Fan and podcaster Cade Hamner basks in joy of Matthew Stafford’s Highlander Stadium return and Coach Allen’s latest milestone. PAGE 39OCTOBERMAGICSCOTS2022 VOLUME 42 NO. 10 “THE BEST COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER IN TEXAS” PARKCITIESPEOPLE.COM I News 4 Crime 8 Community 10 Senior Living............................ 16 Contents Business 22 Sports 32 Schools 36 Society .................................... 44 Wedding 48 Living 50 Obituary 53 Classifieds 55 NEWS bigprojectsStormwaterpassraintest 4 COMMUNITY Patty Kendrick, at 90, positivechampionsattitudes 12 SOCIETY A turnsGardenWoman’s25 44
- CLICK for available sizes

HEREsizes and options.

2. SPORTS: Friday Night Lights Are Back
5. NEWS: Part of Lakeside Drive Closed For Reconstruction

4. (PHOTO:

1. (PHOTO:


2 October 2022 | Park Cities People is published monthly by CITY NEWSPAPERS LP, an affil iate of D Magazine Partners LP, 750 N. Saint Paul St., Suite 2100, Dallas, TX 75201. Copyright 2021. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission. Submissions to the edi tor may be sent via e-mail to editor@ peoplene Correspon dence must include writer’s name and contact number. Main phone number, 214-739-2244 Publisher: Patricia Martin Park Cities People is printed on recycled paper. Help us show love for the earth by recycling this newspaper and any magazines from the D family to which you subscribe. EDITORIAL Editor William Taylor Deputy Editor Rachel Snyder Deputy Editor Maria Lawson Sports Editor Todd Jorgenson Art & DirectorProduction Melanie Thornton Digital & AssistantProduction Mia Carrera OPERATIONS ManagerDistribution Mike Reinboldt ConsultantDistribution Don Hancock Interns Sabrina Gomez Robert Williams ADVERTISING Senior ExecutiveAccount Kim Hurmis Account Executives Tana EvelynQuitaHunterJohnsonWolff Client Relations & CoordinatorMarketing Maddie Spera Nominate Our Persons of the Year Get your picks for 2022 in by Sept. 29 for a chance to win a $100 gift card from White Rock Coffee! Paige & Curt elliott@daveperrymiller.com214.478.9544Elliott UNDER CONTRACT 3601 Stanford Ave. | 5 Bed · 5.2 Bath | 5,127 SqFt/Appr | Listed for $2,850,000 All first mortgage products are provided by Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC. (877) 275-1762. Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC products may not be available in all areas. Not all borrowers will qualify. Licensed by the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. Licensed by the Delaware State Bank Commissioner. Massachusetts Mortgage Lender License ML75164. Licensed by the NJ Department of Banking and Insurance. Also licensed in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NC, ND, NH, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV and WY. NMLS #75164 (NMLS Consumer Access at ©2022 Prosperity Home Mortgage, LLC. All Rights Reserved. (08/22) #MC221211 Expires 02/2023 Leslie Wertz Mortgage Consultant NMLSR: 716931 (281) Leslie.Wertz@phmloans.com728-6026 Buying a Home? Contact us! Michael Fahey Mortgage Consultant NMLSR: 6336 (214) Michael.Fahey@phmloans.com893-3819

3. 5. 2. (PHOTO:

A crowd of 300 gathered on Sept. 1 at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library to launch Big D Reads, a volunteer-led community book club initiative in partnership with Communities Foundation of Texas, nonprofit publisher Deep Vellum, D Maga zine Partners, and 50+ others. Big D Reads printed 30,000 copies of The Accommodation by Jim Schutze, which tells the mid-century history of Dallas, cen tered on the civic response to the bombing of Black residents’ homes in South Dallas.
4. COMMUNITY: Big D Reads

1. REAL ESTATE: UP City Council OKs New, Smaller Snider Plaza Building Plan

The town of Highland Park’s Lakeside Drive re construction project, anticipated to wrap up in late spring 2023, includes work on wastewater pipeline and roadway improvements from Armstrong Ave nue to Beverly Drive and landscape improvements to Lakeside Park. RACHEL SNYDER)

The University Park City Council greenlit plans for a smaller building proposed for the southeast corner of Snider Plaza, where Peggy Sue BBQ used to be. The new plan calls for a two-story building instead of three and nine new surface parking spaces behind the building instead of an underground parking garage.
Football is back. Make sure to check peoplenews for game photo galleries and to follow the action.

3. SCHOOLS: HPISD Launches ELA Website

Highland Park ISD set up an English Language Arts (ELA) website to give parents an overview of what students in grades K-8 will learn in each nineweek grading period.

(PHOTO: RACHEL SNYDER) CHRIS MCGATHEY) | October 2022 3 8,000+ sq. ft. at Cedar Creek Lake | $6,997,000 Harper Farris Group 214.697.4019 The Ebby Halliday Companies are proud to be the luxury market leader in not just a single area, but in all of North Texas. A sound luxury marketing plan requires knowing your buyers, and we know them better than any other broker in North Texas. How may we assist you? The Luxury Market Leader Across All of North Texas 1 Lakeside Park | $3,550,000 Joe Kobell | 214.802.4433 4336 Taos Road | $2,400,000 Nicole Womack & Kay Weeks | 214.629.4325 6035 Meadowcrest Drive | $1,675,000 Sherri Courie 469.867.6337 17702 Hillcrest Road | $1,300,000 Kathy Keys 972.400.1417 17202 Meadow Tree Circle | $1,195,000 Ada Rosa McNeff | 214.801.7878 3435 Mockingbird Lane | SOLD Mary Poss 214.738.0777 5114 Junius Street | $1,050,000 Mary Poss | 214.738.0777 3826 Cabana Lane | $859,000 Don Thomas 214.641.7001 EBBY’S LITTLE WHITE HOUSE | 214.210.1500 EBBY PRESTON CENTER | 214.692.0000 EBBY LAKEWOOD / LAKE HIGHLANDS | 214.826.0316

In Highland Park, town administrator Bill Lindley expects to have in place by ear ly 2023 a Master Drainage Plan that would “identity, model, and prioritize proposed stormwater capital projects that will be in corporated into the Town’s 10-year Capital Improvement Plan.”
Before and after: Photographs near Caruth Park show how rising waters that reached homeowners’ yards in previous storms did not during a record deluge in August. (PHOTOS: COURTESY CITY OF UNIVERSITY PARK)
Removing and replacing pipe along South western Boulevard and Hillcrest Road;
Then, in April, the second phase of a multiyear project to improve the city’s stormwater system and reduce runoff in neighborhoods near Caruth Park was finished.
The weather is cooling... but not this market!
By Rachel Snyder

ark Cities leaders say recent stormwa ter projects helped stave off some of the worst runoff effects – even after re cent record rainfall.
Constructing an inlet to channel runoff to the underground detention structure in CaruthAddingPark;a connection to the outlet on Hill crest;Additional improvements to the storm water system involving infrastructure under nearby sections of Colgate Avenue, Marquette Street, and Airline Road are expected to begin construction in 2023.
system and detention holding tanks, dramat ically reducing the impact to campus streets and walkways during periods of high rainfall,” spokeswoman Nancy George said.
A late-in-the-month deluge made this August the wettest on record in Dallas-Fort Worth, breaking the previous record of 10.33 inches set in 1915, according to the National Weather Service office in Fort Worth. Dallas received anywhere from 1 inch of rain to nearly 13 inches within 12 hours between Aug. 21 and 22 alone.
University Park installed an underground detention structure in late 2020 to detain about 11 acre-feet of water under the field on the east side of Caruth Park. That equates to just over 3.5 million gallons.
Turtle Creek Association CEO J.D. True blood said the August storm demonstrated the challenges of caring for an important commu nity“Parkcorridor.benches are full of trash and debris from being covered up during the stormwater surge,” Trueblood said. “All of this provides additional evidence the creek needs [to be] dredged and banks [need to be] stabilized.”
WHAT A DIFFERENCE UNDERGROUND DETENTION MAKES City leaders pleased with how stormwater projects reduced flooding

The project involved:
The Turtle Creek corridor needed cleaning up after parts of Dallas received up to 13 inches within 12 hours between Aug. 21 and 22.

Each person said they suffered flooding in past storms that were far less intense. All reported they experienced no high-water issues during this unprecedented rain event.

flooding in the 7700-7900 blocks of Hillcrest. Importantly too, we received no reports of wa ter damage to the properties that back up to the Caruth Park pond in the 3400 block of Southwestern,” Steve Mace, the city’s market ing and communication director, said. “Since (the morning of Aug. 22), the city has received comments from several residents in these loca tions. Each person said they suffered flooding in past storms that were far less intense. All re ported they experienced no high-water issues during this unprecedented rain event.”

Steve Mace
4 October 2022 |

“Street flooding was contained within the curbs in the 3200-3300 blocks of Caruth, Col gate, and Marquette, and there was no street
The city, though, did have street flooding in locations outside the project area, including Turtle Creek and Purdue/Stanford, Lovers/ Westchester, and Amherst/Durham.
SMU also has improved its stormwater in frastructure.“Overthe last four years, the university has invested in an enhanced subsurface drainage | October 2022 5 BEDROOMS | 5.2 BATHS | 3 LIVING AREAS | 6,786 SQ.FT. PRESTON HOLLOW 5980 Melshire Drive Spectacular smart home in Melshire Estates with wine room, elevator, tornado safe room, generator, 3-car garage and 4 extra covered spaces. Offered for $4,250,000. Listed by Dixey Arterburn darterburn@dpmre.com214.232.5054 Janna Schick janna@dpmre.com214.354.2115 Listed by 2 BEDROOMS | 2.1 BATHS | 4-CAR | MEDIA | STUDY | 4,620 SQ.FT. OAK LAWN/TURTLE CREEK The Mayfair #1403 This stunning double unit has two primary suites and expansive views of Turtle Creek Park and the Downtown Dallas skyline. Offered for $2,195,000.Sharon3401lee1403.daveperrymiller.comS.Quist sharonquist@dpmre.com214.695.9595 Listed by 4 BEDROOMS | 2.1 BATHS | 1 LIVING AREA | 3,456 SQ.FT. LOVERS LANE HEIGHTS 7219 Robin Road This beautifully-appointed, traditional home enjoys easy access to amazing markets, restaurants and retail shopping. Offered for $1,179,000. Robb Puckett robb@dpmre.com214.403.0098 Price and availability subject to change. Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. | An Ebby Halliday Company What’s your definition of luxury? The idea of sumptuous living varies from person to person, and even within our own lifetime as our tastes evolve and needs change. When you discover what it means to you, we’ll be here to help you bring it to life. LUXURY IS RELATIVE 3 BEDROOMS | 1.1 BATHS | 1 LIVING AREA | 1,992 SQ.FT. UNIVERSITY PARK 3904 Lovers Lane Fantastic renovation or new-build opportunity with HPISD schools. This 90 x 140 lot offers convenient access to some of University Park’s best amenities. Offered for $1,395,000. Listed by Ged Dipprey ged@dpmre.com214.924.3112 Sandra Bussey sandrabussey@dpmre.com469.835.6502

6 October 2022 |
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Aug. 20
Aug. 11
Sept. 1
A burglar broke into a BMW 750 parked outside the Hillstone restaurant in the 8300 block of Preston Road and took a briefcase, a Lenovo laptop, and a $450 Montblanc pen from inside at 9 p.m.
How easy was it for a burglar to get into a home in the 4200 block of Bryn Mawr Drive before 7 a.m. and take a $1,800 Celine tote bag, an $800 wallet, and $400 in cash? The burglar got in through an unlocked door.
A sneaky stealer took a Kate Spade bag, water bottle, and Bible from a Ford F150 and Hyundai Tucson parked outside Cafe Brazil in the 6400 block of North Central Expressway
Aug. 8
Aug. 13

Sept. 2
8 October 2022 |
For More Crimes
Slow down! A careless driver hit a speed limit sign in the 4500 block of Mockingbird Lane then continued on at 9:05 p.m.
Aug. 31
Reported at 3:05 p.m.: a sneaky shoplift er made off with a pair of dresses from The Conservatory in Highland Park Village by hiding them in a shopping bag and leaving the store with them.

Aug. 15
How easy was it for a crook to take var ious cards and more from a Tesla parked in the 4300 block of Lovers Lane before 1:50 p.m.? The Tesla was left unlocked.
SKULDUGGERY of the MONTH: COFFEE CRASH nearinBenzadriverrecklesshitMercedesparkedaspacetheStarbucks
A stealer snatched two instruments and various sports equipment from a Dodge Ram in the 3600 block of Amherst Street at 6 a.m.
A crook broke into a Porsche Macan parked at a restaurant in the 6600 block of Hillcrest Avenue via the back seat passen ger window and took a Louis Vuitton bag at 8:45 p.m.

at Highland Park Village while parking in an adjacent spot, went inside the coffee shop to pick up a drink, then got back in an SUV and drove away at 7:45 p.m. Aug. 9.
A stealer snatched a wallet, $300 in mixed currencies, a credit card, ID card, and library card from a GMC in the 3900 block of Shenandoah Avenue before 4:12 p.m.
Aug. 18
Intruders got into a home in the 4200 block of Livingston Avenue before 6:30 p.m. and made off with thousands of dol lars worth of jewelry and a Fossil wrist watch by claiming to be workers there to trim trees or work on plumbing issues.
Aug. 21
THORNTON)MELANIEILLUSTRATION:PIXABAY.COM,(PHOTOS: Park Cities Crime Stats 1510052025303540 Jun22Jul21 Aug21 Sep21 Oct21 Nov21 Dec22 Jan22 Feb22 Mar22 Apr22 May22 Jul22 Property crimes include burglaries, thefts, and vehicle thefts. Violent crimes include assaults and robberies. (Sources: Highland Park Department of Public Safety, University Park Police Department, Illustration: Robert Williams and Melanie Thornton) University Park: Violent University Park: Property Highland Park: Violent Highland Park: Property Park Cities Crime Reports Aug. 8 - Sept. 4
Reported at 7:47 a.m.: a crook got into a Ford F150 parked on the west side of Mi Cocina in Highland Park Village and took an iPad and a MacBook from inside.
Reported at 2:31 p.m.: a jerk took a knap sack, a MacBook Pro, lipstick, and even a Bi ble from a Jeep Cherokee in the 4000 block of Northwest Parkway
Aug. 28
Sept. 3
3204 AMHERST - OFF MARKET COURTNEY JUBINSKY :: 214.684.2575, Represented the Buyer 6923 FOREST COVE - LISTED FOR $1,925,000 LAURA MICHELLE :: 214.228.3854 4240 GLENWOOD - LISTED FOR $1,995,000 RYAN STREIFF :: 469.371.3008 5331 W. MOCKINGBIRD - LISTED FOR $949,000 KAREN FRY :: 214.288.1391 4502 ABBOTT #106 - LISTED FOR $1,995,000 RYAN STREIFF :: 469.371.3008 + KAREN FRY :: 214.288.1391 4115 CARUTH - LISTED FOR $1,950,000 COURTNEY JUBINSKY :: 214.684.2575 • 214.799.1488 10001 GAYWOOD - LISTED FOR $3,595,000 RYAN STREIFF :: 469.371.3008 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD | October 2022 9

Dallas dealership showcases rare private collection of classic Fords

existed.“You can’t take it (the entire collection) in until you see it in person,” Garcia said. “We are just excited to host it and be a part of it.”
small Texas town of 600 people called Leakey.
Luckily, Planet Lincoln has a multilevel parking garage. Most of the cars were dis played there. Three of the more immaculate vehicles were on display in the showroom.
massive collection of classic cars spanning decades made a brief but impressive appearance at Planet Lincoln Dallas Love Field before heading to auction.Planet Lincoln part nered with Texas Collector Car Storage and Club and Mecum Auto Auctions to show off what they dubbed “Miles of Motors.”
The cars themselves range from whol ly restored, in the process of restoration, to those in their original forms — exactly how Butler purchased them.
Butler’s collection included rare automo biles, custom hot rods by master builder Jerry Kugel, vintage Woodies, legendary cars made
Butler kept these vehicles in storage in a
Just the sheer slice of time this collection spans is Kalebimpressive.Garcia
Community 10 October 2022 |
The “Miles of Motors” display at Planet Lincoln Dallas Love Field, including a VIP “Classic Car Soiree” on Sept. 1, served as a fundraiser for the Mark Cuban Suit Up Experience. (PHOTOS: CHRIS MCGATHEY AND COURTESY OF PLANET LINCOLN DALLAS LOVE FIELD)
“Believe it or not, he purchased a majority of the vehicles in his col lection from private sell ers,” said Texas Collec tor Car and Storage and Club owner Tim Noe, who was on hand in late August to give guests the background on each vehicle.
By Chris McGathey Special Contributor
The vehicles, once owned by the late collec tor and fellow Texan Rhett Butler, included the world’s largest private collection of Fords with mod els from the 1920s through the decades, from Lincoln Zephyrs to Ford Roadsters.

“I think his plan was to restore all of them back to their original state, and most of them are,” Noe said. “They really are works of Planetart.”Lincoln Dallas Love Field Manag ing Partner Kaleb Garcia said the true beauty of the collection must be seen in person.
“When the idea of hosting these first came to me conceptually, I said, ‘Yes, this going to be great,’” Garcia said. “But then I realized there are more than 200 cars in this collection. Just the sheer slice of time this collection spans is impressive.”
Butler, who died in 2021, found success ranching in Paraguay and, over the years, amassed a beloved collection of nearly 230 cars — largely old Fords — with his favorite being the years of 1933 and 1934, particu larly three-window coupes.
by Graham-Paige and Marmon, plus Mus tangs, Thunderbirds, and early models from Chrysler, Buick, and Cadillac.
The cars were scheduled for auction in September at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas to be conduct ed by AccordingMecum. to those close to him, But ler’s collection was his pride and joy, one of the things he loved most. He entrusted numerous talented individuals to help care for and ensure that his magnificent acqui sitions were ready for his enjoyment. Con sidered a humble and private man, Butler was uninterested in flaunting his vehicles – his love and appreciation for the histor ic cars was the sole reason his collection
I love their Patagonia parkas, but what I really adore are the ca sual

“Kyle’s Team found the perfect buyer for our home - we are so pleased!“ -Seller, 5335 Meaders PRESTONHOLLOWESTATESOLD 3505 Turtle Creek Blvd #3F | 1 Bed, 1.5 Bath | 1,148 SqFt. O ered for $850,000 ANI NOSNIK 3831 Turtle Creek Blvd #4H | 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,581 SqFt. O ered for $750,000 ANI NOSNIK & KYLE CREWS 339 Town East Blvd. | 8 Bed | 8 Bath | 8,003 SqFt. O ered for $3,295,000 MARY ALICE GARRISON FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Not intended as solicitation of properties currently listed with another broker. Information contained herein is believed to be correct but not guaranteed. O ering made subject to errors, omissions, change of price, prior sale or withdrawal without notice. | October 2022 11

No, my legs are not as svelte as they once were, and my cleavage is not as close to my ears as it was in the ‘80s, but I liked the way I looked.
chase put me at a crossroads. While standing at home in front of my full-length mirror, I imme diately noticed the new fit and flare was shorter than it looked when I slipped it on at the Lovers and Inwood boutique.

Recently, I went shopping at one of my favorite retailers, St. Bernard.It’sa Dallas mainstay for win terwear appropriate for any locale from Breckenridge to St. Moritz.

At that moment, I felt singled out as a woman and because I’m old enough to have had a crush on Greg from The Brady Bunch.
If my husband doesn’t feel pres sure to change his wardrobe as he ages, then why should I? My attire desires ignited my inner Muham mad Ali. I was suddenly fashion “woke.”Iwent through my closet. I pulled my “youngest clothes” and began trying them on. Other than a few pieces that were too snug — thank you, Father Time — the young clothes looked pretty good on this old woman.
As a woman past her “sell by date,” I had to return it. Right? How could I ignore the social con ventions assigned to women of a “certain age”? You know, the im plicit North Dallas “No Nos” like no dresses more than two inches above the knee, no locks longer than my neck, and no shorts above myOverthighs.the years, I’ve heeded other fashion customs forbidding white shoes after Labor Day or before Memorial Day. But those rules apply to everyone.
Michele Valdez, a slightly com pulsive, mildly angry feminist, hasbeen attorney, and volunteer, has four demanding adult children and a pa tient husband.

On Tom Ford’s life, I swore from the black bootie section of my closet that going forward, when it comes to clothing, I am firmlyForpro-choice.dinnerout that evening in mid-September, I straightened my hair to hang past my shoulders (until the humidity got the best of it), strapped on a pair of white Jim my Choo sandals, and swept off in my new short and sassy dress. And, when I went to bed, I said a prayer to St. Bernard.
Rules to Ignore

After graduating in 1948, she attended SMU and pledged Tri Delta. “Iwas going to save the world, so I studied sociology,” she said. “I love SMU. I still go to all the games.”

“It was wonderful,” Patty said. Her family had moved from Houston to Potomac Avenue when she was a little girl; she re members walking to Armstrong Elementary School.
Amazing Grace, leaving not a dry eye in the crowd.
She met her husband, Bill, at SMU. They married a week af ter graduation, and he started his career as a mechanical engineer. Called into the Air Force, Bill moved with his young wife to Al buquerque, where he worked in
“At that time, it was a little town of 74,000,” Patty said.
“My life has been a gift,” she concluded while talking about what brings happiness: “a positive attitude of looking for the best in anything or anybody — things that are productive and helpful to you and make you smile.”
After stints in several cities, the family returned to North Texas, moving to Plano in 1976.
No stranger to sports, Patty played basketball and varsity ten nis at Highland Park High School.
special weapons. Civilian life re turned two years later, with Bill working for Exxon Mobil in South Texas and Patty giving birth to two sons in King County Hospital.
Honoring her Park Cities roots, the bagpipers and Lads & Lassies performed, and August Ryan led a rendition of the Highland Park High School alma mater, with Patty singing all the words some 74 years after graduating.
“I loved it,” she recalled. “You were exempt from exams if you had an A average.”
Eventually, Patty landed back in the Park Cities in a home con structed on the plot of her parents’ old family house.

recalling 62 years of marriage with Bill, who died in 2016. “He was a Thesweetheart.”secretto longevity and happiness?“Having a good, stable life with a good faith stands you through a lot of bumps and grinds in life,” she said.
She also knows about service.
Patty Kendrick loves SMU, the Park Cities, and “looking for the best in anything or anybody.” She drew a large crowd in April as neighbors surprised her with a birthday celebration. (PHOTOS: COURTESY HIGHLAND PARK HIGH SCHOOL)
The gathered students, friends, and neighbors then sang Happy Birthday, and the bagpipers played
Her father, “Matty” Bell, a coaching legend, led the SMU Mustangs from 1935 to 1941 and 1945-49 and was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a coach in 1955.
Patty Kendrick enjoys talking about the commotion she noticed outside her University Park home on April “They2.had arranged a display that read, ‘Happy 90th Mz. Patty,’” she explained. “Before I knew it, I had a whole party in my front yard!”

“We had a good life,” she said,

Having a good, stable life with a good faith stands you through a lot of bumps and grinds in life.
12 October 2022 |
By Josh Hickman People Newspapers
“I’ve been president of every thing I’ve ever belonged to,” she said, chuckling, “and that’s good. You’ve got to get involved.”
Nine Decades of Smiles
“I’veGrinds?gone through cancer,” Patty said. “It was scary.”
90-year-old Park Cities stalwart offers life lessons in happiness
Patty Kendrick | October 2022 13 © 2022 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 4514 TRAVIS STREET, SUITE 212 DALLAS, TEXAS 75205. 469.273.1431 Dallas real estate has a new home. Dallas | Austin | Houston | Aspen | Beverly Hills

Try GameofThrones-themed food and beverages, sit on the Iron Throne, and enjoy other fantasy décor at The Whippersnapper. (PHOTOS: JEFFREY WATKINS)

Designing homes for families that allow them to live their best lives is a privilege for our firm. We take pride in the creation of wonderful places to thrive and grow in the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. WWW.MMDARCHITECTS.COM 214.969.5440

The burger was delicious. However, while the concept for the drink was clever (it had two blue jellybeans in it as a nod to the icy blue eyes of the White Walkers in
Everything else fell short, too.
At ‘Whipperfell’ in Knox Henderson, Sitting on the Iron Throne a Must

the show), I expected it to be more flavorful or at least more appealing in its presenta tion. It seemed just poured into a cup, like something at Cicis Pizza.
I made the journey to Whipperfell on opening night, and immediately upon en tering, I saw the famous Iron Throne (just a replica, of course). This was the coolest part of the pop-up, and everyone else seemed to agree. People were taking numerous pic tures, posing regally on the iconic piece from the show, and you bet I did, too, once it was my turn.
For its latest transformation – which followed the premiere of HBO’s new pre quel series House of the Dragon – the bar is temporarily calling itself “Whipperfell.”
Winter, unfortu nately, is not coming (at least not anytime soon), but the Game of Thrones (GOT) pop-up bar at hereWhippersnapperTheisthroughOct.15.
After snapping my pictures, I headed to the bar, where the menu was full of Game of Thrones-inspired fare. I ordered a Dothraki Burger and a White Walker from the cock tail menu, served by bartenders dressed as The Night’s Watch, which was a nice touch.
The Knox-Henderson bar is doing a pop-up series of sorts and has so far had pop-ups inspired by Friends, Family Guy , and The Office.
Basically, it felt like King Joffrey decorated the bar rather than Tyrion, whom we all know would be the one more up to the task.
Don’t get me wrong; you can still have fun at the Whipperfell. Order some good food, see if you can pick out a better drink than I did, mingle with other fans of the show, and, of course, take a photo on the IronBut,Throne.ifyou’re wondering if your expec tations will be exceeded by the pop-up, my answer is: “Not today.”
14 October 2022 | Girl Scouts follow their own convictions, take the lead in their own stories, and explore all the extraordinary things they're capable of. For more information visit gsnetx.orgInvestinagirl-ledfuture.Help give them the tools they need to succeed! • Donate • Host job shadowing • Become a mentor • Join a committee • Attend the Women of Distinction Luncheon
Basically,underneath.itfeltlike King Joffrey decorat ed the bar rather than Tyrion, whom we all know would be the one more up to the task.
The decor left much to be desired. The quality of the Game of Thrones pictures, memorabilia, and merch spread through out could’ve been amped up a little more. A fair amount of the decorations were just pictures of GOT characters with some quotes
The Market
for Preservation Park Cities, which seeks to preserve and promote the history, archi tecture, aesthetics, and cultural traditions of the Park Cities.
When it comes to landmarks in the Park Cities, Highland Park Village is likely top of mind, so it makes sense that it will be the focus of Preservation Park Cities’ upcoming Distinguished Speaker Luncheon.Highland Park Village president Ray Washburne, who spoke about the origin of the pop ular shopping center at Preser vation Park Cit ies’ first Distin guished Speaker luncheon in 2012, will return to key note this year’s event – set for 11:30 a.m. Oct. 17 at the Dallas CountryWashburneClub. and his wife, Heather, and Stephen and Elisa Summers bought the historic, landmark shopping cen ter in 2009. Since then, notable projects around the Village have included reno vating Building 100 on Preston Road in early 2019. The exterior was drastically modified to reflect the rest of Highland Park Village’s architectural style. Aesthet ic touches incorporated into the building, constructed in 1965, included Spanish tile, wooden balconies, and other façade de tails. Along with newly installed fountains at the entrances along Preston Road, an | October 2022 15 Carol Ann Zelley 214.668.0503 |
“Highland Park Village is such a trea sure in the Park Cities and a destination for not only residents but to visitors from all over the world,” said Tish Key, who’s co-chairing this year’s luncheon with Alisa Sell. “The Washburnes and the Summers have been renovating and upgrading the Village over the years, making it one of the premier shop ping destinations in the United States. Attendees will hear the his tory of the village and a largestLuncheonguisheditjourneyillustrationwonderfulofthetomakethat.”TheDistinSpeakeristhefundraiser
What: Preservation Park Cities’ upcoming Distinguished Speaker Luncheon

FROM LEFT: Tish Key and Alisa Sell are the chairs for this year’s Preservation Park Cities Distinguished Speaker Luncheon, which will focus on the historic Highland Park Village shopping center with co-owner Ray Washburne as keynote speaker. (PHOTOS: COURTESY PRESERVATION PARK CITIES, SHARON ADAMS, AND HIGHLAND PARK VILLAGE)

Tish Key
When: 11:30 a.m. Oct. 17
All About Highland Park Village Ray Washburne to give keynote address during Preservation Park Cities Luncheon

Tickets: $150 or more
By Rachel Snyder

Highland Park Village is such a treasure in the Park Cities and a destination for not only residents but to visitors from all over the world.
Where: Dallas Country Club
READY TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR MOVE Sold in Highland Park 3645 Mockingbird Lane | Listed for $1,890,000 Sold in University Park 3532 McFarlin Boulevard | Listed for $3,300,000 Sold in Preston Hollow 5924 Waggoner Drive | Listed for $2,495,000 | Represented Buyer

extensive resurfacing project to fully brick the parking lot is underway.
with classes ranging from house plant basics to senior fraud to UV safety.
Stephanie Reinke
CC Young residents and others in Dallas can take a variety of courses, including “Rise and Fall of the Republic of Texas,” “Opera Basics: Its Components,” and “Works of Toni Morrison,” without the stress of home work, tests, grades, or the pursuit of a degree.
“As you move forward in time, the nature of the experiences is different,” Will said, “and we want to be sure that we don’t lose the stories that go with these incred ibleLorenaimages.”Grimes, director of com munications, interviews the veter ans. She first asks what branch of service they were in and the highest rank they received. She then asks them to tell their story “however they want to share it with me.”
Howard Greenlee, a Navy vet eran who joined in 1954 and now lives at Belmont Village Senior Living Turtle Creek, stood in front of the white sheet as Thomas Sand ers takes his picture.

conversation,” Grimes said.
Kate Marshall, the memory programs coordinator at Belmont, served as a military police officer and later in the reserves. Marshall can connect with residents about their time in the military, adding that she always introduces herself to new residents who are veterans.
Everleigh Forestwood is focusing on physical wellbeing. In addition to art and cooking classes, group therapy, and talks about the aging brain, Everleigh puts on daily fitness classes, including Zumba, aqua cardio, and LifestyleSilverSneakers.CoordinatorKailee Dougherty said these classes foster “a sense of commu nity.” For Dougherty, lifelong learning cre ates the opportunity to try different activ ities.“Even if they’re not learning something educational per se,” Dougherty said, “they’re still learning something or doing something different, which I think is actually really healthy for an older person to not be stuck in the same habits every single day.”
By Caroline Neal Special Contributor
Jennifer Griffin, vice president of en gagement at CC Young, said the courses will foster “interest” and “mental and emotional stimulation.”Reinkehopes the courses inspire resi dents to learn, form connections, and discuss common interests.
superimpose one into the back ground.“My goal is just to capture as much personality as I can,” Sand ers said.
16 October 2022 |
For the project, Sanders also photographs Belmont staff mem bers who are veterans. Will said this “creates a certain unique camarade rie between those team members who served in the military and res idents who served in the military.”
“It’s kind of like a second family you become with the OLLI members,” Rein ke said. “You have that shared passion for
Marshall believes this project allows people to “understand the sacrifices that they and their fam ilies
Patricia Will, founder and CEO of Belmont Village, said this project was started to highlight the impor tance of veterans and their stories.
Recognizingmade.” that some veter ans may not have told their story in the past, Sanders sees this proj ect as an opportunity to “preserve history.”“It’simportant to honor them and interview them and give them the opportunity to tell their story,” Sanders said.
To reduce cognitive decline and increase social engagement amongst their residents, such Dallas retirement communities as CC Young, Juniper Village at Preston Hollow, The Preston of the Park Cities, and Ever leigh Forestwood prioritize lifelong learn ing.CC Young and the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of North Texas recently entered a three-year partnership and began offering OLLI class es at CC Young.
Michelle Wingfield, executive director of Juniper Village, said Juniper University helps residents to continue growing as individuals
“Programs that focus on enhancing the mind, body, and spirit are not unusual in senior living communities,” Ke’o Velasquez said. The former executive director of The Preston of the Park Cities recently left to join Forefront Living.

hildren in Texas are not the only ones taking new classes this fall. Their grandparents and great-grandparents are joining in the fun.
learning, and they become great friends doingOtherit.” communities have developed edu cational and enrichment programs. Juniper Village at Preston Hollow has Juniper Uni versity, and The Preston of the Park Cities, a Watermark Retirement Communities-man aged property, has Watermark University.
Filmmaker Miles Hargrove talks to residents at The Preston of the Park Cities in 2021 about his first documentary, MiracleFishing.(PHOTO: COURTESY THE PRESTON OF THE PARK CITIES) Classes from Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of North Texas cover a wide range of topics including playing the organ. (PHOTO: COURTESY OLLI AT UNT)
Sanders, photographer and au thor of The Last Good War: The Fac es and Voices of World War II, travels to Belmont Village Senior Living communities taking pictures of vet erans –– both residents and staff members –– for Belmont’s Amer ican Heroes Portraits of Service project.Begun in 2008, the project orig inally focused on World War II veterans. Today, the project also includes those who served in the Vietnam War and the Korean War.
Sanders, whose grandfather is a World War II veteran, starts by photographing the veterans against a white background. Then, in post
By Caroline Neal Special Contributor
Belmont Village, Photographer Honor Veterans, Preserve Stories
In addition to the photographs, Belmont includes descriptions of the veterans’ experiences.
“We are happy to bring what is a very established lifelong learning program over to a new group of residents who are ready and open for it,” said OLLI’s senior director Stephanie Reinke.
production, he replaces the white backdrop with “images from their warIfexperience.”theveterans have photos of themselves from their service, he’ll
You have that shared passion for learning, and they become great friends doing it.
Participation was slow at the begin ning, but the educational talks and activities soon grew in popularity, she said. “Word of mouth got a hold of it, and people got excit ed about it.”
“One of the things that we all realize as a society now is that we ought to be spending every part of everyday honoring the men and women who serve us so selflessly in the armed forces,” Will said, “and we also need to be capturing the stories of their service.”
“We kind of leave it as an open
Thomas Sanders photographs Howard Greenlee. (PHOTO: CAROLINE NEAL)
SCHOOLING DOESN’T END AT RETIREMENT Communities provide residents with lifelong learning opportunities
“Look at me for a few more,” Sanders said. “That’s good.”

A life well lived is made of moments. And what we make of them.
Drew Pearson, Pro Football Hall of Fame, Ventana Ambassador Come see the opportunities for your future and what you might make of them. Schedule a personalized visit by calling 844.725.0112

8301 N. Central Expy | Dallas, TX 75225 | Independent Living | Assisted Living | Memory Care | Long-Term Care | Outpatient Services & Rehabilitation | October 2022 17
“I think those who have chosen Ventana believe in the value of moments in life. They saw the window of opportunity and made their move. They embraced all the possibilities their futures could hold. And now I see them enjoying that decision every day.”
Initially, the Kolbs had no plans to continue with the events. Still, now the organiza tion travels to various memo ry care facilities throughout the area, organizes family photo ses sions, and even publishes its de mentia-friendly magazine.
Songs & Smiles, founded in 2017, aims to strengthen fami ly connections during the diffi cult Alzheimer’s journey. To do so, the organization leads sing alongs at memory care facilities, acknowledging the tremendous power of music to bring people together and spark recognition among dementia patients.

“It was really hard for Sher yl to visit her mom or to have a normal conversation,” Eric said. “But if there was music playing or someone singing, it became an easy visit. We want other families to have easy visits too.”
“Eighty percent of people with dementia are not living in facilities; they’re with somebody at home,” Kolb said. “This AFA grant will help us reach those people.”
By Maddie Stout People Newspapers
In addition, Dr. Wasserman uses her expertise to treat common foot problems like warts, ingrown toenails, and toenail fungus. For the first time, her mobile practice allows her to serve those who may have difficulty coming to an office.
Sheryl and Eric Kolb first had the idea for Songs & Smiles while caring for family mem bers who had dementia, namely Sheryl’s grandmother Olive and mother Trish.
Lyrics floated through the air, voices joined in harmony, and laughter echoed around the room.
2. Have A Healthcare Provider Check Your Blood Pressure Comparing Sitting & Standing. Abnormal changes in blood pressure can cause dizziness and increase fall risk. This is a simple and important test your healthcare provider can do.
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featuring familiar songs such as Take Me Out to the Ball Game and You Are My Sunshine Eric, who has been singing since he was a child and used to sing the National Anthem at Texas Rangers games, broadcasts the words on a screen for resi dents and visitors to join in the singing.“Putting the lyrics up adds an extra layer of connection,” Eric said. “It gives everyone a deeper
18 October 2022 | $150.00* • Toenails cut • Callouses reduced • Help with painful feet * NO insurance accepted. Karen Wasserman, DPM 35 years experience Covid vaccinated & 2x boostered
1. Stand Up & Down From A Chair As Many Times As You Can In A Row EVERY DAY. This is where if you don’t use it you lose it. Even better, stand up fast and sit down slow. Standing up fast will add power into your legs. Sitting down slowly will help prevent you from just plopping into chairs and really improve leg strength.
“Eric’s main thrust was not to cure Alzheimer’s but to help the people who take care of those with Alzheimer’s have some re lief and some method of dealing with their stress,” Ponder said.
The scene exudes joy, though the location could be a bit sur prising: a memory care facility.
Are you finding it more and more diffi cult to just stand up out of a chair because of strength, feeling dizzy once you stand up, or can’t get going because your joints feel achy? Are you looking for something simple to solve thisHere’sproblem?AFew
Visit singalong.recordingsingalongs-library/
A skilled podiatrist, Dr. Wasserman offers treatments for many foot and ankle problems. She works with her patients to find long-lasting solutions for their chronic pain.

If you have any questions, I am happy to discuss these tips further. You can contact me directly at 214-712-8242 Or...
Songs & Smiles Delivers Joy to Memory Care Patients, Caregivers Music bridges communication divides, sparks recognition in those with dementia
level of competence and comfort to sing Rosaalong.”Yurko, life enrichment director of Iris Memory Care of Turtle Creek, appreciates Songs & Smiles for the joy it brings residents.“Ourresidents love the pro gram,” Yurko said. “Eric is so present with them and just so charismatic.”Recently,Songs & Smiles re ceived a $6,000 bi-annual grant from the Alzheimer’s Founda tion of America. The organization plans to use the money to bolster its in-person singalong program, replace old equipment, and plan community events to reach be yond memory care communities.
Call: (214) 712-8242 (Leave a Message 24/7) &
Still, this is the norm for one of these events – a Songs & Smiles singalong, led by director of songs Eric Kolb.
involved with the organization through his friendship with the Kolb family. He admires the orga nization for not only helping pa tients but their caregivers as well.
John Ponder, executive director of Songs & Smiles, first became

Visit to learn more about Songs & Smiles or to attend an event.
A typical Songs & Smiles singalong lasts around an hour,
lubrication. This is a way to feel less achiness when we stand up and walk.
The first Songs & Smiles event occurred at a birthday par ty for Trish in 2017.
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Eric Kolb sings to a group of residents. (PHOTO: BRAD NEWTON)
With the 2022 show in the books, Yu has begun brain storming and scouting talent for nextWhenyear. residents or staff mem bers cross Yu’s path, she imagines them in her next production.
As a child in Taiwan, Teresa Yu set up a unique barter system.
By Karen Chaney Special Contributor
She branched into stage di rection, tweaked the the Chinese translation of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, and asked her grammar school classmates to read her rewrites.
“I’d hear popular songs on the radio, and I’d tell friends to sing parts, and if they followed my commands, they got candy,” the amateur talent scout recalled.
Richardson, Yu moved there in Au gust 2018 but soon noticed a void.
When people seemed un sure about their talents being stage-worthy, Yu rebutted, “Don’t worry about it. Since we don’t charge people, they can’t ask for their money back.”
Yu said that although she is getting older by the minute, the show must go on. “I thought, ‘I’m 80; I’m too old to do this,’ but I really cannot stop myself.”
Gena Gray belly dances during the 2022 Edgemere Follies. (PHOTO: COURTESY EDGEMERE) Teresa Yu is the director and producer of Edgemere Follies, an annual variety show that features residents and team members at the senior living community. (PHOTO: KAREN CHANEY) | October 2022 19
the pandemic prompted a pivot to video.By2021, the show was live again, and Yu invited Edgemere team members to perform, too.
At 80, Amateur Talent Scout Can’t Stop Planning Productions | 214-306-7687
Her affinity for performing arts has kept her company all her life, and as she kicks off her eighth de cade, she looks to her peers at the Edgemere Retirement Communi ty to sustain her creative spirit.

Drawn by its Tuscan architec ture, range of care options, and proximity to her son’s family in
“When I came here, every Tuesday, we had a program, may be a lecturer or an outside per former,” Yu said. “I thought, ‘This is very passive. Why don’t we just start a show by the residents for theSheresidents?’”developed an Edgemere Follies variety show and recruit ed participants by approaching co-members of Edgemere Choir and posting a casting call sheet on the community bulletin board.
The first year was a rollick ing success, and Yu was happi ly planning the 2020 show when
Experience luxury living, exceptional hospitality and first-class care at Belmont Village. Through collaboration with top healthcare institutions and universities, our evidence-based health and wellness programs keep seniors thriving.

©2022 Belmont Village, L.P. ALF 105593
“I’m going to ask him to be in the show,” she said, leaning for ward in a conspiratorial whisper, as a potential cast member walked by during an interview this sum mer. “I thought he could sing Tra dition from Fiddler on the Roof.”
First Thursdays at noon
On the first and third Thursdays of each month, trained volunteers gather to provide a safe and stimulating environment to give the caregivers a break.

For those navigating the diagnosis of the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease for a family member still living at home, there is a need to come up to the sur face just to catch a breath.
Senior Living
3300 Mockingbird Lane Thursdays weekly, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Give Caregivers a Break

By Evelyn Wolff People Newspapers
20 October 2022 | THE FORUM AT PARK LANE 7831 Park Lane • Dallas, TX 75225 214-369-9902 • INDEPENDENT LIVING • ASSISTED LIVING • RESPITE STAYS AL ©2022#000772FiveStar Senior Living Call 214-369-9902 today to learn more. PROUDLY OFFERING: • Celebrated chef • Lively activity schedule • Support tailored to your needs • Transportation 7 days a week
First and third Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $15 per session; scholarships available Call 214-351-3251 or email
“My mom lived a very full life,” Rosenz weig said. “She was one of the smartest people I have ever known, but we did not know what was needed to keep her from declining.”Ann’sdiscoveries for her mother led her to form a Caregiver’s Day Out at Westmin ster Presbyterian Church.
ContactFree Trissie Osborn at 214-523-2245 or
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $15 per session; scholarships
The morning always includes music.
easy to get someone up and out the door,” Rosenzweig said.

Casa de NorthParkVidaPresbyterian Church
Family Ministries Room on the second floor of Garrett Hall
“It’s an easy activity for people to join even if they are late because it’s not always
Church of the Incarnation – Dallas 3966 McKinney Ave.
Ann Rosenzweig understands. Her moth er was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2004.
We serve those who don’t have access to this Annelsewhere.Rosenzweig
“Music gets to their core,” Rosenzweig explained. “It helps them move. People who can’t complete a sentence can sing every word to a song.”
Carolyn A. Dobson, a neurologic music therapist with board certification in music therapy and as an advanced activity pro fessional, has also visited and demonstrat ed how the rhythm in music stimulates the brain to respond and improve cognitive function.Tosupport physical health, Allison At wood from the Moody Family YMCA in the Park Cities brought her high energy, smiles, and fun to the group with chair exercises.
“We serve those who don’t have access to this elsewhere,” she explained. “We currently have 10 volunteers and five participants who have early to mid-stage dementia.”
Most mornings also include a fun activ ity or “Wecraft.see a vast spectrum of what people are able to do, so it’s a challenge to keep the individual engaged at their level,” Rosenz weig added. “Pairing an individual with a volunteer helps. For example, we usually end our mornings with bingo. One lady who had not been receiving any regular socialization did not know how to play. Now she can play by herself.”Thebaby of her own family, Rosenzweig, has always had a place in her heart for older adults. Caring for the elderly has grown to be a passion for her.
FROM LEFT: Volunteers Michelle Meredith, Gil Gilbert, Lisa Hammond, Danna Jackson, Ann Rosenzweig, and Sandra Gilbert. (PHOTO: EVELYN WOLFF)
Caregivers’ Day Out Westminster Presbyterian Church 8200 Devonshire Drive
Stress Free
Coming November & December | Space Deadline: October 214-523-52393rd Art, Antiqu & Int i s 214-523-5239

9555 North Central Expressway, Dallas

Park Cities Baptist Church Support Group – Dallas 3933 Northwest Parkway Meets in Reed 10 Second Mondays at 12:30 p.m.

Respite ministries help by offering dementia patients activities
Journey HighlandMinistryParkUMC
The Alzheimer’s Association In-Person Caregiver Support Groups,ext. 102 or
A recent Thursday morning began with
“It brings me a lot of joy to work with these individuals,” she said. “The volunteers who are a part of this program also find it to be a great joy. I am grateful to Westminster Presbyterian Church for what they are doing providing this outreach to the community.”
However, the caregiver might not know where to turn for respite from the day-today stress and responsibilities.
Mike Frankel — think Dick VanDyke in Mary Poppins — beating the tambourine with his feet and squeezing out songs from the 1950s and 1960 on his accordion. | October 2022 21 With more than 800 melty, crumbly, creamy, wonderfully stinky varieties, there’s something for every mood or occasion. Our expert cheese mongers can pair you with new favorites and have you ready to snack, shred, and share every night of the week. DALLAS PRESTON ROYAL 10720 PRESTON RD. | 972-860-6500 DALLAS MIDWAY 4349 W. NORTHWEST HWY. | 469-697-7800

on the app receive a food health score that estimates how well a food item will likely fit users’ per sonalized needs.
Citro Alexander’s work on Bitewell was inspired by her struggles with food allergies
Bitewell uses diet, allergy information, and nutrition goals to connect users with foods from restaurants and recipes/ingredients available at nearby grocery stores. (PHOTOS: COURTESY BITEWELL) WANT TO TRY IT?

Dyson Demo Store Owner Center Shops at Park Lane
Visit for more information and to sign up for the waitlist.
Her team began building a database of information from restaurants more than a year ago and developed the app with the help of dietitians and nutritionists.“Many of our restaurant and gro cery partnerships come through our delivery partner ships. So, for ex ample, we work with as a restaurant de livery partner, so they gave us access to lots and lots of different restau rants that live on our platform,” Citro Alexander said.
It turns out I was lactose intolerant. And my family’s diet (heavy in cheese and milk products) was not working for my body.
NOW OPEN Alo Yoga NorthPark Center
and dietary restrictions.
The Los Angeles-based activewear brand’s only North Texas location is on level one between Neiman Mar cus and Nordstrom.
The eatery is known for Chicago-in spired cuisine, including cracker crust, tavern-style pizza, blackened redfish, garlic shrimp scampi, and more. Its second location is the latest opening by Vandelay Hospitality Group, which also operates Hudson House, Drake’s Hollywood, and Brentwood.

The membership-based prima ry care platform offers digital and in-office health care services, in cluding wellness visits, physical and mental health check-ins, family care, chronic illness management, and lab services. A third location is planned for Mockingbird Station later this year. Members have 24/7 access to healthcare providers through the One Medical mobile app.
D.L. Mack’s 10720 Preston Road
“There is no existing category for the ser vice Bitewell provides, and that’s an excit ing space for our team to play in,” she said. “We’re a food health company, and we’re
Bitewell merges food commerce and health technology
“The Apple App Store categorizes us as a health company. We’re the only food app cat egorized as a health company,” Fanucchi said.
22 October 2022 |
Bitewell co-founder Samantha Citro Alex ander said. “The work became how do we uncover that data and build up a database of information so that we can put that info into the people’s hands so that every person has the power to make the right choices for their body when it comes to food.”
The company behind popular hair styling products, vacuum cleaners, and air purifiers opened its first brick-andmortar hybrid demo service center to host demonstrations. Staffers pro vide technical support, servicing, and maintenance tips.
Preston Royal Village
The medical aesthetic skin, face, and body services destination’s fifth Texas location features 10 treat ment rooms and a selection of care products from leading brands in a 2,895-square-foot clinic.

White Rock Coffee Snider Plaza
ave dietary restrictions or just want to eat Anhealthier?apppiloted in Dallas seeks to make ordering food that meets your needs easier by allowing people to shop for restau rant meals, groceries, and meal kits for selec tions curated to users’ food preferences and health markets.soldpesrestaurantsavailablesuggestsThenutritionalinformation,theiraapp,ingAftergoals.downloadtheBitewelluserscompletesurveytoprovidediet,’salgorithmfoodsatnearbyandreciwithingredientsatlocalsuperMealsandproducts
creating the category.”
Samantha Citro Alexander
Comings and Goings

The locally-based roaster and cof fee house founded in 2005 in Lake Highlands recently opened its fourth sit-down shop.

Preston Royal
One Medical 5290 Belt Line Road
Jon Alexis, the owner of TJ’s Sea food, plans to open a new Tex-Mex spot in the space occupied by Rug geri’s Italian restaurant for 13 years before the October 2019 tornado.
“When I was 12 years old, I lost 25% of my body weight in six months,” she said. “It turns out I was lactose intolerant. And my family’s diet (heavy in cheese and milk prod ucts) was not working for my body.”
Citro Alexander, a corporate strategy ex ecutive formerly of Estee Lauder Compa nies and Bridgewater, founded Bitewell with food entrepreneur Chris Fanucchi.
The fast-casual Mediterranean spot in the former Zoës Kitchen location offers a build-your-own salad, pita, or grain bowl experience with grilled meats, veggies, and such spreads as hummus, tzatziki, and “crazy feta,” a jalapeño-infused feta mousse.
By Rachel Snyder
“Some restaurants that are very large chains will share calorie information with you, and if you have a very health-conscious restaurant, they’ll let you know if it’s glu ten-free, vegan, vegetarian. That’s about it,”
Snider Plaza
(PHOTO: RACHEL SNYDER) | October 2022 23 3851 Potomac Avenue $13,900,000 5 BD | 6.1 BA | 9,567 SF 4524 Park Lane $6,399,000 5 BD | 5.1 BA | 7,850 SF 3620 Princeton Avenue $8,495,000 4 BD | 5.3 BA | 8,789 SF 4308 Westway Avenue $3,495,000 4 BD | 4 BA | 3,791 SF 6205 St. Andrews Drive $6,975,000 5 BD | 6.1 BA | 6,263 SF 4304 Bryn Mawr Drive $2,995,000 4 BD | 3.5 BA | 4,903 SF Featured Listings Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. Photos may be virtually staged or digitally enhanced and may not reflect actual property conditions. AMY DETWILER 214.536.8680 MICHELLE WOOD 214.564.0234 ∙ @detwiler_wood_realestate

She came away feeling grati tude for and connection to those around her and founded Afloat to bottle this connection and share it with members of her commu nity through their dark times and “sparkly times.”

I wanted to be able to make that outreach and that action of sending the gift much easier for people, and much more PrestonSarah-Allenenjoyable.
“Through both of those experi ences, I really realized how import ant connection, in the supportive aspect of the word, is,” Preston said.

Afloat has grown into a team of 10 employees, most of whom work in Dallas, where the company is
headquartered. Afloat’s Dallas city lead, Sarah Oliver, was friends with Preston in college and got on board with the brand in its early stages.
It's y'all!fall,

By Maria Lawson
Uniting People Through Presents
“Initially, [Oliver] went around to the stores and explained the products and the process and got some fantastic ones on, and then once we went live, we actually through word of mouth just had an influx of requests that we now
Afloat isn’t stopping here. Pres ton aims to continue to improve the company’s e-commerce expe rience while growing with retail partners to build the best gifting experiences on both sides of the marketplace. Once the compa ny nails that, she plans to expand throughout Texas and eventually outside markets.

Sarah-Allen Preston’s Afloat app helps users find and arrange delivery of locally sourced gifts in Dallas and Kansas City. (PHOTOS: COURTESY SARAH-ALLEN PRESTON)
Find Afloat online at or the App Store by searching “Afloat.”

After choosing which city they want to buy in, shoppers see a list
24 October 2022 |

When ordering on Afloat, cus tomers start by opening the app and choosing whether they want to shop in Dallas or Kansas City. With Dallas being the location of Preston’s alma mater, SMU, and Kansas City being where her sons live, it made sense for her to pursue it in both places.

The idea for Afloat came after one of her sons needed an openheart surgery at birth, and she split with her husband just a year lat er. She was an event planner who understood the importance of cel ebrating relationships and connec tions, but after encountering this adversity, she understood it on a more personal level.

Sarah-Allen Preston splits her time between Dallas and Kansas City to run Afloat, a mobile app that connects users with local busi nesses for gifting on demand.
“I wanted to be able to make that outreach and that action of sending the gift much easier for people, and much more enjoy able,” Preston said. “Bringing in the local businesses obviously feels great, so it’s been a really fun
product to build.”
of gifts from local businesses that sell baked goods, flowers, gift box es, Pilates classes, clothing, and oth er items and services to fit about any price range. Once the gift is selected and paid for, a contracted Alto driv er obtains the gift from the business and brings it directly to the recipient.
started a waiting list for retailers to get on while we’re building out the product,” Preston said.

Sarah-Allen Preston founded Afloat to elevate the gift-giving game in Dallas | October 2022 25 All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. All measurements and square footages are approximate, but not guaranteed and should be independently verified. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage. Compass is a licensed real estate broker. Equal Housing Opportunity. Meredith Ferrell 214.868.1177meredith.ferrell@compass.commferrellhomes Mile stones Ba ck -to-school is always a milestone. We thank our teachers & staff as well as the community of parents as w e get back to sch ool! We wish these Kindergartners a fun-filled yea r! W hether it ’s the start of school or another life change, there a re many milestones that inspire a move. With over 18 years of experience helping families transition to their next phase of li fe, we value your family and your busi n ess

the Dallas Furniture Bank. CouchCycled also donates pieces they can’t resell that are still in usable
“Wecondition.don’tdoany reupholstery or anything because that’s really going to directly impact the ability to keep the furniture affordable, and so what we usually do with those items that still have a good amount of life left –those are the ones that we’ll clean and repair and resell,” co-owner Roman Pennell said. “Other items, like maybe a floral coach that’s 20 years old, still very sturdy – we may not be able to resell that, but it still has a good amount of life left. That’s something that we know families in need can still benefit from.”
It’s funny to think that we got into this with no Romangettingamissionbeingfurniture),experienceprevious(sellingbutthatsaid,theitselfwasbigmotivatorforintoit.Pennell
Reducing Furniture Waste in Dallas CouchCycled partners pick up, repair, and resell secondhand pieces
“We started by looking at furniture flip ping, so we purchased furniture on Face book marketplace that we would then clean and repair,” Pennell said. “While that was lucrative, one of the things that we noticed is that it wasn’t actually doing anything to reduce furniture waste.”
In the future, Pennell said he hopes to increase their online marketplace, provide a physical space where people can browse their items (their warehouse in Plano is primari ly used for storage), and expand further into furniture consignment.
The items they were buying would have been purchased and used by someone else, he explained. Getting furniture that would have gone to a landfill took pivoting to a new business model.
Pennell said the ability to help reduce fur niture waste and give back to their community was their motivation for using their sales expe rience in a new way with CouchCycled.
very progressive in putting employees, put ting others, putting the environment – putting those first is something that they really prior itize,” he said. “It’s funny to think that we got into this with no previous experience (selling furniture), but that being said, the mission it self was a big motivator for getting into it.”
Many469-599-4481.couches, sectionals, or armchairs can be removed for free, but items that are older, seriously damaged, or stained may be subject to a removal fee.

CouchCycled picks up Dallasites’ gently used couches, sectionals, and more, then refurbishes, cleans, and resells them. (PHOTOS: COURTESY COUCHCYCLED, MARY CLARE LOCOCO PHOTOGRAPHY)
“We want to make sure that we are really becoming a trusted source for used furniture in the area,” he said.
By Rachel Snyder

To schedule a pickup time for your furniture or browse their pieces for sale, visit or call or text
Pennell and fellow co-owner Andrew Muniz, who have backgrounds in software sales, came up with the concept last summer.
26 October 2022 |
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates about 9 million tons of furniture get tossed each year – or about 5% of everything brought to landfills.
After those who want their items re moved fill out a form online, the CouchCy cled team schedules a pickup time, then in spects, cleans, and repairs the pieces in the warehouse before reselling them online. A portion of pickup fees and sales profits go to
“One of the things that I liked working for software sales organizations is that they are
CouchCycled is helping Dallasites bring new life to their pre-owned pieces by pick ing up gently used couches, sectionals, and armchairs, then refurbishing, cleaning, and reselling them. The business serves Dallas, Plano, and surrounding suburbs.

Dive In 9520 Hathaway Avenue Offered for $14,900,000 9 Bed / 12.1 Baths / 1.44 Acres Christine McKenny christine.mckenny@alliebeth.com214.300.5539 SunnyslopePresenting: Estate 9511 Inwood Road Offered for $8,175,000 4 Bed / 3.1 Baths / 4,675 Sq. Ft. / 2.997 Acres Susan Baldwin susan.baldwin@alliebeth.com214.763.1591 | October 2022 27

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For a EveningSpecial 10427 Lennox Lane — SOLD Offered for $4,500,000 6 Bed / 8.1 Bath / 9,655 Sq. Ft. Kimberly Cocotos & Kristen Scott cocotosscott@alliebeth.com972.383.0915 Perfect Living Inside and Out 5138 Deloache Avenue Offered for $9,750,000 6 Bed / 7.2 Bath / 11,185 Sq. Ft. Alex Perry alex.perry@alliebeth.com214.926.0158 All listing information, either in print or electronic format, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and listing broker is not responsible for any typographical errors or misinformation. Prospective buyers are instructed to independently verify all information furnished in connection with a listing. This information is current as of the distribution of this material, but is subject to revisions, price changes, or withdrawal without any further notice. Allie Beth Allman & Associates strictly adheres to all Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. | October 2022 29

3831 Turtle Creek Boulevard #21E Offered for $1,549,000 3 Bed / 2.1 Bath / 3,052 Sq. Ft. Kim Jacobs Calloway | 214.395.7001 Doris Jacobs| 214.537.3399 6829 Anglebluff Circle Offered for $374,900 2 Bed / 2 Bath / 1,624 Sq. Ft. Tim Schutze | tim.schutze@alliebeth.com214.507.6699 Private Sale in University Park 4301 Windsor Parkway — SOLD Private Sale Lucinda Buford lucinda.buford@alliebeth.com214.728.4289 All listing information, either in print or electronic format, is deemed reliable but not guaranteed and listing broker is not responsible for any typographical errors or misinformation. Prospective buyers are instructed to independently verify all information furnished in connection with a listing. This information is current as of the distribution of this material, but is subject to revisions, price changes, or withdrawal without any further notice. Allie Beth Allman & Associates strictly adheres to all Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity laws and regulations. 30 October 2022 |

Can anyone lead great meetings?

3. Invitation. Invitation is about setting the stage and teeing up what you want to get done. State the purpose of the meeting clearly and directly in the invitation. Peo ple need to know what you intend to accomplish and why you are re questing their time.
By William Taylor
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hen location, landscape, and home come together in a superbly thoughtful way, there is nothing more satisfying. That’s what you get with this haven of architecture, luxury, and leisure located on a generous 1.66 acres along a quiet street in wooded Bluffview. The grounds are spectacular, with 125 trees, winding paths for walking, and a manmade stream, free-form pool, bubbling spa, and tennis court. The home set amid this private park is a design masterclass by the great Texas modernist Frank Welch. The copper-roofed contemporary offers 6,366 square feet, floorto-ceiling windows, Versailles-pattern hardwood floors, an oversized primary suite with two baths, two more mainfloor bedrooms (ideal for in-laws), and two bedrooms on the lower level, one with a fireplace. A separate guest house beyond the pool has tall vaulted and beamed ceilings and a kitchenette. From everywhere are views of what is an unmatched, unrepeatable woodland wonderland.

So, what are three quick tips for running better Massimilianmeetings?offeredthese:


1. Purpose and intended results. To lead an effective meeting, you must be crystal clear about what you want to achieve. No one will under stand your objectives unless you do. What do you want to accomplish? How will you know you did?
Details Open 7
Dick Massimilian, a leadership coach from Highland Park, insists anyone“Leadingcan. effective meetings isn’t complicated,” he said. “It simply re quires a willingness to value other people’s time as you do your own and to invest time in treating peo ple’s presence and attention as a gift, not as an Massimilianentitlement.”provides more spe cifics in his books, including How to Lead an Effective Meeting (and get the results you want), and, co-au thored with vascular surgeon Dr. Ron Blumoff, a Doctor’s Edition of the same

who has founded and sold businesses, co-owns High land Park Housekeeping, a luxury home cleaning company.

2. Agenda. The heart of your meeting is the agenda. A well-done agenda doesn’t guarantee you’ll lead a great meeting, but your chances of leading a successful meeting without one are slim to none. Don’t lead a meeting without an agenda.
Hate Meetings? | October 2022 31
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His consulting and coaching work has included banking, retail, and telecommunications industry clients in North America, South
Dick Massimilian offers ideas for making them much better It willingnessrequiressimplyaastimepeople’sothervaluetoyou do your own and to invest time in treating,attentionpresencepeople’sandasanotasanMassimilian CHECK IT OUT HowtoLeadanEffectiveMeeting(andgettheresultsyouwant)ByDickMassimilian$ LAWNANDTREESTwo leading companies joining forces to serve the Dallas-Fort Worth and N. Central TX area. Feed your Learn more about our Eco-friendly programs on our website. 214.528.2266 |
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We are proud of our friendly atmosphere. As your host, it is our responsibility to make you as happy as possible. Our point of reference will always and constantly remain: quality and authenticity, remembering all else that our customer is first and foremost our esteemed guest.
America, Europe, and Asia, accord ing to his expe rience in the technology, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, and financial ser vices industries with clients such as Hewlett Packard, Xerox, Corning, Diamondback Energy, Oasis Petro leum, Johnson & Johnson, Bristol Myers Squibb, JP Morgan Chase, HSBC, Merrill Lynch, and Uni Credit“Well-runBanca. organizations have well-run meetings,” Massimilian said. “But no one teaches us how to run effective meetings.”
Bon Appetito!
By Todd Jorgenson People Newspapers
She raised the level of intensity in that gym. Michael Dearman
ike many teenage athletes, Beau Lilly finds himself regaled by tales from his grandfather about glory days on the gridiron.
set him back again.
forefront of Texas football lore.
perspective now that he’s finally able to showcase his skills.
“Sometimes things are out of your control,” Lilly said. “I’m just focused on making every catch and block I can to help the
By Todd Jorgenson People Newspapers
The Highland Park receiver might play a different position, but he still embraces the connection to a name that will forever be at the
“Beau is a talented receiver who has track speed and great hands,” said HP head coach Randy Allen. “He works very hard at running precise routes. He can make the toughLillycatches.”hopes to play college football after graduation but doesn’t feel pressure from his ped igree. He cites his father, Bob Lil ly Jr., who played football at TCU — just like Bob Sr. — but has since carved a successful legacy as an entrepreneur and philanthropist.
32 October 2022 | CMYCYMYCMYMCK PCP_Oct2022_Banner-Final-revised3.pdf 1 9/2/2022 1:48:02 PM
Despite being relegated to the junior varsity squad in 2021 because of transfer eligibility rules, the libero became a leader in practice and off the court.
Fleet-footed slot receiver overcomes injuries to earn starting spot
“She raised the level of intensity in that gym. She played against our starters all season, which helped us tremendously,” said HP head coach Michael Dearman. “She established so much respect with her teammates.”Winford lives in Nevada, a Collin County town about 35 miles northeast of the Park Cities. When she transferred to HP, where her father works as a school counselor, she was ruled ineligible for one year by the District Executive Committee. The UIL upheld that decision on appeal.
Lilly had just five receptions for 30 yards last season. Howev er, he made his mark as a sprinter during track and field season last spring for the Scots. He finished second in the 100 meters at the District 13-5A meet and helped the Scots reach regionals in the 4x100 and 4x200 relays alongside football teammates Jay Cox and Grayson Schrank.
I feel pride in having the Lilly Beauname.Lilly
had elite college programs recruiting her. Yet, she wasn’t permitted to play varsity volleyball at HP.
balls up and reads so well, but she brings a defensive mindset to the team that hasn’t been there,” Dearman said. “She’s taken over that back row and made everyone around her better.”

“I feel pride in having the Lilly name,” he said. “I’ll do my best to carry it on through football, but if not, then I’ll try to live up to it through something else.”
Zoe Winford played her first varsi ty volleyball match for Highland Park in August, but she’s been contributing to the team’s success for more than a year.
But she insisted on not allowing her disappointment to affect her attitude, in stead focusing on individual and team
“I’m a very competitive person,” Win ford said. “As a libero, I feel like you have

Highland Park libero Zoe Winford didn’t play last season after transferring from Nevada Community. (PHOTO: CHRIS MCGATHEY)

That role has come with inju ry-related challenges. Lilly was sidelined for his entire freshman season, and then a pulled ham string suffered during the spring after his sophomore campaign
That was tough for Winford. The offen sive MVP in District 13-4A as a sopho more at Community High School stood out on the Dallas-area club circuit and
But when your grandfather is Dallas Cowboys legend and Hall of Fame defensive lineman Bob Lilly, those historical anecdotes are more interesting – and rele vant – than most.
team win. I’m grateful for every down I play.”
Highland Park senior Beau Lilly has emerged as a dependable option at inside receiver. (PHOTO: MELISSA MACATEE)

Despite commuting from Nevada, Texas, senior libero feels right at home at HP
“He tells me a lot of stories and gives me tips about stuff that helped him when he was playing,” said Beau Lilly, a senior who has become a key contributor as a slot receiver for the Scots.
to have a Winford’svoice.”emergence has hardly been a surprise. She verbally committed to Geor gia Tech in May and received multiple preseason accolades even before her Lady Scots
Her contributions have been worth the wait for the Lady Scots. With nine seniors playing key roles and following a stellar nondistrict campaign, they aspire to earn a District 7-6A title and make a deep post season
Digging Defense: Finally Given Her Chance, Winford Lifts Lady Scots
“I’mrun.surrounded by so many more ath letes. The culture is different. Our goals here are so much higher,” Winford said. “I was really excited during the summer. I knew we were going to be good.”
Lilly is happy to be fully healthy for his senior year — especially given his close bond with quarterback Brennan Stor er — and has gained a valuable
development while preparing for her se nior year. Specifically, she focused on her preferred libero spot after playing multi ple positions at Community.
CMYCYMYCMYMCK PCP_Oct22-TickingClock_FINAL7-REVISED4.pdf 1 9/6/2022 4:03:56 PM

With the UIL sanctioning water polo for the first time this fall, HP is taking advan tage thanks to a wealth of players with ex tensive experience on the local club circuit.
“At the dinner table, we always talk about it,” said Ivan Zivaljevic, Luka’s younger brother. “When we’re in the water next to each other, we always try to swim faster or push each other.”
by USA Water Polo.
Last year, Can Caglar became the first player from HP to receive a college scholar ship in the sport. Caglar, who was a swimmer for the school, is now a goaltender at Loyola Marymount University in California.
After wrapping up the regular-season schedule, the Scots will begin postseason play in mid-October with the goal of qualifying for the first-ever UIL state tournament.
“We have high expectations,” Zivaljevic said. “We’re setting the bar pretty high.”
For seniors such as Roman Duong, Turn er Melley, and Luka Zivaljevic, the addition of a Highland Park water polo team pro vides a timely opportunity to compete for theirTheschool.inaugural season also offers the trio a chance to play alongside their young er brothers on a team that features three sets of siblings comprising almost half of its varsity roster.
We’re setting the bar pretty high. Luka Zivaljevic
They hope that pedigree translates into a successful debut for the Scots and a founda tion for future prosperity as more students, not just swimmers, become involved.
The siblings agree that having their broth ers as teammates is beneficial, even if the in tensity of their bonds through the sport varies.
“It was a big game-changer,” Zivaljevic said. “I’ve always wanted to represent High land Park in water polo.”
Luka Zivaljevic and Roman Duong are the leading scorers for HP. Duong and his
“We choose not to because when we go from a game to home, we just want to relax,” Duong said. “Me and Jacob, we know where our levels are at. I can trust him.”
By Todd Jorgenson People Newspapers

younger brother, Jacob, don’t communicate as frequently about water polo outside the pool.
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Siblings Help Scots Make a Splash in Inaugural Season Club experience helps HP find immediate success in water polo
The HP program might technically be in its infancy, but multiple athletes have already garnered attention from the Na tional Team Selection Camp sponsored
Starting a new program yields plenty of firsts. The players even got to help design the program’s logo and pick out equipment.
Sibling pairs on Highland Park’s inaugural boys water polo team include, from left, Roman Duong and Jacob Duong, Ivan Zivaljevic and Luka Zivaljevic, and Jake Melley and Turner Melley. (PHOTO: CHRIS MCGATHEY)

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“We fig ure out what our theme is going to be; we look and see what’s go ing on in the world, what kind of holi days are com ing up, what kind of events are coming up,” Jenkins said.
Broer added he’d like to work in radio Regardlesseventually.ofstudents’ future career plans, they learn to work under deadline pressure.
people guess who’s in a photo based on a small portion of the im age. They also do interviews with district and community leaders.
Middle school journalists inform, entertain their classmates
The eighth-grade broadcast journalism stu dents produce the ondmarksschoolTheday11:25benews20-minuteshowstobroadcastateachFrimorning.2022-2023yearthesecyearthestudents

aider Media News en tertains and informs the Highland Park Middle School community with a week ly campus-wide show, complete with an in-house band.

The process for creating each show starts at the beginning of the week with a pitch meeting where students brainstorm ideas for the broadcast.
36 October 2022 |
By Rachel Snyder
One such segment is Raider Career Review, in which students interview everyone from district staff (like Superintendent Tom
From there, Broer said that students get to filming, going out to do interviews, and editing. “I think one of the reasons I like it so much is just because it’s kind of like a work environment.”
Favorite segments include the “choose that pixel” game, where
Every week, no matter what, it has to be out on AydinFridays.Ozkaya
Highland Park Middle School students produce Raider Media News, a 20-minute campus-wide news show that broadcasts each Friday. (PHOTOS: RACHEL SNYDER/HIGHLAND PARK ISD)

have the potential to earn high school credit from the class as well.
He teaches broadcasting and intro to digital media at the mid dle school and helped start the broadcast with former HPMS teacher Aaron Cappotelli. “It re ally started off as a film class, but eventually, we were like, ‘Let’s make a Jenkinsbroadcast.’”saidformer McCull och Intermediate and Highland Park Middle School principal Laurie Hitzelberger supported the“Shevision.said, ‘You know what, we’re building a whole new wing; let’s go ahead and build a struc ture that you guys can use for what you want to do,’” he said.
“We’re trying our best to keep on the line of it being entertain ing – entertaining, but also in formative about what’s going on around them.”
Trigg) to sports figures (includ ing TCU coach and former SMU coach Sonny Dykes in the past) about their jobs.
Student James Broer sees that collaboration as “one of the most fun parts – everyone pitches in their ideas for the segments.”

“Every week, no matter what, it has to be out on Fridays,” said student Aydin Ozkaya, who hopes to become an entrepre neur. “I really enjoy being there, and being part of the segment, and editing it.”
“We noticed that there was a desire for the students to create a film class or something to do with this kind of media, video media,” James Jenkins said.
Dan Hooper, founder of ScholarShot, and ScholarShot students celebrate graduation with financial freedom in front of the ScholarShot office. (PHOTOS: COURTESY SCHOLARSHOT)

With data on its side and Hooper at the helm, ScholarShot approaches higher learning from a practical standpoint, emphasiz ing skills, knowledge, and perfor mance over the prestige of attend ing a pricy university.
Hooper tackles what he sees as the inherent greed, oversight, and exploitation infecting high er education.“In2009, I started looking at the state’s data, and it was shock ing,” Hooper said, recalling his time with data consulting firm ISI. “I learned that only 23% of college freshmen who earned the Texas Grant came back as sophomores. I called the state and asked if this was right. I asked if they had any plans of doing anything about it, and they said, ‘No. They’re just collecting the data and waiting for someone like me to do something with it.’”
For years, Dan Hooper, a data strategist from Highland Park, has studied this issue while advocating for students and proposed a “smart er way” to help them achieve their academic goals.
The myth that you must spend a ton of money to be successful is eroding, and passing that pres sure onto future generations is a huge failure on the part of high schools, he said.
exit poverty by completing ca reer-ready vocational, associate, or bachelor’s degrees. | October 2022 37 Explore Ursuline this fall by Won’t you join us? URSULINE ACADEMY OF DALLAS All-Girl, Catholic, College Prep, Grades 9-12 4900 Walnut Hill Lane | Dallas, Texas 75229 Ursuline Academy does not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin. You are invited Open House November 6 | Application Deadline January 6

By Daniel Lalley Special Contributor

With ScholarShot, Hooper hopes to change the standards.
“Most of our kids don’t under stand that acceptance into college is no guarantee of completion,” he said. “What it does guarantee is a boatload of student debt, and it’s unnecessary. If they just followed the system, nine out of 10 of those kids would get booted out, but if they fight against the system and realize they could go to an afford able two-year college and transfer
After President Biden an nounced an unprecedented plan to reduce student debt, the issue of overwhelming college costs again made its way into the na tionalWhiledialogue.many believe the pro posed debt relief plan will help students who struggle to make payments, others contend it will contribute to a trend of egregious fiscal oversight within the higher education system.
More than 98% of the Schol arShot students are first-genera tion Americans. The program has helped 182 students earn a degree with an average debt per degree less than $1,500. In a state where the average debt for a university degree is over $45,000, this is an incredible accomplishment, Hooper said.
For more resources or to learn how you can become a mentor or student at ScholarShot, visit
Dallas data strategist authors book, offers students another way forward
Degrees of Debt
Most of our kids don’t understand that acceptance into college is no guarantee of completion. What it does guarantee is a boatload of student debt, and it’s Danunnecessary.Hooper
with credits, they’re in much bet ter Hoopershape.” said that in today’s skill-forward job market, the pres tige of the Ivy League is waning.
Dan decided to start Scholar Shot, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ded icated to helping at-risk students

“The fact of the matter is that over half of the kids in universities drop out,” he said. “In Texas, nine out of 10 kids from first-genera tion, low-income households drop out, and they’re the kids that need at least some post-secondary edu cation the most, but we’re failing them at a horrific rate. That’s where the focus needs to be.”
In his new book, FLEECE U: How American Universities are Robbing our Kids and our Future,

Believing in the Limitless Potential of Girls
38 October 2022 |

Fall doesn’t arrive in the Park Cities until Scots foot ballThebegins.Scots kicked off the season with a 38-24 victory over Flower Mound Marcus at High lander Stadium, and as usual, the staff of Park Cities People was there to capture the excite ment of the crowd before the game.
WHY AN ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL INSPIRES CONFIDENCE WWW.HOCKADAY.ORG The Hockaday School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin.

Scots fans were decked out in their best blue and gold gear and featured community luminaries like renowned sports photographer and 2019 University Park Citizen of the Year Brad Bradley.

Season Opening Snapshots

Follow the rest of the Scots sea son online at and don’t forget to subscribe to our sports newsletter, The Plaid Report.

“The great thing about football is it’s the ultimate team game, and to be able to get the team back to gether is really cool and it means a lot to me” Stafford said. “As we made our run to the Super Bowl last year, the support that they showed and the people of this com munity showed was unbelievable.”
“More than the wins, he’s just such a special person,” Stafford said. “He’s an unbelievable football coach. What he’s been able to bring to this school and this program is incredible,
While most great schools provide these outcomes, our mission is to ignite lives of purpose.
Stafford spoke of how Al len challenged him as early as the eighth grade. “As a coach he chal lenged me to set goals, but it’s easy to look at him and just try to be like him, knowing that you’ll be a good player and an even better person.”
Stafford remarked to the crowd at the conclusion of the halftime ceremony, “I just want to say thank you. It’s fun to be back, and the magic is still here.”
Cade Hamner lives in University Park where he and his wife have three sons in the HPISD system. The avid Scots supporter produces and hosts the ScotsCast podcast.
Fans enjoyed on Sept. 9 a per fect night for football on the quaint treelined streets of HighlandParkUniversitywhereerStadiumisnestled.While
AND HAPPINESS.@episcopalschoolofdallas l @esdadmission Co-ed college preparatory for ages 3 through grade 12 | 4100 Merrell Road, Dallas, TX 75229 | 214-353-5740 | | 10Wx7H_Happiness_PplPaper.indd 1 9/6/22 4:56 PM

Be prepared to stand out in the world. Attend an admission event to learn how.
and what all these kids turn out to be is a testament to his success.”
Exceptional universities, test scores, and GPAs –we appreciate their importance, too.
Angeles Rams through the playoffs and hoisted the Lombardi Trophy on his team’s home field at SoFi Stadium last February, a first for any Super Bowl champion.
Scots Make Magical Night for Allen, Stafford, Team, Fans
With the Scots’ victory over Lake Highlands, Randy Allen, in his 23rd year at Highland Park, reached 427 wins, ranking second most in the state.
Scots players and coaches join Matthew Stafford and family to celebrate the former Highland Park quarterback who won a Super Bowl with the Rams in February. (PHOTO: CHRIS MCGATHEY)

Stafford threw for over 9,000 yards and 94 touchdowns as a Scot. A standout at Georgia, he was drafted first overall by Detroit in 2009. After 12 years as the Li ons starter, in 2021 he led the Los
celebrating its football program’s 100th year, Highland Park High welcomed home one if its most be loved sons and saw its coach reach anotherMatthewmilestone.Stafford, with the rug ged good looks and charm of one of Hollywood’s leading men, returned so the Scots could honor the Super Bowl champion and 2006 HPHS graduate with a halftime ceremo ny culminating in the retiring of his No. 7 high school jersey.
The Rams quarterback was es corted by his beautiful family, in cluding his wife Kelly and their four daughters, his parents, and his sister.
“The tighter nit the team is, the better the team operates,” Stafford | October 2022 39 exceptional universities

In the mild September air, a full moon rising over the east end zone, Stafford waved to the adulat ing standing-room only crowd. He was presented with a bronze plaque to be hung in the stadium among those for the likes of Doak Walker and Bobby StaffordLayne.had earlier mingled with friends, family, and high school teammates.
Stafford and teammates played under the “Band of Brothers” mot to in 2006 during their 4A Division I state championship run.
said. When asked about what Fri day night meant to him, “It’s just really special. I hope they know that each one of them has a part of what’s happening here tonight.”
“Music can convey meaning and emo tion and also elicit emotional respons es, but the mechanisms responsible for its emotional power are poorly understood,” he Tabaksaid. and Zachary Wallmark, assistant professor of musicology affiliated faculty at the Center for Translational Neuroscience

2. Music and emotions
The newest students represent 44 coun tries as well as 48 U.S. states and the Dis trict of Columbia, with the largest percent age coming from Texas (38%), followed by California, Florida, New York, and Illinois.
1. Trinity Christian Academy students take a field trip to the Meadows Museum. (PHOTO: JENNIFER CRENSHAW) 2. Benjamin A. Tabak’s research could help determine whether listening to music can be added to therapeutic techniques used in social skills training for individuals with autism spectrum disorders or schizophrenia. (PHOTO: COURTESY SMU) 3. New SMU students move into SMU residential commons on Aug. 17 and 18. (PHOTO: COURTESY SMU) 4. The Turtle Creek Chorale will perform a ‘70s-themed sing-along concert in October at McFarlin Auditorium. (PHOTO: COURTESY TURTLE CREEK CHORALE)
Get groovy with the all-male Turtle Creek Chorale, which will present its That ´70s Show - A Sing-Along Sensation con cert at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 8 and 2:30 p.m. Oct. 9 at McFarlin Auditorium.
3. Fall 2022 begins
2.1. 3. 4.
– Compiled by Sabrina Gomez
40 October 2022 |
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A new study explores the benefits and impact of socially engaged active music lis tening on social cognition.

1. Meadows field trips
Results suggested that the skill of em pathic accuracy exceeds interpersonal in teractions can be achieved in music. Tabak and Wallmark’s end goal is this research will serve as the basis for potential mu sic-based interventions.
A $25,000 one-year grant from the Fichtenbaum Charitable Trust will cover all Meadows Museum admission fees for North Texas students 18 years and young er including chaperones for K-12 school groups.Previously, admission was free to youth under the age of 12. at 6:30 p.m. Tickets range from $45 to $85. Visit turtlecreekchorale. com, break out your bellbottoms, and Get Down Tonight.”
Approximately 1,200 first year and trans fer students became the newest Mustangs during their August move-in day at SMU Commons. Classes began on Aug. 22.

“With school budgets under stress, this gift provides children an opportunity to engage in the arts, facilitating experiences that can spark a lifetime of creativity and intellectual curiosity,” museum director of education Anne Kindseth said.

More than 30% of the new students iden tified as part of the traditionally under represented ethnic and racial groups. Of those, 200 are the first in their families to enter
Finally,college.18 students have served in the U.S. Armed Services.
Don´t know the words? Don´t despair. Lyrics will be provided so audience mem bers can sing along to music from Olivia Newton John, Motown, and other prom inent

Is it true that music can help convey emotions when often simple words cannot?
The grant supplements an existing fund which provides $200 transit scholarships to qualified K-12 schools making the costs of visits little to nothing. Schools can take part in this grant initiative through Aug. 31, 2023, with tours offered in English and Spanish and accommodations available to visitors with special needs.

“Empathy is most often thought of in the context of social interactions, but there are many other forms of social communi cation, including music,” said Benjamin A Tabak, assistant professor of psychology and director of SMU’s Social and Clinical Neuroscience Lab.
“Empathy is most often thought of in the context of social interactions, but there are many other forms of social communica tion, including music,” Tabak said
at the University of Oregon, led the study. Their findings supported their hypothe sis: that empathy and music are connected.
A team of international researchers is seeking to prove just that.
4. Boogie Wonderland
media center, barn, and farm animals help educate our students through EXPLORATION, PLAY, COLLABORATION, and COMPASSION
By Rachel Snyder

Of the 33 original Highland Belles char ter members, 18 attended on Aug. 25, in cluding three of the Belles who drafted the original proposal to start the drill team.

Following the video, the Belles pre viewed the routine they’d perform during halftime at the Scots’ season opener against Flower Mound Marcus on Aug. 26.
PARISH EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Parish Episcopal School: Whole Child, Whole Family

Highland Belles Celebrate ’40 Years of Fringe’ Charter members led petition drive to create award-winning dance team
They all worked hard, but this team was so Cathydetermined.Wheat CREATES CONFIDENT, CURIOUS, CAPABLE CHILDREN Join Us for a Tour 9200 Inwood Road | | 214.706.9568 | six months to sixth grade Developing Joyful Leaders Empowered by Academics and Integrity JOYFUL LEARNING WesleyPrep_AD_5.92x5.83in_0922_Final.indd 1 9/7/22 4:49 PM | October 2022 41
social/emotional programs ensuring students’ needs are met, to premier facilities in STEM, athletics and arts, including the recently opened 55,000sq.ft. Noble Family Performing Arts Center, the possibilities are infinite at Parish. And it doesn’t stop at the student - Parish’s inclusive Episcopal community embraces the whole family!
“These girls that started this team – they worked harder than any team I had after that,” Wheat said. “They all worked hard, but this team was so determined. They have set a legacy. They were such a close family. They’ll tell you now they’re still a family.”
choreography, with more innovative cho reography, continue to provide material that the girls are excited about and that our home crowd is excited to see on the field.”
PHOTO: The Highland Belles celebrated the drill team’s 40th anniversary Aug. 25. (PHOTOS: RACHEL SNYDER)
“Congratulations to the Highland Belles on 40 great years of being one of the finest Highland Park traditions at halftime,” Allen said in the video.

The Highland Belles celebrated “40 Years of Fringe” by gathering Belles, both past and present, at Highland Park High School.
After Wheat’s comments, current di rector Shannon Phillips introduced a video
The principal then took the proposal to the HPISD Board of Trustees for official approval.Founding director Cathy Wheat at tended the anniversary celebration and spoke about the Belles’ history.
The Belles’ story began 40 years ago when six girls attended a sleepover and collectively decided that there was a need for an additional activity for girls at the high school. At the suggestion of the dad hosting the sleepover, the girls stayed up that night writing a proposal for what would be the Belles dance team. They pre sented their idea to the principal, who agreed to approve it once they secured 1,000 support signatures.
presentation about the history of the Belles with comments from former Belles and others, including Phillips herself and head football coach Randy Allen.
“Just an awesome responsibility and an honor to have spent the past 11 years with this team and to even consider what’s next for the program as we move past our 40th year,” Phillips said. “I hope we continue to just challenge ourselves with more difficult
Setting its sights on its next half century, Parish remains steadfast in helping students find balance and joy in their educational journey, discover their authentic self, and have a great sense of belonging and engagement across all disciplines, PreK 3 – 12th grade. From signature programs exploring leadership, STEM, global studies and more, to
Join us for an Admission Preview:
This year was the first year the scores were released since 2019 be cause of the pandemic.
drop in Armstrong’s score to pan demic fallout, with about 5% of stu dents not taking the STAAR there, as opposed to about 1 or 2% at the other elementary campuses.
There is a general feeling among parentsArmstrongsomethere’s a problem, and we want to work with you all to fix that. Jason Boatright
By Rachel Snyder
HPISD Gets an A from TEA, But One Campus Got a B Accountability ratings rise districtwide, but Armstrong Elementary sees slight drop
Preschool & Lower School (Prekindergarten - 4th grade)

Sunday, October 30, 2022 | 2:00 pm
“Last night, parents learned that Armstrong placed significantly low er than other schools in the district,” Armstrong parent Jason Boatright said. “There is a general feeling among some Armstrong parents there’s a problem, and we want to work with you all to fix that.”
42 October 2022 | • Faith Based & Enrichment Classes • Degreed, Experienced Teachers • Newly Designed Classrooms214.860.15203933Northwest Pkwy. Dallas, TX 75225 FAITH, LEARNING AND COMMUNITY AT PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH Accepting Applications for Infants PCBCDAYSCHOOL.ORGpleaseToNovemberPreview2023-2023TransitionalthroughKindergartenSchoolYearDay11,2023learnmorevisitourwebsite
Established by House Bill 22 in 2017, the A–F ratings assess the academic performance of Tex as public schools based on three domains: Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps. Student Achievement mea sures whether students met ex pectations on the STAAR test. It also measures graduation rates and
Seven of the district’s eight campuses also received A ratings. The exception: Armstrong Ele mentary received a B rating with an 89 of 100. Armstrong previous ly received an A rating and a score of 91 out of 100 in 2018-2019 and a 96 out of 100 in 2017-2018.

School progress takes into ac count academic growth and rela tiveAcademicperformance.growth is deter mined based on students reading and math scores over the course of the school year. Half a point is awarded for each STAAR test that maintained performance, and a full point is awarded for each test that showed “Expected” or “Accelerated”
The latest marks are the highest the district’s received since the begin ning of the A-F rankings in 2017-18.
Inspiring students to lead authentic, purposeful lives.
Principal Betsy Cummins said staffing challenges also may have played a role, and staff is working to ensure they “meet students’ in dividual needs.”
growth through the STAAR prog ress
how a school’s performance compares to other schools with similar eco nomically disadvantaged populations.
This year, the campus received an A in student achievement but C’s in school progress and closing the gaps.
PHOTO: Districtwide, Highland Park ISD received an A in the Texas Education Agency’s 2022 A-F accountability ratings with a score of 98 out of 100 – the highest score the district’s received since the A-F ratings started in 2017-2018. At least one parent, though, expressed concerns after Armstrong Elementary’s score dropped slightly.
Highland Park ISD received an A with a 98 out of 100 in the Texas Education Agency’s 2022 A-F ac countability ratings, up from 97 in 2018-2019 and 96 in 2017-2018.

Visit to learn more about our school and application process!
At least one Armstrong par ent said during the Aug. 16 school board meeting that he was con cerned about the school’s score.
Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 6:00 pm
Jaime Callahan, Highland Park ISD’s director of accountability and assessment, partially attributed the
how prepared students are for suc cess after high school.
“The state accountability rat ing is one of many indicators of how our schools are performing,” HPISD Superintendent Tom Trigg said. “We are always looking at multiple measures to determine appropriate ways to ensure contin uous improvement.”
Middle & Upper School (5th - 12th grade)
1. Mayor for the day
When Brooke Pridham bangs a gavel, ev eryone knows it.
2.3. 1.
The Armstrong Elementary pupil and daughter of David and Emberli Pridham served as Highland Park mayor for the day on Sept. 6, concluding the meeting with a resounding pop. BACK ROW, FROM LEFT: Town Council members Lydia Novakov, Mayor Will C. Beecherl, May or Pro Tem Craig Penfold, Leland White, and Marc Myers pose with Brooke after the meeting.

Open House SUNDAY, OCT. 16 | 12:30 - 2:30 PM GSESDALLAS.ORG/REGISTER Since its founding in 1906, St. Mark’s has provided boys in grades 1–12 with EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES by crafting school programs around the UNIQUE LEARNING STYLES OF BOYS. Small classes (average of 15), nationally acclaimed faculty and state-of-the-art facilities enrich the experience for all students. Please visit our website to learn about virtual and on-campus event opportunities throughout Fall THAT GOES BEYOND CURRICULUM. ST. MARK’S SCHOOL OF TEXAS St. Mark s School of Texas | 10600 Preston Road | Dallas, Texas 75230-4047 | www.smtexas org St. Mark’s School of Texas does not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national or ethnic origin. HPISD)ANDTAYLORWILLIAM(PHOTOS:

Student Achievements: A Mayor, a Debater, and Academic Captains

University of Texas in Austin student for his bronze medal finish in the Lincoln-Doug las Debate at the UIL 5A State Academic Meet. The then senior’s performance earned the points that propelled the HPHS Aca demic Team to tie for first place at the meet – believed to be the first time HP has done so. FROM LEFT: Coach Toby Whisenhunt was honored at the meeting with Wang, who also earned bronze in 2021.
3. Competition ready
HPHS Class of 2022 graduate Evan Wang is good with words. Highland Park ISD trustees recently celebrated the now

2. No debate about it
The HPHS Academic Decathlon team an nounced its 2022-23 senior captains: Cather ine Lu, Elizabeth Chen, and Justine Cho.
Editor’s note: Email editor@peoplenews to let us know about your student’s achievements.

Sarah Jo Hardin
Not only does 2022 mark the garden’s 25th anniversary, but it also celebrates the Wom en’s Council’s 40th anniversary. The now 500-member body was founded in 1982 with the mission of making the garden’s design, construction, funding, and endowment a real ity — and in 40 years, the nonprofit has con tinued to do just that.
“The relationship between the Women’s Council and the Dallas Arboretum is truly a wonderful partnership,” said Mary Brinegar, president and CEO of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Society. “Both groups have high standards and an interest in making sure those visiting from our area and indeed from afar see a garden that is competitive with the finest gar dens in the world, due to classic design and at tention to detail.”
TOP: R. L. “Bob” Thornton Jr. with Virginia Nick. BOTTOM: Barbara Averitt, Barbara Lake, Margaret McDermott, Bob Thornton, and Robert LEFT: Connie Klemow chaired the September 1997 Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, attended by landscape designer Morgan Wheelock and Women’s Council president Emilynn Wilson. (PHOTOS: SHARON ADAMS)

Only public garden funded by and dedicated to women honors feminine ideal

By Maria Lawson
“Our beautiful garden celebrates the pow er, creativity, resourcefulness, passion, and com mitment of women across generations coming together to support a common goal: the fulfill ment of our mission in support of A Wom an’s Garden,” said Sarah Jo Hardin, the current president of the Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.
Hoffman; FROM
40th Anniversary Ruby Red Gala Oct. 21 at 6:45 p.m. (VIP event at 6 p.m.) A gala feautring a champagne reception, seated dinner, program, and dancing to benefit and celebrate the Women’s Council.
annual A Writer’s Garden Oct. Literary18 presentations about horticulture, gardens, landscape design, historic preservation, cooking, and art featuring internationally known authors and speakers. For more information,
Overlooking White Rock Lake, the world-renowned display of design and histo ry serves as a living testament to the council’s founders, Margaret McDermott and Virgin ia Nick, and other members who have com mitted to creating a garden dedicated to the spirit of women across generations. The design brings in rustic strength, water and landscape, formal and naturalistic elements, and refuge and renewal to reflect a respect for nature and the feminine ideal.
Proceeds from the garden benefit the growth of the maintenance and improvement of A Woman’s Garden, and the need for fund raising continues to grow to support the yearround maintenance of the plantings, features, structures, and repairs. Fundraising efforts in clude those by members of the Women’s Coun cil and donors who give financial gifts in return for naming features in the garden.
CLOCKWISE: A Woman’s Garden design features rustic strength, water and landscape, formal and naturalistic elements, and refuge and renewal to reflect a respect for nature and the feminine ideal. (PHOTOS: COURTESY DALLAS ARBORETUM AND BOTANICAL GARDEN); Scrapbook pages recall the groundbreaking ceremony.
Our CouncilWomen’smembers are connected by a strong vine of love for nature, earthly beauty, and A Woman’s Garden.
“Our Women’s Council members are con nected by a strong vine of love for nature, earth ly beauty, and A Woman’s Garden,” Hardin said. “Together, we have taken that connective vine and grown not only a beautiful garden but a legacy of volunteerism and friendship.”
44 October 2022 |
Woman’s Garden at the Dallas Arbore tum and Botanical Garden is turning 25. The garden was started in 1997 by the Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden and, to this day, is the only public garden in the country conceived by, funded by, and dedicated to women.
16th | October 2022 45 JIM MUELLER Super Lawyers is a registered trademark of Thomas Reuters Highland Park 4311 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 450, Dallas, TX 214.526.523475219 Downtown McKinney 205 W. Louisiana, Suite 100, McKinney, TX 972.562.221275069 Rockwall 102 S. Goliad Street, Suite 109, Rockwall, TX 214.771.867275087 Meridian 113 N. Main Street Meridian, TX 254.229.531776665 MANAGING PARTNER

not. However, organizers want guests to attend and enjoy the event so they can become more engaged with the cause. Good food and beverage are part of the equation, keeping in mind that respect ing donor funds is priority one. Dallas is one of the most philanthropic cities in the country; the parties are just the icing on the cake.
Dallas Galas: Not Your Mother’s Banquet Food
In addition to the obvious benefit of sup porting a cause you’re passionate about, it is fun to chair an event, and one great perk, say many former event chairs I consulted for this piece, is that you get to choose the menu.
tions will be able to carry out their carefully planned parties and galas without worrying about COVID cancellations.
1,500, and it’s a sell-out each year. I’ve at tended the ball five times, and each time, the food was excellent; always beef tenderloin as the main dish and glorious hors d’oeuvres and desserts before and after.

Does the menu matter more than the cause
Carmen Hancock chaired the Jade Ball benefitting the Crow Museum of Asian Art at the Arts District Mansion, formerly known as the Belo. “They did an amazing job on menu options. We wanted an Asian flare to the menu, and they provided exactly what we wanted,” she said.
Chairing a philanthropic event of any size is no small task. I’ve chaired a few my self and, depending on the occasion, have spent up to a year working with the bene ficiary, its leadership, an event planner in some cases, and a multitude of vendors.
As a donor and guest, have you ever de cided to attend a philanthropic event based on the food to be served?
Many large fundraisers are held at ho tels, but that doesn’t mean the food is in stitutional. One of the season’s largest and most exquisite events is Crystal Charity Ball at the Hilton Anatole. The ballroom holds

Ashlie Lynch, The Mansion on Tur tle Creek’s assistant director of events, has planned hundreds of events there and noted the typical sit-down event menus are chick en and salads for luncheons and strip steaks and The Mansion’s famous Tortilla Soup for evening events.
CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: The Crystal Charity Ball always features elegant tablescapes and delicious food. (PHOTOS: TAMYTHA CAMERON); VNA Texas’ Celebrity Chef events have featured chef Toni Tipton Martin’s lamb and sweet potatoes. (PHOTOS: COURTESY VNA TEXAS)
46 October 2022 |
Follow Kersten Rettig, a Park Cities-based writer with 30-plus years of experience in food and beverage marketing and public relations, on Instagram @KerstenEats.

This is the best “gala” food I’ve had, and it’s creative and mem orable every time. VNA has booked Chef Martin Yan for the 2023 event, which will be a big foodie draw.
Oh, and then there is the real reason for the event: fundraising. Some philanthropists and organizations make it look easy to raise hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in one event, but it’s not. However, there are perks.
How would you feel about attending a $1,000 per ticket gala that served Vienna Sausages, Spaghet tiOs, and Natty Light?It’s party sea son in Dallas, and, fingers socialphilanthropiccrossed,andorganiza
VNA Texas hosts its annual Celebri ty Chef luncheon and dinner events every spring, featuring well-known chefs who preside while the Food Company cater er prepares and serves that chef’s recipes. | October 2022 47

– Dallas Symphony Orchestra Gala and After Party, Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center,
13 – The Jewel of Dallas, Granada Theater, WhiteRockLakeFounda
On Friday, the groom’s parents hosted the rehearsal dinner at Café des Artistes, followed by margaritas, a tequila donkey, and a parade down the beach with aMexicanMojigangas–larger-than-lifepuppets–culminatingwithfireworksdisplayattheshore.Billy’sfirstglimpseofhisbridefortheirSaturdayweddingwascapturedataworkingcarouselontheresortpropertyjustbeforetheceremony.ThentheymadetheirwaytothepooldeckoverlookingthePacificOceanatGarzaBlancaResort.BillyandAlimadetheirvowsunderaflowerarchwiththe
DSOL Fashion Notes Luncheon and Style Show chairs Kira Nasrat and Sharon Lee Clark.

SOCIAL NEWS Visit to get more Society news and to subscribe to the weekly Giving People e-newsletter.
Ali is a 2011 graduate of Pulaski Academy in Little Rock, Arkansas. She completed her Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Southern Methodist University in 2015 and a Master of Science degree in Accounting in 2016. She is employed as a tax manager with PwC, specializing in MLP partnerships. She is a member of the Slipper Club of Dallas.
The couple imported their favorite DJ, Blake Ward, from Dallas for dancing under the stars at La Sierra Events Area at Garza Blanca. Lights strung above the reception area, which sat amid the jungle, increased the fairytale feel of the evening. Ali and Billy’s entrance to the reception and their first dance were accompanied by cold fireworks. Guests were treated to specialty cocktails of various margaritas and mojitos with swizzle sticks sporting their dog
Her bridesmaids wore dresses in various styles of sea glass green.
The groom’s brother, Nathan Langhenry, attended him as best man. Groomsmen included Dodge Carter, Jr., Greg Hopkins II, Tyler Riek, Colton Smith, and Houstoun Waring. Will Martin III, Jim Moore, Jr., Matt Parker, Dan Rose, and Collins Thompson III served as ushers.
15 – 34th Annual Masquerade Cab aret and Auction Gala, Renaissance Dallas Hotel,
CC Young guest speaker John Baumann has Parkinson’s.

Georgia’s photo, hand-rolled cigars, and a photo booth. Finally, the newlyweds departed the festivities in an old-school car. Rebeca with The Wedding Mexico tailored the three-day affair for Ali and Billy.
Billy is a graduate of the 2009 Class of Highland Park High School. He studied real estate and Spanish at the University of Georgia, graduating in 2013 with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. He is a licensed real estate broker with National Realty Partners and is the owner of Mister Tuxedo in Snider Plaza. In 2018, Billy purchased the 60-plus-year-old Park Cities staple from Harold Bell, his neighbor in the plaza, and has successfully been running it since then. In addition, he is a member of the Honor Guard Board of Governors, which supports the Dallas Symphony Orchestra League.
A lison “Ali” Michelle Hopkins and Willard “Billy” Harold Langhenry IV exchanged wedding vows in a small private ceremony at Highland Park Presbyterian Church on Monday, May 2, 2022, followed by a destination wedding to Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, later that week. Pastor Andrew Franklin of Highland Park Presbyterian officiated both ceremonies. Dallas photographer Tamytha Cameron captured photographs of the family event and the destination wedding.
48 October 2022 |
Taylor Thompson assisted as maid of honor, and bridesmaids included Carole Finley, Brownlee Fielder Hopkins, Devin Kerns, Katelyn Hall Muñoz, and Hayley Waring.
13 – 9th Annual Fashion Notes Lun cheon and Style Show, Fairmont Dallas,
15 – Obelisk Awards, Fairmont Dallas,
white sands and the cerulean blue of the bay in front of them and the lush jungle behind them.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. Greg Hopkins and Ms. Angie Hopkins of Little Rock, Arkansas, and the granddaughter of the late Mrs. Joyce (Francis) and Mr. William Newsom and the late Mrs. Winnie (Baker) and Mr. Delbert Hopkins.Thegroom is the son of Mrs. Nancy and Mr. Willard Harold Langhenry III of University Park and the grandson of Mrs. Lois (Peterson) and the late Mr. Willard Harold Langhenry II and the late Mrs. Weurta Lee (Davidson) and Mr. Wallace “Nate” Franklin Fawcett.The destination wedding weekend began on Thursday evening when a full mariachi band welcomed an intimate group of friends and family to the Garza Blanca Preserve Resort for a cocktail party at the Hotel Mousai.
5 – Junior League of Dallas Auction, Perot Museum of Nature and Science,
The bride chose a Caroline Castigliano gown from Stanley

– Chefs for Farmers, multiple loca tions,
3 – Leave a Legacy “Live Loud and Free” Concert, The Rustic,
The Turtle Creek Association Tour of Homes is held virtually.
Billy presented each of his groomsmen with apparel fitted by Mister Tuxedo. Special touches included custom ivory jackets with their names monogrammed inside, worn with black bow ties, and colorful Mexican artisan suspenders.
Chefs for Farmers 2022 includes four events.

– “Living Your Best Life with (or without) Parkinson’s,” CC Young Se nior Living,

Save the Dates
Humble Beginnings speakers Laura and Barbara Bush.
Korshak Bridal, featuring a white V-neck bodice and an A-line skirt embellished with clusters of sparkling flowers. Ali carried a bouquet of white roses accented with eucalyptus and greenery.
14 – DIFFA Burgers and Burgundy, Peace Plaza at Cathedral of Hope,
8 – Turtle Creek Association 21st Annual Tour of Homes, four homes across Turtle Creek,
Chefs create their ultimate sliders for DIFFA Dallas.

As a couple, they are both active members of Highland Park Presbyterian Church. After a honeymoon tour of Great Britain and Ireland, the Langhenrys have made their home in University Park.

14 – Humble Beginnings Luncheon, Hilton Anatole,
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Eat: Whether this is your inaugural or 10th trek to Philly, Parc, a tribute to the beloved French bistro, is a must. Whether you’re diving into the bubbling bliss that is its onion soup gratinée or sharing a plate of Saturday’s rack of lamb Du Jour, you’ll be a smitten kitten with a champagne buzz
50 October 2022 |
Do: Depends. If this is a work trip and you happen to be a member of Dallas’ Park House, enjoy reciprocity at Philly’s hot, new Fitler Club, where business and
And whether your dream day involves cobblestone streets and historical walking tours or enjoying a spa day followed by great eats and an Eagles game (the Cowboys play there on Oct. 16), the options are endless.

If you didn’t visit the Rockystatue and run up and down the stairs pretending to be in tip-top fighting shape, did you even really visit Philly?
1. Tony Luke’s (the original location) 2. Carmen’s Famous Italian Hoagies & 3.CheesesteaksSteve’sPrince of Steaks 4. Ishkabibble’s 5. Woodrow’s Sandwich Shop
by the time the check comes (and that’s a promise). Once you’ve scratched your “must eat at a Philly institution itch,” you’ll feel better about hitting up the newer hot spots like Alpen Rose by Michael Schulson. This vibey candlelit speakeasy is easy to miss but impossible to forget.
By Diana Oates Special Contributor
Sky high hospitality keeps us coming back to the City of Brotherly Love
TOP: Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia at Comcast Center, located in the heart of Center City, is a great home base for work or play. (PHOTOS: CHRISTIAN HORAN) MIDDLE: At Alpen Rose, all beef is dry-aged in-house and cut tableside. (PHOTO: COURTESY ALPEN ROSE) BOTTOM: Independence Hall is one of many sites dating back to the birth of this nation. (PHOTO: R. KENNEDY) Parc, a Rittenhouse Square staple, is paramount for getting the vibe just right for a great couple of days in the city that prides itself on loving one another. (PHOTO: M. FISCHETTI)
From cheesesteaks to the Constitu tion, this manageable yet magical city has passionate people ready to welcome you. However, there’s still a catch: Planning the perfect trip involves a beautiful balance of old and new.

Stay: Every now and then, a hotel that truly wows even the most seasoned travel er comes along. That is the case with Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia at Comcast Center. Highlights include a 57th-floor

infinity-edge pool, the gym of all ho tel gyms, food by Michelin-starred chef Jean-Georges Vongerichten, jaw-dropping floral by Jeff Leatham, and, most impor tantly, that old-school hospitality that re minds you that superior customer service is not dead, albeit hard to find. Rooms start at $817 a night, and if you’re looking for a sign to splurge on a hotel, take this as one in shining stage lights. This is not just a place to stay; this is a place to experience.

pleasure can exist simultaneously via food and beverage, wellness, and 34,000 square feet of workspace with office suites. Get to have some fun? Philly adores its sports teams. Pick an in-season pro sport and en joy. Sprinkle in history with the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and other sites within America’s “most historic square mile.” And get your culture via a stroll through the Philadelphia Museum of Art, because if you didn’t visit the Rocky statue and run up and down the stairs pretend ing to be in tip-top fighting shape, did you even really visit Philly?
Vegetarian? Check out Vedge, where James Beard-nom inated Chefs Rich Landau and Kate Jacoby make veg etables (not meat substitutes) the star of its plant-based menu. From stuffed avocados to eggplant braciola and spicy dan dan noodles, we dare you to miss meat after dining here.

ith working travelers back on the road and Texas young athletes showing more interest than ever in lacrosse, a sport with Northeastern roots, Philadelphia has become a popular place for Dallasites to spend a few days.
Did you know women often have different heart attack symptoms than men? Learn the warning signs to protect you and the women you love. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in women, but early diagnosis and treatment can help lower your risk. Call 9-1-1 if you experience these symptoms:
Find a specialist: 1.844.BSW.DOCS |
Notice Regarding Physician Ownership: Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital is a hospital in which physicians have an ownership or investment interest. The list of the physician owners or investors is available to you upon request. Physicians provide clinical services as members of the medical staff at one of Baylor Scott & White Health’s subsidiary, community or affiliated medical centers and do not provide clinical services as employees or agents of those medical centers, Baylor Health Care System, Scott & White Healthcare or Baylor Scott & White Health. ©2022 Baylor Scott & White Health. 13-ALL-667200-ParkCitiesAdSept2022_Launch
Discomfort in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach Shortness of breath | October 2022 51
Uncomfortable chest pressure, squeezing or pain Dizziness, cold sweat or nausea
1 large onion, peeled and sliced3large cloves of garlic, peeled and sliced
Yield: 10 to 12 servings (two tacos per serving)
The dry rub and meaty juices combined with the aromatics, cre ating an array of mouthwatering flavors. After shredding the pork shoulder, I served it in warm flour tortillas, garnished with a tangy cabbage slaw.

Margaret Chambers, a registered interior de signer (RID) and member of the American Soci ety of Interior Designers (ASID), leads Chambers Interiors and Associates. Her colleague Cait lin Crowley helped edit this column. Visit cham for more design advice.

52 October 2022 |
Parquet floors are the only type of hardwood floors that I wouldn’t recom mend using rugs on. Sometimes, the in laid wood pattern is so busy that it would be overwhelming to break it up even fur ther with Hardwoodrugs. is the most sought-after
This follow-up to my July column, which was about choosing hardwood floors, is aimed at those who already have them but could use help choosing com plementary décor.
¼ cup dark brown sugar, packed1tablespoon smoked paprika1teaspoon dry mustard
flooring, so you’ll naturally want to show it off if you have it. The key is to harmonize your floors with the right paint colors, fur nishings, and fabrics.
For another variation, add roasted Hatch chiles as the meat cooks, and it’s the foundation for New Mexican pork tacos.
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
similar in color to your wood floors, you can use a contrasting rug to create a visual buffer between them.
Spanish heritage strongly influ ence this region, going back to ancient petroglyphs etched into volcanic rock 400 to 700 years ago in what is now the Petroglyph National Monument.
From enchiladas with green chile, to decadent grilled ribeye tacos with chile aioli, and Cam po’s live-fire braised lamb birria with blue corn hominy, each meal was chosen to taste Albuquerque’s foodButtraditions.themeal that left a lasting impression was the Navajo Taco I enjoyed at the Indian Pueblo Kitchen. Hot-from-the-skillet fry bread was garnished with tender
A recent trip to Albuquerque inspired my slow-cooked Hatch Chile Pulled Pork Tacos. We’d visited New Mexico many times, but this trip focused on discov ering Albuquerque’s history and cuisine. Native American and
Rooms with dark wood floors need light walls, or else the room will be too dark and cave-like. That said, this still leaves a wide variety of paint color options, from cream to light gray, light blue, or pale green. In corporating plants is good: Bright green ery pops against a dark base. Natural light also reflects beautifully against the grain of dark-stained wood, so try to let in lots of natural light.
½ teaspoon chili powder
and gold or silver accessories are a winning combination for light hardwood floors. I suggest light grey, charcoal grey, or black furniture for the furnishings.
Area rugs are almost always a must for hardwood floors. They protect your floors from daily wear and tear while soften ing footfalls. If you have wood furniture
and longtime resident of the Park Cities and Preston Hollow. Her Celebrating Home 4-minute cook ing videos are available at youtube. com/ChristyRostCooks and on her website.
1 teaspoon cumin
churro lamb, pueblo beans, onion, green chile, tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese. It was simply amazing.
Tips for working with light hardwood floors
October is made for foot ball
How to make dark wood floors shine

The best wall colors for rooms with light hardwood tend to be neutrals. Off-white gives the room an airy feel, cool gray cre ates an aura of relaxation, and warm gray makes the room seem cozy. White furni ture, a sandy brown rug, colorful accents,
2 teaspoons coarse kosher or sea salt
Use the Right Décor and Paint Colors to Highlight Wood Flooring
Christy Rost is a cookbook author, chef on PBS stations nationwide,

1 – 4- to 6-pound pork shoulder1orange, rinsed and sliced
1 large Hatch chile, roasted, peeled, seeded, and sliced
Slow cooking requires little at tention during the cooking pro cess. Simply combine ingredients in the bottom of the pot, cover, select the cooking temperature, and walk away. Before long, sa vory aromas fill the air, becoming irresistible as the hours pass.
If you’ve ever wondered which wall paint colors go best with dark wood floors, which colors are best for light floors, or when to use rugs (and when not to), look no further: I’ll answer these questions and more.

If you prefer, use traditional taco
Cabbage slaw or chopped lettuce and tomato, for garnish
Shredded cheddar cheese for garnish (optional)
Stir together brown sugar,
smoked paprika, dry mustard, cumin, chili powder, salt, and pepper. Rub the mixture gen erously over all sides of the meat and set it aside.
Line the bottom of the slow cooker pot with onion, orange, garlic, and roasted Hatch chile slices, reserving one slice of orange. Place the dry-rubbed meat over the ar omatics, place the reserved orange slice on top, and pour the chicken broth around the meat. Cover with the lid, set the temperature to high, and cook for two hours. Reduce the heat to low and contin ue cooking for three to four hours more, for a total of five to six Whenhours.the meat is fall-offthe-bone tender, remove it from the cooker and shred us ing two forks. Stir some cook ing broth into the meat and serve with warm tortillas. Gar nish each taco with cabbage slaw or chopped lettuce and tomato, and shredded cheese.
Warm corn or flour tortillas
toppings of chopped lettuce and tomatoes garnished with shredded cheese. Either way, these tacos will be the hit of any autumn event.
Slow Cooking Yields Big Flavors with Minimal Attention
One of my favorite slowcooked recipes is pulled pork. Falloff-the-bone tender, the meat is so flavorful and juicy it can be en joyed as is, but stir in homemade or bottled barbecue sauce, and it becomes tantalizing Texas-style barbecued pulled pork.
slow cooker has reappeared in my kitchen after its summer hiatus.
Wanting to recapture some of Albuquerque’s flavors, I seasoned a pork shoulder with a smoky dry rub for a more complex flavor pro file, then lined the bottom of my slow cooker with slices of onion, garlic, and fresh orange.
1 ¼ cup chicken broth
A word about area rugs
The neutral colors and orange accents in this modern Dallas home compliment the light wood floors. (PHOTO: DAN PIASSICK) Grey paint, as seen in the library of a Kessler Park home, is a good wall color to go with dark hardwood floors. (PHOTO: NATHAN SCHRODER)
210-349-1414 OBITUARY JANE DONNELL GRAHAM 03/29/1925 – 08/26/2022 LANDSCAPE ILLUMINATION “The Magic of Moonlight” (214) WATSONLIGHTING.COM630-7751

Jane was an unparalleled entertainer, and merely stepping over the threshold of her front door meant you were a guest to be doted upon. The Graham house always drew people in, whether it was as the des tination for Texas/OU weekend, the “Gra ham Country Club” where the Highland Park High School kids liked to gather, or the stone house in Bandera to which count less nieces, nephews, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors escaped any time they could and where magical Easter, Thanksgiving,
Jane Donnell Graham, age 97, died on August 26, 2022, in Boerne, Texas. Born March 29, 1925, in San Antonio, Texas, she was the youngest of 10 children born to Lucile Conly Donnell and James Webb Smith Donnell. She graduated Thomas Jef ferson High School in San Antonio in 1943 and wed John Graham on July 31, 1943, at Christ Episcopal Church, San Antonio. During WWII, they moved to Virginia, California, and Connecticut. Following the war, they lived in John’s native New Jersey before settling in Dallas, Texas, in 1951.

and Christmas celebrations were held. Jane could be counted on to provide delicious meals. She was famous for her chocolate chip cookies and chocolate pies. Jane was adept at making a simple meal magical and held a well-set table in high regard.
In the 1980s, Jane and John moved to Bandera, Texas, where Jane spent many years working at The Frontier Times Museum. Her efforts greatly enhanced the visitor experience there. After John’s death in 2011, she relocat ed to Menger Springs in Boerne, Texas.
Jane was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Colonial Dames, and was named to the Yellow Rose of Texas So ciety by Governor Rick Perry. A Texan to her core, she recently celebrated her birthday with a large Donnell family reunion at the Flying L Guest Ranch in Bandera, where she proved she was still able to crack a bullwhip at the age of 97. Jane enjoyed quilting and many of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchil dren own pieces of her handiwork. | October 2022 53 SEPT.30 THRU OCT.23 BUY ONLINE & SAVE BIG! USE PROMO CODE BIGTEX.COM 22starCOMBO Valid on new orders only. Not valid on walk-up or daily tickets. Promo code must be applied at the time of purchase. O er expires 10/23/22. $ 50+ F OO D&RIDE COUPO NSin 4TICK ETS INCLUDES PREMIUM 4- PA CK CO MBO $30 off

Jane and John, with their son John Jr. and their daughter Sally, enjoyed a rich life in Dallas filled with regular summer vacations to Michigan, many trips to the Hill Country with Jane’s siblings and their families, and close friendships with their neighbors on Caruth. While living in Dallas, Jane attend ed Southern Methodist University.
As the last surviving Donnell sibling, Jane was beloved by her nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, and grand-nephews and all their spouses and children, all of whom held a special place in her heart.
Jane is predeceased by her parents, her husband, all of her siblings, son-in-law Dr. Keith Douglas Peterson, various nieces and nephews, and one great-grandchild, Grace Elizabeth Graham. She is survived by her son, Retired Colonel John Graham (Cris), of Fredericksburg, Texas, her daughter Sally Graham Peterson, of Clarksville, Tennessee, her granddaughter Kristine Donnell Peterson Rudolph (David), of Atlanta, Georgia, her granddaughter Alice Lindsay Welder (Clark) of Fredericksburg, Texas, her grandson Keith Douglas Peterson, Jr. (Monica) of Ottawa Hills, Ohio, her granddaughter Kathryn Pe terson Cartwright (Josh) of Brentwood, Ten nessee and her grandson Lieutenant Colonel John Stieler Graham (Lisa) of Albuquer que, New Mexico. She is also survived by great-grandchildren William, Margaret, and Avery Jane Rudolph; Alice, Lilly, and Lind say Welder; Jack and Ellie Cartwright; Ol ivia, Walker, and Knox Peterson; and John Stieler and Caroline Graham.
Graveside services for Jane will be held at Mission Park North in San Antonio at 10 am on November 5, 2022. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Jane’s memory to The Frontier Times Museum, 510 13th Street, Bandera, TX 78003, or Pipe Creek Presbyterian Little Rock Church, PO Box 63377, Pipe Creek, TX 78063. You are in vited to sign the online guestbook at www. Cherry Ridge Drive Antonio, Texas 78230
Chapels North 3401


In the first half of 2022, 5 out of the 10 homes sold in the Park Cities offered at $5 million and higher were represented by Allie Beth Allman & Associates agents.
anchors the family room while the cathedral ceiling, rustic wood beams and Juliet balcony draw your gaze upward. No château would be complete without a 1,600-bottle wine room. And like the rest of the home, the owner’s suite and opulent bath are bright and airy. Set on over an acre, the estate and immaculately landscaped grounds, featuring a covered patio, outdoor fireplace, sundeck and pool/spa, is a peaceful, private retreat in the city’s center.
Outstanding Greenway Parks home just steps to the greenbelt. This charming single-story home, owned by a prominent Dallas interior designer, exudes a Dilbeck cottage sensibility abundantly appointed with designer touches. Secluded behind a privet hedge, a brick

Trust the leader in Park Cities sales, Allie Beth Allman & Associates, when buying or selling a home.
5331 W. Mockingbird is being offered for $949,000 in Greenway Parks.
Ask an expert at Allie Beth Allman & Associates to help you find the perfect home in Park Cities neighborhoods.
In fact, the brokerage leads in terms of volume sold in Highland Park and University Park across the board.
Working with an Allie Beth Allman & Associates agent in this environment, your home will be marketed with innovative strategies in the quest to find the right buyer.
Choosing a Real Estate Agent Who Can Deliver
Visit to learn more or call 214.799.1488.
Brokerage Leads in Park Cities Home Sales
A primary bedroom with large seating area and tray ceiling enjoys a wall of windows and French doors overlooking the back yard. Two additional bedrooms, one with attached bath and currently used as an office, complete the footprint. Mature landscaping and large trees highlight the back yard with pool, large grassy area and wrought iron fence with gated access to the greenbelt. This is a truly unique property, offering endless possibilities, at a premier Greenway Parks locale.
Allie Beth Allman & Associates leads in the sale of homes priced at $3 million and higher in premier neighborhoods such as Preston Hollow. Homes remain in demand in Preston Hollow, so if you’re looking to sell, contact one of the brokerage’s expert agents to deliver the best deal.
Contact Karen Fry (214.288.1391) for more information or to set up a private showing.
Greenway Parks Home Steps to the Greenbelt
In the Dallas luxury market, that’s Allie Beth Allman & Associates.

Dallas, TX— Homeowners who are buying, selling, or renovating a residence, often visualize how living spaces, both outside and inside a home, will be used for different occasions. They may imagine a quiet moonlit night on a patio or deck, or a more festive backdrop for gatherings and celebrations. Either way, creating the right lighting can change a home’s mood with the flip of a switch. Adding customized mood light ing in and outside of residences is becoming more de sirable, especially by younger homeowners, according to Richard Lentz, owner of Lentz Landscape Lighting. “Many people want controlled lighting by phone, but it can be expensive and unpredictable.” says Lentz. “We usually recommend you have a strategizing meeting first to determine what you hope to accomplish; then design a custom lighting plan accordingly. We find most residents choose to have a nightly look, but when they entertain outdoors, they bring it up a level.” he added “At Lentz, we design plans homeowners can control, zone by zone, room by room or with a central panel set up; creating lighting “scenes” as simple or as intricate as they want. “, said Richard. To find out more infor mation about customized exterior and interior lighting, contact Lentz Landscape Lighting @ 972-241-0622 or go to their website

The brokerage represented both sides of the sale of the highest-priced listing to change hands in that period – a Larry Speck-designed modern with tranquil views of the Dallas Country Club golf course, offered at $16,800,000.Priceshave risen to historic highs over the past two years, and, although the rate of increase has slowed, real estate analysts forecast continued price increases. The expert agents at Allie Beth Allman & Associates say your home has never been worth more, so now is a great time to list your home to get top dollar.
When people are ready to buy or sell their home, they want to work with a partner that gives them the best chance to maximize their investment.
Agents Connect Buyers and Sellers in Preston Hollow
The open living and den area is accented by beamed ceilings, built-in bookcases, handsome stone faced fireplace and multiple views of the pool and greenbelt. The kitchen with granite serving island flows to a striking dining room.
driveway and large parking area leads to the gracious home at 5331 W. Mockingbird, featuring three bedrooms, two full baths, attached two car garage and pool all in 2,472 square eet.
When it’s time to make their next real estate move, most people want a partner that boasts a proven track record of undisputed success. No firm has demonstrated more success in the Dallas luxury home market than Allie Beth
Real estate analysts forecast continued price increases, supporting a seller’s market for the foreseeable future.
Here’s a look at homes the brokerage’s agents have sold recently in Preston Hollow.

Allie Beth Allman & Associates leads in the sale of homes priced at $3 million and higher in DFW.
For example, the transitional-style home currently available at 3543 Northwest Parkway is perfect for a family. The four-bedroom home has a grassy yard for the children to play in after attending nearby Hyer Elementary. The four-bedroom home has an office inside the front door. A third-floor bonus room has a full bath.Although the market has begun to stabilize, Park Cities homes still going under contract quickly. Connect with an agent to learn about Park Cities homes only available via private sale.
Allie Beth Allman & Associates agents sell more homes in DFW priced at $3 million and above, according to the MLS.
What makes those accomplishments even more impressive is that they were done at a time when there was still limited inventory on the market.
The team closed 878 deals through the months of April and June. The firm’s $1.2 billion in transactions posted over that time is a 67 percent increase from just two years ago.
Spanning 3,260 square feet, 7843 Caruth Court comprises three bedrooms and three and a half baths. In addition to the primary suite, the first floor features an open-concept kitchen and informal living area, a formal living room, a half bath, a utility room and a study with built-in cabinetry. On the second floor, you’ll find two bedrooms — both containing en suite baths and walkin closets — as well as an extra study and walk-in attic offering ample storage space. This two-story Traditional also has an attached two-car garage, a privacy fence and a spacious back porch and courtyard.
Brokerage Leads in Sale of Park Cities Estates
The brokerage continues to be the leading seller of homes priced at $3 million and above in DFW. According to the Multiple Listing Service, the brokerage commands nearly 27 percent of the market, while the top competitor has less than 21 percent.
Allman & Associates.
French-Country Elegance in Lobello Estates
Offered at $6,800,000, 5515 Yolanda is a wonderful opportunity to live in Lobello Estates – home to many of Preston Hollow’s most extraordinary properties. To schedule a showing, contact Stephen Collins at 469-7749749 or is a division of the Ebby Halliday Companies, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate, with four locations that specialize in Preston Hollow, Park Cities, North Dallas, Lakewood, East Dallas, West Dallas, Uptown and Kessler Park.
Lovingly restored, this 9,221-square-foot mansion in Lobello Estates combines French-country elegance with casual comforts. Throughout the home, soft hues and antique accents create a polished yet inviting aesthetic. A music room and the formal dining room are just off the main entryway. Past the archway, the stone fireplace
7843 Caruth Court is represented by Judy Sessions for $1,325,000. Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty, founded in the Park Cities in 1960, represents luxury homes, high-rises, ranches, land and commercial properties. Its website is a cuttingedge portal featuring properties, neighborhoods, schools, virtual tours, architecture guides and more.
“Our agents are the best in the business,” brokerage President Keith Conlon says. “The results are a testament to their dedication and commitment to serving our clients.”
7843 Caruth Court, represented by Judy Sessions for $1,325,000.
Luxury brokerage Allie Beth Allman & Associates continues to lead in the sale of homes in the premier Park Cities neighborhoods, according to Multiple Listing Service statistics.
With its sophisticated mix of architectural styles and picturesque lanes, a for-sale sign doesn’t last long in Preston Hollow. This is especially true when a property is in the hands of the right firm.
Allie Beth Allman & Associates sells more in Highland Park and University Park than any other brokerage, according to the Multiple Listing Service.
Allie Beth Allman & Associates leads in the sale of homes priced at $3 million and higher in DFW.

The Tudor-style façade at 6120 Mimosa Lane gives way to a five-bedroom residence with chic light fixtures, crisp wainscoting. At 6316 Tulip Lane, lush landscaping, a circular driveway, and a romantic arched front door make a great firstAllieimpression.BethAllman & Associates leads in the sale of homes priced at $3 million and higher in DFW.
The firm’s agents so far in 2022 have handled the sale of 134 homes in the Park Cities, 94 in University Park and 40 in Highland Park, for a total value of nearly half a billion dollars. Moreover, they represented almost 35 percent of the Highland Park market and 30 percent of the University Park market.
Sited on a desirable corner lot in Caruth Hills, this elegant European-inspired home offers wellproportioned rooms, hardwood flooring throughout, high ceilings, a large kitchen and den that flow together, a first-floor primary suite and a bonus room upstairs that could be the perfect place to work from home.
At 6214 Norway Road, a covered and heated patio, custom pool, and grilling area are just a few sights to see. Meanwhile, at 6316 Orchid Lane, the new owners fell in love with the home theater added to the game room and the rebuilt balcony off the primary suite.
LENTZ LANDSCAPE LIGHTING Any Home Occasion, Any Lighting Mood at the Flip of a Switch
Chris Kelly Most-AdmiredNamedCEO
Kelly joined the Ebby Halliday Companies four years ago with a great measure of respect for all he had already accomplished, and it has only grown as staff and agents have gotten to know him and observe the impact he is making both for the company, the industry and the community.Kellyis actively involved in the North Texas community, including serving on the board of the Dallas Regional Chamber and as Chairperson of the Talent Attraction Committee for the Dallas Regional Chamber.
For more information, visit

and quality of the past with today’s style and conveniences, including new LED 80’foundationwithfrigeratorkitchen,Boschplaced.masardnewteriorfixtures,waterlighting-electrical,plumbingheatersandHVAC.Exwoodtrimhasbeenrepainted,guttersandmetalcopingontheroofhavingrecentlybeenreRedesignedandupdatedopenoven,dishwasher.Reandwasher-dryerconveytheproperty.PierandBeamandsitsonalandscapedx129’lot.
“This past year was one of incredible growth and strategic expansion and I couldn’t be any prouder of our agents and employees,” says Kelly. “This award is a testament to the commitment and hard work of our approximately 2,000 agents and 400 employees who day in and day out deliver an exceptional real estate experience to our valued clients.” | October 2022 55 To place your ad in People Newspapers, please call us at 214-523-5239, fax to 214-594-5779, or e-mail to All ads will run in Park Cities People and Preston Hollow People and online. Pre-payment is required on all ads. Deadline for our next edition is Monday, October 3. People Newspapers reserves the right to edit or reject ads. We assume no liability for errors or omissions in advertisements and no responsibility beyond the cost of the ad. We are responsible only for the first incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIEDS FIREWOOD DELIVERY SPLIT SEASONED 972-333-7444OAK power wash Picky People Pick ParkTMCities Home & Commercial Power Washing–Soft Washing Window Cleaning Call today to schedule your quote 214-390-3377 • Seamless Installations • Custom Designs • FREE Estimates 214-960-5692 Services 15% Installations!OctoberOff DFW’s Premier Holiday Lighting Company HOME SERVICES HOMEFORSERVICESSALE Contact Laura at 214-686-5516 for pricing & package details! Check us out on Instagram & @hippityhopbounceandplayFacebook Mom-Owned Bounce House & Softpaly Rental Company Take Back Your Yard fromticksmosquitoes,andfleas 214.856.7979 MOSqUITOHUNTERS.COM JEWELRY & ESTATE BUYERS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY (214) 802-6797 32 Years in Business Graduate Gemologist (GIA) IMMEDIATE CASH TO 24 HOUR PAYOUT CONSIGNMENT AVAILABLE BUY, SELL & TRADE • Fine Jewelry • Watches • Bullion • Diamonds CEMETERY LOT FOR SALE SPARKMAN/HILLCREST CEMETERY PREMIER LOCATION - LAKESIDE GARDENS 4 SPACES (2 DEEP) - $ 399,000. (214) 521-4903 BURIAL PROPERTIES 214-207-6000CASH OFFERS FOR • Diamonds minimum 3 C • Fine Jewelry • Watches • Collectibles 214-207-6000 2 Cemetery Plots For Sale at RESTLAND CEMETERY Mt. Vernon Section $9,000 each Call or text 1-325-212-5091 HOME SERVICES HELP WANTED Mature Executive Manager with limited experience caring for the elderly & estate management experience & a complete list of homecare workmen, seeks an estate management position in the Park Cities/North Dallas area. Excellent references due to previous experience. Contact Charles C. McDaniel. (214) 803-5590 ESTATE MANAGEMENT Beautiful Burial Property For Sale SPARKMAN HILLCREST 10 MONUMENTBURIALcontiguousSPACESWITHFOUNDATIONINPRESTIGIOUSGARDENOFPEACE.CALL/TEXT 214-232-3624 There’s something for everyone in the classifieds.

ADVERTISING CONTENT ALLIE BETH ALLMAN URBAN 4601 Lorraine Ave Desirable West Highland Park loca tion, recently

President & CEO Chris Kelly was named among this group of prominent North Texas leaders. A highly visible and accessible leader, Kelly gives the credit for the reward to the brokerage’s agents and employees.

The Dallas Business Journal recently announced the third class of its Most Admired CEO Awards. Ebby Halliday Companies

SPECIAL renovated, 3 bedroom, 3.1 bath home combines the charm

56 October 2022 | CLAIR STOREY / 214-507-1388 / CAROL STOREY / 214-707-1142 / MALINDA ARVESEN / 214-354-7029 / DAVID ARVESEN / 214-354-6142 / Nothing compares. BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM • #BRIGGSFREEMAN • @BRIGGSFREEMAN • 214-350-0400 WINDSOR PARK 7257 Joyce Way / Listed for $ 749,000 ALEX TRUSLER / 214-755-8180 / KARLA TRUSLER / 214-682-6511 / JL FORKE / 214-695-8255 / JENNIFER SHINDLER / 214-215-5181 / RALPH RANDALL / 214-533-8355 / FAISAL HALUM / 214-240-2575 / POGIR / 214-244-3103 / WEST HIGHLAND PARK 4669 Southern Avenue / Listed for $ 1,250,000 UNIVERSITY PARK 3453 Asbury Street / $ 1,349,000 MIDWAY HOLLOW 3850 Clover Lane / $ 1,475,000 LAKE FOREST / GATED COMMUNITY 7029 Hill Forest Drive / Listed for $ 3,500,000 NORTH DALLAS 4649 College Park Drive / Off-market sale HIGHLAND PARK 3628 Maplewood Avenue / $ 7,495,000 PRESTON HOLLOW 5807 Park Lane / $ 5,950,000 PENNY COOK / 214-384-2847 / ptcook@briggsfreeman.comSotheby’sbyoperatedthoseexceptoperated,andownedindependentlyisceoffiRealtyInternationalSotheby’sEachpermission.withusedandlicensedistrademarkRealtyInternationalSotheby’sTheReserved.RightsAllRealty.InternationalSotheby’s2022© notice.withoutwithdrawalorpriceincludingchangesomissions,errors,tosubjectareofferingsAllAct.OpportunityEqualtheandActHousingFairtheofprinciplesthesupportsfullynetworkRealtyInternationalSotheby’sTheInc.Realty,International VIDEO TOURS ON BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM/TOUR214-350-0400 FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA @BRIGGSFREEMAN AND #BRIGGSFREEMAN SOLD*SOLDSOLDSOLD BUYER*REPRESENTED