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A tribute to Hilary Scott

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Remembering Hilary Scott


Left: A piper performed Scotland the Brave, watched by Mel Bloor, Sir John Madejski, Chris Tarrant and Matt Allwright

The driving force behind Pride of Reading has been Hilary Scott, who died after a short illness in the summer. A moving tribute formed part of this year’s event, including the news that her name will live on with a new award

TRIBUTES were paid on the day to Hilary Scott, ‘the face of Pride of Reading Awards’, with news that a new award will be launched next year in her name.

Hilary, who we lost this year after a short illness, was one of the first organisers of the awards 18 years ago when she was deputy editor of the Reading Evening Post.

A Scottish piper led into the tribute with a rendition of Scotland the Brave.

And then it was a celebration of Hilary’s life and contribution, and her sister Judith Scott and lifelong friends Jane Russom and Lorraine Stuart were there to hear the tributes.

Host Chris Tarrant said fondly: “She was impossible! It was impossible not to like her and impossible to ignore this big bouncy loud Scottish lady. She was impossible to say ‘no’ to.

“She would not want us to be sad this afternoon.”

Sir John Madejski also recalled good memories and added: “She had Reading running through her like a stick of rock.”

The Hilary Scott Award will salute Hilary’s promotion of the hospitality trade and all things food and drink in Reading.

Michelin star chef Daniel Galmiche first met Hilary when he headed the team at L’Ortolan. She arrived for lunch to write an article for Food Monthly, the publication she edited and cherished at the Post.

Daniel told guests that, later, she asked him if he wanted to be part of Pride of Reading, helping her with the then new food award, judging the restaurant entries and selecting a winner.

“She was great fun to dine with, always happy, funny. I have a lot of memories when it comes to Hilary, and all wonderful. They

Hilary Scott’s friends Jane Russom and Lorraine Stuart with her sister Judith Scott at the Pride of Reading Awards

Above: Simon Edgley and Daniel Galmiche

Right: Sir John Madejski and Chris Tarrant

will be with me forever,” he added.

“I loved her to bits.”

Simon Edgley, former managing director of the Post, said he was privileged to work with Hilary.

“She was an outstanding journalist and epitomised what Pride of Reading is all about. She was the true pride of this town.”

“She was the face, with others, of the Pride of Reading Awards,” he told guests..

“We have been considering how best to recognise Hilary’s contribution to the Pride of Reading Awards, her promotion of restaurants and all things food related, and would like to announce that as from next year we will be including a new Pride of Reading category – The Hilary Scott Award – to reflect her commitment to Reading.”

Simon said Hilary had been very involved in the planning of this year’s awards and the plant-based lunch had been devised by Executive Chef Simon Share following up on Hilary’s vision.

He ended: “Let’s raise a glass to the one and only Hilary Scott, cheers Hilary.”

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