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The quiz of the year

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Out of the mouths of babes...


Hilary Scott’s sister, Judith Scott, left, with Chris Tarrant, Jane Russom and Lorraine Stuart

Dean and Chris confer on the mystery celebrity’s identity Chris watches the Readikids video, where they describe a famous face

Actor Tom Read Wilson, interior expert Dean Powell and Chris Tarrant

THERE’S always a bit of fun to be had at the expense of our genial host Chris Tarrant and this year was no exception.

He was joined on stage by actor Tom Read Wilson and Reading’s Dean Powell who owns the most talked about house in Berkshire after painting its interior entirely in black for a TV programme.

The cheeky youngsters from Readikids gave video’d descriptions of a celebrity and Chris with his team’s help had to guess who it was,

Eventually it dawned on Chris the ‘wrinkled’ ‘very tall man’ who wears ‘a blue shirt’, ‘likes throwing pies at people’ and was ‘not very good at games’ was actually him. Out of the mouths of babes...

However there was a serious side to the event.

Chris Tarrant gives his time for nothing each year and, every year, a donation is made by the Pride of Reading Awards committee to a charity of his choice.

This year a cheque for £5,000 was given to the Sue Ryder Duchess of Kent Hospice in Reading where Hilary Scott, the awards organiser, was nursed before her untimely death.

The cheque was accepted on behalf of the hospice by Hilary’s sister, Judith Scott, and friends Jane Russom and Lorraine Stuart.

Chris said of the hospice: “What they do is amazing. They truly make the insufferable, sufferable.”

The quiz provided much laughter

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