly and Preston, popular among Christmastime passersby, comes nearly three years af ter Highland Park town leaders had the 150-year-old Big Pecan tree at the inter section of Armstrong Parkway and Pres ton Road removed.
That tree had served for years as the tradition al focus of the town’s annual tree lighting cer emony but need ed to come down because of age, disease, and safe ty concerns.
Beal bought the more-thancentury-old es tate at the corner of Preston and Beverly in late 2021, sparking speculation about what he would do about the beloved tree at his new house.
The property was previously owned by the late Edwin L. Cox, the former oilman for whom SMU’s business school is named, and before Cox owned it, the property was the home of socialite Susie Rose Lloyd, who, according to lore, mis takenly received the town’s budget in the mail at her house and, thinking it was a bill, wrote a check for the entire amount.
Disappointingly, they told us that it was too damaged, and it was unsalvageable. So, it was with sadness that we had to have the tree removed. Cassie Preston
Over $400M in sales to date and we’re just getting started.
As the most experienced player on the Highland Park defense, and the only team captain on that side of scrimmage, Adam Rourke knew he had to become a bet ter leader.
That extends beyond the field. Rourke’s house in Univer sity Park has become the week ly site for traditional Thursday team dinners for about 20 of his defensive teammates. And this year, the group has added film study while building a rapport.
“A lot of us already have a tight bond because we’ve played together for quite a few years,” Rourke said. “It just builds a better camaraderie.”
On Friday nights, the senior cornerback has complemented his pass coverage skills with more physicality. Half way through the season, he was leading the Scots in tackles — rare for a corner
back — after securing 15 stops during a win over Lewisville.
“I take pride in that, being physical up near the line,” Ro urke said. “In my sophomore year, I was just focused on covering.”
Rourke is the only de fensive hold over from the 2020 team that reached the fourth round of the Class 5A Division I playoffs. He was promoted from the junior varsity squad early that season and became a full-time starter as a junior.
He said experience has made him more patient and improved his ability to read the field, enabling him to match up against the top receiver on the opposing team.
“You embrace the respect that other teams are giving you, and you’re happy you’ve earned it,” Rourke said. “It’s kind of a reward for your hard work.”
Rourke is a two-sport athlete
at HP. He enjoyed baseball more growing up and didn’t start play ing football until seventh grade when coaches convinced him to join the “C” team. He missed the following year with an inju ry but climbed the depth chart quickly as a freshman.
During that time, Rourke and his now-senior teammates marveled at HP’s run of three consecutive state champion ships, particularly the stingy defense that paved the way during the 2016 campaign by allowing fewer than 14 points per game.
“It’s always been a goal of ours since middle school. We watched the state champion ship teams growing up,” he said. “We’ve always wanted to be one of those defenses. We reference that in practice almost every day. The example they set for us is the example we want to set for future generations.”
After back-to-back exits in the third round of the girls basketball playoffs, Highland Park is setting its sights even higher.
That goal will be more difficult at the Class 6A level, especially in a district alongside peren nial powers such as Irving MacArthur and Rich ardson. But the expectations will remain high, and so will the motivation.
“Our [nondistrict] schedule is predominantly 6A, so we keep those teams on our schedule for that reason,” said HP head coach Nicole Flem ing. “We’re going to prepare for each team with out harping on the 6A part. We’re not backing away from anyone.”
The talent level should keep the Lady Scots competitive. Two returning starters — Paris Lauro and Vivian Jin — already have multiple years of playoff experience on the varsity lev el. Other top returnees include Audrey Walker, Kate Jackson, and Charlotte Collins.
The depth with in the program has improved, too, thanks to more players competing year-round in workouts and tournaments.
and raise the standard,” Fleming said. “Now we want to make it to the regional tournament.”
The Highland Park boys are accustomed to playing a difficult nondistrict schedule of 5A playoff contenders. But this year, those games will come with more frequency — and higher stakes.
Head coach David Piehler hopes the Scots’ experience hanging tough with state powers such as Richardson and Lake Highlands will carry over to their upcoming matchups in Dis trict 7-6A play.
“It gave us confidence to know that we can play with any team on any given night,” Piehler said. “This district is going to challenge us to where if we do make the playoffs, we’ll be ready. We will have been tested numerous times.”
In terms of experience and maturity, the Scots could be well-equipped to challenge for a top playoff seed in their first year at the 6A level since 2016. They have just one return ing starter in forward Coleson Messer but will have 11 seniors on the 12-man roster.
Fleming said she has been encouraged not only by the dedication, but by the unselfishness of her players as they embrace her team-orient ed system.
“Once you get past where you’ve always been, and get to experience it, now we continue to push
HP will have a solid mix of interior and exterior players with returning contributors in cluding Dylan Walker, Thomas Jackman, Jackson Heis, and Drew McElroy.
“We’re very versatile and experienced. The commitment level in the offseason has been very impressive,” Piehler said. “They’re very self-mo tivated and have been together for a lot of years playing with each other.”
at Wylie 7:30 p.m.
Harker Heights 7 p.m.
HSAA 7:30 p.m.
Woodrow Wilson 2 p.m.
Plano East 2:30 p.m.
McKinney 7 p.m.
Prosper tournament TBA
at Grand Prairie 7:30 p.m.
Lake Highlands* 7 p.m.
at Irving* 7 p.m.
Richardson* 1 p.m.
Allen tournament TBA
at Richardson Berkner* 1 p.m.
Irving Nimitz* 7 p.m.
at Irving MacArthur* 7 p.m.
Jesuit* 7 p.m.
at Richardson Pearce* 7 p.m.
at Lake Highlands* 7 p.m.
Irving* 7:30 p.m.
at Richardson* 7 p.m.
Richardson Berkner* 7 p.m.
at Irving Nimitz* 7 p.m.
Irving MacArthur* 7:30 p.m.
at Jesuit* 7 p.m.
Richardson Pearce* 7 p.m.
4 at Southlake Carroll 6:30 p.m.
Rockwall-Heath 6:30 p.m.
Coppell 6 p.m.
at Bishop Lynch 6:30 p.m.
17-19 Floresville tournament TBA
at Mansfield Legacy 1:30 p.m.
Pinkston 1:30 p.m. 28 at McKinney 7:30 p.m.
1-3 Lions Club tournament^ TBA
9 at Richardson* 7 p.m.
16 at Irving MacArthur* 6:30 p.m.
20 at Richardson Berkner* 11:30 a.m. 28-30 Sandra Meadows tourney** TBA
3 at Richardson Pearce* 7 p.m.
Irving* 7 p.m.
10 at Irving Nimitz* 7 p.m.
at Lake Highlands* 6:30 p.m.
Richardson* 7 p.m.
Irving MacArthur* 7 p.m.
Richardson Berkner* 6 p.m.
Richardson Pearce* 7 p.m.
at Irving* 8 p.m.
3 Irving Nimitz* 7 p.m.
Lake Highlands* 6 p.m.
* — District 7-6A game
— at Haltom City
— at Duncanville
A lot of us already have a tight bond. Adam Rourke
We’re not backing away from anyone.
They know each other’s games inside and out. They practice together on the tennis court several times a week. Their skills com plement one another. And they live under the same roof.
It makes sense that in addition to their singles prowess, twin sisters Eden and Mia Rogozinski would make natural doubles partners. Not so fast.
“We found out we weren’t good togeth er,” Eden said. “We enjoy it except when things get tense. When it’s competitive, it gets hard because I get mad at her.”
Both seniors have been vital contributors to the recent success of the perennial pow erhouse HP tennis program, for which they both serve as team captains this season — as long as they’re not on the same court for a match.
“We will cheer for each other no matter what,” Eden said. “I will do whatever I can to help her.”
They started in tennis about 10 years ago, when their grandfather bought each a racket for Christmas. After taking some lessons the following summer, tournament competition followed. Eden has the stronger serve of the two, while Mia benefits from a patient ap proach on the court.
Eden teamed with Isabella McElfresh to win a Class 5A state title last spring in girls doubles. Mia narrowly missed qualifying for the state tournament in mixed doubles.
“They’ve really ma tured a lot. They’ve tak en a leadership role,” said HP head coach Ty lir Jimenez. “They defi nitely push each other and support each other.”
The Rogozinskis also have been vital contrib utors to consecutive state titles during the fall team tennis season. They hope to make it
three in a row on Oct. 27, when the team will seek its seventh consecutive crown and 23rd overall.
However, the road to another state championship will include more hur dles, with the Scots competing at the Class 6A level this year. They lost to a pair of 6A
foes, Southlake Carroll and Allen, during the regular season.
“It’s harder, but it makes all the seniors want it even more,” Mia said. “We’ll be play ing a bunch of teams we haven’t played before.”
In 2015, the last time HP was in the 6A classification, the Scots fell in the state semi finals. Yet as the challenge intensifies, the ex pectations remain as high as ever.
“We’re hitting our stride pretty well,” Jimenez said. “There is something to prove.”
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When it’s competitive, it gets hard because I get mad at her.
Eden RogozinskiFROM LEFT: Highland Park tennis captains Leo Hall, Mia Rogozinski, Eden Rogozinski, and Noah Perhirin. (COURTESY PHOTO)
Business is booming for Emily Wick ard, considering the Park Cities mom’s humble 2016 beginnings sell ing her kids’ used clothes on the Park Cities Yard Sale Group on Facebook.
But the owner of the bustling clothing company always had a passion for fashion.
“I was a mom, and I loved fashion,” she said. “But I found as I had work, and I had kids, I had no time for it. I felt like I had lost my sense of style.”
From the growing pop-up sales at her home, Wickard Googled how to start an online boutique, followed the steps she found, and expanded to buying new prod uct online and selling it, even modeling the
Quickly garnering an online following, people often asked whether she had a brickand-mortar store. COVID ended pop-up events at her home, so she started selling solely online via Facebook, Instagram, and her new website.
“That was really a pivot point for us be cause the business actually grew,” Wick ard explained. “Our market is basically women from their mid-30s to mid-50s. We call ourselves ‘the brand for all ages.’ Our prices are very affordable, so we have 20-somethings who shop for work or for meeting the parents.”
In 2020, as online sales continued to increase and COVID restrictions relaxed, Avara opened a brick-and-mortar store on West Lovers Lane.
“My philosophy was to have one store
and then continue to expand online,” she said. “The little house is almost a destina tion shop. People have lunch in Inwood Village, then come to Avara to shop. On weekends it’s full of mothers and families and friends.”
Her digital strategy included a robust influencer program and grew to the point that now, most sales are outside the state of Texas.
“There are women like me, who have had careers or are still working — who have kids, but they still want to be the cutest mom at the Highland Park Scots football game,” Wickard said. “There’s just something so colorful and fun and fresh about our product.”
Since 2020, Avara has grown expo nentially. Wickard estimates sales are
more than 10 times what they were just two years ago. Inc. magazine recently rat ed Avara No. 406 in the top 5000 fast est-growing privately held companies in the nation, No. 24 in retail, and No. 3 in women’s retail.
The brand now has 42 employees, with around 16 full-time, and aims to be flex ible with the company’s working moms.
“I found my dream job, and we have such a fantastic team of women all tied to Avara’s performance,” she said. “If Avara does well, they do well.”
And Wickard expects to remain in growth mode.
“I don’t see us getting stores all over the country. Our growth is online. Our heart
Jim Mueller, managing partner for the distinguished law firm Verner Brumley Mueller Parker, said suc cess in the emotionally-charged family law arena comes down to two things: experience and service.
“Our diversity and the range of experience that we can provide means there’s going to be very little that is going to be presented that somebody in our firm hasn’t dealt with firsthand over the years,” he said. “We are one of the largest family law firms, yet at the same time, we still give that same mom-and-pop personal attention. I think that’s
extremely important.”
Divorce cases can be complicated, especially for high net worth individuals with various properties, businesses and other considerations. Verner Brumley’s expertise in this arena is one important point of differentiation in the market.
“What we’ve always done very well is take those highnet-worth individuals with extremely complicated cases and resolve those issues, be it in litigation or in the boardroom,” Mueller said. “We understand the various asset elements
that make these cases so complex—trusts, commercial prop erties and the like—not just here throughout Texas, but also throughout the world.”
“I think that’s something that’s extremely unique. If we need to work with somebody who is in Colorado on a case that we’re handling, it’s not just somebody we looked up online. It’s somebody we know has a high level of expertise, who we’ve worked with and who we have a history with.”
At the same time, the firm’s attorneys never lose sight of the human element of divorce, specifically as it involves
custody issues. Mueller said one hallmark of the practice is to take ownership of all the client’s needs, legal or oth erwise.
“At the end of the day, a client is not just simply a custo dy battle, they’re not just simply a divorce or a post-marital agreement,” he said. “There’s a holistic approach that we try to take with our clients, to let them know we can be their point of contact for nearly anything. We’ve put people in touch with counselors, we’ve referred them to wealth advisors, and lots more. That’s the type of service that we strive for.”
Mueller, who graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Rhodes College in Memphis and cum laude from the Dedman School of Law at Southern Methodist University, jokes he’s still the “new kid” even after more than 15 years in family law. Such is the nature of the lon gevity of the firm.
“We’re in the personal services industry,” Mueller said. “For everything that has changed over the years, one thing that is as true today around here as it ever was, is that lon gevity is key. I tell clients all the time, this is not going to
be an easy process; it’s not always the most pleasant pro cess. You want to have a relationship with a team that can communicate effectively with you, that you can trust and that has the skill and experience to deliver you the best outcome possible. I feel we do that better than anyone.”
4311 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 450 Dallas, Texas 75219 214.526.5234 vernerbrumley.com
At McClure Law Group, the clients’ goals are of the utmost importance. Founder, managing partner, and CEO Kelly McClure, managing partner Francesca Blackard, and the rest of their talented staff work together to not only achieve these goals, but surpass them.
“I think we’re the gold standard when it comes to the quality of work that comes out of our firm,” said Blackard. “We’re complimented all the time by our clients on being so much more prepared than the other side. We really give our hearts and souls to our clients and their cases.”
Another way McClure Law Group ensures the satisfaction of their clients is their skill and effectiveness in the courtroom.
“We have a unique practice in that we’re able to give a lot of credibility to what could happen at the courthouse, because we go there quite often,” said McClure, who is also managing partner and CEO of the firm. “I think that
really helps clients facilitate a settlement, knowing that the alternative is we go to the courthouse and that’s an arena we’re very comfortable in.”
With a combined experience of over 100 years, McClure Law Group knows Dallas clients want their family law dealings to be as seamless as possible. This is what sets the Firm apart with an in-house CPA and an in-house appellate attorney, which no other Dallas firm has. McClure Law Group also prides itself on seeing clients as human beings, not just income.
“We do damage control in all aspects,” Blackard said. “Financially and emotionally, and I’m really proud that we’re not a firm that sees a high-net-worth client and sees dollar signs. We see the client, their children, their spouse, and think of how to keep this post-divorce family as in-tact as possible.”
In the past year, the team at McClure Law Group has only gotten better. New partners, Kate Mataya and Brandon Joseph, have gone above and beyond in their new roles and augment the knowledge and expertise of the alreadymasterful McClure Law Group team.
“We’re ahead of the curve with the lawyers we have,” McClure said. “They’re very impressive in terms of their writing techniques and complicated drafting on complex issues. A lot of firms don’t have our level of expertise. Our talent pool at our office is just untouchable.”
8115 Preston Rd, Suite 270 Dallas, TX 75225 (214) 692-8200 mcclure-lawgroup.com
The interior design firm, furni ture, and gift store by Lisa Mayo and Blaze Whites recently opened between Cerulean Gallery and Bubba’s Cooks Country.
Foxtrot 3130 Knox St.
The corner store/coffee shop/ café/gift shop with delivery ser vice recently opened its third lo cation in Dallas, complete with a patio, in the Knox-Henderson area.
The brand’s other two area loca tions are in Uptown and in Snider Plaza in University Park.
The activewear brand Alo Yoga re cently opened on level one between
Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom, the clothing brand Buck Mason re cently opened on level one between Nordstrom and Macy’s, Sarah Flint, known for shoes and accessories, re cently opened on level two between Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom, the independent Australian luxury fashion brand Scanlan Theodore re cently opened on level one between Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom, and the fashion house St. John recently opened on level one between Nei man Marcus and Dillard’s.
The new 4,200-square-foot store features an open-air tailor shop, a dedicated made-to-measure area, a shoe and accessory parlor, and more.
The French luxury brand opened in its new temporary location next to Sadelle’s. It will remain in the new location while expanding its 5,000-square-foot original space into a two-level, 11,500-squarefoot one.
The jewelry store recently moved to a new location at 8411 Preston Road No. 110.
– Compiled by Rachel SnyderIt is a weird sort of calculus, but the time when you most want to decorate for the season dovetails with the busi est time at work and school.
Then you look over at your neighbor’s home, and it seems like overnight, it has bloomed with enough holiday decor to make a Griswold envious. Across the street, a tasteful display of lighting and vin tage decorations has sprouted among the manicured shrubbery.
What gives? How did they find the time?
“My number one suggestion would be to just hire me,” quipped a laughing Keely Vendig, owner of the faux-floral company Navy Blooms.
“I have so many clients that are
working moms and dads,” she explained.
“Everyone’s just busy, and we are elves and come in, we put it all up, we clean up, and we’re gone.”
But if you must DIY your decor this Christmas, Vendig suggested focusing on one thing and doing it well.
“Obviously, it would be the Christmas tree because not only is it beautiful and you have the lights, and that kind of stuff is reminiscent of Christ mas, but it’s also a place where a lot of people put like their presents,” Vendig said.
“It’s a center, almost like a cornerstone.”
Second, she said, is focusing on perhaps a mantle display. After that, see what gaps you have and what you’d like to use to fill them. She also suggested setting up calendar remind ers throughout the year to help create
a game plan.
“I’m a little bit more of a planner, and I think if you set reminders, people would feel less overwhelmed,” she said.
Focusing on what is meaningful and what gives you joy during the season is essential, too, said Dallas author Kim berly Schlegel Whitman. Her book A Loving Table explores family traditions.
“It kind of goes back to either start ing or carrying forward a tradition,” she said. “If you really know the meaning behind what you’re doing, you can focus on the things that are more meaningful and get rid of the rest of it. That’s what really will resonate with your family and your guests.”
Whitman said that while she is “not good at keeping things simple,” she also recognizes that it gives her a lot of joy to decorate her home for the holidays.
“It’s really not about comparing your self to your neighbor or others,” she said. “It’s really about finding out what is meaningful for you and for your family and what works for you.”
Remember the 1997 book Entertaining for Dummies? The book that sold more than 30 million copies promised to transform hopeful hosts and hostesses from dumb to Martha Stewart.
I had a copy, and people consider me entertaining. I give all credit to the books perceptively brand ed with bright yellow and black, conjuring images of caution tape and street signs. The holiday sea son is upon us, so I asked a few friends to give me their tips for making holiday entertaining less stressful and more enjoyable.
“For me, holidays are all about familia — gathering around the table, spending time with loved ones in the kitchen, and cook ing up recipes that have been passed down through the generations.”
One trick AQ uses to liven up her gath erings is using Jose’s Turbo Salt to dress up cocktails with a sweet and salty sparkly rim.
Known to his friends and guests as Sevy, Jim offers timeless, practical advice. “Organi zation is key” to holiday entertaining. “Prepare the spread over different times, don’t try to do it all in one day,” he said. He also loves variety in his menus, with warm foods, cold foods, and choices for everyone. “My wife doesn’t eat fish, so I will always have options for her.”
If you’ve ever been to The Charles, Sis ter, or Café Duro, you know that design and interesting visual elements are everywhere. Corbin See offers his must-haves in a very on-brand way. “Fresh floral. A tablescape always needs a bit of nature. Also, everyone loves a personal touch. Handwritten place cards or, even better, have the kids in the fam ily decorate them.”
“I’m an old-fashioned chef who’s not into gadgets and gizmos,” said the talented, no-nonsense chef and mother. “I recommend a basic knife, cutting board, Dutch oven, skil let, and sauce pot,” she added, saying that keeping things simple and organized is the key to success.
Follow Kersten Rettig on Instagram @ KerstenEats.
It’s really about finding out what is meaningful for you and for your family and what works for you. Kimberly Schlegel WhitmanFlorist/decorator Keely Vendig and Dallas author Kimberly Schlegel Whitman recommend focusing on what is essential to your family when decorating for the holidays. (PHOTOS: COURTESY KEELY VENDIG)
FEAR OF MISSING OUT AT CHRISTMAS? Experts suggest where to focus when decorating time is running short
She describes it as an “easy place to think you can realize your dreams” due to the supportive community and creative inspira tion from beautiful homes and in teriors across the city.
“One friend in particular — her father had a really spectacu lar and early American federalist antique furniture collection that was smattered throughout their home, so I was always really in spired through some of the more
beautiful homes that my friends lived in,” Cathey said.
Cathey, founder and principal of Dallas-based interior firm Avrea and Company, has been involved in the design industry for more than 20 years. This year, she was one of 24 designers selected for the Kips Bay Decorator Show House, open in Preston Hollow from Sept. 22 to 25.
She was assigned to one of the upstairs bedrooms, which she opt ed for the theme “Pretty in Plaid.” Inspiration came from a design by Mario Buatta in the Manhat tan show house in 1984, and she
placed the fabric he used in his room on her bed in the reimagined version of the space.
“When we found out we were going to be in Kips Bay and we had a bedroom, we started researching the old Kips Bay books, and that was our inspiration because we loved that fabric and we wanted to do our twist on his iconic room,” Cathey said.
She was urged to apply for the Kips Bay Decorator Show House by one of the Dallas chairs, so she sub mitted a bio and portfolio images to show her chops.
Upon selection, designers had
When a seven-figure Park Cities home sells in an otherwise slow month for real estate, does it still count?
Possibly not in new MLS Summary Reports prepared by the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University using data from the North Texas Real Estate Infor mation System (NTREIS) Multiple Listing Service.
The former report format allowed us to pull breakdowns of single-family sales for the Park Cities combined and the Preston Hollow portion of Dallas.
The new format instead provides data for whole cities but only when specific thresholds are met.
“Cities with fewer than 10 sales in the month will not show up in the summary report,” explained Da vid Blake, chief technology officer for NTREIS Inc.
Neither of the Park Cities met that threshold for September, leaving us to wonder how many homes did sell and for how much.
Should I be surprised that a report prepared at Texas A&M seems as thorough as the Aggie football team’s preparations for Appalachian State?
University Park made the August report with 15 single-family sales, down from 24 the same month in 2021. Median price ($2,805,150) and price per square foot ($567.18) were up from $1,868,013 and $480.94).
Highland Park last appeared in June with 12 sin gle-family sales, down three from June 2021. Me dian price ($2,347,500) and price per square foot ($639.28) were up from $2,171,000 and $542.01.
Months-old numbers tell us something about Park Cities real estate. So does getting left out of reports.
AvreaandCompany.com 214-468-4170 1115 Slocum St., Dallas
eight to 10 weeks to pull together their rooms, but two weeks were lost because of permitting issues. Due to this quick turnaround, many design choices were based on available sup plies instead of their top picks.
“With this type of project, you don’t have the same type of lead times that we traditionally have for a ‘real room,’ not a pretend room,” Cathey said.
During her time in the show house, one of her favorite parts was connecting with the other design ers, creating a fun camaraderie.
Avrea and Company has
another designer who assists Cathey and two project manag ers. The team has worked on proj ects across the country, includ ing in Manhattan, Wyoming, and Blackberry Farm in Tennessee. They’re looking forward to finish ing a renovation in Highland Park that is set for completion next year.
“Our goals are to expand and do projects in cities that we would aspire to do projects in,” Cathey said. “We’re really grateful for clients who let us be creative for them and realize their visions and the best version of their vision.”
Ashley Cathey’s University Park upbringing sparked her in terest in design from a young age.
I was always really inspired through some of the more beautiful homes that my friends lived in.Ashley Cathey was raised in University Park and now resides in Greenway Parks. She wanted to be an architect as a child, but when she got to college, she realized she is more interested in the artistic side of interior design. (PHOTOS: COURTESY STEPHEN KARLISCH AND NATHAN SCHRODER)
With the hol idays fast ap proaching, many homeowners start thinking about how different the holiday enter taining experi ence would be if they had a newly renovated, updated home to entertain and create new memories with family and friends.
It’s not uncommon for us to start receiving calls as soon as summer vacations end and children return to school about renovations to kitch ens, bathrooms, and com mon areas of the house that are front and center during the holidays.
What most homeown ers don’t realize is how long it takes to plan and execute a re modeling project properly.
We suggest homeowners start the design and planning process six to 12 months before the desired completion date to ensure their remodel is completed in time for a significant event such as a wedding, Thanks giving, or Christmas, especially if you are plan ning a large-scale renovation.
Smaller cosmetic remodels that don’t in volve reconfiguring spaces or moving or open ing walls can be planned and executed in a shorter timeframe. However, you need to have realistic expectations before you engage a pro fessional designer, architect, and builder. By now, most are aware of the lingering
supply chain issues that have, in many cases, drastically raised the cost and anticipated lead times of building materials, appliances, win dows, insulation, etc.
A shortage of microchips has not only dis rupted the auto industry but has also affect ed the home building industry. Many building products with smart home technology, such as appliances, are taking 10-12 months to receive.
A seasoned builder, along with the design team, can identify these extended lead-time products and pre-purchase them early in the
design process to ensure they are received when it’s time to install.
To minimize lengthy delays during con struction, we educate our clients about the benefits of spending more time in design and project planning before rushing to start a proj ect. This helps alleviate issues, especially if you’re living in the house or temporarily rent ing a place during renovations.
If you are considering renovating or build ing a custom home, there is no better time than now to start planning. Choose a builder
or remodeler with extensive experience with your type of project, who works in your sur rounding neighborhoods, and has solid re lationships with great interior designers, ar chitects, engineers, trades, and vendors to ensure your project is thoughtfully designed, planned, and specified before you ever sign a construction agreement.
Sherry and Paul Zuch are partners with Alair Homes Dallas|Zuch, a building, remodeling, and renovating company. Visit www.alairzuch.com.
Period homes (generally defined as any home built before WWI) tend to have high ceilings, beautiful detailing, and archi tectural features you don’t often see in new homes.
For many home buyers, the creaks, the cracks, and the repair costs of a period home are well worth it.
You might wonder how an interior de signer like myself would approach a historic property. I think it’s disturbing to obliterate the interior and redecorate in a minimalist style. Of course, there’s no need to turn your house into a museum, either.
Here are some tips for decorating a peri od home in a way that’s sympathetic to the house’s history but still looks current:
Start by doing research on how homes in the period were originally decorated, then pick and choose the elements that look the most timeless. Don’t be afraid to use soft, contemporary paint colors in a Victorian house. If you use saturated wall paint colors, keep the period detailing (such as the cornicing) in more understat ed tones for contrast.
One of the advantages of period homes is the high ceilings. You will probably want a large lighting fixture, such as a chande lier, to take advantage of the extra height. On the other hand, one downside to peri od homes is that they sometimes have dark, narrow hallways. Hang mirrors in hallways to reflect more light into the space.
When it comes to furnishings, I think
juxtaposing modern and traditional ele ments is best. If you’re using traditional art and wallpaper patterns, mix contemporary furniture into the room. The simple lines of the furniture will stand out beautiful ly against the traditional backdrop. Like wise, if you use a lot of antique furniture, you may want to use updated colors for the walls and contemporary art, which adds an element of surprise.
An alternative to buying a period home is to work with a classically trained archi tect (like Larry Boerder, Richard Drum mond Davis, or Robbie Fusch, to name a few), who can build you a new home in a period style.
If you already own a period home and need help deciding which parts should be kept as is, restored, or torn out, it might be time to consult an interior designer. A professional
designer can help ensure your renovation doesn’t go too far and will have connections with lots of restoration experts who can help breathe new life into the home.
Margaret Chambers, a registered interior de signer (RID) and member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), leads Chambers In teriors and Associates. Her colleague Caitlin Crow ley helped edit this column. Visit chambersinteriors. com/blog for more design advice.
This four-bedroom, four-bath, 3,791-square-foot Highland Park classic on an oversized 75-by-167foot lot is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. The welcoming front porch leads into the entry and living room with beautiful dentil moldings, an oversized fireplace, and floor-to-ceiling windows. The flexible floor plan includes a downstairs bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. The formal dining room opens to the breakfast room, kitchen, and family room, which features
Carol Stine’s tips on what to do before leaving your home for an extended period:
• Do not post on social media that you are going out of town.
• Turn off or turn down your water heater.
• In case of storms and a power surge occurs, unplug appliances such as TVs and microwaves.
• Cancel mail.
• Leave lights on a timer.
• Install outside motion detector lights.
• Make sure windows and doors are locked
• If you don’t have Blue Tulip Home Watch, have someone to call to check on the house.
Visit bluetuliphw.com or email cstine@bluetuliphw.com to learn more about Blue Tulip Home Watch.
built-ins and a large fireplace. A bright sunroom with skylights, floor-to-ceiling doors and windows opens to the pool and large backyard. The recently updated kitchen offers an island, stainless steel appliances, a walk-in pantry, and a dry bar with a built-in wine cooler. The second floor features the primary bedroom offering a large sitting room and dual baths, plus two additional bedrooms and bathrooms. The oversized two-car garage includes a pool bath, cabana, and spacious guest quarters above.
Lindley Arthur launched her namesake interior design business more than a decade ago, seeing it as a natural expansion of her shop on Antique Row on Lovers Lane.
“I originally studied journalism at OU and worked in corporate PR for several years before transitioning back home to be with my two sons,” she said. “In 2008, I opened a booth at Antique Row on Lovers Lane, which slowly evolved into designing my own home and my friends’ homes be fore I launched Lindley Arthur Interiors in 2010.”
She and her team focus on residential projects in Texas and beyond.
If you could go back in time and give yourself any advice, what would it be?
I believe the time I spent in PR was more valuable than studying interior de sign in college. So much of what we do is client communication and handling issues when they arise — my background pre pared me for that. Another piece of ad vice is to stay true to your aesthetic. Read design books and magazines and follow bloggers whose style you admire. Have the confidence to express your own personal look, and don’t be influenced by the cur rent trends that ebb and flow.
What is the best thing about being an interior designer?
Without a doubt, the people I work with. Not only do I have an amazing team of women that I work with at Lindley Ar thur Interiors, but I have had the ability to build relationships with so many of my clients that have become close friends.
What is your outlook on the Dallas market?
I’ve seen clients in Dallas get more specific about what appeals to them per sonally. Several years ago, most of our cli ents wanted very similar looks for their homes, but lately, we are seeing home owners with more diversified tastes who have a better idea of what design style they want to achieve. In addition, I be lieve Dallas is getting more traditional overall. We continue receiving more re quests for a curated, collected look with deeper colors to provide a comfortable space that feels like home.
In my first job in corporate PR, I de cided to grasscloth my gray cubicle — that should have been my first clue that maybe I was in the wrong profession.
Dallas native Carol Stine has her roots planted deep in the heart of Texas.
She graduated from Lake High lands High School in 1975 and earned a degree in finance from Texas A&M University in 1979, followed by a master’s in business administration in 1985 from SMU.
Along the way, she married and started a family, which was a catalyst for a career change from accounting to real estate. She earned her real es tate broker license in 1986.
“What I decided was I would get my real estate license and be a parttime real estate person,” Stine said.
“Real estate is not a part-time thing, and I had three boys in four years, so I was mostly a stay-at-home mom.”
Over the ensuing years, Stine
volleyed between working in real es tate, accounting, finance, and small business ownership.
is in our genes.”
In 2016, while living in Minne sota, Stine purchased a non-medical home healthcare agency. By 2019, due to family obligations, she sold that business and moved back to Dallas, where she resumed working as an accountant. Due to the impact of COVID-19, Stine was working remotely, her hours were dwindling, and she began to ponder additional revenue streams.
She chose the business name be cause she said blue tulips symbolize peace, tranquility, trust, and loyalty.
“I want my clients to get that feeling of they trust me and have peace of mind,” Stine said.
Her first clients came about be cause of pandemic travel restrictions.
“I really wanted to be a business owner,” she said. “My grandparents had a grocery store way back when I was little bitty down in Gonzales, Texas. My dad had his own business for a while; my brother had his own business. Small business ownership
An idea she had been mulling over for some time became her sec ond venture into business owner ship when, in 2020, she launched Blue Tulip Home Watch.
“Our business is not home se curity; it is a home watch service,” she said. “We do visual inspections of the outside and inside of homes and look for issues such as water damage from leaking pipes, van dalism, and storm damage.”
“He had a house in Dallas, and his parents were elderly in En gland,” she said. “He could work re motely, so he left his house in Dal las and went back to live with his parents for a while.”
Another couple had a house in Dallas, but they were in China when the pandemic lockdowns oc curred, so they couldn’t come home.
Stine recently moved from University Park to Colorado to be near her grandson, so hired Kath erine Winford, a Preston Hollow resident, to take care of her Dal las clients.
Our business is not home security; it is a home watch service.(PHOTOS: COMPASS REAL ESTATE/STEPHEN REED)
Their parts were new to seniors Cate Gould and Carter Moreland, but Disney’s Beauty and the Beast musi cal was not.
When they were sixth graders at Mc Culloch Intermediate School, Cate was a dancing napkin, and Carter was a knife.
For the Highland Park High School Fine Arts Department’s presentation this semester, Cate performed as Belle, and Cater, a Scotsman, was Gaston.
“I think the coolest thing about doing this show again would be realizing how long we’ve been performing together and how close we’ve gotten over the years,” Carter said. “The biggest difference is how much we’ve all changed skill-wise and just grown into unique people.”
TOP LEFT: Belle, played by Cate Gould, and The Beast, played by Morgan Martinez, discover books and common ground in the castle library. TOP RIGHT: Enchanted items in the castle greet a lost father: Julia Smartt (Lumiere), Matthew Winford (Maurice), Mark Zantop (Chip), Olivia Carroll (Mrs. Potts). BOTTOM: The Silly girls react to Gaston’s failed proposal: Charlotte Shays, Kate Denton, McKinley Meece, Emily Bailey, Nelle Blaylock, Clara Swartzendruber (Silly Girls), Carter Moreland (Gaston). (PHOTOS: JASON ANDERSON, PENDLETON AND KAREN CHANEY)
Morgan Martinez, a sophomore, said he was thrilled and honored to have been cast as The Beast and was excited to work with Cate, Carter, and the rest of the cast. “My favorite thing about this show is that this musical is super family-friendly,” Morgan said. “I loved seeing so many lit tle girls in Belle dresses and even one little boy dressed as Lumiere that had come to see the show. I love that we embodied these characters that they see on the screen.”
Tyler Perring, Highland Park district fine arts director, said he and Natalie Walker, HPHS choir director and fine
arts department chair, chose this musical in March after talking through many op tions based on their students.
“The characters are my favorite part of Beauty and the Beast ,” Perring said. “The animated movie came out when I was a kid, and so did the musical. I have always loved the story and the music.”
Detailing benefits students gain from being involved in high school theater; Perring said it gives them a chance to ex press their creativity.
“They get to tell stories and learn skills that they will be able to use for the
rest of their lives,” he said.
Post-high school, Carter plans on pur suing a degree in business but hopes to return to the arts later in life as a hobby. He said the highlight of this musical was getting to choreograph two dances.
“I enjoy getting to be on the creative side of shows and watch my vision come to life throughout the process as well as being a leader within the group,” he said.
Although the final curtain call came on Sept. 25, Cate views this as a segue to her future.
“Now that the show is over, the college
• Cate Gould (Belle): “It was such a thrill to walk out each night and see the foyer filled with little girls dressed as Belle.”
• Morgan Matinez (The Beast) has been performing since third grade. “I am so grateful to have found a hobby where I can really express myself.”
• Carter Moreland (Gaston): “My advice to younger students considering the performing arts path would be to not let anything alter your personal growth whether it be peers or teachers.”
work begins as I plan to pursue theater after high school and obtain my BFA in Musical Theatre,” she said. “I am current ly working on my prescreens and college submissions.”
Just as contrasting emotions played out on stage, they were also experienced personally for the cast.
“The only thing I would have done differently is cherished the moments we had together while they were still hap pening,” Morgan said. “It was such a fun experience working with the cast, and I am so sad that it’s over now.”
They get to tell stories and learn skills that they will be able to use for the rest of their lives.
Tyler Perring
People Newspapers here recognizes the dozens of 2023 National Merit Scholarship Program semifinalists from our markets for achieving a status earned by less than 1% of high school seniors nationwide.
The students entered the 68th annual National Mer it Scholarship Program as juniors by taking the 2021 Pre liminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®). The nationwide pool of semifinalists includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.
The program honors individual students who show ex ceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigor ous college studies.
The nonprofit National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) named approximately 16,000 semifinalists nation wide. Its leaders expect 95% of those to become finalists and about half of the finalists to win National Merit Scholarships.
Students will learn in early 2023 whether they are finalists, but the NMSC typically doesn’t announce their names to
the media. Some 7,500 National Merit Scholarships – $30 million worth – will be offered in the spring.
To become a finalist, the semifinalist and a high school official must submit a detailed scholarship application with information about the student’s academic record, participa tion in school and community activities, demonstrated lead ership abilities, employment, and honors and awards received.
– Staff reportClavenna Jayna Dave
Neha Gottimukkala
Mary Ellen Schoellkopf found registering to vote a simple enough task when she turned 18.
The Highland Park High senior went online and took care of that during her AP Government class.
“Every vote matters, so I can’t wait to finally participate in this democratic tradition,” Schoe llkopf said.
While some teens might not give much thought to what pun dits view as pivotal midterm elec tions, others like Schoellkopf em brace what they see as a privilege with excitement.
Highland Park seniors Ben Able, Logan Parette, and Pete Ratchford also discussed what this milestone of early adulthood
means to them.
“I think everyone should use their voice to vote,” said Able, who looks forward to participat ing in democracy in a new way.
Parette, wanting to be prepared, preregistered before her birthday.
“I think our troops and our military fought hard for our right to have freedom in this country, and I think it’s our job as Amer ican citizens to use that right for good and to speak our voice for our democracy,” she said.
The high school has encour aged those who have turned 18 or will do so by Election Day by sometimes offering registration cards in the hallways.
“I find politics very interesting,
and it’s cool to know what’s going on in the country,” Pete Ratch ford said.
With Nov. 8 approaching, Pa rette is weighing the candidates and the issues.
“When I was young, my par ents never talked about their po litical views and never told me, ‘This is what you should believe,’ so I took what they believed in, and I weighed it against my per sonal values, and that’s how I created my own political views,” she said. “As I was younger, I definitely leaned more toward one side, but as I have grown up and matured, I have realized that compromise is the best thing for our country.”
Highland Park ISD Superinten dent Dr. Tom Trigg, the district’s eighth superintendent since 1914, is stepping down after the 20222023 school year. He’s led the dis trict since 2015.
Trigg’s con tract was set to run through 2027.
“I certainly have appreciated the op portunities the last seven-and-a-half years have provid ed, and I really do look forward to the remainder of this year and continuing working with my colleagues and you as community members,” Trigg said. “I plan to fin ish strong and do whatever I can to assist in the transition to a new su perintendent for such a wonderful and worthy community.”
Trigg’s announcement marks the latest in a spate of superintendent turnover across North Texas. Other superintendents who’ve recently re signed, retired, or announced their departures include Michael Hino josa of Dallas ISD, Kent Scribner of Fort Worth ISD, Ryder Warren of Northwest ISD, Steve Chapman of Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD, David Vroonland of Mesquite ISD, D’An dre Weaver of DeSoto ISD, Kevin Rogers of Lewisville ISD, Sara Bon ser of Plano ISD, and, most recently, Dr. Robin Ryan of Grapevine-Col leyville ISD.
Stephanie Knight, dean of the Simmons School of Education and Human Development at SMU, spoke to the Texas Tribune about the high turnover.
“The most detrimental part of it is that the superintendents are deal ing with extreme polarization around
almost any decision that they make,” Knight told the Tribune. “It would be a mistake to say that they’re running away from the job or the situation. They may be running toward a job that would enable them to have the impact that they don’t feel they could have right now as superintendent.”
She also addressed what the in creased polariza tion school dis tricts are facing means for the skills district leaders will need in the future.
“They’re going to have to make decisions more rapidly than they have in the past, and then they’re going to have to be quick to change course when some thing isn’t working,” Knight told the outlet. “We haven’t moved this quickly in the past.”
In Highland Park ISD, there’s also been turnover in other high-lev el positions recently.
Lisa Wilson, formerly HPISD’s assistant superintendent for educa tion services, moved to Plano ISD, and Jon Dahlander, the district’s chief of staff and director of com munications since 2015, returned to Dallas ISD, where he’d worked in the communications office for nearly 20 years. His new role at Dallas ISD is chief of strategic partnerships and intergovernmental relations.
I plan to finish strong and do whatever I can to assist in the transition to a new superintendent. Dr. Tom Trigg
As I was younger, I definitely leaned more toward one side, but as I have grown up and matured, I have realized that compromise is the best thing for our country.
Logan ParetteFROM LEFT: Elaine Allison and Brooks Baker pick up voter registration cards at Highland Park High School. (PHOTOS: CARLEY HUTCHISON)
Tangram Interiors entered the North Texas market less than a year ago, acquiring BKM Total Office of Texas and bring ing expertise in furnishings for medical, commercial, and educa tional spaces.
Amber JonesThe California-based compa ny hasn’t tackled any Dallas ISD projects yet but, operating from its regional headquarters west of Dallas Love Field on Clifford Drive, did work on an install at Highland Park High School.
Vice president of sales Amber
Jones and Mark Peters, director of healthcare and education sales, recently talked about trends in spaces for schools. Here are some excerpts:
AMBER: The purpose of school is to teach people to be successful later in life. And the more we learn about life, the more we realize we must work collaboratively, in groups, whether through technology
or in person. Past generations didn’t like group work much, of ten because there were dispari ties in who performed and got credit for the work. We need to teach collaboration in an ap pealing manner so that each student can learn better collab oratively and still pull his or her own weight.
MARK: I think we’ll eventu ally recognize that there’s a lot of learning that can take place out side of the classroom, with help from technology. So, in-classroom
engagements (like lectures) will look very different or may not even be necessary in the future.
Science and research labs will change, too. In the past, there was a need for either a wet lab or a dry lab. Today you’re seeing a lot more hybrid labs as differ ent disciplines come together to tackle complex problems.
MARK: A sense of belonging and connection is so important in
classroom design today. Especial ly in Texas. Some of these high schools have 5,000 or more stu dents. So how do you create an environment where students feel like they belong? When they be long, that’s when they progress.
And we must look at wellness for the student – not just learn ing outcomes, but overall well ness and mental health. We rec ognize that this generation has higher anxiety and stress levels than generations before them. In part, this means helping students make connections, whether it’s with their peers, staff, or teachers.
AMBER: A conventional classroom is a very top-down situation, where the teacher is in charge, and every adult eye has to be on every child at all times. We see schools providing students a little bit more flexi bility to learn in the way that’s more convenient for them. From a design standpoint, this means different lounge areas or adja cent-to-classroom areas.
When you put students in an open environment with their peers versus sitting at the same desk for six hours, it’s amazing where their imaginations and conversations lead.
– Staff ReportSetting its sights on its next half century, Parish remains steadfast in helping students find balance and joy in their educational journey, discover their authentic self, and have a great sense of belonging and engagement across all disciplines, PreK 3 – 12th grade. From signature programs exploring leadership, STEM, global studies and more, to social/ emotional programs ensuring students’ needs are met, to premier facilities in STEM, athletics and arts, including the recently opened 55,000sq.ft. Noble Family Performing Arts Center, the possibilities are infinite at Parish. And it doesn’t stop at the student - Parish’s inclusive Episcopal community embraces the whole family! Parish.org
Exceptional universities, test scores, and GPAs - we appreciate their importance, too. While most great schools provide these outcomes, our mission is to ignite lives of purpose. Experience our mission and manifesto at esdallas. org/manifesto. ESD is a diverse, co-ed community of joyful, curious learners ages 3 through grade 12. Our college preparatory curriculum, led by nationally-recognized faculty, is complemented by a full array of artistic and athletic programs, daily worship, experiences in the outdoors, and endless opportunities to lead and serve others. Our campus is located on 42 acres in the heart of Dallas and includes state-of-the-art classrooms, fine arts and athletics facilities, parks, trails, a fishing quarry, vegetable gardens, and chicken coops in addition to our 110+ acre outdoor education campus, Wolf Run Ranch. Can you picture your student here? Attend an upcoming admission event and see. RSVP at esdallas.org/visit
When you put students in an open environment with their peers versus sitting at the same desk for six hours, it’s amazing where their imaginations and conversations lead.Amber Jones THE EPISCOPAL SCHOOL OF DALLAS Will You Join Us?
Under a new Texas law, the Highland Park ISD recently re ceived a donation of posters with the nation al motto, “In God We Trust.” As an attorney and parent of children in HPISD, I believe that this law can be read reasonably to avoid a problem that the Carroll ISD recently faced.
Section 1.004 of the Texas Ed ucation Code requires a public school to display, “in a conspicuous place,” “a durable poster or framed copy of the United States national motto, ‘In God We Trust,’” if pri vate donors provide the poster, it “contain[s] a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a represen tation of the state flag,” and does “not depict any words, images or other information other than the representations … about the mot to and the two flags.”
The Carroll ISD recently re ceived a set of such posters from a local donor. A father in the dis trict then tried to donate another set. One had “In God We Trust” written in Arabic. The others were in English but decorated in rain bow colors.
The school board turned him down, saying that the statute should be read to set a one-percampus limit. The father argued that the law says nothing about a limit, and requires a district to ac cept “a” poster so long as it satis fies the law.
Both sides have a point. It seems unreasonable to require a school district to put up dozens of posters. But at the same time, we accept statutes as the Legislature writes them, and the Southlake fa ther is correct that this statute does not set a limit.
Also, if the law is read to set a one-per-campus limit, which post er? Imagine a poster that writes the motto in an unusual font, or one shaped like the crescent moon associated with the start of Ra madan. Yes, the statute limits the “other information” that a poster
may have. But the motto still must be written in a font and a poster must have a shape. A district that chooses one such expression over another could be engaging in con tent discrimination that violates the First Amendment.
Fortunately, there is another way to read this law that did not come up in Carroll. The statute sets no requirement for how long the poster must stay in the “con spicuous place.” With no express guidance, a district could fairly as sume that the Legislature intended a reasonable display time.
Then, posters such as those re cently donated to HPISD could be displayed for a week or two, followed by rainbow-colored ones for a similar time. This approach balances the interests of those who want a “traditional” presen tation of the motto with those of others who, within the bounds of this law, want to add variety to that presentation.
This new law has sparked a statewide debate about the nation al motto and what it means. If read reasonably, it can encourage a con structive and democratic dialogue throughout the school year.
David Coale is an attorney and frequent commentator on legal is sues. He’s also a Highland Park ISD parent.
From rock ’n’ roll style to their business best, Highland Park High School seniors showed off various looks during the annual Senior Dress Up Week.
Every morning, they would gather around the school entrance
to take pictures and socialize be fore first period started.
Was that a superhero, a rock star, or a Duck Dynasty cast member who just walked by?
– (Photos: Chloe Ching and Carley Hutchison)
Who’s the turkey? FROM LEFT: Will Mabus and Warren May coordinate outfits as Willie Robertson from Duck Dynasty.
Let’s make a deal? FROM LEFT: Walker McCollum shows off his corporate look while Campbell Nelson dresses as a lab worker.
Preservation Park Cities gifted two Highland Park students a scholarship through the Highland Park Education Foundation Tartan Fund this past school year. Grey Webster and Elise Waterston are interested in architecture and history, subject areas which reflects PPC’s passion for historic preservation. Over the past 10 years, the organization’s board has voted to donate funds from the Distinguished Speaker Luncheon, the Historic Home Tour, and the Classic & Antique Car Show to create an endowment with the Education Foundation. This endowment of $250,000 provides the underwriting
for the Distinguished Chair for History at Highland Park High School, a post Brad ley Sanders will fill for another three years.
Yihan Li, a fifth grader at Mc Cullough Intermediate School, was rec ognized as winner of the 2022 HPISD Birthday Card Cover Art Contest. Li de signed her cover art last year as a fourth grader at Armstrong Elementary and cre ated her Heart with Flowers drawing with colored pencils and markers. The annu al contest is open to all students in the district. Superintendent Tom Trigg uses the chosen artwork to wish HPISD’s 800
employees a happy birthday.
The Society for Science selected High land Park Middle School eighth grader Ellie Chong (pictured with principal Kev in Hunt) as a Top 300 Broadcom Mas ter based on her seventh-grade project, which advanced to the second round of state competition. The Broadcom Mas ters science and engineering fair annually recognizes the top 10% of middle school science fair projects from across the U.S.
Most of Highland Park High’s 2023
National Merit semifinalists posed for a celebratory photograph after the an nouncement of their selection. Read more about the program on page 41. FRONT ROW, FROM LEFT: Kevin Ding, John True, Evan Huang, and John Helton.
SECOND ROW: William Wirskye, Charlotte Zelley, Katherine Ho, and Dan ielle Weatherwax. THIRD: Jeneta Nwosu, Michelle Xing, and Sally Dai. FOURTH: Adam Rourke, Thomas Kerr, Dalton Bur ford, and Weitao Shi. NOT PICUTRED: Elizabeth Chen.
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Partners Card is celebrating its 30th year with more perks for shoppers and diners — all while benefiting the Family Place.
Each year, Partners Card raises money for The Family Place by selling $75 cards that offer buyers discounts at many retailers and restaurants across the Dal las-Fort Worth area. For its 30th anniversary, sup porters can buy a limited-edi tion Pearl Card for $500, which offers additional perks from par ticipating retailers and restaurants, including one year of complimentary valet service at NorthPark Center. Additional ly, Neiman Marcus joined the retail lineup this year.
“We love that the program has grown as much as it has in 30 years. It really shows a community coming together, partner ing with us as the largest domestic violence agency in Texas,” Molly Fiden of the Family
Place said about the Partners Card program.
Andrea Cheek, Wynne Cunningham, Hannah Fagadau, and Lisa Hewitt are co-chairing the 30th-anniversary fundrais er, which runs from Oct. 28 until Nov. 6, with Paula Davis serving as honorary chair.
Cheek is a returning co-chair, hav ing chaired the charity event in 2015 and helped with its 25th anniversary. She’s also involved with other organizations, includ ing Junior League of Dallas and Cat tle Baron’s Ball.
“I was intro duced to the Fam ily Place in 2014 and just fell in love with the cause,” Cheek said. Cun ningham heard about the Family Place through her involvement with Junior League of Dallas.
“I first started working with survivors of domestic violence when I was in law school,” Cunningham said. “That’s when I was first exposed to just how many obstacles there are for someone who finds themselves in that sort of situation where they need to get themselves and their family, their children, away from a violent situation. Since then, it’s
been a cause that is near and dear to my heart.”
Fagadau is another longtime supporter of the Family Place, going back to her mother’s involvement with the nonprofit.
“For as long as I can remember, my family always bought Partners Cards,” she said. “My mom, who had been involved in the Family Place a little bit here and there in her philanthropic endeavors, al ways would tell my sister and me the im portance of buying the card – it was more than just a discount to different stores – so the mission of the Family Place has al ways been important to me.”
Hewitt got involved with Partners Card while working as a nurse practitioner at Parkland, researching family violence.
“I really enjoy seeing this side and be ing able to raise money knowing exactly where it’s going to go and who it’s going to help,” she said.
Davis has been involved with Partners Card since she was asked to help sell cards in the ‘90s.
“Here, 26 years later, I’m still selling them,” she said. “When you buy that card, the first thing you’re doing is making sure somebody is safe. To me, anything after that is gravy.”
BY THE NUMBERSraised by Partners Card for The Family Place in the last 29 years
participating locations in Dallas-Fort Worth 30th year of Partners Card fundraising
donation to the Family Place to get a card
discount at participating retailers
discount at participating restaurants
days of shopping from Oct. 28 to Nov. 6
night of safety for a victim of family violence provided with the purchase of a Partners Card
The Family Place launched Partners Card with 175 participating stores. Gene Jones served as the first Honorary Chair. Sally Hoglund and Sally Johnson founded the inaugural event, which raised $90,000.
Partners Card revenue exceeded half a million dollars with more than 10,000 cards sold.
Partners Card grew to more than 500 participating stores.
Partners Card celebrated 15 years, raising $905,000 to help battered women, children, and men.
For the first time, Partners Card raised more than $1 million. The Family Place opened its school facility for K-2nd grade students.
Partners Card celebrated 25 years and launched the Partners Card Mobile App and e-commerce.
Retailers, sponsors, and supporters adapted to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic; Partners Card raised almost $1 million and provided more than 12,000 nights of shelter at The Family Place.
When you buy that card, the first thing you’re doing is making sure somebody is safe. To me, anything after that is gravy.
Paula Davis
‘MORE THAN JUST A DISCOUNT’ Partners Card marks three decades of Family Place support
Three decades of Partners Card have made The Fami ly Place at home in Dallas’ most prestigious shopping destinations.
The Festive Seller Soiree kicked off the card-selling sea son on Sept. 14 at Tory Burch in Highland Park Village.
Partner’s Card co-chairs Andrea Cheek, Wynne Mc Nabb Cunningham, Hannah Fagadau, Lisa Hewitt, and honorary chair Paula Davis and 50 guests enjoyed the evening shopping event while support ing the cause.
“The mission of ending fam ily violence is something that needs to be talked about, and a mission Bank of Texas is hon ored to support,” said Melissa Keeling of Bank of Texas, Part ners Card’s lead sponsor.
Soon, The Family Place heads to NorthPark Center for an ex clusive luncheon and fashion presentation on the first day of the 10-day Partners Card shop ping event. La Dolce Vita begins at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 28 at Eata ly Dallas, after which Neiman Marcus will host a champagne reception. A limited number of luncheon tickets ($250) are available at familyplace.org.
The Family Place honored U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson during the annual Texas Trail blazer Awards on Sept. 23 at the Omni Hotel.
“Congresswoman Johnson leads by example, working tireless ly to help others and create change at the local, state, and national lev el,” said Mimi Crume Sterling, CEO of The Family Place. “This year’s Texas Trailblazer goes above and beyond the call of duty to make Texas and our United States a better place.”
The 15-term congresswoman is the first African American wom an to chair the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technol ogy. In 2020, she introduced the National Suicide Hotline Des ignation Act, which became law with bipartisan support.
Jeannie Barsam of Gifting Brands, Stacee Johnson-Williams of Signet Jewelers, and Lisa Sher rod of AT&T co-chaired the event, which drew more than 550 guests.
Keynote speaker and actor Christina Ricci stressed the im portance of organizations like The Family Place in educating and supporting survivors of domestic violence.
– Staff reportIs it possible to pick a favorite with 3 million items in the archives and artifact collections of the Dallas Historical Society (DHS)?
How about Sam Houston’s handwritten account of the Bat tle of San Jacinto, the only known original Juneteenth document, James Fannin’s watch, or Santa Anna’s spurs?
Society executive director Karl Chiao, who grew up in San Anto nio, has his favorite – one of the newest exhibits at the Hall of State at Fair Park.
The 24-by-14-foot Texas Lib erty Forever: The Battle of the Alamo diorama, depicting events of the morning of March 6, 1836, went on display in March, kicking off DHS’s 100th Anniversary celebration.
“It took three years to get the diorama delivered and set up per manently in the South Texas room at the Hall of State,” he said. “But that’s a drop in the bucket com pared to the 20 years that it took Mr. Thomas Feely and his research team to create it.”
The exhibit, supported by lead sponsors Stanley V. Graff and Reed Graff, features 2,000-plus hand-painted pewter figures plus an interactive mobile app.
“It gives context to the size and scale of the battle that you cannot get anywhere else, including going to the actual Alamo site,” Chiao said.
Established in 1922, DHS uses its collections and exhibits to edu cate and inspire future generations, serving more than 20,000 students
and welcoming 160,000-plus visi tors annually.
“The most surprising collection we have is that of Admiral Ches ter Nimitz,” Chiao said. “With there being a Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg, Texas, I would have thought that his WWII items
would have been there. However, when he donated these items to DHS in 1946, there was not yet a museum in Fredericksburg. We are fortunate to have not only his insignia but also his WWII uni form and the admiral’s flag that followed him everywhere he went.”
What: The Dallas Historical Society Centennial Gala When: Nov. 12 – cocktail reception at 6 p.m., dinner at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Hall of State at Fair Park, 3939 Grand Ave.
Chairs: Kristen Sanger and Lisa Singleton
Online: dallashistory.org
Chiao, a former DHS trustee who became executive director in 2018, oversaw the yearlong citybond funded $14.4 million ren ovation of the Hall of State that wrapped up in November 2020, returning the building to its origi nal 1936 glory.
Next came a six-month resto ration project after sprinkler pipes busted during the winter storm of February 2021, causing $3 million in water damage.
“Now that our building has been restored, we will be focusing on educating not only the next gen eration but also all the new trans plants moving into the metroplex about this wonderful city they now call home,” Chiao said. “We want to make sure they understand why Dallas is such an amazing place and the role that North Texas played in the history of Texas.”
NBA greats, tennis legends, and celeb rities gathered at SMU’s Styslinger/Al tec Tennis Complex on Sept. 25 for some light-hearted competition supporting the Dirk Nowitzki Foundation’s focus on chil dren’s well-being, health, and education.
As Dirk held center court, his invited celebrities, including Luka Dončić, JJ Bar ea, Steve Nash, Ben Stiller, Andy Roddick, and John Isner, rotated through five adjacent courts as fans cheered and laughed from the seats above.
“After a wonderful night with sponsors and friends and raising a lot of money for my charity, we’re thrilled to be out here to have some fun today,” Nowitzki said.
Ben Stiller, making his second appear ance, added, “It’s amazing what Dirk’s doing for this community. He is Dallas.”
It took three years to get the diorama delivered and set up permanently in the South Texas room at the Hall of State. Karl Chiao
Driving north and west from Dallas, the scenery soon turns to rolling hills and, just a bit further, to a flat frontier dot ted with cacti and scrub brush.
In its oil and transportation hey day, this pictur esque region saw tremendous growth and prosperity.
And in Mineral Wells, Albany, and Cis co, legacies of restorative natural resourc es, elegant architecture, creative arts, and world-famous hospitality can still be en joyed today.
When you arrive in downtown Mineral Wells, keep your eyes open and looking up. The city center has more than 20 vibrant murals scattered throughout. The build ings in the Mineral Wells Central Histor ic District — including the famous Baker Hotel and Spa, currently under renovation — have elegant architectural details that reflect its time as a popular tourist desti nation in the mid-20th century.
Mineral Wells’ reputation for “Crazy Water,” first drawn from a local well in 1881 and infused with rejuvenating min erals, has grown to include the Crazy Wa ter Hotel and adjoining indoor shopping plaza. Inside it, the Crazy Water Coffee and Water Bar offers restorative waters along with standard coffee shop fare. Looking for a souvenir? The Crazy Water Company has handmade soaps, candles, and other gifts you won’t find elsewhere.
Albany Albany is home to the stately Shackel ford County Courthouse, built in 1884.
The National Register of Historic Places recognized the courthouse and surround ing square for the enduring Victorian fron tier architecture.
Built in 1878, Albany’s old county jail is well preserved and has been creatively repurposed as an art and history museum. The Old Jail Art Center is a destination with an impressive classic and contem porary collection and rotating exhibitions that compete with its peers in larger cities.
Fans of retro gas stations will be happy to see beautifully restored 1930s-era Sin clair and Gulf stations along Albany’s main thoroughfare.
Cisco Downtown Cisco is compact, with walk able streets, vintage signage, murals, and historic buildings. A bright and mod ern coffee shop, Waverly’s, also sells gifts and books. Red Gap Brewing and tap room is another place to sample Cisco’s local flavor.
Cisco has two fascinating stories. In 1818, it was home to the Mobley Hotel, the first-ever hotel purchased by Conrad Hilton — yes, of those Hiltons. Today, it stands as the Cisco Chamber of Commerce building. Inside are two preserved 1919-era rooms on display and a museum.
Chains dangle from lights above, tempting viewers entering the Dal las Museum of Art’s latest exhibition to tug at them.
As an adult walk ing through the sea of lights, it felt like it should be against the rules to touch, but that’s part of what makes “Movement: The Legend of Kineticism” even more exciting.
Go ahead. Pull. I did.
Vaeska Soares’ Vagalume or Fire fly draws inspiration from children’s wonder and natural impulse to switch light fixtures on and off.
The exhibit, which runs through July 16, 2023, features 80 works of various artists from the museum’s collection and uses optical, sound, and mechanical effects to engage viewers directly.
“It’s really about empowerment and letting viewers have ownership over their experiences, starting with
Vaeska Soares’ piece where people can turn the lights on and off,” Dr. Anna Katherine Brodbeck said.
Brodbeck is the Hoffman Family Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at the DMA and is the orga nizer for “Movement.”
Many of the artists included in the exhibition come from diverse backgrounds, and their work re flects their distinctive approaches to capturing movement in vastly different ways.
In one striking painting, Inte grales II, bold acrylic colors and geometric loops convey artist
Kazuya Sakai’s interest in rhythm and the harmony of the color as it moves through space.
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A few miles from Cisco’s historic down town, find the Old Zoo Nature Trail, a de commissioned 1920s zoo turned into hik ing trails. Paths wind through brushy, wild landscape overtaking structures once used for animal enclosures and now left to de cay naturally. Explorers of all abilities will enjoy walking the trails or simply taking in the nature and preserved zoo buildings on the site.
Individually, these small towns are all within three hours of Dallas. A road trip visiting all three would take approximately five hours without stops. This journey guides travelers through beautiful Texas landscapes and engages with destinations that are just as unique.
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In Sounding the Air, Tomás Sar aceno utilizes spider silk, carbon rods, fishing lines, and other tools to demonstrate how spiders nav igate space through the process known as “ballooning.”
To see inclusivity at the DMA made the experience that much better.
“As the city’s museum, we recog nize the importance of showcasing artists that reflect our diverse com munities,” said Dr. Agustín Artea ga, the DMA’s Eugene McDer mott director.
Roma Osowo, invited on behalf
of the DMA’s outreach efforts to connect to local artists in the com munity, attended a media preview of the exhibit.
As an abstract artist, it meant a great deal to see the concept of movement expressed in ways dif ferent from her own, Osowo said, adding she felt inspired.
Other museum visitors should find inspiration, too. Each piece ignites a profoundly personal re sponse that will remain with them long after they leave.
Sabrina Gomez, a Texas Woman’s University senior, is one of People Newspapers’ interns this semester.
It’s really about empowerment and letting viewers have ownership over their experiences.
Anna Katherine Brodbeck
Labor-intensive processes produce Zen artwork from two artists exhibited at Laura Rathe Fine Art in the Design District.
Lucrecia Waggoner of Dallas and Au dra Weaser of Los Angeles use contrasting mediums but similarly execute movement in “Traces,” an exhibit showing pleasant tran quility through the synthesis of their pieces.
“The process for both is incredibly intense, with Lucrecia hand throwing the porcelain and Audra sanding (her paintings),” associ ate director at Laura Rathe Carly Malm said. “There is so much strength, so we wanted to feature that by combining two female artists who bring a feminine energy with the mas culinity of their work.”
Waggoner, who grew up in Mexico City but lives just outside of University Park now, has mastered the rare art of working with organic porcelain — a brittle and fragile re fined clay.
Waggoner has worked in ceramics since high school, embellishing what started as a hobby by taking courses in places like Hong Kong, Mexico, France, Germany, and Santa Fe, New Mexico.
She made plenty of bowls and plates be fore leaving utilitarian ceramics behind.
“When I worked with my mentor in Santa Fe, that was my breaking point: I de cided I didn’t want to be in utilitarian arts; I want to be in fine arts,” Waggoner said.
With the support of Janice Meyers, gallery
director at Laura Rathe, Waggoner shifted focus to providing beauty for the eye.
“Sometimes you have it in your head, and you just need one person to believe in you,” Waggoner said.
Waggoner began with one to two fine arts pieces on a wall; now, her largest installation has more than 300 vessels.
“All of the pieces are like snowflakes. They
all look alike, but all of them are different,” Waggoner said.
Waggoner’s process is comprehensive. She uses glaze and metal leafing with moon gold leaf to create a metallic effect and to incor porate color. Various tools allow her to de velop specific patterns, shapes, or lines. She has incorporated trees to create organic looks and pre-drilled into walls so her pieces could
What: “Traces,” a two-woman exhibition featuring new works by Lucrecia Waggoner and Audra Weaser
Where: Laura Rathe Fine Art, 1130 Dragon St., Suite 130
Online: laurarathe.com
“grow out of them” like flowers.
“Traces” showcases her newest design: vessels descending from the ceiling.
Similarly, Weaser illustrates fluidity in her abstract paintings, translating the ocean to the canvas. Her parents exposed her to abstract art at an early age, and she tried to understand it.
Weaser has now been painting in an ab stract style for 25 years, pushing the concept of water’s ever-flowing movement.
“This process is like a treasure hunt; it is like finding a diamond in the rough,” Weaser said.
Her laborious method involves using plas ter paint with a trowel. This allows a smooth ness within each work through the cooler colors she mainly uses. Weaser only incorpo rates warm colors to illustrate light, and she doesn’t use paintbrushes until the end.
Waggoner enjoys seeing the ceramics and paintings in the same exhibit. “I know Audra’s work, and I know the way she works, so I thought that it was going to be spectacular together.”
Sheila Johnston Bauer was gathered to her people and to her Creator on October 3, 2022.
This Dallas girl was born on May 30, 1928, at Baylor Hospital and went home with her parents, Thomas Kilpatrick and Evelyn Smith Johnston, to a big sister, Muriel, and
MICHAEL G. FLORIMBItwo brothers, Arnold (Buddy) and David.
Sheila was admitted to the Cradle Roll of First Presbyterian Church of Dallas and confirmed there as a child. In 1976, she reaffirmed her saving faith in Jesus Christ when she was baptized at Rein hardt Bible Church.
Her parents came to Dallas from Dundee, Scotland–first her father in 1913, then after serving as a US soldier in WWI, he returned to Dundee, married Evelyn, and brought her to the US on a troop ship in 1919. The Johnston family’s Scottish heritage, family, and friends would define much of Sheila’s life with high teas every Sunday afternoon at the family’s home on Lakewood Boulevard, pilgrimages back to Dundee, and an appreciation for tar tan, shortbread, and bagpipes. In addition, Sheila held sweet memories of a carefree childhood – bicycle trips for picnics at White Rock Lake, sodas at Harrell’s drug store, a band of neighborhood friends, and summers working at Dallas Medical and Surgical Clinic on Live Oak Street.
Her education began with Kindergarten
at James W. Fannin Elementary School on Ross Avenue, then William Lipscomb Ele mentary School, J. L. Long Middle School, and Woodrow Wilson High School–gradu ating in 1946. In 1950 she received a Bache lor of Business Administration degree from Southern Methodist University, which she utilized working for Texas Instruments and American Airlines. She met fellow employ ee J Fred Bauer in the ticketing office at Love Field, and they married in 1952.
Two daughters were born to them in Dallas, and a son and daughter after they moved to Houston. During those years, she was a stay-at-home mom–baking cook ies for brownie troops, carpooling, keep ing house and a household budget, hosting bridge luncheons and dinner parties, and reaching out to neighbors and friends.
The family moved back to Dallas in 1967 and built a home in East Dallas. Af ter the couple divorced in 1973, Sheila re turned to business administration work–first at Merchants Greeters Service; then with various garment manufacturers: Creative Image, Herman Marcus Inc.,
Donovan-Galvani of Dallas, and South western Apparel Inc.; and finally for the publisher of Park Cities People
In 1981, she and her daughter, Mary Vera, purchased The Karat Top at the Olla Podrida, and she immersed herself in buy ing and selling antique and vintage jewel ry through the summer of 2022.
As a single mother, she made her chil dren her priority and taught them to follow Jesus and to treat everyone with kindness and respect. Intelligent, proper, courageous, and stalwart describe her well. She was never vain, but she was a striking woman at almost six feet tall.
She is survived by her children, Sheila Lynne Brandon, Mary Alice Vera, John Fred rick Bauer and wife Lisa, and Evelyn Frances Bauer Wolff and husband Win; 11 grand children; and four great-grandchildren.
Her life was celebrated at a private fam ily graveside service at Sparkman/Hillcrest Memorial Park, where her family members are all interred at the Mausoleum. Memorial contributions may be sent to Scottish Rite for Children https://scottishriteforchildren.org/.
small suitcases packed with tokens of their aristocratic life. With little money, but with the help of relatives and friends, the family soon settled in Philadelphia in pursuit of the “American Dream.”
Michael’s character and work ethic were strongly shaped by the hard lessons he learned as a young immigrant, mastering a new language, assimilating into a foreign country, and struggling to succeed despite adversity and discrimination.
and the Atlas Space Rocket Lunch Com puter projects.
AI companies in healthcare information management.
Michael Guido Florimbi’s life was both exceptional and interest ing. Born on March 19, 1934, in Tera mo, Abruzzi, Italy, his idyllic early child hood abruptly ended when his family was forced to leave Italy at the beginning of WWII. He and his father arrived at El lis Island on his sixth birthday with two
Michael attended Catholic schools in South Philadelphia and Upper Darby; and graduated from Villanova University, where he majored in Electric Engineer ing. In 1953, IBM hired him to work in their computer design department, one of the most ambitious technology projects of that time. Michael contributed to the design and development of “the internal hard drive” (memory) process for the first solid-state IBM 7070 computer system, which could process five megabytes of data! This achievement launched his ca reer, and he would move on to increas ingly higher positions in a 15-year career at Burroughs, where he led the team for the Pershing Missile Launch Computer
When Michael was 35, he was cho sen as the program manager for the Air Force’s secure, new anti-missile air de fense system, called NORAD. After that, he moved on to a vice president posi tion with Raytheon Technologies over seeing the installation of numerous in ternational air defense / control systems throughout Europe, relocating his family to Spain.
Upon returning to the US, he was pro moted to executive vice president at Ray theon in charge of managing an extensive manufacturing facility in Santa Barbara, California. In 1989, BEI Defense Sys tems offered him the CEO/President position of this small munitions manu facturing company in Dallas, Texas. He led this company to a public offering in just five years.
In 2001, Michael assumed the CEO role of a new healthcare start-up with early artificial intelligence (AI) tech nology developed by researchers at the Mayo Clinic. He and his wife, Rhonda, worked together to launch one of the first
Michael’s career took him around the world, and travel was a significant part of his life’s enjoyment. Fly-fishing, champi onship-level skeet shooting, music, and animals were also great joys. In addi tion, he loved recreating and sharing his mother’s traditional Italian recipes and was passionate about classic cars like his treasured 1957 Corvette.
Michael passed away at the age of 88 from an undetermined illness. His par ents, Guido and Irma Florimbi of Ocean City, New Jersey, preceded him in death. He is survived by his three sons from his first marriage with the late Gloria Florimbi: Michael M., David, and Ste phen Florimbi; his wife and partner for 32 years, Rhonda Thomas-Florimbi, and their daughter, Allegra F. Florim bi; stepson, Brian P. Thomas, and wife, Christy; and many cousins and extend ed family members in Philadelphia and Frescati, Italy.
This wonderfully loving man will be greatly missed by all who had the plea sure to know him.
The 2022 University Park Paddle Bat tle was just what the Park Cities needed to prove once and for all that the Williams Park pickleball courts were a solid commu nity addition.
The champions of the tournament’s com petitive division, Will Jaudes and Grant Carona, have served as neighborhood so cial ambassadors in the sport and are a great example of how pickleball can bring people together for fun, fitness, and fellowship.
Born on the same day and year, these Highland Park High School grads (’97) took to the court together after returning to Dallas. Jaudes has been playing since 2020 and urged Carona to try pickleball in early 2022.
Grant CaronaJaudes, a four-year letterman in high school cross country and track, saw imme diate potential in the partnership. After all, Carona was a former high school state champion in men’s doubles tennis who com peted as a four-year Division I letter winner in men’s tennis at the U.S. Naval Academy.
“I like playing with Grant because he can hit winners, and his tennis experience results in a productive positioning and just an all-
around natural court awareness,” Jaudes said.
The pair has been on an absolute tear lately, picking up serious hardware as they tour Texas playing pickleball. In addition to winning the University Park Paddle Bat tle, the duo won the gold medal in the Oa sis Spring Classic. Carona also won a gold
medal in singles for Aloe MD Oasis Sum mer Slam and silver in the Lonestar Classic. Carona’s wife, Marisa, joined the fun at the Aloe MD Oasis Summer Slam to secure a silver medal in the mixed division.
“A big key to our success is a 30-plus-year friendship,” Carona said. “Communication
University Park: Williams Park – 6 (lighted) Visit uptexas.org and sign up for a RecTrac account to reserve a court.
Highland Park: Fairfax Park – 2 Abbott Park – 2
Tennis pass holders, visit hptx.org to reserve a court and use a library card to get a net from the library.
and signaling are key. Will is a more consis tent player, while I am taller and much more aggressive. It’s a good mix of styles.”
Both guys started playing once a week and now are up to competing three times a week when the stars align.
Jaudes, a father of four, and Carona, a father of two, also enjoy family times spent teaching the game to their young children and see the sport as good for just about anyone.
“It’s almost like a mix of racquetball and ping pong that’s just a lot of fun,” Carona said. “Most people can easily adapt to the sport and can have fun on day one, unlike a sport like tennis which takes much longer to learn.”
Dave Knaszak, a P1 elite certified ten nis professional at Northwood Club in Dallas, has seen the sport’s popularity grow since he became a certified pickle ball instructor in 2019.
“I think the smaller courts create a bet ter social environment that makes things more fun,” he said. “Someone who doesn’t move as well or has had an injury may not be able to play tennis but can still be com petitive in pickleball.”
Most people can easily adapt to the sport and can have fun on day one, unlike a sport like tennis which takes much longer to learn.FROM LEFT: Will Jaudes and Grant Carona. (COURTESY PHOTO)
As we gather this year with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, for some, this will mark the re sumption of a cherished tra dition after several years on pause. So, join me as we make this celebration one to re member.
5 medium Yukon Gold potatoes, rinsed and peeled
¾ cup sweet onion, peeled and finely chopped
2 large leeks, white part only
4 slices bacon
4 cups chicken or vegetable stock or broth
1 ½ cups heavy cream
2 to 3 tablespoons dry sherry (optional)
1 teaspoon kosher or sea salt
Dash of white pepper
to a low boil. Reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes.
Stir in cream and season with salt and white pepper. Gently stir in potatoes and sherry, cook until chowder is hot, but do not boil. Ladle chowder into bowls or cream soup cups and garnish with nutmeg and chives.
You know those beauti ful damask linens hiding out in a cupboard for years? If ever there were a time for them to grace your table, especially if they are a family heirloom, this is it. Just be aware white or ivory linen can yellow over time, so plan an extra couple of days to soak them in a tub full of soapy water, then rinse well and hang them to dry. Those linens will look like new again. (Never dry linen in a dryer.)
Next, consider the tone you wish to create. Grandma’s china, silver, and crystal are always appro priate, often sparking a memorable “remember when” conversation, but mixing in dishwasher-safe sea sonal dishware or even high-end paper plates may be the solution to a manageable but still impressive holiday celebration.
For centerpieces, select from professional floral displays, super market flowers arranged in mul tiple vessels, a traditional cornu copia, a collection of candles, or children’s Thanksgiving artwork.
Although the star of most Thanksgiving gatherings is a golden roasted turkey, consid er beginning dinner with a soup course for a sumptuous, unexpect ed touch.
My recipe for potato leek chowder with sherry yields eight to 10 first-course servings and
may be prepared one day ahead, then reheated just before guests are seated. Looking to add a “wow factor” that will leave a lasting im pression? Then serve this exqui site, creamy chowder tableside from a roasted pie pumpkin.
Christy Rost is a cookbook au thor, chef on PBS stations nation wide, and longtime resident of the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. Her Celebrating Home 4-minute cooking videos are available at you tube.com/ChristyRostCooks and on her christyrost.com website.
Common Unknown REASONS Why People Experience Dizziness. It’s Not Because Of Age... There’s Always A REASON! – Now What To Do About It?
By Leading Balance Expert, Dr. Jeffrey Guild, Physical TherapistAre you worried about losing independence because of dizziness or vertigo? Are you be coming increasingly frustrated with dizziness, unsteadiness, and a sensation of spinning inter fering with your life? Here are some common unknown reasons why people can feel dizzy and a SOLUTION to get rid of the problem.
1. Vertigo (An Inner Ear Balance Prob lem): This is the classic spinning sensation when you roll over in bed, but it’s not always that simple… The symptoms can be a vague dizziness, unsteadiness, fogginess. This prob lem is more common with age and often goes unrecognized, but is simple for a specialist to identify and get rid of.
2. Moving Less Over Time: You might notice this if you become dizzy from walking and turning your head (Or maybe you don’t move your head much anymore to avoid the dizziness). Remember when you could ride a roller coaster when you were 10 years old but not when you were 40? To sum it up simply, if you don’t use it, you lose it. The inner ear bal ance system takes a lot of use to stay working properly.
3. Time Spent In The Hospital: In order to keep working well, our balance system needs us to be upright, move our heads a lot, and inter
act in a complex world (Crossing busy streets, bending down and picking up grandchildren, turning our heads quickly to notice something interesting). Hospital stays do not offer much of these, so it is not uncommon for people to suffer from dizziness and balance problems for months and even years afterwards.
Want more information & solutions? My new special report about vertigo provides Ac tionable Tips that will help you keep or regain your independence. And the best thing is it’s 100% FREE, and you’re under no-obligation to buy anything when you call.
IMPORTANT: For obvious reasons, my offer to send you this report FREE must come with a restriction on the number I can mail out… so it’s critical that you call TODAY and request your free report now. What To Do Next?
Call: (214) 712-8242 (Leave a Message 24/7) & Choose:
• Option 1: Have your FREE Report mailed or emailed to you
• Option 2: Free Report + FREE Balance/ Dizziness Testing
Author Dr. Jeffrey Guild, Physical Therapist is owner of Optimove Physical Therapy & Wellness.
Freshly grated nutmeg, for garnish
Chopped fresh chives, rinsed, for garnish
1 5-pound pie pumpkin (optional)
Slice potatoes into 1-inch cubes and transfer them to a large saucepan with just enough water to cover them. Cover and cook just until they are knife tender, about 5 to 7 minutes; drain.
Slice the root ends and green parts from leeks and discard. Wash them well to remove sandy soil from between layers, chop and set aside.
Slice bacon into ½-inch pieces and sauté in a Dutch oven over medium heat until the fat is rendered, about 3 minutes. Stir in onion and leeks, and sauté several minutes until they are soft. Pour in chicken broth, cover, and bring
Chef’s Note: Early in the day, rinse the pumpkin, cut a lid in the stem end, and reserve. Scrape out seeds and stringy pulp. Forty minutes before serving, preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place pumpkin cut side up and the lid on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Roast 20-22 minutes until the top edge is browned, but the pumpkin is firm enough to serve as a container. Transfer pumpkin to a serving platter, pour in the chowder, garnish with nutmeg and chives, and replace the lid. Serve.
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Knowing what to do in the presence of fine art is daunting.
Knowing what to think about view ing contemporary art without guidance can leave you puzzled and confused.
By writing about contemporary art, I hope to shed some light on those curious minds looking for guidance.
We live in a state whose wealth has al lowed us to boast of having world-caliber contemporary art venues. Dallas has the larg est contiguous urban art district in the nation.
Your first step: visit the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, or the Crow Museum of Asian Art.
Choose one of these venues and walk through it. Stop if something catches your eye. Read the explanation about it because that will bring you to the first thing you need to know about contemporary art, and any fine art discipline for that matter: You must put yourself and the work in context. When was it made? Where was it made? What was happening at the time in that location?
Museum labels are your best friends. They will tell you the name of the artist, the year the piece was made, the dimen sions, and the medium (materials) that the artist used to make the work. Museums are the best place to start because their cura tors’ mission is to scout throughout Texas and beyond to find and bring to light art that matters.
EBBY HALLIDAYOnce your visit is over, it is time to pon der. What did you like about the work? Was it the color? The figure? The materi als? The story? What resonated about the visuals with you?
Technology now is an endless source of information that, if channeled proper ly, will provide you with additional sourc es to explore more about the artist(s) that caught your attention.
The second thing to know is that the human eye can be trained not only to un derstand contemporary art but to discern good art from bad art.
How do I train my eye? By going and seeing art: here in Dallas, when you travel out of state and out of the country. Keep on going; keep on seeing.
While one can have an opinion or preference when facing contemporary art, refrain from judging for now and focus on your honest, visceral reactions. Be a stu dent and be observant not only of the art but also of yourself.
So, when it comes to contemporary art:
1. Situate yourself in context; remem ber who did it, when, how, where, and why.
2. Be humble. Acknowledge what you don’t know and trust the experts. Know that you can improve over time; practice makes the eye perfect. Start your journey, go and see great art in Dallas, and find your favorite piece.
3. Let me know how it goes and have fun!
Contact Liliana Bloch, founder and director of Liliana Bloch Gallery, 4741 Memphis St., at liliana@lilianablochgallery.com.
“I’m honored to lead our teams at the Ebby Halliday Companies and to work even more closely with our talented management team, sales associates and employees to better serve our clients,” said Rosson.
Rosson’s new role comes as part of an announcement that Chief Executive Officer Chris Kelly will have the additional title of Executive Vice President for HomeServices of America, the parent company of the Ebby Halliday Companies.
“Carolyn lives our mission of People First in all that she does,” says Kelly. “I am confident that she, along with our executive leadership team, will continue to innovate and thrive.”
Carolyn Rosson has been named President of Brokerage of the Ebby Halliday Companies. Rosson most recently served as Senior Vice President. As President, Rosson will lead the day-to-day sales operations of the brokerage, ensuring the company continues to provide its buyers, sellers and sales associates a best-in-class experience.
In addition to his duties at HomeServices, Kelly will continue to be involved in company activities, including a special focus on continuing the expansion of the company’s footprint in new markets across Texas and Oklahoma, in close collaboration with Travis Mathews, the Chief Operating Officer of the Ebby Halliday Companies.
Visit ebby.com.
chic in Old Highland Park. 3628 Maplewood Avenue offers exquisite masonry work and an uncommonly rich manor-house interior — complete with a central foyer, a great room, a paneled den, a private office, a keeping room, an upstairs common room, a primary suite with a fireplace and a third-floor exercise room.
Outside? Think private resort, with elegant pool and outdoor living center. On a desirable corner lot and close to Armstrong Elementary School, Highland Park Village and the Katy Trail, this is another level of living.
3628 Maplewood Avenue is represented by Ralph Randall of the Jobst Randall Group for $7,495,000.
3628 Maplewood Avenue, represented by Ralph Randall of the Jobst Randall Group for $7,495,000.
Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty, founded in the Park Cities in 1960, represents luxury homes, high-rises, ranches, land and commercial properties. Its briggsfreeman.com website is a cutting-edge portal featuring properties, neighborhoods, schools, virtual tours, architecture guides and more.
It’s a great time to sell your home in Highland Park and University Park, where home prices continue to rise and time on the market remains at about 30 days.
Trust the sale of your home to the Park Cities sales leader, the expert agents of Allie Beth Allman & Associates. For example, the brokerage handled 35 percent of the deals closed in Highland Park in the first half of 2022 – more than 10 percent more than any other.
This fall, the Allie Beth Allman & Associates experts see tremendous opportunities in the Park Cities for both sellers and buyers. It makes sense to work with an agent that leads in the Park Cities, because the market changes from month to month and street to street.
Here is a taste of what the brokerage is marketing this fall in the Park Cities.
The six-bedroom home at 2815 Amherst Ave. in University Park is move-in ready. It has a study and large master suite on the first floor. One bedroom could serve as a media or game room, and there’s a great backyard retreat.
Allie Beth Allman & Associates sells more in Highland Park and University Park than any other brokerage.
Backing up to the Katy Trail, 4800 Abbott Ave. offers exquisite living in Highland Park.
Buyers are still lining up for homes in desirable Highland Park, according to the agents with Allie Beth Allman & Associates, despite headlines warning of a market slowdown.
Explore these residences currently available in Highland Park, and trust the leader to deliver the deal, whether you’re buying or selling.
The four-bedroom home at 4800 Abbott Ave. is an exceptional combination of modern design and exquisite finishes. The meticulously maintained home features wood floors throughout, an acrylic modern staircase and a contemporary, black granite fireplace.
In the heart of Highland Park, 3717 Maplewood Ave. sits on a heavily treed lot on one of the most coveted blocks in the neighborhood. The large windows bring the outdoors inside as the house wraps around an interior courtyard.
The charming 1940s four-bedroom home at 4623 S. Versailles Ave. is being offered by John Canterbury. The property is well-maintained, with an updated kitchen and master bath, and is located on a prime avenue in West Highland Park.
Nearby at 4601 Lorraine Ave., a West Highland Park residence combines the charm of the past with today’s style and conveniences. With repainted exterior wood trim and new gutters, the home sits on a beautifully landscaped lot in a desirable location.
THE PERRY-MILLER STREIFF GROUPMore and more homeowners are finding their favorite time to spend summer in their gardens is after sundown. With the addition of strategic outdoor lighting, gardens transform into additional living spaces, moonlit walking paths, and alfresco dining options.
Richard Lentz, president of Lentz Landscape Light ing, shares a few tips on enhancing your gardens with recreated “moonlight” and other outdoor lighting options. “Many of our customers spend quite a bit of money land scaping their properties with beautiful gardens,” says Lentz. “The problem is that investment literally disap pears after dark,” he adds. With the placement of stra tegic outdoor lighting, homeowners can enjoy the beauty of their garden day and night while adding the benefit of increased security to the entire property.
Here are a few tips on night lighting your gardens from Richard Lentz:
• Use soft perimeter lights along the pathways to cre ate ambiance and provide additional safety lighting
• Use a selection of warm accent lights throughout the garden to highlight artistic features like sculptures, birdbaths, fountains, and special groupings of foliage
• Install dimmable down lights from inside the roof of an arbor, a gazebo, or a pavilion to set the mood for any event.
• Hang strings of white lights or a weatherproof chandelier from a low bough of a large tree and set an outdoor dining table under it for entertaining alfres co-style.
• Likewise, use outdoor lighting around settings of garden furniture to create additional “rooms” within your garden
For more information about landscape lighting for your garden, contact Richard Lentz @ 972-241-4259 or visit lentzlighting.com.
ALLIE BETH ALLMAN URBANSleek design is the hallmark of this new home at 9646 Douglas Ave. in Preston Hollow.
With plenty of big games, cooler temperatures and upcoming holidays to celebrate, there are ample opportunities for hosting at home this autumn.
Available in time for you to make the most of the season, these new Preston Hollow homes from Allie Beth Allman & Associates are great options for discerning buyers.
Indeed, if luxury real estate is your focus, you’re in the right place. Allie Beth Allman & Associates leads in the sale of homes priced at $2 million and higher in Dallas County and $3 million and higher in DFW. Whether you’re buying or selling, you can rely on the firm’s expert agents.
For architecture lovers, the rare opportunity to acquire an estate designed by Bud Oglesby has presented itself at 10573 Inwood Road. Set on nearly two acres, the contemporary residence backs up to a creek surrounded by peaceful greenery.
A gated, new-construction home at 9646 Douglas Ave. welcomes you with seven bedrooms, a media room, a screened patio, a resort-style pool and rooftop decks.
You can also move into 4447 Willow Lane, an inviting home in the coveted private-school corridor. The home boasts large, sun-filled living areas and a spacious backyard with a pizza oven.
4517 Southern is currently being offered for $3,695,000.
4517 Southern is a beautifully transformed Highland Park transitional with pool and within walking distance to Bradfield Elementary and Highland Park Village. Offered for $3,695,000, the home features five bedrooms, five full and one-half baths all in 5,766 square feet.
The gourmet kitchen features double islands and stainless Viking appliance package that opens to the great room with a wall of built-ins, fireplace, and sliding glass doors to the turfed backyard and pool with spraying fountain.
The elegant foyer includes split formals highlighted by custom millwork, limestone fireplace, and pass-through library with bar.
The Primary suite with sitting, also includes a fireplace, and spa-like bath with large his-her closets. All generously sized secondary bedrooms are en-suite.
The home has a two-car garage with room for lifts for a possible four-car garage. A rare offering of space, location and comfort.
Contact Laura Michell (214.228.3854 or laura@ daveperrymiller.com) for more information or to set up a private showing. Visit DPMFineHomes.com to learn more or call 214.799.1488.
Situated in a new gated community in Preston Hollow, this stunning, fully-customized 4414 sf, modern residence offers a rare opportunity for the new owner to choose final cosmetic finishes for this recently completed move-in ready home! The spacious living-dining room features 11 ft ceilings, and floor to ceiling windows. The adjoining dining area boasts a custom wine room, equipped with state-of-the art temperature and lighting controls. The kitchen is equipped with a 48” Wolfe gas cook top – with double wall-ovens in the adjacent prep kitchen. Large covered patio with a wood-burning gas fireplace and electric drop-screens is off the kitchen-dining area, providing the perfect location for outdoor dining or morning coffee. The firstfloor primary suite features a large walk-in closet, custom vanity, abundant storage and custom tiled shower. Three bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms provide space for family or guest stays. Don’t miss this stunning new home!
Allie Beth Allman & Associates agents present three beautiful new listings available this fall.
They say good things come in threes. That’s certainly the case with three homes just listed by Allie Beth Allman & Associates. Together, these properties present the “tri-perfecta” of beautiful homes newly available.
All priced above $6 million, each of these estate homes will appeal to the discerning buyer. If you need the right expertise to guide you in this strong luxury market, whether you’re buying or selling, the boutique firm is always a smart pick.
Completed just this year at 9646 Douglas Ave. in Preston Hollow, the open-plan contemporary is a design lover’s dream. The pool sits in the middle of the home for a five-star hotel aesthetic, while further outdoor spaces include a rooftop deck.
Also in Preston Hollow, 10573 Inwood Road was designed by famed architect Bud Oglesby, built in 1985 and impeccably upgraded for 21st-century living. The home sits on nearly two acres backing onto a creek, creating serenity for anyone lucky enough to live here.
A brick beauty at 4201 Arcady Ave. in Highland Park might be the perfect fit. Enchanting grounds and a courtyard welcome all with effortless elegance. Inside, you will appreciate decadent spaces like the marble foyer and two-story library.
Built by J. Gregory Homes, this soft contemporary at 7531 Kaywood Drive (7531kaywood.dpmre.com) is offered by Alicia Schroeder for $1,425,000.
With four bedrooms and 3.1 baths in 3,851 sq. ft., the 2018 beauty near restaurants, shopping and highway access, complements a variety of lifestyles. Whether entertaining, working from home or hosting out-of-town guests/game day/sleepovers, you’ll find it ideally suited for all of the above.
The bedrooms are split, with a full guest suite on the lower level offering direct access to the backyard and covered patio, which is equipped for year-round enjoyment with a fireplace and mounted TV. The light and bright office is finished with French doors for privacy.
The lower level is complete with fireplace, formals, wet bar, a sizable breakfast room and kitchen, including both a walk-in and a service pantry. In addition to a wellsized media and game room, the primary and remaining bedrooms are upstairs, with the primary overlooking the backyard.
To schedule a showing, contact Schroeder at 214709-0907 or alicia@daveperrymiller.com.
Dave Perry-Miller Real Estate (dpmre.com) is a division of the Ebby Halliday Companies, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, with four locations that specialize in Preston Hollow, Park Cities, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, Uptown, Kessler Park and Farm & Ranch properties.
roof w/
sound throughout. RV parking,